BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismKamenevKirovLeninLeninismMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

USSR Entry Into IFTU Is Barred Slanders Against Chen Gov Starts Tu Hsiu Repudiated By Noted Chinese Scholars Harlan Mine Owners Trial MILITARY FORCES Roosevelt Is Forced To Take Notice Of Hague the internal theoretical montage comme le Revvv olution?
Gerson Pleads ary Chinese Comrades Acknowledge Fund May 28, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL TO INCREASE Fissure Opens In Chinese Ranks WASHINGTON. tremendChang Kuo tao, well known ous increase in the organized revolutionist, has been expelmilitary forces of the United led from the Chinese CommunStates during the next four ist Party of which together years will take place under a with Chen Tu hsiu, leader of bill signed recently by President Investigators Hunt for Conspiracy Against the Fourth Internationalists Roosevelt that establishes a in China, he was one of the Democratic Rights In Realm of the Stalinist Calumnies That He Is Japanese Agent Regular Army Reserve of about founders in 1921.
75, 000 men.
Jersey City Fuehrer ginal founders in 1921 22.
Indignantly Denounced In Hankow For many years the chief zeWoll and Citrine Lead reporting the expulsion, do not Public Statement Long Record of Terror serve strength of the army has disclose the offense for administra effort to checkmate its conserbeen in the National Guard, a The Democratic In Blocking Union which Chang has been expelBrings Federal force that trains and keeps in a tion has finally taken notice of vative critics and satisfy its Affiliation led, but declared that he has Prosecution vigorous defense of Chen is uppermost, will feel the truth issued a public declaration semi mobilized state nearly 500. Boss Hague of Jersey City. After liberal and labor allies. It restating that he is in complete Tu hsiu, leader of the Fourth of this declaration.
000 troops. In addition, more President Roosevelt and Post mains to be seen whether anyInternationalists in China, who than 100, 000 officers are enrolled Master General Farley had both thing will come out of this inThe statement was signed by disagreement with the present By a vote of 16 to the general council of the International Fe policies of the Chinese Comhas been under a hail of calumny Huang Hsing kung, Chow Fu hai, finally selected after a week largely recruited from universi thing against the national vice aspect of the affair. In any LONDON, Ky. With a jury in the Officers Reserve Corps, asserted that they could do novestigation limited to the legal deration of Trade Unions, meet munist Party. He also has by the Chinese Stalinists ever Hua Nyi lin, Tien Shih pins, time, the trial of 64 Harlan ties and colleges. The new reserve chairman of their own party, case, publication of its findings ing in Oslo, Norway, last week, since his release from a Kuo Liang Han chow, Ko Yi han, County coal mine operators and is designed to keep under control Attorney General Cummings and will probably be postponed until rejected an application for af diens upper para melhidlinera mintang prison last autumn, has Chang Hsi min, Tao Hsi hsing hired thugs got under way this of the war Department the 26 nounced last Wednesday that the after the 1938 elections.
lin principal Chinese agent filiation by the trade unions of been who since his arrival in Hanweek as the government prepar 000 enlisted men who each year Department of Justice was consent seat of the Kuomintang the More Anti Hague Moves kow from Moscow has been ducting a secret investigation in government, by nine prominent Howling for Blood ed to call witnesses to prove leave the regular army.
The vote came after two days ll carrying on a violent campaign The administration move was Chinese scholars.
charges of conspiracy to terror To be eligible for enrollment Jersey City to determine whether of debate in which opposition toll of provodation and calumny Pursuing in China the vicious ize union officials and mine work in the new reserve, an applicant a conspiracy existed there to hastened by the fact that both To the Stalinist slander that campaign against revolutionists ers belonging or sympathetic to must have completed an emine: timidate any citizen in the free mittee and the New Jersey State the Soviet application was led against the Chinese Fourth Chen Tu hsiu is a Trotskyist which is being carried out by the union.
by Sir Walter Citrine of the Internationalists.
British General Council of the Chang Kuo tao was one of bandit and a traitorous spy Stalin G. in Spain, the The coal companies and ope be unmarried and under 36 years exercise or enjoyment of any Assembly Committee to investifor Trade Union Congress, seconded the vice presidents of the soJapanese imperialists Stalinists in Hankow, the scholars reply: where rators on trial all members of age. In return for placing right or privilege secured to him by Matthew Woll of the Ameri called Chinese Soviet RepubChen Tu hsiu resides, are howl of the Harlan County Coal himself under orders from the by the Constitution or law of the gate frauds in Hudson County plan to undertake investigations can Federation of Labor. The lie.
Hit Stalinist Lying ing for the blood of the outstand. Operators Association, an orga War Department, the reservist United States. ing leaders of the Fourth Inter nization whose primary purpose will receive 24. year for the officials do not read the news. actions against him this week.
minority vote was registered by Apparently the administration Hague opponents took various during the summer.
the delegation from Spain and It is not necessary for us, as nationalists.
Mexico and two from France. armed by Stalin himself. Matthew non communists, to interfere in New China, a Stalinist rag, ruthless means, organization of It is estimated that the Reg papers and therefore do not The Post obtained a temNorway did not vote.
Woll, who certainly has no reputation as a revolutionary mi versies among the communist to statement of the nine County. Others on trial are 450, 000 the first year. At the formed person in the country court restraining Hague offiSoviet Isolation Increased reasons for fighting the Soviet tacking each other. But we were Chen Tu hsiu is a traitor? Such their authority to carry out the is expected to be about 1, 800. free speech and free assembly Jersey City. Norman Thomas fil litant, doubtless had his own factions, which are always at scholars, asks. Is it untrue that former deputy sheriffs, who used end of the fourth year the cost that the constitutional rights of cials from preventing its sale in Rejection of the Soviet appli application. But none present greatly surprised to discover a statement will be justified only instructions of the coal mine 000 annually.
cation by the which answered him when he declared: false accusations against Chen if Chen Tu hsiu openly renounces operators.
in Jersey City for any Hague against Jersey City police for was followed by a decision to How can we fight dictatorship Tu hsiu in two Communist pe the organization of the Trotskyterminate negotiations with the if we go arm in arm with Sta riodicals, The Masses and ist bandits and takes part imCharge Conspiracy repression, as Lee Pressman, Arthur Garfield Hays, AmeSoviet unions, represents one lin. Emancipation. Under the pre mediately in the campaign While murder, arson and kidC. counsel phrases it, has rican Civil Liberties Union attor more step toward completion of met all attempts of workers to Everyone present at the gen text of defending the unity of against them.
the isolation of the Soviet Union eral council meeting in Oslo the opposition to Japanese imney, who had been driven out of No Thank You, letter received from China napping were common methods exercise the rights granted them Jersey City a year ago, made an for which the policies of the Sta knew, moreover, that actually perialism, the ridiculous accusa: this week by the Socialist Appeal used by the employers to supby the National Labor Relations impromptu outdoor address witho such things as trade tion is made that Chen Tu hsiu describes how agents of the the nriners, the trial is being Act.
tion from the working class unions in the The so is a traitorous bandit who re Chinese Communist Party have conducted on the basis of a con out permit, for which the police refused to jail him. Fighting Roosevelt Hand Forced movement in the outside world viet trade unions, as instruments ceives money from and conducts been visiting bookshops and buy spiracy to evade the Wagner Jerry Connell announced that complements the growing isola: for the defense of the workers spying activities for the Japan ing up wholesale the translated labor relations act. In the event NEW YORK Simon GerThe Roosevelt regime was he would deliver his long deferthe capitalist states whose de ed, as were the Soviets them. But, as we know, our country revolutionists, also al literature of a conviction, the defendants son, Stalinist crooner of the forced to change its front by the red speech against Hague next assiduously and futilely courting cratized organs dedicated to the long career of Chen Tu hsiu. His murder regime in the Soviet terms, fines, and loss of civil sently the holder of a 3, 600 a expression of indifference toward at the price of sacrificing the defense of the counter revolution words and his deeds throughout Union, and consigning it to the Frame ups played their role in Borough year city job as assistant to Hague dictatorship. The DemoEnd In Sight working class movement.
President Stanley cratic attitude was fiercely asThere can be no doubt that in regime which oppres this time of war are also known flames in the best style of the long and bitter struggle bet Isaacs of Manhattan, told last sailed, not only by such liberal ses the Russian workers.
to everybody. If a man like Chen Adolph Hitler.
Many signs indicate that the the cold shoulder Stalin has been ween the mine operators and the week of the abandonment by the supporters of the New Deal as days of Hague rule are numgiven by the will in among the instruments of Sta a traitorous bandit, then everyThe Soviet trade unions are Tu hsiu can be freely accused as workers of Harlan County, and Communist Party of the socialist the New York Post and the labor bered. The foundations of his crease the confidence of the ca lin bureaucratie clique rule. one will have license to similarly while the defendants in the cur objective and the party adher press, but also by conservative little kingdom are visibly crackpitalist powers in their moves The task of the world proletariat accuse his opponents.
rent trial are free on bail, men ence to the defense of the system Republican sheets like the ing. His intransigent reactionary to complete Soviet isolation pre. is to aid the Soviet workers to are still serving prison sentences paratory to attempts to liquidate throw off the yoke of Stalinism End This Slander for the crime of resisting the The spokesman was testi governor Landon, who suddenly of enemies against him but has the Soviet Union by force of which is leading the first workbosses gunmen and trying to fying before the Joint Legislative blossomed forth as a defender of made him a liability even to his arms in the coming imperialisters state to ruin. On the day that stream of slander! We live beside We must put an end to this organize the miners.
Committee on Law Administra democratic rights in order to gain close political associates in the The indictment on which the tion and Enforcement headed by political capital from the clearly Democratic Party.
they succeed in this task and re Chen Tu hsiu. We know him The following is a final ac 44 companies and operators, plus Senator John MeNaboe, arch reactionary stand of Roosevelt. concerted organized and deA Pertinent Question establish their own fighting or very well. Whether on the score counting of the fund raised by a score of peace officers, are reactionary and red baiter, in the Under pressure from the right termined mass offensive by mi.
gans, real trade unions, the whole of friendship or for the sake of the Socialist Workers Party to being tried was returned by a course of an inquiry into an al and alarmed by the thunder on litant labor in New Jersey woul Those who could have fought, world of militant labor will de justice we cannot keep silent aid the Communist League of Federal grand jury last Sep teration made in the court record the left, the Roosevelt administra soon send him toppling from his with some prospect of success, mand and secure their admission about this falsehood. We believe China (Fourth Internationalists):tember, after an investigation in of a rent case in which Gerson tion abruptly issued announce throne. The should take for admission of the Soviet to the organs of the international all friends of Chen Tu hsiu, like Previously acknowledged 168. 58 which agents of the Department had been the defendant. ment of the investigation in an the lead in this struggle!
unions to the were dis working class movement. wise those in whose minds justice Lower East Side. 65 of Justice questioned more than East Bronx. 00 1, 000 witnesses.
Gerson and Socialism Zola 00 The Communist Party, said Seven Militants Face member Trial Follows Exposure Gerson, does not believe socialInside the Painters Union Philadelphia Branch 00 The investigation by the Fed ism here is a practical problem eral agents began after hearings today. The party was therefore TOTAL 173. 73 on conditions in Harlan County working now for the defense Acknowledging receipt of the by Senator Robert LaFollette of democratic rights.
funds, our Chinese organization Committee on Civil Liberties The Communist Party, he said affair is not clear and it was selves and in the best Kirov (Continued from page 1) killed by the Stalinists themwrites as follows: Dear Comrades: This is the fourth of a tions hanging on the backs of From every point of view the is now terror that has extended over a heritor of some of the finest doe believed here that he night well manner, the series of articles on the real the members.
situation in the Painters thinking workeroving the volutionary gratitude that we tention has been focussed in the Fireplying ner senader Living will appear at the trial to cer. Bolshevik. Leninists. Narvitch average union sees only acknowledge your generous res brutal suppression of elementary ston, Gerson said: emphatical tify the guilt of the accused. first came into prominence in Deals With Bosses threat to his livelihood, to his ponse to our recent appeal for workers rights in this backwoods ly state that am opposed to These militants have been or the brigades. There Union of New York. Ed.
Class collaboration. Deals istence of his union in the con4.
face trial before the he became, and reportedly declartion, thvetry forlent vertien pour les practice as well as in the calling Street leadership The in District Pacific Ocean cannot interrupt move of the Federal government undermine the American govern Treason and are now in the pathoner. Ofte thene Fourth Inter ionne hath newrw the vente empregores: with the bosses in every day tinued misrule of the Thirteenth poort. comrades, shows that the but the present trial is the first conspirators who would seek to Court for nes plona Esound. Hiele pathimeselée openly to be the paper (to aid the Council No. The only things our cooperation. Again, in District Council No. is to bosses in bringing pressure on that still puzzle him are: How proof of the solidarity it is against the coal mine operators. ment as it is. But do not sur. Model Prison at Barcelona.
of the in Until day unalterably opposed to the their clients) are as thick as can Communists work in a which gives us further courage pire against labor organizations.
the Wagner Act was render my right to change the with planning to assassinate lead Party. He then met the fate that The indictment charges them and methods of the Communist Stalinist Weinstock administra. under any previous leadership. hoots with the bosses? How can to meet the tasks of the Chinese No legal check was placed on nator MeNaboe put ind ternational proletariat, a proof passed, it was no crime to cons. Constitution. By democratie means? Seing figures of the Republic, carry so many other militants have ing on propaganda contrary to met, a stab or a bullet in the all these people were in the van: working in cahoots with the em militant fight? How can com and international revolution the interests of the Republic, back in an empty street. Now his guard of the fight against cor ployers is carried on with greater munists join with all the dis proudly fly the banner of the ganizers. With the passage of Communist philosophy?
chosen from Our forces are small, but we break unions and intimidate or Then you are renouncing your and of maintaining direct rela corpse, among rupt administrations in the past, case under the cover of Com credited hoodlums to suppress Fourth International in the face the Wagner Act, tions with foreign elements. thousands, dragged out to be that almost every one of them munist coloration.
They are also charged with used as evidence of murder by at one time or another lent his confidence and his trust to the problem of the trade has been which their party in shorts for and pressors, and Stalinist shnder, theoretically are entitled to pro current misconception of what a militia officer, on February 10 Honest workers and intellect. Incompetence. Not a single ways shouted for in the past and of international and internal op achieved a legal status and What am denouncing is a murdering Capt. Leon Narvitch, revolutionary militants!
Weinstock crowd, this fact be solved by the Stalinist adminis. the present time louder than provocation and terror.
tection by the government.
comes all the more impressive. tration. Kick back, speed up, lack ever?
Your response to our appeal No honest, progressive, devot: of protection on the job, unemThe Harlan County case is the not Stalin several years pre was charged with doing the clared in its united front appeal, ed union member finds it possible ployment all this is solved by is of tremendous aid and we will first instance of the Federal viously told Roy Howard of the actual killing, while Fernandez will join to battle this travesty Not Red, Yellow struggle firmly to merit your government backing to work with the Stalinists in the Weinstock machine by simply provi Scripps Howard press that the and the mysterious Max help of justice and demand either imtrust.
mediate liberation or an open sions of the Wagner Act with belief that the Soviet Governed him.
the Narvitch was in all probability trial for the accused militants. why? The answer may be nyingine Blame it on capitalism beginning to be her guenti comrades of the Socialist Work ants are being tried under an oid volation was at the result of a summed up briefly from the and the crisis! or The bosses a puzzle to the union painter. ers Party. For the Fourth In statute of post Civil War days, misunderstanding comic point of view of the average are stronger than we are. Even te is beginning to realize the ternational For the Interna under which persons conspiring misunderstanding. So why not painter in the union: from the point of view of the mass meetings of the Progres tional Revolution!
to deprive citizens of any rights Gerson?
bosses, the Weinstock adminisives show that very clearlyCommunist League of China. guaranteed under the Constitu This has been revolutionist Conditions in Industry stration is regarded as incom that these Communists are no Shanghai, tion or laws of the United States went on to tell the red baiting Conditions in the industry, petent: for, none of the widely longer red, but as yellow as any April 19, 1938.
are guilty of a felony. senator that in addition to the instead of improving under hailed organization drives has union fakers ever were.
Long Fight Seen doctrines of Marx, Engels, Le DULUTH, Minn Teargas LOUISVILLE, Ky One hundWeinstock domination, are worse in the slightest affected the open To understand why this is so, which was born during the Rusnin and Stalin the Communists bombs last Monday dispersed red and twenty five persons than ever before. Kick back shops and cut down to any de: the union painter must become sian Revolution of Oetober 1917, flourishes to such an extent that gree the competition from the acquainted with the picture of became, in the hands of the Sta coal operators have employed 19 Thomas Preparing for a long fight, the follow the teachings of Jefferson, picket lines about the plant of gathered here in the Tyler Hotel Paine, Lincoln the official wage of 10. 50 per non union shops. Quite the con. the present day Communist lin gang, a bargaining agency defense lawyers, headed by a Washington.
the Duluth News Herald, closed ballroom May to hear addresses by Charles and Lois Orr, day has become a bitter joke for trary: the non union shops are party as a whole.
with the capitalist governments. former Federal judge, Charles Who Owns Jefferson?
six weeks by a strike called by residents of this city, who rethe painter making an actual becoming an even greater menace The Stalinized Communist Each Communist Party, directed Dawson. The government is But we Jeffersonians don Guild. Police led strike breakers where last year they participatthe Lake Superior Newspaper turned only recently from Spain, wage of Speed up the use to union conditions.
party has no more in common from Moscow, had to do the represented by Prosecutor Brien of the spray gun, chipping, etc.
Union Rights in Danger with communism, socialism or bidding of the stalinist machine. McMahon, assistant attorney want communism, MeNaboe re into the plant.
ed in the May events in Baroe is more wide spread than at working class progress in general general in charge of the Crimin. m not sure all Jeffersonians Seeking Alliances Lieutenant Jack Englert, head lona.
any other time. Unemployment Danger to Democracy. To than the Daughters of the Ameal Division.
of the Police Traffic Bureau, To a keenly interested audengulfs ninety per cent of the top off an already bad enough rican Revolution have with the In recent years, with the During the first week of the want Jefferson, said Gerson. We do, said McNaboe. read the riot law to the crowdience, including not a few Staunion membership the greater situation, the union painter American Revolution of 1776. In danger of war drawing nearer, trial three panels of more than So do we, said Gerson. of 500 workers and ordered the linists, Charles Orr unfolded the part of the year an entirely un most elementary rights as a Russia, the Communist party the Stalinist machine, in order 70 talesmen were needed to fill precedented condition.
member of the Brotherhood are was long ago There was a time when pickets to permit the entry of story of the Spanish workers When the seizure of industry in the early Job discrimination by the endangered. The Stalinist flunk group of job holders by alto protect labor has sought to gain favor of the factory to both sides. Those en members defended revolutionary the strike breakers bosses has been multiplied for ses, equipped with the 25 per skates, pie cards and bureau capitalist governments for an gaged in coal mining or working doctrine against all comers, in crowd refused to move the police days of their resistance to Fran directly co and how the proletarian the rank and file of the union by cent slip, intimidate him from crats around Joseph Stalin. Like alliances in order to haver suen on the principal oecu cluding red baiting senators like fired tear gas bombs parties lead by the Stalinists the job discrimination practiced expressing his opinions on the every gang of job holders, this capitalist countries as France, pations of this region, were not Today the party spokesmen When the fumes from the sold out their struggle to the under the 25 per cent rule by union floor and from casting his group is interested in hanging England and the United States accepted for jury service by the crawl on their bellies before the bombs forced the pickets to flee, Spanish bourgeoisie.
the Stalinist administration. Only vote as he sees fit. When he de on to its jobs before anything as allies in case of war, Stalin attorneial is expected to last their boots, explain how respect clubs. Over 40 persons, men and conclusions from the Spanish representatives of capital, lick the police pursued them with Lois Orr, drawing theoretical close sympathizers and slavishly mands a secret ballot, they shout else. The isolation of Russia, the and his henchmen have given up obedient followers of the Wein him down as a Fascist, a stool fact that the heroic Soviet masses every last shred of Communist several weeks, as the government stock machine can ever hope to pigeon, etc. etc. The union mem were bled white in the civil wars, principle. To prove this to the plans to call 250 witnesses, while able they have become. They women, were injured in the melee. events, said the great lesson of ber who, in spite of all this, the fact that the Soviet citizen capitalists of all countries, Stalin the defense, will undoubtedly leaders of the Second Interna Benson ordered National Guard Second and Third Internationals Taxes and extravagance. Tax nevertheless dares to oppose the began to long for peace and has killed off all of the leaders counter with a list of oppos tional, who also used to explain troops held in readiness for and the need for building a new ation of the membership is heav administration, stands in danger quiet, the fact that the aid to th of the October Re tioning witnesses.
to their bourgeois masters how, strik duty and assig Adjt. revolutionary international.
ier than under previous admi of physical assault led by the workers state there from other Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin.
for them, socialism was just a Gen. Walsh to Duluth to The meeting was held under nistrations while the benefits appointed organizers whom European working classes was Rykov in Russia itself by means them willing tools for its aims distant dream and how devoted survey the situation. the auspices of the Friends of derived from such levies before Weinstock plants in each local cut off by bloody suppression in of frame ups directed against Those who remained true to they were to bourgeois demo Carl Johnson, president of the Workers Spain, a local united are entirely non existent now. More than that, the Stalinist the period after 1918 all these Trotsky and all those who have their principles in the parties of cracy e. to The only visible result of the machine is reinstituting an old historic causes gave the Stalin remained true to their working the Communist International and capitalism.
Lake Superior Newspaper Guild, front organization drawn from wired the governor after the Socialist Workers Party, Socialheavy contributions made by the practice of the racketeers vote ghing of job holders an oppor class ideals.
refused to be bribed and dictat cratic Front, they are ready to bombing, pleading with him to ist Party and trade union cleunion painters to the present stealing with the aid of all the tunity to entrench themselves With the Russian state machi ed to, were expelled from the sell out the workers of their return peace to this community ments. Much literature was disDistrict Council treasury is a strong arm men and old time and gradually to throw off all nery in its power and with un Stalinist organizations. Those country to the bosses in exchange before lives are taken. tributed and the Stalinists preflock of Stalinist parasites. a fakers who jumped on their revolutionary principles in re limited financial resources at its who remained are nothing more for an alliance of the capitalist Union officials stated that sent expressed a desire to hear, staff of office anpointees tive to band wagon when they came into turn for deals with the capitalist disposal, the Stalin gang has than agents of Stalin job trust government with the Stalin re mass picketing of the News more about the revolutionary ten times as big as any office control and whom they have wel governments.
Herald plant would continue des viewpoint expressed by the statt under former administra comed with open arms. The Communist International, lin all countries so as to make People Front or a Demo. To be concluded next week) pite the police terror. speakers. 50 Frame up In Barcelona Who Are The Wreckers?
MC to Use Tear Gas On Orrs Tell of Spain Duluth Pickets At Louisville Meet