BolshevismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Saturday, June 18, 1938 401 Five Cents per Copy Answer Hague and Harvey With Workers Defense Stooges Suspended Japanese Air Painters Bid For Control Raids Ravage Deal Blow At China Cities CP Wreckers VICTORY FOR PROGRESSIVES WPA Workers Have New Deal Pay Cut To Political Strike Staged in Newark NEWARK, The first workers political strike many years occurred here last week as an aftermath of the Thomas riot in Military What was expected should cause no surprise when it Park of the week before, when Frankensteen And Four Others Are Affected By happens.
the International Ladies GarBorough President George Harvey of Queens has ment Workers Union called Order; Stalinists Violate Agreement To associated himself with Frank Hague, the Jersey Hitler.
out all its 2, 800 members to Observe 20 Point Program attend the session of the City Air Attacks On Canton In two speeches delivered by Harvey last week, he Commission at which Norman declared. Thomas was scheduled to DETROIT. Two weeks after their crushing defeat at Take Immense Toll am for Hague 100 per cent. We need more like speak and at which the riot the sessions of the third Executive Board the Stalinists Of Human Life itself was to be discussed.
him. There are only two men in the East who think More than 1, 000 of the 2, 800 have again made a desperate bid for power in the United Ousting Of Weinstock From Top Post In District more of their country than they do of themselves. They garment workers who quit the Automobile Workers of America and for the ousting of newly formed War Cabinet, Under the leadership of its Council Marks High Point In Rank and File are Frank Hague and myself.
shops appeared at City Hall its president, Homer Martin. Japan is making a desperate efRevolt Against The Stalinists Then, according to the New York Herald Tribune to demonstrate their protest Completely routed at the last board meeting, their aims fort to push its robber war in (June 10, 1938. he mentioned that in Italy they against curtailment of civil liberties for workers organithe communists a dose of castor oil in addition to the exposed, they were forced to accept humbly Martin China to a rapid conclusion, zations. This number was The chief marrifestation of the Twenty point program and their followers on the board, new drive was 16 days of unrerubber hose and reminded the veterans that he was swelled by hundreds of others, among the first in New York to advocate using the including a goodly represendutifully attaching their signatures, promised to return mitting aerial bombardment of tation from the Workers Alto their districts and honestly execute the union program. quarters of Canton. Nearly 4, 000 long but only recently organized disarray, relying entirely on a rubber hose on communists.
NEW YORK. Climaxing the election campaign in complete liance.
Hague does not conceal his intention of keeping any On Wednesday, June 8, another pamphlet published by the special meeting of the Executive Suspends Five men, women and children were struggle, progressives in the straight machine vote.
and every working class organization he disagrees with North Jersey District of the Board was called in Detroit to from exercizing the right of free speech in Jersey City, Socialist Workers Party, The consider proposals to institute offensive which continued with. New York painters union won Progressives in all the locals and of using all the methods of reactionary mob violFight Against Hagueism: out let up while the powers de la signal victory last week in the are cheered by the victory in group insurance for the Auto livered so called humanitarian linist secretary treasurer of Dis ference of Progressive Clubs defeat of Louis Weinstock, Sta Local 848. The Inter Local Con ence to enforce his dictatorship.
Program of Action, is being Workers Union.
received eagerly by the work protests to Tokio.
trict Council No. 9, by a major, which was formed only recently, ers wherever it is sold.
Martin Absent An Admirer Of Mussolini Canton Unaided ity of 449 to 385 of his own local and which has been conducting a Martin was away in New York union.
Chiang Kai shek left Canton to splendid fight against the WeinHarvey does not conceal his admiration for Mussoin connection with the drive in Local Union 848 nominated stock administration through its lini barbaric Blackshirts and their methods castor the aircraft industry. Several its fate. Not a single Chinese Lewis Stevens, the progressive weekly paper, the Progressive other board members were abairplane rose to repel these un candidate for the highest office Painter, has endorsed Stevens oil and rubber hose and his intention to emulate them sent from Detroit, The Stalinists precedented attacks. There were in the District Council in accord unanimously to head the state in his bailiwick.
saw their big opportunity to only the feeble puffs of futile ance with the union by laws, running under its banner in the antr aireraft batteries which were which require that a candidate elections scheduled for Saturday, Tomorrow, fascist elements elsewhere will copy the catch the opposition unawares.
Hagues and Harveys, if the workers allow them to get no menace at all to the attack in district wide general elections June 25.
Determined to make good their ers.
last defeat, they began playing away with it now.
Meanwhile in both Hankow and tion of his own local in the pri Saturday in the Labor Temple must first receive the nomina At a mass meeting held last upon the personal grievances of What is to be done to stop this fascist sore from several of the conservative memTokyo new developments of the maries.
utmost significance were taking on East 84th Street, Stevens and spreading. bers of the Martin group. In reWhoever tells the workers to stand with folded arms, turn for votes, the Stalinists place, which clearly indicated Resentment Against Stalinists the progressive candidates for that on both sides the war is business agents were Acclaimed promised support for these memto appeal to the courts of justice or to the impartial entering into a new phase.
The elimination of Weinstock by a crowd of nearly 1, 000 bers personal beefs and comgovernment, is paralyzing the labor movement in its Will Affect More Than plaints.
from the race by a local which painters who packed the hall to In Tokyo, along with the struggle against these fascists.
cision to carry out unlimited in the past supported him almost capacity. Spokesmen of the pro25, 000 On Jobs In Confident now of a clear major.
or total warfare in China, unanimously is significant of the gressives appeared confident and In Italy, the socialist and trade union leaders conity, the Stalinists boldly entered preparations were made to put nation wide sweep of progressive said that their chances of sucfined their efforts to appeals to the liberal governNew York the Executive Board meeting and in force most of the provisions resentment against the Stalinistress in the elections were the best proposed to reverse the program ment and ended by spending their lives in fascist priof the National Mobilization Law union busters in the entire trade in the two years since the StaNEW YORK. white and decisions of the last regular which is designed to mobilize all union movement, linists came to power in the sons or in exile.
collar workers were given an. board meeting. Vice president the material and human resources Wherever these agents of Sta union.
In Germany, the workers were brought under the other taste of New Deal pro Thomas, who was in the chair, of the country under the rigid hin G. have in the past The Secret Ballot heel of Hitler by the social democratic leaders who gress last week when Col. So declared them out of order, stat control of a virtual military die managed to seize trade union adkept pleading with the government to act against mervell, administrator in ing that the special meeting was tatorship. Effort is also being ministrations, as in seamen From the first, the Progres.
the Nazis.
New York City, announced called solely to consider the quespushed to hasten plans for the unions and the furriers union sive Painter, now in its fifth per cent pay cut for 11, 703 em tion of group insurance. The immediate economic exploitation strong ranktand file opposition week of publication, has claimed All the wisdom of these leaders is concentrated in the ployees previously earning 103. 40 Staliniste speaker appealed from of North China in the hope of groups have arisen to challenge that secret balloting would show idea of getting anybody and everybody to undertake monthly top salary for securi the decision of the chair. With lightening the terrific burdens their rule and to organize for the membership in growing opthe job which only the working class, by its own action, ty wage employees. The next that the meeting broke up in an which the war has already plac their exposure and removal from position to the administration.
can undertake and carry through.
day he stated that 14, 569 lower uproar!
ed upon the frail economic struc office. Weinstock defeat fore Wherever the secret ballot was paid clerks would receive still Stalinist Double Cross ture of Japan.
The Communist Party supports Roosevelt in the name shadows the doom of Stalinism used in referendums, the paper more drastic cuts, averaging aHOMER MARTIN in the trade unions as a whole. pointed out the progressives of democracy versus fascism. But Hague could not Most of the auto unionists bout 15 per cent.
Repression Under Way It will undoubtedly serve as a were constantly making headlast a minute without the tacit support of Roosevelt The workers involved knew took the Stalinists! word for Mortimer, Hall.
In Hankow, the increasing tremendous impetus to progres way, winning one local after and the National Committee of the Democratic Party months ago, when it was an the unanimous adoption of Frankensteen, Addes and Welles military difficulties on the Censives in other labor organizations. Another. Wherever open voting about impending slashes in pay good coin and believed that, with suspension of The Stalinist big shot rout was in effect, the administration of which they are both an integral part. The Com nounced that as a result of a union program, the factional with the approval of the major by the beginning of repressive in Local 848 was more than dup won by intimidation and by munist Party supported LaGuardia for Mayor of New York in the last election also in the name of demo sident had decreed a maximum and unity would be achieved.
So meeting will be called to conduct measures against Communists licated by a two to one landslide punishing opponents through job Communist discrimination. In Local 848, cracy versus fascism. But the same LaGuardia came salary on of 1, 000 per much the more bitter and resent a trial into the charges against and against various left wing against intellectuals and organizations. Party candidate for the same Weinstock won a referendum on Following the collapse of the office, a certain Schnurman, in the establishment of a maintenout for the election of Harvey as the Queens Borough on year, including costs of the ful was their reaction to the the suspended members.
Stalinist double cross!
Membership Ignored President.
Local 892. The progressive who ance department only last Thursday afternoon, defenses around Hsuchowthree defeated Schnurman, William month by a heavy majority of 350 Martin Leaders Back President returned to Detroit and after In general; disciplinary mea weeks ago, the Chinese retreat Thomas Courts Reactionaries Instead of rallying the work few brief conferences, left for sures are bad in a union, unless along the Lunghai Railway turn Haupt, has declined in favor of to 18 in an open vote. The voting Norman Thomas, leader of the Socialist Party, apparently believes that the struggle for liberty ministration to forestall these John Lewis. Martin was de bership understands the issues ten bore many distinct similar candidate for the office of sec. the by laws must take place by and referendum pay cuts, the Stalinist leadership termined to have a showdown involved and agrees with the neities to the conditions that existed rotary treasurer, one Morris secret ballot, against fascism can be won by allying himself with Chinese Local 905 the Stronghold majority was entirely a product such arch reactionary enemies of labor as Herbert unions (Workers Alliance, to have Lewis approval for the cipline. Otherwise confusion and November when the Hoover, Alfred Landon, Owen Young and John Teachers Union, Artists Union, suspension of several of the Sta. panic ensues and a great portion army, il armed, ill fed and sa in the unione was found to be of the members fear of retaliaFederation of Architects, Engin linist officers. On Sunday, June of the progressive membership botaged by its own command, ineligible because of time retion.
One of the strongest planks in 12, the entire Executive Board fear that their democratic rights finally broke in panic across the quirements.
Yangtse delta.
Rally To Stooge the progressive program is, Their road is the road to disaster.
spent all their energy in a blan met with Lewis in Washington, are being violated and destroyed.
therefore, the demand for the use That rout was followed by the The only way in which the workers can protect them Ret endorsement of the pres. and after a six hour con The Martin leadership has failThey have consequently rallied of the secret ballot in all voting (Continued on page Continued on page 3)
selves against the fascist dictators is by organized ident so called recovery pro ference, Martin announced the around one of their stooges noon district wide propositions exdefense.
minated by Local 51, one A1 cept strikes. Among other planks If the workers of Jersey City, especially the unions tions pointed out that such comMilitants in these organizaGhidoni, a man whom they do in the program, around which the not deign to present before the opposition has rallied the rankmembers of the various locals and file, are the following: spite of Hague mobsters, there is an easy way to do relief appropriation bill would for campaigning because of his The establishment of a machine it: Surround every meeting with a strong Labor De only pave the way for pay cuts obvious lack of qualifications: he rotation system such as is used is neither a speaker nor an or in other building trade wions fense Guard, sufficiently numerous, determined, disreplied with the slogan: Pass ganizer nor much of anything for a fair dispensation of jobs ciplined and trained to ward off any attacks.
the Recovery Bill to stop wage except an obedient hand raiser. coming into the district office If the workers of Queens, who hate fascism and its Result: the bill is well Their whole procedure in the among the members; the elecpetty dictators, are to answer the threat of castor oil on the way to final adoption, and The desperate plight of revolutionary re homes for themselves. Laws have been passed matter shows that the Stalinists tion of all paid officials no apand rubber hose, they must organize their self defense eut.
the workers have had their pay fugees who are denied all relief and the right denying them citizenship and making it imwere entirely taken by surprise pointments; for a genuine to work, and who are threatened with deporta(Continued on page 2)
possible for non citizens to obtain any work and that they are entering into Every organization tion from France and Czechoslovakia, has calNobody every gained his rights by begging for them Hundreds are in danger of being deported to in New York is completely and led forth an organized effort to come to their Faseist countries, where concentration camps Youthful Revolutionist Is on bended knee. Nobody ever kept his rights by plead bureaucratically controlled by the aid. Last week the American Fund for Political and death await them.
ing with those who are destroying them. The masses Communist Party. Some of the unions have been reduced to mere Prisoners and Refugees was organized in New Arrested By GPU In Spain have a right to defend themselves from the fascists. And paper organs of People FrontPLIGHT OF REVOLUTIONISTS York City, with George Novack as Secretary.
only by exercizing that right can they insure the pre ism. Inasmuch as a properly The members of the Committee are: Martin But it is the plight of revolutionary refugees servation of all their rights.
conducted struggle of these orAbern, James Burnham, James Cannon, Rose which is the most tragic of all. Denied relief ganizations would be one direct Karsner, Pearl Kluger, Harry Milton, Fannie Independent News reports Stalinist Unified Socialist Youth by liberal and Stalinist organizations and con the arrest of Wilebaldo Solano. whose Trotsky killing ed against the national and city Neff, George Novack, Lyman Paine, and Jac SWP Intensifies Campaign stantly harried by the government, they lead leader of the Iberian Commun. brought him such titles governments, the bosses of the Wasserman. Since all the members of this workers, the Stalinists a precarious existence, in constant danger of ist Youth (P. as well claim as beloved leader, shincommittee have had a wide and varied exper: sacrifice the interests of the ience in defense work, it is to be expected that being deported. Outright starvation is the fate as several other members of the ing guide, illustrious chief, as a energetic action, already too long delayed, will of many of them. Some, driven to desperation, same organization. Following the etc. has been unmasked ernment, rank and file march attempted frame up of Murris, pure and simple Fascist!
have already turned to suicide as the only alterbe forthcoming on behalf of the harried and Adolpho and other Bolshevik Of course, this case is not just NEW YORK. In a week of freeking East Side slum. on Washington to protest the persecuted vietims of European reaction.
native to slow starvation.
Leninists, reported in the Social. an ironic incident. Every Fascist intense aetivity, the lower East The American Fund for Political Prisoners Every night during the past 1, 000 ruling was originally planist Appeal of May 28, the who wanted to protect his hide Side Branch of the Socialist week hundreds of workers sign ned for the week end of June 25. NOVACK AS SECRETARY and Refugees has been organized to raise funds and its allies are apparently has found that simple enough.
Workers Party and its youth ed a petition to the authorities, when it appeared as if this acfor these revolutionists, to enable them to live moving against all Spanish re All that was necessary was to section, the Young People So drawn up by the de tion might really create a rum George Novack is widely known as the former and to fight deportation into the hands of the volutionists still at liberty. get a or card cialist League, have been follow manding that all families living pus in Washington, the plans secretary of the American Committee for the Fascist butchers, Plans are under way to form Wilebaldo Solano is not un and join in leading the fight ing up the campaign inaugurated in old law tenements be imme were changed completely. Defense of Leon Trotsky, one of the most effilocal bodies in all the main centers to aid the known among the revolutionary against Trotskyism. The Stalast week to galvanize New diately moved into safe and saniTo Piekat Reactionaries ciently conducted and successful defense actiYork slum population into an tary homes, that the cost of youth. He is the leader of an lirists have from the first purwork of the American Fund.
vities seen in the United States. He will be organization which has furnished sued a policy of extending hands organized fight against the fire moving be borne by the city, that Instead a rank and file march assisted by Pearl Kluger, who was also assoRUSH AID NOW!
the revolutionary fronts of the to the discontented Fascists.
trap tenement menace.
the moving entail no increased with hundreds of workers travel ciated with him in the work of that committee.
civil war with hundreds of brave Not a single Fascist, on the The campaign, which was in rents, and that all old law tene ing by any means at their disThe American Fund calls upon workers to The growing tide of reaction in Europe has and heroic combattants. The other hand, has been able to hide augurated when a woman, Mrs. ments be closed up and demolish posal, the leadership has subEsther Cohen, and aid it in raising funds for this purpose. Give number of his comrades in arms in the ranks of the Iberian Comone of her ed. The number of signatures is stituted a plan of sending deleforced thousands of revolutionary workers to flee their homes. From Italy, Germany, Austria, now to enable these valiant comrades to live who figure on the honor role of munist Youth.
children met death in a tenement already well over the 1, 000 mark. sates at a cost of each. Inand to fight for their ideals! Collection lists revolutionary martyrs is legion. Solano Hfe is in danger!
blaze at Avenue and Houston Workers eagerly contributed mo stead of going on Saturday when Spain and other countries, they sought refuge are now available and may be obtained at the While these heroes of Every true anti Faseist, every Street, in which more than a ney and pledged their aid in the workers were free, they are in the lands of democracy.
office of the American Fund, Room 1609, 100 struggle against Franco languish true friend of workers Spain, score of persons were injured on carrying the campaign further. to go on Monday, June 27, which The democratic governments of France and Fifth Avenue, New York City. Checks and in prison under charges of treas, must come to his aid! Protest June 4, swept forward as our Bringing home in striking increases the cost of each dele Czechoslovakia have, within the last few money orders should be made payable to George on and espionage, the leader of comrades continued intensive fashion the ever present fire peril gate by the day pay he will months, made it virtually impossible for these the anti Trotskyist campaign the arrest and imprisonment of work through the streets of the (Continued on page 2)
Novack, secretary, and sent to the office of the (Continued on page 2) refugees to rehabilitate their lives, to make new against them a man named the heroic comrades, the Fund.
Jaime Casadamont, head of the veterans of 1936.
gram Assist Persecuted Revolutionists cuts.