CapitalismEnglandHitlerImperialismNazismSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Socialist Appeal Labor Has Strong Arms, Too Labor Secretary Gives Account of Tour CIVIL LIBERTIES IN NEW JERSEY LaFollette New Party HAGUE ACHINE The Painting Industry Today SOCIALIST APPEAL May 7, 1938 go easily, under the banner of the malodotous Dethoctatic Patty. Next tithe, in Vol. II. No, 19. Saturday, May 7, 1938 1940 or even in 1938, the democratic Published every treek by the capitalist politicians may find it necesSOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS sary to use a third party set up similat 116 University Place, New York, ar to that of the LaFoilettes towards Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 the same end. In turn, the La Follettes Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for and their blood brothers elsewhere hope By WIDICK class struggle in their day to to organize sufficient of a movement to inonths. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order day activities, they drive forLabor Secretary, have as a bargaining force, as so many cents per copy. Single copies cents.
ward despite many obstacles.
All checks and money orders should be made voting cattle to be traded off in the beTraveling through the main in. They are confident of the future.
dustrial centers of America durhind the doors negotiations in which the Republic Steel opened a new out to the Socialist Appeal.
ing the past two months, when plant in Cleveland the week we Entered as second class matter September 1, capitalist politicos settle their affairs.
the Hitler seizure of Austria, were there; 2, 000 men will do 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, The National Progressives have nothe third Moscow trial and the the work of 16, 000 and the steel under the Act of March 8, 1879.
thing progressive about them. They acute economic crisis weighed will be of a higher quality in heavily on the minds of the this modern factory. This exMAX SHACHTMAN reflect a genuinely progressive current people, we were afforded an example illustrates the entire probEditor.
that is growing among the masses, but cellent opportunity to study the lem of technological unemployHAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES they reflect it in a distorted manner, reaction to these significant ment facing the union moveAssociate Editors.
They express this progressive current, events.
ment. STANLEY but in a reactionary manner. Their aim In the New England area with its many ghost towns, the main Characteristics of Detroit Business Manager.
is to dam and drain off this current so topic of conversation with union Detroit is the center of three that it does not pour stormily over the leaders was the critical situation things today: the auto industry, crumbling bulwarks of a rotting, bankin the newly formed o. the largest number of unemployrupt social order and there is nothing unions. The hammer blows of the ed industrial workers in propor.
depression, combined with the tion to population, and the most Whatever its immediate prospects may progressive about that.
inexperience of the unionists, ambitious program of the Stalinbe and they do not now look particular The LaFollette party is a challengewas creating havoc in the unions. ist party in America. The ly bright the National Progressives of one of many to come in the next period, Many were falling apart. Wage is concentrating its leading cuts, lay offs and the miseries forces here in an effort to rule America, the new party launched by the according to all indications a challenge of unemployment and insecurity or ruin the United Automobile LaFollette dynasty, has great signific to the American working class. It is a were facing most of the industrial Workers of America. That leadance.
demand that the workers, who are movworkers, six years after they ing red baiter, Richard FrankenThe deepening social crisis in the ing instinctively towards militant action, had backed Roosevelt and the steen, first vice president, is their United States is breaking down the old towards an aggressive political moveNew Deal as the hope of their candidate in the battle against salvation.
party machines and lines, by means of ment of their own class, should halt and Homer Martin, whose blast which capitalism has been able to domiturn back to the leadership of the caAttitude To Trials against the pro war line has had a telling effect in the nate the country for decades. The old pitalist class or the middle class which little incident in Philadelphia ranks of the auto workers.
Democratic party is breaking up before comes to the same thing in the end. The illustrated the reaction of the Our party contains some very our eyes under the impact of the crisis.
only effective answer that the workers American workers to the third fine auto union militants. It has New political alignments are on the order can give to these gentlemen is a reinMoscow trial. Two workers were a great task ahead in this of the day. In these new alignments, the forced drive to appear on the political talking about Krestinsky repu center. The comrades are workdiation of his confession and his ing hard overcome numerical American working class is destined to scene under their own flag, in their own subsequent retraction the next weakness. In Detroit, hundreds play a tremendously important part; if organization, with their own objectives, day.
and not tens are necessary to it develops in the right direction, its part and with the unambiguous determinaHell, what else would you ex give the working class powerful will be decisive.
tion to war to the hilt against the system, pect after the guy spent another leadership.
night in Stalin jail. You talk It was a pleasure to see new. Up to the present, the working class and the parties supporting it, which plenty, too, one of the workers faces at the anti war meetings of this country has not yet taken the bring them unemployment, wage cuts, said. Skepticism was prevalent the branches held in the middlebold and imperatively needed step of inmisery, and war which cannot either everywhere, but little real in west. young rubber worker dependent working class political action, feed, clothe or shelter them, and whose terest was found. The workers joined the in Akron of developing a mass political party of only solution for the surplus populawere too occupied with their own after the rally. Some auto workInside the Painters Union pressing economic problems to ers attended the Cleveland meet lits own, upon which it can rely to fight tion is the graveyard of the battlefield.
worry much about another trial. ing. Stalinist militant listenmilitantly for its class interests. The unThe political situation in ed attentively at the Toledo Pennsylvanin, complicated by the meeting.
precedented crisis, the bankruptcy of China Victories of fight, has even the most advanced of the capitalist one amusing aspect, a railroad Stalinists Applaud panacea mongers. the New Dealers The following is the some independents; has practi ding, but the determining factor porter told the writer. Last Sixty steel workers came to the organization of the basic industries With the Chinese victory at Taierhchwang, in southern Shantung, still reverfirst of a series on condi cally no foothold in the field do is the wages paid in the shop. summer Governor Earle was our the indiana Harbor anti war into powerful unions these and other berating around the world, the invading tions among painters in Minated by the hotels, banks, Other factors are chiseling on leader, and now we are supposed gathering. Plenty of rank andinsurance companies etc.
the specifications such as apply to vote against him, he said. Aile Stalinists were in the audnew factors are creating the premises armies of Japanese imperialism are ex New York and the probing two coats of paint where it was treason the to ience. The organizer took for such working class political developperiencing new difficulties in their at lems of militants in the Effect On Wages three are called for, the possi criticize Earlets strike breaking the floor.
It was an exciting ments.
tempted drive toward the Lunghai Railbility of bribing agents, petty actions in the Bethlehem strike evening. The members apPainters Union.
Once the American workers have a Official union wages are set graft, political pull, etc. The a year ago. Now it is treason plauded our attacks on the way difficulties which offer prospect jine!
militant political party of their own Among the industries hardest in the standard agreement at boss therefore selects from the if you praise him.
of developing into a severe rout.
hit by the economic crisis tear 10. 50 per hour day. Actually, painters who come into his emFight for Existence The entire area around Chinot a piddling party of reformists plead After the loss of Taierhchwang a ing at the vitals of the country wages in union shops range ploy those who are willing to cago, heart of industrial Ameing for mercy on their knees, but a robust since 1929 are those grouped from 10. 50 down to and the work at than union condi The depths of the present rica, presented a tragic picture month ago, the Japanese command was party of struggle they are invincible.
under the general heading of hours from seven up to eight or tions as a pliable, permanent crisis reflect themselves in the of the plight of workers under No capitalist power could effectively recompelled to withdraw troops from building trades. The building more per day, on the basis of a nucleus for his shop.
contrast between the state of the capitalism. We went to the scene Shansi in the West in order to fill in booms of previous years which day week. Non union wages These conditions created a union movement of one of the Little Steel strike mas.
sist them.
their shattered lines in southern Shangave rise to an aristocracy of person where heromon the basis body of men who, while members year ago and today in the Ohio sacre. One of our comrades still Conscious of this danger to their con tung. The weakened Japanese fronts in tinued dominance, the capitalist politi better known as the building of a to day week. From of the union, are forced by eco region. In those earlier days the suffers from wounds sustained Shansi are now reported to have been trades craft unions: bricklayers, these figures, it is not difficult upon the good will of the boss. The spirit of the workers soared The union never recovered from cians and their good servants in the completely shattered, while difficulties carpenters, plumbers, printers, to see the disastrous effect that the failure on the part of the sky high. Today the unions are the defeat in that strike. Mass labor movement are pondering the problem of how to head off the independent continue to pile up on the Shantung keinen Fong as capitalism ex field have upon actual union itself seriously with the question the defeat of the Little Steel While the finest industrial plants front.
ists. No amount of pump prim: political movement of the workers, how of protection for the man on the strike and the mass lay offs in in the world waste away, hundto canalize it back into the old ruts, how Chinese advances deal fresh blows to ing, no amount of artificial Additional factors that make job brings about the following the Mahoning valley steel region reds of thousands of workers to keep it in harness and in check. On the false notion of Japanese military stimulehemes hangushe tex heat possible only by means of the union conscious, most insistent Ohio. one steel lodge has main unemployment. The has all sides, the feelers and plans and promessiahs has in the posals for the formation of a third the Japanese peasant soldiers is so degree alleviated the sorry con The tremendous unemployment tained, finds himself at the mercy ship is militant and progressive. mittee at a large plant. young party that is, another capitalist party largely sustained. They are also a stir. ditions in this field. Nor is there which with its concomitant of the more backward elements. It is free from Stalinist in proletarian branch is active at The influx into the trade dur fluence.
Indiana Harbor.
that does not have quite the same reacring tribute to the fighting qualities of any prospect of genuine improve misery and desperation. makes In Akron the impression is The Stalinists in the United tionary stigma that the two old ones have the Chinese soldiers, their matchless mentalthough the majority of for the keenest sort of competi ing the depression of a great courage, their splendid spirit of opposi hovels unfit for human exicalidtion for the available jobs; number of new men, some of gained that another Goodyear Electrical and Radio Worker the population lives in are calculated to head off the movethe very short season in the whom have joined the union, and strike is on Headlines seream of in the Chicago region are hav.
ment for class political action.
tion to conquest by the imperialist ban as long as the basis of economy trade, accentuated by unemploydits of Dai Nippon.
remains the profit motive rather ment, reducing the yearly in limited, confronts the union with Rubber Workers and the com locals adopted the anti war reThe National Progressives of América the party without a programThe entire world of labor and especialthan the needs of the masses come of the worker who must new problems. The bosses natu panies. The radio is nlled with solution of the Minneapolis Cenof the people.
find other jobs at any price to rally attempt to use this influx pro or anti union speeches. Feel tral Labor Union. Young Chicago is one such heading off movement. Its ly the revolutionists will greet China Building trades unions, pre supplement it; close contact as a labor reserve for the pur ing is as tense as during the comrades are doing a good job bosses know that the discontent of the victories. But the war against the Japan viously basing themselves upon with the employer, because of the pose of lowering wages in ge eritical moments of the Goodyear there.
masses is rising; they know that there ese imperialists for China freedom is new construction work, are now smallness of the shops, foster neral. They stress the inadequate strike. The class struggle rages In Minneapolis is a growing disillusionment with Roofar from over. We have pointed out be and maintenance work. field for the favor of the boss dar to club them into acceptance of Goodrich threatens to abolish Minneapolis seemed different sevelt and the New Deal. Their aim is fore and we emphasize again that inspi which had been left entirely ing the slack season a condi sub union standards, and not 5, 000 jobs unless wage cuts are than the rest of the country. It to exploit this discontent and disillusionration for final victory can only come unorganized before the depres tion in which the kick back without effect.
accepted. Businessmen demand is an exception. The Stalinists ment, not for the workers they vigorfrom the unfolding of a far reaching so sion. Although the unions have flourishes.
Favoritism Practiced that the unions take the cuts. are conspicuous by their absence The rubber workers stand pat. from the main stream of the ously deny that they will be a party of cial program for the Chinese masses by and large ceased being job trusts and opened their books, Speed Up Aggravated a program which will give them a more The backward elements and a The bosses cannot understand labor movement. The unions are the workers, and not for a socialist re.
organization of rotten capitalist society vital interest in the war. Without this, remains, in the main, unorga ourse, a basic problem for work men, who have many potential ganda has not smashed the where in the country the unions The recession all on for they hate the thought of socialthe victories now being won will remain nized.
ers in general, is further aggra militants among them, not only Unless one has been are at best in strategic retreat.
ism more than they hate anything else, only episodes in a struggle whose end strike and sit down Watch Minneapolis for hot devated for the painters by the seek the favor of the boss, but through but for their own narrow political purcan only be defeat if not by Japan Difficulties of Organization nhuman speed up which increases find it necessary to seek the fa struggles, it is impossible to velopments when many union alone, then by Japan market hungry in the industry as the drisis vor of the union administration know how unionism has been contracts come poses. in It is interesting that Roosevelt, who rivals.
painting industry, out of a total deepens. The mad scramble for as well. How the Stalinist ma burned into the souls of the gum. next monthne the forest renewal in the fires of picket branch did a real job in the reapproximating 50, 000 men em the union leadership has result deliberately fosters violations by lines.
cent primary and is an up and feels the ground beginning to slip from The scope of Japan difficulties can comer in party circles.
under him, has not denounced the Labe seen from the fact that the Japanese ployed, no more than 1, 000 are ed in a complete disregard for the bosses of the agreement, Workers Control Needed How did the workers and other the health and safety of the corrupting the newer union men Follette party. He too is not unaware Government is already obliged to invoke Painters, Decorators and Paper painter on the job.
through favoritism and vicious The rubber workers want jobs, people react to Hitler Austrian that a new political set up is required the provisions of the Mobilization Law, hangers in New York City. The Among the many technological practices, on the one hand, and decent wages, and security. The coup?
for him and his bankrupt crew to win which will place the country under a the coming presidential elections. Last virtual military dictatorship.
as to make organization extre changes that have taken place aixingthening the reactionary, industry is only operating at 30 the newspapers intently at the mely difficult. First, because duction of new materials proces, other ting tendencies, on the per cent. If it were running full factory gates before ringing the hand that will be dealt blast, thousands would still be clock card. In movie houses, time, for example, it was necessary to More defeats for Japanese arms in there are no plants or areas corrall the New York labor vote under China will inevitably stir revolt in Japan, as in other industries to concen. product the factory: patent paint with in detail at articles to follow unemployed because of techno dead silence except for our boo An examination of the record logical advances. Unions, alone was maintained as newsreels the banner of the pro Roosevelt (that is, trate on. Every building, every bly over and over again the of the Stalinist administration in pro capitalist) American Labor Party, where the masses are being saddled with ship, every structure in the city hardship of unemployment, the the union and of the background cannot solve the problems. There showed the Nazi seizure. The is but one answer to the rubber nightmare of another world war because it couldn be done, at least not is a potential shop for the paint most dangerous of all is the em on which it has arisen will re workers problems and most loomed before them. Pacifism the entire cost of Japan imperialistic venture.
ors are so numerous that it is ployment of the spray gun. The wealtwhy the first step for the people are afraid to mention it and isolationism are very strong, almost impossible to keep track use of the spray gun not only painters in solving their great Workers control of production conversations with union milit Rubber Unioning the arbitration board. In the employers, would consist of of all of them. Anyone who has time required, but calls for pract scourge from its dominant posi branches where the party main Middle West.
Miller lengthy document much three men, who would hold office a small capital can invest it and tically no skill and moreover, tion in the District Council of orientation is the trade union While it is a bit early in the Considers New space is used to show how de for five years. Besides ia labor become. painting boss the Brotherhood.
constitutes a tremendous new Yet, the industry must be or health hazard in a notoriously movement, one finds a different middle west for political cammocratic such a board would and a boss representative on the ganized if even those meager hazardous trade. This serious spirit among the comrades. They paigning, Labor Non Hartisan NLRB Project YPSL Committees are working hard, they feel the League has ambitious plans in been various attempts made in chosen by the other two. As one some shops are to maintained. the painters and especially, to Ohio and Michigan for the fall AKRON. Most of the points the past to establish such tri militant unionist said, the des. For, many hotels, banks, insu union standards, has to date met Drip Draper, Stinky Stiler, elections. The League is packed in the proposed arbitration plan bunals. Some have been most tinies of the rubber workers rance companies, real estate only with a lax, do nothing attiDroopy Demby, Swede Erber, with Stalinists who fight viciousfor the rubber industry advane effective while others failed be would be finally decided by this firms who control the inrgest tude on the part of the union Barsh, Popeye Palla, Gugu Gar pendent working class political regional director of the National part sustained by some benevo and his decision would be bind ration work in the city employ rett.
action. Advocacy of that slogan What promises to be the battle For the District Committee: becomes Trotskyism.
become a subject of negotiations could not function impartially in as the proposal indicates. maintenance workers who e motos Job Competition royal of the imperialist epoch Red White, Boopus Miller, Our conclusion from the tour individual monthly wage of anywhere from between the Goodrich Tire and because they became subsidized workers will take place this Sunday, May Toots Jager, Stretch Forster, was a simple one: Even greater Among the union bosses, there 8, at Tibbetts Brook, when the Yappy Mason, Milk Bottle, Rip emphasis on and attention to the Rubber Company and the Akron Sceptes her here their limited in would have the right to appeal buildings where they workin the is cut throat competition on National Committee Rader, Hebe Herman, and Label immediate problems of the Ameof United scope they lost Workers of America.
ness. independent unionists By far the most significant of This board, subsidized by strike could be conducted pend tractors organized in the Master the low bid varies tremendously game of indoor baseball.
No ments with a number of con ence between the high bid and Committee in a hot and heaving Meet 10 at Woodlawn on activity within the unions the proposals is the one regard workers (not by union) station If weather is will help build our party along anding the board decision.
Painters Association and with Many factors enter into the bid. For the National Committee: Iwet, save rainchecks. No rebates. proletarian lines.