BakuninBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGuerrillaIV InternationalImperialismInvasionKaganóvichLeninMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorkers Party

April 30, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL JAPAN STARTS Left Wing Forces Issues NEW DRIVE IN At Canadian Convention CENTRAL CHINA Commonwealth Federation Displays Bureaucratie en de mensen Greetings to the Socialist Appeal!
GREETINGS FROM THE LOS ANGELES AND Echo Park Branch South Side Branch Boyle Heights Branch Lenin Circle, Debs Circle, Police Seize Arms SOVIET UNION NOTES From Mexican Council of People Commissars Feels New MEXICO, April 18. Blows Denny Discovers Destfuetion of The newspaper La Prensa announced today that it had Party Apparatus In Soviet Union quarters of the Mexican ComBy JOHN WRIGHT munist Party had uncovered arms and explosives. The raids PURGE IN THE COUNCIL OF PEOPLE COMMISSARS Seeks To Wipe Out The By ROBERTSON tem of maneuvers and delays. were staged, La Prense said, Defeat In Southern of liberal propaganda speechiſy on the strength of reports On March 28 the Council of People Commisshrs elected only The emergence of a Socialist ing by Chairman Mitchell and that members of the ComShantung a few weeks before (in January) convened in its regular session Policy Group with a Marxist po his trained seal executive, and munist Party were carrying sition on war was the one en endless debating on pettifogging with Molotov in the chair. The following Commissars received concealed weapons without couraging event in an otherwise amendments to the by laws, the warnings. Bruskin, Commissar for Mechanical Construcpermits.
Drawing on fresh divisions farcical convention of the Onta 100 delegates were bored for two tion; Shestakov, Commissar for Light Industry; Gilinsky, Police seized 187 pounds of from other fronts, the Japanese rio Cooperative Commonwealth days and then forced to adjourn Commissar for Food Industry: Zverev, Commissar for Finance; dynamite, 18 seven mm. car.
military is making a new and Federation. In general there without considering a single one bines, 22 Mausers, and 6, 000 Boldyrev, Commissar for Public Health. Among those who cartridges. As the police broke appeared before the Council to report was Otto Schmidt head ground in Central China. What burlesque politics even for the tions eubmitted by like a breaches several members escaped of the Northern Sea Route Administration who was also severely is even more important, the already comic history of the so they represented. These were re carrying two cases of guns. criticized. The warning to Schmidt, incidentally, has beeks Japanese are trying to retrieve cial democratic movement in Ca ferred back to the Council for repeated since then in the press, and his removal is only a matter the prestige they lost so heavily nada.
consideration; since this is the of time in the eyes of their imperialist The Provincial Council acted old Council which voted itself Immediately after the session, terse reports appeared in the rivals as a result of the defeats as a now perfected bureaucratic back in, with the inclusion of inflicted upon them in Southern machine, with a 20 percent bloc the trade union bureaucrat Buck!
press revealing the consummation of the purge in two departments, those of Land Transport and of Water Transport.
The new offensive, for which to its pre conference control of Dennison, the branch resolutions The Commissar for Water Transport, Pakhonov, kas Japan is marshalling fresh and most of the delegates. By a sys will simply be chucked into the been removed from his post, and replaced by Yezhov who formidable forces, is designed to ashcan.
now holds two posts (Commissar for Internal Affairs and Comachieve the long delayed object(Continued from page 1)
missar for Water Transport. The appointment of Yezhov obive of capturing Suchow, stra Wife Ex Head Group Action tegie railway junction which comwhich Daladier will have to toe viously implies such an intensification of the purge in the Water Held by the mands the Lunghai line across In defiance of this boycott on the line with Chamberlain, acTransport Commissariat as will leave not a trace of the former administration.
the Central China plain.
Nelly Kaufman, Russian polities, the newly formed Social cording to Augur, is the Francowife of De Bouck, former geist Policy Group circulated to Soviet pact.
Dissensions and Difficulties Parkhomov, the purged Commissar, who has undoubtedly been all delegates revolutionary neral secretary of the Belgian Augur was not quite crude arrested, was one of the seven of Stalin old Mne Bolsheviks Communist Party, and her statement on war, For three months Japanese denouncing enough to say that Chamberlain who had escaped the preceding purge. Of the original pilars daughter, are being held in attempts to achieve this have collective security, pacifism, Ca is going to demand that France of the Stalin administration only six now remain in the Council: nadian isolationism, and advocat terminate its already nebulous Moscow as hostages, accord.
been checkmated by growing difV. Molotov, Voroshilov, Vlas Chubar, Latvinov, ficulties at home, dissensions in ing to a recent report in the ments to and from Japan, and instead: Mr. Chamberlain will ing workers action to stop ship alliance with the Soviet Union.
Kaganovich and Mikoyan.
the high command and within London Times.
revolutionary workers action in object strongly if the French The downfall of Bakulin, Commissar for Land Transport, has the government itself, and by De Bouck was recently excase of war. The Group, support continue to allow the Russians been expected for some time because of the critical condition pelled from the party for nonthe successful guerrilla tactics conformity. Stalin is holding from eight Toronto branches, is rope and even internally as at ed by leading members to influence their policy in Euof the Chinese forces which pavof Soviet railways, for which, of course, he is made the scape goat.
ed the way for the victory at his wife and daughter in order now fighting for immediate re present.
to prevent him from telling Taierhchwang, on the north bank Bakulin successor is Kaganovich who now holds that post the world what he knows congional conventions to debate the The aim of the Grand Canal, three weeks of British demo. in addition to being the Commissar for Heavy Industry. The ago.
cerning the inner working of Marxist position not only on war cracy is to help Franco victory policy of combining the departments will apparently be pursued Whether the Chinese forces the Comintern and the nefabut on the fight against the in Spain, hasten the Francoin the future.
will be able to withstand the new rious activities of the growing fascist movement in Italian understanding which is offensive does not depend on with which it is so closely Quebec and Ontario, and to for already under way and then, in connected.
military factors alone.
mulate a complete revolutionary Augur words, to renew his socialist policy for the CC. offer to the Germans of an all Raskolnikov, the Soviet Ambassador to Sofia has been recalThe war of China freedom, An innocuous sympathy re around settlement on the basis led.
like the fight against Fascism in solution on China, shoved in as of a multiple pact between the Dispatches from Moscow for April 10 announce a purge in tical struggle. Japan military 150 Gather At was the only political document By these tactics Chamberlain public. Seven functionaries have been shot for sabotage and the Commissariat of Agriculture in the autonomous Tartar resuperiority can be counterweightwhich the delegates were allow hopes to postpone war in Europe ed and overcome only by a surg Dinner ed to debate. Considerable at least long enough to permit adherence to the counter revolutionary organization of Trotsky ing movement of the Chinese counter support was given to the Britain to bring ites and Rights.
masses led into the broad chan.
armaments nels of the anti imperialist Socialist Policy Group position up to the desired levels and to Gala Event To Greet on this question, so that the guarantee that if war should struggle on the basis of a farreaching social program which Members Council had to use trickery with break out the initial explosions, THE DESTRUCTION OF THE procedure on the floor to slide at least, will shatter the land of will assure them a better life their own resolution through. the Soviets.
In a dispatch to the New York Times (April 23, 1988. Denny when the war is over. But it is NEW YORK. About 150 per.
This is the meaning of all the comments on the elimination of the Communist Party of the of just such struggle and a Reduced 50 Per Cent that program maneuvers on the European dip Soviet Union as a political power in Stalin Russia, in pursuante intang sons gathered at Marini Resku and the Chinese ruling class are taurant last Saturday evening afraid. That is why a successful to greet members of the national dorsed was the throwing open of to the disastrous fraud of colThe only positive action en it must be made to mean wankend of Stalin plan to intrench himself as a legal dictator.
The Soviet press, in the campaign that is being waged around outcome for the war urider committee attending the first the Ontario to all trade lective security nurtured at the the current party elections, reveals that in 1937 more than Kuomintang leadership is utterly plenum of the Socialist Workers unions and cultural groups breast of Stalinism and now fad 40 per cent of the party functionaries in the key Moscow and impossible.
Party, held in New York last which give general supporting because that breast is now Leningrad organizations had been replaced by new cadres, weekend.
Striking Power Max Shachtman, editor of the led by the Council in a despairing turn toward the struggle against without saying that the same process was extended to party to the e. It was introduc barren. It must mean a resolutele, by people who had never held party positions before. It goes The defeat inflicted on the Socialist Appeal, spoke at some attempt to check a mass flight capitalism, democratic and units all over the country. If 40 percent of the Stalinist leading Japanese at Taierhchwang was length on his recent trip to our membership which has reduc Fascist, as the one means of cadres were removed in 1937, what will happen when the eleca demonstration of the striking Mexico, where with a delegationed the party by 50 per cent in spiking the plans of the war power, the magnificent courage tions are over in 1988. of comrades from the United the last year alone. If the trade makers.
The very fact that the permitted Denny publicly to and the fighting qualities of the States de visited Leon Trotsky unions take advantage of the announce the demise of the as a political factor in Chinese soldier. It also exploded at. Coyoacan. Shachtman assured new arrangement, the the shallow myth of Japanese his listeners that Trotsky, despite may be rejuvenated into a Labor Russia is ample enough proof that it is Stalin intention to military invincibility, the grievous blows the revolu. Party, but in view of the reac complete the job of renewing the leadership, e. completely But the morale and the comtionary movement has suffered tionary political character of to destroy even the fiction of the party in 1938.
battive qualities of the Chinese throughout the world, and the labor leadership in Ontario, it is Greetings!
The resolutions passed by party units, higher party bodies etc.
soldier, who is usually of humble heavy blows he himself has suf. likely that trade union invasion all call for the intensification of the campaign to root out the peasant origin, cannot be inde ferred, is still imbued with con would only convert what is now OJAKERTOWN. PA. remaining vestiges of the counter revolutionary Fascist spies finitely sustained in a purely fidence in the power of the work a petty bourgeois socialist soand wreckers in the party.
military. defensivo war which ing class and views with optim ciety into a Third Party headed offers him, at the end, no way is the coming revolutionary by the bureaucrats of the labor Socialist Workers Party out of the social slavery and destruggles.
gradation which have always Dunne, leader of the al de acy for reformist politic SIDELIGHTS ON PARTY ELECTIONS been his lot.
powerful and militant Teamsters for the Ontario lies in In the meantime the only hope radical social program, en Union in the Northwest, zealous functionary in Bashkiria overfulfills his directives: con the ability of the Socialist Poli Seyfullin, secretary of the Yanaulsk regional comnrittee of the tion and oppression of the masses fidently predicted that the plecy Group to prevent its imme party, came out at the conference with an anti party declaration, by landlords and capitalists is num would take a big step for ciatic expulsion by the bureau. CITY WIDE the only road to a victory forward in building of the revolu: time until the national Septem MAY DAY EVE. SOCIAL calling all of the members of the plenum of his regional committee enemies of the people. Unfortunately, such a speech at China. That plus the solidarityſtionary party in the United ber convention to organize what the conference met with no rebuff whatever. Comrade Zalikin, of the workers and exploited States peoples throughout the world, workers are left in the secretary of the Bashkir provincial committee, who directed the Attractive program includes: expressed in action. An inspir. Robertson, visiting the ple around a militant socialist policy.
conference, advised Seyfullin to remove all members of the pleDancing to a fine swing band The only other grouping in num of the regional committee from leadership, and to draw ing example in this direction was num as a fraternal representafforded by the action last month ative of the Canadian urth In evidence at the convention was Puppet Show in other communists to replace them. Pravda, April 11. Impersonations of 3, 000 Chinese coolies employ ternationalists, presented the ments with every political color ed in the Japanese owned Dung greetings of the Canadian com and united only by a desire to SATURDAY, APRIL 30 In the Ural machine plant the party election was opened with 9:00 fight the Council bureaucracy Northern Malaya, who refused rades.
dances. The meeting was called for P. but at o clock George Clarke and Burt Coeh their own members. Afraid to 916 Ninth Ave. Cat 59th St. and replace its personnel with to continue working for the Auspices: would be imperialist conquerors ran, members of the national fight on political grounds, they only candidates and party members were present. Anybody of their native land.
Socialist Workers Party not too lazy was able to gain entry to the hall. There was no Subscription 49 cents check of party documents. The place was cold and uncomfort.
According to a Singapore press committee and active among the got nowhere at the conference message dated March 16, the auto workers in Detroit and Cle and were in process of disinteROLL UP, COMRADES!
able. Everybody sat in their coats and hats. The report of gration at its end.
the secretary of the party committee, comrade Vetrov, was entire 3, 000 quit work and issued veland, spoke briefly.
a declaration refusing any longapolitical and full of gross mistakes. Vetrov literally devoted er to be traitors by working ore only half a minute to the decisions of the January plenum of the Central Committee of the and their fulAllment.
factories. They proceeded to LERMAN BROS. Pravda, April 13. Singapore, where they were met by large parties of their fellow Union Stationers and countrymen who supplied them The editors of the Daily Worker charge Denny with an attempt with food and arranged for Printers to refurbish the old canard about Joseph Stalin setting himself. their accommodation.
up as a dictator. And to disprove Denny they proudly refer to 37 East 14th St.
the party elections! Says the Daily Worker: And when does Comrades in China New York City MAY DAY GREETINGS Mr. Denny attempt this bit of slander? Just when the CommunAcknowledge Aid Phone Algonquin 3356 8 ist Party carries out the most democratic elections for its officers of every category up to the very highest. April 25. Acknowledgement the Selling to Labor OrganizTo the receipt of 115, representing ations at Lowest Prices.
part of the fund being raised by the Socialist Workers Party Our Printing Plant locatfor the Communist League of ed at 36 West 15th St. China (Fourth International 6th Floor. Phone AlgonSOCIALIST APPEAL ists) arrived from Shanghai quin 7823.
this week.
In a tribute to the spirit of international solidarity disTo the only Marxist Newspaper in the from played by the in this matter, the Chinese comrades United States express their deep gratitude WALTON CAFETERIA for the financial aid and transmit their fraternal greetHELENSON PRESS ings to the comrades in the 116 University Place United States. We feel NORTH SIDE BRANCH. CHICAGO greatly encouraged by your support, they write.
Comrades everywhere are Eat Good Food in a SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY urged to speed completion of the China Collection so that Union Cafeteria!
we may reach the goal of 200 quickly.
May Day Greetings ST. LOUIS BRANCH Socialist Workers Party May Day Greetings MARITIME SECTION, PACIFIC COAST Socialist Workers Party MAY DAY GREETINGS of LYNN, MASS.
Socialist Workers Party Revolutionary Greetings!
May Day Greeting DETROIT Hutchison, Kansas