BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarMarxismMoscow TrialsPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

May 21, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL ANTI WAR MOTION GETS NEW SUPPORT Workers Must Give Strong Support to Mexican People Powers Foment Chamberlain Works For World Bank Is Bluecher the Next Hague Rule Is Fascist Revolt Cheap Deal With Hitler On Stalin Death List? COLUMBUS, Ohio The antiHits Myths Local Police Of New Deal polis, But selepas are to accept the official Behind Left Talk her postal respiration On Mothers Day war resolution passed by the Central Labor Union of MinneaInsolent British Notes (Continued from page 1) aerial protection, as a prepararepresenting 50, 000 organPurge Hits Closest Aides and New Batch Of ized workers, has acquired a new Get Sharp Reply that there would be either no tion for obligatory military sersupporter in the Columbus local resistance or such ineffectual revice has yielded meager results.
High Officers; Judicial System Found (No. 27) of the Amalgamated From Mexico sistance that France would be The British masses are fired with Filled With Criminals faced with a fait accompli bea spirit of resistance to the imperialist war preparations, alrepresenting some 100 workers. Continued from page 1) since this hope is too uncertain, though they have not yet cone Reports Shows Futility which has unanimously endorsed Stalin purge has put its At the same time a sweeping the resolution.
of the present silent but effec everything must be done to per beyond the stage of militant, reRoosevelt Skirts Pleas clammy hand on Marshal Vassily dicial department, the same deOf Planning Under The resolution was introduced tive economic blockade of Mexico mit German conquest of Czecho formist pacifism.
Bluecher, commander of the Red partment which, together with by a militant worker who spoke For Action Against by the British and American im slovakia without force at anperialists.
Elections Show Trend Capitalism Army in the Far East and long the has been in charge before the union on Roosevelt Jersey Fuehrer either by a treaty of agreement heralded as a solid bulkwark of the thousands of arrests, Heads for War. After pointing Revolutionary Position or slow economic strangulation. In all the bye elections of reThe Marxist contentions that against the threat of Japanese trials, and executions during the out the logical trend of RooseTo assure this course, Chamber cent date the Conservatives lost velt foreign policy, the speaker ed up his cheap victory at Last week Boss Hague followIn this issue there can be no lain, heading a government de out against the Labor candidates. economic planning is impossible imperialist aggression against past two years.
analyzed the slogan of collective doubt about the position of revoted to the League, now favors So far as the latter are concern under capitalism, that national the Soviet Union.
Soviet Justice volutionary Marxists. Without a surgical operation which would ed, they serve to transform the illusory utopia in the modern brought under direct attack. But economie self. sufficiency is an Bluecher himself has not been security, showing its real sig Journal Square on May with renouncing for a moment their give Germany the rich and forti reformist pacifism of the masses world, and that the current re and this is almost equally as of the people included Pruss, as rialist war preparations. To the His chief victim was the liberal Those now named as enemies nificance as the mask for impe fresh blows at his adversaries, principled opposition to all ca fied regions of Sudeten Bohemia. into the imperialist pacifism cession is in actuality a major ominous his entire top staff has sistant prosecutor of the slogan of collective security, congregation was evicted from Rabbi Benjamin Plotkin, whose pitalist governments, they stand firmly behind the concrete anti havior of Britain on the Con. They have adopted as their down. swing in the economic been liquidated and replaced by in charge of special cases, working class action as outlined its meeting place at the Jewish However, this dictatorial be which strives for armed peace.
counterposed independent imperialist moves of the Carde tinent only flows from her steady guiding spirit none other than cycle, received authoritative renew men.
cognition in the annual report of It was learned in Moscow on nage, and other crimes treason, counter revolution, espiothem with the methods of inde and the shaky situation in her secretary who for his part scrutlements (the World Bank. is provided with a mew chief of ist Federated Soviet Republic ing of the local, with the press mas government, ready to defend retreat within her own empire Anthony Eden, former foreign the Bank for International Set May 17 that Bluecher was being the State. In the Rise against in the Minneapolis resolution. Community Center through the Social Endorsement of the resolution pressure of the Hague machine pendent proletarian mass ac internal social life.
pulously avoids any active oppo: sued last week by its new pres staff, Army Commander Stern alone 1, 000 new appointees to the ident of the local urging its ity Center, Judge Morris the following meet upon its officers.
The president of the Communtion. Each step forward in shakto new ident, Beyen.
ing off the imperialist yoke, Empire Cracking Up course.
every inch of retreat on the The report deals at length a new political commissar, Chul. More than 500 judicial officials adoption. There was a brief dis. Barison of the Hudson County cussion, followed by a unani Juvenile Court, and the treasurer, part of the imperinlist conquer Canada, Australia, South Africh exists a perfect division of labor with the United States, and a replacing Mazepov, and a Mere then choc judici Louis Jacobs of the Jersey ers, is an aid to the emancipa and Egypt, manifesto increasing between the right and left con stresses particularly the close bew. commander for the Maritime criminals, drunkards and em. mously favorable vote.
City Board of Education, are tion of the proletarian and peas tendencies towards independence servatives, the liberals, the lassonomie and financial relation. Siberian district, Gen. Podlass bezzlers. Among the districts at: fected were Azov, Sverdlovsk, in matters of foreign policy. In borites, and the insignificant but rest of the world. The interboth Hague office holders.
Lewis Conceals The enemy is powerful. Neither China and Latin America New Army Changes and Transcaucasia.
He Criticized Hague the Mexican government nor the British lion is under heavy that clever scheme does not suffice is so great, the report states. This was the These facts must throw the Mexican working masses can win tack. Even after the Anglo Italian to check the vague, heterogene that economic nationalism. followed prior to the liquidation into a deeper dilemma, if that Anti Labor Acts Rabbi Plotkin has been one of the most outspoken opponents of the Hague regime in Jersey City, ed and without aid.
The task of ment in Palestine apparently ment against the approaching independ emake them free to move and shooting of Marshal Tukha were possible.
organized labor in America is to directed against the Jews, but imperialist war.
chevsky last June. Since that He has criticized Hague des potism at numerous meetings forge a fighting solidarity with in essence a revolt against the shooting many of the generals Stalinist version, the following Upswing Fails the Mexican drive toward libera imperialist yoke. continues to SHACHTMAN TALKS and admirals who formed the conclusion would seem inescap. Speech At Meet him for his ban on picketing and last year publicly denounced tion operate in full force. In India, The 1937 depression, according court martial for Tukhachevsky able: Every trade union must pro civilizing British bombs rain AT BOSTON MEET to the report, originated in the and the seven generals shot with The trials of the Old Bolshe Designed To Keep during the seamen strike. His recent appearance in court as a United States. parallel to him have since trod the same viks were organized by the formtest against the arrogant provo heavily upon the heads of the His Influence of the later character witness for John Longo cations of British diplomacy! colonial slaves. To gain a free meetings. one held in Roxbury can be found only in the most turn BOSTON. Two well attended features of the new depression path. Will it now be Bluecher er head designed as a fascist agent, Ya.
convicted last week on a trump labor organizations throughout British bourgeoisie throws to its Every trade union must invite hand within its empire, the and the other in Botos, with acute depression ever known. Sweeping changes have once soda In a speech paralleling in many cd up charge of filing fraudulthe world, and especially in Eng. competitors the bones of Ethio Max Shachtman as the principal Capitalist government planning ands of key military districts legally by prosecutors, of sage to dressed the Amal primary elections last fall, was The purges were conducted respects his recent radio mesent nominating petitions for John Lewis the anti Hague ticket at the Jand, to organize demonstrations pia, Spain and Czechoslovakia. speaker, climaxed an energetic and spending, attempted on an It must be added that Britain anti war campaign conducted by unprecedented scale by the throughout the Soviet Union. whom 500 are now designated as last week material as well as moral re workers Party during the past not provide a durable basis for three or four times during the criminals, embezzlers or drunk vention on the subject of the tion.
Cease the Blockade!
the Boston local of the Socialist Roosevelt Administration, did These posts have changed hands former White Guards, perverts, samated Clothing Workers con the immediate cause of his eviclags far behind. The three months.
an upswing. It has proved to be past year and even during the ards.
current depression and the per Norman Thomas was again Every trade union must call productivity of the armament The executions were carried spectives of labor.
During the campaign, several infinitely more difficult to direct past few months.
denied a permit to speak at for the immediate sending of a industries, despite a gigantic thousand copies of the party might have been anticipated be Katehelov, Tomulenev and Apa by military chiefs who are now of these speeches is the extra intention of testing the ruling Generals the trend of economic lite than Khozine, Kovalev, oui by firing squads commanded broad labor commission to Mexico propaganda machine, develops anti war manifesto were distri: What is remarkable about both Journal Square and signified his ordinary contrast between Lewis of the Jersey City Director of al, to unmask the actions of the only at a straggling pace. Even buted to workers at forums and fore the New Deal experience. nasenko were appointed to re designated as fascist spics.
imperialist exploiters of Mexico the collaboration labor!
unions in the augmentation of Sunday night forums of the appalling bankruptcy of declining Bielov, Gribov. Kuibichev and Stalinists, the old Bolsheviks and country, on the one hand, and same time the effectiveness of the Leningrad, other blood purge victims were his proposals for action on the court action was tested when a Every trade union must call exploitation meets with no en party were devoted to the fight the formidable threat that White Russia, North Caucasia, framed, tried, sentenced, and ex othe Federal Grand Jury in Newark from the against imperialist war, and anti few large or even normal crops Transcaucasia, and Central Asia ecuted by arrangement among Reflects Workers Mood voted no indictment on the demands for compensation of thusiastic response war pamphlets and copies of the may endanger the stability of the military districts. The purge of Hitlerites, Japanese spies, per the foreign oil and agrarian workers.
Civil complaint of the American magnates who have plundered Numerous attempts to launch anti war issue of the Socialist market, and suggests that only Dybenko and Bielov has been verts, thieves, drunkards and In tone and content, his an Liberties Union that their let.
Mexican soil for decades! a voluntary mass recruitment Appeal were widely sold and dis. the price structure. That is the can save known for some time the Beloved Leader!
alysis reflects the bitter and raters had been illegally opened Hands off Mexico!
for the army, navy and civil tributed.
dical mood of the workers feel and photostated by Hague poing the full brunt of the depres lice.
economy would today be thrown sion. The 13, 000, 000 (unemployinto chaos if there were sufficient Roosevelt Declines To Act ed) will not always be content Inside the Painters Union food to cat; it cannot permit to take the crumbs from Lazar Judge William Clark of Newenough food to be grown.
Stalinists Deny It ren die because some politician, tion for a review of his six CLEVELAND. With bands. sent in full regalia.
Add the some industrial leader who gets months sentence for attempting The Daily Worker, interesting playing Over There and the Spanish Popular Front Clubs of 200, 000 a year, or some banker, to speak without a permit in ly enough, was compelled to claim national colors flying in profu Cleveland and vicinity, the Chin who is stoop shouldered from Hagueville.
This is the third of a strikes called by the Weinstock entirely dependent upon the that accounts of this report pub sion, the American Lengue for ese benevolent protective Asso clipping coupons, pronounces Meanwhile President Roosevelti series of articles on the real administration resulted in vie good will of the administra lished in the Times were Peace and Democracy paid its cintion in Cadillac V12 s) and vengeance.
petitioned by the liberal press, Lewis described the ravages the Stalinist Vito Marcantonio, situation in the Painters ists. According to the rank and Stalin tion.
Weinstock opposed job favor. Bank cold and impersonal con ca in a super patriotic Peace The only bright spot in the of the depression and openly ex. and Norman Thomas, to interUnion of New York. Ed. file union members, the movie itism in another of his planks. medito mand guidance for interna Parhe main Slogan carried by the tribution to the paraders and near. revolutionary tendencies hands of responsibility for On February 29, 1936, Louis coffers of the administration the part of the bosses through tional finance capital and there: 000 marchers Weinstock was elected Secretary with a huge sum of money ex lack of enforcement of the unich fore scientific and accurate with the Aggressor Other festo of the Socialist Workers radio address, he spoke of the own party. Queried whether he Treasurer of District Council Notracted from the membership in standards, better has become man in the assumptions of a continu slogans were Christians De Party. Surprisingly enough, the workers and farmers being in would take any action either as without arxiusubstantistatimises two 10 strike assessments. The instrument of control in the hands the major theoretical prope or Wilson Created a free Czechoslo molested, although there was a ment if things did not improve Democratic Party, he replied that came into control of the New last general strike, the de of the Weinstock administration Stalinism: the theory of social vakia Help Defend it.
mands of which were an increase itself, which takes advantage of ism in one country, which denies bit of under the breath cursing proposals, Lewis speaks not with local police matter, and that his ly as in probably no other trade day and the closed shop, lasted ing the union the right to fill world economy; and the theory union groups, except for The parade was marked by a the voice of the workers, whose Postmaster General Farley, Naunion in the country.
tradi. AFL Takes Unions only weeks. Its gains are 25 per cent of the jobs in every of planning and progress under fully small group from the In.
moods he reflects only to keep tional Democratic Committee Weinstock and Co had a clean deep sceret. But the assessment union shop from the District democratic capitalism which is ternational Ladies his influence among them, but chairman, would answer for the sweep of the field. The member. levied, it may safely be said, Council office, discriminating in the necessary foundation for the Workers Union. This despite the Garment in the name of the masters he second. Farley, it was later reship clearly was behind them. more than covered the expense favor of obedient followers of tactics of the Popular or Demo fact that the Stalinists completeultimately serves: in the name of ported, answered that he was Now let us Jook at their record of the short lived strike.
the bourgeoisie. The New Deal powerless to act on the technical the Stalinist line.
and compare it with their pro Where did the money go to?
cratic Front.
ly control the Cleveland Indusmises.
Union Democracy NEW YORK CITY. The enuse little relief; the same Roosevelt ground that Hague had been le. Weinstock also accused the trial Council, local cen of labor unity was dealt a blow and the same New Deal which Convention. Thus do these watchare bringing action against Machine Control previous administrations of exrecently when the Central led the nation during its prepa dogs of democracy display travagance. Now the assess The very first, and consequent Weinstock henchmen in that tral labor body.
The Marchers Trades and Labor Council was rations for this new depression their vigilance in guarding the While the Weinstock faction ments and the increased per cay, the most important plank in local for the alleged stealing of was in ducted there last Friday night.
the opposition, their pita tax raised recently from Weinstock original election plat votes during a referendum conSuch organizations the the American Labor Party by against which, in words, he in democratie rights of the Ameri: platform voiced many of the 50 to 75 go to maintaining form called for veighs so sharply.
can people!
That the membership is up Cedar Central Sewing Club, the order of George Meany, president Trade union democracy in sentiments and desires of the an office staff of some 60 apPseudo radical Oratory Brave, bold, representative and Local in arms against this type of Albanian Workers Literature of the state federation of labor.
membership. Once they came in pointed job holders, as against District Council Bernard, who failed to show up to office, the platform became the dozen or so in pre Weinstock Unions. The full rights of every ed from the vote on a referend. Mothers League were present the New York version of Labor Lewis likewise advocates Phillip in Journal Square on May 1, linists concentrated on control campaign, called for a monthly suegest, without intimidation. ballot on all questions, sponsor parade use of the secret in profusion. The color for the Non Partisan League elsewhere, Murray proposal for a meeting, announced that he intended to of the union machinery.
One of the Stalinists major weekly expense of the District the basic principle of traded by several locals recently. sro Elks Band, which put on a trument which is trying to des, which spokesmen for industry, under the auspices of the stafin.
With all its job favoritism, show as it cake walked down troy the American Federation of government, and labor would get ist American League for Peace demands when they were fight. Council is 4, 000 to 5, 000. The unionism.
with all of its control of the Euclid Avenue to the delight of Labor, Meany ordered the together to cooperate on a ra and Democracy, but in a hall, tot ing Zausner was, strict enforce appointed jobholders consume a That plank has become a scrap union machinery, the Stalinist small children. The inevitable council to instruct all af Aliates tional program.
in the street!
ment of the seven hour day, the major share of the income. What of paper for the Stalinists, with administration managed to de Boy Scout division was also pre to withdraw from the With the help of his pseudoCall To Labor (official) wage scale and union is their purpose? Anyone who Weinstock in control. In one of feat the use of the secret ballot radical oratory, Lewis is trying conditions. How does the matter knows anything about Stalinist the ten locals alone. Local No. by a majority of only about 400 midation and gangsterism, the 600, 000 Affected desperately to prevent the work Carl Holderman, state chair.
of striet enforcement stand to methods of control in the unions 51 Stalinist henchmen have as 500 votes among a membership Weinstock machine is threaten day? Ask any ordinary painter knows the answer: to entrench saulted opponents by main force which they claim has reached ing the very existence This action affects approxiers of this country from learn: man of the New Jersey Labor 600, 000 members of ing from the new depression that Non Partisan League, declared and he will tell you that strict the Communist Party machine on three different occasions in the 16, 000 mark!
Painters Union. of unions.
their only rational program over Station WEVD last week In coming issues we will exever, that kick back flourishes make it a complete appendage of for daring to differ with them and file or the Painterse Union amine those methods in detail, these reactionary moves develop dustry and government for the in the forefront of the battle to Little militant opposition to is not to get together with in that organized labor must be under the Weinstock administra that party with all of its anti on the floor! The only difference thus expressed its distrust of show how they flow from the ed at the Council meeting at sake of cooperation, but to save America from the Hitler tion as never before.
working class policies. between these methods and those and opposition to Stalinist trade ceneral policy of a sea linismosche tended by forever 200 lede esa call fight against industry and the sanized labor, and not the leadAnother plank was, Imme Unemployed Problem diate adjustment of complaints Stalinists do not even wait until wonder. Two years of Weinstock bosses. how they have been for a teller vote when the voice government for their own class ers of the Hudson County Cenand grievances. Hundreds of Another. perhaps the most they get out of the union hall.
rule has completely disillusioned fought in other unions and how vote showed the body equally aims.
tral Labor Union, who, through painters will tell you that, in pressing demand of the sup In locals where voting is carri them.
they can be fought in the Paint: divided on the motion sustaining GAS WORKERS GAIN paralyzing fear or rankorrus: spite of the big machinery in porters of Weinstock before his ed on by open ballot, the galeUnion Divided stalled by the Weinstock admi election was action for the un ries are filled with appointed the progressive forces of the The attitude of the of IN NEW CONTRACT ed workers for a mess of Hague nistration, with all its appointed employed painters. What is the officials in charge of distributFrom the unanimity that pre: Conference, its program of action the is thoroughly opposition into the Inter Local bureaucrats in seeking to smash MINNEAPOLIS.
workers of the This clarion call of the harder to get than under any this problem? Blame it on ca quota whose very presence con the union has developed into one form the subject of a separate blow from the right. Militant gains in the new two year con immediately into action. The orprevious administration. pitalism and the crisis! One stitutes intimidation. Whet num that sees the membership dividwould assume that a union lead ber of union members will risk ed over serious questions affect art article.
In Cahoots With Bosses unionists have consistently fought tract signed last week between ganized workers of New Jersey ership is elected precisely to their opportunity of getting ting their everyday life. Normto turn the capitalism and the rare enough chance to be sent ally a healthy diścussion could Con the company and the Gas Work must unite against Hague. They Weinstock original election combat instrument of independent poliers Union Local 20490.
HOW TO FIGHT WAR should hold their own mass meetplatform accused the previous crisis, even tical action for the workers administration of collaborating abolish it. But not one effective by voting openly against Stalin easily re establish unity in the The future course of the AmeThe new contract grants paid ings in defiance of his burns and ranks and bring about an acceptwith the bosses in the calling of proposal has been forthcoming ist proposals. Collective Security. able solution to the problems rican Labor Party will be deter vacations of two weeks each year. rights. They should form Work.
fake strikes. The Stalinist ad from the Stalinist administration Vote Stealing facing the painters, With the Relentless Class Struggle mined partly by this withdrawal The former pact gave only one e13 Defense Committees to pro.
Formerly employees had teet themselves against the atministration has been no less for union methods of improving Stalinist leeches on their backs, by obliging, entirely in line with the lot of the unemployed paint How the Stalinists intend the members of the Painters JAMES BURNHAM forthcoming action of the only five days paid sick leave: tacks of his gangsters in uniform.
the People Front policy of er. The unemployed painter does further to develop this odd con Union have a far more difficult towards the 1o. under the new agreement they The united ranks of labor are 16 pp.
al e given ten days.
the Communist Party, in coope not even get generally.
the odd job he ception of trade union demo task. By bureaucratic methods, Socialist Workers Party cracy in the Painters Union in that have seeped into the union Wage increases, amounting to powerful enough to overthrow rating harmoniously with the would ordinarily get under a fair New York is indicated by the like a vicious poison, by sup 116 University Place ASK FOR THE APPEAL per cent in the lower brackets the Hudson County Hitler. Once Master Painters. The general rotation system. Instead, he is fact that members of Local 905 pression of democracy, by intiNew York City AT YOUR NEWSSTAND and tapering off in the higher they spring into vigorous directe brackets, were also won. action against him. Stalinist Wreckers Move In Out Of Labor Party of the mately Over 400 pottage.
Isolation 3e