Andrey VyshinskyAnti-naziBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalKamenevLeninMarxismNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

T. Unity Needed In LaFollette Prepares Third Coming Class Battles Party Attempt For 1940 SWP Summons Workers For May Day Rally SOCIALIST APPEAL April 30, 1938 vigotous, organized resistance. They Socialist Appeal will attack workers only at their own Vol. II. No. 18. Saturday, April 30, 1938 great peril.
Published every week by the Working class meetings, anti Fascist organizations and newspapers must be SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS 116 University Place, New York, protected against such attacks not by Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 fruitless appeals to the boss police who By FRANCES MERRILL a People Front role in that come in nothing loath to beat up attackSubscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for election, largely under the doers and attacked alike or who more often By ARNE SWABECK months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order getic attempt to solve correctly action of the whole trade union Governor Philip LaFollette of mination of the Progressives.
the many new serious problems movement will suffice. cents per copy. Single than not condone the attack but by the Wisconsin climaxed a series of. But the LaFollettes, while us.
opies cents.
During the two years of con now arising.
four radio addresses last week ing the Federation, have been All checks and money orders should be made strength of the workers themselves. The Bosses On Offensive attacking the Republican and careful not to tie themselves too out to the Socialist Appeal.
workers defense committees that spring the ceen the of and enormous changes Those Too Old It is conditions such as these Democratic parties, including closely to it. It is not their child, Entered as second class matter September into being as a result of almost every were wrought throughout the To begin with, one may men that facilitate the preparations Roosevelt New Deal, with a call as is the Progressive party, al1937 at the post office at New York, New York, strike must be extended and maintained trade union field. The tion the very simple question of being made by the class enemy for a conference of liberals to though they made the most of under the Act of March 3, 1879.
as permanent committees of defense made phenomenal progress in or industry old, men. Recently to launch a mighty attack to meet in Madison April 28 to dis. it to keep the Socialists and MAX SHACHTMAN the Progres helipsand hitherto unsurpassed public attention because of the tobogganing to still lower levels, third party. While declining to labor groups Editor.
lin gorillas in the labor movement. heights, the of made increasing difficulty of workers capitalism knows no other way reveal whom he had invited, he sive machine. It is significant HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES Associate Editors.
feeble efforts made to end the past the age of forty. Since this the workers pay envelope. Even to 3, 000 or 4, 000 persons, mainly Follettes got the Federation to STANLEY Kerensky and Stalin Business Manager, Lackeys always run ahead of their tions proved unavailing. Now, heltered trades, it becomes most union resistance more difficult states.
inification on the two organiza, production industry than in the could only complicate and make ing some from the Eastern clause from its platform, and masters. Thus about two weeks ago the Since the LaFollettes have stitution forbade support of any when considering the relation ressing for the But without united action.
Meet the Nazi Thugs!
All of these problems, and generally been considered New candidate not a member of the Stalinist Daily Worker sought to im decision made by the to Pol lestrikes have grown many more that could be men Dealers, and their Progressive Federation, the LaFollettes did Nazi thuggery has made its appearprove on the case submitted by Pro set up a permanent organiza: out of the issue of seniority tioned, almost fade into insigni party supported Roosevelt in the not join. The Federation was ance in New York, group of American secutor Vyshinsky against the old Bol tion is not at all surprising. it rights. What is involved is one ficance when considering the last presidential election, Go forced to give Philip LaFollette Legionnaires who went to a Yorkville sheviks murdered by Stalin in the cellars was inevitable.
of the simple aspects of job se question of the approaching world vernor LaFollette radio lashing in his campaign for re election for its as governor, the left handed supNazi meeting were black jacked and belt of the after the most hideous take this whole question quite concern of the whole trade union need a submissive working class failure to solve questions of un port of not nominating a caned by uniformed Nazi gangsters. Last frame up trials known in history. Philosophically knowing that pre movement.
sent day economic and political so much as during war times. employment and relief occasion didate to run against him.
week the offices of Charles Weiss, editor This organ of truth and enlighten developments have already set far greater and a far more acute ment becomes a key issue. By its not surprising, however, to anyUnemployment is of course a In this the trade union move ed considerable surprise. It was Not Labor Party of an anti Nazi magazine in Brooklyn, were raided by four of the same breed.
a It is clear also that the La will work their way toward unit nost unanimous estimates of all ganizational strength it is a They beat Weiss into semi consciousness, lecture by Mr. Alexander Kerensky, cation. But time may soon be reliable statistical authorities much more potent factor than it of its leaders, Robert and Philip be a labor party in the classic head of the Russian government which come very pressing.
scratched swastika emblems on his chest and back, and ransacked the office bethe Bolsheviks overthrew in 1917, that Conflict Overshadowed already in February rise above The rulers of America will be for a blast at this particular time party, achough it would seekor fore escaping.
he and his confreres, as early as 1927, 13, 000, 000. This cancels out not sure to spare no efforts, on the was not clear until the announce course to get labor support. Its During the recent period rapid less than 54 per cent of the de one hand to compel working.
basis would be the farmers, Their attempt to make Weiss kiss a had been approached by emissaries of organization developed so much crease in unemployment which class loyalty to the employers, small businessmen, and the Third Party Aspidations swastika flag they brought with them Kamenev, Zinoviev and Bukharin with momentum that the conflict of occurred from March 1983 to and on the other hand to curb, liberals, the middle class in brought right to our own doorsteps a an offer to cooperate with them in anti necessity receded into the back ast September. This figure has if not to crush, its independence. Ever since the LaFollettes short. It would be the sort of repetition of the methods of barbarous Soviet activity. Kerensky was also cre ground. At any rate it had little increased further since February for this is what war means in abandoned their role as leaders Party advocated by Bingham and cruelty and humiliation which the Fascdited with the admission that he and his possibility of interfering with and indications are for an even the first instance. But the work of the left wing faction of the the common Sense group with the progress made. Now, how greater scarcity of jobs. In re ers who have much to lose and Wisconsin Republican party in a less Utopian program, for the ists have used and are using in Germany White Guard organization had accepted ever, these conditions have been card to this question also, the nothing to gain from a capital herited from their father, in LaFollettes are practical politiand Austria to grind their opponents, the proffered aid, but that Stalin inter altered in a fundamental sense. is most acutely affected ist war need their forces united order to found the Progressive cians. The Cooperative Commonmilitant workers, unionists, and hapless vened and ruined all the plans. The stormy offensive for union since the unemployment growth to fight against it. Their trade party, their aspiration has been wealth would be relegated to Jews, into submission.
Like 99. per cent of all Stalinist staorganization has passed its cli mostly in mass production in union movement, built up a national third party similar to he distant, very distant, future.
max for the time being, The dustry.
This is not merely an importation of tements concerning their political oppo unions are becoming preoccupied through many bitter struggles, is the one in Wisconsin and inde This is evident from the governAn over supply of labor power itself a product of capitalist con pendent of the two old parties. or radio speeches, in which, acGerman Nazi methods in this country.
nents, the factual element in this story with the consolidation of gains the market, and factory gates tradictions and an expression The liberal Representative cording to the New York Times, Every worker who has ever been on was manufactured out of whole cloth. made. Above all they are com Rosing, weakens all union mo of existing and growing class an, Connell, of Montana, has he advocated, without detailing strike is familiar with the black jack Had Kerensky made the statements problems that are arising out of rale. large army of unem tagonism. Ofty on the field of suggested that the conference in specifications, program of col methods of gangsters employed by the attributed to him by the Daily Worker, the changed economic and poli ployed is a threat to all unions. tradictions and antagonisms be for a third term, nominating him lasting employment in the creabosses as scabs and deputies to terrorthey certainly would have made the tical conditions, ize strikers. Cops and National Guardsfront page of every newspaper. As it While the conflict between the unemployed cannot be met by tion of the trade union move onference should do this, it the same time leaving private men wielding clubs, guns, and bayonets was, Kerensky confession stood in two rival movements could not against striking or demonstrating workisolated splendor on the front page of new mass unions grew up almost even less effect where employ ward this final end and militants the LaFollettes wishes. Govern. And how could it be otherwise, ers are nothing more or less than paid the Daily Worker alone. The falsifiers over night in the most important ers can take advantage of disun for a solution of this first pro on Roosevelt failure to work be made to the Middle Western thugs of the bosses whose barbarous put it in circulation, as always, on the basic industries, and while it was ity. Nothing less than united) biem now.
out a sound recovery program farmer, who is not a sharecroptheory that it takes at least a little time necessary for the to attacks on workers are cloaked with the and solve the fundamental un per or agricultural laborer, but forge ahead independently and derlying problems that caused an independent proprietor, and fig leaf of legality.
for the truth to catch up with a lie. unhampered by any demands for the depression, taken in conjuncto the small businessman, who The most ardent exponents of antiIn a letter to New York Times capitulation unity at that time tion with Bob address before may be the enemy of banks, moworking class thuggery within the worklast Sunday, Kerensky characterized this could have been accomplished the Keep America Out of War nopoly corporations and Wall St. only by capitulation it stands to Committee in Chicago, April 24, but not at all of private property ing class itself today are the Stalinists piece of mendacity as a fabrication from reason that this question appears in which he assailed the Roose and the profit system? Such a who are trying everything to introduce beginning to end. The falsification of in an entirely different light velt armament program, scarcely party would lend itself, as the the barbarous methods of the my utterances should help public opinion now that the class enemy is prelook as if the LaFollettes were Wisconsin Progressive party has, into the labor movement. Toadying perceive how evidence is manufactur paring to assume the offensive (Continued from page 1)
all along the line.
ption the representative of the laying the groundwork for an to the sort of attacks on monoed by Communists for the purposes of poly and the financial oligarchy miserably before boss politicians and labor skates, the Stalinists are seeking that also serve fascist movethe in the staging of demonstra When the whole of the trade urday April 30. They have an. youth organization of the endorsement of Roosevelt.
What They Want union movement becomes com nounced that Saturday and not stated that his organization had ments. striking evidence of to employ against all opponents of their tion trials.
pelled to engage in bitter de Sunday was selected in order objections to the What the LaFollettes want and this was found during the last policies methods which can scarcely be Very true, indeed. But Kerensky fensive struggles against attacks that church and peace groups (Fourth International) being in what comes out of the confer depression when the LaFollettes distinguished from those of the Nazi indignation, to put it mildly, is some on the wage standard, and a night participate.
the demonstration. This position ence may well be two different party organ, the Progressive, thugs who beat up Weiss last week. what hypocritical. It was Kerensky him gainst attacks on its very life, a Pontinuation, or a further intenFraudulent United Front was supported by Barshop and things. The LaFollettes and had kind words for Huey Long In our columns during the last few self who in 1917 put into circulation the sification of the conflict may The United May Day Com Russell who represented the so Wisconsin Progressives alone and the Townsend movement.
lie that Lenin and Trotsky were agents weeks we have carried numerous reports have fatal consequences. mittee organized by the Stalin cialist Party. Russell said that third party. But what they want Could Not Represent Labor from all over the country of attacks by of the German General Staff in order Independence a Fact ists is dominated by fune the did not want the de is obvious enough from the pro LaFollette party, with its Stalinist hoodlums and strong arm men to confound the Russian workers and on members of our party and of attempts frustrate their revolutionary activity liberals, would not fail to have It is true that the deci stock, hiding behind their trademonstration to have a Trotsky gram and history of the Wis appeal to the little man and sion represents a change only in union labels.
ist color, and objected to being consin party.
First of all, they do not want its lure for labor and all the exto drive our comrades and others out of under the leadership of the Bolsheviks.
the formal sense. In reality it The Saturday demonstration mixed up with the Fourth In party that will tail end either ploited. But such a party, havpublic meetings by main force.
Stalin has taken Kerensky old calumny, has already for some time func will not be a real united front, ternational with which the of the two old parties be merelying no real class basis, since the All of this is grist to the mill of Fascembellished it and expanded it for use tioned as an independent and but a Stalinist controlled demon was not in agreement. a left wing faction for the De middle class has no independent ism and the working class will pay for against his opponents.
The representatives mocratic party or a participant economic basis of its own, would ization. The modisappointed com war plans. Obviously the Social took the position that this was to some sort of wer Democratic be in capablets from persenting the it dearly unless we organize resolutely and forcefully against it. There is only apologized for his shameful lying. Until tion laid down general policy for section of the fourth Interna a false conception of the mean enough to tail end the Demo be more consistent in its liberalone way to meet the Nazis, the thugs, he does, it will not be possible to regard its affiliated unions; it decided tional could not participate in ing of the united front, that we cratie party in the 1936 election, ism, less corrupt, and less sub and their Stalinist imitators. They have his indignation at the Stalinist falsifiers on strategy in strikes and in por such a demonstration.
of certainly had no objection to the in return for Democratic support jeet to the direct pressure of got to be made to understand that their youth organization of the of the Progressives in Wisconsin, big business and the leaders of as anything more than the envy of a Cederation as an independent Offers Made gangster violence will not be received arrying banners with the legend but at that time they saw no industry than the two old parties, picayune frame up artist who has been would do. Only this ousted from power.
passively; they will be answered by The Party approached the So Second Interna prospect of national third but in the end it would have to status has been pretty well con: cialist Party and the Indepen tional.
party of the kind they desired. represent the interests of the fined to the higher of feial circle dent Communist Labor League The Farmer. Labor. Progressive bosses, albeit the little bosses, without the benefit of Ultimatum Issued Federation in Wisconsin played and not of labor.
networ central bodies with proposals for a united front no be through which the membership ions which were opposed to par reached it was decided to come could exert its influence in deter, triotie demonstration. At first the day Barshop called the May Issue Appears mining policy and in selection of the Socialist Party, through its and stated that the Soleadership.
In Columbus The May issue of the New Arthur Mc cialist Party would not particiThe power and authority of secretary, COLUMBUS, Ohia As the International magazine will be (Continued from page 1)
forces to aid the BOSTON Combining the self constituted committee celebrate May Day alone. Later tion with the Socialist Workers Columbus transportation strike the press this week. ContinuFoodworkers Union, Local of the people the serf of a handful of democratic ing hardened of bureaucrat. join in a conference on May to keep silent on the Fourth In tiations were still being carried and timely articles. Among the 701, which is conducting a issuo capitalist politicians, but the United Workers Front of militant strike against Shastruggle against capitalist reaction!
raf Restaurant in Lynn.
ganizers and regional directors had also been invited. The youth section did not appear as Association of Street Car. Pe features of this issue are: Only the militant, United Workers Front can beat Mass. the Boston and Lynn newly organized unions in lead and attended the conference. 1) Five Years of the New At the next day conference Operators, Local 1111, and the off Fascism. It alone can inspire the masses in China, Workers Party held a benefit ing strings. Some of them are Present in Spain, tomorrow in France, and in the United States, dance at the Boston head nhien, under provisional govern of the the the that. WePee took the the position codemus and Southern Ohio (2) The London Conference to a victorious reply to capitalism. It alone can inspire (3) Why Quit The Communthe masses of the Soviet Union to resist the treacherA feature of the attait was politely called in the miners and the youth orga giving up our political identity The strike was called April ist Party by Charles Rapous work of the Stalin gang, which is undermining the a short address by one of the poport.
vization of the Socialist Party. and the organizational identity of 17 after the company refused striking food workers, Pappy Yet, with all the power, authorObjections Raised the youth organization. This is the union demands. The union (4) Czechoslovakia after Ansgreat conquests of the 1917 revolution and dragging Carney, who expressed the dety and arbitrariness of the leadnot required by any correct asked for a closed shop and chluss by George the country back to capitalist exploitation.
termination of the strikers to ing committee, nowhere has Right at the beginning of the united front considerations. We wage increases of 10 to 13 cents maintain their ranks solidly Let us determine on May Day to reinforce our efforts rank and file initiative found onference and before there was made no such demands on any per hour. Later in the strike the (6) Lenin and Luxemburg by Max Shachtman.
to break the working class from the leadership of the until they win their demands.
union offered to withdraw the such a mighty outlet as in the any discussion of the main ques of the other organizations.
Carney thanked the bourgeoisie and its agents!
new industrial unions. For a long closed shop demand, providing Besides these features, there for its support of the strike.
time this has been a matter of the company would recognize a are significant articles on The Another feature was the serious concern to the leadership.
grievance committee. The com Proletariat and War, The LABOR IS INVINCIBLE presence of several Stalinists, Once these new unions were espany refused to accept the com Crisis and Spending by David tablished it frowned upon the who fraternized with the promise.
Cowles, a second article by The power, the strength, the resourcefulness and Trotskyists without show sitdown strike or, to be more Picket lines, established at the Stanley on India, a special arinitiative of the masses are immeasurable! Let them ing any fear of contamination.
correct, it frowned upon the idea REVOLUTIONARY GREETINGS beginning of the strike, are be ticle on Brazil, the second porbut use their own power and no ruling class can hold It is possible they may be ex of the workers taking possession ing supplemented by members of tion of the article by out against their onslaught!
pelled from the Communist of the plants and thus violating the Socialist Workers Party and Held on the Course of Herr To the party for their attendance capitalist property rights. This the Young Peoples Then rally around the banner of the working class Socialist Brandler, as well as Archive it has happened in Boston be is of particular importance now League. As yet no attempts Material and other distinctive struggle, of proletarian independence, of revolutionary fore.
when strikes are again beginning internationalism! It is the banner of the Fourth Interhave been made by the company features.
The dance, which netted to increase in frequency. And, SOCIALIST APPEAL to operate street car and buses The May issue will be on sale national, of the Socialist Workers Party, of the triumph 35 for the strikers, was a let there be no mistake about it, by scabs, and the pickets have at news stands and book shops the continuation of previous work of labor struggle for emancipation! Let us make May strategists have successfully kept the cars in thejat 20 cents per copy. Address in support of the food worktaken this step toward a permafrom barns.
Day a real day of labor!
subscription orders. per year)
ers. Earlier the same day the nent organization with an eye, The resistance of the workers to The New International, 116 union held a tag day in Lynn, not to loosening their grip on is stiffening as the company University Place, New York, THE NEW INTERNATIONAL which brought in over 100 the apparatus, but rather in the Group of Members of Teachers Union, Local continues to refuse to grant the Members of the to.
hope of strengthening official union demands. victory for Monthly Marxist Magazine channels for greater supervision gether with a group of SimNew York the street car workers would proand control. Obviously this parSUBSCRIBE NOW TO mons College girls, acted as. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
vide an impetus to the organizacollectors.
ticular aspect of the question tion of labor in this open shop THE SOCIALIST APPEAL does not bode well for an enercity of and Make May Day Lynn SWP Supports Labor Day! Sharaf Strikers Tram Workers Strike New International off