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JUNE 18, 1988 SOCIALIST APPEAL China Bombings Show Hull Reveals Social Crisis Grows As Business Terror Rages Against Japanese Imperialists Desperate To End War Real Aims Of Indices Drop To Levels Of 1932 Spain Revolutionists Diplomacy seen, them.
Union Briefs Harlan Witness Killed Coal Operators Brazenly Use Old Terror Methods Vicious Suppression Paves Way For Compromise By DAVID COWLES The most recent example was country. To name only one of With Franco; Organ Describes Kuomintang Inaugurates Repressive Campaign Business activity, which had the dismissal of the case against them, Berle Jr. is in the Horrors In Barcelona Prison To Silence Leftists As Invading Armies a slight upward flurry after eight rien, one of the most perfect The Modern Corporation and the Aluminum Company of Ame department of state. In his book, Press On For the Capture Of Hankow The hatchet men of Then the attack begins. The Note To Japan Discloses gan to fall again last week. Auto The government started its pro extent of economic concentration Joseph Stalin have let loose an prisoners use one last argument.
Nature Of Friendship chasing power of the middle class output is an index of the pursecution of the company in and concludes that in 1930 the unparalleled wave of terror They lift the English volunteer (Continued from page 1)
fall of Nanking, which had al 80, 000 March In For China and better paid workers. it is grand whirl of headlines. Accord. ultimate control of nearly half against all revolutionary minded into their arms. His head rests ready been evacuated by Chiang China On May Day also one of the principal markets ing to the judge hearing the of industry was actually in the workers in Loyalist Spain. Sev on the iron bars of the last gate, Kai shek and the Kuomintang for other basic industries, such to the suit had admitted control Were Roosevelt interested in the press gave a meager account of of the machine guns. They fall government. Only a handful of An estimated 80, 000 work During the past two weeks: as steel. Nevertheless it has of certain percentages of alumina, Forgotten Man, the workers, the the revived activities of the back. The corpse rolls off behind men were left behind to be futile ers, drawn from over 50 or Secretary of State Cordell Hull fallen to the levels of the spring aluminum and bauxite. However, small farmers and the lower Spanish counter revolutionary the gate.
ly slaughtered by the invaders. ganizations, took part in and the heads of his department of 1982.
At the present time it is May Day parade in Hankow, flying squad, Sumner Welles, Francis Sayre and George May fell for the third consecutivement attorney, who supposedly the economic dictatorship. not he way for the compromise The confusion is horrible. The Meanwhile, steel output for he simply turned to the govern. middle class he would expropriate Cheka. The object of its des. Several hundred guards enter, Hankow, the new provisional temporary seat of the Kuoperate terrorism is to prepare firing with revolvers and rifles.
capital, which is directly en mintang government, accord Messersmith, have been taking month and likewise reached the was prosecuting the monopoly merely investigate it.
believed dangered by the rapid retreat of inform the level of the spring of 1932. In that such an admission was sufsell out to Franco now being prisoners are forced to retreat ing to Shanghai foreign lanpeople of this country and of the the first week of June, steel proficient, since the company did Social Crisis Grows cooked up in the diplomatic to their cells. The movement is the Chinese forces from what guage newspapers which ar.
were reported to have been rived here this week.
world that anyone who believes duction fell to a little over 26 not also confess it manipulated grows and the social crisis grows European powers democratic defeated.
Meanwhile the economic crisis kitchens of the strongly fortified positions along that the business of diplo per cent of capacity. The result prices. The attorney, according with it. The first reaction was of this terrorism occurred April This was the first May Day the Lunghai Railway and along Reprisals Begin itch Many since macy is anything else than hate that the steel industry. reaking the No XiaTimes noting bewildermentre and resoubernijas hohe 20, when a protest demonstration prisoners are removed from their parade held the Yellow River. The Kuomin 1927, when Chiang Kai shek Then the reprisals begin. The tang government is already fleel smashed the organizations of better go back to kindergarten. even, but on the contrary is los: mitted price fixing, said he did continued decline has shown up over a year in the Barcelona tontiary in the basement. All are ing inland from Hankow. Whether the workers and established In the past there have been ing money in operating. And it not think so.
there will be any effective stand his counter frevolutiorary reyears and even decades when the faces the future with no promade in the mountainous districts gime at Nanking.
State Department has kept as mising factors in the business The Monopoly Inquiry escape by disregarding discom Model Prison was suppres: undressed before they enter. For along the western rim of the United Press dispatch much in the background as the outlook.
great Honan plain remains to be from Hankow, published in average Old Ladies Home; and As the fall elections approach comfort in religion and the life tragedy have been furnished by For four hours, young and old, the Shanghai Evening Post when we have read the name of Economic Dictatorship Grows of May 2, reports that while the secretary of state only when Decisive Developments Unable to keep up profits byterial grows, Roosevelt has re, perity in heaven. Others escape dependent. News, au billetin who are sick, sweat in this mothe Communists took part he received an honorary degree securing new markets and in monopoly and the concentration mitting suicide.
by published in.
Apparently, this is going to in organizing the celebration, from Podunk College.
creasing production to meet cutta Black Hole. The object of they were permitted no speakdepend in no small measure upon of economic power. Its chief them, the monopolists have join function will be to make Roose been increasing rapidly, and the Times Have Changed The number of suicides has In The Model Prison this forced nudism is to pile political developments in Hank ers at the mass meeting which fresh humiliations on the prisonfollowed.
ow itself and elsewhere in terBut times change, and state by keeping up prices. The Fed velt appear as the defender of victims come quite often from The writer describes howers: revolutionists in the nude!
ritory still held by the Kuomin The assembled multitude of departments change with them. eral Trade Commission publish: monopolists and the financiers. Saturday, June 4, a 71 year old er rot in prison, endlessly await police searched every cell. No.
On thousands of anti fascist prison While they are held here, tang workers was obliged to listen in the mighty clash of forces ed a report last week which Nothing serious will come of it Chicago insurance broker, working trials, that never come, na thing of any value is left. All The course of hostilities during to speeches by representatives the first year of the war has of the Kuomintang and Chiang the preliminary Founds of the ment companies headed by Intriction of monopoly exploitation. Cance Society what irony in the charges against them, grasping When the prisoners are returned shown the hopelessness of a Kai shek military headpurely military defense against quarters, who stressed the diplomacy has its key and public Co. and. Case and Co. de correspondent of the Times plunging from a window of the try of the anarchist organizations weep with rage at this devasta Japan. Japan own position, the treasonableness of strikes and deeper it penetrates into China, the advocacy of class strug. tions experts are not neglecting ed together to keep up prices will further check recovery byeenth floor. He left a note say ment gave them a ray of hope, deserted village would have done becomes more and more hopeless gle at the present time.
because the mere superiority of In the same aggressive, pro in the depths of the depresston stirring up class feeling in the ing: cannot seem to find any but it rapidly faded. Anarchism no worse than these police. The its arms cannot ensure its re point out that it is not official vocative tone already familiar of 1982, when prices had fallen country as the economic dic business. am out of funds and in practice has shed every rem Popular Front has gained another tention of the territory it has communist activi y which is from the Panay incident and its sharply since 1929, the prices emerges from the testimony. He same day, man only 29 years The prison atmosphere be: the nant of its former principles. rear guard victory conquered and cannot establish foeling the main bunt of the resequels, the State Department of farm machinery were being fears it might becomo a drama of age was found semi conscious comes more and more stifting, tions, part of the government. As for the workers organizaits domination over the vast land pression but other groups with addressed another note to Japan maintained at a relatively high to aid in politically solidifying and lying in the street. He dee says the writer. What should they remain silent covered with of China and its 450, 000, 000 radical political zems. This can which, under the hypocritical level.
people. Japan collapse is al. only refer to those left wing or guise of a humanitarian protest The price policies of the mono the Have nots against the Haves, lared he was sick of life. Two we do? Tension in the prisons Shame!
most inevitable.
Were Roosevelt interested in days later a 50 year old building is reaching a crisis. Everybody ganizations, including the Chinese against the bombing of open ploiting the small farmers, the anything but campaign material contractor in Ridgewood, New foresees a dramatic struggle polies aided their profits by exBolshevik Leninists, who have cities, demanded sharply the No Automatie Collapse refused to go along with the upholding of all American pro small retailers, and the small and campaign contributions from Jersey, committed suicide The between the government and the The authorities are automatically. It will be assured pitulation to Chiang Kai shek was in itself a beautiful little farmers suffered because ulti testifying, he would not need this discovered by a son at 6:20 a. seeking a reason to launch a But it will not come about Stalinists in their complete en perty rights in China. The note farm machinery companies. The those who might want to avoid police said Witherill body was prisoners.
deliberately provoking them and and hastened only if Japan in and the Kuomintang.
new vading armies meet with the lesson in the nature of imperial prately they had to pay the higher already know the extent of the it is believed business reverses massacre.
Lesson of History ism friendship for China: prices when they, themselves, economie dictatorship over the land illness had depressed him. Wednesday, April 20, at aroused forces of the whole that friendship means full pro were getting two thirds less in Chinese Eleven years ago, during the perty rights for nationals; come due to the drastic decline a. police and assault guards leadership of Chiang Kai shek was with repressions like these crime is invasion of or inter commodities. The small retailies carry on a provocative search in the Model Prison. The prisoners are awakened and their belongance to the invasion has been preparing his own complete sur rights. The sentimental phrases charged them monopoly prices searched. They are FORD PLANT SPEED UP defensive measures for which the tered accounts of terror against lines; but the core of the State ways able to pass on to farmers.
As Gov Presses Case ordered from their cells out in to the prison corridors.
The United Automobile Workgreat masses of the people, the radical organizations, trade Department pronouncements al. The small implement manufacturers of America hav acquired an Inferno Breaks Loose interesting affidavit in their Ford peasants, have had to bear the culminated in the great massacre realities of factories, utilities or wait for the announcement of chief burden. The masses have of scores of thousands of work oil tankers.
To Frame Alibis, But Witnesses Identify Suddenly, sirens announce drive, from which we quote: been the helpless Veitims of the ers and peasants and radical in prices of the monopolies and then the imminence of an bombard slave driving foreman kopt those conflict, not the most active and tellectuals whose blood wiped follow suit. Once the prices were Night Riding Murder Men ment. As though this were the boys moving faster than the mon vital participants in it.
South American Problem uniform, the monopolies made long expected signal, the locked on other production jobs. The Mass Movement Needed far as the imperialists were con Simultaneously, in Congress, the monopolies to the exclusion coveragedical center one stand the hive workers an eat organize dearen iet helsebrea kes roge. The duates of the Trade School serta Even as conl operators and have doors of their cells. An infernal, Several older graSo long as the struggle against Let us not forget that this is busy at the educational job ofed the small manufacturer to the terror continued with the killing The reasons for the Japanese imperialism is not the same Chiang Kai shek who making congressmen and the wall.
police are overwhelmed. The ed as straw bosses, and the pace frantic the reset was so fast that several clearly linked in the minds of the is today again the adored hero people at large aware of the masses with their own struggle of the Communist International South American problem. The Administration Role kidnapping of another and the chase retractions and frame alibie Smashing the doors to bits, re division refused to go back to Within in their own behalf and this Let us not forget that he repre need for a special government The administration realizes the attempted bribery of several who became clear as the government Leasing their comrades.
the first gate. Burning cots and means also resistance to the po sents today exactly the same in short wave broadcasting pro great resentment which this ex. have testified in the government prosecutors drew tight the net of five minutes, they are storming work on carburetors the next licies of the Kuomintang which terests that he represented at gram directed to South America, ploitation arouses among the prosecution of the operators on evidence concerning a series of mattresses set fire to the wooden twenty minutes, one of the boys in order to counteract the broad lower middle classes. It tries to the Wagner Labor Act.
lords to pass on the costs of the 25, 000 Slaughtered casts from European nations, was get their support by posing as war to the workers and peasants ness, the result of pent up emo bought himself an ice cream on Tells Gruesome Tale in Harlan, 80 miles away from. so long will the resistance to In 1927, the Communists were brought forward. At the plea of their protector. Of course, this the courtroom in London, Ky.
tions and desperation, rages. a stick. When the bell rang he the Japanese remain only part his principal victims. He slaugh the big private broadcasting sys pose disappears whenever it vester Smithers, a miner employ killing of Bennett Musiek, 19 symbolizing prison repression is of it in his mouth. The foreman ially effective. For 30 much tered more than 25, 000 of them tems, and on the basis of their comes to a question of action.
Most important of these is the Within ten minutes every object was just about to put the last ed by the Harlan Fuel Company, year old son of a Baptist preach on fire.
saw him and made him take longer will the Japanese be able in a few months. Tomorrow his argument that they are already to infliet frightful tolls in human Victims will be those who stin doing an excellent job in that hold and fight for first place in by the government, was slain by Nallie Musick, wife of the circuit are forced out of the center of lost.
fifteen minutes more to finish it one of the 19 companies accused er and union organizer. Mrs. The police and assault guards and docked the boy for the time lives and to carry on their bar want genuinely to fight for the field and their promise that the the imperialist world.
Verlin Fee, miner who called rider who felt that even Harlan the prison and into the first Precisely because the Kuomin. the Chinese masses. Among these time their facilition, the plan was of the window, back into the laps Sm the Westest snitching miners had the right to join story. But the prisoners run like SOUTH ORGANIZES unions, told the gruesome tale of bloodhounds after them. The tang is unwilling to entertain the Communist Party is no longer temporarily pigeonholed.
Since the State Department man Thomas. Strict isolation Shot In Fight The United Hosiery night riding deputies who riddl first gate is shattered. Nothing Worker even the possibility of a threat numbered.
and the broadcasting companies would mean giving up internaed their home with bullets in an is too strong for this multitude South. In Durham, textile, reports under Urrions in the to the interests of the bankers, In hounding those earnest had exactly the same interests attional trade, and Hull knows as his brother, Clyde, and was shot attempt to kill her husband.
Smithers fought with lee and merchants and landlords whom militants who will surely be re heartthere was no need for well as the next man that give as he attempted to rise to his feet fled the county only that evening down. One gate after the other eas are organized. Also moving it represents, it cannot effectively pelled by the criminal treachery While the elder Musick haders. The strongest gate is torn tobacco and service trade work take the lead in instituting the of their leaders, the Stalinists, duplication.
ing up international trade would after having been knocked down social measures really capable it is not hard to predict, will be Meanwhile, Assistant Secretary be committing national suicide by the two defenders of the mine the rifle fire of the deputies took is taken. They reach the last gute Picture operatomy and barbers their toll. After a fusillade from opening making China as untenable for Chiang Kai shek hatchet men propriation Committee to vote plain that the United States is of mobilizing the people and among the most prominent of Messersmith got the House Ap and he doesn sent They stop. Four Russian machine American Tobacco Co. are althe invading forces as Siberia and executioners. That. as we 15, 000 toward the establishment not going to give it up anywhere employed by Willie Harlan censon bullets flying all through the guns are trained on them, ready ruost. completely organized, with Was for the Allied armies of im have already seen in Spain, of two divisions in the depart. no matter who challenges Japan, Company, was accosted in a res her children. Bukt, the baby Central Labor Union (A. perialist intervention 20 years where the Communists were in ment to intensify cultural and Germany, England or whoever taurant by three men who cursA Prisoner killed and the Durham Industrial ago.
the forefront in shooting down commercial relations with Latin else.
Council (C. work hand in For this reason there always the revolutionary workers has America. The activities of ed him and told him they would boy, had been shot through the At the same time, the show what happened to union arm. One did not answer, remains the danger that the been the logical evolution of Sta certain foreign governments in is not going to pull any other miners who dared speak out of It was Bennett, Mrs. Musiek ween the prisoners and the as, sewhere fining and docking sys conference takes place bet hand. In the hosiery industry elKuomintang regime, tiring of Hinism.
said. He was dead. bullet had sault guards. The guards must tems are prevalent, so that at the war and fearful of the imDanger of Repetition House Committee, have become imperialist fire, neither ChamIson denied that he was a wit gone through his head.
be convinced they have nothing the end of a day work some poverished and victimized masses, There most be no repetition of most alarming in recent years berlain nor Daladier nor Sta ness and told them that Harry Narrow Escapes to do with the fascists. Cries of workers just break even with will somehow find the means of fraternity, anti fascist and revcoming to some kind of terms 1927. We may be sure that the and particularly in recent months. Hin s; and for this reason the Bennett, another of the defendState To Combat Rivals with the invaders. The very fact Chinese Bolshevik Leninists and steer clear of whole hos collec the point of a pistol, Ison was had several narrow escapes from These are tense moments. BANEFUL INFLUENCE Department spokesmenants, would vouch for him. At Before this attack the Musicksolutionary songs fill the air the boss or net 50 cents.
that Japan is having such tre. all other fighters for the real national emancipation of China think, concluded Messertive security. The United States forced into an automobile and the guns of the hired deputies of wounded prisoner is carried to By a referendum vote of 35, mendous difficultieheightenerinis will do their utmost to arouse smith, this. is of a very real intervenes, but intervenes where, driven to Bennett home. While the mine owners. The couple were the gate. He is dying. bullet when and how it best suits its the kidnappers inquired of the ambushed one night while walk has crashed into his head. His 780 to 12, 115 the membership of danger, because Japan would be the masses to their danger and emergency character. These actto create and defend powerful ivities that we have to combat own interests.
coal mine official to be sure they ing along the railroad tracks, dying agony convinces the guards. the International Typographical more likely to make formal conorganizations which will know in South America are causing Hypocritical Talk had abducted the right man and were fired upon from auto. The machine guns are withdrawn. Union recently voted against cessions to the Chinese bourgedamage to our interests and oisie in order to win for itself how to cope with betrayers and wrestige there. That is, to put these addresses, however, was The most shameless part of hid in the under brush.
Ison escaped from the car and mobiles filled with deputies.
The prisoners Jeave the gate to paying an assessment levied by compromisers. All American a breathing space.
Other government witnesses carry away their wounded com the to provide a war workers organizations English, the old hokum about America must the matter in plain Efforts To Bribe have testified that deputies were rade. From his mouth gushes a chest for fighting the By a vote of almost 15 to the Capitulatory Moods protest immediately against any these activities of certain for readiness to take all steps toward recognized as they surrounded stream of blood.
officers are instructed not to reMore witnesses testified dur the house on the night of the Then a dead comrade is car cognize the authority of the Information from Hankow is directed at the organizations of into the lion share of Latin and nization of war, and disarmamenting the past week that relatives fatal shooting of young Musick, ried out an English communist, to levy assessment by no means as yet sufficiently the workers, peasants and radical South American trade which Sayre even listed pious sixed in efforts to bribe them into which the shots came on other Brigade! One of his comrades Iyote, and the is denied of the men on ti of the International without approval by referendum precise or detailed to permit one intellectuals in China.
had persist and occupants of the cars from member imperialism enjoys; and point program for peace.
to conclude that such a compro There is no way to fight back the State Department, ever the This clap trap was timed nicely recanting their testimony regard occasions have been identified by addresses the guards, amid com. authority in questions of jurismise is an early prospect, als the imperialist barbarians except good neighbor to its southern to coincide with the signing by ing the shootings and violence witnesses.
plete silence. Some of the guards diction or autonomy. The coming lower their eyes in shame.
general elections, however, find of capitulatory moods in the power of China millions. This by while somebody else gets the the president of the big navy committee confers with the the Independents, who are ranks of the Chinese bourgeoisie. fight is the fight for their lives profits which it proposes to direct bill and the additional military prison authorities. Their propos Green stooges, with the follow.
The Japanese are more likely to and livelihood and for the des into the vaults of its Wall Street finds time to vote every day or als are rejected by the mass of ing program: The and push on and attempt to capture tiny of a nation which will play masters.
two. The State Department has prisoners waiting behind the its destructive activities have Hankow before sitting down to an immense and perhaps a deci But Hull himself and Francis not one iota of illusion about gate. They prefer to die on the created a baneful influence in treat with its conquered victims. sive role in the world reconstruc Sayre fired the biggest shots the possibility of any genuine spot, like the Englishman and six the labor movement. Frank Nevertheless the fact that the tion of the future.
in this current barrage. Speaking action by the powers toward dis.
others ound dead Morrison. The Independents may Kuomintang regime has begun Ten years ago when Chiang before banks of microphones and armament and peace. Quite the within the prison.
openly to suppress even the Kai shek was permitted by the full benches of reporters, they contrary. But it does know that Forward To draw some strength because of midly radical activities of the Communist International to en again underlined the Roosevelt by far the best way to get the Last Gate Demolished the administration generosity to the bosses in spreading the petty bourgeois National Salva joy undisputed control of the anti Hull sanclity of international people lined up for the arma hundred hands begin to forty hour week over six days.
tion Association and to limit the imperialist movement, he was law and order line, that happyment program and for war is by tear down the last gate. The This has worked against the un entirely unradical activities of able to smash it at his own sweet fusion of imperialist isolation clothing the government in the crucial moment is here. What employed union members.
the Stalinists is proof enough of will. This time his plan of sur and imperialist collective secur white robes of the Dove of Peace awaits them beyond that gate. the way the wind is blowing. Tender must be utterly shatter ity through which Roosevelt and fluttering pathetically to escape Freedom It is extremely significant that ed by the independent interven Hull express the determination the fangs of the or slaughter? The ASK FOR THE APPEAL aggressor machine guns are again wheeled the reports of this repression tion of the aroused masses. of imperialist United States to wolves.
back into position.
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