BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

Saturday, June 11, 1938 401 Five Cents per Copy THE FIGHT FOR RELIEF Weinstock AKRON DETROIT NEWARK Defeated By Own Local The Workers Can Make Only One Answer! Congress Reveals New Deal Futility UNITY SHOWN ON WAR PLANS Labor Guard City Wide Relief Sit In NEW EVIDENCE Must Answer IN FIGHT FOR Called For JAILED MINERS Hague Menace Alliance Progressive Group SWP Rallies Held Kentucky Giavernor Gets Demands Militant To Protest Slum Program Firetrap Menace NEW YORKubu Starting Beinning to handle the minimum NEW YORK Louis Weinstock, leading Stalinist in the Within less than two weeks, three events have occurNew York Painters Union and Secretary treasurer of Disred on the labor front in the United States which bring trict Council 9, was eliminated home an elementary lesson to any worker who has eyes as a candidate to succeed himto see with and a mind capable of thinking.
self when members of his In Detroit, members of the and sympathizown local, 848, defeated him by a vote of 449 to 389 and ers, engaged in picketing the struck American Brass named Louis Stevens as Company, were savagely attacked by strike breaking their candidate. Election rules Capitalist Legislators Strip Wages and Hours Bill police not protected, but attacked. Tear gas, clubs and of the painter district couneil provide that a candidate Of Progressive Features, Display Impotence guns were their weapons. Result: more than 50 workmust be named by his own ers injured, several arrested, others sent to the hospital local.
In Face of Deepening Crisis and the picket line broken up.
This defeat of the Stalinists is all the more significant in Assault In Akron view of the fact that in the In Akron, more than a hundred rubber workers were past Local 848 nominated injured when the police in the service, as usual, of Weinstock UNANIMOUSLY as its candidate for the major the bosses made a brutal, armed sally against the Completing a five months resentials; and the two measures office in cord of unparalleled incompetence, were emerging, shorn of all conpicket line surrounding the struck Goodyear Rubber The defeat of Weinstock confusion and sterility, the Third structive content, and designed Company plant. Once again, the picket line was broken marks a major victory for the Congress of the New Deal this only as demagogie talking points up to facilitate the work of the scabs.
progressives in the New York week plunged brokenly toward in the fall elections. short time later, Norman Thomas, head of the Painters Union, who have the close of its third and final been carrying on a campaign session.
Wages and Hours Bill Socialist Party, attempted to speak at a public meet against the disruptive prac.
With all congressional eyes The Wages and Hours Bill ing in Military Park, Newark. He had a permit from tices of the Stalinist leader turned toward election day, the the local authorities. The police were on the scene, ship in the field for the comMayor LaGuardia, the Jabor mayor, has had his police dish out brutality to the unemployed concluding business of the ses provided such an abysmally low presumably to protect Thomas in the exercise of the ing election. Next week is.
sion the Wages and Hours and wage level and was so hedred sue of the Socialist Appeal in ample portions as the above photo of a recent demonstration shows while doing his best the pump priming bills. was around with restrictions, modifright of free speech. gang of reactionary hoodlums, will carry a full story on the to chisel away the meager appropriations for relief.
being stripped in conference cations and exceptions that, even who had no permit and never asked for one (the gang developments in the union, committees to vote getting es according to the Administration own analysis, it could at most sters of capital don need any. attacked the meetaffect only a few hundred thousing, assaulted Thomas, broke down the platform and, and workers. As a specifie rewith the police right on the spot, dispersed the meetcovery measure, it amounts to just about as much as a joint ing and prevented Thomas from speaking.
Congressional prayer lamenting What Free Speech Means the poverty of so many good christians, and imploring God, in In every case, the uniformed and civilian defenders his own good time. to make easof law and order were on the side of capitalism and ier the lot of his children.
reaction. In every case, they cynically trampled upon The skillfully publicized pump.
the right of free speech and assembly supposedly priming bill ended up with muc the flavor of a stale joke. Far guaranteed to the people. The only right they recognize and are interested in maintaining, is the right of Proof That Photos uine stimulus to industry, the testimony of the Administration the capitalist class to rule, to exploit, to oppress. That Thomas Meeting Broken Were Faked witnesses showed that the bill right, they seek to maintain by every means in their Up By Mobsters was utterly incapable even of power, above all by force.
In Newark How is labor to protect itself? How can it win the proof that fraudulent evidence problems of relief and unemployright to democratic liberties like free speech, free press, The black plague of Hague Local Relief Appropriation Slash Forces Plan was used by Harlan county pro ment. Under its provisions, the right to organize, to strike and to picket?
im spread to neighboring Newark Meeting Held at Scene secutors to convict four union maximum of 3, 000, 000 can be To Bring Pressure On Authorities last Saturday when a Socialist By sending telegrams of protest to mayors under miners serving life terms in the put on against a total Party rally in Military Park was Of Fatal Blaze On Evarts battle cases of 1931 was of at least 13, 000, 000 now un.
whose direction the police act? By sending telegrams broken up by mobsters masquerplaced before Governor employed. Its allow Houston Street of protest to governors who, as in Ohio, are ready to ading as veterans in collusion By GEORGE MILTON Chandler of Kentucky last Satur ances might take care, at most, with the Newark police.
supplement the police terror with the terror of the NEW YORK In spite of steadily increasing unemployment in day by the Kentucky Miners of a few hundred thousand more.
NEW YORK The lower east Defense. The four were convict. The rest of the loans it envisages Just before Norman Thomas this richest city in the world, only 9, 022, 450, was voted by the side branches of the Socialisted of conspiring to murder three will go to bail out a few shaky National Guard? By sending telegrams of protest to the President, who has as the vice chairman of the sion of thugs and ward heelers Board of Estimate for relief for the month of June, a decrease of Workers Party and wine guards who were killed. banks and railroads.
in Hague service swung into the 121, 550 from the appropriation for the month of May, and a saving ginning last Saturday night, on a search for additional evidence National Committee of his party the notorious Frank The defense has been pushing New Deal Bubble Burst Hague?
park behind a hired brass band of 721, 550 from the April figure.
the increasingly pressing prob ever since December 1936, when and marched toward the center Labor Must Defend Itself These bills are the sole and To keep within these steadily decreasing appropriations, the local lems of slums and fire trap the Governor told its represent entire answer of the New Deal of the crowd. Shouting We want dwellings.
atives to bolster up your record to the sharpest economic crisis That a waste of good money and of time unless it Americanism, we don want Welfare Department is barring from the relief roles needy single is backed up by something substantial. Nobody will On Saturday, June 4, at four and ll consider the matter fur in the history of the United Reds, the storm troopers, to men, deporting dependent relief clients back to the states and o clock in the morning, a fire ther. The prisoners are: States!
gether with their confederates countries where they came from, eliminating clothing allowances broke out in a long condemned Jones, secretary of the Evarts defend labor and its rights unless labor does it by means The bubble of the New Deal of its own organized strength. And labor is more than with eggs and vegetables, howl from the relief budgets, and attempting in every conceivable way old law tenement at 302 Hous local of the United Mine Work bursts at the first touch. It restrong enough to protect itself without asking its ene led him down when he attempted to chisel the last possible penny from the starving unemployed. ton Street in the heart of the era of America, A1 Benson, Jim quired but one serious test for to.
working class section of New Reynolds, and Chester Poore.
mies to help.
the whole New Deal strueture form.
Sit In Planned the unemployed, both organized York East Side The only way in which the workers can preserve to come tumbling down, and to and unorganized, the Stalinist The firemen took no more than The Accusation lay bare what that structure has themselves from attacks and massacres by the organizPolice Aid Mobsters Forced to take action by the cided on a city wide sit in at but by the time they arrived the ing from a third story window to hide the collapsed and Rope leadership of the has de a few minutes to reach the scene, Benson was accused of shoot for five years tried so desperately ed thugs of capital be they in civilian clothes or in Their attacks were aided and unrelenting pressure of progresentire structure was blazing like in uniform is by organizing their own ranks into Labor abetted by the Newark cops, who sive militants in the Workers relief bureaus.
Protesting the deportation of a matchbox. The flames spread 1, 700 feet away. The prosecu American capitalism.
the Smith Kelly building, lessly rotting foundations of Defense Guards!
first plowed a pathway for Alliance, and by the growing (Continued on page 2)
Hague troopers and then allow. discontent and seething among (Continued on page Continuadow page 3) The shameful, futile record of Surround every picket line with a solid wall of Defense Guards and then let the hooligans try to break and pummel the auditors, as they the New Deal during this sesed them to disrupt the meeting sion of Congress it not, however, it up!
pleased. Over a dozen people, any particular comfort to the Surround every mass meeting with a determined, or in the fight around the platform.
Thomas included, were injured Republican Southern Democratic coalition which opposed it. In ganized group of Defense Guards and then let the hop When David Clendennin of these five months the score of the ped up mercenaries of the Hagues try to disperse it! the Workers Defense League Just as the Stalinists seek to unite all their forces behind so that the latter, who represented nothing but their own opposition was exactly zero. It protested to a police captain that peace and democracy congresses whose purpose is to swing confusion and reactionary prejudices actually prevailed over the neither accomplished nor prohe had been slugged by a cop, American imperialism behind a collective security program, labor delegates, who at least represented some forces. To save posed anything at all.
he was told that he might also so the recently constituted Lovestone Thomas combination is their faces, the Lovestone Thomas bloc had the so called labor have been arrested. After the seeking to unite all and sundry behind a program of imperialist group adopt an anti embargo resolution, with emphasis on the Roosevelt Still On Top rally had been smashed and it isolationism. The first stage of its efforts has just culminated fact that this did not commit the congress as a whole. In other It is partly for this reason, in the Washington Keep America Out of War Congress, at words, it delicately refrained from compelling the pacifist melange combined with the control over ers, who had armed themselves which, taking a leaf out of the strategy book of the Communist from taking a position on this crucial question.
with clubs from the wrecked vast sums granted him by the The slight recession in the and a half years, and Ullrich Party, the actual sponsors of the Congress kept in the discreet With respect to the Soviet Union, the Congress acted even pump priming bill, that Roosewave of terror against Wittschiebe, one year and nine speaker stand, were getting a and modest background and shoved forward the by now cus more shabbily. That is, it did not act at all. Neither the velt, in spite of his defeat on Trotskyites and alleged Trotsky months.
Police Chief finished the job by the Reorganization Bill, comes nor the Lovestoneites had a single word to say about the defense ites in the Soviet Union has been. Fragmentary reports regard ordering the crowd to disband, tomary assortment of retired generals, capitalist politicians, out of the session in a still powerof the Soviet Union from inperialist attack, although this, too, professional pacifists and nostrum vendors, priests and rabbis.
made up for by a renewal of ing the cases of the Solingen restoring law and order, and ful parliamentary position. The Gestapo terror against the Ger and Cologne comrades, who were taking Thomas to Socialist headThe exceptionally shy Lovestoneites, among the chief manipu is not among the least important problems of our time. The hope of the opposing coalition man section of the Fourth In tried some time ago, have also quarters.
lators of the congress, did not even have their representatives pressure of the pacifists and bourgeois politicians was enough that the collapse of the New Deal ternational.
been received. The Solingen listed in the roster of sponsors.
in this case also to bring about the total capitulation and silence means a swing back to HooverReports from Germany inform comrades were tried in the mass of the radical wing of the Congress.
Workers Meeting Banned Coolidge Republicanism is vain. us of the arrest and conviction trial of the Gelsenkirchen The assertion that the Washington Congress adopted the prowhole era has passed since the The next day City Commissioningram of imperialist isolationism may appear, at first blush, to IMPLY APPROVAL FOR DEFENSIVE WARS days of Coolidge. American capiMagdeburg group of the Fourth formation is only available on er Joseph Byrne, a Hague stooge, be once exaggerated and contradictory. Yet, in point of cold Neither did the latter propose any revision of the Ludlow revocable decline.
Not all the pontalism has entered the stage of irInternationalists. Two trials Comrade Walsken, who received announced that he would here fact, that is precisely the case. And it explains the otherwise for open perplexing fact that this self styled anti war movement could Amendment as at present formulated, a revision, that is, which were held of the arrested com four years imprisonment, Paul after deny permilitary. Washderous generalities of the Lipprades in the Fascist courts at de Grote, who received three and air meetings in would extend the referendum on war to cover also the so called have among its sponsors such rankly reactionary Republicans mans and Glenn Franks will Berlin and Magdeburg. wars of defense, which the present Amendment provides may back ever bring normaley as Senator Capper; Representative Hamilton Fish, red baiter a half years, and Comrade ington, and Lincoln parks to all In the Berlin trial, Comrades who received two and a hait except fraternal and military or be engaged in by the government without consulting the elect again.
ganizations. These parks are in and purveyor of Nazi propaganda in the United States, against orate and which, according to all indications, will be precisely Hinze were given and years The fate of the Cologne group declared, and such meetings whose presence in the official committee the Socialist Party On one and only one question issued a mealy mouthed protest in the columns of its Chicago the pretext upon which the will precipitate the masses did the President and Congress imprisonment respectively. In is unknown beyond the informa don do the city business any into the coming imperialist war.
paper, without having the courage to take up the question on during this session display statesmanship. foree and decision.
sky received four years, Oskar tion that sentences were passed good.
The key to the program of the congress is contained in the the floor of the Congress itself, where it might mean something; And on this question the opposi.
Kramer and Walter Ruhle, three and that Comrade Metz was one Mayor Hague followed up his report of the commission on Building a War Less World, and and Representative William Lemke, late presidential candidate tion offensive by marshalling all his years each, Walter Soder, two of those involved.
the recommendations in its 3rd section, How the American on the Union Party ticket of Father Coughlin, the illustrious coalition dissolved. All forces in a tremendous rally on People Can Work for Peace. The very wording of that section hands, or nearly all, came on warrior for democracy.
Journal deck at the captain call.
Monday evening in indicates its decisive importance, for it is in the concrete steps Square. The rally was preceded WHAT THE CONGRESS FAILED TO DO proposed whereby the people can work for peace that the Unity For War by a parade led by Hague and true measure of this and similar con esses can be taken.
his Goering, Colonel Hugh Kelly, Before considering what the congress did, it is perhaps even For this question. the war head of the Veterans Law and The key sentences in the concrete proposals of section are more important to learn what it failed to do. There was no question was not a matter for worth quoting: Order League. Behind these expression of solidarity with the workers and peasants of Spain party squabbles or divisions.
grand marshals, appropriately who are engaged in a life and death battle against fascism. As a first measure of immunizing the American economy to Here all the pretenses of bourenough, came the board direc although it would seem that a congress preoccupied with the the armament infection, a government reflecting the popular geois parliamentarism drop overtors of the Chamber of Commerce will for peace would deny the economic resources of the United board. Here the fate of American question of war would take some notice of the event. Neither and two regiments of the New States to all countries now dominated or in the process of being capitalism itself, and as whole, Jersey National Guard.
did the Lovestoneites and Thomasites dare to put before the dominated by the armament system of economics. As a is directly at stake. Before that Behind the bosses and their Congress a resolution that the infamous Roosevelt embargo second measure of American initiative in resisting the armachallenge Republican, conserva.
military guards marched repre against Loyalist Spain be lifted. Neither of these steps was ment and war offensive we propose that the economic resources hearts beat at a common rhythm tive Democratic and New Deal sentatives of the Hudson County taken because of one simple consideration: the fear of antagonof the United States be offered to the arming powers only on (Continued on page 3) izing the swarm of petty bourgeois pacifists who were present; With scarcely a murmur, reg(Continued on page Continged on page KEEPING AMERICA OUT OF WAR German Trotskyists Get Long Prison Sentences appeared that the Hague mobilis Build The Socialist Appeal!
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