AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceFrancisco FrancoGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II. No. 26 Saturday, June 25, 1938 401 Five Cents per Copy An Urgent Appeal Refugee Fund Progressives Chalking Labor Gains CP Wreckers AID THE REVOLUTIONISTS! Is Welcomed Painters Union Fight Smashed By Force Splits Farand Wide Spain Gov In Maritime STALINIST UNITY IS EXPOSED Falk inWARN AGAINST AGENT OF GPU ON THE COAST By James Cannon Make Clean Sweep Of Offices In Local 892; received a letter the other day from a comrade, now in France, who was recently in the United States.
Stalinist Campaign Of Slander Fails To want to pass this letter on to the readers of the So Enthusiastic Response Halt Advance Of Militant Candidates Enterprises Are Handed cialist Appeal. It deals with a matter of paramount Greets Formation Of importance to all of us the desperate situation of the Back To Exploiters As Committee NEW YORK Test votes in ed exposure of an alleged fundhounded and persecuted revolutionists from fascist elections held last Saturday by grabbing racket run by the Fascists Advance Founding Organizations Withdraw From Pacific countries who have sought asylum in France. The un NEW YORK. The announce Locals 892 and 905 for local of. Zausnerite Harry Rosen, former adorned story told in this letter is the most convincing ment in last week Socialist Council No. indicate that the Stark, financial secretary of support of Prime Minister Chamficers and delegates to District business agent of Local 442, and With the blessings and active Federation After Bridges Packs Convention argument that can be made for the American Fund Appealanthum. formation obilicon strength of the progressives the local, some three years ago. berlain, Premier Edouard Deladier And Unseats Tacoma Delegation for Political Prisoners and Refugees which was announced in the Socialist Appeal last week.
with enthusiastic response from election campaign in the New time for election propaganda, solini, General Francisco Franco Here is the letter: all sections of the country. At York Painters Union draws to the services of a Stalinist ac fascist force began last week a Paris, May 29, 1938. meeting held in New York Local Conference of Progressive were enlisted. The regular ac another effort to the Dear Comrade Cannon, with Lyman Paine secretary Clubs predict a comfortable countant of 9, Jacob Falk, Spanish civil war to a close. SAN FRANCISCO. The Maritime Federation of the When saw you in New York, told you about the and plans were laid for an in majority for Stevens, pro refused to be used as a local Neither the barbarous air raids Pacific Coast was split wide open last week when the situation of the many German refugees; well that was tensive campaign to raise a fundressive candidate for secretary: Vishinsky. In an open letter which took hundreds of civilian from personal experience with them before left to go immediately to aid revolutionary treasures, in the District Council to the membership of Local 442, Nives over which the demo packed majority dominated by the Communist Party reto America. On returning to Paris, am sorry to say refugees in Europe.
that it is even worse now than it was then. Their lives the American Fond Ser reportion stock, Stalinist big shot in the posure and wains the members nor the stendy bombing of Brie of the Masters, Mates and Pilots, the Marine Firemen, Stevens defeated Louis Wein errors of accounting in the excratic gentlemen in London and fused to seat the Tacoma longshoremen. Several of its you to ask for some help. hope you will understand nounced this week that, visation in the primaries held in rubber stamps for officials with Fascist aircraft have been spel Oilers, Watertenders and Wipers Association, the Marine mitted to stand in the way of Engineers Beneficial Association, and the Sailors Union ndrome de recerca edo laws have made things so bad that refugee and his wife, both of Ageingepolstewers. the seatinines shimlenged there beforbrine Chamberlain realistic attempt of the Pacific. walked out of its convention in protest.
terms with the fascist for them to work is now practically impossible. Once tation to Nazi Germany.
Ghidoni, nominated by Local 51, Society of Certified Public Ac dictatorships.
Harry Bridges splitting maneuver in unseating the it was possible to work without the cards. But now sum of 300 is needed to whose record is entirely uncountants. The challenge was un Tacoma climaxes his systematic campaign to drive Daladier Accedes one can do that and many of them are being sent out provide for their transportation known to the membership of the answered.
Attempting to smear from the waterfront all those seafaring organizations of Paris to other departments. They may be able to to the country granting them union.
visas. The American Fund now The Anglo Italian agreement which refuse to shackle themselves with the ball and chain Stevens and the progressives stay there for a very little while, but the general feelClean Sweep Made with this alleged Zausnerite was based upon the premise of has several thousand collection ing is that before the year out all of them will have lists out throughout the country In Local 892 the progressive fund stealing scandal, the sta an early Franco victory in Spain. of the Stalinist in the maritime industry.
The Bridges Apparatus of But this urgent case cannot await opposition made a clean sweep linists met with a storm of pro These calculations were upset by them and all left thought or ways.
got an expulsion order, as the present trend is againstbeir return. The 300 must be of local offices and defeated the tests on the floor of the local. the stiffening of Loyalist resist would be dictators is dead set on solidarity with the Pand they ance to Franco drive on Bar smashing the Tacoma Jongshore the firemen and refused to smash was amazed at the change in Paris when got raised within the next few days. Stalinist Shnurman as delegate Two weeks in succession back after four months. One of them got an expulsion The American Fund calls upon to the District Council. William had to adjourn the meeting be celona late in the Spring. This men because they voted against through the latter picket lines attri affiliation with the Stalinist during the Shepard beef. Bridall workers and friends of demo Haupt, who defeated Shnurman fore the business could be con buted to the fact that the French outfit, declared their ges, who gleefully conducted a and gassed himself and his wife. Another comrade cratic rights to come to the aid two to one for the nomination cluded.
strike. breaking crew through found him, he was saved, but the wife died. They got of these comrades.
Unable to put over this elec permitted arms and supplies to those picket squads under police protection, will not tolerate such him better and he came home again, only to do it again. The American Fund announc two weeks ago later declining tion stunt on the floor of the cross the border in considerable militant solidarity with the This time they found him too late and so he is now ed that it now has several dozen in favor of Stevens picked up union, they called a special meet quantities. That is why the utcases demanding immediate at. 50 new votes in a successful raceing of members of Local 440 most pressure has been brought dependent, non conformist seadead.
tention. The following are but a for the post of recording secret. last Saturday in Irving Plaza o bear by Mussolini and Chamgoing unions bucking the domi Another one is very ill from under feeding and not few of the many: ary of the local.
under the auspices of their berlain on Daladier to force the nation of his commissars.
enough warmth or clothes. Another is still in prison, former Communist Party In Local 905 in the East Bronx Rank and File Unity Club. frontier. To this demand, it now Constitution Violated the second time this year! When he comes out wonder stage, and thending memberi che union, said to contain a fraction union entered the hall to attend one of the chief heroes of the member of the German Reich) the Stalinist stronghold in the when opposition members of the seems, Daladier, only yesterday what they will do with him; there is not much hope the Lenin Bund, 62 years old. of no less than 300CP memeled the cops and had them arThis new action on the part of the clique dominating the Fedefor him at all.
ration is a clear encroachment If you could collect some money for them, it would Nazis in 1983 and his wife was registered progress. The key post rental con charges of disorderly sournalistio apokesman for the make matters very much easier. It is impossible to ask arrested and later released. He of financial secretary was retain conduct. Among those arrested British Foreigokortice, reported Suspicious Movements postia teade boomerat concerned to help the French comrades as they are so hard up that they was forced to flee and has been ed by the popular progressive, was hie Gittlin, wellknown to the New York Times on June Of Hanoff Are Noted own affairs without outside in terference. In fact, the constituhave not enough fer themselves, but thought you could with the meager assistance against the 645 for the adminis who for years led a single hand. had promised Britain to estabIn San Francisco tion adopted at the founding conmight be able to get some over.
of friends. As a result of under tration candidate Schwarts. The cd fight against the Zausner relish complete blockade as vention of the Federation, at SAN FRANCISCO. On June which the Tacoma longshoremen There really isn much to add to such a letter. We nourishment, he developed a Communist Party forces were sime have all known for some time that things were far serious stomach ailment and kid able to retain the chairman, their with the Weinstock group to ousted of the necessity for answering 3, Hanoff, suspected from well with our refugee comrades abroad. The victhreatened with expulsion from 959 votes against 417 votes for the painters arrested will come embarrassing questions in the head for the West Coast, enter recognizing the fullest autonomy ed a small restaurant near the of each affiliated organization to tims of reaction in Europe have cried for our aid for his place of exile.
waterfront in San Francisco close Isidore Polstein, the progressive up in court next Friday, a long time now. We delayed too long with this burn Assistance is also urgently candidate. Polstein vote, how Race Prejudice Stirred Fascist Victory Desired on the heels of Charles Brenner, govern its own affairs.
The most ludicrous part of the ing task, to their detriment and our own shame. needed by the wife and two ever, was some 100 larger than children of an Austrian revolu the progressives themselves had Another frame up was the Through accidental circumstances and no special The plan is, as before, to bring the Sailors Union of the Pacific. sorry spectacle is that Bridges merit of our own we still live in relatively favorable to another country. The husband fortress.
tionist to enable them to proceed counted on in this administration charge that Stevens was nomin about a swift fascist victory in As he entered, Hanoff kept his continues to sing a cracked first tenor in the Glee circumstances in America. That puts upon us the spe and father, who was among the Dismayed by the stendį growth tion not only of Zausnerites, but were meant meet this parenchhe as if he were blowing his nose. convention, whose first race was to Anglo French approaches He ordered a cup of coffee unseat the Tacoma and cial obligation to share a part of our limited means founders of the Communist Party of the progressive movement of Nazi influenced Germans. way of Austria, was arrested for re organized only within the last As a matter of fact it was Steto Germany. The underlying pre (which he never touched) and to refuse the longshoremen the with the vanguard fighters of Europe. We must not is about some kind of temporary let them perish. They who have stood up against fasserving a two year prison sen broad opposition as well as by against Zausnerism, had his cism in their native countries and now continue the Hanof? then started to leave waterfront for September 30, their own defeats in the primar head cracked by Zausner hench appeasement in Western Eu.
fight in emigration are humanity best pledge for the The cases come piling in, each ies, the Stalinist Weinstock admen, and was nominated on the rope at the expense of the Soviet but when he recognized another when the current contracts exmore tragie than the other, each ministration has been working (Restoff, Zughaft, Pasini, and democratic powers show how step and almost bolted. Outside ment on the delegates who with: future.
slogan Kick the ex Zausnerites worker and saw that he, himself, Pire. Bridges revealed his brand The present policies of the was recognized, he quickened his of unity a la Stalin in his stateThe committee that has been organized to aid them dere you are unemployed and effort manufacture scandals Co. who are now Weinstockites, false and futile and disastrous ne nodded to two well dressed, draw from the convention. Let is composed of experienced and reputable veterans of cannot make a donation at this and frame ups as election is out of the administration.
the labor defense movement. They are going at their time, get a collection list and sues. In each case the progrestask with the concientiousness for which they are help raise money from others to sives have been right on the spot week, Stevens challenged the Suresh devolution supports seed him quickly to a large, high have them all hanging from democratie support for powered in poles.
well known, with energy and a firm will. hope every help in this important and ne to expose the machinations by Stalinists to name the Zausner the Loyalist cause.
man sat behind the wheel. They of our paper respond their appeal.
Special dispatches to the New all got in and the car drove off.
ce Collection Lists can be obtain and their paper, the Progressive Locma 48. Whe pointed out that last week revealed how far the it is not hard to guess deration stands revealed for what Germans who supported him in York Post by Frank Hanighen Knowing the practices of the Hollow Shell The American Fund for Political Prisoners and ed at the office of the Fund, Painter.
By its latest action, the Fe.
Refugees has a legitimate claim to the support of Room 1609, 100 Fifth Ave. One such scandal is the belat. Continued on page 2) Loyalist regime had gone in des the purpose of Hanoff visit. He every militant. Send something today don wait till stroying the gains made by the should be warned that if Brenner it is no longer a militant unitworkers in the first upsurge of or any other militant worker urrions against the shipowners you can spare it to George Novack, secretary, Room 1609, 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
July, 1936. With but a few ex falls prey ceptions, all private factories bloody crew, he will be held per and the government, but a hollow reactionPuerto Rican Slavedrivers workers have now been decelers. There has been altogether or union busting course by the lectivized, e. restored to their too much dirty work in infiltration of stooge shore out.
original owners.
Balk At Wage Hours Bill the working class. It is high fits and the rule. or ruin policy of Pictures Negrin Government time the workers called a halt the Communist Party.
Word has just reached New York from a Originally organized in 1935 on Muenzenbzerg from the Central Committee of to these outrages and built work: the principle that only organiThe inclusion of Puerto Rico on under homework conditions. trustworthy source in Europe that Willi Muen the German is nothing but a preparation Loyalist official told Hanig ers defense groups in (Continued on page 2)
in the Wages and Hours Bill Mannfacturers in the United zenberg, the Goebbels of the German Commun on the part of the perfidious for his hen that the Negrin govern union.
passed at the last session of Con States ship the materials to ist Party, has been expelled from its Central ment has become more conserfinal expulsion from the party, if not for more gress is upsetting Puerto Rican Puerto Rico for distribution by Committee.
drastie measures.
vative and capitalistic than the For Muenzenberg, who for employers. On June 17, indus agents to workers who do the government existing before the trial leaders in San Juan sent finishing, and the complete proDuring the last two years a silent struggle long years was the wire puller in Aragon offensive and predicted a radiogram to President Roose. ducts are shipped back to the has been going on between Muenzenberg, and Europe, is a too well informed witness. that any future cabinet shifts velt protesting the application of United States. That this is prothe In 1936 he was incautious enough would turn it even further to the the legislation to the Island, and itable despite the shipping costs to express to Brupbacher, a former leader PROSPECTIVE VICTIM SILENT right. All of this was being predicting grave economie dis and the commissions of the of the Swiss under oath of secrecy, his How does Mr. Muenzenberg react in this done, Hanighen added, to prove turbances as a result. Embroid agents, and frequently of sub doubts about the Moscow trials. This confesthat the Loyalist government was British troops on strike duty in economic conditions in the Brisituation? He keeps quiet. He is undoubtedly not red. He then went on to the island of Jamaica were rein. tish West Indies, announced to ery manufacturers in the United agents who do the actual distri sion became known to some of the Swiss Fourth cooking up some little scheme to escape the States, who send work to the buting, is due solely to the al Internationalists, who were at that time prelist a number of the principal forced last week by the arrival the House of Commons by ColoIsland, had protested to Governor most incredibly low wages paid dragnet of Yezhov police. However, experiparing a libel suit against the Stalinist press mining enterprises in which for of soldiers of the Sherwood Fonial Secretary Malcolm Macence has shown that there is only one way to Winship that a 25 cent minimum the slaves of imperialism.
eign capital, British, French, resters Regiment on the cruiser Donald on June 14.
wage would make it necessary The manufacturers profits, of in the name of Leon Trotsky. Naturally, they did not hesitate to unmask the double dealing save oneself from Stalin manhunt: an appeal American, South American, pre York. At the same time, police Former premier David Lloyd to discontinue that practice.
dominates, to international public opinion, an open concourse, follow the typical colowhich the govern platoons were strengthened in George, who visited Jamaica last of this cynical bureaucrat, and announced that Since the agricultural indus nial pattern in that they go to fession to the world proletariat of one own ment has restored complete Berbice County, where more than year, stated that he had been they would subpoena his confidant to testify tries of Puerto Rico, including absentee owners on the mainland mistakes and crimes, a publie break with the freedom. He even cited a de 000 sugar plantation workers appalled by conditions there.
before the court.
sugar, would be exempt from the and not to native owners.
Kremlin clique. In this way Barmine and cree decollectivizing certain were on strike We do not want a slum empire, wage hour laws, the needlework About half of the workers in ON BLACKLIST Krivitsky saved, not only their honor, but their electrical power plants in which Two Jamaica labor leaders, he said, particularly on Ameindustry, second to sugar in size the needle trades receive less German capital predominates. Alexander Bustamante and Wilrica doorstep. No one can dislives as well.
This incident have bee of pay roll, would be chiefly af than two cents an hour, accordBut events are proving that liam Grant, arrested on charges agree Great Britain slum fected. In the last five years the ing to the Report of the Comcause of Muenzenberg banishment. In any But it seems that Muenzenberg, who was the suffocation of the Spanish of sedition and other offenses, empire in the Caribbean needs value of the needlework industry, missioner of Labor of Puerto event, it is an open secret that since that time great as the guiding spirit of the petty revolution, which was supposed were freed by the court on June cleaning up, least of according to the annual report Rico for 1936 37. Another third he has been on the blacklist. His re maneuveres and sly foxes of the German to be realistic, was precisely 15, as the prosecution was unable Jamaican workers who are strivof the governor of Puerto Rico receive between two and four moval has not been easy. Muenzenberg is too is incapable of decisive action in any serious for 1937, increased from 12, 000, cents, and the highest paid (5 the policy which led more and to produce any evidence against ing to do so by striking for well acquainted with the devices of the crisis. These crooked bureaucrats swear only more speedily to disaster. The them.
better wages and conditions.
000 to 21, 000, 000.
He answered an invitation to come to Moscow But Britain scarcely needs to destruction of their economie per cent) from nine cents to 25 by backstage ruses, because they have long in 1937 by entering a sanatorium near Paris.
cents. In 1936 37, the average Commission Apopinted gains, and the Stalin since lost faith in the working class. MuenSweated Industry blush before imperialism male worker made 83 a week There followed a certain pause in the Muenterror against all revolutionists, as long as America can display zenberg will have to pay dearly for his lack of sapped the initiative of the The scandal of Jamaica has led such an outstanding example of The needle trades in the Island for 36. hours of work, and the zenberg story.
courage and political firmness. But this is, are sweated industry carried masses. The position of the Soviet to the appointment of a royal a slum empire. in Jamaica (Continued on page 1)
It is clear that the expulsion of the perfidious after all, his own affair. Continued on page 4) commission to survey social and vicinity as Puerto Rico.
Brenner on the tence.
Willi Muenzenberg Is Entered On Growing Blacklist Of The every Additional Troops Sent To Crush Jamaica Strike the sole all the