BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL June, 25, 1938 Will Fight in New War, Says Times Mexico and British Imperialism men hearer; a step that every railroader, employed Socialist Appeal and unemployed, would support and Leon Trotsky Vol. II, No. 26. Saturday, June 25, 1938 fight for Published every week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS We Are Not Excited at 116 University Place, New York, The New York Times is the We shall be fully prepared, Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 The Grand Jury has indicted a whole The international campaign same work as, for instance, the of supplying Germany and other most powerful, authoratitive and it war on a large scale envelops Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for slew of men and women as Nazi spies which imperialist circles are United States of America ac fascist nations. This is not one authentic organ of American Europe, to choose the side of months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order and espionage agents, and the entire waging over the expropriation of complished in three quarters of whit more clever than the Mos finance capital. It is not given to the democracies. cents per copy. Single copies cents.
capitalist press, with the Daily Worker Mexican government has been Revolutionary War for independs without amazement, that Great are weighed coldly and delibe. least, what it meant in the years All checks and money orders should be made out to the Socialist Appeal.
holiday with the big spy scare. It ap of imperialism propagandistie War for the abolition of slavery Mexican oil because of the in which has little in common with moral support. and a deliberEntered as second class matter September Bacchanalias pears that our government is in 1987 at the post office at New York, New York. combing impud and for national unification. The will of General Cardenas and not the rantings of cheap and yellow ate policy of favoring our friends under the Act of March 8, 1879.
danger, our institutions are imperilled, ence, deceitfulness, speculation in British government not only did because of Chamberlain self journalism. our territory is menaced, our lives is ownem with cock sureness in everything at the end of the boycott. But then the demo The position of the Times is which control our relations which MAX SHACHTMAN are threatened, and there is a bomb The signal for this campaign the United States under the paralyzing this fascist plot: ments, including the government seas (the Times is not at all Editor.
HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES under every subway seat.
ment when it declared a was given by the British cott the years of the Civil War, sup more Mexican oil and again matters, the Administration often crisis it knows how unimportant Associate Editors.
We refuse to get excited. Our demoS. STANLEY crats are not concerned with fighting upon Mexican oil. Boycott, written by Arthur At most it will mean, as it meant Business Manager.
fáscism, otherwise, for example, Roose boycott, and is therefore accom the North, striving for the sake of all doubt that if Mexico should Krock, head of the Times start in 1917, a decision on the part velt would never have had Frank Hague panied by great sacrifices on the its imperialist interests to thrust find herself forced to sell her in Washington. Because of its of the United States to inter as national vice chairman of his party, part of the boycotter. Great the young republic into a state liquid gold to fascist countries traditional adherence to Anglo vene.
Expropriate The Railroads!
and LaGuardia would never have run on Britain was until recently the of economic backwardness and the responsibility for this act American collaboration, British Rivals Warned The railroad workers, one of the the same ticket with George Harvey. naturally not out of sympathy Britain and Slavery upon the governments of the im known, frequently uses the Times It is important that the statesas its American mouthpiece.
perialist democracies.
They are interested, above all, in pre for the Mexican people, but out of aggressor largest single sections of the American countries paring the war hysteria atmosphere, in of consideration for her own adworking class, are facing a new 15 per To the Chamberlains of that Prompting from Moscow Voice of Authority should realize that today, no less vantage.
time, too, the expropriation of than in 1917, there are specific which a few spy raids always play an cent wage cut.
Behind Britain and Cedillo slaveholders seemed a diaThe Times utilizes its editorial back of Marianne impressive part for the ignorant and vital American interests in When the railroads first announced of the world which bolical Bolshevik measure. In and her itk stand the Moscow columns sparingly. Most often all parts their proposal for a cut, the Railroad gullible.
Heaviest consumer of oil in reality the historic task of the prompters. At first glance this they are filed with dull or trivial would almost certainly be afLabor Executives Association, composed Every important country we repeat, Great Britain itself is the state Northerners consisted in clearing seems preposterous, since other pieces of no great significance fected by war on a large scale.
of the union officials, replied with a every single one, not even with the exthreat to take national strike action if ception of the United States or the Soviet ly growing air force. boycott democratic development of bour diametrically opposed librettos. a subject of genuine and decisive scene of a potential European the matter is pressed.
Union has its secret agents trying to government signifies, therefore, is being solved at this stage by the fact that the friends of the square off and make known its States from the consequences of They declared further that they would spy out the economic and military plans a simultaneous boycott not only the government of Mexico. Gen. adapt their views to point of view, in two or three major war. No Neutrality Act of British industry but also oferal Cardenas stands in the series geographic gradations of latitude firm and weighty columns, com can prevent the American people demand of Congress that it empower of every other country. Where its own Roosevelt to take over and operate the spies are not enough, it uses free lance national defense. Mr. Chamber of those statesmen of his country and longitude. If some of them pared to which the editorials of from favoring their natural Mexico, most other papers sound like allies. In any ultimate test of railroads in case of a serious strike. agents. And the spies, like the govern unusual frankness that the pro comparable to that of Washing others picture General Cardenas small boys quarreling. On a strength between democracy and The ideas expressed by the labor of ments they work for, know neither limits fits of Britain capitalist robbers ton, Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln as an ally of Hitler. From the presidential election it will be dictatorship, the good will and ficials, even if not properly and fully developed, were correct. heroes, and when was is over they selves. Oppressed classes and op. course, it is not accidental that rebellion should be viewed, it among the big bourgeois papers, long run more likely than not Three days after their statement, sometimes have statues erected to. compressed peoples must thoroughly the British government in this would seem, as a struggle in the the Times declared for Roose the physical power of the United learn this fundamental conclu case, too, finds itself on the other interests of world democracy.
velt. labor acts or reorganiza States will be found on the side however, they announced that they had memorate their services.
side of the historic trench. Let us, however, leave the tion bills; sit down strikes; above of those nations defending a way abandoned their demands on Congress.
So the latest spy scare is another piece Both chronologically and logic The world press, in particular clowns and intriguers to their own all, on foreign policy, this news of life which is our own way of There is absolutely no reason in the of hypocrisy one of those tricks govern ally the uprising of General Ce the French, preposterous as it fate. We do not have them in paper speaks with the voice of life.
dillo grew out of Chamberlain may seem, continues to drag my mind, but the class conscious ments use to work the people up to a fine world for such a retreat.
How empty seem the eager policy. The Monroe Doctrine name into the question of the ex workers of the entire world.
In the light of these conside and nervous debates between The railroad industry is bankrupt. Its frenzy of war chauvinism.
prevents the British admiralty propriation of the oil industry. Without succumbing to illusions rations, it is impossible to ex isolation and collective sebankruptcy is part of the general decay And let us not forget that a spy scare from applying a military naval if have once already refuted and without fear of slander, the aggerate the importance of the curity in comparison with this!
of American capitalism. It is a living is an excellent device for diverting the blockade of the Mexican coast, this nonsense, it is not at all advanced workers will completely leading editorial which appeared The Times cuts through the conin the Times of June 15. Cointroversy because, unlike the de.
illustration of the inability of the Ameattention of the workers from their They must act through internal because fear responsibility as support the Mexican people inciding with and complementing baters, the Times means busiagents, who, it is true, do not was insinuated by one talkative their struggle against the imrican ruling class, the bankers and cagrowingly serious plight under the sys openly fly the British flag, yet agent of the On the perialists. The expropriation of perfectly the recent es of ness imperialist business, and pitalişts, to provide the workers with tem of rotting capitalism.
serve the same interests as contrary, would consider it an oil is neither socialism nor com Secretary of State Hull and his it knows that imperialist busijobs, or to provide the employed with Chamberlain the interests of a honor to carry even a part of the munism. But it is a highly pro assistants, the Times, in this ness means war.
a living wage.
clique of oil magnates. In the responsibility for this courageous gressive measure of national self editorial, entitled Way of White Book issued by British and progressive measure of the defense. Marx did not, of course, Life, states its program for Where Anything Goes The Democratic Garb For the railroad workers to take the diplomacy just a few days ago we Mexican government. But do consider Abraham Lincoln American imperialism on the Of course, the Times also wage cut lying down, would not only be may be sure that the negotia not have the least basis for it. communist; this did not, how most vital of all questions. There According to its official resolutions, tions of its agents with general first learned of the decree of ever, prevent Marx from enter is no ambiguity here ne illusions shining folds of international its program the blow at themselves, but a blow at the Socialist Party is on record in sur entire American working class. The rail port of the Loyalists in the Spanish civil ist diplomacy carries on its major papers. But, naturally, this is not the struggle which Lincoln head of the rulers speaking. democracy. The frankness the road workers have a golden opportunity war.
business under cover of secrecy. the question.
ed. The First International sent Will Go to War now to show the workers of all indusOpen Door, the defense of imAccording to the same resolutions, Ignorance and Deceit Two Aims Pursued the Civil War president a mes.
perial interests. will disappear tries the road to take if they themsel the Thomas organization considers wars sage of greeting, and Lincoln in The content of this editorial as the war approaches In order to compromise the exTwo aims are pursued in in his alone re ves will only take militant action. For an inevitable product of capitalism, propriation in the eyes of bour terjecting my name first, the the answer highly appreciated can be summed up in a single the way of life moral support.
sentence: war is coming and main. Loyalties, freedom, railroad wage cut would only be the which can be eliminated only with the geois public opinion, they repre organizers of the campaign wish the United States is going to tradition, progress, equal Workers, Support Mexico signal for cutting wages of the already elimination of the present social order. sent it as a communist measure to impart to the expropriation a take part in that war. Indeed, ity these will be inscribed on badly paid workers in all industries. Hence, the need of a militant struggle here with conscious doceit. Semi They are attempting to strike a hath no reason ona identify Tits crisy, the editorial says this in ed abundantly in the editorial. But The international proletariat with a surprising lack of hypo the banners. They are all includThe most concentrated preparations against imperialist war and capitalism. colonial Mexico is fighting for Slow at the national self respect program with the program of so many words in its very first today the Times can still afford must be made immediately to resist the In words, we see, not so bad. But if her national independence, poli of Mexico. The imperialists are the Mexican government. Revolu sentence: insolent offensive of the railroad corpo you imagine that the obliges its tical and economie. This is the endeavoring to represent the af tionists have no need of changing states has lived for two years hard realities lying behind the rations and their banker lords. But the members to present the party view in basic meaning of the Mexican fair as if Mexico statesmen color, adapting themselves, and under a Neutrality Act which banners.
railroaders must not limit themselves to public activity especially if the wiew revolution at this stage. The oil were incapable of determining rendering flattery in the manner expressed its wish to remain at There are many, unfortunately strike preparations against the wage cut.
is tinged in the least degree with radicalcapitalists, not ordinary bourge. isnobile hereditary slaveholders lers, who in a moment of danger hot neutral now in any situation many who regard the position of They can and should go further. ism. you show a deplorable ignorance visie. Having seized the richest psycology! Precisely because will sell out and betray the weak which involves the risk of war, Marestarian third questioned war The railroad companies admit their of the Thomas party. Take the latest natural resources of a foreign Mexico today still belongs to those er side. Without esrivingeuperiks nor will they remain neutral in sectarian and over rigid, Let bankruptcy, their inability to run the example: The Peace House, a pacifist group, diplomatie forces of their metro independence, greater audacity of tire world, and first of all in and supported by the military now impelled to fight for their ing class organization for the end threatens to disturb the balance editorial. The program of the roads on the present basis. They have Times differs from that of the of world power.
admitted it in another way in the past, has just issued a leaflet, with an enroll polis, they strive to estabilish in thought is engendered among her Great Britain, is duty bound tol Naturally the Times does not Stalinists only in being less by throwing hundreds of thousands of ment blank in which the signer is to the subjugated country a regime statesmen than is granted to the take an irreconcilable position leave it at just that.
The editorial hypocritical bit differs from the employees on the scrap heap.
pledge himself thus: therefore am If they cannot run them, let the workordinating to themselves legis. past. We have witnessed similar their diplomacy, en els trebbers manner to state both the genuine realistic, only in dealing with the war, international or civil, and to strive nistration. Under these conditions once!
determined not to support any kind of lation, jurisprudence, and admi phenomena in history more than their fascist hirelings. The cause reasons for the United States real world instead of a world in ers run them! The employers have made for the removal of all causes of war. expropriation is the only effect. The French weekly, Marian. Spain, like the cause of China, justification which is being and or against imperialism; there of Mexico, like the cause of entry into the coming war and someone imagination.
You have got to be either for countless millions of profit on watered is Among the signers already listed we stock, on over capitalization, on phoney find Harry Laidler, chairman of the tional independence and the ele. French People Front, even as working class. The struggle over will be used to enlist the people no middle cround. And if you bonds. Demand their expropriation! Let New York and Devere Allen.
mentary conditions of democracy. serts that on the oil question Mexican oil is only one of the of the United States in that war. are for it you are for its wars, the government take over the railroads, whatever slogans you use to try What direction the further the government of General Car advance line skirmishes of futuro Allen, by the way, is the man usually economic development of Mexico denas acted not only as one with battles between the oppressors Imperialist Frankness to hide this. And if you are but under the management of the railroad workers! The workers can run chosen to report on the anti war resolu may take depends decisively Trotsky but also. in the in and the oppressed The United States is on the against imperialism and its wars.
tion at party conventions. upon factors of an international terests of Hitler. It is a question, side of China, says the Times, you have got to overthrow it.
them, even more efficiently, without the LEON TROTSKY.
The character. But this is a question you see, of depriving the greatThe is a party where anything of the future. The Mexican rehearted democracies of oil in There is no other way!
And with contempt to mere June 5, 1938 payment of profit or interest, and with goes. Or more exactly, anything but a hypocrites, it remarks: We are Times rightly calls its program not ashamed of a frank comvolution is now carrying out the case of war and, contrariwise, Coyoacan, such a reduction in hours as will make Way of Life. And in the revolutionary, socialist policy. Those it possible to re employ the dismissed mercial interest in desiring the modern world there is one and who advocate such a policy are bureaucontinuation of the Open Door. only one other to oppose it.
railroad workers at trade union wages! cratically expelled by the hundreds, so But not China alone. The United SPANISH WORKERS This would be a serious step towards that the party leaders may do just as NEW YORK States is also on the side of Czechoslovakia, against the Eur.
GAINS ATTACKED counteracting the attempts of Wall they jolly well please. Witness the opean aggressors. And with Street to unload the burden of the crisis Thomas junket with Herbert Hoover scorn for purist isolationists. Continued from page 1)
on the shoulders of the workers. It is and Owen Young!
The average Americkin knows that, despite geographical re Union which Stalin thought to moteness and a traditional desire strengthen by preserving capital SPAIN FEATURED to avoid entanglements in other ism in Spain, is now more perilJUST PUBLISHED peoples quarrels, we are inevit. ous than ever before. The capitalIN FOR JULY ably the natural allies of the ist realism of Chamberlaindemocracies of Europe. Daladier Negrin can be fought REVOLUTION And to the pacifists and dream only by the revolutionary realAmong the many features of ers in general: ism of the masses.
and the July issue of the New InterCOUNTER REVOLUTION IN SPAIN national, which is now on the important factor of the agents Puerto Rican By FELIX MORROW press and will be ready for sale commissions in increasing costs. thoroughly documented history of the civil war shortly, is a sensational article on Up the Hudson and back with hour Stop at The average ngent commission in Spain from July, 1936, to the present day, with the Betrayal in Spain, written Bosses Balk is from 20 to 30 per cent of the particular emphasis on the role of political parties, by a syndicalist militant who was workers earnings, and in 22 per personalities and programs. The only sustained both participant and eye witness cent of the cases it is from 30 analysis from the Marxist viewpoint.
in the civil war in Spain.
to 50 per cent.
Cloth 00 Paper 50 cents With indisputable facts and With wages at less than two detail, the author shows how the (Continued from page 1)
cents an hour for half of the rulers of Loyalist Spain the Popular Frontists have been Swimming, Ball Games, Dancing, Refreshments, etc.
average woman 49 for 34. the bosses at the prospect of a workers, the consternation of What Is Socialism? steering the struggle to defeat in hours. When the Puerto Rican 25 cent minimum wage is comthe interests of the financial and Reconstruction Administration set prehensible. But the Puerto Rican By ALBERT GOLDMAN political overlords of British imTickets One Dollar up a needlwork cooperative, it workers must not let themselves perialism.
was found it could not profitably be impressed by threats that apA popoular 48 page presentation of the essence of socialist philosophy in terms of the workers own The revelations, dramatically pay the wage asked by the plication of the law would bring written, certain of a day, further economic difficulties by experiences. pamphlet you have long wanted for distribution among your shopmates and friends.
comment everywhere. Branches LEAVE 9:30 SHARP.
are urged to make all the necesRETURN ABOUT 10 diminishing the working opporCommissions Not Mentioned tunities. They must oppose 10 cents sary arrangements for the widest The business leaders protest amending the Bill to exempt distribution of the July issue. All Special prices in quantities.
Boat Sails from Pier A, Battery Park, Manhattan ing the Wages and Hours Bill Puerto Rico. In an Island where orders should be forwarded to have pointed to high labor food costs are from 20 to 25 per PIONEER PUBLISHERS the business manager at 116 unit costs, attributing them to cent higher than in New York 100 FIFTH AVENUE, New York City University Place, New York. Take Lexington Ave. to Bowling Green Sta. less skilled and less efficient City, 25 cents an hour is scarcely labor. They fail to mention the too much to demand. BOAT RIDE All Day Saturday, July 9, 1938 HOOK MOUNTAIN PARK At Wage Bill to create