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Saturday, May 28, 1938 401 Five Cents per Copy Socialist Appeal Smash Fascism In Mexico!
GPU Stages Frame UpTrial In Barcelona Workers Must Charge Seven Mobilize To Militants With Fight Cedillo Assassination The Memorial Day Massacre War Menace Looming In Czech Crisis BREAK WASHINGTON BLOCKADE BOLSHEVIK LENINISTS ACCUSED that the Spanish Bolshevik Leninists, heroic dePenders of If the Martyrs Could Speak RELIEF CRISIS For Workers Defense!
IN CLEVELAND STILL UNSOLVED 9, 000 RUBBER WORKERS QUIT AKRON PLANTS troops at Fascist General, Aspiring to Role of Mexican Britain, France Act To Franco, Has Backing Of British and Forestall Forceful American Oil Companies Stalin Yezhov Methods Applied In Spain Against Hitler Coup Revolutionists Who Have Been In Front The menacing shadow of imRanks Against Franco perialist war hung darkly over Europe last week end as the General Saturnino Cedillo, long groomed by British Czechoslovakian government mo and American oil interests to be the Franco of Mexico, bilized army reserves and closed revolted last week against the government of President all roads leading into Germany as precautionary measures a Lazaro Cardenas.
gainst a possible attempt at a PARIS. Under the direct auspices of Joseph Stalin After concentrating 20, 000 Federal troops, equipped coup etat by the fascist Sudet: with the most modern arms and supported by a fleet of a new Moscow trial is being staged in Barcelona where seven proletarian militants, fighters in the antiHenlein during the Czech muni airplanes, in the state of San Luis Potosi, Cedillo strongFascist ranks since the outbreak of the civil war, have cipal elections.
hold, Cardenas launched an audacious preventive attack Intervention by the British and in the very heart of the Fascist general stronghold just been accused of the actual murder of a militia officer French governments apparently as preparations for open revolt were coming to a head.
named Leon Narvitch and with plotting the assassination, deterred Hitler from military action against Czechoslovakia, of heads of the Loyalist government.
for which election incidents to The moment chosen by CardeThe trial is an attempt methods be created by his tool, Henlein, Inas had its advantages. The Fights Revolt were to have been the official economic blockade instituted against the Mexican people by pretext.
a revolutionary program for the working class of Spain, the British and American imare Fascist agents. The proceedings Anglo French Action perialists has not yet been able not public and the evidence consists exclusively the dossier provided to overcome the enthusiasm of Imperialist Britain, desperate the masses over the hard blows by the Stalinist secret police.
ly anxious to delay as long as struck at the foreign tyrants in Although the indictment in the possible the world war explosion the last few months.
which would be set in train by case was dated March 10, news Memorial Day marks the first anniversary of the police murder a European conflict, warned Moreover, even if there are of the trial reached here only on of ten workers and the wounding of many others in South Chicago May The Parti Ouvrier Interduring the strike against the Republic Steel Company. City, State Authorities Hitler against taking military generals in the army who might nationaliste (Workers Internanot be unwilling to take their tionalist Party. French Section The dramatic newsreel of the events, which was finally flashPass The Buck While ed to come to the aid of Czecho chances against Cardenas in slovakia hopes of securing foreign paif German ed on the theatre screens, gave a shocking and all too familiar of the Fourth International, has Jobless Starve picture of a peaceful picketing demonstration of striking workissued a call to the Anarchist tempted to move across the tronage, any act of rebellion now Czech frontier.
would fail completely to gain Union, the expelled Socialist Fe.
ers being attacked with guns and tear gas bombs by a bestial police force. Into the defenseless ranks of workers, who asked CLEVELAND. The suffering Europe forced into the back important section of the populaThe tense situation in eastern any popular support from any organizations, as well as the Inonly that the union of their choice be recognized by the steer inflicted on hundreds of thous. ground the Italo French conflict tion and would have little chance ternational Aid, for a united barons, was poured a running fire of rifle and pistol slugs.
front action in defense of the Goodrich Plants Struck blood and sinews and nerves has been coined the fabulous wealth Ten workers, part of that vast army of toilers out of whose and throughout the industrial the possibility of a fresh Hitler actionary revolt against Cardeaccused militants.
nas had not yet achievad naAccused Militants In Fight Against of American capitalism, fell as martyrs in the great cause of ject of a political football game presence of German troops at tional dimensions.
between Republican Mayor Bur: Brenner Pass, Mussolini deemed If Cardenas and the Mexican labor.
The accused men are: Wage Cuts ton of Cleveland and Democratic it wise not to fan the flames of masses succeed now in smashing Manuel Fernandez Grandizo In death, they joined the hundreds of other martyrs who fell Governor Davey of Ohio.
Munis, militant Bolshevik Leninhis dispute with the government the armed bands of the Fascist By WIDICK under the clubs and pistols and revolvers and machine guns of Cleveland is a city of basic of Daladier. The latter, fearful Cedillo, he will not only have ist, known to the revolutionary democratic American capitalism in the massacres of Home industries such as auto and auto that Hitler might attempt decapitated and disoriented the movement as one of the founders, Labor Secretary stead, of Coeur Alene, of Cripple Creek, of Ludlow, of Everett, parts, steel, and electrical sup. coup in Czechoslovakia and thus reaction, but will have disapalong with Andres Nin and AnAKRON, Ohio. The recent of scores of other battlefields where the organized murder bands plies. It has probably the widest compel France to redeem its pointed for a long time to come drade, of the Communist Left. upsurge of the Akron labor moLong active in the Madrid labor vement received further impetus of the ruling class mowed down the workers fighting against diversity of heavy industry of pledge to aid in that country the hopes of the peace angels industrial serfdom.
any city in the United States. defense against aggression, saw of the London and New York movement, Munis went to Mexico this week when 9, 000 rubber In the present crisis it has be fit to soft pedal the dispute with oil companies.
before the Spanish revolution of workers completely shut down The blood of these heroes cries out for vengeance. But it come the hardest hit city in the Mussolini, which arose over the Cedillo will not be a push over, 1931 and there became secretary the six plants of the Goodrich cries out also a lesson and a warning.
of the Communist League of Mex Rubber Company.
The private and public thugs of capital, those in civilian clothes question of ending foreign in. He participated in the civil wars ico. When the Fascist rebellion One in Three on Relief and those in uniform, are a direct and brutal threat not ony to tervention in the Spanish civil of the past and fought with Resentment over long standing war.
Pancho Villa, the peasant leader. to now to retain their own pribroke out, he returned at once Unemployment is so wide By no means can it be said He is one of the extremely few vate armies. He has a force of to Madrid and there took his grievances at the Goodrich plants the rights of the workers, but to their very lives. Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 4) generals who have managed up about 10, 000 men equipped with place at the front in the ranks modern arms.
of the Young Socialist militia.
AN OPEN LETTER Cedillo was minister of agriHe saw months of service on the culture in Cardenas cabinet.
Madrid front. He was forced Himself a big landowner, he reunderground when the Negrinfused to go along with Cardenas!
Stalin terror began against all land reform policies and used revolutionary militants.
his position to strengthen his Adolfo Carlini, Italian comown armed bands. Nearly a year rade, member of the Italian SoYou look to your Tenth party convention for policies cialist Party, fighter in the antiagents of the capitalist government in suppressing all Union. Never before has the Soviet Union been in such ago he was forced to resign.
While Cedillo retired to his Fascist militia from the first on defending the interests and needs of the working class. revolutionary workers movements against capitalism an isolated and precarious position.
retreat in San Luis Potosi and the Aragon front. Known in You still believe it is a party of class struggle and 80and its wars.
The Stalin regime has sapped the Soviet Union inthere prepared for rebellion, Marseille, in particular, as an cialism, whose policies are determined by the memberThereby the Communist Party is pledged to destroy ternally by destroying Bolshevism and the Bolsheviks. Cardenas did not remain inactive.
honest militant, Carlini won ship.
working class democracy.
public recognition for his heroWhose democracy will it The greatest blows have been dealt to the Red Army. The Federal army in the northism Estrecho Quinto and In reality, the Communist Party is communist in defend? The right of the exploiters to rule through The Moscow frame ups have demoralized and repelled ern Monte Aragon.
name alone; your leadership has trampled underfoot democratic forms. For the democratic rights of the broad sections of the world working class, thus further It is impossible at this point One Escaped the most elementary working class principles; has aban masses can be defended only by independent workers weakening the only reliable defenders of the Soviet to predict the scope the struggle doned any pretense of revolutionary struggle against Aage Kielso, Bolshevik militaction and not by alliance with so called democratic Union. Only a break with the policy of People Front will take. Even should Codillo ant, who was arrested but sucAmerican imperialism and for socialism. The conven sections of the ruling class. Not a democratic union, ism, national unity, and frame ups will make possible be defeated, his bands could ceeded in escaping his tion is only a rubber stamp to set a formal seal of ap but the united working class front can defeat reac the defeat of reaction on all fronts, further the work carry on guerrilla warfare for captors proval on policies already imposed upon you.
ing class movement toward socialism, defend the So northern Mexico. But the very Jaime Fernandez Rodriguez, viet Union and assure its development toward a class fact that Cardenas has grasped Teodoro Sanz Hernandez, Bol. In face of the current crisis that is convulsing the Learn from the experiences of post war Europe: Sothe initiative has reduced the shevik Leninist militants.
less society.
world, the party spreads the fatal illusion that capital cial democracy, when faced with the crisis of capitalLouis Zanon, youth comrade ism, could offer the desperate masses nothing but the ism can assure peace and provide jobs and plenty for Not vestige remains today of the program on which chances of Cedillo becoming a who entered the movement after July 19, 1936, former translator all if only democracy is preserved. In its support the Communist Party was founded. Having betrayed tion and of the foreign capitalprogram of the lesser evil a plan of stabilizing caon La Batalla, organ of the of Roosevelt against reaction, the party has not rais pitalism by supporting the democratic regimes which the principles they originally professed, your leaders ists.
In this struggle the adherents M, and Editorial ed a finger against the huge armament and naval prohate and fear above all those who remain true to those paved the way for Fascist victories. By destroying the Marxista. Young and frail, gram of American imperialism. Thus it gives sup independence of the labor organizations, by making principles. They have written into the new constitu of the Fourth International supZanon was broken by weeks of torture and signed a confession port to American war plans. It has attacked those who them mere appendages to the parties of the ruling tion an unprecedented clause forbidding any member port the left bourgeois nationalof non existent crimes. He sub demand the withdrawal of American troops from to have any personal or political relationship with revolutionary imperialist lackey class, they drove the workers into passivity and the Trotskyites, Lovestoneites or other known enemies of Cedillo. In Mexico it is their sequently repudiated this con China as agents Japanese imperialism. It has become middle classes into the camp of Fascism. In Spain and fession and demanded a new known throughout the country as the most vigorous in France, the People Front governments of victothe people. It is in this way that they seek to terrorize task to give all national support hearing the party membership and keep them from any pos Cardenas. as in recent times Victor ry are in fact the governments of defeat!
Offdik, Czechoslovak pro war party.
sible contact Your leaders also promised to achieve collective sethe ideas of revolutionary Marxism. they have supported his antiworker, militiaman.
The Communist parties, formed in the struggle They will not succeed.
imperialist measures at the In Barcelona Prison against those who in 1914 1918 rallied the workers curity and provide the surest defense of the Soviet around their own capitalist governments under the Union through the People Front. This, above all, has Your own experiences with the disastrous policies of same time propagating the methods of the independent strug.
the Communist Party will compel you to break down gle of the Mexican working class The indictment as mention slogan make the world safe for democracy, now braz been the apology for the abandonment of revolutionary this barrier which your leaders seek to erect. It is in its own interest.
who is vaguely identified as a zenly repeat this treachery. The banner of Lenin and policies. What has been achieved? The myth of collecyour duty seriously to review the past and present poli For cessation of the economic political commissar whose Liebknecht has been discarded for the banner of Wil tive security has been exploded. The democratic against cies of the party. It is your duty to familiarize your and political sanctions whereabouts are unknown. He son and Roosevelt!
powers seek only to arrive at an agreement with the had stated previously that he was selves with the program of the Socialist Workers Party, the Mexican government!
In the struggle for democracy against reaction the Fascists as to how to divide the world and how to re the banner bearer and continuator of the principles, to support the Fascist rebels of German. His precise role in the (Continued on page 3)
new party constitution binds the members to act as concile their differences at the expense of the Soviet program and traditions of Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
To Members of the Communist Party at reinforcedances was systematically