BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

on making this entry by defending Enemies of Man Hague Rule Pioneer Shindig Still Awaits Real Challenge May 14, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL LEAGUE SERVES German Centrists Give 200 French Communists Cowley Labored TO CONSECRATE Bleak ConferenceReport Hear Trials Denounced ETHIOPIAN RAPE And He Brought Forth Some Mice London Bureau, Uniting Miscellaneous European Rappoport, Ex Party Leader, Denounces Stalin (Continued from page 1)
Groups, Fails To Make Headway Totalitarianism At Paris Gathering In a previous issue we commented on the Trials and the history of the Russian Revolucircular letter being sent out to the Stalinist submit, with the tolerance of the PARIS The April number of developments in the latter party tion, as the eminent Hollywood warriors for League, to the arbitrariness of Neue Front, the organ of the in the last number of the theosucker list by Messrs. Malcolm Cowley, Mare human liberty: Melvin Levy, Samuel Ornitz NEW YORK. The Jewish known French anti. Semite, Blitzstein and other pseudonyms for Polish aggression will declare Socialist Labor Party retical organ of his owny party, Daily Forward of April 27 re Drumont.
and even Miss Dorothy Parker, the Martini that the law of the League is of Germany) contains an extraports an unannounced and unNow that the leaders Browder for signatures to a public statement Stalinist whose weight in these questions is advertised meeting of CommunTotalitarian Cruelty always the side of the ordinarily pessimistic report of have been sobered up not only calculated to whitewash Stalin, the established by her well known belief that Brest ist Party members held in Paris In the ancient Byzantine emmightier.
the last conference of the London by their experiences in the and their Moscow frame ups in the name of Litovsk is the Lithuanian May West, Bureau of the so called inde London Bureau but also in the No less devastating is the judgment of such the counter revolutionary terror rouged out the eyes of his optwo weeks ago to protest against pire, he continued, the emperor China Pleads In Vain Peace, Justice, Democracy and Liberty.
pendent parties (British Inde German People Front, they The hook has netted some fish, not very signers as Mr. Guy Endore, who believes in of the Stalin regime.
ponents; in Turkey, the Sultan The representative of victim pendent Labor Party, Swedish are considering either building big ones, it is true, but fish nevertheless. The witches and consequently knows a witch trial Most of the 200 attending the used to kill off his brothers.
ized China has already repeated Socialist Party, Spanish new party together with Max Daily Worker of April 28 prints on its obscure his request for protection against etc. As is already Braun, Victor Schiff, Breitscheid fourth page the list of those who bit. Space when he sees one; moreover, his famous manu meeting had already tendered Stalin is far more cruel than script, Autobiography of an Idiot, assuredly their resignation from the that: he also robs the victims of will disappear noiselessly in the a declaration calling for a Fourth else, a fraction within the old limitations alone prevent us from rescuing entitles him to a voice in such matters. Signers according to the report. The his murders of their very honor.
their names from oblivion by printing them dusty archives of the League International together with the social democracy. The internalike ex General Victor Yakhontoff, who is main speaker was Charles Rap With great emotion, the old for the Protection of Anglo Trotskyist organizations in the tional question constitutes no all; from obloquy, nothing can rescue them. selected by God and nature to sit in judgment poport, a leading theoretician in theoretician recounted his ex French Imperialism.
fall of 1933.
stumbling block for the For, those who are not Stalinist party mem upon the organizer of the Red Army by virtue the French Marxist movement perience in conducting a camShortly afterward, however, says Meyer, who ought to know.
The delegate of the legal gobers and hence under compulsion to put their of the fact that he was for years General in and Paris correspondent of paign to save Christian Rakovvernment Spain will again in they turned against our alleged It knows that a broader realign names to whatever piece of infamy and self the Army of His Imperial Majesty, Nikolay II, Moscow) up to the time of his of the Rumanian government beIsvestia (official Soviet organ in sky from execution at the hands voke the written law of the sectarianism and took up in ment of groups will pose the debasement is shoved under their pens and Czar of All the Russias, later Military Attache resignation from the Communistfore the war. Now Rakovsky is League in an attempt to save parties like the Norwegian Labor ment should take place within ternational collaboration with question whether this realign: half the signers fall into this category have of the Czarist Embassy at Tokyo, and still Party of France four weeks ago. accused of being an agent of the his country from foreign con Party and similiar mass parties the folds of the Socialist and only besmirched and dishonored themselves by later attached to the General Staff of the Another speaker was Shrager, British Intelligence Service, he signing a statement which includes the senThe Jews of Roumania and as models of revolutionary real Labor (Second) International and Armies of Alexander Kerensky, the originator until recently the editor of the exclaimed in a bitter cry.
tence: The link between Hitler and the Trots of the accusation that Trotsky (and Lenin) was Jewish language paper of the Austria will remind the Council ism and genuine connections with it will not oppose such an idea.
People ask, he went on, ky Bukharin camp is plain for us to see.
of the stipulations for the pro the masses. They said at that a German spy. Signers like Charles Recht, Neie Presse. why the accused old Bolsheviks New Allies Is it really so plain to see, Messrs. and Mes Bachelor of Laws, and cynical stipendiary of confessed. But how many hundminorities. time that while we were repeltection of national Marxism Vs Stalinism Adjournment, as usual, will be in the would win them. Messrs. Max Braun, the hero The new allies of the dames Signers? And pray, where do you see reds did not confess and neverthe who knows better. Signers like it? In the official records of the trials? In the Forward the answer Dashiell Hammett, who knows a good detective quotes Rappoport, theless were shot without a trial?
In the meantime, Mussolini, by means of wise and patient of the Saar plebiscite, Breitscheid official record of Trotsky counter argument story when he writes one and apparently sees according to the Paris daily To come into court in Russia one Haint, as follows: must be a celebrity.
who is the sole beneficiary of tactics.
and their colleagues differ from before the Dewey Commission of Inquiry? But no serious rival in mystery story writers and this low comedy, has, with the Rappoport then told how the Masses Absent the old party only in the consi surely you would not at the very least, nine frame up artists like Yezhov and Co. Signers my activity or of the activity of Friend of the Soviet Union. It is not simply a matter of Radical Senator DeMonzie, a British treaty in his pocket and Today, however, the derably greater degree of their tenths of you would not have the effrontery like Paul Peters, who is New Masses and others. It is a matter of rehabi related to him stories of pleas a French treaty on its way, siven complains that not a single re corruption. Herr Braun published to ask us to believe that you even thumbed Labor Defender Bolshevik under one name, and litating the meaning of socialism. he had received to intervene for through the pages of those records, much less not poorly paid editor of Life (which the Marxism is a science, science is Rakovsky daughter, who has The greater the misery under presentative of a truly mass or a paper with means furnished by read them with sufficient care to warrant a the fascist dictatorships, the ganization was present at the the French government and one Daily Worker calls fascist. under another. criticism, not faith. Karl Marx been arrested in Russia. DeMondeclaration on what is and what is not plain But enough is enough, for at this point always combatted the cult of per zie advised those who made the which they stage for the outside Labor Party, the only party in a volunteer corps of German to see!
nausea triumphs over all. One need only comsonalities against the Utopians pleas to write to Romain Rolworld.
the London Bureau worthy of emigrees in the army of French Educators artists. professors who used to link up the victory land, the famous French author.
the name, has just joined the imperialism. As can be seen, the pare this jolly crew with the list of the memMussolini Wants Time of socialism with the strength But Romain Rolland replied: Second International without any the masses, is treading on new Hollywood stars and Broadway figures. in its endeavor to win bers of the Trotsky Defense Committee and What a tidy collection the Stalinists made!
of various personalities. In the have written some twenty letters Hitler visit has produced no own ranks. The paths.
the personnel of the Commission of Inquiry, to Half the signatories are saved by their own political field socialism was and received no answer.
thing new. The military alliance which appeared to be developing One further little irony offer.
see on which side stand the serious and reobscurity, for even a fair questioning of excontinuation of democracy. Withputable elements in American intellectual life. out freedom of thought socialism port said he had seen with his This reply by Rolland Rappos originally planned has not been into a mass party, but was ed us by history is the fact that perts in the field fails to reveal who they realized. But Mussolini was eir encouraged by the and the at the very moment when the are. As for others again, apart from the The latter asked for but one thing: that the is impossible. This is one of the own eyes.
cumspect enough to maintain the London Bureau to take an op leaders of the Walcher truth be objectively investigated. The Stalin essentials of socialism.
He concluded with the followknown Stalinist party members. we are of axis. After his Austrian de portunist path, has in the mean and Froelich are preparing to ist suckers airily put their name to a murder But what do we see in the ing words: feat he must gain time. As Brit time been crushed by events. It leave the London Bureau, their course gravely impressed and even a bit shaken by such authoritative voices on the Moscow Communist Party today? Everyous lie. gulf separates the two.
ain simple partner he would be is becoming ever more clear that former factional colleagues, thing is turned upside down. The Fastens Responsibility party is ruled by the most abosimple ally. Only as the decisive is an entirely useless instrument making their entry into it. And minable cult of personalities. It Russia is getting are those who Responsible for the bad name weight in the balance of power for winning the masses.
studies neither life nor society, are shooting revolutionists; resbetween England, France and The skeptical report of the the same position that Walcher but the whims of Stalin. It has ponsible are those who have made Germany can he hope to gain po Neue Front on sitions for Italy which would sur. its own International conference of took against us in 1933. This almost reached the point where a prison out of Russia. They are Will Cavort At acquires position, reduced to its shortest a Communist is prohibited from dragging in the mud the face of pass by far. her economic im real meaning only when one formula, reads as follows: To reading Marx. It is enough, the Russian Revolution. This portance in the imperialist sys knows that the itself albe sure, the Trotskyists are there, to read only Stalin, just must not be allowed. We must tem.
ready stands with one foot, or right in many things, and we as the Catholic church once pro not remain silent.
In the midst of these changes, more correctly, with a foot and shall make use of their arguhibited the reading of the EvanShrager, the second speaker, what has become of the foreign a half, outside of the Londonments insofar as it is of service sels and ordered only Papal en told of the dual life led by policy of the Soviet Union Bureau.
NEW YORK Pioneer Publishcyclicals to be read.
members, who have to say one After Russia entry into the chandise, but naturally, Trotskyers are putting off all their Rappoport dwelt for some thing in public and think someLeague of Nations in 1934, Lit To Follow is a hopeless sectarian; it is to cares and worries for one eventime on the conditions in the thing else private, in order vinov was assigned the task of soon to found a new Interna ing. the evening of May 18 when the slogan France not to be denounced as Trotskymaking all the crimes of impe. Since the did not suc tional it is necessary to be when they invite all their friends (Continued from page 1)
to Jersey the was adopted. ists or spies. Others who took Talism palatable to the masses. ceed in winning the Norwegian wary of excessive demands and creditors, too. to celebrateers and city employees conscript City, despite Marcantonio warns Many were expelled for oppas part in the discussion stressed The criminal policies of the so Labor Party for the Fourth In to collaborate with all indepen with them at Irving Plaza 4ed for Hague demonstration, ing: It was a damnable thing, ing this slogan, he said. Rappo the plight of the Jewish Com.
viet, and Comintern bureaucracy ternational, it is now making dent tendencies.
Having rounded out sevent had gathered in Journal Square getting us all worked up over port himself had pleaded with munists in Russia. According to facilitated by u Mussolineas Abys: International. It is interesting to rest assured that they will have comery movement believe us, as the bearing bandea the Bernard was reported to have tion. He had pointed out that works of Aaron Lieberman, the intervention in Spain, and as note what Haakon Meyer, the no more luck with their brand good enough reason for celebrat the deputy police chief, kept the declared in irritation. In certain this site de the Japanese invasion of former representative of the of anti Trotskyism than dia ing. Pioneer has been unusually crowd in a state of excitement respects we ve chauvnistic slogan was pioneer Jewish Socialist writer China. need Connell declared, as being propagated by the well. by the government.
Now that Stalin has disarmed and a particular friend of the but study the development of the fortunate in getting the out and tried to incite a lynch spirit selves, ce made fools of our originally launched and was still of Russia, have been proscribed standing wits and satirists in them.
they departed for Washington.
the international proletariat for writes about the latest latter to read their own horo among the radical intelligensial Meanwhile, the two congress. He said that he and his partner the sake of his dealing with the scope.
imperialists, Halifax knocks the diplomatic saber out of his hand.
MAX EASTMAN SUES will be remembered as the gay: 8:30 had been corratled by the retreat in preparation for a new est in the annals of the radical Stalinists at the headquarters of offensive when the organization the League from any active role for May Un Stand THE DAILY WORKER Irving Plaza will be especially in Manhattan, which had taken about.
The increasing elimination of movement.
the International Labor Defense of the masses has been brought in international politics, and its NEW YORK Max Eastman, decorated for the evening. Guests charge of the proposed meeting.
replacement by bilateral agreewell known radical author and will be seated at Music Hall There they stayed while the preCops Were Pleased (Continued from page 1) the workers had won wago inments in the diplomatic style of The May issue of The New In lecturer, this week filed a 250. tables.
Marcantonio found support, ively introduced this method of creases of 25 per cent in the rected against the Soviet Union, ternational is off the press Workebet operit against the Daikin town will serve drinks and re Republican Worker, organ of the Communist freshments. An eight piece popu Marcantonio, received telephone Washed the Jersey City police and petty bourgeois population, the Blum government immediLitvinov speeches in the Council review of its contents indicates Party of America, and three in ar swing band will provide the bulletins from the battleground who remarked that It just as belongs to none other than Leon ately invalidated them by dimincongressman Vito however, from Chief Harry expropriation of the proletarian strike movement of June, 1936 are the swan song of the Stalin clearly that it wille price with a dividuals. including Earl Browder, music for dancing.
ist foreign policy of collective very favorable reception. every general secretary of the party, in Journal Square.
well they re not coming. It would Blum, leader of the French So ishing the purchasing power of security. They may prove to be Among the more important his own swan song as well. items are: 1) The crisis and evidence reportedly given in the the MUSIC HALL REVUE, in had finally been persuaded not sesead Marogantonio stated that Last March, basing itself we don mean maybe will be led that Connell and Bernard Horsende en murenizing home mas cialist Party (S. After degree. Thus Daladier can claim that he is preserving faithfully Workers Are Ready the Reform Labor Politics by frame up trial in Moscow. of which such luminaries as Max to go to Jersey City. The reason we would call upon President the traditions of the People Despite Stalin and all his comments, which deal with the Sovici leaders, the Daily Worker Rorty, Max shachtman and Sida said, is that have been unhw and order in a lawless city.
The government, which could crimes, the overwhelming major disintegration of the Democratic described Eastman as a spy for ney Hook, etc. etc. will give a able up to this moment to per Despite numerous appeals in the Trade Union Curbs not find the necessary armament ity of the exploited masses of the and Republican Parties, and with the British government, an practical demonstration in the suade either of them not to go. Past months, the President has credits on the money market, has itorld are still ready to defend the National Progressive Party agente ret the views and notorious Eneboyment has composed origin. Ing for the last three and half on to proceed against his fel through devaluation made it posContinued from page sible to create money through no dearth of possibilities for its Follette of Wisconsin. 3) The person, a bandit and notorious al scores for the songs. Pioneer hours against it. know that low Democrat Hague than has workers organized into industrial printing new banknotes. On the defense. There is a dearth only Land Problem in Mexico by Ber swindler, etc. etc, predicts that the songs, which they are ready to face any per. Marcantonio himself.
of correct policies for exploiting nard Ross. 4) Statements by a Eastman told the press: Brow. will later be available for use sonal danger that no threat Thanks to the failure of the rights; and this, from Knudsen breathe more easily, since the them.
Over all the fascist countries roup of Palestine Communists der is trying to assassinate my throughout the country, will be of physical violence could deter Stalinist leadership and their point of view, is the height of cheapened cost of labor permits and by Charles Rappaport, character only because he cannot sensational hits.
hangs the pall of a war economy, French Communist, on why they assassinate me. want to dis Tickets for the affair are 00. fend the constitutional rights of in any adequate way to meet the nue in that way, Knudsen might them from their readiness to de liberal Congressmen to prepare irresponsibility. If things conti them again to work profitably.
But they are not yet satisfied.
strained to the utmost. In Japan quit the Communist Party. 5) cuss these lies with Earl Brow. They can be obtained at Pioneer American citizens.
Motivates Back Down mobilization of Hague gang by have to take a wage cut down Pointing to the 60 hour week in one political crisis follows an. Principles and Tacties in war der in a court of justice where Publishers, 100 Fifth Avenue, or rallying the workers of Jersey to quarter of a million. Germany, they insist that the other. The Abyssinian war by st. 6) The Crisis of people are tried before and not at the Labor Bookshop, 28 Once again the division in the government formally abolish the However, as president of the city in a counter demonstration brought Italy to the verge of re Stalinism in Brazil. 7) Meet after they are condemned. 12 Street. cannot permit innocent against them, they had no forces ranks of labor was helping the 40 hour week, which even now volution. France, Bugium, and ing of Bankrupts by Joseph Carpeople to face certain bloodshed, at their disposal and were com bosses. Knudsen, who was of is frequently violated, especially even tremendoubt day Spain contain ter. 8) Lenin and Rosa Luxemrevolutionary possi burg by Max Shachtman violence, and perhaps death at pelled to capitulate in a coward course attacking unionism in in the war industry, where the the hands of a mob incited to do ly manner before the threats of general, was able to pretend that government itself is the chief bilities. In China Chiang Kai Important articles for the June shek maintains himself only issue are already in course of violence by Mayor Hague through Hague thugs. To avoid a repeti. he was attacking only one form employer.
his henchmen, tion of this fiasco in the future, of unionism. industrial union The Daladier cabinet, which, thanks to Stalin political assis preparation, including one by Music Hall Revue tance. In Central and Eastern Maurice Spector entitled Five ing law and order against law nized workers of New Jersey for of support or at confidence of the workers parties We are interested in preserv. it is imperative that the orgaism, and was thus making a play through the voluntary vote of Europe dozens of little nations Years of the New Deal bal DANCING REFRESHMENTS lessness, in defending the demo take the initiative in creating a least sympathy. The continuance has acquired the aspect of a Nalive in social and economic de ance sheet of the Roosevelt Adcratic and civil rights of the movement of self defense against of the of o. split tional Union government, cay, under the constant threat of ministration.
With a large cast including such eminent actors as: American people. The issue is not Hague henchmen. The organizat every step is weakening the working might and main to carry national enslavement.
Anyone who wishes to obtain MAX EASTMAN, EUGENE LYONS, SIDNEY What tremendous through finance capital program objective the magazine can do so by sendone of physical courage, for that ed workers in the o. con strength of the workers.
issue is well settled against stitute the only force capable of HOOK, JAMES RORTY, MAX SHACHTMAN, possibilities for the development ing 20 cents for a single copy or of offense against the working Wants Strikes Outlawed Hague mob. They act brave mobilizing the masses and gene class. It remains to be seen how of an audacious policy of inter for a year subscription to MAURICE SPECTOR, etc. etc. supported by a national revolution! Today, per. The New International, 116 Unionly when the odds are 1, 000 rating a movement powerful Knudsen was aiming at even lasting is the strength of the chorus of dazzling diversionists.
to enough to undermine Hague, bigger game. His stress on ir workers bureaucracy in restrainhaps more than over before the versity Place, New York, SPECIAL FEATURES from a The two congressmen spoke dislodge him from power, and responsibility referred to the ing the proletariat liberator and protector, not only sed nations becomes the task of Political Fashion Show far more militantly than their restore the elementary rights of strikes, sit downs, etc. in the counter. offensive against the of the colonial but also of the Stalinist saviors. They were free speech and public assembly Michigan area which have been Daladier program.
small European nations, and road is not smooth, but it the Fourth International. The (With hotcha models. evidently willing to risk their to Jersey City.
provoked by the outrageous vioElections to the Order of the Enemies of Mankind lations of the union contract by gather around herself a genuine League of Nations of the oppres. offers a thousand times greater See the mad dogs, spies and diversionists in person General Motors and its rank disMass Meeting on Spain chances of success than the LERMAN BROS.
crimination against active union sed.
wretched diplomatic maneuvers Browder Toes the Line ists. The Chamber of Commerce, Union Stationers and Stalinist Audacity of the Soviet bureaucracy, Yesterday and Today Commemorate the Barcelona uprising of May, 1937 by agitating against union irPrinters responsibility and by calling for But the Soviet bureaucracy HOW FIGHT WAR Come To Irving Plaza the amendment of the Labor Re 37 East 14th St.
displays audacity only in the Isolation HARRY MILTON lations Act to make unions New York City persecution of revolutionists.
Collective Security WEDNESDAY, MAY 18th at P.
Participant in the Barcelona events responsible, is seeking for Phone Algonquin 3356 8 Through its cowardly retreat beRelentless Class Struggle to dance, drink and laugh with us MAX SHACHTMAN mula whereby, under the cover fore world imperialism it throws Selling to Labor Organizby of contracts ambiguously drawn Music Hall Tables seat 10, 12 and 14 persons the first proletarian revolution Editor of the Socialist Appeal up and interpreted by the courts ations at Lowest Prices in history into unspeakable dan JAMES BURNHAM Tickets: 00 On Sale at: Pioneer uniformly in the bosses favor, Our Printing Plant locatgers, and calls forth the audacity 16 pp.
Publishers, 100 Fifth Avenue; Labor Bookshop, 8:00 SUNDAY, MAY 15 strikes will be legally prohibited.
of the imperialists.
Socialist Workers Party Germania Hall. Third Ave. at 16th St. ed at 36 West 15th St. Knudsen has no doubt observ.
The defense of the Soviet Union 28 East 12th Street.
116 University Place 6th Floor, Phone Algoned how responsible labor is in Auspices: Socialist Workers Party, New York.
through proletarian revolution New York City For Benefit of Pioneer Publication Fund Living up to its contrates in quin 7828.
and the liberation of the oppresGermany and Italy.
New International Franc Devaluation Hits French Workers Standard of Living Big Business Seeks Pioneer Frivolities is 30