BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionMarxismMoscow TrialsNational LiberationSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

June 4, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL AN IMPORTANT BEGINNING Japanese Imperialism Hurtles Toward Ruin in China Collapse Brought Closer Hague Again Minneapolis Labor Pays All American Pacific Pre Conference By Every Fresh Victory Frustrates Final Tribute To Brown Of the Fourth International Meeting Plan Harlan Reign Of Terror los Described by Witnesses (Continued from page Bill did not try to force hid ideas on those whom he was Bill Brown entered the move chosen to lead, anymore than do Creation of New War ment young. He gave it his He did insist that if men would Cabinet Reflects An important beginning in or the best militants have rallied to vinistie poisoning of the workers strength, his fine spirit, his be leaders they must give their ganizing and centralizing the it. In some of these countries, the in this country.
honesty of purpose and the lives to the labor movement.
Growing Crisis Must Take Lead courage of a mighty heart. And work of the Fourth International high political level of our press With this resolution, the SoFarewell to Bill on two American continents and the revolutionary Marxist cialist Workers Party of the he gave it something else someIn Struggle Against and on both sides of the Pacific, activity pursued, are gratifying United States assumes the resBy LO SEN thing you cannot measure, some Bill was not merely a leader was made by the delegates as promise of victorious struggles ponsibility of devoting itself inJersey Fuehrer thing not learned brote. He of the General Drivers Union With every new victory in sembled two weeks ago in New to come.
tensively to the problems of the gave it understanding. He un he was a comrade in my political China, Japanese imperialism is York for the sessions of the All For the purpose of coordinat workers and peasants of Latin Boss Hague cops scored an derstood the working class must faith. His understanding and his plunging nearer to defeat and America Pacific pre conference of ing the work of these sections, America and the Pacific, who are other victory when they broke up be united on a world scale. He attitude towards life should be collapse.
the Fourth International. of setting forth collectively clab. its indispensable and invaluable the mass meeting scheduled for saw in it a movement that would the spirit to dominate every man Japan is expending more in The Second International never orated policies for them, and link allies in the struggle for free Pershing Field last Friday even some day embrace all mankind. and woman that comes here toman power, arms, money, and had much strength in the coloning their work with that of the dom of the workers in this coun ing, seized and deported the He saw the necessity of apply. day. He would not want his pasthe patience and stamina of the ial and semi colonial lands of comrades in the land of the most try chief speaker, Representative ing the theories of the great sing to slow up or hinder in the population at home than it will Asia and Latin America, and dis powerful imperialist masters the The conference discussed, Connell, knocked down his wife, working class leaders to present slightest way the movement that ever have the possibility of getplayed very little interest in their United States as well as with among other things, the situation and beat up assistant day conditions.
he loved. We must all take up ting back from the fruits of mistruggles for liberation. In a the comrades in China, whose in Mexico. Due to the disastrous regional director Sam Macri. Bill had his own peculiar and the burden left by his passing.
litary conquest continental deep sense, it was and is a white work has so much in common and irresponsible leadership of other officers of the Hudson vigorous ways of applying these Members of Local 654 exChina.
man International, for in with the labor theirs, the second all the former Mexican section of County Committee for Labor De theories. He saw utive board, men who had gone After the comparatively rapid practice the parties that domin America Pacific conference was the Fourth International (the ſense and Civil Rights, which movement the instrument that through so many great battles advances of the first six months ate it have followed a policy of called together. The first con Internationalist Communist called the meeting, were spotted was going to make out of this with Bill, carried the coffin down of the invasion that began last supporting their respective im ference had taken place some League under the leadership of and slugged by Hague thugs. world something better than a the steps. Thousands followed July, Japan hordes bogged PREMIER KONOYE perialist overlords and their em time before, when a number of the conference was obHague again mustered all his starvation house or a concentra: the hearse to the Crystal Lake down in Central China. It took pires.
basic political documents three months and the manipula The country economic situawere liged to adopt a decision declar forces to crush the challenge of tion camp, the instrument that cemetery for the last brief cereComintern An Obstacle drafted for discussion. ing that the Fourth International his adversaries. Over 500 cops would weave a beautiful life for mony, where Bill closest asso tion of nearly a quarter of a tion is really serious, said the ciates each spoke a few words.
no longer recognizes the and hundreds of conscripted of all who toil.
million men to effect the cap Chugai Shogyo, Tokyo financial The Third International, which Mandated Delegates ture of Suchow, strategic rail organ (equivalent to the Wall made a brave and successful group (the so called as fice holders were active in the junction. No figures have been Street Journal) on April 10, start in mobilizing against world its section in Mexico. state crowd of between ten and fifteen Difficulties, in the form of lack ment on this matter is being thousand milling around the field released on casualties, but it is and trading is expected to con imperialism the millions of black, of finance and the vast distances drawn up, to be presented for when Connell arrived. An Amnow known that at Taierhchwang, tinue depressed for the time be yellow and brown slaves of separating the countries (the confirmation to the international erican Legion band played mar scene of the Chinese victory a ing.
month ago, the Japanese lost no fewer than 40, 000 killed.
British Gloating into an obstacle to the struggle sidized neither by the corrupt However, plans were laid for the men waved American flags in for colonial emancipation. This Kremlin gang, the French reorganization of a Mexican see order to generate the properly New Battle at Lanfeng On April 21. in London, Lord is especially plain in Latin down the size of the conference. exist; the Fourth International the dirty work of his uniformed bourgeoisie nor by Hitler. cut tion, for which excellent prospects patriotic lynch atmosphere for (Continued from page 1) dead. Irwin swaggered up to him, two guns on his hips, and said: Now, following the capture of Chemical Industries, one of Bri support which. Stalinism is now But delegates were nevertheless enjoys a considerable sympathy gangsters.
on July 7, 1985, crowd of Ben, you re a union man and Suchow, Japanese forces once tain greatest trusts, announced giving to United States imperial able to attend with mandates among the advanced revolution Lynch Spirit Kindled deputies arrived and began honk we re agoin to get ye.
more face a stiff battle along with obvious satisfaction that as ism, by means of which it hopes from several Latin American ary elements in Mexico, who were No sooner had Connell siging the horns of their auto Wilburn said he rushed home their lengthened and precarious a result of the conversion of to cement an alliance between countries, as well as from Canada, repelled from it in the past bonified his intention of speaking mobiles to drown the speaking, and soon afterward saw Irwin lines of communication on the Japanese industry to war pur Washington and the Kremlin China, Australia and the United cause of the discreditable course than the Hague henchmen shout John Hickey and several deputies and Leo Hubbard, another deputy Lunghai railway. At Lanfeng, poses Japanese trade competition bureaucracy at the expense of States.
pursued by who is now, more ed in chorus: Kill the bum! Run marched into the crowd with on trial, come into the house 150 miles west of Suchow, new on world markets had fallen to the former slaves in Latin Documents already drafted were over, engaged in repeating all the Red back to Russin! Throw drawn guns and began slugging through the back yard.
forces are being marshalled to negligible proportions, with re America.
taken up by the delegates and it the time worn slanders of the him out! Obeying these orders, right and left.
bring about another victory sulting increased trade and botter Vicious Brutality growing realization of the was decided to submit them with professional enemies of our the police closed in on Connell, William Munholland, a memthat will strain the Japanese prices for British firms. significance of this reactionary various recommendations for the movement.
separated him from his wife and ber of the United Mine Workers The whole family testified that military machine to the utmost. With every new victory in course has permeated the con discussion of the various sections friends, and marched him off for 49 years, was addressing the Wilburn and his stepson were Organizational Steps To aid in this effort, the Ja China this dark prospect is gosciousness of the vanguard ele concerned and eventual adoption, the field to police headquarters. meeting and was beaten by the beaten with the deputies pistol panese navy has resumed activity ing to grow darker and darker ments among the revolutionists in finished form, at a large con Subject to confirmation by the After holding him there for two armed thugs. Men, women and butts until they were covered along the coast, making an easy for Japan imperialist hopes in Latin America. This fact ac ference to be called in the future. international conference, the hours, Police Chief Walsh and children were herded from the with blood. Finally Wilburn was capture of Amoy and attacking and correspondingly brighter for counts to a large extent for the In addition, the conference delegates elected an All America. other defenders of law and or scene at gun point.
kicked off the porch and was the Kwangtung port of Swatow. the Japanese proletariat who gathering strength of the Fourth adopted political resolutions on Pacific Bureau and a Latin der deported him on a train for stomped upon, breaking several No Householders Rights At the same time the air force will lead the masses to the over. International on the two Ame the perspectives of the Sino American administrative secret Newark ribs.
has resumed its horror bombings throw of the cracking regime of rican continents.
Japanese war and the tasks of ariat of the Fourth International Walsh impudently asserted whole family was put on Wilburn and his stepson were at Canton, where more than 1, 500 the Mikado. The speed with custo the witness stand by the govern carried to jail by the two dep were killed and a like number which the eventual crash will Movement Growth and on the situation and tasks tions involved, in which repre dy to save his life. The Jersey ment prosecutor, Brien Mc uties. They were released a few wounded in a series of raids last come will depend in important In the last few years, sections of the Canadian section. thesis sentatives of all the important Police Department ability to Mahon, to prove that the ordin days later after being fined for week end.
measure on the durability and of our movement have been estab on the world role of North sections will be seated. In addi protect even themselves against ary rights of householders dia breach of the peace.
Shift in Tokyo.
As the trial went into its third If even on a basis of continued laid in a whole series of counspecial reference to its position Bureau will be issued regularly, thugs was shown by the fact in Harlan County were concern week the stories of the governBut the most significant and military defense strategy the tries. In Cuba and Puerto Rico, in the Latin American countries, at first in the Spanish language that the Chief, and two other ed. They were Ben Wilburn of ment witnesses remain unshakrevealing evidence the grow Chinese have been able to make in the Argentine Republic, Chile was also adopted.
for circulation among all the see high officials were struck by Ages, Ky. near Harlan, his wife, en by cross examination for the ing strain of the war was the conquest so costly for Japan, it and Bolivia, in Uraguay, Colomtions. The first one will contain cops during the melee.
Our Obligations defense. Charles Dawson and transformation of Prince Fumi. is not difficult to imagine what bin, and Panama, in Mexico and the resolutions adopted and the After his expulsion, Connell his stepson and stepdaughter.
On the night of February 9, Forney Johnson, chief attorneys maro Konoye cabinet last week the result would and will be when Brazil, the banner of the 4th In The last named resolution is reports made. Future issues will had no better method of action 1937, when Bennett Musick, son for the coal operators, have not into a war cabinet dominated the Chinese workers and peasants ternational has been raised and of particular importance for the publish discussion and informato suggest than to intended to of a Baptist preacher and union attempted to refute the testiby the army and the navy.
revolutionary movement in the tional material.
Gen. Kazushige Ugaki, formered for the struggle.
The conference, modest in its ask Roosevelt and Farley to in: from night riding deputies, Wil that the witnesses are motivated governor general of Korea, be For National Liberation SOUTH AFRICANS Higations are enormous, for upon composition and objectives, was tervenen en stemt bera vice charts: burn was threatened by Wash by personal hatred toward the came foreign minister, succeeding Koki Hirota. Gen. Seishiro revolutionary resistance, the struggle against Yankee ning. It will help to consolidate. This will make the hundredth Itagaki became war minister, based upon the broadest partici DONATE 62. 50 imperialism and for the defense build and unify the movement of plea addressed to these defend succeeding Gen. Sugiyama, and pation of the masses in the strugMarxism. theers of democracy without any of the independence and freedom revolutionary Gen. Sadao Araki, foremost pro gle, would have made it imposof Wall Street colonies. Indit Fourth International in the other result than a Department ponent of an early attack on the sible for Japan to hold on to an TO CHINA FUND ference to the struggle against New World and the Pacific. Its of Justice investigation on which, Soviet Union, became minister of inch of the ground it has won. capitalism, which is being work, continued in the future, it was reported last week, no education. At the same time, To organize the masses indepenwaged by the millions of Latin will speed the day when the action has yet been taken.
Seihin Ikeda, representative of dently of their exploiters and to of the proletariat will handsome contribution to Americans to the south of us, is victory May Block Struggle the creat Mitsui financial inter: lead them to the struggle will be the fund which has been raised a most corrupting force in the inaugurate the united socialist Connell proposed action inWhat is unquestionably the out as Scientist, James Burnham ests, was made foreign minister, to insure that the ultimate victory Why the Socialist Workers Party American labor movement, and republies of the Americas. dicates a danger that he will use standing number of The New In dissects in detail the position The new cabinet was formed of China will not merely benefit to aid the Communist League of contributes directly to the chaufor the announced purpose of the imperialist interests of Great China (Fourth Internationalists)
his rehabilitated prestige for ternational thus far issued is now and direction of Max Eastman purely personal political ends to off the press. The June issue philosophy and politics. Specifi speeding up the campaign in Britain and the United States, significantcally dealt with is Eastman rereal struggle against contains a variety impede compromise with articles, headed by Trot vision of his views on Russia and China, pushing forward to cap. the present masters of the Kuo was received last week from the Hague or ture Hankow, terminating the mintang, but will really bring Union of South Africa, as folwar, and intensifying the nation about Chinese national liberation lows: the forces protecting him.
sky essay on revolutionary the socialist objective as recently al mobilization at home. representatives have ethics, Their Morals and Ours. expressed in an article in Harp and open the road to the exploi Johannesburg Group for been conducting negotiations In a penetrating analysis, Trot er Magazine.
Rising Cost of Living tation of China great resources the Fourth International 50. 00 with Hague assistants in the sky reviews the problem of reThe June number also contains the interests of its impover. Workers Party of South Democratic Party to effect a volutionary ethics, of aims and other distinctive articles, essays Various reports in recent wooks ished millions of workers and Africa 12. 50 Army and Police Go Into Action As Exploited compromise with him. The deal methods of the labor and revolu: and book reviews, among them have given some hint of the in peasants.
Slaves of Democratic Imperialists Tie was blocked only because of tionary movement. The article is being: creasing stringeney on the Japa: While participating to the fullTOTAL 62, 50 Hague intransigence. review of the recent national nese home front, where the greatest in the military struggle Up Colony In Militant Strikes The workers must frus the methods of Bolshevism as militarist and imperialist dreams against Japan, the political mobi This fine demonstration of inof empire are, in the main, deslization to this end re. Chinese persecuted revolutionists in China which began on May 23 and al fixed bayonets, infantry volun Hitler that will result in any parties, groups and individuals and the Crisis by David Cowles remains the ternational solidarity with the Strikes in Kingston, Jamaica, streets armed with rifles and mise with trante such attempts. No compro applied to the world situation Convention de the Socialist Party and a of tined to be shattered. Accord fundamental task of the Russia and the Lithuanian ing to a study made by the sta revolutionists and to aid in that is all the more welcome because most reached the proportion of teers were mobilized, and scores abridgment of democratic or on this vital question of Japan, the index of commodi all workers throughout the African comrades, seeing in the a general strike, were met with of special policemen sworn in. labor rights! Fight to the finish Besides this special feature of Crisis by Jerome; a third article ty prices in Tokyo in January of world.
Socialist Appeal reports of the the armed forces of democratic way.
swift and bloody repression by The cruiser Ajax was on the against Hagueism!
The must step to the ternational, an excellent analysis views by William Gruen, Georgo this year was 184, an increase fund raising campaign British imperialism.
of 12. over the index for June, for China (which netted a total On the Caymanas sugar estate, forefront and take the leadership of the Roosevelt program, aim Novack, Bernard Wolfe and OUT SOON!
The strikers included 1987, on the eve of the invasion.
of 173. 73. went right ahead shoremen, street cleaners, lamp workers were wounded when the Hague. Several officials Maurice Spector, associate editor The demand for the June An index of prices for all Japan compiled by the Tokyo AsaNOT GUILTY!
waiting for a formal request. lighters, tram and bus operators, manager ordered his rangers to took prominent parts in Friday of the magazine in an article on number is strong. The price for municipal employes, bakers, to fire on a crowd of strikers.
That the Chinese comirades will bacco factory workers, and hosmeeting. Several were the vic The Collapse of the New Deal. a single copy is 20 cents, and the hi, taking July, 1931, as 100, The Roosevelt subscription rate is 00 per showed an increase in prices from The Final Report of the appreciate their help goes without pital nurses. Chinese groceries, Starvation Wages must meet this challenge by pre Revolution; the Recovery and year. Anyone wishing to obtain 187. in January, 1937, to 195. Commission of Inquiry into the saying charges against Leon Trotsky in December, 1937, and 199 in In London, in the House of paring an even mightier counter its Precipitate Decline; the so a copy may do so by addressing in the Moscow Trials. Approx How about the Fourth Inter for Kingston masses, and the Commons, the Secretary for co offensive against Hague.
cial Crisis and the Task of the The New International, 116 January, 1938. In other words, nationalists in other countries majority of commercial houses lonies, Malcolm MacDonald, facUniversity Place, New imately 500 pages.
York Revolutionary Party. Action Needed the cost of living in Japan is emulating the excellent example were closed. Demonstrators shut ed a barrage of questions on the In the article, Max Eastman City.
twice as high as it was before 50 (cloth cover) of the South African comrades? down the city power plants. The situation in Jamaica. Labor auspices and with its own speakIn its own name, under its own the invasion of Manchuria be 50 (paper cover) The has done its bit. striking longshoremen were de member, William Lunn, urged a ers, the should mobilize gan seven years ago.
Advance orders will be taken So have the revolutionists in manding a wage of 25 cents an commission to inquire into con. the anti Hague forces in counterTaxes Skyrocketing until the date of publication at Canada. We feel sure our com hour, and the street cleaners a ditions in the West Indies, and demonstration. Such a mass asrades in England, Australia, New minimum weekly wage of 50. stated that disturbances were due sembly requires careful preparA significant reflection of the 98c Zealand and elsewhere can do under the Auspices of the to the horrible conditions there. ation to be successful. The events rising costs in Japan is the inThree Killed equally well if they make the Wages received by the striking of last Friday underscore the troduction on a large scale, for LABOR BOOK SHOP effort.
British soldiers and police workers would confirm this. necessity for the immediate crea.
SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY the first time, of instalment buy28 EAST 12th STREET The Socialist Appeal under moved in at once to drive the Longshoremen were getting from tion of a labor guard to prevent ing. Taxation in all spheres has New York City takes to transmit to China sums strikers and unemployed sym 16 to 18 cents an hour, bus driv. Hague cops from repeating Analysis of the Communist Party National skyrocketed. Income taxes are raised by our comrades abroad. pathizers from the streets. Three ers from to 50 a week, bus their brutalities.
Convention and the Stalinist Constitution up 20 per cent for minor white 9999999999999999900000999999 For the United States 999999999990000 days after the strike started, conductors from to a week. Several bodies have collar workers. The burdens on the working class, three deaths had occurred a and street cleaners 75 and 87 already approved the formation JUST PUBLISHED!
mother and two sons, bystanders, cents a day for six days, with no of such a defense corps. This is of increased food costs and the Speakers: almost prohibitive levels reached Wired one ne crowd or strikers. Mening Parheor Kingston strikes were strugerent steuningsterhed Hudson MAURICE SPECTOR in the costs of housing and clothFELIX MORROW more had been injured, some preceded by a strike sugar County Hitler. Other labor oring, have been so great that a Associate Editor, New International REVOLUTION AND COUNTER REVOLUTION seriously. Alexander Bustamente, plantation workers in the West ganizations should follow this distinct undernourishment has the Island chief labor leader, moreland district of Jamaica, example.
JOSEPH CARTER already been noted on a national IN SPAIN had been arrested on a charge which was brutally broken by Despite his show of strength scale and an increase in diseases Director, Marxist School of sedition. Along with him, his armed police on May Police and string of minor victories, Special committees have been 50 leading associates and eighty fire took a toll of six lives and Hague regime is weakening.
created under government ausBEETHOVEN HALL strikers were jailed. All were fifty wounded, seven critically. With a correct and aggressive PIONEER PUBLISHERS pices in attempts to cope with held without bail.
210 East 5th Street these problems.
Ninety strikers were arrested policy the can weld to 100 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, Kingston was described as The strikers were asking a gether the fighting force that FRIDAY, JUNE 3, AT 8:30 Normal business and trade virtually an armed camp. Sol day, instead of the 50 cents they can smash it to smithereens in have declined to crisis levels.
diers and police patrolled the were receiving.
short order.
Trotsky Article Features Lively June Issue of New International Jamaica Strikers Are Terrorized by British Mass Meeting the form