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SOCIALIST APPEAL June 11, 1938 Socialist Appeal Hague Will Be Ousted Keeping Out of War By Workers Offensive Vol. II. No. 24. Saturday, June 11, 1938 Published every week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for months. Foreign: 50 per year, Bundle order cents per copy. Single copies cents.
All checks and money orders should be made out to the Socialist Appeal.
Entered as second class matter September 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES Associate Editors. STANLEY Business Manager. We are absolutely in favor of direct mong the whoenen Republicans triks field of the Art of a ing them from the owercrowded fectly aware of the fact that it every capitalist power in the Jobs or Relief!
The somber plight of the unemployed is again headline news. Chicago, second largest city in the country, has closed its relief bureaus. In Cleveland, where one in every three depends on direct relief or relief has broken down since the end of April and spontaneous sit downs have occurred. Drives against the workers living standards and very lives are being conducted all over the country.
In order to live, the workers must have wages, must have purchasing power.
This is obtainable only from two sources: either private industry or the government. But capitalism is in a new period, the period of its dotage, of its decline, of its bankruptcy. It cannot profitably give more wages and a better life. It can only give more unemployment and slow death.
This is fully realized in Wall Street.
Months before the current depression set in, Frederick, outstanding financial writer, warned: Industry will not be able to absorb them (the unemployed. despite valiant promises. The problem is beyond industry; it is and will remain a social, governmental problem.
And what is the government doing to solve the problem? What work and wages does it give the unemployed?
Little, very little. Barcly enough to keep them quiet. With fifteen million unemployed, Hopkins announced that the will first give three million jobs in the winter. At the most, only one out of five wili get a job. And those who do get jobs at what wages will they get them? In the South, the monthly wage is as low as 20 a month. In New York City, most of the workers get 55. 78 a month. No man can support his family decently on such wages. Whether down South or up North, they mean slow starvation even for those who do get a job.
These conditions are intolerable. Private industry and the capitalist system of profits cannot furnish jobs. We must prepare to throw this system into the discard and replace it with a system that will give jobs and a decent life to all.
We must fight for and establish socialism.
Meanwhile the unemployed need help NOW. We must demand of the government: JOBS AT TRADE UNION WAGES. OR RELIEF. FOR ALL THE UNEMPLOYED!
Those who do not get jobs must get PROMPT relief within 72 hours. In emergency cases within 24 hours. And the relief budget must not be the starvation budget which it is now!
The unemployed can never get relief by keeping quiet. Militant action nationwide sit ins, mass picket lines, and vast demonstrations that end in marches on the centers of government, now the city hall, then the state capitol, and, when necessary, on the national capitol itself is needed.
Actions such as these will show the bosses and their government that the unemployed victims of their system mean business. The Soviet Union today again balked a British Tory plan to aid the fascist armies in Spain under the guise of nonintervention. Cahan, Soviet Embassy Counsellor, informed the international Non (Continued from page 1)
Intervention Committee that the Soviet condition that they shall not be used for armament purposes.
Government refused to contribute to the By JAMES RALEIGH church pressure is less than impotent and useless as far as If these poor nations (the Fasiest nations abandon cost of the unequal evacuation of foreign likely. Yet very significant is an declaring or carrying on strikes Mayor Hague control over incident of last year, in the very was concerned. Third, local busiarmament economics and gear the production of their industries fighters in Spain.
Jersey City is so complete that midst of Hague initial fightness rallied to the boss moral to the consumption of their people, they can secure American Moscow has held out single handed most liberal observers expect against the drive in and financial support to preraw materials. government expressing the popular will for against the other members of the chair liberation from his domination Jersey City. Although the vent strikes in their plants.
peace would declare that, on condition and in the measure that man Sub Committee of Nine in oppos agency sends him to the limbo by implication anti. Catholie, hold their posts, not by the grace armaments production is reduced, the United States will take ing the entire plan as a deliberate at of departed souls. These onlook nevertheless a group of under of the membership, but by in.
its part (while protecting American labor standards) along with other nations in lowering tariff barriers, in extending raw tempt to aid the fascist troops to win ers consider futile any fight to paid Catholic grave diggers endulgence of Hague. Any move in materials credits, in setting up agencies for economic world a rapid victory, in line with the Cham remove him. What these blind tered upon a sit down strike. the ranks toward independence cooperation to relieve distress and to make an economic alternberlain Mussolini pact of friendship.
souls do not see is that Hague Needless to say, it was hastily is promptly suppressed by the ative to war possible.
So far, so good.
as his equally vicious successor, settled and hushed up. Translat bureaucrats lest the union be If we refrain for a moment from the side splitting laughter But on June 3, a mere 48 hours later, Three or four years are all that event means only one thing: The lose the last vestige of organizaed into ordinary language this thrown into receivership and thus evoked by the mental picture of the fascist (or any other capitalthe same paper prints a new dispatch are needed for this job. In that worker will not always be fool tion. Such receivership is easily ist) nations gearing the production of their industries to the from London, after Cahan Stalin have time the numerous political deals ed by an institution, political or effected in New Jersey, simply consumption of their people (this double barrelled drivel was put out by a commission whose secretary was the noted Marxian capitulated completely to the Chamber gated by Hague to the young own immediate material welfare. affidavits that the union funds scholar, Lewis Corey. we see stated in the smoothest poslain Mussolini pact, to the deliberate man to follow him. personal His obeisance to a church which are being squandered, or that the sible terms the classic position of American imperialist isolaattempt to aid the fascist troops. and obligation to this new figure dwells on his hereafter will union is insolvent and cannot tionism.
with a perfectly straight face presents ADOPT CLASSIC POSITION OF IMPERIALISM this capitulation as a. Soviet Loyalist byreverdi politics de beneficiarropation in a labor union which that other equitable grounds every judge, prosecutor, tax col caters to his well being increases for receivership exist.
lector, policeman, street cleaner The only force capable of eli. Then, it may be asked, why It is true, of course, that American isolationism. like Nazi The British plan will be acceptable and worker, overy build. minating Hagueism from Jersey doesn Hague permit the o.
autarchy is only a myth, a utopia, a deception; that it is the to the Soviet Government, Cahan aning contractor supply man, gara City or his equivalent from any to come into Jersey City a na typical American method of preparing for imperialist expansion nounced, only on condition that interna road builder.
bage collection company and other locality is the working organize, and as soon as that is and aggression and for Wall St. domination of the entire world.
tional observers be stationed permanent Hague nephew will inherit continue to be split by groupings its head the threat of receiverBut that only serves to emphasize the thoroughly reactionary, ly in Spanish ports to control and check the throne by his own right. that do them no good. They ship? The answer is that if the imperialist nature of American isolationism.
One administration after another Roosevelt included has unloading of cargoes.
Then our well meaning but do divide politically between Re. does organize, then to cleverly put forward the very same ideas formulated by the nothing liberals will have the publican and Democratie parties retain its membership it must Other points in the British draft of job of wishing for the death of to maintain a sham of a two extract from local industry some Keep America Out of War Congress. They have enabled the methods of counting foreign troops, the new king. The death of an party system, in reality not even wage and hour benefits. These American ruling class to pose as enemies of war, of armament division of their forces into four main individual solves no vital political a one party system, but its concessions cannot be granted races, as a government expressing the popular will. and problems.
categories, and control provisions, are apotheosis, a one man system. without stimulating wider orgaat the same time enabled it to justify its own war preparations, acceptable to the Cahan said. Hopeless Courses Again, they group themselves nization and at the same time its own armaments program, and to advance towards the imperjalist conquest of the world, In other words, the ChamberlainAny attempt to effect Hague strong Catholic allegiance. And alienating industry proportionately.
Why? How?
Mussolini plan, the deliberate attempt removal. or his successor re then, still more tragically, many Wealthiest, most highly industrialized, most ambitious power to aid the fascist troops to win a rapid moval, by resort to the tradition of them observe economic group Runaway Shops in the world today, the United States since the end of the last victory, is perfectly acceptable now to al political parties is equally prejudices within their own ranks, Jersey City is a town of runWorld War has constantly sought to blackjack its imperialist Stalin if only. it is properly enforced! hopeless. Hague, a Democrat, a bias against the has insinuated himself into the away shops, businesses that have rivals into reducing their armaments by holding over their heads And by the way, now that the Kremlin Republican Party and by patronNo Real Conflict fled from other cities to get the the threat of its own economic and financial power. If you bureaucracy is committed to such an age has tamed all potential opjump on their competitors by the disarm, we ll give you loans. If you spend less money on The fact is that until this date low wages made possible by local position from that source. The the two types of unions have non unionized labor. This influx absolute embargo on Spain, is it not cannon and airplanes, and pay us back the billions we loaned Hague. Hoffman, Democratic not conflicted in Jersey City ex of sweatshops and home work you during and after the war, we will help you economically.
exceptionally hypocritical for the Brow If you disarm, we ll cut down our own armaments proporRepublican alliance in the last cept in Hague mind. No effort industries has served and saved tionally.
New derites to continue shouting in York and Washington for a lifting of open scandal. In addition, the the newcomer of the two, to steal giving some residents a bare very cunning policy of tails win and heads you lose. For constant rivalry and dissension either or the indus wage thus remov the shrewd American isolationists and disarmers are perand ample aid by the American work sition is reduced to a farce.
is to pronounced that this oppo Nevertheless, the of L, relief rolls and so reducing the world, the included, were to disarm 100 per cent tomorrow, leaders in general have evinced strain on city finances; second, the United States would be in the decisively dominant position ers to the workers of Spain. We are As to rebellion against a marked hostility to the by making vacant industrial projust as firmly opposed to the vicious em Hague by a fusion party or by a attempt to unionize the unorgan perties tenantable once more and when the next war broke out. Its industrial and financial superiority would enable it to turn oyt more arms and munitions per bargo of Mr. Browder Roosevelt which group within his own party, this ixed. This enmity always arises so restoring them to the ranks is impossible so long as Hague concurrently with Hague anim of sites that contribute the needminute than its rivals could produce per hour.
prevents the Spanish workers from gethas control over the election ap osity, and invariably the ed taxes that seem increasingly COVER FOR ROOSEVELT WAR PREPARATIONS ting arms but facilitates the armament paratus. In tabulating the votes of ondemnation is ac harder to collect as time passes.
of Franco through Germany. And we whether Republican, Democratic companied by a lavish endorse. If the is allowed to orAnd when its rivals, who are just as well aware of the strataare no less firmly opposed to the aid or otherwise, Hague employs his ment of our mayor, staunchganize, the fly by night shops gem, refuse to fall for it, and continue (as imperialism everywhich Mr. Browder Stalin now proown unique method of counting friend of labor. The labor spokes. will fly again, these two benefits where must) to pile up their armaments strength, the United Any effort to verify it in terms men behind these declarations of with them. Hague, to maintain poses to give to the Chamberlain Mus of our own numerical system is loyalty and confidence are fre. Mmself, must fight any effort to States wins again! Then Roosevelt, like his predecessors, says solini plan those are the Daily Work wasted, as witness the futile ef quently men who in the past have further organize labor.
with feigned resignation and sorrow: You see, we offered them a reasonable proposition. In the words of the Keep America er words for a fascist victory in of the last gubernatorial election the fiercest terms. Today they the workers cannot be unionized.
Out of War Congress, we offered our economic resources on Spain.
to get the registry books in make dictated speeches and sign condition that they shall not be used for armament purposes.
Jersey City in order to determine prepared statements in his praise on the contrary, the field is most But they turned us down. They are arming at a furious pace.
We regret it terribly, but we have no alternative but to arm ourSocialist Party and the the actual duly qualified vote without even reading them be fertile for an intelligent and for Hague governor, Harry forehand. This is the bureau energetic campaign. Jersey City selves in turn, not, God forbid! for aggression, but only for After weeks of the most careful nego in Jersey City and in the resave fallen into, rubber Stamp en understanding, hard working defence in It is this monstrous duping of the American masses that has tiation, from which was excluded any mainder of Hudson County, really business agents and ditto mark and honest leaders who must persistently and consistently, not one continuous city, Hague ar. delegates.
now been taken up as the principal anti war panacea of the representative of the Socialist Party ranges for a vote big enough to Why Hague and the of cheaply and dramatically, ore Washington congress to Keop America Out of War!
who has or once had the label of a left Its fathers are not Lovestone, Corey and Thomas. They are winger, the excutive committee of the carry the whole state, normally are so vigilant in protecting ganize both the workers and the Republican.
sees es ciejl from the radical. unemployed. healthy nucleus only the belated god fathers of the natural and legitimate child American Labor Party has turned down Next, Jersey City is of American imperialism. To Roosevelt sabre rattling Chicago the appeal for admission into its ranks 70 per cent Roman Casteputedly is a question of great exists in the and importance. To begin with, the which were organized before the speech on quarantining the aggressor, they echo: Economic made by the Thomas Party.
the Church loyally supports rank and file as well as the lead drive of last November, such quarantine for the warming powers (simply another name for aggressor. If this means anything, it means economic warfare The rejection is interesting from the They did even before he gave a been in years past victimized sound material is the unemploystandpoint of both organizations. 50, 000 cash donation to the and intimidated. Now they are ed. Even the rank and file of the on the so called fascist nations, or the poor nations, or the aggressor nations. It means, more importantly, that Wolfe, The real leaders of the Socialist Party parish church. Now priests in completely regimented by Hague. and intelligently organized drive.
the sanctified privacy of the conAllen, Corey and Co. are calling upon the capitalist imperialist shell, Thomas and Laidler, offered their fessional box deem it proper to Receivership Weapon government the bourgeoisie of the United States to launch organization to the bureaucracy ask parishioners if they voted This was accomplished chiefly this economic war, and that they are ready to support the at a pretty cheap price. Playing in with for Hague. Of course, when through receivership suits against government in it.
the Dubinsky Jewish Forward Social Hague hollers communism at a number of union locals. First, AND STILL THEY BECOME PATRIOTS!
Democratic Federation group, which his opponents, the priests fitting the vicious patronage system was But Wolfe, Corey and Lovestone, who, unlike Thomas, are at would like to see the Thomasites in the chorus: Communism seeks to the appointment of Hague releast acquainted with the ideas of Marxism and the realities of as a counter weight to growing destroy the Church.
ceivers and attorneys whose large modern politics, know that economic warfare is only incipient Stalinist penetration, the negotia Thus, an ouster of the Jersey fees liquidated the unions funds, Just how the army is building military warfare, that the tter is only a continuation tors debased themselves to the point City dictator as a result of Second, the unions were rendered up war psychology through the movies is explained in a Hollyformer by other, more violent means. Their knowledge, also, where they offered to dissolve as a poliwood letter published in the has not prevented them from adopting a program of imperialist tical party once they were admitted. The New York Times for May 29.
isolationism, forerunner of imperialist war.
party which not so long ago spoke about Pressure was put on Para That is why the Washington congress was not a means of mo.
its masses and mass influence was mount to change the ending of bilizing the masses for struggle against imperialist war, but a its new film, Men with Wings. gross pacifist fraud, aided and abetted by the Thomasites and and is prepared to liquidate itself into a As originally planned the piddling little educational society, givmovie ended with the heroine congress masquerades the class struggle was not mentioned, the Lovestone leaders. That is why as in the Stalinist peaceing lectures on Laidlerian socialism to giving a fervid talk condemning That is why the independent class action of the organized prothe in the hope that some day (Continued from page 1) see only one conceivable way war plans. However, as the letter letariat the only possible basis for a struggle against warit will work itself down to the level of ular army and navy appropria out: in the aggressive adventure states,. the dialogue was retions of more than billion of a new imperialist war. written personalize the emo was prominent only by its complete absence; it was Jim Crowed the Fabian Society in the British Labour dollars swept through both Preparedness Moves tions of the heroine, and a geout of the Congress.
houses of Congress and across On that question alone denunciation of war is The bureaucracy, which con, sistema avoided.
trols the party as a board of directors the feeblest, most apologetic and Billions were poured into the the pressure used was the impotent objections, the special war machine; the foundations threat to withold army air ser PARTISAN REVIEW FOR JUNE controls a closed corporation, nevertheless turned down this generous, if abject, Naval Bill triumphantly authoriz were laid for universal conserip: vice co operation and technical ROSA LUXEMBURG: Letters from Prison. Sixteen pages of offer. More exactly, the Hillman Stal There is much here from which and a dictatorial war regime; made.
letters written by Luxemburg from her World War Prison to inist combination turned it down. The to learn. Indeed, this session of the movement for a popular re In such a manner does the the wife of Karl Liebknecht. First time in English. Plus documentary Newsreel, on the murder of Luxemburg and Congress by its own actions ferendum on war, with over government, through its most statement by executive secretary Alex Liebknecht in 1919.
Rose is a model of arrogance and buclearly and unmistakably sym whelming mass support behind powerful propaganda medium, bolized the insoluble dilemma of it, was smashed head on. prepare the road to war. EDMUND WILSON: Karl Marx Prolet Play. In which reaucratic self contentment: American and of world capital Under the leadership of RooMarx and Engels form People Front against Bourbonism. If the wants to join the ism. The bankruptcy of capitalist sevelt, this Congress set a direct and otherwise hew to the Stalinist line.
SUBSCRIBE NOW TO economy leaves normal capitalist course toward war, in whose WILLIAM TROY: Thomas Mann and the Modern Myth. Part because of an honest change of heart, of a critical study of Mann work. Parts and to appear and in the feeling that our methods in ther Republican nor Democrat, American capitalism grasps for THE SOCIALIST APPEAL next month.
political education have been more suc neither Old Deal nor New Deal, what it takes to be its sole hope LOUIS HACKER: History and the Business Man. review cessful and because they, too, want to has any answer to give. They of survival.
of Mary Beard book.
make their contribution toward this new5. JAMES BURNHAM: American Literary Opinion.
joins the distinguished company of the So far as anybody knows, neither Wein6. ALSO: poetry, reviews, theatre chronicle.
ly adopted method, they are welcome. bosses of the Catholic Church and the stock nor Quill have disaffiliated from Coming in July: VICTOR SERGE on Marxism Limitations and But if they want to come into our party Communist Party.
the Communist Party of which they are Possibilities, MEYER SHAPIRO on Lewis Mumford The to reform our party in the direction of Culture of Cities, DWIGHT MACDONALD Decline Bureaucratism and hypocrisy are Sia members, nor have they made such a the Soviet Cinema (1930 1938. more orthodox methods, then we are mese twins in politics. Hence it is not demand on the hundreds (if not thouSPECIAL OFFER: ISSUES FOR better off apart.
surprising to see that in justifying their sands) of Stalinists who have been ship Partisan Review, In other words, the program, methods, adverse stand on the application, ped into the in droves.
22 East 17th st. New York City.
and leadership of the are sacro. such members of the executive Of the two partners to the unconsumsanct and unalterable in perpetuity, and committee as Louis Weinstock and Enclosed is Please send me the next six issues. If you prefer, mated bargain, the professional demo we will bill you. short shrift will be given anybody who, Michael Quill piously declared that if crats of the executive proved to Namo lacking faith in infallibility, pro the members want to join the be as alien to democratic procedure as Address poses to change. reform. the party A. they must disaffiliate completely the Socialist Party leaders are to the (Regular rates: 25 cents a copy, 50 a year. course. By this statement, Mr. Rose from the and dissolve the latter. principles of socialism.
Hollywood Bows To Orders On War Film the Congress Reveals Utter Bankruptcy Of New Deal Aiding the Loyalists England, France and the United States the great democracies presented to us by the Communist Party as the friends of the Spanish peoplehave dug more than one dagger into the back of the Loyalist forces since the beginning of the civil war. One of the latest thrusts is the Chamberlain plan to evacuate foreign fighters in Spain in such a manner as is obviously to the disadvantage of the Loyalist side.
Supported by England and the French Popular Front government, it was at first denounced by the Stalinist press as equivalent to aiding the fascists. The same press pointed proudly to the fact that Stalin diplomatic representative in London would have no part of such a dirty deal.
On Wednesday, June 1, the Daily Worker put it this way: