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Saturday, May 21, 1938 401 Five Cents per Copy NO RIDERS!
703 CTPEU Stalinists Put To Flight By UAW Board Chamberlain Mexico Ends Seeking New Its Relations Status Quo With Britain MATERS PROGRAM GETS UNANIMOUS VOTE The cases of Ethiopia and Spain FASCIST REBELLION FOMENTED PROGRESSIVES SHOW GAINS IN PAINTERS POLL in the contengono Get Majority In Three Imperialism Shows COAST SAILORS Aerial Might Over VOTING ON AFL ENTRY PROPOSAL INTEGRALISTAS APE HITLERITES. IN BRAZIL COUP weeks.
Wants Understanding With Germany At The Frankensteen Browder Combination Collapses Cheapest Price Action Follows Insolent Demands By Britain; Completely; Union Errs, However, In Great Britain drive for a new American Unions Must Give Strongest Supporting Governor Murphy status quo is being conducted with irresistible vigor. In GeSupport To Mexican Workers neva Lord Halifax emerged as victor though with little glory.
been dropped, according the dictates of British and French DETROIT, May 16. Not since the collapse of the frame up diplomacy.
campaign in the Minneapolis Corcoran case have the Stalinists The course of the session of the Following the reception of an insolent note from the British been put to so complete a rout as at the current Executive Board League of Nations Council prov Rovernment, in which the latter dared to dictate the domestic affairs sessions of the United Automobile Workers of America.
ed, if such proof was still need of Mexico as it does to countries under its own colonial administraThe report of President Homer Martin and his twenty point proed, that treachery and violation tion, the Cardenas government last week severed diplomatic relaof the weak is far from being Lions with Britain. Great Britain was compelled to recall its minister gram was accepted without a dissenting vote.
the prerogative only of fascist from Mexico City.
The grand strategy of Richard Frankensteen, supported by his imperialists. Ethiopia, China and Thus the conflict with private oil companies now assumes the Communist Party allies, to outlaw the democratic rights of groups Spain demonstrated irrefutably form of an open conflict between states. The State Depart.
and caucuses went a begging for supporters, without a single soul that not only the ideats but ment, which so far has attempted to remain in the background, doughty enough not even Frankensteen to present it to the also the legal stipulations of the will now have to take a more straight forward position.
Executive Board for consideration and action.
League demand their defense.
Many symptoms indicate that there was a division of labor betTo cap the climax, every mem Democrats Vs. Aggressors ween Washington and London in the offensive against Mexico ber of the Executive Board, inattempt to gain greater independence from imperialism. While cluding those previously associatThe cold rejection of the ap. Britain tries to encourage the audacity of the Mexican reaction ed with the Unity Group, acting peals from these victims of im. through provocative diplomatie acts, the American imperialists voluntarily and with no compul.
perialist aggression by the resion or coercion of any kind presentatives of democratie Enghave chosen the method of economic strangulation, brought to bear upon them, afland and France proves only that Naturally, the last word lies fixed their signatures to the the latter real conceptions of with the United States. To be program presented by Martin. law are not at all different sure, Britain is her most dangerfrom those of Mussolini, Hitler ous competitor in Latin America, On Factionalism and the Mikado and the Anglo Mexican tension In his report to the Executive Only through the miserable can become a splendid opportunBoard, covering numerous topics deception of the masses perpeity for American imperialists to trated by the Second and Third shut the door to the British in tions with the employers to the Internationals can it be pretendthe name of the Monroe Doctrine Locals In Union internal condition in the union, ed that collective security is anyand the good neighbor policy, Martin struck a fighting note in Referendum thing but a cover for the mainas well as to subdue Mexico still his discusion of the mooted issue tenance of the world autocracy further under the pretense of of the Versailles imperialists. If saving her.
of factionalism. Our union, he declared, is position to the Weinstock regime Japan Envisioned In Maneuvers As Actual Enemy the latter preserve the bank. Putsch Against Vargas and must remain a democratic in the New York Painters Union rupt League, it is only to use it Broader Considerations Recalls Attack On In Coming War: Air fleet Defects To Be Used in case of war as a means of Dollfuss In 1934 But elements of broader interbers should participate in mak resulted in important gains for social patriotic mobilization.
As Lever For More War Appropriations progressivesar voting on the national policy might as well ing decisions, 30 all members maintenance proposition pro.
Without losing any time, Brienter into the picture. The secshould participate in carrying odded in the locals. chle weekNEW YORK herfahniaht fortscotthe country stalinist Wrecking Drive táin continues to change the map out thione locisions once they are The proposition, with a flex of American imperialism was put The maneuvers, wrote Hansen CIO Forces Seamen to break the back bone of an Brain Rio de Janerio last the Atlantic, plus the added pres.
ret dealing between London and of Europe. Now she is preparing. The Fascist Integralistas Washington, in respect to the made. There should be freedom ible wage scale that means un on display here this week as the Baldwin, military expert of short lived Far East and joint defense of To Seek Support other League member, Czecho putsch ranks. This is as it should be dermining the standard scale of maneuvers of the Army Gen the New York Times, have deslovakia, whose president was one week against Dictator Getulio sure of Standard Oil, might well the regular painters, met with eral Headquarters Air Force end monstrated a great improvement However, democracy is not come serious resistance in all locals ed exercises which extended over in the army of the outstanding lackeys of Vargas.
SAN FRANCISCO. Faced Geneva. No doubt, once every. force Roosevelt to postpone the and was defeated in several Trained and equipped by the Latin American strife and to cussion. Democracy also means a also revealed that out of this discussion and navy exercises in the Pacific. able weaknesses. Not the least bined Stalinized maritime again demand post factum sanc led heavily from old Nazi methods against Mexico, at least for the Close In Local 51 and exchange of opinion, a cause, Army maneuvers, organized on of these weaknesses is the fact groups, the Sailors Union of the tion from the League.
in staging their abortive coup. time being.
a program and a policy is agreIn Local 51, Frank Carey, the largest scale ever witnessed, that the army really has as yet Pacific voted last week to place Hold Secret Talks It was strikingly reminiscent of In this case the main line of ed upon, which all unitedly sup backed by the Progressive Club, are still proceeding and will not no air force, but merely the good the question of affiliation to the the unsuccessful Nazi coup action would most likely be the American Federation of Labor beginnings of one.
port. This is the real meaning rode into office over the Wein be completed until Fall.
before the rank and file for acOver the head of official Czech etat against Dollfuss in Vienna policing of Mexico in the interof unity. This is the only way toek backed candidate, Carl Law.
Bearing witness to the fact Headed for War for democracy to function and son, in the by election to fill the that the Roosevelt government tion and decision in the coming diplomacy, London has started in 1984.
nal conflicts which threaten. The secret discussions with Konrad en office of financial secretary. In considers involvement in war it is thus obvious that, in the the only basis upon which economic situation of the country Familiar Methods of the Sudeten The question will be placed Henlein, leader is rapidly worsening. The reduring organization can be built. this localista member of the Stonearer than at any time during first place, the aerial maneuvers before the membership for four German Nazis and uncrowned Then, as in this case, the plan serves of the state bank are Real Democracy week share o partenaihe danes britifer was made in the air force man as justification for voting addi branches. The first week voting as Jan Masaryk, the Czechoslo nating the chief representative of dire need. The employers, who was to take power by assassi dwindling. The peasantry is in can be no danger to our union Starkist secontrohea raukity Chutbe possible, actual wartime conditions in other words, to accele port for affiliation in all branches concerned, the bourgeois press the conspirators gained admission representatives of their own class Let us state again that there with the partenere in this brotheeuvers to simulate, as closely as tional huge air force appropria resulted in overwhelmingosup vakian ambassador to London, is the enemy. Then, as now, the would like to see a more reliable when free discussion is not only on the maintenance proposirate the war preparations pro on the West Coast.
permitted but encouraged. The tion, the local voted 210 to 204 Farmingdale Blacked Out gram of the Roosevelt adminis On the West Coast, where the that he has at his disposal in as bodyguards reporting for closing factories and reducing danger to the union lies in the in favor of Weinstock proposal.
strongest section de organized London the best organized in duty. Even if the Brazil coup, wages. In answer, the workers degeneration of healthful dit. Considering the three to one votes On Monday night, the village Roosevelt has no doubts, even labor is in the of the telligence service, which keeps doomed in advance in the present organizations have threatened to ferences of opinion on the basis usually cast in favor of adminis of Farmingdale, and all ter if the pacifists have, that militantseamen seeking to him informed of the latest moves circumstances, did not take place break the truce forced upon them of real issues into chronic optration proposals in Local 61, the ritory within a five mile radius imperialism is headed for war maintain their unions against the of Chamberlain and Henlein. at the direct orders of German by Cardenas.
position for the sake of opposi sains of the progressives are an was blacked out while pursuit not a simple war of defense in splitting drives of the anti aircraft artillery, which operations would be res unions under the domination of is to pay the cheapest possible methods and of its inspiration is concentrating Against Codillo minorities to freedom of discus 874, the maintenance proposition powerful searchlights, beat off a sors from invading the conti received support from the major standing with German to build the political similarities. In both meter in gauging the political union demands the rights of In three locals, 261, 1011 and aided by airplane detectors and tricted to preventing aggres. Harry Bridges have consistently price for a transitional under unmistakable.
More Among the students, who are sion and expression and their was defeated by But much more important are always an important thermocomfortable simulated bombing attack on the nental United States but a war of unions.
precisely, Britain of protection from arbitrary remargins. In Local 905, where Seversky airfield. Next morn of imperialist aggrandisement.
oken The move for affiliation comes peace on pression. Factions and factional progressives had reason to ex line east for the maneuvers gath neuvers: The present problem. union busters have reached the all, is to prevent Germany from power.
Both factions had for of Mexico City. In San Luis PoWrote Baldwin of the air ma as the tactics of the Stalinist others. What she desires, above cases there was a struggle bet temperature of a country, riots ere. Fractionalism can be cimi en te vector set height limientale ered at West Point. Flewa to supposes that areBlack coalition stage of open warfare. Picket being forced to subdue Czechoslingene sponsors. Farehe romly differ tosin. the seat of the reactionary nated only through the adoption the balloting.
ence is that Dollfuss Vargas is General Cedillo, who has at his and execution of a constructive view, and then passed in forma of European powers is attacking lines of the are being slovakia with violence.
program and policies which every Where Stalinists Scored tion over New York prior to re our Northeastern states while the broken by force, as Bridges To be sure, Chamberlain hopes tied to the apron strings of the disposal a strong private army active union man and woman will (Continued on page 4)
eminent democrat, Roosevelt, in and upon whom the hopes of turning to their bases in various (Continued on page Continued on page 2)
Where the open ballot was used, support.
stead of the Blackshirt, Musso Mexican reaction are pinned, lini.
strong concentrations of governIt is quite obvious that this as in Locals 848, 892, 905 and 442 In the June New International ment troops are taking place.
statement flies in the teeth of the Stalinists were able to roli The Integralistas The reactionary press pubthe Frankensteen program. Des up big majorities for Weinstock Like the Nazis in Austria, the ing resignation of Cardenas, and lishes rumors about the impendpite this fact, Frankensteen and proposition. On the other hand, Integralistas considered them.
Unity Group leaders cast their ballot was used, the opposition selves robbed of the fruits of speculates about his possible suevote for it. It is rumored, how was able to score victories over their own counter revolutionary cessors.
ever, that one of the opposition the administration.
The June issue of The New In methods, is exposed: the views On earth are path and goal Not only will every and activity. Up until his coup etat. Too many internal and extern evidently as a face. saving reasons behind the desperate ternational will feature a special of the Neuer Wes, a German that each with the other Their places ever change, and preserve this article, but used the Integralistas as a shock a certain prediction of coming. to abolish all factions. Ru fight against the secret ballot in and important article by Leon emigre group: Common Sense, and other paths likewise the sympathizers and brigade against his presidential events. The possibility of sudden mor also has it that his hand was that in a secret ballot, free from and Ours. Trotsky reviews in pseudo liberals; Max Eastman Forthwith another goal set various sections of the labor rival, de Salles Oliviera, an and violent turns, generally the only one which went up for intimidations and gangster me an exhaustive manner the prob views; the pragmatists, et al. up.
movement (Socialists, Anarchists, exponent thods, the membership would lem of aims and methods of the Trotsky article demonstrates trade unionists, the intellectuals who played the democratie tune. spoch, now applies with especial Importance of Aim Economic Crisis make short shrift of such mis labor and revolutionary move how, once a certain aim is acleaders.
etc. will want to obtain the gralistas became too dangerous workers are vigorously determinthe expropriation Further on in Martin report The conclusion drawn in Trots. June issue in order to read Trot for Vargas own power. Having edito defend ary morals and ethics, polemizes avoidable. For instance, there there is another very thinly Paper Appears with various tendencies of the are those people who object to ky article: what is important sky on Their Morals and Ours. expropriated their essential pro which they forced. Any retreat veiled slam at the mythical sitlabor movement. lying: but these same people is revolutionary aim; revolutiongram in promulgating a corpora on this point would lead to civil The first issue of The Progresdown strike of capital theory Out Next Week The article, which will take up justify the Spanish Government ary aim involves revolutionary tive state, Vargas was able to war. So would the continuation attack his erstwhile allies all the (Continued on page 3)
advanced by the Communist sive Painter, organ of the pro more than one third of the space for hiding the date and place of means; and above all the dialecrather than me The June issue of the New relations with the corporations Locals in the New York District, also in good part with the philo from the press and the people, in chanical Party. In discussing contractual gressive clubs in the various in the June issue, concerns itself the meeting of the Cortes, both tiçal separation which, in se International is being rushed for more energetically. The Integra. ITAW Head Supports Mexican Strikers Martin declared: is off the press this week. Forin sophical aspect of this question order to avoid bombardment by tuality leads to more lying, publication and will be out in a listas were soon driven into il Some of the criticism direct erly relying on mimeographed as well as with the political and Franco.
etc. by the so called moralists. week. Party Branches and legality.
In this connection, Trotsky shows Circles have been noti The hostility became sharper DETROIT. Support for striked against the union has been bulletins, the consolidation of the other aspects. Dealt with is the Not An Abstraction based on a false estimate of the clubs into an inter local confer. the end justifies the means, as the justification in certain cir fied concerning the special at: when Vargas frustrated the pre Mexican assembly plant was ing workers in Henry Ford so called Jesuit principle that economic situation. These people But actually, Trotsky review cumstances of so called conspir ticle and are placing increased mature hopes of the German wired to the Confederation of economic crisis (only a sit down newspaper.
would cry that there was no cnce has made possible a printed supposedly unscrupulously em demonstrates, it is not a question ative work in trade unions do orders in anticipation of an exhackers of the Integralistas, and Mexican Workers last week by ployed by the Bolsheviks. in the abstract of the end justi minated by red baiters and reacceptional demand.
strike of capital. Ed. and hence Single copies are 20 cents; strengthened his ties with Wash President Homer Martin of the The paper is edited under the fying the means, but rather of tionaries. The philistine attitudes the union could adopt exactly supervision of the Action ComMethods, Aims Discussed one and the other flowing into a persons like Wells are wholesale rates are 14 cents in ington naturally, for good Ame United Automobile Workers of America each other and changing places, dealt with, likewise the views of bundles of five upward, and the rican dollars. Ours is a common struggle to ed in the spring of 1987. Later, mittee of the inter local confer. The attitude of various groups es illustrated in the drama groups such as the Belgian So. subscription rate remains at the when forced to admit that the ence, and promises to play a Brodstiedliwi musliman on reject qutebe Franz von Sickinger by the cialists, on this decisive question. low rate of 00 per year. Ad Washington has taken this strife working conditions in the inThe Brazilian ambassador in insure higher wages and better crisis was a reality, they turned real role in exposing the reaction of methods and aims by a The foregoing remarks indicate dress all letters and checks or between two species of fascist austry and to bring industrial the tables and argued that the tionary policies and methods of vulgar misconception of the acunion was going down to defent the Stalinist regime in control of tual Bolshevik attitude, but who. Show not the goal in fragmentary manner the sub money orders to The New Inter counter revolution as proof by democracy and freedom to the ject matter of this significant national, 116 University Place example of the democratic cha protected Ford, workers, Martin (Continued on page 2)
But also show the path. So District Council actually practise impermissible closely tangled Jarticle.
New York City.
racter of the Vargas regime. wired to Mexican labor leaders Trotsky on Their Morals and Ours