BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninismNazismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers Movement

July 2, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Virginia Workers Vote Strike To Force Pact Soviet Economy Lags As Purge Intensified Revealing Commentary Drive For Fund To Aid ADVANCES Revolutionists Gathers PHONY Akron Labor Momentum In Country PEACE PLAN Defense Hit By Stalinist Cleveland Workless Russian. Speaking Bob Minor And The Times In Desperate Plight Comrades Form Club CLEVELAND. Food disNEW YORK Plans for the tribution centers and relief formation of a club to be offices in this city were crowdknown as the Friends of the ed again by desperate women ETTRICK, Va. six months will be carried out despite Fed Bulletin of the Opposition Denny Succeeds Duranty As Cover Up Man For and children when relief was controversy between the Ame eral intervention. Bolshevik. Leninists) were cut off for the second time in rican Hardware Company and the Stalin; But Facts Show Bureaucracy Is We have always contended that under the slogan of Optical Men Organize Luggage Workers Union is near laid by a group of Russiana few weeks, due to an exspeaking comrades and symDigging Grave Of Workers Power collective security, one gang of imperialists is pre haustion of funds.
a climax as workers laid plans Another union, organized in pathizers meeting here last paring to justify its war against another gang of imWhile the unemployed turnfor a strike to force a contract recent months, is the Optical Tuesday.
By JOHN WRIGHT settlement, pending since last Workers Union, which this week we learn that at the beginning ed their eyes in vain toward perialists.
Members of the club will the year Soviet industries were the State Legislature, where December when the original pact is voting under supervision of the participate in cultural and At the beginning of May we disorganized and the state planThe Communist Party, most ardent advocate of the a miserly emergency approexpired.
National Labor Relations Board social activities and will re wrote that judging from the ning apparatus had broken down.
slogan, has contended that only by enforcing it can war priation has been tied up by Power to call out the 1, 200 to determine the collective bar. ceive information and corres.
past, procedure, it can be stated Further on, Denny gave another be averted, peace maintained and the fascist powers challenge of its legality, the workers in the factory was voted gaining agency for the workers pondence from Oppositionists kept in check. It has denounced us violently for declarCity Relief Commissioner de to the union executive commit of the Titmus Optical Company, living in Europe. The group present wave of arrests will inkling as to the real extent of clared his belief that we are tee some time ago and strike Workers of the production and ing that collective security, and joint action of the is expected to be organized on reach its crest early in June, in the crisis. just when the coming closer and closer to a sentiment is growing rapidly as shipping department will parti a national scale and clubs are the days immediately preceding second Five Year Plan was drawdemocracies, are fancy terms for war. Not at all, show down.
the company refuses to concede cipate in the balloting.
being formed now in Chicago the elections, and that shortlyling to a close, no third Five Yearsaid the Stalinists, for the joint economic pressure of Although the legislature the demands of the union. The The company has carried on a and California.
after the elections the next Plan was announced. The reas. Trotskyist. Bukharinist the democracies will be enough to stop the fascist has been in mock special ses luggage workers constitute the bitter campaign against the worktrials will be staged. Socialist on?
The first activity of the wreckers, of course! After sion for upwards of five aggressors without resorting to war.
largest organized group in thisers and numerous men have been New York group will be to Appeal, May 7, 1938. weeks for the sole purpose of area, only recently touched by discharged for union activity. arrange The first part of this forecast thus glibly linking up the lecture in Russian, labor organizational drive.
of the recent investigation by an agent That Frank Commercial Interest wreck meeting the relief crisis, only to be followed by a veche has been completely confirmed exposure a 1, 500, 000 stop gap meas At the insistence of Murray of the resulted in the rinka. Announcement of the by recent dispatches from Mosers with the unprecedented failIn commenting in our last issue on the sensational ure has thus far been pas Baron, international represent investigator recommending to the date will be made later, cow. Kossior and Chubar, two of ure to even announce a new plan, editorial in the New York Times of June 15, we emsed, and not a penny of that ative of the union, a Federal board that the company be comAll Russian speaking per Molotov deputies and yesterday Denny stated the following: Tho sum has yet been released. Jabor conciliator is due to arrive pelled to reinstate four union phasized the frank statement by this outstanding organ sons interested in such a club, pillars of Stalinism, have been disorganization of industry was The state wide crisis has and attempt to avert the strike members and that the company both comrades and sympathiz missing for weeks. The secret one cause of the purge that topk of American finance capital that its concept of joint such toll of industrial executives aries of party organizations in last year. The purge itself causa arisen as a result of the Le by participation in parleys bet be instructed to desist from anti ers, are urged to communicate action of the democracies meant an advance pledge gislature failure to enact a with Rae Spiegel, Washingthe Ukraine, Kazakstan, Kirghito hurl the American masses into the coming war.
Local union spokesmen, however, has not yet acted on the investiprogram at the beginning of ton Square North, zin, and Bashkiria have been reed further disorganization by the removal of experienced executives the year. In consequence of With cynical candor, the Times acknowledged that we stated that plans for the strikel gator report.
this oversight, Cleveland and technicians and the disare not ashamed of a frank commercial interest in relief funds were exhausted Sukhomlin Out couragement of initiative among those remaining.
desiring the continuation of the Open Door (in on April 30, when the last Sukhomlin, former member of China. regular two week food orders the Ukrainian Political Bureau, What We Learn were mailed.
week later, Robert Minor, in the Daily Worker of has been removed from his post And so, we learn. 1) that as vice chairman of the Ukrain. Soviet industries were disorgan June 23, covered a third of a page with delirious praise ian Council of People Commis ized not only at the beginning for the Times editorial. Just as cool as ice he quotes sars. Sukhomlin downfall leaves of this year but throughout all the Times. We shall be fully prepared, if war on a only one member still remaining of last year. 2) that this criticof the 13 who composed the UK al condition of industry was one large scale envelops Europe, to choose the side of the The campaign of the American under difficulties in (Continued from page 1)
democracies and has the brass to comment that The rainian Political Bureau at the of the causes of the purge (and another Fund for Political Prisoners and country. This comrade is sufferbeginning of the latest purge.
Times editorial is an expression of a tremendous adRefugees is getting under way ing from a serious lung disease. the verdict.
The purge has been extended of the Moscow frame ups. 3)
vance that has already been made in the turning of the The fact is that to lower officials in Biro Bidjan. that in the process of this purge fast in many parts of the country. Funds are required both to give Martin has made no effort to con: Harold Denny, in reporting the staff was removed. 4) that this the bulk of the administration American nation, as a nation, to a policy of peace.
Following New York, local com him medical care and enable him vince the membership of the just latest purge in the Ukraine, cites removal of experienced executmittees are being set up sends in well known Polish revolu the heinous role of the Stalinists officials and comments as folves and technicians only acted in Phila to travel to another country.
Stalinists Favor Imperialist War ice of his position or to expose the arrest of 10 important party delphia and Newark.
Detroit are planning to hold a tionist, formerly a member of the where it would really count in lows: The fact that confessions down er industry.
to aggravate further the breakThe commentary is revealing, more so than was permeeting to organize activities in Executive Committee of the the local union meetings!
haps intended by its author, who with his colleagues. Continued from page 2) the auto area. Other cities have communist International, expelhave been obtained indicates a Split Menaces Union written for information before led from Poland and several trial will be held or that a secWhat then caused the alleged referred up to yesterday to the New York Times as ret one has been held. miraculous improvement? Denny the Tory organ. Now we know, by their own admis get the lessons of the Goodyear launching their local campaign. other countries for revolutionary Unless Martin veers in his Times, June 20. On June 21, assures us that new executives sion, what the Stalinists mean by a policy of peace. strikes; and substitute class cod: ago, several new cases requiring ope illegally with his wife and of split immediately after the concerning an intensive purge But he himself is obliged to list Since its formation two weeks activity, and now living in Eur course immediately, the danger the Times carried a dispatch were now mastering their jobs.
In the language of the Times, extolled by Minor, they laboration for the building of assistance have come to its at baby, has written asking for aid. trial is a menacing possibility in the political ranks of the grave lapses in such branches mean: We shall be fully prepared, if war on a large strong, progressive unions.
tention, the committee of the folder giving detailed infor Against this danger Martin will army which is being directed of industry as coal, copper, scale envelops Europe, to choose the side of the demo Fearful of alienating the labor American Fund reports.
mation on the activities of the have no other course than further by Mekhlis, Stalin former pri petroleum and the like. He likecracies.
movement, Keller is forced to The Need Is Urgent American Fund and describing autocratic actions. Every step in vate secretary. These and many wise reports a lag in the coment Collective security is a pledge to fight in the next praise some of the actions dur. Several Austrian revolutionists what can be done with each dollar this direction will drive him deep. other additional facts are indu industry. The same is true of ing the strike, namely the radio hiding from the Nazi persecutors you are able to give, was being er and deeper into rule by fiat bitable proof that the current timber. This lag is holding up imperialist war on the side of one gang of robbers. publicity, the frequent strategy in that country require money to prepared this week. Copies can alone, until he reaches the realm purge is as widespread and in construction both of industrial The Stalinists are merely recruiting agents for that board meetings and the calling enable them to go to other lands. be obtained from the office of of John Lewis, where lifting tensive as the preceding ones. plants and dwellings. Denny war.
of a special Goodyear meeting. One Austrian revolutionist who the American Fund for Political charters and suspending whole Everlasting Purge also comments on a shortage of These actions, he calls non was freed from jail by the Schus. Prisoners and Refugees, Room batches of members is no more paper supply and textiles. Yet, Trotskyite policies when, as a snigg amnesty before the Nazi 1609, 100 Fifth Avenue, New important than flicking a fly To have forecast this latest to believe Denny and the Stalinmatter of fact, these policies occupation of Austria, is living York City.
from one arm. This is the road development required no parti st press, industry as a whole were adopted unanimously by the to disaster.
cular prophetic gifts, but rather has nevertheless been increasing Defense Committee, which Keller The Stalinists cannot be fought an understanding of the inextri its production.
claims was dominated by the with the weapons of bureaucracy. cable position in which the StaThe Most Unfounded Optimism Indeed, the very idea of using a linist clique is situated, and the Persecuted Record of Militants bureaucratic stick on the worst mechanics whereby it has thus There is no ground whatever People proponents of bureaucratic rule far maintained itself in power. for the official optimism which (Continued from page 1)
After declaring the Trotskythe Communist party and ites were responsible for all acIn Europe its in the face of growing internal Denny has dished up in his disstooges is so ridiculous and and external difficulties it has patch. Apart from the purge itsome it seemed like a choice bet nization and patient agitation for tions leading to the settlement, The Revolutionary stupid as to make no sense what and can have only one formula: self, those official statistics that ever. But if Martin persists in Purge, purge and re purge are still issued by Stalinist Refugees from his present course, there will be with the periodic elections authorities (reports of average board bureaucrats, and since the progressives of victory in the days nesses of the Stalinists, Keller tries to save face by claiming former appeared to be the un to come.
no other alternative but this im serving as a cover for the blood daily production in industry have the Trotskyites were badly derdogs in the case, a number of possible position. At that mo baths. The only difference bet been suspended for months) give The Fight Goes On painters voted for them as an whipped.
Appeal ment, he will have to reckon on ween the past and present purges the lie to assurances that Soviet expression of protest.
Unfortunately for Keller pothe opposition of every progres is that the current one has re industry is being pulled out of in the locals, in the progressive To you For Aid In spite of this direct aid of opposition clubs, on every issuesition, Akron militants know that group in the union. From that ceived far less publicity both in the rut. Far from increasing, the production of steel, iron and rolthe reactionary board. whether that confronts the union in the hard for 1o. unity time on, he himself leaves the The American Fund for Political. Prisoners and We have already pointed out led products has been stagnating, prearranged or not the Stalin near future. the progressives for a favorable settlement of the camp of progressive unionism.
Refugees has been organized to assist the revoluon several occasions the intimate The figures for May and June Such a solution of the fac. connection between the crisis in even indicate a serious decline through. Their victory remains membership around their pro tremely active in helping the tionary refugees from fascist countries who are tional fight is both wrong and un Soviet economy and the purges. We cite the figures for the coal a straight machine victory. The gram. In developing and in Al barred from citizenship and denied the right to necessary. The Peace Group, Is the economic crisis one of the industry. Since the beginning of progressives, in spite of the spreading it, they will have to Akron labor movement to achieve work by the democratic countries of Europe. tied to the apron strings of the causes of the current purge?
the year the daily average (in smokescreen provided by the make clear to every member that these progressive aims.
It is highly significant that the board and without any of the they have nothing in common Keller article has not yet been Their main hope now rests with their friends and Stalinists, talks about safeguarding the democratic rights of the Denny broke a rather prolonged follows: Only the other day Harold thousands of tons) has been as sympathisers in the United States. We must come rank and file. This is the sheer period of silence to report proSov. Don posal that the machine naturally ecutive board or any of its sup distributed in Akron, because the to their rescue. Your contribution will lighten Union Basin has, piled up more than 3, 000 porters in New York. fears that the openly rehypocrisy, as we have ex gress and gains in Soviet the load of these fighters for socialism and give plained in article after article.
373. 227. economy. Times, June January them the material aid and moral support to carry The New York painters have actionary policies expressed in 365. votes on their proborated and proved by this election that, al the Midwest Daily Record would 225. That program, on. Please respond quickly and generously.
The Stalinists are vulnerable in Denny, who has apparently sup February 355. a hundred spots. They come into planted Duranty (so mysterious March 224. further expose them.
expanded, is bound to increase though they are fed up with Sta349. 213. the strength of the progressives linism, they do not want any re. Meanwhile, this fight with dirty hands. But ly silent) as foreign press agent April Akron labor George Novack, Secretary, 203. in the future.
the membership is ignorant of for Stalin victories, centered May (first part. 326. turn old union methods to movement is warned and preparAmerican Fund for Political Prisoners the truth. They must be told the his extremely optimistic dispatch is not The secret ballot, the machine the methods of the board. What ed against further attacks on its and Refugees, 100 Fifth Ave.
The surprising thing on the alleged fact that indus that the crisis in Soviet economy whole story. There is no other try as a whole has been increase is still raging, but that Soviet rotation system for the dispen they will rally to, what they will militancy under the guise of atsation of jobs coming in through endorse and support, is a pro tacks on Trotskyism. am enclosing to help with the union, the election of all paid gressive group with a militant your work.
Name in the union will turn. The record month this year after a poor economic life has not been more officials, the setting up of a program and clean banner.
drastically affected. How long of Stalinist activities of the vio start in January.
genuine housing program could industry in any capitalist clear They will not only rally to such Address tation of the 20 point programthe slums and provide the unem a militant, progressive banner Duranty Style country have functioned after stinks to high heaven.
ployed union painters with work but will strive for its success removal of its staff of ox: Denny wrote this dispatch in Perienced executives and tech. these progressive demands It is up to the progressives not the familiar Duranty manner, nicians. struck a tremendous echo of ap. to disappoint their hopes. It is arraying statisties, citing aver What, then, has thus far preproval among the painters that up to the progressives to build age increases, indicating furth vented a complete collapse in the voted last Saturday. If, within for the future, to build on the the short six weeks the progres firm foundations of program and er progress and so on, with a Soviet Union? There is only one few evasive comments on past answer. It has been prevented sives worked out this program policy. The election results are (Continued from page 1)
AN EDITORIAL difficulties, calculated to cover by the colossal force that is lodgand began to organize around it, only an indication of the victory the report with an air of objected in the nationalized means of it could rally 3, 000 painters then to come. The program is an asThe entire jingo press, from the Daily major step in the lifting up of a war ivity. According to Denny (and production, the real foundation this means that persistent orga surance of it.
of the and the Worker and Hearst at the yellowest exThe Federation has been split psychosis.
the official Stalinist press which that Stalinism has been unders Denny But much more ominously, hard on echoes. the current mining all these years. But how and captured only in order to treme to the liberal and isolationist July New International Is purge is taking place dismantle it completely.
the heels of the indictment have come sheets at the other, have snatched up against long can the debacle be averted?
howls for deportation of aliens, huge covery.
the background of economic re. How long will the blood bathu Finest Issue Yet Published Meanwhile, the voting which the Big Spy Scare like a pack of snarand the reign of terror continue ling, starving hounds at their first whiff funds for the intelligence services, cam But from Denny own dispatch to maintain Stalinism in power? indicates an overwhelpaigns against subversive elements.
The July issue of The New list war in his article, Learn Toming sentiment among the sailors of fresh blood.
International is now And the chief war monger, Roosevelt, The meaning of this spy scare stands out on its face. If is so gross that even joins the pack with a cry for more milWith its variety and quality of view the recent convention of Out of 3, 038 votes thus far cast, articles, this issue is the best the successors to the Daughters 2, 087 are for affiliation, 918 the sober bourgeois press has had to adlions and more vigilance in the search rounded so far published. In ad of the American Revolution the against, and 33 void. The voting for enemies within.
dition, new and important fea Communist Party.
mit it.
procedure has been strikingly Experience teaches. The full brunt will be out for the tures have been added. Dwight democratic. The voting period The intellectuals and fascism was extended from four to six The crimes charged are of infinite of these funds and campaigns and MacDonald, formerly of Fortune is a subject dealt with in Jamesweeks to enable ships crews to triviality, from any point of view, insearches will be borne, not by the foreign magazine and now of the Parti Burnham S. Boat Ride cluding the Army and Navy Only san Review, begins a new month Dress Clothes. The archives cast their ballots.
agents, but by the militant workers and ly feature, the column about section this month is of excepThe returns are impressive, four of the nineteen indicted are in this revolutionists who oppose the war plans Saturday, July 9, 30 a. 10 columns entitled They, The tional interest, with a reprint of considering the fact that the bulk country: the rest are all in Germany and of American imperialism.
People, certain to be of great a speech of Trotsky on the of the 8, 000 member can be called neither as defendants nor On guard, then! Eyes fixed on the cool trip on the water question of the united front and ship is at sea. They indicate that the sailors are determined to as witnesses; they can be neither quesA syndicalist militant gives a the trade unions, main enemy: not the small handful of Swimming, ball games, music, tioned nor examined. As the Times graphie eye witness account of The subscription rate is 00 fight in the September 30 showadventurers in the pay of foreign powsinging, beer at Hook Mountain.
the treacherous role of the Po per year and single copies are down, and that they are ready pointed out, inclusion of the fifteen noners, but our own imperialism, our pular Front in the struggle 20 cents. For copies and infor shoremen and other maritime residents shows that the indictment is own bourgeoisie, which uses spies and ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR against the Fascists in Spain in mation concerning the magazine, unions on a militant program to intended not as a criminal prosecution, a timely and significant article, address The New International defend the closed shop, union spy scares as it uses every other device, but was a moral indictment of the GerTickets must be obtained in advance at The Betrayal in Spain.
to secure its own power and privilege 116 University Place, Leon Trotsky discusses tactics 116 University Place, New York conditions and their stand against man nation.
and to strengthen its yoke on the backs Boat leaves Pier A, The Battery, 30 in the struggle against imperial City.
all forms of government control. The indictment, that is to say, is a of the masses.
Progressive Painters Force Close Election Trotskyites.
Fascism est Coast Federation Is Being Primed For Blacklegging ON GUARD AGAINST SPY SCARES!
The Whole Party interest.