BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

April 23, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL BRITAIN AND ITALY Mass Meeting By Alfred Rosmer Roosevelt Looks Vainly SIGN ROBBER PACT In Backs Enough of Mud! Enough of Blood! For Depression Remedy Capitalists Ask For Doles To Bolster Sagging Output Levels FRENCH SIT IN STRIKERS TOLD TO END FIGHT of reco present possibilities for months of the current depression.
are (Continued from page 1) increase prices and the cost of (Continued from page 1)
Alfred Rosmer, author of the vestigation made by the Commis Friedrich Adler, stigmatizing pression. The major portion, now employed Wilkersuffer asub.
following article, was a member sion throws lian threat to their interests in orbit of French imperialism. Its VAYICA Tamo of the Executive Committee of Moscow trials. The French press small following among the parties ed. In addition, there will still stantial cuts in real wages. The full light on the them as witchcraft trials, had however, will still be unemploy tay northeast Africa. Lake Tsana is attachment to the Soviet Union in Ethiopia. This lake supplies depends entirely upon the conthe days of Lenin and Trotsky, and its conclusions the press of nizations whose first duty should unemployed at the peak of econo lief or getting 54 a month on the headwaters of the Blue Nile. tinuance of the pact between thes. Delegates Given He was also at one time the the right as well as of the left. have been to intervene in defense mic activity in 1937. The hous works projects, will be even The waters of the Blue Nile ir Kremlin and the Quai Orsay.
editor of Humanite organ of But this has not been true every of the accused were evasive, or ine program will increase em: ed only will have temporary rerigate the vast cotton fields of When that is ruptured, the link Greeting On Return the French Communist Party. As where. The American Press, even went so far as to cover up, ployment in the building industry fief who get jobs in private in the Anglo Egyptian Sudan, between Moscow and Prague will powerful foreign master of be severed unless, as is entirely From South Trip thiopia would be able to paralyze possible, Hitler severs it sooner Commission of Inquiry into the length and commented on the Soviet justice. They tried to pital goods industries. However, dustry as a result of the inflaMoscow Trials, he had an oppor revelations and decisions of the regard these trials as episodes, all this will fail of its purpose a vital British interest. Italian by another bold stroke which But this relief will be shortNEW YORK Solidarity with tunity of studying closely Sta Commission. The real criminal has disagreeable to be sure, but pe unless private industry joins in possession of Ethiopia, moreover would end the feeble fiction of the Mexican workers in their lin frame up, methods. In this appeared: Stalin. And that just culiarly Russian, with which the expansion. The Roosevelt ad lived. Inflation will cut the represented a dangerous triple Czechoslovakian independence.
headed spear pointed at the struggle against Yankee impe article he tears a wide rent in at the moment when Stalin is they had no occasion to concern ministration realizes this. The purchasing power of the workThe only real remaining ally rialism was the key note of an the most recent of Stalin frame trying to win the leading poli themselves further.
purpose of desterilization of gold up as capitalists prepare them British territories of Kenya and of the Soviet Union is the inter enthusiastic mass meeting held ups, the trial of the twenty one tical circles of Washington and and the expansion of credit is selves against future price rises.
Protests Widening to stimulate expansion in private Consumption will have lagged Now that Mussolini has dis: has been confused and disorganiz. ist Workers Party at the Center of Bukharin, Krestinsky, Rykow propaganda throughout the industry by inflation.
avowed aggressive aims against ed by the criminal policies of Sta. Hotel on April 14.
again behind production. And the This time it is different. The and other prominent Russian country.
British imperialist interests, the linism, repelled by the murdercircle of protests is widening, New Burdens Loom illusion of recovery will crash After hearing reports refutations come from all sides, into the reality of depression. democratic pirate and the ous regime of the Kremlin Bona cent events in Mexico on re Bolsheviks. Ed.
New Falsehoods Needed Krestinsky, alone, among the by James fascist pirate have been able to parte. Neither Stalin nor his Cannon, national secretary of latest bateh of men destined by resolutions are being voted. The The inflation program will Roosevelt program is a counget together. The Stalinists, who satellites abroad can rally the the and Max Shacht Stalin for death, displayed an futing the report and conclu already occasioned a growing ity, causing a further increase in stop the tide of capitalist de There is no possibility of re sinister, unending purge had cause a spurt in economic activ sel of depression. It can no more in these recent years have rest workers for defense of the Soviet peal both just back from a Mex outburst of indignation and an sions of the Commission: its disquietude, and now there is a employment, although it will cline than King Canute could fundamental differences of an completely upon the revolution a resolution of greetings to the amination. His resistance had not solid. The only remaining pos and too much blood! Only the unemployed. However, it will also ling.
ideological character between ary vanguard of the working Mexican workers and sent a mes been completely broken; he could sibility is to try to discredit its professional Stalinists, with the fascist and democratic im class, the parties and organizu sage to the government congra not endure hearing himself des members by showing them to be strong stomachs, can still swallow perialist states, will have a bitter tions of the Fourth International. tulating it upon its action in ex cribed as a spy and traitor. for instance, the accomplices of it without wincing. One wonders: pill to swallow when the League propriating British and American night passed, and he agreed to those executed. Thus it was ne Hay, Stalin gone mad? Has his of Nations gathers in Geneva oil properties. confess, that is to say, to play cessary to lie again, to mobilize omnipotence deprived him of under democratic auspices to his role in the lugubrious and a dead man von Seeckt and reason? Has he lost his head International Support Needed nauseating play staged by Stalin make the Reichsmarks, legalize and sanctify Mussolini the and sunk into a particularly East African land grab. For was Cannon pointed out that while the Tempsa is to be believed, culate. But these new lies will. But what is henceforth clear not the Lengue, according to the yen cir cruel form of sadism? Possibly.
American capitalism is declin more generous portions than the Stalin Litvinov, precisely that Hittle pebble in the path of the the Fourth Internationalists would Krestinsky was then very live in their turn be denounced and is that his policy, on which every ing sharply, causing widespread unemployed. aggressors which would cause them to stumble in their tracks?
vided for compensation to the oil with animation, he told, among problem for Stalin is to stifle ous poison for the labor move standards, and bringing untold 000, 000 which the Reconstruction companies, on press texpropriation other things, that he received the truth, to prevent it from be ment, and that its ravages are suffering. Mass uncertainty and Finanec Corporation had given Await Franco Victory out to capitalists as loans was hardly be accomplished by Mexico 250, 000 rubles of which he His press will shout the lie Shevism, it soils socialism, com To keep this discontent from wiped off the books by congresIt is no differnt in the case (Continued from page 1)
alone. For that the support transmitted important sums to every morning, everywhere. He promising its growth and its becoming directed against eapi sional action. But that was past Spain. The democratic has been dissolved. Re registra the American workers, in solid Magdeleine Paz and Rosmer in has considerable means at his future to an extent that no talism, the New Dealers try to relief. The Glass bill. designed powers have evinced not the tion will automatically eliminate arity with those of Latin Ameri Berlin, at the Hotel Excelsior, disposal; his openly Stalinist fascist assassin could even hide the decline beneath promises to enlarge the lending activislightest concern for the preser: all oppositionist elements, ca, was needed. The idea of the in 1928.
press is reinforced by a camou dream of attaining. The most of abundance. President Roose ties of the Reconstruction Finance vation of Spanish democracy. This move has been directed, Fourth International took shape These Moscow Trials are so flaged press, the finest sample pressing task today is to help velt exclaims at Gainesville, Corporation, will give plenty of impatience, both Britain and centrist tendency represented by never had before. We must time a specific fact is alleged which gives itself out as a great systematic massacre of old BolFrance await the rapid and com Marceau Pivert. During the take the initiative in setting up in the indictment or during the independent daily. it keeps stebu sheviks, painfully troubled in to better days. The United has administration support.
plete victory of Franco. All they struggle carried on within the a Pan American section of the court hearings, it is possible to bornly silent about its financial their attachment to the Sovieting on sounder lines. We propose capitalism will provide plenty of ever felt alarmed about was the by the Fourth Inter Fourth International, and then make a decisive refutation.
possibility that Franco would be nationalists, Pivert leaned for a be in a position to fight for a Commission Exposes Lies ly the snouts of its Stalinist di October Revolution. help them to go forward and not back. capitalists seeking relief. The Times, March 3, 1938. railroads have asked 600, 000, rectors.
to understand that a new society, The Stalinists long ago antici 000 worth of relief, twice as Italian allies and that Spain, at ward revolutionary Marxism. But imperialism all along the line. The International Commission The first two trials did not, at the conclusion of the civil war, at the decisive moment, he capi. Comrade Shachtman spoke on of Inquiry, which met in New least in France, arouse great built on lies, with the blood of insisting: We are still in the workers who were thrown into a socialist society cannot be pated their capitalist masters by much as was given the 4, 500, 000 would become a sphere of German tulated in the name of party the question of imperialist war York during 1937, definitely estab feeling. The voices that rose to phase. and There unemployment by the first five impressive denounce these monstrous paro its pioneers.
and as such a threat to their laborator of Blum in the latter in the struggle against fascism abundance of proof, that the dies of justice found slight echo. Rosmer. the maintenance of the recovery Roosevelt proposes to loan them by the People Front. While in very bases of the indictment in that country and to their. u Unit Quits Communist Party trends. Alex Bittelman, Daily 300, 000, 000. The banks, too, are Worker, October 28, 1937. looking for relief. There were ance in the Mediterranean People Front has forced Pivert sort of physical feeling of the 1936, and January, 1937) were more bank failures in 37 than in Mussolini assurances on this once more to the left. The falsity of the idea that a war nothing but lies.
To Hide Decline 1984 and the financial pages reStalin answered with big Denounces Moscow Frameups All this propaganda, because Banks; if there is not a change the British lion. All that is need suspended Pivert from all lead. Asia without the participation of new trial in every way similar pert that Bonds Worry Small ed now is corresponding assuring posts for three years. But the United States. Guatemala, a to its predecessors, with the it serves to hide the decline of in valuation methods there is a ances from Hitler. Spanish de this measure proved insufficient spearhead driven into the side of single difference that the inven ancers trombe damned panish quick to repress the rank and file re: Mexico, is a base for a fascist tions are even more delirious. Forward of April 18 reported bureaucracy in which all ex the ideologichlerstregeletet feito: again resort to the ReconstrucThe New York Jewish Daily, ed as being one of insufferable American capitalism, is part of possibility that such banks might because protracted civil war the past three years.
which became permanent during gainst Mexico by Nazi Germany. the International Commission of Pennsylvania Communist Party red by the hurling or epithets of ness is proved by the statistics pital funds, as they did not few carries with it the threat of so: In the demonstration against imported from Germany. Con the Stalinist police plots are ing the criminal Moscow trials, Arms and ammunition are being inquiry, know very well how had issued a declaration protest Trotskyist, wrecker, murder of the capitalists themselves.
eial revolution. Britain does not the Senate which followed the scious of that fact, France, in manufactured, on what lies and denouncing the policies of staan official declaration of doubt parison are 1929 and 1937. Both Therefore we hereby present The appropriate years for com years ago. Sun, April 2, want a Spain dominated by Italy the fall of the Blum cabinet, her imperialist interests, is sup. distortions they are erected. To linism as disastrous for the inor Germany. But a Soviet Spain Pivert and his group participat plying Mexico with and disagreement with the Com were peaks of economic activity, would be a positive disaster.
day, must examine my own terests of the working class munist Party. We have thorough following depression. Both are Step Still ed despite party is to the France under Premier Daladier demonstration. ban on the New Panaceas Have Failed case, since Krestinsky alleges he and announcing its withdrawal ly thought over the answers given turning points into depression. In transmitted to meto Magdeleine from the party.
by the party to these and other all previous economie history, the Leaves Doors Analyzing the People Front Paz and myself. important sums example and some lion and agreep time honored methods of bureau policy in the Civil War in Spain of money intended for Trotsky. majority of the unit, the policy conclusion that the program and was always higher than the preIn a statement approved by a problems. We have come to the latest peak of economic activity Open To Unity made urgently necessary by HitBy maintaining the myth of ments of Leon Blum, he drew the that this took place in Berlin, jected as preparing a new war. astrous for the interests of the upward. How docs 1937 compare (Continued from page. Soviet ally, with its economy workers, have. But ruptured and breaking down and rejecting a consistent program of ed that the bourgeoisie in its ed as criminal frame ups which sign officially from the American today?
not yet constituted their own the most provides The Real Facts contrasted, like a macabre joke, Communist Party.
The most general decimated by the counter revolu. position has been relinquishing fascism to socialism under workwith harmonious, unanimous deI did not go to Berlin at any cisions of the The unit added it was not prehensive indices of business graphic picture of internal contionary Stalin, enters less into the positive aspects of its activers control. We were more time during 1928. freely elected joining any other party and cal activity show that 1937 was much tradition expressed by indecithe French imperialism. French patriotism and class collabora that the old principles stood the deleine Paz nor did ever meet regime in the party was denoune. agree with our stand to join it. business activity compiled by real and more ons tons imaginary, strategic calculations of ity, the struggle against social and more convinced, he stated, was not in Berlin with Mag. Soviet parliament. The internal led upon other party units who lower than 1929. According tosion and paralysis. The Stalinthe very comprehensive index of ists, who control whole flock Italian agreement will be another tion.
long nail in the waiting coffin test and that the new and old her there.
The Pivert group of the Franco Soviet Pact of now substitutes for them had failed.
placed before the necessity of never visited Krestinsky in 19950999999999999999605 in 1937 was fully 30 per cent are hellent for the constitus Mutual Assistance.
making a definitive choice. Left. Mary Wills, recently returned Berlin.
less than in 1929. The United tion of a council to romp BOOK SALE from Europe, described conditions Moreover, although resided centrism has an international re in Barcelona as she found them for an extended period in Moscow around in. But the AmalgamatStates is not rising and wasted Clothing Workers and the Soviet Union Isolated cord. In Germany, the former in the fall of 1986, when the between 1920 and 1924 and beIf such an agreement should Lovestoneites Walcher und workers were running industry, longed to leading bodies of the UNTIL APRIL 29th ONLY better days. The trend is plain they don want to play. They prove to be the precurser of a Froehlich have succeeded in and the suppression of the work Communist International and the ly downward.
would rather, like Hamlet, bear four power agreement among wrecking the Left Social Demo ers movement by the Prieto Red Trade Union International, Select List Production Index the ills they have than fly to Britain, France, Italy and Germa cratie Opposition. In Spain, Nin Stalinist government during that although directed Humanite others that they know not of.
ny, isolation of the Soviet Unio and ransformed re winter, culminating in the Bar. when it was communist and TROTSKY: The Third International After Production is the precondition The abstention of the will be complete. There remains volutionary workers the Icelona May days of 1937 in which consequently was in contact with Lenin. 00. 00 of consumption and the basic delegates on the vote only Czechoslovakia and that into involuntary ac she participated. The workers many Bolsheviks, it is a fact that The Stalin School of Falsustaining force of society. Let to call a convention and set up country is already an unstable complices of the People Front know they have been sold out, met Krestinsky only once, in us see what happened to produca definite organization, and the factor. At the moment, while Pivert will be able to escape do she said, but they do not know 1924, entirely by chance. During sification. 50. 50 conciliating its German neighing likewise only if he sur what to do about it. The this accidental encounter, which Whither France? Cloth. 75. 49 tion, Industrial production as a increasing indications that the bor apprehensively, Czechoslo mounts the ambiguities of his government is taking exactly the lasted only a few minutes, did Lessons of October Cloth. 75. 49 turing and minerals, declined yote definitely at its May meetvakia continues to move in the centrist position.
measures necessary to convince not have an opportunity even to THE CASE OF LEON TROTSKY: Rebetween 1929 and 1937. The ing against the proposition, is the workers they have nothing speak to him. After that date, port of the Hearings on the Charges averages according to the Fede bound to cast a shadow over the to fight for. Spain has proved never saw Krestinsky again, made against him in the Moscow ral Reserve System, are: whole project and to strengthen Famous German Actress Is Shot that only a courageous Bolshe either in Berlin or elsewhere. Trials (Dewey Commission) 617 pp. 00. 50 Year Index the forces in the o. which vik party with a revolutionary Finally, in 1928, was on the SERGE: Russia Twenty Years After. 50. 50 1929 119 favor a conciliatory line can fight fascism. The lesson fringe of the Communist Oppo MEHRING: Karl Marx. The Story of 1987 110 His Life Insofar as the unity movement The drop in industrial producInternational. 00. 98 ed in its activity.
THE LETTERS OF LENIN (Ed. by tion is nine percent. However, does not trade away the basie Execution of Carola Neher, Hitler seizure of power she Resolution Adopted Stalin Reasons Hill Mudie. 00. 25 this does not take into considera principles of industrial unionism well known German actress and escaped to the Soviet Union.
JELLINEK: The Paris Commune of tion the fact that the population and autonomy for the organizawidow of the famous German Born in Munich, the daughter of ed by the meeting, was sent to verifiable. Then why, it will be The following resolution, adopt All have just stated is easily 1871 increased by millions. If we take tions in the mass production inpoet Klabund, has been reported a well known musical composer, the workers and government of said, should they lie so stupidly?
FINE: Labor and Farm. 00. 98 and Farmer Parties in account of the population industries, it is progresside and in the Scandinavian press from she first pursued crease, the decline between 1929 should continue to receive the. 00. 25 Why should we be associated, Moscow, according to advices re reer as a dancer.
and 1937 is not nine but almost support of the militant elements WALKER: American City. 50. 25 ceived here last week.
and myself. The mass meeting at the Hotel Magdeleine Paz 15 percent. The Monthly Labor of the rank and Ale.
The move of the o. toCarola Neher, like countless Played Character Roles Review of November 1937 said Center, under the auspices of since we did not work together KAUTSKY: Economic Doctrines of Karl Marx.
the Socialist Workers Party, politically? The explanation is other victims of Stalin counter( 50. 79 the loss was 16 percent between ward a constitutional convention RIVERA: Portrait of America. 75. 50 1929 and 1936. Due to further of unity in the next period, but revolutionary regime, was shot as stage were in character roles in the Mexican Government in exHer first appearances on the warmly commends the action of not hard to find.
Trotskyist without being the repertoire of tragedies propriating the properties of the first to protest against the MosMagdeleine Paz was one of the GRATTAN: Preface to Chaos War in brought to public trial, although written by the great pre Hitler. British and American oil com cow trials. the Making. 00. 25 same time that there was an in only makes it more acute.
all, she THALHEIMER: Introduction to Diacrease in production, pretty much it is generally known that she ite playwright Frank Wedekind, Nanies which carried their ex courageously led the battle in had earlier been sentenced to 10 which enjoyed great popularity ploitation of the oil workers to search of the truth within the lectical Materialism. 50. 50 the same loss held for 1937. CHINA FUND NEARS JAMES: World Revolution. 1917 1936.
In short, production is falling years imprisonment in an iso in the Germany of that day. unberrable extemes, and even League for the Rights of Man ITS GOAL OF 200 The Rise and Fall of the Communat the same time that population Through her work she came brazenly defied the laws of the one of those organizations that is rising. Capitalism cannot proist International. 50. 50 The fund being raised by the Stalinism needs most for its Attempted Suicide whose Chulk Circle made an The bold and courageous ac present policy. Magdeleine Pax MARCU: The Birth of the Nations. 75) 98 Kitably satisfy the needs of ever Socialist Workers Party to aid It is also known that in prison international reputation for its tion of the Mexican Government is dangerous. Therefore, they MAINZER: Ceaser Mantle. 00. 98 tion. Falling production is fal. Fourth Internationalista) has she attempted suicide by cutting author. They were married soon in thus defending the economic must try to discredit her, to ruin her wrists with the sharp edge thereafter.
We carry a complete selection of books and pamphlets on ling about the heads of a grow taken further strides forward to 200 set as the miniof a tin can lid. To fellow prisonand political independence of the what influence she pright have Carola Neher, whose premature country inspires and encourages by saying that Krestinsky cave Russid, Moscow Trials, Spain, Marxism, American Labor ing population, pressing down the goal Movement, WAR, etc. We can supply any book in print. all it presses down upon the work now stands as follows: upon them more and more. Above mum to be collected. The fund that she was innocent and that istic butcher in the Kremlin is the workers and oppressed people legedly received from von Seeckt: Send us a list of your wants for immediate attention.
she had relations of purely being mourned by her comrades of all countries under the yoke that is the link.
ers, who compose seven tenths of Previously acknowledged 151. 63 America.
Herbert Weinberger 55 accidental nature with persons throughout Europe, was best of imperialism.
Prices include postage. Send for Book List And through me, they are aimAllentown Branch 50 later condemned as Trotskyists. known for her great histrionie The meeting declares its full ing at the International CommisSHOP LABOR BOOK The present depression, far Lavanburg Corner House Carola Neher rallied to the achievement in the role of Polly, solidarity with the people of sion of Inquiry and seeking to 28 East 12th Street sharper than that which follow Boys 50 New York City ed the stock market crash of Friend 50 Communist cause early in her Brechts Beggar Opera, which Mexico in their heroic fight and sion made a report that is over. 00 distinguished preer as a dra likewise became famous the world calls upon all American workers whelming for the accusers. The Join our circulation Library. Read the latest books. 1929, has sent the capitalists Dane Scurrying to Washington for matic artist in Germany. After over.
to give them full support. conscientious and searching in66. col relief. And they got it in far TOTAL 168. 58 arms.
and com council, is of unity approach.
succesful ca Mexico: the above lator.