CommunismCommunist PartyFootballOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers Party

OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II. No. 27 Saturday, July 2, 1938 401 Five Cents per Copy Progressives Akron Labor Union Busters Prepare Union Men SP Advances Force Close Defense Hit Get Year In By Stalinists Kentucky Jail Phony UAW Painters Poll Peace Plan It is Marine Federation For Strike Breaking Course Bridges Machine Forces Through Anti Union Program As Searfaring Crafts Quit Convention; Press Calls United Unions Protest Splitting Tactics Teamster Organizer Sent Committee To Penitentiary Under SAN FRANCISCO. Having broken the back of the Two Years Of Weinstock Domination Finds Stalin Trotskyist Plot Old Statute Maritime Federation of the Pacific by driving out four of End Of Factional War Proposed On Basis Of The ists Hard Pressed To Win District Council its founding organizations, the Bridges machine proceedBy WIDICK ed last week to set a strike breaking dictatorship of shore men, one an American Federation LEXINGTON, Ky Two union Former 20 Point Program Whose Violation Posts; Opposition Gains Impressive Labor Secretary, Caused Frankensteen Suspension side outfits over the sections of maritime labor still within of Labor organizer, were convictAKRON, vicious its control.
ed of confederating and bandWEINSTOCK GETS 615 MAJORITY campaign that can endanger The union busting resolutions which were rammed ing together to intimidate and MARTIN NOT BATTLING WRECKERS the unity of the Akron labor through the Federation convention were too raw to have penitentiary by a Fayette Circuit movement and destroy the been swallowed by the genuinely militant sea going unions, Court jury last week. The jury, NEW YORK Progressives. what seemed like a landslide to militant traditions of the the sailors, firemen, masters and mates, telegraphers and deliberation to reach a verdict, peared on the face of the bitter factional fight in the auto DETROIT, June 28 new and ugly wrinkle has aprunning against Stalinists for ward the progressives, after hold United Rubber Workers of anti Bridges longshoremen. For this reason, the opening was forced by the judge to bring workers union. This wrinkle, dubbed the Peace Plan, District Council offices in the ing up the charges pending aPainters Union made an impres gainst Weinstock for nine months America was opened here sessions of the convention were devoted to unseating the in the guilty verdict.
sive showing in elections held and after maintaining the most last week by the Communist Tacoma longshoremen, thus forcing all the unions buck lock and llenry Brown, faced trial The defendants, Frank Kwal has been contributed by Walter Reuther Socialist Party, here last Saturday. Lewis amicable relations with the Party following its inability ing the Stalinist regime out of the Federation.
The names of some 40 local union presidents have been Stevens, heading the progressive administration up to the to curb the resurgence of as the aftermath of a militant signed to a letter addressed to all members of the Intertreinsurers, polled 147 voter: progressives at the polis expres progressive union policies removal that it ha militante opposite pulsory arbitration boards for by Teamsters Local 779 against national Executive Board. The letter puts forward the gainst the 3, 762 cast for Ghised the opinion that it was a that have revived and tion, Bridges and his associates maritither than the Martin wholesale following program. 1) Bring peace to the union by unitFurther than that, the foreing grocery company. The indictment ing the warring groups on the basis of the 20 point proThe Communist Party backed the Stalinists by providing them, strengthened the union mo hastened to steamroller through out of the basic maritime unions and conviction is a brazen atcandidate squeezed in by a major with a campaign issue. vement during and since the al resolutions which effectively going organizations is given by vent the recurrence of effective the name calling. 4) call in John Lewis. 5) conthe packed convention a series means that control over sen tempt by the authorities to pre gram. 2) reinstate the five suspended officers. 3) stop ity of 615 votes in an election Goodyear strike turn out that brought out the Board Opportunism heaviest vote ever recorded in stitute the presidents as a police power to punish peaceThe rule or ruin policy of the air tight Communist Party ma the Federation to outfits as far strikes in this open shop town.
Eight More Indieted The general executive board is Stalinists was outlined in the chine, to be used in smashing removed from maritime labor as breakers at the next convention or at a special con.
the history of the union. Nearly distinctly reactionary and ex June 18 issue of the Midwest the Sailors Union of the Pacific cannery and agricultural work, Eight others were indicted on vention, if necessary.
winding around a whole square and file.
7, 000 painters participated. line tremely unpopular with the rank Daily Record, official Clip) and its seafaring allies.
etc. outfits which are for the the same charge, and while one, This is the greatest hoax thus past year, it by James Keller, Akron city block poured into the 39th has played ball with the Stalinist organizer.
Dictatorial Powers Regiment Armory at 143rd Street Confronted by the unanimous Communist Party, used solely for dismissed, the other seven risk which ist Weinstock administration in desires cessation ments to the international union; and Fifth Avenue, where the pol District Council No. The latter, approval of every action of the Resolution 71, adopted without purposes of convention packing a penitentiary sentence of from of the faction struggle. In its or to set up a dual financial apling took place, from a. to in turn, have had nothing but United Labor Defense Commit a murmur of protest from Bridone to five years if apprehended. main points, the so called peace paratus; or to destroy the Split Action Deliberate. p.
praise for the board. Interested tee (C. and durges yes men, establishes compThat the Bridges clique decid. men were convicted is one of those identical with the war program word about all this!
Stalinist Majority Down ime the maine interpreteranita open in the recente retorike dhe Stoplin and contracts by a top committee cd months ago to split the Fed ancient relics on the law. books of the Communist Party: rein On the other hand, the peace, Forty six per cent of the total menents to the interneti pa y of file ists haven dared attack it open with unlimited dictatorial powers. eration and turn it into an ins that the authorities find conve. state the suspended officers; sum. peace, there is no peace group vote cast went to the progres usual opportunist game of union sives! a significant fact in view bureaucrats.
Launch Sniping Attack by an amendment to the consti and its allies is clearly shown by organize and fight against the arbitrator and call a special con with the Stalinist crowd whenof the two and a half years dovention if necessary, ever it can get a hearing.
tution which deprives all com the stenographic report of the bosses.
When the tide seemed to be mination of the painters union turning for the progressives last sniping attack Instead, they have launched a Kwalleck, a leading militant no wonder that the names of blarning ponent organizations of the right meeting of the Federation ExAt in the Teamsters local here, was Stalinist Move?
by the Stalinist machine under week, the board remembered only the leaders in the situation has been established that meeting Schmidt, represent in charge of picketing the the John Anderson and Lloyd Jones, well known Stalinists, are couplde vele reste blatnike names the time get more repending on the committee of the best vocative maritime which surpases even ative of Bridgestone International terms maisterenguptembering wheel The Stalinists can well afforded with those of Emil Mazey and date this year giving him a ma last international convention and ing the mayor and police that the rosiest dreams of Senator Longshoremen and Warehouse. strike. last September, when to take a back seat while the Walter Reuther, supposed socialjority of 615, as compared with hastily expelled him.
paladins of peace carry out their lats, on a committee to see John a Lexingtone) program. It would come as no Lewis. Nor is it a wonder Copeland and the shipowners. men Union, bluntly stated that Milton P, Saner, came to tl Weinstock received a majority of in a document known as Reso64 per cent last year, when Some of the charges, contained tolerated. cried the Stotiating Committee provided for tional pieket lines (referring ob. warehouse after 10 sacks of surprise to us if the facts reveal that the Daily Worker, official close to 1, 200 votes while run lution 191, are distinctly of a linist spokesmen, when the Ak ot one whit different from the the and Curran Easter brought with him, Sanchez worked out in joint caucus with Stalinist organ, hails the point ning for the same office.
by the convention resolutions is viously to the dispute between sugar. With the help of a worked that the peace program was The powerful vote cast for the Weinete removal because he defend its picketing rights and the old International Seamen Line. If these picket lines from the warehouse.
of factionalism and disruption dis Martin Responsibility progressives and against the lis a Communist, because he civil liberties in an emergency Union (A. a set up under are established again we will go group of pickets, headed by crediting them at every turn, the this Not the least responsible for Kwalleck, informed the broker Stalinist clique can send ing when it is borne in mind that Spain, etc. Progressives in Dis militants for their outstanding from the rank and file and turn them like we did before.
the progressive forces organized trict Council No. 9, in a vote work in the Goodyear situation, led over to a strike breaking top Schmidt, at the same meeting. Treturned the sugar to the ware every expectation of better re wolf has disguised himself with socialist sheep clothing and elections. It is an indication that York locals, a month ago, re with his erude red scare.
continued organization and con pudiated Resolution 191 and its or his. Even if we granted a sincere gotten away with it in the eyes is that, in this case, dictatorial probably have delegates at the against either Sanchez The Midwest Daily Record the near future turn the tide in phasizing their opposition to meeting which protested police which is a hundred times more jurisdictional question is that for this crime indictments more effective than the dodder Riddling with all sorts of ineffecsolidation of their forces will in reactionary charges while em criticized the marvelous masy Powers are given to a class col Federation convention, and ex. helper, but the effectiveness of desire for peace, this middle of of the membership is Homer laborationist Communist Party plained that one answer to the the picket line was maintained. the road program would be no Martin himself. Martin has been group were ing League of Nations. The nosists have been setting fire to the tual enterprises while the Stalinwhich is increasingly turning in the District Council for all speeches given by and bureaucracy ever was.
trum of uniting the executive union. With the exception of away from the Stalinist mislead. kinds of Stalinist causes.
Line ships be assigned to the returned by the Grand Jury. officials will advised and ers.
Weinstock expulsion, coming thoughtless, claiming them given Good Dose of Bridges or probably that the First Case Recorded be swallowed up by the program is brought forward as an press statements, the Stalinists Machine Vote Only when it did, tended to obscure because of pressure of the workers The Wheel, organ of Teamst a11 healing solution. In reality, have met little or no resistance The Stalinist majority is ab sympathy to the side of the Sta. Stogah Meet Yource wahedorceto have already had good worked the concrete actions at the con ers Local 779, comments that one it is nothing but quack medicine. from the union president to their viour imot machiner victory about vireista. The latter, aside from the organize squads. ce forhabor de dictatorship a la Bridges. As revention, leave little doubt of the of the lawyers present at the Are these people bilind to the fact campaign to bulldoze and hoodIn local after local, the Stalincently as during the 1936 37 aim in the current Stalinist split trial stated that this was the first tht the factional fight was al wink the membership case on record in which the de ready solved and peace escandidate for secretary treasurer, press and in leaflets, organized strike, the Maritime Federation ing campaign: a strike breaking fendants were ever convicted on tablished only two months ago ists have heen staging their wild Al Ghidoni, is a man entirely the women auxiliary of the Seek to Wreck Defense refused to take a coastwide dictatorial Curran Bridges Fed.
unknown to the membership. union as well as various party was never converted into an overt program! Yet hardly three weeks concerned, the Stalinist lie is the Their campaign was, in the main, units for a house to house camIn their frantic efforts to quellstrike poll, and instead set up eration against the West Coast the charge of an intention which on the basis of that very 20 point and merry cireus. As far as large later the war started all over only side of the faction fight they a campaign to smear Stevens and paign among the painters. By militant, action, the Stalinist mittee which Inid down the po Cannot Endure Long The State Federation of Labor again.
know. In rapid succession the the progressives with Zausner means of the wildest rumors and saw in the fine solidarity of the licy of handling perishable in Kentucky has promised full Once achieved, however, such support to Teamsters Local 779 Malignant Work big locals in Detroit Dodge, Plyrightfully afraid and not a cam families, these women aux of the Trotskyites for leader under favorable terms so that the Federation cannot endure for in mouth, Hudson, Chrysler, West fight to prevent the in The signers of the letter are Side have adopted the Stalinist paign on their own record in of liary and special party squads ship.
strike could be used as a political long. Actually its councils become prisonment of the two men, who fully aware of these circumstan program. In no case has Martin exerted every effort to swing the Unable to dictate the policies football for Bridges and the mere duplicates of the Stalinist are guilty of only one crime: ces. They know or should know, carried the fight into the camp of the United Labor Defense Although this campaign fell painters into line. councils in the port cities, helping workers to organize into as responsible union men that of the enemy.
Committee, the Stalinists seek flat in view of Stevens progresThe new committee of rule or Its press is a costly and unne unions capable of protecting the no program but their own will sive and anti Zausner record, the Expulsion Aided Stalinists to wreck it by playing off the ruin dictators now has plenipo cessary repetition Within the next day or two, the interests of the workers.
fact that the general executive The Weinstock expulsion aided satisfy the Stalinist clique, which charges against the suspended of against the tentiary powers to sabotage Herald, the Pilot, and Union men throughout the is prepared to tear down and des ficers will be completed and pubboard expelled Weinstock two these squads. One of their fore. Akron in essence is: Repudiate Waterfront, to club every enemy predicted in the West Coast Fire: use of laws dating back to Civil agreement with them. That is reported the trial will be held.
The Stalinist program for every militant action on the the People World. As State are determined to halt the troy anything and anybody in dis lished. Within two weeks it is most arbitrary and bureaucratic pulsion deprives maman of the the sood, work of the Defense of the Stalinist machine, men, Bridges and his crew will War days against militant strik what makes the peace program a Under present condtions, the cry manner no doubt served, as the right to make a living. Would Strike: exclude all unionists who Coast to take over hir the cannery workers and boiler leck and Brown is expected to It contains not a mention by is inevitable in the union ranks, of frame up and persecution Daily Worker itself admits, as you like it if you were deprived refuse to take orders and there ing halls, a sort of last minute face saving of your right to make a living fore are called Trotskyites; for ahead for government fink books to operating directly in the name growing labor movement in the ist activities in the union.
to drive full steam makers too costly, and will turn arouse mass protests from the so much as a word of the Stalin. however fair and impartial the device for the Stalinists. Creat by such an expulsion. Militant ing sympathy for them, it cast painters, opposed to arbitrari.
No trial may be and however leniant (Continued o page 3) land fink hiring halls and com. Continued on page 3) South.
organization. Continued on page 3)
a shadow over the progressivesness and bureaucracy in general, campaign.
naturally responded sympathe.
Undoubtedly the board wastically to such an argument. To We Ask Once More: merely trying to fall in line with (Continued on page 3)
Nes act.
comment on the Libel Suit Against Daily WorkerShifted To pls National Guard Stages Big Chicago War Demonstration IS NOAH LONDON ALIVE OR DEAD?
Although two weeks have passed since we demanded of the official communist press a statement about the case of Noah CHICAGO gigantic milit reproduction of the Battle of London, the American communist reported shot in the Soviet ary demonstration, replete with the Argonne, showing the taking Union, there has not been a single word in either the Daily booming planes, power diving, of the German positions by Worker or the Morning Freiheit.
marching men and martial music, dauntless American troops in a Their silence can be interpreted only as an admission of crime, was staged in Chicago Soldiers romantic setting of red searchField last Saturday and Sunday lights, sky rockets, and airplane be acknowledged and defended by the Stalinist press for if the killing of Noah London were an act of justice it would by the National Guard in its an flares, the unceasing speeches, nual Military Show, and the pageant of armies playMore Comes to Light Concrete evidence of the going up past American wars as vernment war preparations was romantie crusades, were enough Since our first notice in these columns, more details have presented by 5, 000 national to gladden the heart of any super come to light.
guardsmeni operating all types of patriot.
London, founder of the American communist party, prominent military equipment, from new The demonstration was a real writer, speaker, educator and organizer, one of the editors of light tanks to improved anti rehearsal for Day, the day de the Jewish communist daily, the Freiheit, most intimate collaboaircraft guns.
signed by the United States War The main feature of the de Department as the first day of rator and friend of Olgin, was employed by the New York monstration, however, was not the coming war. Such military Board of Transportation. He left it to work for the Soviet tradthe exibition of military equip parades, pageants and holidays ing agency, Amtorg, which finally sent him to the Soviet Union as a qualified engineer.
ment and efficiency, but the are staged to whip up a jingo planned appeal to jingo patriot spirit among the workers in preSome three years ago, London, his wife and two other en.
ism which characterized the en paration for leading them to the gineers were tried in Russia on the customary charge of sabotire show.
tage. Old time, devoted communist that he was, this charge MINNEAPOLIS Depositions Vincent Dunne was the first was as absurd as are most of the others. The two engineers in the libel ease of General Driv. witness and in his cross examiwere, however, shot; London and his wife sent to Siberia as ers Local 544 against the Daily nation the attorney for the Daily exiles. London sister was deported from the Soviet Union.
Since that time, there has been no authentie word about Noah paign of slander launched by the Albert Goldman and Meyer London, except for the recent report that he had been shot by Stalinists against the Minneapolis Myer, representing Local 544, teamsters after the murder of threatened to instruct the witthe Kremlin butchers another of their thousands of victims.
Patrick Corcoran, union lead ness not to answer further quesFamily Refused Visa er, last November, have unex tions.
peetedly resulted in an agree During the controversy that Significant and alarming is the fact that efforts on the part ment by attorneys for both sides arose, attorney Kuntz, of his family in New York to obtain a visa for entry into the to have the case transferred from representing the Daily Worker, Soviet Union in order to learn his whereabouts and his fate, New York City to Minneapolis. offered to accept service on behave been denied by the Soviet authorities. The Stalinists have The libel suit was originally half of the Daily Worker if something to hide and knowing their barbaric record, there is filed in New York because the new suit were filed in Minneapo.
good reason to believe that what is being hidden is a crime.
publisher of the Daily Worker lis. This was readily agreed to Therefore we demand once more: What has happened to Noah could not be served in Minnesota. by the representatives of Local London and why? If the actions of the Stalinist authorities It was therefore necessary to 544 An agreement in writing with regard to London are above reproach, they should have no take the testimony of the Dunne was drawn up to that effect.
brothers and Farrell Dobbs by It is expected that all neceshesitation about making a public statement. Why are his former colleagues on the Freiheit as silent as the grave? And his deposition in Minneapolis. On sary papers will be filed in Minformer comrades of the Daily Worker; and of the Central June 23, the taking of testimony the probability that the case will neapolis within six weeks with Committee?
was commenced before a notary come up for tial within the next What monstrosity are they concealing?
public in Minneapolis.
six months.