CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyIV InternationalLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

May 7, 1938 Stalinists Start Drive To Capture Or Smash CAMPAIGN OPENED wowin Peaky ments in Cash SWP Holds Enthusiastic Speakers cia Jamaica Coast Office Workers BY FRANKENSTEEN May Day Meeting In Fight Bridges Blackmail to proportion.
signer the WAA Frustrates Plot To Expel Rasmussen Celebrates May Day With Patriotic Parades niן SEEK TO OUST SAILORS FROM many ROCHESTER, Plans NEW YORK One member of Rochester city and county reof the Young Peoples Socalist lief officials to substitute cash League was thrown into a lake payments to unemployed on home and chased a number of blocks relief in place of the present last week by mob of several commodity vouchers received the More Than 500 Cheer Dentands For Class Struggle hundred students of Jamaica He Threatens To Withdraw Support From support of the Federal Workers Policy; YPSLs Hold Outdoor Rally high school who had been Section of of Laborer whipped into a and his new found allies preaches Union last week.
patriotic Union Unless It Knuckles Under (Continued from page 1)
bureaucracy, preaches capitula Fred Struble, president of the trast to all the fanfare about only workers action could solve NEW YORK. In sharp con again as Spector declared that frenzy.
The attack was orghinized and baggage the most obnoxious tion and defeat in these coming Federal Workers Section, pointed democratic and people fronts rican capitalism that took the by the reactionary Varsity By KATHLEEN WALKER to take the local out of the ceremony of servility and humi struggles.
club, with the aid of the SAN FRANCISCO. He then attempted to link liation from Stalin totalitarian clients had long been athletic director, when the demand Faced Landeberg with the shipowners, Backing for Murphy with increasing opposition to his the San Francisco Industrial Aswar plans under the mask of the ten year old crisis of Ameregime in the Soviet Union and of the unemployed, but warned collective security the Socialist ists and their allies the workers announced their policies in West Coast unions, in the Communist parties of the We cannot refrain from re the administrators that any at Workers Party gave to its May must counterpose the revolutionplans to hold an anti war Harry Bridges, West Coast Dssociation, Senator Copeland, etc. world: ferring to two other points of tempt to reduce the present re Day celebration the sharp tone ary class struggle.
meeting Police, newspaper3. Public rector for the is making etc. etc. The affidavits also acpronouncements store of men and a large pledging loyalty, and allegiance this program. One is the pledge lief allotments would be oppose of the class struggle, the pitting a desperate attempt to discredit cused officials of the local of rotten for full and active support for ed.
eggs and tomatoe?
What Happened Before of the real forces of peace, the to the daly elected officers.
the progressive leadership of carrying on a red baiting eamthe re election of Murphy as were on hand at the beginning The Federal Workers Section working class, against the warLocal 54 of the United Office paieme affidavits were signed by Should this program carry, not Governor. With one hand the is taking the lead in swinging or makers and exploiters, the eap. Socialist Appeal, told the audi Max Shachtman, editor of the of the meeting.
Professional Workers of Ameonly will militant union workers workers are to be deprived of ganized labor behind the pro talists.
Attempts by members of the rica.
persons who have proven by their and leaders be forbidden to have their independent rights within gressive features of the plan and ence how the social democrats in speak were At the last membership meet past actions that they were only More than 500 workers attend Germany forbade May Day dedisagreements and criticisms of fruitless, as booing drowned the leadership, but they will be the union and with the other they it is expected that the Centralled an enthusiastic rally at Ger monstrations in the early years out the speakers. Eggs and ing of this union he charged the interested in feathering their forced to beat their breasts in are to be deprived of the right Trades. Council will endorsemania Hall where the keynote of the World War, only to have present leadership with conspirown nests. Two of these persons tomatoes began to fly, landto independent participation in cash payments.
public. Instead of a union fight politics. Stalin regime in the Brotherhoods and of forth cheering response.
The Railroad of militant class struggle brought the proletariat, within a few ing on the speakers, the ing to withdraw from the left the local when it affliated and seek affiliation with the with the and took a brief years, rise and send thirty ing the tyrants of the motor in union and a capitalist regime in affiliates are being contacted in crowd and the police in equal of group of bank employees with dustry, the will become the state. These things march effort to secure their endorse a parade of 300 members and Despite the betrayal of the The meeting was preceded by crowns rolling into the dust.
them into the of When the scene of revolting spectacles hand in hand!
ments. large number of students Bridges Threatens they discovered the of of confessional to the Stalinist sympathizers of the Young Second International, Shacht rushed the platform and seizwas not interested in furthering The other point reeks with tyrets over the auto union.
Young People Socialist League, man declared, the workers of ed Mike Bartell, student He threatened that if this their ambitions, they requested Agreement to take discip hypocrisy. We shall have occashouting slogans against the pre Europe rose in revolt and in director of the He leadership were not removed, the readmittance into the parations for the coming war Russia founded the Soviet Union linary action against any mem. sion to return to it in the not Warehousemen Union and the Another was dragged to a pond in the confession and carrying banners calling for and the Third International park adjacent to high would ber or group of members who too distant future. It pledges the withdraw their dropped out of the union several are found guilty on trial through International Union to combat resolute workers action against Despite the betrayal of the Third school and thrown in. The support. As majority of the months ago when the progresregular procedure of spreading discrimination against union the war makers International the international mob then turned on the other membership is employed in ware: sives refused to support him in rumors or untrue charges against members because of race, creed, proletariat will rise under the Workers Win Struggle speakers and stoned them for house offices and dependent the election as delegate to the any officer or member of the color, nationality or political afbanner of the Fourth Interna several blocks. Two were in upon the support of the ware Council because he was Executive Board. These things filiation. Some of the records of SOUTH BEND, Ind. Efforts jured and required medical Recalling the birth of May tional, the banner of Lenin and housemen, this was in effect an irresponsible. He openly stated to be done on the basis of the the people advocating this proof Stalinist bureaucrats in con Day in the fires of the great Trotsky.
ultimatum to the membership to at that time that his only interprogram of the International gram smell to high heaven!
accept Stalinist control or see est in the union was to obtain a trol of the Workers Alliance struggle for the eight hour day Union.
Warning Given local in South Bend to expel and its development into intertheir union smashed.
pie card.
Hugo Rasmussen, active militant national labor day, the speakers At its previous meeting the Muzzle for Union On April we warned the in the unemployed movement, declared that the workers, momembership voted to request the Snatch Majority This power in the hands of auto workers: Look at the in: failed when the membership rebilized the day before under the national office to remove Leo Allen, international representa Having packed the meeting, the unprincipled clique that ternal regime in the Communistjected the charges of disruptive banner of Roosevelt by the sta tive and a Stalinist, from San the Stalinists were able to get the linists, would again unfurl the Rasmussen, one of the orga: red flag and march forth to over the mouth of the union against the Stalinist campaign investigating Francisco. The charges brought a fajority on Militant Traditions of Labor Day Continue against Allen were: committee which was elected to Anyone who criticizes or differs in the auto union. There is no mizers of the Indiana and battle their oppressors, investigate the charges. They in a the said Maurice Under Banner of Fourth International Three Charges Listed immediately proceeded to hold rumors brought before me court of your besten Look at the record consistenti o cutieicizeoard. abbas Spector, co editor of the Failure to cooperate with were asked to appear at one time hearings at which the accusers martial and properly disciplin of the Communist Party in the Non Partisan League and advo. International and main speaker May Day this year found the order to be present.
the organizers and officers of and the accused at another! Neied. The Stalinists don want unions where it has control the cated policy of independent of the movement has the Ameri. forees of labor split throughout Chicago Holds Rally the union or to produce orga ther will have control over the union. They furriers, painters, food workers, working class action rather than can working class been more in the United States, as in schon nizational results, an opportunity to hear the other testimony or want a stranglehold over it.
Gangsterism, placing any support behind can bitart, moveva generace type the other countries. Despite the deep maritime union.
The Chicago branch of the W3thholding communica to question one another! peSummed up, here is the oracleunity with racketeers, suppres. didates of the capitalist parties, mareh. Never before have theening crisis of capitalism, the rallied 250 workers attions and instructions receivedtition signed by 150 rank andFrankensteen found by gazing in Sion of minorities, dictatorial The Stalinists, determined to appalling results of class eollathe crystal bowl of Stalin and practices.
permit no opposition to their boration, or People Frontism, semper tractions he were come fare meeting held just ten blocks by him from the National Office filters requesting that the investifrom the scene of the historic which affected the work of the gating committee be elected by Browder: We repeat that warning today campaign to line up the workers been more clear to the masses. smaller scale than last year. Grease the guillotine for with Frankensteen open threat mast. ought in a resolution In Chi Local, The crowd cheered again and The most alarming feature from Haymarket massacre, the point of view of the labor cago, as elsewhere, the militant Stating to a member of the at a special executive board a referendum and the decision the opposition even if the heads a dagger aimed right at the movement was the corralling of traditions of May Day were union that this puny little local meeting to hold such a referendthat roll count up in the thous heart of the auto union.
No to the. Tor large numbers of workers behind upheld by the Fourth Interna of 250 members was not so imthe expulsion um on the basis of the petition, ands; doubt, as is their practice, the Rasmussen, the patriotic banners of the Stationalists alone, in sharp contrast portant as the national organi have been ignored by the inve2. Smash democracy by abolish Communist Party will charge us was disruptive.
charging that his position on the linist parties in demonstrations to the Stalinist parade which zation and, if necessary, he was stigating committee. Going far ing all groups and caucases ex with red baiting. They charge This action, taken at the close e sich did violence to the fight marched behind patriotic slogans willing to smash this local and beyond the powers granted it at eept the Communist Party anyone who criticises them with ing, proletarian class traditions after its arrangements commit start over again. the meeting at which was caucus. red baiting. The truth of the of the meeting when a number of May Day.
tee had excluded the revolution By the action taken to request elected, this committee has prac3. Put the hereties and the matter is that we are not bait of members had left, and pre MARITIME BODY Patriotie Parade ists and driven away most of Allen removal the membership tically set itself up as a dual the labor unions.
belly scraping and breast bent tionaries from the Prankensteen When Rasmussen appealed to infidels through the paces of ing reds but denouncing reacceded by a limited discussion. Continued from page 1)
In New York City, some The Chicago meeting was need to rid itself of the Stalin. power to the present leadership, itself a rank and file ing; crowd right down to the Stalin50, 000 paraded under the aus marked by such an inspiring re list bureaucrats. This was first policy committee.
the St. Joseph county executive Frame up and, Moscow Trialist party. Real reds are those pices of the Stalinist dominated volutionary spirit that at the end demonstrated in the union elecThe militants in the union are anyone caught standing on his who fight for democracy and board the local was instructed agreement seems to Bridges only United May Day Committee to the newcomers, y of them tions in January, when the sta exposing this Bridges Stalinist own feet and expressing his own class struggle policies within the the membership and holda the accompaniment of patriotic strangers to the radical move linists were overwhelmingly de union wrecking attack and are point of view.
unions. That is our fight. We trial. At the trial the rank and out tactics of the Stalinists the ranging series of former years, the Internationale, picking out control for several months.
In the face of the open sell songs. Replacing the militant ment, joined in the singing of feated after they had been in making every effort to rally the Sugar Coated Pin shall carry it on to the very file upheld Rasmussen by a three rank and file of their own the dominating slogans were for the words from a song sheet and support of progressives in other end.
to one vote.
Bridges Packs Meeting unions to defeat it. They are unions are revolting. Splitting jobs, peace and democracy. raising their fists along with the This is the real program. The working to unite all labor prorest of Frankensteen letter is the federation means splitting Placards were carried denounc others. Manny Mills, steel work In typical Moscow Trial fa gressives in both the of only the sugar coating to make even the unions where Bridges ing the fascist aggressors.
and his gang are firmly in the The speeches were in line with lodge officer in his union, spoke ing with his stooges and pre to rid the unions of this wreckex strike leader and shion, Bridges packed the meet and around a campaign the pill go down easier. All the saddle.
chatter about organizing compethe rest. Not a word about the for the followed by sented affidavits which stated ing band of labor fakers by exIn the headquarters branch of preparations for a new imperial Albert Goldman, labor attorney, that number of the leaders of posing the real role of the Statitive plants, fighting wage cuts, improving working conditions the Marine Cooks and Stewards, ist war, which was hardly sur for the the local had conspired with linists and their front man, organizing the unemployed where the Stalinists are able to prising in view of the fact that Banquet in Cleveland Harry Lundeberg, secretary of Bridges, in the West Coast bringing efficiency into the In Threats To Load Major Crisis Burdens On Bosses maintain a majority, Frank the Stalinists, with their sponsorthe Sailor Union of the Pacific, urrions.
ternational office and cutting Koci, a rank and file member ship of collective security, are Evaporate In Congress Bill Slashing In Cleveland, the and down on expenses, etc. is just a with an established record of mi the foremost proponents of war. celebrated May Day hypocritical promise when it ltancy on the waterfront in San The Socialist Workers Party, with a banquet and showing of comes from a crowd which de. Continued from page 1) pitalism has already cut the Francisco, was brought up on refusing to take part in this the Russian revolutionary film wages of the one and destroymands as a price that the rank.
patriotic demonstration, which Potemkin. The speakers were and file become a pack of goose saddled the burden of the depres ed the purchasing power of the Koci committed the crime of violated not only the spirit of local comrades active in the stepping soldiers.
sion on the backs of the work other. Is it the capitalists? But pointing out in his union meet May Day but ran counter to the and of unions.
of the workers, Neither the Communist Party the bankruptey of capitalism has ing that the had a writ vital interests The following subscriptions more powerful drive to step up men who are fighting someone ment.
Goose stepping is good forers in the form of unempo reduced the profits of the capiten agreement with the Shepard held its own parade and rally. nor the Socialist Party held ce have come in during the past the circulation of the Socialist else battle, fighting the Appeal. large part of this plan talists, as a class, by 20 per line and that picket lines were reported elsewhere in this issue. lebrations of their own. Instead two weeks: Wage cuts, Speed up of their enemies. It is no good cent between 1929 and 1987. The established by the sailors to en The Stalinists, however, did not their members attended a rally NEW YORK CITY 33 will depend on increased bundlefor union men. They must have Another way is to cut the current depression has driven force the agreement. For this have things entirely their way of Labor Non Partisan League, California their own union, run their own wages of those employed. This their profits lower. Direct taxes simple statement, which can be The New York locals of the In. at which such outstanding Philadelphia affairs, make their own policies. also keeps up profits, but it also will fall on the capitalists and proved by documents, Koci, was ternational Ladies Garment champions of the workers Minneapolis Now, with summer more or Newark less here, many comrades and tions lies right ahead of the workers and smashes their liv them on. Indirect taxes will be program of the and at part in the Stalinist flag waving Connell spoke. This rally was Pittsburgh sympathizers will start traveling union. The strike at Federal ing standards. third way is to passed on to the workers, the tempting to confuse the member parade and held their own se permeated with People Frontparate rally. Norman Thomas ism from beginning to end.
Akron, Ohio around the country from place Screw and the series of smaller increase the speed up for those unemployed and the consumers ship.
Rochester, Socialist Party and youth orga strikes which followed it are on the job. This increases the generally, cutting their purchase to place. We urge every comrade nization likewise declined to asToledo, Ohio straws in the wind. The entire output of cach worker, cuts the ing power even lower.
to take a handful of sub blanks ANNOUNCEMENTS spending program will come out sociate themselves with the StaChicago, III.
with him. Also, those who are membership must be mobilized; costs of production for the ca In passing the tax bill, Roo of indirect taxes, taxes on the linists.
Insertions in this column are 25 Canton, Ohio going away for the summer are 350, 000 workers will have to do pitalists and increases their prosevelt aimed to do two things workers and unemployed, farmers cents for five lines. Copy must be Boston, Mass.
requested to notify us of their the fighting. That is why al fits.
in at the APPEAL office before six at the same time: to guard the and middle class. This has been In Philadelphia o clock Monday evening.
Colorado new address. We need more trathough there are a million other Cutting down the bosses profits of the capitalists and keep increasingly true since the Michigan veling salesmen for the Appeal reasons democracy and not share of the tax bill, can also the faith of the workers in the great decline of American capi in Philadelphia, however, the NEW YORK Miscellaneous like John Boulds of Montana!
bureaucracy must be the yardonly be done at the expense of iberal character of Roosevelt. talism set in with the crash of and its Clarityite wing stick of the internal union re the workers. The permanehas statements asking deTOTAL public sement com 90, then you makers and teseed alone content to become MERCALE gime. Whoever like Frankensteen cline of American BRANCH Abe Miller, New York Litera8:30 Good Music, ture Agent, requests all friends created a standing army of un direct taxes, which would affect per cent of the national taxes. Stalinist machine. Our comrades LAUNCHES and cake. Brodsky, 988 Bronx Subs are picking up nicely, and sympathizers to purchase or employed. There were 3, 000, 000 big business, and then never lift in the bitter depression of 1932, participated to the extent of bePark South.
with New York City far in ad ask for a copy of the Soctalist DRAMATIC SECTION unemployed before the current ing a finger in Congress to see they had to pay 40 per cent. ing present on Reyburn Plaza. recession began. There are at that they were passed. Congress Roosevelt New Deal consisted where they distributed hundreds NEWARK vance once again. On increased Appeal from their neighborhood bundle orders we have to report newsstands. This will greatly aid the un in shifting the major burden of of anti war manifestoes and sold DETROIT. With the produc least 5, 000, 000 more now, mak made a shambles ing a total of at least 14, 000, 000. distributed profits tax, which taxation on to the workers and many copies of the Socialist CLASS IN TRADE UNIONISM, definite slowing up. Plans are placing the paper on local news, Instructor, George Breitman under way for a new and even stands.
pro labor play by Howard Koch. These are all debarred from would have taken 500, 000, 000 other consumers by making in. Appeal. They followed this up Four lectures, Tuesday nights the educational department of employment and deprived of the from the greatest corporations ir direct taxes equal to 66 per cent with a May Day meeting held in beginning May 10, 8:30 Socialist Appeal the United Automobile Workers purchasing power which employ the United States as well as from of the total taxes in 1934. In this conjunction with the United Lior 25 cents for four. 284 15th will launch its newly formed ment gives them. They have only the personal holding corpora tax program, as in other New bertarian Organizations. More 116 University Place Date Avenue. Progressive Workers School.
New York City troit, it was announced here to government aid. Rather than who wanted to avoid income unemployed, farmers and middle ineeting at which Manny Ger enclose. for which please send me the day by the educational depart. starve, they will overthrow the taxes. Roosevelt did nothing.
capitalist system which dooms ment of the union.
LOS ANGELES The capital gains tax, which have to bear an increasing share Workers Party and the Young Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months of the burden of taxation.
them to starvation. And so the was a tax on those in the high Less than a year ago the Peoples Socialist League.
SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. 00. The California comrades scorgovernment, Roosevelt and Congress reprewhich levels, was scotched. Roosevelt set up its educational de capitalist IN DEFENSE OF THE SOVIET UNION. aby Trotsky ostenta enclose.
as my contribution toward partment, primarily concerned still finds democracy, useful, gives did nothing. The tax on govern sent big business and use the ed a great May Day success in extra for postage. Modern Book with the forming of classes in out miserly relief to the unem ment bonds, which was a tax on state in its behalf. The interest Los Angeles, where they succeed Shop. 5094 bn st. Los Angeles building the Socialist Appeal.
trade union subjects. Since then ployed in order to keep them income taxes by investing their burden of the depression on to 250 to the Music Artschall beste Name WANT ADS of the radio union work, using Address a Detroit station, WJBK, for 15 Taxes and Spending bonds, was disregarded. Roosevelt Roosevelt and Congress do its and repreminute daily broadcasts.
did nothing. The income tax alone bidding in a tax program which sentatives and to see the film SINGLE ROOM FOR RENT, 136 St. Near Broadway, New City From the talent developed on Government aid requires go remained intact, but with the bears down on the workers and Far to Lenin, a pictorial hisYork City. Very cheap! See the radio programs, drawn from vernment spending Money for precipitate fall in profits result unemployed and at the same tory of the Russian Revolution.
Stanley, 116 University Place.
the tanks of the 250, 000 auto spending must be gotten through ing from the depression, and the time gives real relief to busi In the audience were Mexican for details agricultural workers, auto workTHE NEW INTERNATIONAL workers in the Detroit area, the taxes. The question arises: Who low income tax rates, the yield ness.
dramatic director has chosen shall pay the major burden of the will not be anywhere near what ers, members of the SUBSCRIBE NOW TO it was in former years, the cast of the forth coming taxes? Is it the workers and un Monthly Marxist Magazine and many other active unionists.
SUBSCRIBE NOW TO THE SOCIALIST APPEAL play employed? But the crisis of ca The funds for the government number of Stalinists forsook. SUBSCRIBE NOW! THE SOCIALIST APPEAL a Communist Party meeting in Roosevelt Tax Program Falls Hardest On Labor Appeal Army charges.
ttles orders. 4 2 1 60