Andrey VyshinskyBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

De 101 Five Cents per Copy Hitler Seeks To Mend Axis By Rome Visit Indian civen New LaFollette Third Party Government Stalinists Start Drive Workers Independence Tax Program Hits Labor To Capture Or Smash United Auto Workers WOULD CRUSH UNION DEMOCRACY SEEK TO OUST SAILORS FROM MARITIME BODY BOSS HAGUE POLICE KIDNAP NORMAN THOMAS AFL USES DUAL UNION TACTICS TO FIGHT CIO Thirty two persons were reported killed and 48 gravely wounded April 26 when British police opened fire on a throng of 10, 000 persons attending an National Progressive Party, Launched By Scion Indian Congress Party rally in the village of ViduraswaOf Wisconsin Dynasty, Seeks To Head Off tam, in the Kolar region, 150 Britain Anticipates His miles east of Bangalore.
Labor Own Political Action Roosevelt Measure Gives Move By Concluding The rally had been organized to protest the ban issued To a crowd of 5, 000 gathered in the Wisconsin state capital last Relief Only To The French Alliance by the Mysore state governweek Governor Philip LaFollette announced the launching of a new Exploiters Faces Fight ment against hoisting of the third party, the National Progressives of America.
Frankensteen, Browder Candidate To Replace Surrounded by all the Congress flag.
Apart from the LaFollettes, a few of their immediate followers In subjecting the demon and a number of comparatively obscure individuals who came from By DAVID COWZ. ES Homer Martin, Issues Open Challenge; pomp of modern Caesars strators to blood bath, the other states to attend the meeting, the sponsors of the new party Board Meets This Week and by thousands of guards democratic British imperialOn the same day in which the do not include a single figure prominent in recent middle clas watching hawk eyed for asist masters of India achieved reform movements. Especially significant was the fact that no well Roosevelt tax bill was licked into a new high point in their final shape, sixteen of the outsassins, Fuehrer Hitler and ruthless suppression of the known labor leaders or organizations were invited to attend the standing representatives of monoformal launching of the new party, or if they were, they must poly capitalism promised him Duce Mussolini met again downtrodden victims of their rule. Intermittently during in Rome this week to make have turned down the invitation, for none of them was present. their cooperation in his recothe past two years, the Brivery program. The reason for a new series of moves across DETROIT. Richard Frankensteen, Earl Browder The absence of labor in the States, except for a vague re the close connection becomes obtish slavedrivers have been new LaPollette movement is sup ference to security, not a se vious if we examine the tax bill.
candidate for the presidency of the United Automobile the checkerboard of Eur carrying out aerial bombing operations against Northwest plemented and emphasized by the curity founded on producing less The 5, 300, 000, 000 tax program, Workers of America, this week made his open bid for opean imperialist politics.
frontier tribesmen and spreadDespite all the fulsome froth by the Wisconsin Governor to more. If this phrase means anyence between leading House and power. The internal struggle in the union, reported in ing death and devastation about the solidity of the Romethe Socialist Appeal more than a month ago (April through Indian villages.
expand his organization was to thing, it seems to express the Senate politicians last week, in Berlin axis, the two Fascist diewards the farmers of the agra desire of the middle class farm dicates a complete dropping of entered a new phase with Frankensteen challenge to tators were meeting more for rian west Iowa and Minnesota. ers to break down the plowing such direct taxes on big business the leadership of Homer Martin, president of the union.
purposes of sparring than for Even there, however, for hugging each other in an afvirtually every part of the while reducing the prices of in capital gains tax, the tax on 80Fresh from the ante chambers of the Communist Party, fectionate clinch.
country the reception accorded dustrial commodities at the ex vernment bonds. It also disre.
Frankensteen rushed into the public prints with a proMussolini has secured in the the new party has been anything (Continued on page 3)
garded any tax on the incomes Anglo Italian pret a counterbut cordial and enthusiastic.
gram carefully drawn and doctored by Michigan Stalinof the government bureaucracy, foil to the pressure of Hitler on ist high priests, William Weinstone and William Gebert.
Cool Reception It shunted aside any proposal Itaty spheres of influence in that would substantially tax the This program a letter addressed to International Board Central Europe. This together New York Mayor La Guardia, rich or their minions in the state members will be brought into the session of the Interwith the new Anglo French miwho has been engaged in some apparatus. The meaning of the national Executive board of the union at its meeting on litary alliance, was certain to political exploration on his own bili was summed up by the Deplay an important role in the hook, both in the East and the mocratic Senator Harrison: The May in Detroit. This will be the next move of the Stalindeliberations of the Fascist war.
Middle and South West, failed Bridges Moves To Expel to endorse the LaFollette Party tax bill gives real relief to busilords.
ist gang to capture or smash the powerful union of the ness.
The Anglo French auto workers.
military From Coast and expressed himself on it in alliance was concluded last week the most reserved manner. The Relieve Capitalists when Premier Daladier and ForeC. in the is the solution Federation leaders of the American Labor inspired Unity Group launched its in the crisis beyond that of the On giving relief to the capitalign Minister Bonnet went to Party in New York, like the struggle for power in opposition If the truth were e recession.
London to meet Prime Minister to the alarming tre Chamberlain and Lord Halifax.
Ricans, the House joined the Se.
SAN FRANCISCO. Driving leaders of the Minnesota Farmer. Workers Own Action Is its, Democrats joined Repub: Needed To Combat nate, and all worked together in wards bureaucracy. We pointed told, Frankensteen is only now The agreements concerning na Bard for a split in the Maritime the Roosevelt New Deal, have val, military and serial co opera Federation of the Pacific, spokes made very critical statements perfect harmony. Along with the Jersey Fuehrer out then the new program of approaching a semblance of sinDemocrat Harrison, the Repub HOMER MARTIN the Unity Group is shot through He championed the rights of and through with hypoerisy, delican Senators Vandenberg and of military co ordination reached longshoremen union demanded on the ground that it is splitbetween France and England last week that the militant ting the progressive ceit and lies. Now Frankensteen groups at the convention, not in The Jersey City police com Chpper thou has confirmed our analysis to the the cause of Frankensteen. He during the last World Wer. Sailors Union of Pacific be ex which should, in their opinion, mitted a typical act of violence long step toward restoration hilt.
coveted the post of first viceFrench officer will, in the event pelled from the Federation.
Would Crush Groups Appearing before the meeting Stand firmly behind the Presi during the May Days by brutally of tax sanity. In the conference president and he needed a caucus to see him through. Now the of the two countries, a British of the executive committee of the Communist Party, which porting Norman Thomas when Matters Times reported that on matters The first and only real point forces behind him are strong in samenges the loudest die in his pronouncenent is the abo enough to dispense with a caueus.
ers of Roosevelt at a time forces.
a British officer, the joint air demanded that the ac the bankruptcy of his course be. 30, against Boss Hague perso Terence of opinion between the lition and prohibition of all fac. But don think a minute that cept the Stalinist program and House and Senate, the conferees tional groups within the they mean alle catre They To Pool Resources comes increasingly plain, has al dictatorship.
The leader of the Socialist inclined to the alternative that But let us give the loor to mean open caucuses and that Brother Frankensteen who, to all!
At the same time, both coup down fight with the Stalinist zation, that is, it is eriticizing a dozen people in the crowd had Maritime Union or face a show towards singl Lly boneile organic Party declared that at least half favored business in gether with Weinstone or Gebert, On the day that the right to tries are in the te their purchases controlled unions in the federasyonun he e ndipoint of contiereine been struck on the base of the political document of first im. Charters Reactionary or whoever drafted this program, groups and caueuses is abolished, is no slouch in the vocabulary of the most powerful caucus in the great stores of food, oil and ism, of the right, of maintain neck from the rear by police night portance. This is especially true Miners Union bureaucracy and dictatorship: union will begin to exercise unmunitions are to be established, Attacks on Lundeberg sticks, a blow which paralyzes today, when the critical condition ing the old political line up.
In Illinois Agreement to take disci. challenged power within the or purchased with British credits.
without leaving a mark. Among of American capitalism finds its To back this move, which will Windy Words plinary action against any party, ganization. That caucus is the them was Louis Freader, Hobo Sharpest reflection in the budget France intends to buy mainly group or section of the member. Communist Party. Does anyone from Czechoslovakia, Rumania, within the federation, the Stalin New Deal and the growing rear of the League, Morris Milgram, ken Secretary of the workers policies of the Roosevelt govern mean bitter internal warfare The of executive ship which does not go down the imagine that members of the Although the collapse of the Defense League. The secretary mont.
The budget contains two sides, council pulled a series of strate line with the program.
attempt to stop German peneJugoslavia, Hungary, etc. in anists in control of the Internationism of the Democratic Party said that at least fifteen personal expenditures and revenue.
gical moves last week Communist Party in the union at its No half measures for the firm will stop meeting and making As tration into Central and South housemen Union are issuing a the old parties in his keynote with thomas, including residents the Appeal, the expenditures are tion in any unity negotiations out everyone, entire locals, en practical effect, this decision will tional Longshoremen and Ware compelled LaFollette to assait had been expelled from the city was shown in a recent article in quarterly meeting that will place of Weinstone and Frankensteenl decisions because motion is it in a stronger bargaining posi Discipline, suspend, expel, kick passed to eliminate caueuses? In Daladier and Bonnet went to bulletin devoted entirely to speech, and to point out their of Jersey City.
London with full powers grantind Harry Lundeberg, secretary sive solution of the raging crisis to go almost entirely to aid big with the standerous attacks on the inability to produce a progresbusiness. The revenue side is tire districts, the whole interna hog tie every militant worker ed by unanimous vote of the treasurer of the union.
Vicious Assaults shown in the tax bill. It shows People Front which they had Declaring decisions of the or even to prevent it from deep One of them was Ashley Gar who is to pay for the spending on even revoked by the bouncil. regimented into hollering sa unaweregning unconcommunitat ening, the Platform put out just deserted. They answered National Labor Relations Board by the National Progressives is rick, Jersey City lawyer, whose The expenditure side of the leaving only David Dubinsky for the would be dictators and Party and its stooges will have this vote by definitely abandonInternational Ladies budget distributes Garment their so called program. Bill a free hand.
be sacrosanct ing the foreign policy of the the old cry you can fight the one of the most futile and windy. arms, according to eye wit monies between classes in the charter untouched. This attempt green with envy.
and reviving government Workers Union with its of Green and his pals must be People Front. No more talk Seeks Dictatorship about collective security, indivi. government, the Stalinists see worded political documents of nesses, were held by two cops state, favoring some and discrito conciliate Dubinsky hmdan while a detective punched his minating against others. To that immediate affect. All caucuses to be abandoned This means the return of the sible peace, defense democracy every picket line as a shipowners our time.
The platform does not advance face so brutally that he had to extent, the budget is a reflection plot.
immediately, specifically the Protreated by a physician.
Dubinsky announced his rejec gressive and Unity Caucuses will helm of the auto union. But Francis Dillon against fascism, etc. Without the of the militant determination a single concrete step that the to the regime of the use of the state by the to force the new party proposes to take in So frenzied was the melee slightest resistance, the French Shepard line to live up to the order to change the present un around the seizure of Norman or groups in a class class tion of the post of chairman of no longer exist and the program where Francis Dillon failed to Who is to the important housing advocated is to be the program missionaries submitted to John. Bull conditions. Continued on puge 2) bearable situation in the United Thomas that the uniformed men determined by the class control committee to which he had been of the International Union. To saddle his dictatorship on the They not only accepted the recognize the plain of the state, with its power to ference. con enforce this we abolish and pro auto workers because the proplan to recognize Mussolini Palestine Communist Party clothes cops of their own force. re distribute wealth and income, As a result one uniformed pa to take away from some and hibit all factional groups within gressives were able to organize rape of Ethiopia; they even the a caucus, Frankensteen wants to Dual Union Moves succeed by prohibiting all trolman struck a detective, legalize with give to others. In acting thus, The Jersey City police chiefs the class which controls the state The of council also Frankensteen Switches caueuses. The democratic right Frankensteen is now cast in for a specifie object or program union members to get together Hasten Franco Victory put out of the city for his own vates class divisions.
a charter to the reactionary Pro a new role. Eight months ago at is in the final analysis the only While the Italian lesions as the Stalinist frame up system and We too are to a degree res sumably, against even more se vehement denunciation of authors of the leaflet continue: personal safety. Safety, pregressive Miners union of Illinois the Milwaukee convention of the real guarantee that the rankRole of the State and that it has planned a dual it was Frankensteen and file will control its own representatives of the People an appeal to all true revolution ponsible for the results. And rious manhandling by Hague The present tax bill resulted union drive in the mine fields who denounced motion Front, being at the same time theists to unite against the hang precisely because of our deep Iguardians of law and order because big business controls the against the United Mine Work Victor Reuther to abolish all in their place. That is why, in union and keep the bureaucrats men of the October Revolution feeling of responsibility, we can Thomas himself branded the ers of America.
caucuses. He correctly stated the guise of democracy, the promandatories of the French and for the revolutionary not and must not keep silent. whole police report as fiction state. The bill gives real relief William Green threats in then that the right to groupe gram of the Unity Group.
doesness. is it does so at whose. blockade with an effective land the leaflet, just received here, utilize such exposures.
tion to complete Franco sea working class, is contained in the fear that the bougeoisie wis serving a six month sentence is to see at one and the same move against John Lewis and dition for inner union democracy. the most sinister danger dence against Jeff Burkitt, who On the (Continued on page 3)
conNow the abolition of democracy fronting the auto union.
nish border. The London corres issued by members of the Com contrary, it is our silence that it for trying to make a speech on time the decline of American capitalism and the use of the state Undoubtedly, the demand for pondent of the New York Times munist Party of Palestine who utilizes in order to identify all the same spot.
the abolition of the Unity and Thomas has demanded that the machine by big business to pass Rank and File Committee correctly interprets this shame. resigned from its ranks.
communists, and communism itProgressive caucuses will strike less delivery of Loyalist Spain This leaflet seems to have self, with the falsehoods of the LaFollette Civil Rights Senatorial on the burden of its decline to chord a to Franco and Mussolini: Now formed at least part of the basis trials which are already so clear Committee investigate Hague the workers.
At all times the capitalists pay have have agreed (Mussolini) should Palestine several weeks ago to slander of the Soviet Union as various Federal authorities to their taxes, when they do pay with much with the dog ent dog fight bet complete his victory in Spain. the effect that the Communist a land which is permeated with intervene. But Hague has been them, reluctantly rank and file committee, ployment, and negotiators for ween these groups only on the Faced with the military col. Party of that country had with ever mounting fantastic crimes, sufficiently exposed in the eyes chiselling. But now, when ac.
lapse of the Loyalists, Britain drawn from the Moscow Inter serves only the bourgeoisie of the people by his own actions cording to the Federal Reserve elected from the floor of the Na the union predict that ships program of who is to get the is forcing France to facilitate national and affiliated to the With all our power we hurt back on the most fariner Winvestigation it was in 1933, when the stock brought in a tentative agreeneed Board production is at the level tional Maritime Union last week crews will be able to force all job. The differences between her attempt to divide the Spanish Fourth International. This re this Stalin Vyshinsky slander. But further action against this market is falling and profits arenent for ratification by the mem vered by the agreement to ship great. The danger now an actbooty with Mussolini at the ex port has not yet been confirmed. Back to Leninism but it is clear that the monopetty satrap and staunch pillar lower, the capitalists are espe bership. The terms of the new through the Union hall.
pense of Germany.
of the Democratic Party.
cially opposed to paying taxes. agreement came as a great sur. Although the agreement for many occasions was that a ranka England has taken the lead in lithic unity of the Stalinist It must be clear that the conthe negotiations with Italy. With ranks in Palestine has been un tinuation of the fascist methods Workers Initiative Needed They want to keep profits up prise to Stalinist forces in the East Coast shipping is not on and file weary of this squabble and they can do so in two ways: Union whose appointed commit a par with the West Coast stan would lend an ear to the first out doubt she will, in the near able to withstand the shock of and provocations within the future, also dictate to France the third big Moscow trial.
world, The organized workers of New first, by cutting costs of productees had twice before failed to dard where closed shop condi demagogue who called for peace, the conditions for an underdiscourages and disarms other Jersey should take the initiative tion second, by reducing their secure any concessions from the tione prevail, it marks great Even if this peace means the loss Stalin Befouls Movement tax.
steamship operators.
standing with Germany. The stride forward for the rank and of the most precious of union working class in its struggle in Jaunching a movement of selfThey can cut down costs of This agreement covers ques all file seamen here. They have prov. rights. Once again we repeat ssia will be de Were bourgeois reaction to against fascism. continuation defense against the unabated and cisive in the barter.
procure an agent provocateur and of such methods will assure the ever more vicious attacks of production three ways. One companies in which the ed, that given an opportunity to only that group organized on a Czechoslovakia Deserted piace him at the head of the victory of fascism, and then the Hague gangsters. in uniform. way is to fire workers, thereby has won elections under auspices function as a group of Union program of democracy and mililabor movement with the object Soviet Union itself will collapse. They can secure the sympathy reducing the number of wage of the Working rules men without communist Party taney can smash the unprincip.
All the French efforts to in of besmirching it, paralyzing it dues Chamberlaing to accept obli. sind destroying it from the in not speak of the need of re Stready the dabar trankose who are maintients within theredes tener en weith a sements prevailing on sions can be wrested from the open a new page for the union.
gations in regard to Czechoslo side, reads the stirring leaflet, crouping the revolutionary van represented by Hague and his sharp depression at least 5, 000. men were able to gain recogni infamous Tanker Agreement Code of Servility vakia were in vain. The agreed it could not succeed any better guard in a Fourth International, regime. The independent action 000 workers have been thrown tion of the as the sole recently drawn up by the Stan If this part of Frankensteen upon diplomatic representations than Stalin with his trials and it calls for a movement back of the militant and organized out of work. While this cut the collective bargaining agent, they dard Oil Company with Raspu program is not revolting enough, to Berlin will only be bombs in a his extermination of the party. Leninism and for fight workers is the best way to restore costs of production and kept up did not get a closed shop agree tin Lawrensen, Stalinist agent then follow through to point 3, pail of water. Chamberlain flat Pointing to the disastrous con against Stalin policy of de their democratic rights to the profits for the capitalists, it also ment. However, members of the in the as salesman, the which wants to carry over bag (Continued on page 3) sequences of the trials, the feats.
people of Jersey City. Continued on page 2) IN. have preference of em new agreement is a masterpiece. Continued on page 2)
a Brings In NMU Agreement section of the rank and file. The