Andrey VyshinskyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarKaganóvichMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

May 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Hitler Seeks Workers Of All Races Must Unite Militant Students Hold SOVIET UNION NOTES To Mend Axis Against Fascism. In Czechoslovakia Large Anti War Rallies Election Call For RS. Seen As Move For By Rome Visit Extension Of Purge; Shortage of Resistance To Patriotic Degeneration Of Annual Primary Goods Still Prevails Following consultations this week with the and more relegated to the background, while Anti War Strikes Is Widespread By JOHN WRIGHT French ministers in London, Lord Halifax in the problems of national conflicts became the formed the Czechoslovakian ambassador in the STALIN ELECTIONS COVER FOR WILDER PURGES vital issue. Here too reformist and Stalinist NEW YORK April 27, the assistance, informing them that firmest manner that Prague will have to sub complicity in the policy of national oppression traditional day of the student the anti war students had no The Praesidium of the All Russian Central Executive Commit(Continued from page 1)
mit, without resistance, to the ultimatum, de and exploitation by the Czech bourgeoisie anti war strikes, found the stu permit for the use of the sound tee has set Jume as the date for the elections to the Supreme refusal to take more efficacious livered recently by the Czechoslovakian Nazi spurred the separatist and fascist tendencies dent movement split in New truck on the campus.
Council of the These Soviet elections will follow imaction was not only a confirmeleader, Konrad Henlein.
among the non Czech nations to the extreme. York City, as the Stalinist conUnited Front Difficulties mediately upon the termination of party elections now in protion of Great Britain present This ultimatum, in its practical implications, Now Henlein not only claims independence trolled United Student Peace gress. Their task, like that of all of Stalin elections, is to exconception that her interests end means nothing less than the establishment of Committee held patriotic asfor the Germans in Czechoslovakia. He beAlthough in most cases the tend the purge. The instructions issued in connection with the at the Rhine. It was also an a totalitarian Nazi dictatorship on Czechoslo comes the self styled champion of national semblies, whose function was to strikes were conducted by united coming elections are very explicit. We cite a key paragraph order to France not to stick her vakian territory by means of a plebiscite, the mose beyond the Rhine. Nobody liberation for all the other oppressed peoples. ly for support of the United Sta anert war verements and the confeges, from the decree issued by the joint plenum of the Moscow Cenresult of which is foregone conclusion.
takes seriously France pledge tes government in the coming this was made difficult and in tral Committee and Moscow Regional Committee: to defend Czechoslovakia by Whereas France, still reluctant, had been war.
movement, which would take the lead in the fight against Czech imperialism within the re The militant anti war students, vacillation of the Norman Thomas some cases impossible, by the The conduct and preparation of the elections to the Supreme force.
trying to rescue the Czechoslovakian child of The French proposal to gain Council of the must aid in the successful solution its post war poley, Britain, in an effort to public, Henlein demagogy gains wide popu who were determined to express Socialists, who sought to reach time for the maturing war crisis of all political and economic tasks corifronting the toilers of the gain time, is determined to write off Czecho larity.
their firm opposition to the forth agreements with the Stalinists.
by taking measures of economic city of Moscow and of the Moscow region, in raising the revoluslovakia as an independent state in Hitler It is hardly necessary to point out that be coming imperialist war, denounc. In all but one college they aggression against Germany in ed these meetings tionary vigilance of all the toilers in the struggle against the favor, as she has already written off Loyalist hind Henlein stands Hitler. With war apas pro war were forced to break off negoCentral and Southeastern Eur Spain in Mussolini favor. Under the mask proaching, Czechoslovakia has become a vital mobilizations, and issued a call tiations rabid enemies of the people, the Trotskyite Bakharinite agents on the campuses throughout the due to any difficulty in finding the end, but not ope also fell upon deaf ears in of impartiality, Lord Halifax, the representa stepping stone for German expansion. If of foreign espionage services. Pravda, April 22. London. The British categoricalcity for militant, student con a common programmatic basis, tive of democratie Britain and with the ac Hitler succeeds in capturing Czechoslovakia beThe meaning of these ominous words is plain enough. More trolled anti war strikes, based on but because the Stalinists were ly refused to complicate Engquiescence of the French government, is acting fore the outbreak of war, alliance with the arrests. More executions. More trials both secret and public.
land situation the Oxford pledge (no support unwilling to give them parity in by extending their trade with France former in this matter as an auxiliary ambassador of still wavering Poland becomes almost cerJudging from the past procedure, it can be stated with virtual to any war undertaken by the speakers. Their constant nego Nazi Germany in London.
Vassals. The skillful British tratainty. The carving up of Czechoslovakian United States government. op tiations, causing confusion and certainty that the present wave of arrests will reach its crest Yielding on the ders are ready to grant commercontinent, Britain hopes to gain greater free. territory at the proper time might well enable position to the war preparations delay, hampered the preparations early in June, in the days immediately preceding the elections, dom of action for her empire.
and that shortly after the elections the next trials will be staged: cial credits; not to CzechosloGermany to regain the Polish Corridor which, st the Roosevelt enger menit, and for the strikes greatly.
vakia, Rumanin and the others, AN IRONIC OUTCOME since 1918 has cut off Eastern Prussia from support of independent action of world labor against the war. Brooklyn college the anti war THE PARTY PURGE however, but exclusively to France, who will have to assume The situation is all the more ironie in that the Reich.
GERMANY STAKE IS VAST club, controlled the Norman the crimes of Czech policy, domestic as well by hersell the risk of doubtful Meanwhile, the purge of the party continues its course in Thomas Socialists broke off neas foreign, were only the faithful and slavish As master of Austria and ruler or protecReady Response capital investments in doubtful Krasnoyarsk, in the 15 party organizations that have reported gotiations with the Stalinists two reflection of Franco British post war policy on tor of a federated Czechoslovakia, definitely states.
The call found ready and wide days before the strike because the result of the elections, nine have elected young Communists the continent.
isolated from France and Russia, and with the spread support everywhere. Ap. they could not get speakers, and who are holding party posts for the first time. In Leningrad, France Loses Leaning upon the Wilsonian principle of naCzech bourgeoisie deprived of its privileges, proximately 5, 000 students parti proceeded to issue an indepen 370 units have thus far reported new party committees, new tional self determination, the Versailles vicHitler could easily gain domination over Hun cipated in the anti war strikes dent strike call. No mention of However, the time has passed secretaries and organizers. In Stalino out of 578 functionaries when it was possible to fight imtors forced five nations into an artificial state gary, Rumania and Yugoslavia. Germany in New York, and in many cases the Oxford pledge, opposition to elected about one half are reported as holding posts for the formation under the domination of a Czech perialist competition in Europe basis of operation would be significantly broadthe opposing demonstrations Roosevelt war preparations, or first time; out of 407 secretaries and organizers just elected, 134 ened from the very beginning of the war.
were equal in size.
with trade and eredits. Behind bourgeois minority. At present only 40 per support of independent labor are reported as newcomers.
the Chinese wall of fortifications At Brooklyn college 300 stu action against war was to be cent of the 15, 000, 000 inhabitants of the CzechoFurther, with the subduing of Czechoslovadents heard Widick, labor found.
The campaign around this latest party purge is identical in on both banks of the Rhine, slovakian republic are Czechs. In 1919 the kia, Hitler would come into possession of an secretary of the Socialist Worktone with the preparations for the coming Soviet elections.
France will have passively to imperialist peace makers, through their own invaluable economic hinterland for his war ers Party, proclaim the revoluY. Meetings Pravda boasts that an enormous interest is being evinced in the watch the disappearance of her self determination, forced two and one half economy. Czechoslovakia possesses 70 per cent tionary struggle against capital The pointed out in post war conquests throughout party elections by non party workers and peasants, by millions million Slovaks, who consider themselves a of the industry of the former Austrian Hunga ism the only road in struggle a leaflet to the students that of non party Bolsheviks who are firmly united with the party Europe. She will have to wait separate nation, into one joint and arbitrary rian monarchy, a rich agriculture, abundant against war, while Earl Browder, there was no essential difference in the joint struggle for communism.
until Great Britain gives the siga Nor does Pravda mince nal for battle. nation with the Czechs, in order to justify sources of coal and metals, and the famous speaking at the peace strike between the two strike calls and words as to the actual significance of what is taking place: The London military agree the hegemony of their Czech gendarmes in Skoda munitions plants, a serious competitor of the urged Ameri that neither could be considered The questions occupying the center of attention are the quesments, despite their technical Central Europe.
of German war industry on the continent.
can imperialists to invest their an anti war strike. An inde tions of vigilance, of the struggle against the Trotskyite Buksurplus capital in China.
thoroughness, do not bind Bri pendent meeting was Last but far from least, Hitler demands Since the formation of the republic, these hariwite scum, of the ideological arming of the communists.
tish imperialism as to the condi One of the outstanding fea held after school hours.
Slovaks, along with 600, 000 Ruthenians (a for German autonomy ring with military ut tures of the economic crisis, At New York University the All efforts of the party organizations must be directed toward tions under which they are to be Ukranian national group. 100, 000 Poles, 800. gency. In the last three years the Czech gov. Browder said, is that we have Stalinists and the Norman liquidating the consequences of wrecking, rooting out the enemy put into operation. The bourgeois 000 Hungarians and three and one half million ernment has been heavily fortifying the ex a tremendous accumulation of Thomas Socialists affected a comremnants, and fighting to fulfill the state plans. Pravda, April press is unanimous in saying Germans, have claimed the right of national tended German border, controlling the border capital which is lying idle be promise and held a joint meet19. that the whole decision is open autonomy against the brutal Czech central regions by virtual martial law which concento Britain at the moment somecause it cannot find profitable in ing with a minimum program Appointment of new deputies indicates a purge in the following power.
thing happens, and that she is trated all power in the hands of the military vestment. The only prospect pro war. The refused departments: Commissariat of Justice (under Vyshinsky. Comnot bound to any definitive acinvestment of to participate and called an inCOMMUNIST PARTY FAILURE authorities. This military dictatorship of Czech for profitable American capital is China. But dependent strike at noon. It was missariat of Water Transport (under Yezhov. Commissariat tion.
democracy is directed primarily against the So long as a strong communist Party, com of Heavy Industry (under Kaganovich. Commissariat of The profits of the London deals German population, overwhelmingly pro Nazi. it the United States really want addressed by Bob Stiler, ined to put our 13 million ynem dustrial director of the Agriculture (under Eike. accrue above all to Britain. After prising workers and peasants of all six nations, In establishing Nazi rule over Czechoslovaki the war, France was for long pursued a revolutionary policy and actively de Hitler would naturally gain command of the States government should invest author.
ployed back to work, the United and James Rorty, prominent time not only the gendarme of fended the right of self determination for the SHORTAGE OF NECESSITIES Czech fortifications, and thus climinate any about five billion dollars in build. In the New York City high Europe but also, very often, a oppressed nations, the chauvinistic, reactionapossibility of military resistance from Prague. ing up Chinese industry. schools official peace assem While the Trial of 21 was in progress, and almost at the same danger to British interests on ry and fascist tendencies remained unimporblies were conducted by the the continent. Now France seeks MILITARY RESISTANCE IDLE TREAT time as Zelenski was testifying and confessing) how he had tant minorities. But as a consequence of the City College Strike protection under the wings degeneration of the Third International, the Such military resistance is, at best, de administration, but in a number kept the shelves of Soviet stores empty of such necessities as the British Empire, at a price threat.
Communist Party lost its principal positions butter, salt, sugar, sonpete. the Stalinist authorities were conThe Czech General Staff counts, atst. One of the most impressive of the schools circles which makes her a kind of new to the Czech and German Social Democracy, the most, on a feeble struggle of a few weeks strikes took place at the main held independent anti war meetducting an investigation of the trade network. Toward the end dominion, a dominion which, of April, Pravda carried a carefully worded report of this invesduration. Along with this technical estimate Day session of City College ings.
unlike the others, is ready to which since 1929 has been using its newly one must take into account the mortal weak thered at Lewisohn stadium to Nearly a thousand students ga gained influence to back the Czech bourgeoisie MASS MEETING tigation, a section of which we reproduce: fire the first shot in a new way through a coulition government.
ness of an army recruited from six warring at a moment notice.
ON SPAIN hear speakers who in general In March 1938 the investigation covered 5, 090 stores of the The Stalinist Third Period policy transformnations, took the stand that students must state trade network. About 10 per cent had no soap, and no ed the Communist Party into an impotent sect, The Czech bourgeoisie is desperately seek support the working class in its The crushing of the revolu makhorka (low grade tobacco. per cent were suffering from at a time when the Social Democratic policy ing a compromise with Hitler. There are strong fight against the war makers. tionary worker of Barcelona in lapses in the sale of matches; per cent of the stores were withof class. collaboration pushed the workers and realistic fractions among the Czech capitalout salt. The conditions in the stores of the consumers co oper The meeting on the May, 1937, and the present situamiddle classes of the oppressed nations into ists ready to sacrifice the already restricted same campus was addressed by tion in Spain will be the subject atives were even worse. Out of 2, 150 stores investigated in the arms of fascism and national chauvinism.
democratie rights of the broad masses and to William Dodd, eminent Ame of a New York meeting, to be March, 11. per cent suffered from lapses in the trade with Thus it was possible for Henlein Nazi party join the anti Soviet chorus. But they en rican diplomat; who urged that held at Germania Hall, 16th St.
salt; from to per cent of the stores were not always able to become, even before the taking of power, counter serious resistance among the proletaAmerica join with other demo and 3rd Ave. at p. Sunday, to satisfy the demand for matches, sugar, makhorka and soap.
real mass movement of the German workers in rian and middle class strata, who want to cratic nations to defend demo May 15. Speakers will include (Pravda, April 21. cracy, and.
preserve their own national and democratic trade. Dodd made a special trip cipant in the Barcelona events. our foreign Harry Milton, an active partiThe wreckers had been shot but the population is still with(Continued from page 1)
The turn the Communist Party toward a rights after 300 years of German absolutist from Washington for the tidy and Max Shachtman, editor of out primary necessities. Who is responsible? You know the People Front occurred at the most unfortunrule.
sum of 100.
the Socialist Appeal.
answer. Pravda insists that this condition is obviously due to are calculated to carry the fight ate moment. The German workers, in the main, The decision of the Czech masses to resist At the evening session of the fact that the trade network has not been completely purged of in the enemy battlefield. The had already made their choice as between Nafaseist intervention, in whatever form, cansame college, two opposing de HOW TO FIGHT WAR wreckers.
actual chances of the of tional Socialism and Czechoslovakian democplay a progressive role only if they are led to monstrations were held. Some Isolation cracking the powerful racy. On the other hand, the bulk of the Czech a decisive break with the Czech ruling class 800 students rallied to the strike Collective Security are next to nothing and the workers, disillusioned by the Stalinist brand and its labor lieutenants, who together have held under the auspices of the Relentless Class Struggle Green bureaucracy knows it. Committee for a Militant Antiof communism, had already rallied to their made the approaching catastrophe possible.
Progressive workers in both by War Strike to hear Carlo TreA movement of resistance steadfastly opthe and the of own People Front in the form of Socialsca, editor of Il Martello, and JAMES BURNHAM posed to the reactionary national policy of the Democratic participation in the government.
can only condemn this latest Hal Draper, national secretary bourgeoisie, under the independent leadership of the Young People Socialist 16 pp.
Green maneuver which carries CLASS STRUGGLE ABANDONED Socialist Workers Party the implication of raiding and of the working class, would re awaken the The Stalinists of the The only result of the vain Stalimist attempts open warfare between the two militancy of the masses. Regenerating the 116 University Place were greatly ruffled, New York City organizations that can bring only to become a respectable democratic movement revolutionary traditions of the Czechoslovakian and called the police to their defeat to both sides.
was the stifling of any proletarian attempts proletariat, it would prepare the unification Position to cast off the chains of class collaboration. of the workers and peasants of all nationali(Continued from page 1) capitalist exploitation of the Thus questions of class struggle were more ties, freed from the demagogy of fascism. OF INTEREST TO APPEAL READERS!
masses. He warned his audience Dubinsky refusal to serve on the committee verifies against socialism, communism What is the Workers State. see Sidney Hook pense of the standard of living and fascism, and assured them often repeated rumors that the COMING OFF THE PRESS!
PIONEER THROWS PARTY the hours and the wages of that he was absolutely opposed article on Semantics in the April number of the Parnot going to the working class.
to class struggle.
participate in the coming Revolution and Entertainment. Dancing. Refreshments tisan Review. Reactionary Policy It is already clear that the aim convention but rather expects to Counter Revolution seek a course of neutrality in MUSIC HALL REVIEW What do the Moscow Trials mean to the American of the LaFollette party is to exIn so far as the platform deals ploit the disillusionment of the the of dispute.
in Spain Original Skits and Songs intellectual. see Philip Rahv Trials of the Mind with foreign policy, its tendency masses over the collapse of the The defection of the strongly imperialistic and re: New Deal myth for its own ends.
umion from the active ranks of By FELIX MORROW in the April Partisan Review. Music by a well known Band actionary, expressing the thought The emphasis placed by its the will weaken the in that the American continents, sponsors on their opposition to dustrial unionists in future unity App. 200 pages 50c What is the political significance of Thomas CAST INCLUDES: Max Eastman, Sidney Hook, from the Arctic to Cape Horn any class party that is, a party negotiations and jeopardize the 15 copies for 00 Carlo Tresca, Eugene Lyons, James Mann humanism. see William Phillips Human are to be kept under do of the workers, the producers of position of the unions.
ORDER NOW Rorty, Max Shacht man and a chorus ism in Exile in the May Partisan Review. mination on a direct mandate wealth is significant indication The unions whose from the Creator who so or that the purpose of this parts of charters were re Pioneer Publishers of Dazzling Beauties.
Also in the May issue (just out. Max Brod on dained it voked include: the Amalgamated is to prevent the successful deLike the spokesmen of sovelopment of the movement for 100 Fifth Avenue The Boyhood of Franz Kafka, Mary McCarthy on Clothing Workers, the AmalgaWednesday, May 18th at P.
many of the muddle headed independent political action of New York, mated Association of Iron.
Irving Plaza, 15th St. Irving Place the Theater, stories by Delmore Schwartz middle class movements launched the American workers which is Steel and Tin Workers, the and Eleanor Clark.
in recent times by capitalist po beginning to take hold in the United Textile Workers of AmeTICKETS 00 ORDER FROM: liticians for the purpose of ex. ranks of labor and which threatrica, the United Rubber Workers SUBSCRIBE NOW TO PARTISAN REVIEW ploiting and eanalizing popular ens the domination of the old of America, the United AutomoPioneer Publishers, 100 Fifth Avenue, 22 East 17th Street discontent, LaFollette did not capitalist parties and their sbile Workers of America, and the forget to criticize the old catellites.
International Union of Oilfield, THE SOCIALIST APPEAL Labor Book Shop, 28 East 12th Street New York City pitalism and to take his stand, Gas and Petroleum Workers.
presumably, for a renovated (See Editorial, Page 4)
AFL USES DUAL UNION TACTICS TO FIGHT CIO 36 LaFollette Third Party Movement Would Check Workers Independence League.
Hear Monday MASS MEETING op MAX SHACHTMAN Can People Front Stop Fascism? MAY 9, 1938 P.
Editor, Socialist Appeal Manhattan Opera House 34 St. Betwson 9 Ares.
Questions, Discussion Auspices, Socialist Workers Party (Needle Trade Branch)