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June 25, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Bonapartism Rules In France As Parliament Anti Hague Drive Is Sent On Vacation Launched By By SWP Attempt Made To Kuomintang In Crisis Bar Appeal Sales As Japanese Advance Up Yangtse To Hankow Suggests Books man, Overseer of the Poor, Mal produce for the profits of the sailed the movement as which will sell at 50. Advancemocracies, and hinted very broad mediate needs of the workers won support for his proposal to turn, naturally under the pres in the relief stations. Duffy, of take the second. As a matter of apd sympathizers as Reds.
Then Byrne and Malady call sistent opposition, will send them ified his denial of free speech and title of Germany: World Empire ors to save it from Japan was has done so much to sap the NEW YORK. The owner of a newsstand at Broadway and Marcy Avenues, Brooklyn, reports that a group of youths threatened to withdraw the Daily Worker and Freiheit Courts Incidents By Ordering Gunboats To The Daladier government, hav. Social Democracy stood before from his stand if he continued ing had its plenipotentiary Hitler victory in the blind vigorous campaign against the blighting mennee of Mayor MAYOR HAGUE Remain In Zone Of Hostilities; Floods to carry the Socialist Appeal.
powers renewed until November, alley of the lesser evil. Hague reactionary dictatorship, already near absolute in Jersey This is but another incident Remain In Zone Of Hostilities; Floods has sent its dutiful parliament But many partisans of Blum City and extending into other parts of New Jersey, is being conin the campaign of the Stalinhome for summer vacations.
HOLDS STAGE ists to squelch the voice By LO SEN from the roars of a decade ago Fired with courage by the their illusions. Seeking the causes ducted by the North Jersey Distriet organization of the Socialist the revolutionary proletariat cowardice of his People Front of the defeats, one of them wrote Workers Party. Following is an abridged version of a leaflet pubFlood waters The surest indication that in America. Although recently IN JERSEY of the Yellow Chiang Kai shek is at least thinkadmonishers, Daladier took in Populaire during the pre lished by our comrades as the starting point in their drive to arouse the Stalinists wailed about River, rushing through breached ing in terms of surrender is the firm stand against the very conthe attempts of the fascist dikes in northern Honan, have fact that the Stalinists in China cept of advancing any proposal Congress discussion: The pro mighty movement of the working class to end the Hague dictator Uses Forum Of Court To followers of Father Coughlin stopped the Japanese threat to have come out with a radical gram (of the People Front)
in labor interests, threatening was actually incapable of realiship. Ed.
to keep the Daily Worker off Hankow from the north. They threat to defend Hankow with a dissolution of the People zation because, although its end When the Newark police open Expound His Fascist the newsstands, they find it are at the same time bringing the aid of the armed masses of Front and of parliament as well. was well established, the means ed up the crowd around Norman America is reaching a real Views On Labor perfectly consistent to emulate death and untold privation to Wuhan workers on the basis of to attain it were not foreseen. Thomas as he attempted to speak crisis too. The new depression the fascists.
Working Class Stifled scores of thousands of peasants revolutionary positions.
The slightest sign of a willing policy of the Daladier govern Park on June 4, in order to let hard and fast. Production has And the writer feels that the from a stand in Newark Military has hit United States capitalism We feel sure that all work abandoned to their fate in the The struggle between Boss ers will support and patronize flood area.
Value to Moscow The Japanese drive on the ness to fight on the part of the ment endorsed by his own party in the band and the hoodlums fallen more in eight months than Hague and the was transThe National United Front Stalinist and reformist leaders will rapidly instill the masses that broke up the meeting, two it did in the first three years of ferred during the past week from Appeal, and will repel all at provisional Kuomintang capital would have sufficed to call into the with discouragement and bring things were proved conclusively the 1929 depression. Quoted stock the streets and parks of Jersey tempts, by whomsoever made, is now being concentrated along for which the Stalinists tramplstreets the French working class, back to life the moribund fascist that the fight against Hagueism values on the Exchange City and Newark to the Federal to ban working class papers the Yangste River, where Japaned on and destroyed these tovincluding the tens of thousands movement.
and what it stands for is not con have been reduced by 27, 000. Courtroom at Newark where the therefrom.
ese warships are trying to shell olutionary positions rests enof state functionaries, among Such a statement on the part fined to Jersey City, or Jersey 000, 000 in the course of a year. and American Civil their way through barriers in tirely upon continued Kuomin.
in the river channel.
tang resistance to the Japanese, whom there is a strong strika of Blum supporter and enemy City officials, or Jersey City Steel is working at 30 per cent Liberties Union had brought in.
capacity. Millions are working junction proceedings to prevent because this is the principal vahave crumbled overnight. The a light Seeks Incidents lue of the pact to the Soviet the confu cannot be conducted in a slipshod, secret of his power lies presion and disorientation which haphazard, unorganized manner. vative estimates again place the terferring with labor organizing cisely in the consistent stifling dominate the Socialist Party. But number of unemployed at 13, 000. activities.
The announcement by Admiral bureaucracy. Should this resistof working class militancy by the this does not alter the fact that 000.
Taking advantage of the forum labor bureaucracy. Maneuvering the writer has touched upon the a liberal city, under a liberal Now Newark is supposed to be presented to him by his oppongunboats would remain in the would naturally be transformed.
for this Bosses On Offensive between the restless campts of secret of the People Front City Commission, with its mayor ents, Mayor Hague held the For Militants zone of hostilities has paved the But it is precisely the dissatisfied working class bankruptcy.
sinking of the Panay last Decem and the masses by their wholeway for new incidents like the contingency that the Stalinists have least prepared themselves and the bloodthirsty fascists, elected on the slogan Keep. In the face of this new depres center of the stage while he deber.
Daladier, under the tutelage of Enters Third Period Hague out of Newark, and with sion the American bosses are fended his dictatorial conduct and theme commission preparing a new offensive against politics before the whole nation, and all others interested in the signs of an internal political abandonment of the struggles of expounded his fascist views and The entire radical movement Meanwhile at Hankow itself shek and the bourgeoisie, their sale capitulation to Chiang KaiPrime Minister Chamberlain of Great Britain, has established Afraid of the masses, and fearers (Byrne)
burden of the crisis off on the the attorneys who acted know that Harper Bros. have week ago it seemed that Chiang Jindeed, however, upon the for the nonce a more efficient ful of losing the last vestiges of Hague man.
workers. They look hopefully Bonapartist regime.
favor from their bourgeois colas stooges by feeding him lead finally set a definite publication Kai shek had decided to abandon strength of the armed masses Attack On Unions Since the collapse of the leagues of yesterday, the Social toward Hague in North Jersey Every victory of Hague gives ing questions, designed to ex date for the Final Report of the the city. Government officials and upon revolutionary policies People Front government of ist Party has now entered the As Hague met each new at third period of its opportun tempt and won, Byrne grew ence. It is for that very reason Hague cleverly used the prine: The volume will have approxi: a new exodus further inland. position of those masses that Stalinist u leaders have found ist since the events of Februar more vieirensein bewerk his knew that Hague must be stopped labor movement and all his eri case of Leon Tyok Miss Evidence was not hacking that the successful prosecution of the themselves in a most embarras: to meet the growing mass radition and Hague stated openly in Populaire that calization after the German de preventing better conditions for they are in the Jersey City of the the widerati Judee permit. Suzhinne LaFollette, hard work High Kuomintang circles, includ. struggle in reality depends.
ted him wide latitude.
Road to Victory Hague on Offensive goes the credit for the striking were beginning to toy with the title the volume will bear. with Japan. In a series of syn: linists are useless. What is need deeply shaken by the defeat of Paul Faure and Zyromsky wrote preventing the organization of ing to rock and sock the labor idea of seeking a compromise The empty threats of the Sta.
his short lived On the stand, Hague belli. Not Guilty!
dicated articles published in the masses ask fearfully: What will proletariat. Blum, with his toy already exist. Byrne, recognizing away with it. If anyone is going gerently transformed himself The regular edition will sell come after Daladier? Opposition cannon, fired shots in Populaire the way to take from Newark to do any socking, it should be rom a witness into a prosecut for 50. The Labor Book Shon American press, Mme. Chiane ed is a concrete program that against the right wing Socialists workers the few advantages they the workers who for so long have ing attorney. In real fascist has contracted with the publishKai shek dropped her morene will arouse the masses. This bold social dier is strong in the ranks of laboration with the party of Dar existing unions, began with his both the Socialist and Commun indier and Herriot.
customed pose of hypocritical would involve a ist Parties. Communist, orders are being taken at 98c up Then came the reform radical ady, an attack on one of the bosses and the Hagues and the un. American, Tolerating Daladier ism of the People Front, more militant organizations, the Byrnes.
and revolutionary, aiming to to the date of publication. Mally that her husband might be and peasants who are bearing The enemies of the workers overthrow the government and orders postmarked on that date smarter to think in terms of the the chief brunt of the cost of the of the held in the early French proletariat. And now the right it had won by many pieker The these lines in Newark violence. He branded all price. Address 28 East 12 Street in their own good time came order to provision guerillas and Nevertheless, and the congress the revolutionary offensive of the it be refused recognition and the have just taken their first steps organized religion by force and will be honored at the advance than to wait until the pred policies of funds and supplies now hoard ed by bankers and merchants in days of June in Royan, Blum Socialist Party has reached a new ines to bargain for its members must be stopped before they leaders (except John Lewis) New York City.
One of the most thorough more effectively to China aid, refugees; the setting up of Offer Britain Concession peasants and workers committolerate Daladier domestic and sure of the main party of bour the liberal bloc, in charge of fact, these thugs, like all strike. Among them were the Socialist, studies of German imperialism foreign policy with 4, 817 votes seois class collaboration, the the police, helped them by turn breakers and scabs, are really Norman Thomas, and his fellow yet to have appeared has just The extent to which the Chinese the handling of these supplies tees to exert vigilant control over for his motion. motion of the Stalinists. It consists in the to ing over police and detectives to yellow. good scare, no mighty Connell. He accordingly justi Secker and Warburg under the bourgeoisie is looking to its and to rout out the widespread semi Stalinist deputy Zyromaki, leration of the pre war Bona make Malady investigations.
demonstration, determined, per.
Anglo American imperialist ment sabotage and corruption which asking for the immediate repartism of Daladier Chamberlain.
establishment of a People Front these or World Revolution. The author Left Wing Perspectives ed on the veteran organizations scurrying back to their pool free assembly to all government and a termination of is Gunther Reimann, Marxist eco indicated by a New York Times Chinese defense; the setting up Reactionary rooms and saloons like the rats critics.
to the effect that the of committees in all towns and the Spanish non intervention policy, mustered about 1, 700 What are the forces and per leaders of the Veterans Alliance they are. There were really only Ho falsely accused the nomist with a long record of act: report votes. The left opposition, whose spectives of Pivert new left came across nobly. passing reabout a hundred of them. few head of a drive to overturn the ment that dates back to the return their former Hankow con the wealthy landlords and mer of making Jersey City the spear: ivity in the German labor move Chinese had actually offered to villages which will see to it that more may get up some serve on. other delegates of the expelled ing to 4, 000 at the outside, is demanding the City Commission can be routed easily. This last fied his coup etat by the Reich originally commissioned to make hopes that British troops would the necessary war levies without Seine Federation (Paris and its concentrated mainly in Paris. It carry out his recommendations.
affair need not have been another stag fire frame up. He alleged this study for the Communist be sent there.
passing them on to the peasants suburbs. were not admitted to commands certain sympathies Alliance In Action victory for Hague forces if the that Harry Bridges had sent 500 International but completed his When we recall that this con and above all, the organization the convention, rallied 1, 400 votes among the Socialist youth, a secaround the demand for ation of which was expelled for to protect it.
Jersey City to destroy the ship linism. No one interested in the sovereignty by the independent ing of a vigorous drive for the People Front of struggle.
solidarity with Pivert. It also has mination of the Alliance to stop ping business during the 1986 question of how long Hitler can action of the Hankow workers, seizure of all land by the pens, Labor Must Fight Blum achieved his majority at vague sympathizers among the this anti labor measure (like the 137 seamen strike broken up by rule on the shaky foundations of who seized it on January 3, 1927, ants.
the congress with great difficulty. Stalinist rank and file. Undoubt determination of the Hudson Workers cannot afford the his own strong arm squads. German capitalism can afford to then we see how far from the Out of such forces will come miss this book.
Jersey Boss Sees Red present calculations of the the fighting strength which will to the Yezhov of the party, gen tive possibilties. But in view of not to permit the Hague cops to luxury of crawling in a corner Kuomintang leaders is the wag. make it impossible for the ineral secretary Paul Faure, who the past and present political ac break their recent strikes and and wanting to die when the He also declared that William ing of a real war for national vaders to sit secure in a single darmes, hoping that Hague will liberation for China. The report square mile of Chinese territory.
With Pasenu right in the term emerge the victorinis his fight went on that the British were Along this road and along this Slugging of the Parisian Teet everything within their power to workers in the City Hall the day to really Anish them after the 3, 000 armed men, although he against the cont His triumph cool to the proposal. That also road alone lies victory in the wing. The organizational steps lose these possibilities. the question came up for a vote were supplemented by the clever The situation calls for a gen. before the Commission, and the the bosses try to lower wages. later admitted that Carney men will be the signal for a concert shows how far the present meows struggle for Chinese national political propaganda of Blum and LEAFLET LICENSE CARTER MACK DIES, leaders played a For a Real Struggle his ers. labor by the.
radical tune. People Front and to raise the refuse to act on it one way or mittees to protect and extend numbered less than two hundred and were unarmed.
LAW TO GET TEST LOSS TO JERSEY They asked that an end be put banner of the proletarian revolu the other, preferring to drop the those rights.
Meanwhile, the o. conto the Daladier government at tion. However, Pivert and his matter.
That is the program of action. The riots, bloodshed and disaccompanying the centrates its struggle against NEW YORK CITY. The new in of the. such as the earliest possible moment. friends continue their courting NEWARK, Carter Mack, of the Socialist leadership, and forces had been checked. But not new threat. Organize workers the Memorial Day Massacres the courts, although so far nei city code, prohibiting the sale of a Negro comrade and charter Taste of National Union Even, Paul Faure wrote in euvers with the Stalinists. Un of talks, addressing the veterans are threatened; all workers must and the sit down strike itself ther the courts, the capitalist pamphlets and other literature member of the Socialist Workers Populaire, a few weeks before derstandably, they are not pleas organizations, commending them participate in the fight! Whether were to Hague conclusive evidence politicians, nor the preachers on the streets without a license, Party, Lenin Branch, der keine the congress, that the atmoede by the hindrances placed in in the fine stand their leaders AX or whether they agree character and aims. Any self step. Even if the court should fee and wearing a peddler 13 of illness resulting from to receive a court test pneumonia and overwork.
rules, the guarantees which he by the criticisms of the Fourth to the reds, communists, pinks don agree with thomasest poly against the attacks of the bosses will enforce it in New Jersey as the result of the arrest of two the trusts, provide us with an The near future will show told them, rock em and sock tics. this is the step they must or their strikebreaking and any Hague is the law there. He has men last week for selling a So unionist and shipyard worker struggle for their rights were announced his intention to con cialist Labor Party pamphlet. It who for many years was also a advance taste of what a National whether this group will definitely em all the way through. New.
tinue defying the decision of the is contended by the defense that leader of unemployed and When another Thomas meeting proofs of revolution. Supreme Court on the the law is unconstitutional in workers, first in the National Union. under his leadership establish itself as a centrist for arke Evening News, May 17, is held, when any similar meetHague defended all the gangwould be. The Royan congressmation which, though it may gain 1938. ing is held, when any workers ster tactics of his storm troops right to distribute handbills. Will yiew of the Supreme Court Unemployed League and later in the Griffin City, the Workers Alliance. His loss should say this clearly. a certain mass influence, will When Germany Italy meeting is held, the workers of to speak under his totalitarian sard to union organization?
Georgia case.
is keenly felt both by the local Another member of Blum provide another instrument for regime.
There is only one power in the majority states: The People burying the French revolution, reached a crisis, the bosses turn It is obvious that such a pro labor and unemployed movement Front is dead, whether one wishes the fact that the party has ed from so called peaceful and unions and other organizations state capable of really enforc vision could be used as effective and the Admires Roosevelt ing any court decree against ly against labor and radical or large delegation from the it or not. The truth of the mat. chosen the name, Workers and democratie rule over the work for action in defense committees, trained and ready to fight back, Hague that will benefit labor organizations as the ordinance Workers Alliance, the shipyard ter is that no party has the Peasants Party, shows that it ers to fascism.
must be present in mass. He humbly professed great adganizations and restore the free against leaflet distribution was workers union of Kearny, and courage to bury it. But this lack intends to follow in the footHow Fascism Begins of courage is easily explained. steps of the Spanish On To Struggle party, Franklin Roosevelt The maintenance of the external which originally had the same things have begun around North It began in the same way shell of the People Front is name.
Workers, prepare for struggle who has not lifted a finger against rights to the people of Jersey Hague minions were forced to tended the funeral. Reubent plan the only way to prevent mass Jersey. First small bands of Place no confidence in anything him, although he repudiated the city. That is the power of or recognize its violation of the con kett, chairman of the balliance local to which comrade Mack bestitutional rights of free speech longed, and Marc Davis, repreoutbursts against Daladier rethugs, claiming to be patriots. be it promises of probes and accorded the Democratic Party Hague eynical challenge must If it is upheld, labor must de senting the spoke at the actionary course and to provide veterans and so on, aided and greater protection by the city by the services.
a formal cover for the continual SUBSCRIBE NOW TO protected by the police, break up Commission or the cops or any betrayals of the meetings, beat up workers. thing else but your own organ exiled to a concentration camp struggle against Hugue out of He urged that all reds be must counter his declaration of Blum therefore has recourse to THE SOCIALIST APPEAL their red scare, they become bold Teach the Jersey City workers aliens be deported. Reds, he and into the streets and parks they are successful at this andized strength!
arguments of pure legality. He says: The engagements of the said, have kill labor organizers, terrorize showing them how we can smash rights.
no constitutional where it began. The masses People Front still bind by law. the parties who entered into the wokers, prepare to make the it here!
must be organized and prepared labor movement illegal, and insthem. And by means of this Build workers defense Throughout the hearings, Hague for the struggle. The program titute fascism.
unique conception of law the mocked his questioners, laughed of action, proposed by the North mittees!
in their faces, turned the tables Jersey District of the Socialist (Continued from page 2) the union into a powerful force sophisticated bourgeois attorney Union Stationers and on them again and again. Workers Party and published in Blum engages the working class to meet the challenge of the deto accept passively the complete Printers The significance of Hague this issue, indicates the way cratic missteps fade into insig pression. The issue is clearly actions, featured by the whole Hague offensive can be beaten nificance compared to the danger put. It is not a question of cruci reversal of even those modest 37 East 14th St.
American press, must be clearly back and the political and police presented by the Stalinist camfying anybody for his opinions measures which the People New York City Front forced through because of understood. Hague has delibera apparatus that supports him paien. The attitude of such as a full and open trial will reveal Phone Algonquin 3356 8 tely assumed the political lead smashed.
Walter Reuther, who says the facts and the workers will Selling to Labor Organizplague on both your houses and be able to judge for themselves ership of the reactionary offensIn Blind Ally ive in the United States. He then votes for the Stalimist re whether these men were justly ations at Lowest Prices.
voices the sentiments, protects Thus the Socialist party has! Our Printing Plant locatsolutions, is cowardly and delib suspended.
LA NOCHE the interests, and carries out the erately misleading, now arrived, after all its amIn the meantime, the job of de la FIESTA program of Big Business and the ed at 36 West 15th St. bitious promises, to fill decadent The auto union can survive every militant, of every honeft 6th Floor. Phone Algonmost reactionary section of the bourgeois democracy with genuine this crisis but it must beat the rank and filer, is to stop the Stalcapitalist class. America 60 See Announcement Stalinist campaign. The 20 point inist crew of wreckers and splitproletarian content, exactly at quin 7828.
Families have their eyes glued the point where the German NEXT WEEK program sets the pace for con ters, and to defend the union upon the captain of their genstructive action and rebuilding against their attacks.
It was only the resolute deter workers here had been prepared strong arm men and killers into work after his break with Sta cession was restored to Chinese of peasant unions and the launchintimidated the party member tivity of the leaders, there is their show of strength in mobil bosses and their agents alla Carney of the had threatand Stalinist Wreckers Organizing To Break Up Auto Union commass pressure.
Build The Socialist Appeal!
Forward To 10, 000 Circulation!