Andrey VyshinskyAndrés NinBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismJohn DeweyKidnappingMarxMoscow TrialsSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyWorkers Movement

The Good Neighbor Policy Proclaims Primacy In Western Hemisphere UMPERIALISI SUPER EXPLOITATION Stalin Trial As Terrorist Demanded Of. League By Trotsky the SOCIALIST APPEAL April 23, 1938 the United States (if he can ever get out Socialist Appeal of Germany. a Gerthan or Austrian Yol. II. No. 17. Saturday, April 23, 1938 exile who now happens to be in France, Published every week by the in utter misery, as is the case with most SOCIALIST APPÉAL PUBLISHING ASS of them, is not eligible for admission to 705 SPEUR at 116 University Place, New York, this country. Continued from page 1) situation Telephones: Local Office: Gramercy 9142 The bill, in other words, requires drasrequires daring and courage. This is no time for National Office: ALgonquin 8547 tic revision in the direction of really weaklings.
Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for letting down the bars to the horribly purchases from Mexico, has months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order declared his readiness to accept LaGuardia Program persecuted political and religious protes3 cents per copy. Single copies cents.
Mexican silver on private marAll checks and money orders should be made tants against fascism and reaction.
kets of course, at much lower Seanning the horizon for wider out to the Socialist Appeal.
Among the best of the democratic tradiprices. But Morgenthau neglect outlets for American business, tions of the last century was the unaled to explain what conditions LaGuardia points to the markets Entered as second class matter September 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, loyed right of asylum, which brought to were attached to this humani of Central and South America.
tarian attitude.
The task is not only to protect the shores of the United States in parAmerican investments, but to beunder the Act of March 3, 1879.
Full Settlement Sought MAX SHACHTMAN ticular some of the finest fighters for gin an energetic offensive against the labor movement. The bars which However, this tactical turn is Countries of Europe and the Editor.
all trade competitors of the HAROLD ROBERTS part and parcel of the prepara Orient, particularly those under FRANK GRAVES are maintained by some of our presentAssociate Editors.
day half baked or decayed democrats tions for a wholesale settlement dictatorships, have invaded Labetween Yankee imperialism and tin American republies and cap.
BOB BROWNE ought to be torn down without hesitathe Latin American sister reBusiness Manager.
tion. And it is the labor movement that publics. Accentuated imperial: tured our markets. It is only should be in the fore in the work of ist competition in these countries a step to political control.
LaGuardia presents a practical The Right of Asylum tearing them down.
forces Washington to combine program. The twelve million uncautious maneuvering with pre employed of the shall be paredness.
The House Committee on Immigramobilized for a great enterprise Some weeks ago the press car of planned patriotism. The tion and Naturalization opened up pubWhose Morals?
ried lively comments on a plan, must determinedly elimi lic hearings in the middle of this week supposedly originating in Latin nate the danger of improper on the bill submitted by Representative The elections in Local 16 of the WaitAmerican circles, for a Pan European and Oriental encroachEmanuel Celler concerning the question ers Union in New York are worth more American military alliance ment in Latin America. With than a second thought. By a very close against foreign aggressors.
of asylum in the United States for polithe aid of cheap labor recruited Whence and in what form this from the ranks of the American tical and religious refugees.
vote a difference of about 150 votes idea came remained unclear. industrial reserve army, a vast The bill is conceived in the same gen out of a total of more than 3, 000 would The State Department knew state organized dumping on Laeral spirit as the statement made a few have changed the results the Stalinist SOUTH AMERICA nothing. After these trial baltin American markets should be weeks ago by Secretary of State Cordell combination managed to defeat the slate loons were sent up, the foreign started to maintain the arteries PRIVATE ministers of Brazil and Argen of trade which nourish our own Hull in favor of facilitating the migra put forward by the progressives. The ALL OTHER tina met in Rio de Janeiro to industries.
tion to the democratic lands of those progressives charge that the vicCOUNTRIES discuss co ordination of Latintory is to be explained by the fact that KEEP OUT whose existence in the Fascist countries American policies. Significantly Towards Real War DAR had become insufferable.
in the fusion of the late red union enough, the American ambassador to Brazil took a very active rican capital is strong enough LaGuardia boasts that AmeMr. Celler not only proposes that with the present of local, the part in these discussions.
to offer Latin American customthe President be empowered to increase Stalinists packed the rolls with numerThus dollar diplomacy is still ers the same low prices and the immigration quota for any foreign ous Party and Young Communist League sufficiently strong, despite all economic advantages as do the country in case of an emergency situa members whose closest connection with difficulties, to maintain its key aggressors. In advance, he retion, but also provides that a political the trade is obtained when they order positions. And, as the real gua pudiates the idea that his proor religious refugee who in his last a meal in a restaurant.
place of residence outside the United Of decisive significance, however, is dented naval armaments are be posal means economic war. There States has been subject to persecution, ing built. In the hearings of the is, as always, only a question of the composition of the Stalinist slate. It Carlo Congressional Naval Committee, subsidized exports, however, are personal abuse or indignity, economic was made up by a combination between defense of the entire continental nothing but dumping. Dumping boycott or social ostracism because of the Communist Party and several gentleHorn, was fubjecto be frequent nothing but poromomiem pines his religious or political beliefs or prac men who served as paid officials in the Economie war ultimately leads to discussion.
real war. Of course, all this is tices, shall not be excluded from the administration of Messrs. Paul CoulAmerica for the Exploiters the only self defense for a caU as a person likely to become a public cher and Aladar Retek, who now have pitalism torn by crisis.
charge, provided he is otherwise ad their offices in a penitentiary as ConStrength, and willingness to The planned patriotism of missible.
victed racketeers. These same gangsters sacrifice our lives this was the Roosevelt and LaGuardia means of Roosevelt speech. war. The general crisis of capiLike the much publicized Hull declara and the remnants of their associates Roosevelt is determined to in talism has also clutched the tion, the Celler Bill is hedged around were, in the past, vociferously condemn. The following letter was sented the thought of seeking help tribunal preparation by sure the exclusive rights of the United States. America is forcwith just the kind of reservations and ed by the very Stalinists who, last week, on March 21 by comrade Trotsky in Geneva against my alleged to the Juridical Section, Secret. conspiracies.
agents of terroristic Yankees to exploit the American ed to go the way of all the other weasel words that are characteristic of imperturbably carried through a com ariat of the League of Nations. The impartial International journ in Europe and in Mexico. instruments of diplomacy, and imperialist aneression. In the all the flowery gestures of the demo mon election slate with them!
On October 22, 1936, through Commission headed by the well can further cite the kidnapping warfare. America for the Ameri coming war for the redivision of cratic pretenders. Anxious to increase There are those who believe and my Norwegian attorney, the late known American philosopher and in Spain of my former collabo cans? Yes: Latin America for the world, American inance the patriotic allegiance of the masses charge that the Stalinists are immoral will to the government by emphasizing the participate not honor of appealing to you in a most nine months of work came slovakian citizen who has disap. What Roosevelt hinted in merely as an arbiter but as in their practises. Strictly speaking, this letter receipt of which you were to a final conclusion in regard peared without a trace. The ter flowery diplomatic language was a vitally interested party. Havcontrast between fascism and democratic is not true. They are neither immoral kind enough to acknowledge in to the Moscow trials, declaring rorist acts in Spain against the broadcast the same day by New ing shut the doors of the Ame: capitalism, our statesmen do not, how nor amoral. In the remote past, some of your reply No. 3A 15105 16085. them deliberate frame ups. Arm Catalonian revolutionist, Andres York Mayor LaGuardia in the rican continent to all alien imever, fail at any time to puncture their the Stalinist leaders learned that the am not informed as to the pre ed with numerous and irrefuta Nin; the Austrian emigre, Kurt straightforward words of a prac perialists in the name of the policies with enough holes for most of sent status of the question of ble proofs which are at the dis Landau; the son of a Russian tical man.
high moral pretensions of the ruling creating a tribunal ter posal of the above mentioned emigree, Mark Rein, and a numMonroe Doctrine, it will soon re.
the democratic content to leak through. class are a gargantuan fraud, fair words rorists under the League of Na Commission, am ready at any ber of other individuals have re America is in deep crisis, veal its ambition to organize the The generous American immigra which barely cover up the depravity, tions. do not know wlurther it time to appear before the tri ceived world wide publicity.
Even he said. The outlook is far rest of the world under the Star tion policy of recent times has facilitated cynicism, hypocrisy and chicanery which already exists, or whether it is bunal of the League of Nations that part of the legal and extra from being cheerful. The Spangled Banner.
the admission of men like Albert Ein constitute the reality of bourgeois moral near future. In any case, con tively to convert my accusers into been accessible to public opinion stein which is, of course, as it should standards.
sider it my duty not only to re. accused.
to date is completely sufficient Personal Note be or of bloody tyrants like the Cuban In part, the communist movement was peat the considerations which G. Terrorism ex dictator, Gerardo Machado, but has born in rebellion against these moral had the honor of bringing to the an international tribunal against THE POT WITHOUT GOLD attention of your section nearly left virtually insurmountable bars against standards which had permeated the decaBut make bold to think that a centralized Maffia of terrorists a year and a half ago, but also by this time it is already hiempos: veral states, other than their hope the readers of the Appeal Annie, don bill me for a sobom the entry of thousands of nameless sol dent movements of the Second Internadiers of the labor and revolutionary tional the corrupt old social democra fully concrete proposal.
step. During the last half year, own.
movements. The new Celler resolution cies. That rebellion has been suppressed which initiated the creation of a a series of actual terrorist acts It was the Soviet government the world has been witness to will pardon me for a personal because it will not be paid you.
Stalin at the Head statement, but Mr. Michael Gold Now if Michael Gold wants to in reality perpetuates one of the old by the rogues who usurped the leadership tribunal against terrorists under committed in various countries est bars, when it makes reference to of the Communist International and who the League of Nations. The according to a general plan and testimony of witnesses and irre. Other course. The day before it dollars and fifty cents, why: With the help of documents, column in the Daily Worker of back out of the subscription just the otherwise admissible. In the past, this has meant the power of the Wash of the very standards of morality which Affairs, for the Mr. purpose. have in mind not the take it upon myself to prove what appeared received a letter that all right with me, although ington authorities and their representa they originally abhorred. Litvinov displayed at the legal and extra legal murders in public opinion has been in the from the circulation department everybody knows what a real tives abroad to exclude undesirable The barefaced alliance with gangster especially keen League of Nations sessions an the where the ques doubt of for some time that is, of the pictorial weekly, Life, sporting man thinks of a welcher.
aliens, that is, all those labor militants racketeer elements is not exceptional to, then have appeared, inexplicable the legalized actions of the state band is Joseph Stalin, General ceive that periodical for a year be forgiven an act of impulse, who have not relented in their views but part and parcel of Stalinism. Those interest in this question. How apparatus, but acts of downright Secretary of the All Union Com as a gift from Michael Gold. but he hadn ought to get so despite the most savage persecutions. who, on a grand scale, are capable of ever, to informed people the banditry on the international munist Party of the of is the aforementioned colum comes for the pay off. Personal matter was clear even then. Pre arena.
The reference to his last place of palming off the governments of the most paring over a number of years of Ignace Reiss, missar of Foreign Affairs of the nist, and. you residence outside the United States is ruthless exploiters in history as illus the trial against Trotskyist former agent of the war. min Litvinov bae licitious token of affection from to so any talking about thie gift, of a piece with the other. It means, con trious democrats, are entirely consistent was September 4, 1937, near Lausan very eloquently insisted upon the a political foe may well be because have myself to think cretely, that while a would be immigrant in presenting underworld characters as in Germany has a chance to come to fonly. convinced that the monone, Switzerland, can in no sense necessity for governments to imagined. All the more discon: of and it wouldn be so good to worthy co leaders of a trade union.
tonous confessions of the ac be viewed as a legalized act. The mutually obligate themselves to certing was it to have Mr. Gold have my name coupled with even bunal of the League of Nations, anmasking the real organizera his influence to place the above the 60 in payment of the sub mouth, no one would have been world, including the future tri have complete, exhaustive data hope, will not refuse to employ Bedford, of Life, billing him for hadn gone shooting off his head scription. With what is dismay the wiser.
cusations and offer the possibil secret police in the of the international terrorist ingly like a terror stricken tone. Perhaps, however, it isn enity of obtaining the legal deliverAN EDITORIAL ance of myself and my son, Leon tion of the murder of Ignace bunal under the League of Na. 1) never sent in any such prison censor on 13th Street mimeographed circular is making the Worker?
Perhaps the New York Times? o This was the immediate that this same gangein conducts For my part, am ready to am so chummy with Max Shacht sing it into Gold cell and he rounds of liberal and intellectual circles, signed the Herald Tribune? or the New York Post? and direct aim of Moscow ini ing systematic espionage upon place all my energy, information, man, Trotsky sneaking little got scared that he might have by Messrs. Robert Coates, Stuart Davis, Marc. tiative on the question of an in my son, Leon Sedov, attempted documents and personal connec stooge in this country, that the to do another stretch in solitary.
Blitzstein, Paul Strand and the not unknown or a single other fairly well known periodical? ternational tribunal.
to kill him at Mulhausen in tions at the disposal of the tri only thing would help him to Yessir, that may account for Malcolm Cowley. It asks recipients to join We doubt it, for not a single one was so gulwith the above in underwriting a statement of January, 1937. What relationship bunal in order that the truth would be the reward of a Judas; Gold column. But even so still lible as to describe the trial as anything but Right to be Heard the had to the sudden may be fully disclosed. been so approval and apologetics for the last Moscow a crude and utterly fantastic frame up.
ested in life, and would not sub infernally dirty about it.
In my letter of October 22, death of my son on the 16th of Coyoacan, scribe to it for anyone. So. Max Shachtman.
frame up trial, to be published in the name of More than that. The Nation, and Cowley 1936, expressed the thought February of this year is still March 21, 1938.
subject to general investigation. progressive forces everywhere.
own New Republic, both of which admitted the that a tribunal dedicated to the Browder recent article on ColA more nauseating piece of mendacity is validity of the first trial and of the second, defense of governments in variAttempts in Mexico lective Security, asking him to hard to imagine. Its character may be judged and sought to jam their despicable conclusions cannot, on the other hand, refuse Among the documents of the Tous countries from terrorists read from it. Brandschaft read by the following quotations from the letter. In down the throats of their readers, have washed defense to private individuals it chief murderer of Ignace Reiss, a to the audience Browder clear face of the universal disbelief in the Stalin their hands of the third trial and publiely ac they, because of purely political so called Rossi who succeeded in support to American imperialism audience that the NEWARK, Stalinist questions. Instead he told the and unequivocal statement that Vyshinsky charges, Cowley and Co. have the knowledged that it is too much even for their motives, are falsely accused of fleeing in time proofs were under the slogan of collective were given to the use of ab ment of the United States in a Trotskysts he would support the governbland impudence to write: The link between eager and distended gullets to swallow. Doesn terrorism by an ill intentioned found of his attempts to enter Hitler and the Trotsky Bukharin camp is plain Mr. Cowley read the New Republic?
government. therefore consider. Mexico for purposes not difficult security was throughly exposed stract Gomis statement that war against Japan.
for us to see. It would be more accurate, it We have always felt sympathy for those unseems to us, to say: The link between BrowI have the right than Gould, national organizer of state is the executive committee aforementioned circumstances.
fortunate women who, in their economic disder and his running dogs dressed up as AmREADY ABOUT MAY 1st tress, are forced by capitalist society to sell an examination of my case by The actual name of this profes the Young Peoples Socialist of the ruling class. Gould deerican progressives is plain for us to see. themselves to all who approach them. They the future triburtal under the sional murderer in the service of League, engaged in a debate with nied originating the statement, League of Nations, in spite of the the is Roland Abbiatte. Bernard Brandschaft of the Ne giving all credit to Karl Marx, Revolution and For who but running dogs of the are victims of a frightful social pressure. But fact that the Soviet government Witnesses of unimpeachablewark Young Communist League well known 19th century Trotmurder gang could have the effrontery to put the zealously voluntary prostitution of certain skyist.
has seemingly definitely renounc authority can relate before the before an audience of 300.
Counter Revolution As the debate progressed the After the final rebuttal Gould down on black and white, on April 2, of this liberal intellectuals to the Stalinist machine exposure of the obvious falsity offered Brandschaft extra time in Spain Year of Our Lord 1938, the following stagger passeth all understanding. If it is economic and pro war nature of the Sta to answer the questions ho had ing statement: Most newspapers have discardS. Dinner Party By FELIX MORROW need they labor under, it is still beyond underlinist position deeply impressed put to him. Brandschaft, who ed the earlier charges of frame up and now standing why they do not resort to a solution the audience. Gould, at the be throughout the evening had been To Greet the National Committee, App. 200 pages 50c admit the validity of the trials.
which while far indeed from ideal, is nevertheginning of his presentation, sub compelled to use left phraseology Most newspapers. Perhaps Citizen Cowley, less something the relief rolls. At least, they Saturday, April 23, P.
15 copies for 00 mitted a series of questions to to conceal he unpalatable who is a man of high moral integrity and a could then bear themselves with a modicum MARINIS RESTAURANT, EAST 22 STREET ORDER NOW Brandschaft demanding concrete treachery of the Stalinist posiluminary of one of our leading liberal weeklies, of dignity, with a million times more dignity Reservation, 75c answers to each that would place tion, stated flatly, in answer to him on record for support or op the final question, that he would Pioneer Publishers the New Republic, will name a few of these than they can in their present position, which Reservations must be made in advance at 116 University Place. position to the American govern not support the United States in 100 Fifth Avenue newspapers for us? If not a few of them, will makes it impossible for them to look even an Number limited, will be taken in order of receipt. ment in event of war. Brand a war against Japan. At this New York, he name at least one apart from the Daily ordinary decent person straight in the eye.
schaft refused to answer these point Gould gave Brandschaft Street walkers of the Supports Imperialism