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Socialist Appeal Stalinists In Convention Fight the Wreckers!
Vol. II. No. 23. Saturday, June 4, 1938 Published every week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order cents per copy. Single copies cents.
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Entered as second class matter September 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES Associate Editors. STANLEY Business Manager.
ILLINOISH: VERMONT SMACK NEW YORK Hague Gangster Rule Nourished By Roosevelt New Deal Patronage The Convention Any attempt to examine the tenth national convention of the Communist Party, held this week in New York, without understanding its relationship to the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union, is doomed in advance to failure. The American Communist Party, like its sister organizations everywhere, is nothing but a diplomatic instrument of the Soviet Foreign Office.
As such, it is completely subordinated to the interests of Moscow present ruling clique.
When the convention proclaims that the is no longer a section of the Communist International, but is merely affiliated to it, the change is calculated to emphasize the 100 per cent Americanism and independence of the party. In actuality, this is only a dodge for gullible people for the sheep as Stalin would say. The truth of the matter is, as every informed person knows perfectly well, that the communist Party does not take a single serious step in one direction or another without preliminary approval by, if not on the direct initiative of, the central Stalinist bureaucracy.
This bureaucracy has long ago abandoned the belief that the working class outside of the Soviet Union can and will take power and establish a socialist regime at least in our epoch. Having landed in a blind alley as a result of its past policies, it now stakes all its cards on winning the friendship of various capitalist governments, on the theory that the latter will, if properly handled, come to the defense of the Soviet Union and above all, of the ruling clan. If properly handled, has come to mean in practise the active aid of the Communist International in holding back the working class from struggle against its rulers, and where necessary, as in Spain, in directly crushing any revolutionary movement which endangers the sovereignty of capital. To promote the class struggle, especially in the socalled democratic countries, signifies in the Stalinist mind the promotion of a movement that would alienate capitalist aid from the Kremlin and weaken those alliances, already made or in preparation, upon which Stalin and Co.
place such illusory hopes for self preservation.
SOCIALIST APPEAL Sune 4, 1938 mumbo jumbo of capitalist party conventions; the protestations of faith in In the Painters Union American Institutions, American Democracy, the American Constitution; the very careful and deliberate obliteration of all reference to or mention of the horribly un American term class struggle (imported into this country, This is the fifth and con increasingly convinced that the as is known, by a Jew called Marx)all these are not only so many emphases cluding article in the series first step is to get rid of the on the abandonment of the foundation on the situation in the New Weinstock wrecking crew. To carry out this first step means ideas of Marxism and Communism, but York Painters Union. to enable the union to work out constitute a frenzied appeal to the caIn the United States, the the answers to its problems by pitalist class to recognize the utter resagents of the Stalin machine and by collective effort.
normal rank and file discussion pectability of the Communist Party, its operate in every union, in every Progressives leading in this devotion to the status quo, its reliability workers organization, to this fight have made considerable as an ally in the coming war for the end: to make labor submissive headway. The Painters Educa defense of the Soviet Union and of and ready to be slaughtered in tional Society, which for a long American imperialist domination of the a war conducted under the ban clean, militant union on the basis time led in the agitation for a world.
fending Soviet Russia, but in met with a mighty response. In reality for the purpose of in recent weeks, progressive groups Hence the revolting piece of chauvincreasing the profits of Wall St.
ism represented by the new constitution, and of keeping the Stalinist job No. have combined into organized in all the Locals of which allows party membership only to trust in power as a dietatorship an Inter Local Conference and those loyal Americans who are citizens To the agents of the Stalin adopted a militant policy.
of the Republic or have solemnly declarmachine it is more important to Committee In Action ed their intention of becoming citizens.
use the Painters Union as a There have been and are reactionary means with which to call a May An Action Committee, elected trade unions by the score in this country Day demonstration for Collec by delegates from every progrestive Security the fine slogan sive club, is issuing a paper, the that never dared to write such an inthey use for the coming war Progressive Painter; campaignfamy into their constitutions.
than to win better conditions for ing for its position in the refethe painters.
rendums; running mass meetings for the education of the memberThe International which rescued Advance War Aims ship on every issue confronting Marxism from the mud of war socialthe union; and conducting an To the agents of the Stalin agitation for the election of ofism and taught from its inception that machine, and all its Weinstocks, ficials in the coming elections on only revolutionary methods can bring it is more important to get con the basis of their program.
about the final triumph of the workers, trol of unions in preparation for Nothing would be more fatal now has degenerated to the point where their war aims than to safe to the union than for any section guard the democratic rights of of the progressives to go in for its American section ceremoniously rethe rank and file workers.
nounces and denounces this doctrine and the agents of the Stalin machine wreckers. The membership, in To deals with the Stalinist union its advocates. The new constitution not it is more important to live in order to conduct its own affairs, peace with the bosses and to has to be educated to take an only provides for the expulsion and 705 CHE dress themselves up as respect interest in policy, in programpublic exposure of all advocates of terable patriots than to disturb not to rely on false messiahs.
rorism and violence as a method of party procedure, but brackets them with which will establish union condi The program of the progressives tions.
is simple, but direct. strike breakers, degenerates, habitual To achieve their aims, the It stands for the secret drunkards, betrayers of party confidence, provocateurs. Neither Marx, Engels, disrupt, to wreck the organiza administration defeated the proStalinists are ready to split, to bellot in all voting. In the last Lenin, nor even the pre 1924 Stalin tions of the workers if they can posal on the grounds that a sec.
not control them. Look at their ret ballot in a strike vote would could join the Communist Party under the new constitution.
By JAMES RALEIGH Under capitalism, even under Republican New Jersey, into the the auto workers union, in the give weaklings, the stool pigeons, Readers of fascist capitalism, the legion of Hence the new constitutional declara learning for the first time of unemployed manst constantly works program that save hand they are ready to line up with of the Stalinists, progressives the daily press, political miefite and disappointed folleratie electoral college, foodworkers unions, and you get ete, a chance to play the bosses the psychological public the same picture everywhere: came order to call the hand tion that the party opposes with all its Frank Hague and his domination grow. Even under early develop to mouth jobs to millions just the most reactionary elements, are preparing to submit an power any clique, group, circle, faction or party which conspires or acts to submain to conclude that the com near the overwhelming numbers deeply grateful to these two tion, if they cannot get controlling for a secret ballot on all ques.
in Jersey City, are induced in the are present, though at nowhere (tion to make the masses feel every working class organiza. laws of the District Council, callvert, undermine, weaken or overthrow motion over popular rights now characteristic of capitalism charitable gentlemen on the se for their anti working class sims. tions except the strike vote.
any or all institutions of American demo engendered there by rebellious final stages.
cond Tuesday in November. It is impossible go into cracy. If this is not a direct quotation elements is a purely sporadic Election versus Appointment from any of a number of state Criminal in due course either as a result Not Big Enough Recalcitrants Removed great detail. follow up of events in the American labor The program stands for Syndicalism Laws, it is a perfect paraObviously Hague political, In Jersey. men are removed movement, reported in these co the election of all union reprephrase. The Communist Party is at once et en deve te pune opinion vender machine, no matter how well from federal jobs and lumns every week, can furnish sentatives and against the app watch dog and Lord High Executioner cause of the people fatigue in reared, can not be made big pointedly told that they had vot the interested reader with suffi printment of organizers through for American capitalist rule and its inopposing his intrenched power. enough to carry all the disgrunt ed against Hague. Only favored cient details. For our purpose, political favoritism.
whose applicants, vouched for by for the purpose of understanding The Progressives are agitastitutions. And when one party functionAnalysis will show this in not led residents of the city. clo Hague district leaders, can the role of the Stalinists in the ting for an open rotation system the case.
disgruntlement soon ary declares (Daily Worker, May 20, Briefly stated, Hague control quence in numbers and unity aspire to fill these vacancies. Painters union, what has been to be used in dispensing jobs 1938) that the danger they (the reac of the whole local government, Several years ago, Hague had Lawyers, who by nature of their said above is enough to furnish under the 25 per cent rule, preferences to be given to the militionaries) see of communism is not that begins with the police and ends already enlarged his apparatus more articulate profession, are a key to the situation.
tant pickets. Open rotation sysAgainst the Wreckers the Communists will destroy the Contok major public of the link sefere heavy. Those who could not get criminated against by the dwindtems are now in force in the stitution, but that they will uphold and City as Commissioner of Public the only grumblers. Property off by being given foreclosure stocks and their henchmen, the trades unions. Such a system In order to defeat the Wein Union, as well as other building Plumbers Union, the Plasterers Stalinist position of guardian and police and fire department with their ownerse became dissatisfied with han forma del morfederal no encion policy which guided their actions wade abolish the Sweapon systeme man of the document which legally con most ideal center for building a maintain it. The mbda meless e uno yetkerwritoorne projektet resewing As agents of Stalinism they are linist administration now uses secrates and seeks to perpetuate the rule of capitalism in the United States. individual obligations of the cops provision was being made for projects, music projects, lawyers undoubtedly the greatest danger for its intimidation of the mem Hence, the active intervention by the for planning his rotating crop still working in local industries palliatives are mysteriously clos determines their whole course in among the unemployed. The Progressives are fightof patronage and graft. True to were becoming embittered at the edeto tenemies af Frank Hague kick backs, speed up, the breakinadequate and even Communist Party in American politics expectation, the political manure All in all, conditions in Jersey In the five years of the New down of union standards; their ing for a practical plan to orin opposition to independent working in these two fields of class action and organization. In the safety nourished his creeping City, as elsewhere, were ripe, not Deal not one outspoken word has grab for control through ap ganize the painting industry in name of the newly coined democratic wines until they were finally enfor revolution, but merely change. been uttered, nor one unmistakab eointed officials; their fear of the union Shops where mich front, the Communist Party seeks to county and state officialdom.
Into this hectic picture, on the Roosevelt was opposed to the file by means of the secret bal into practice. Speed up (spraycrush in the egg any movement of labor Against the Stalinist wreckers back still has to be done away ling, dipping) as well as kickto break from its subjugation to the old Know Who Will Pass individualist, Herbert Hoover, coings on in Jersey under the lot.
stepped the smiling Friend of other day in regard to the de in the District Council adminis, with.
capitalist parties. With the same slogan, Today, ordinary people in the Forgotten Man, Franklin portation from Jersey City of tration, all progressive forces of it tries to whip the workers into line Jersey know in advance who win Delano Roosevelt.
Among the Norman Thomas and the intimi the Painters union are now be gressivele stands For closer Probehind the reactionary slate of the De pass civil service examinations others he came to save was dation of Representatives Con ing welded together.
operation with the Building Counc mocratic Party in Pennsylvania, so long the legiti conducted, who will be elected Jersey City. Jolly Franklin tod announced that Hague denial every painter concerned with the mate labor movement for a real as it makes some of the concessions to labor which it thought it could ignore to public office before they are diled tilinto American history, of constitutional rights was pure fate of the union, will have to housing program that will do before (Daily Worker, May 20, 1938) to jail for clection law viola little toycart full of alphabet got to add a Hague police mat differences painters may have needed work for the unemployed tions before they are tried. blocks to occupy the minds of ter. But then Hague is a vice with regard to the solution of painters, instead of the miserably Hague power rests on his at the American unemployed and to chairman of the National Demo their troubles, all are becoming inadequate housing program of Hence, the generally recognized pro solute domination of all sides of provide free kindling wood for cratic Committee.
fered by the government under war agitation of the Stalinists, calculat public life. And where private all the troubled Frank Hagues preparing his petition: he forgot the Roosevelt Needs Hague ed to drive the American workers into life crosses his path, as it must throughout the country. This o witness all the signers as they the trenches for the greater glory of sooner or later, private life must was a godsend, for there was The Fight Is On One hand washes the other. made their signatures. His petimake detour.
more than one set of letters in Without Hague to Yankee imperialism and in the alleged No one of importance eriticises Roosevelt wagon. There were jobs to make voters obcounty clerk. His political black program, the united Inter Incal dispensetion was thrown out by Hague On the basis of this minimum interests of the Soviet Union. him publicly without suffering even triple s for the farmers ligated to the Democratic Party, mail failed. Longo was tried for Conference of Progressives Clubs retribution. No one of influence and tripie s for the youths. Roosevelt could not have carried election law violations, the has begun its fight against the Hence, finally, the pledge of the organizes against him unless he In the early days of the gold. New Jersey. Without Roosevelt first such case in New Jersey. Stalinist wreckers. The hope for to American capitalism to ferret out, a blackmailing device to induce seeking to fill the thousands of ments to him, Hague could not are regular, even in Hague own cess with which this program seeks to use the organization as rush to Washington, applicants to delegate New Deal appoint although such irregularities the union painter lies in the suc hound, suppress and lynch every true Hague to buy him out. But woe new jobs both there and in New have maintained his political petitions. Longo was convicted can be carried out. sentiment opponent of capitalist oppression and ex unto him who incautiously Jersey were frankly told to see control over the state. But the to get him out of the way.
for it is on the increase. Enploitation, every real fighter against blunders in this maneuver, for their congressmen. And Hague signposts point to trouble. The Jury Packed thusiasm for the Progressive capitalism and the sham which it calls he may driven out and ruined. congressmen were equally frank recession has come upon New fight may be gauged by the re democracy. Drive them out of the in telling them to see their ward Jersey no less than upon Illinois. The jury was packed and the sponse that their printed paper Democracy in Jersey leaders back home. Hague lost and Ohio. Rent checks for Jerseyjurors even lied as to their ochas received, as well as by the labor movement! is the cry of the Stalinists, the reds of yesterday who have No one may vote against him not a single bet in portioning City people suddenly fell two cupations and connections in big crowd of bona fide painters if in the future he wishes a favor. out the patronage plums. Roose months in arrears, and funds for order to be sure to get on the that turned out for the mass become the fiercest red baiters of today. The secret polling booth has velt, as we know, filled these current relief could be raised jury to serve Hague. Longo now meeting at Hunts Point Palace no curtain to hide the mark on agencies without civil service only by diverting road funds faces a five year sentence for a a week ago last Saturday, when But from gasoline taxes. Young boys technical crime as a lesson to 121 in cash was given in supServile agents of the Stalin murder Hague citizens hand in their only an embittered skeptic would and girls are unable to find the public on the sanctity of the port of the struggle against the regime, interested only in its mainten ballots unfolded as they leave dare accuse him of utilizing this jobs.
Stalinist wreckers. From the ance at any and all costs that is the the voting booth. Everybody non competitive procedure for One eloquent result of this But why is Hague so disturb. comments of rank and filers at composition of the leadership of the kowtows to Haguey as he is Democratic Party purposes. development was the last local ed about this young, inexperienc. that meeting, the sentiment may Communist Party. Their convention decide to play ball with him, fawningly called. Most people New Deal Gravy election. group of unsatisfied led political upstart? Because be summed up as follows: The youths, some just once more illustrates the fact that there even the Republicans. Thus wel Yet, strange to relate, Hague ing age, under past the vot Longo is a symbol. The huge Painters union must be returned the leadership of machine must crumble, nay, it is City a one party came for his due share of the 24 year. a to.
is no more virulent poison, no more totalitarismos mussolini Pantal gravey. In the early warna daymuddle headed Democrat, Would are the most inflammatoryoele just begun. The Weinstock wrecksinister opponent of class independence Hitler. This is the secret of this barrel was full enough for be bourgeois politician, impelled ment in Jersey to cause its ing crew will be cleaned out.
and class struggle in labor ranks today, Hague power.
him to parcel out pork to the simply by the need of a job, saw wreckage. They are too innocent The hope for the future of the than that represented by the totalitarian the secret of his weakness. For the then much worried Frank ing a ticket in the Democratic ous to be restrained with pro painter lies in a clean, militant gang that is ruining the Soviet Union every politician wants to be Hague. How effectively this Party primaries against Hague mises, too numerous to be union.
and undermining every section of the cogin Hague machine. But system worked to the mutual hand picked slate of candidates. bribed with jobs. This is what while dictatorship can build up satisfaction of Messrs. Hague and In Hagueville, a primary contest will cause Hague fall.
working class movement under its do a bureaucracy, the bureaucracy Roosevelt can well be gleaned such as that is lese majeste. Win Roosevelt come to Hague SUBSCRIBE NOW TO mination.
can never absorb the whole army from the national landslide that Longo naivete and inexperience, rescue again? Or will he throw THE SOCIALIST APPEAL of would be political parasites. swept forty six states, including however, made him blunder in Hague over to uave himself?
That is why the very suggestion of class struggle policies, of the classic idea of Marxism that the working class and and the capitalist class have nothing in common, that there is a ceaseless struggle between them, is denounced by the present communist leaders as the very acme of treason, Trotskyism, Hitlerism or any other epithet in the official vocabulary of invective.
to To demonstrate that it pays to make an alliance with Stalin, that no harm and much good can come of it, the Communist parties everywhere, and especially in lands like France, England and the United States, have been converted into stout pillars of capitalism. That putrid, obsolete social order of exploitation, iniquity and oppression which the early communist movement was sworn to destroy, finds in the present day Stalinized movement its most vociferous spokesman and advocate all in the interests, be it remembered, of preserving not so much democracy but rather the totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union. For if ever there was a more effectively antidemocratic, reactionary force in the labor movement than the Third International of today, we cannot recall it.
This background alone explains why the present convention of the is going through the indecent, farcical masquerade of patriotism. The orgiastic pretenses to Americanism; the 4thof July flag waving which beats an American Legion convention hands down; the studied imitation of all the