CapitalismCommunismDemocracyGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMarxismMussoliniPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Vol. 11. No. 17 Five Cents per Copy Saturday, April 23, 1938 Takes Long Step BRITAIN AND ITALY CIO Decision To Form National Body Brings SIGN ROBBER PACT. Unity Issue Forward Roosevelt Seeking Fresh Panaceas To Check Depression Proclaims Primacy But His Spending CureIn Western Hemisphere Roosevelt Warns Off All Foreign Interests From Workers Will Pay ILLINOIS BACKS KELLY MANFÖR SENATE FRENCH SIT IN STRIKERS TOLD TO END FIGHT Took the Pot Six Month Interval Provided To Give Hillman Open Road For Bloc Of Chance To Make New Peace Overtures. Democratic and Leaders Fed Up With Fascist States By JAMES CANNON Outstanding among the The conference attended by the chief officers of 38 international recent moves on the chessunions affiliated with the Committee for Industrial Organization board of imperialist politics in Washington, April 13, announced the decision to form a permawas the signature in Rome nent organization of the at a general convention to be Quack Remedy held next September or October.
last Saturday of an agreeJulius Hochman, representing the powerful International Ladies ment between Great Britain Garment Workers Union, abstained from voting, pending the further and Italy which, for the action of the executive board of his organization. Otherwise, the JOHN LEWIS time being at least, ends the decision was reported as unanimous. It is known that there is strong Latin America; LaGuardia Gives Forthright opposition in the leading circles of the to any further acute state of tension that aggressive action tending to deepen the split with the of Expression to Imperialist Aims Eight months of unrelievhas prevailed between the Informed cireles predict with more and more assurance that the ed depression, whose sharptwo robber states since 1935, Dubinsky organization will not go along if the formally Tying in closely with the war plans of American imperialism ness is unprecedented in the when Mussolini threatened constitutes itself as a rival organization.
which are proceeding at an ever more accelerated pace, President history of American capitalvital British interests by his Unity Still On Agenda I hate war) Roosevelt last week delivered a pointed warning ism, plus the growing deconquest of Ethiopia, last older and more firmly establishto rival powers to keep their hands off continental America. mands of the labor moveThe decision of the Washing. ed unions and the new mushindependent native state in This warning, in effect a reaffirmation in modernized form) ment and the unemployed, ton conference of the room giants of the mass producof the Monroe Doctrine which proclaimed the hegemony of dollar have finally forced Roosevelt Africa.
MUSSOLINI heads does not, as it may appear tion industries. Running a close imperialism in the Western Hemisphere, was contained in an addresses Not the least significant aspect at first glance, take the question second, is the increasing maleof the agreement was the obof unity with the of off volence of the Stalinist abscesses Apes Labor Non Partisan before the governing board of the Pan American Union on April 14. to action. Last week he sent vious haste with which it was the agenda. It simply brings the and ulcers plaguing the League In Democratic a message to Congress askWarning to All concluded. Little more than one question of unity or of a deeper draining its strength and halt.
month elapsed between the openand more formally organized ing its stride every way it turns. Primary Fight gain a foothold in the field of ing for 3, 000, 000, 000 Roosevelt spoke behind closed commerce. Cotton, sugar, coffee direct appropriations and ing of negotiations and signasplit closer to a showdown. These internal difficulties are doors to the chiefs of diplomatic and metals, which Latin Ame in Treasury loans to be ture of the pact. Chamberlain On the surface, the decision to reflected in the double decision missions of twenty American re rica possesses in abundance, are applied to recovery progovernment was anxious for a call a general convention of the of the Washington conference to By ALBERT GATES publics represented in Washing important elements in their war settlement with Italy so that o. may appear to close the call constitutional convention CHICAGO. The Democratic ton and Secretary Hull, chairman economy.
jects. In addition he anBritish imperialism, its hands door to unity for a long time to five or six months hence and, at Party put on another show in of the governing board. His in exchange Italy furnishes nounced that about 2, 000, untied in the Mediterranean, in this war vessels and airplanes; Ger. 000. 000 more would be made the Near East and in East Africa, is not really the case. The formal unity negotiations, under the ries which were completed April country and carried hy short many, guns and machines. Cheap would be free to conclude a satisannouncement of the calling of aegis of the conservative Hill 12, holding the stage from the wave to Latin America, later consumerx goods from Sapan available for money and factory agreement with Hitler Difficult Choice Now the convention is more man.
and of equal if not greater imfirst day of the campaign to the being rebroadcast in Spanish and flood the South American credit.
likely designed to force the portance to handle the Japanese markets. Political ambitions fol.
Faces Centrists In Unions Want Democracy hand of the of and to the Republicans who sougent to We will not permit it (the low closely on the heels of the velt broadcast his plans to the Immediately thereafter, Roosethreat to Britain imperial in The lay the ground for new negoterests in the Far East.
On the one hand, many of the recoup their losses as a result Western Hemisphere) to be en increasing trade.
tiations new unions are pressing for an ef the sharp inner party struggle dangered from aggression com The Latin American hour workers faith in capitalism was country. He realized that the Both Sides Keen This is borne out both by the extension of democracy in the that invaded the Demoerntie oring from outside our hemi seoisie not unskillfully exploits weakening with the depression.
More than 150, 000 workers in unnecessarily long period of selection of officers by constitu ganization.
sphere, Roosevelt told his audit this courtship of new imperial: At the very openine of his speech bold stroke in Austria which factories around Paris have been time allowed for the preparation tional means; the dictatorial No one paid much attention to ors, thereafter proceeding to re list competitors to reinforce their he tried to dispel their feeling of Mussolini, alarmed by Hitler automobile, motor, and airplane brought German troops to the ordered by the bureaucratie con months and by the subsequent and hand picked chiefs, national, The real cireus was elsewhere.
of the convention five or six authority of the self appointed the campaign of the Republicans, iterate his good neighbor own positions in relation to their insecurity and to rekindle their policy with regard to Central old masters.
faith. He ended up with an ap.
Brenner Pass, was as anxious trollers of their trade unions to unofficial announcement in the regional and local, is becoming and South America. Behind such for an agreement as was Cham return to work immediately. Thus usually well informed column of somewhat irksome to the rankDemocrats Split pacific utterances, however, there Playing Two Sides peal for united national will berlain, for this agreement now the spontaneous efforts of the Edward Levinson in the New and file of these unions. Just as in the 1936 presiden to for After Vargas fascist putsch. to get behind him and his prostrengthens his hands in dealing striking workers to realize in York Post of April 14, that. Sid. On the other hand, many of this restions, hehe emocratie maintenance of American hege Brazil was well rewarded for gram.
with his partner in the Rome practise the verbal threats of ney Hillman, president of the the older and more stable unions, Party was split between the mony in the Americas.
Against the Tide Berlin axis who is due to visit Jouhaux and Thorez to fight by Amalgamated Clothing Workers, having had a good dose of Sta down state machine with Go.
Rome in the near future.
The New York Times report borly relations with the United their own means the dissolu: had been authorized to reopen linist manipulation and domina vernor Henry Horner at its head, ed the speech under the caption, States. Nevertheless Brazil dia The Roosevelt program is inBy the terms of the accord, tiem meine the Popular Front to negotiations with the of tion, packing, finagling and and the Chicago machine direct Roosevelt Warns Alien Aggres: not refrain from again increas, tended to stem the economie delitical ambitions in Spain and the porary setback.
Hillman and Conciliation maneuvering in the newly coned by those two notorious polisors. However, his remarks were ing her trade with Germany cline which is spreading destruc recent exchange tion everywhere destruction of Spanish colonies, declares that without the united aid of the she seeks no privileged economic reformists and Stalinists Dala Hillman, a pseudo statesman of to an extension of this night man Nash.
This appointment is significant. councils, look with apprehension Kelly and National committee aggressors, but also a warn agreement with the Krupp ar whole industries, destruction of position there, and agrees to dier would never have succeeded the conservative ing to all the Latin American mament factories.
employment, destruction of purgive away marish business on a general na The struggle between these vassals not to abandon their Argentina, still largely under chasing power, destruction of the war materials from Spanish ter. threats to curb the striking lead a policy of conciliation than nent head on conflict with the mak area, came to a head follow. American imperialism.
withdrawall Italian forces and in baleting the striktne waxerik His school, is far more qualified to tional scale. Fear of a perma factions, originating in the cere community of interests with British domination, was able, living standards of American It ritory at the end of the present workers in the nationalized ar die hard fighting. He is also of is no doubt second. ing Cermak death, when the its foreign debts, to repurchaseded also to turn economic decivil war if their withdrawal has mament factories by mobilizing known to be most uncritically sub ary to their panic at the prospect Chicago machine sought unsucHave Nots At Work for a song, valuable bonds in cline into economic recovery.
not been completed earlier in ac them for military service met servient to the Roosevelt admi of further permeation by the cessfully to eliminate Horner, British and American possession. The recovery aimed at by cordance with conditions to be with scant success. The workers nistration, which, as has been Stalinist manipulators and ex running for a second term as rican republics were a field for ments with Germany and Japan, workers substantially. In the For long years the Latin Ame Having in reserve possible agree the program will not benefit the laid down by the Non Interven refused to betray their solidarity made clear already, thinks labor pert disrupters.
tion Committee.
with their comrades in the Re can be best regimented for sup perthe stalinists, jalready, well elementos intools la But, weihen the competition between British and it did not encounter any serious Words of Roosevelt himself. the Britain, on the other hand, nault and Citroen plants. Thus port of the coming war in a intrenched in the apparatus from machines united to defeat the tion has fundamentally changed.
cause of the depression is the pledges herself to work through the only course left open was to united federation.
top to bottom, have become the Republicans. The struggle soon The have nots among the imIn the same way, Ecuador lag of consumption behind prothe League of Nations for re smash the strikes from the left, Contradictory forces are at Achilles heel of the began to revive, however, and the perialists Germany, Japan recently multiplied its taxes on duction, resulting from inadequate cognition of the Italian conquest that is, with the aid of the work inside the After Lewis and his chief of staff, old line ups were recstablished. Italy are tenaciously at work and American corporations. purchasing power. Explaining of Ethiopia, while the two unions.
the stormy success which aeru drunk with conceit and dazzled The Kelly Nash machine was despreading their tentacles over Mexican oil conflict was dictated says supplies so over ran de Washington retreat in the the depression of 1929 33 he powers reconcile their interests Split ed from the great labor upsurge by monetary success, thought termined to avenge its defeat in the countries in the Mediterranean, East Afribetween Cape by similar considerations. Fear mand which would pay that pro.
en and Arabia, agreeing at the same time to refrain from pro pleted his record of cowardly the recruiting campaign to an Stalinist bearers of Greek gifts termined to take over control of program and lacking capital for the Treasury Morgenthau, after pression of 1987, he says: By ing a reverse in American duction was compelled to stop.
Blum, meanwhile, has com economie crisis naturally brought outwit everybody, including the 1936 and Horner and his down. Horn and the Rio Grande.
Exhausted by their armament Mexican relations, Secretary of Likewise in explaining the depaganda injurious to each other capitulation before the bour abrupt halt. Along with this, in to the The results up to the Democratic Party.
geoisie by strong man action ternal difficulties have come date have been rather sad for investment, they are concentrat having suspended official silver the Autumn of 1987 the nation in his own party. The Seine more and more to the fore.
these super statesmen, and Scene of Struggle ing their efforts in a drive to Stalinist Theory Upset (Continued on page 4) had stocks on hand which the Federation (Paris district) of First, is the conflict of out especially for the unions which Thus the 1988 Democratie priconsuming public could not buy because purchasing power of has (Continued on page 3)
between the of the Stalinist highbinders.
struggle. Kelly Walsh sought the the consuming public had not regard of the Stalinist theory Deal With Browder kept pace with the production.
removal of the incumbent County After Workers Vote Strike program that would benefit that insurmountable Judge Jarecki in order to insure al differences separate the Workers Challenge Midwest Lewis parcelled out the Pacific elections in the future by conthe workers and bring economic recovery would have to increase Coast so trolling LOS purchasing power the from the aggressor states and that the working class, basing itself on these differences and supporting the democratic imMINNEAPOLIS. Twelve, Robley Cramer, editor of the Browder Co.
Besides being a nated Judge John Prystalski workers in Southern California, amalgamation of all workers in message tosa Congress that his peace elements of Pacific cause his name would run ously to strike if their demands ern California. Frank Almar, money in the hands of the conprotect weaker nations from the neapolis municipal auditorium the unemployed for their parti: coast labor, this turned out to well against Jarecki, also a Pole for closed shop and a wage in leader of the Filipino workers, suming public.
piratical aggressors.
By its virtual agreement to re: stration of labor militant de recent strikes, and declared that berbad piece the business for For the United States Senate, crease were not met by the Palm has declarede support forkerte the Kelly Nash machine nominat Venice Growers Association with amalgamation of all workers in Will Benefit Capitalists cognize the Italian conquest of termination to fight the develop organized labor will fight for the Mr. Lewis and the o.
The bulk of the Pacific coasted Michael Igoe, the in Ethiopia democratic Britain ing boss attack on the labor rights of the unemployed.
eight days.
one union. number of Mexican First of all, and most of all, has confounded the Stalinist the movement of the Northwest.
Cramer lauded the record of labor movement, including its District Attorney. Horner nomi The union meeting was attend progressives are pressing for this the Roosevelt program will bemost progressive. 150 British imperialism is interested Allied Printing Trades Council ling them the shock troops of from the and its appoint were also divided between the harvesters of the focal lettuce ed before there can be cany ren 3, 000, 000, 000 which it asks from oreticians and shown that what Alohn Boscoe representing the General Drivers Local 544, cal sections, turned definitely away and down stater. Lesser posts sented a large section of the nizing tiis must be accomplish: nefit the capitalists. Of the garrulous two factions, but not so sharply, crop.
lini imperialist banditry. not declared one of the aims of the ment. There is not a newly or Harry Bridges, otherwise known and in many respects there was defense to the wage cutting Congress, over two thirds will of poor little Ethiopia, but of meeting was to smash the con ganized union is this city but has as the Pacific coast false alarm. complete agreement as to candiScore First Gain campaign instituted by the go into public works and housing. The more than 2, 000, 000, 000 growers.
British imperialism robber in templated open shop drive by the received the help of Local 544 in Meantime, the Stalinist plants, dates.
The militant and determined which the government is prepar terests in northeast Africa. employers of this city and state. getting on its feet, he said. and stooges, caucus men, pay. The show was on! Igoe, identi stand of the workers netted an Determined to Strike ed to release consists of two When Mussolini started his Roy Weir, organizer of the Dunne Fighting Speech roll bandits and delegates of fying himself with the Kelly immediate pain. The Growers items: the desterilization of Ethiopian campaign and the Central Labor Union, painted a paper organizations, have been Nash machine lost his opportun. Association had refused to meet agricultural unions have been mean an equal increase in the Since December, 1937, the 1, 400, 000, 000 in gold which will British imperialists started bel vivid picture of the rise of the Miles Dunne, secretary of the running wild in the local and ity of nomination. He stood well union representatives to discuss unable to secure contracts with circulation of money, and the ing economic sanctions against the 1934 drivers strikes, and ex. the huge audience when he cal. The result is truly devastat. Chicago. He had what is general of the old agreement in Decem sidering the unions to be inca which will increase bank re.
the aggressor, the Marxista posed the latest maneuvers of led for the workers of Minnea ing. In Los Angeles, for example, ly considered a good labor record. ber, 1937. The day following the pable of struggle, have begun to serves by 750, 000, 000 and lendpointed out precisely what was the bosses under the guise of polis to rally behind a fighting the older and more stable orga Lucas was a down stater, an or strike vote, a communication was slash wages, in some cases to 17 ing power by over five times as involved.
had not hesitated to. embark on an enlarged version of the union labor. Closer inter union coope unions generally, have simply not always certain in his sup ques and desiring to hear its group of agricultural workers in authorized to make gifts and Democratic Britain the Minneapolis Civic Council, program against the enemies of rizations, and the bona fide ganiter of the American Legion, received from the growers recents per hour. The Venice local much. In addition, the Reconstrucnegotiations with the has been the best organized tion Finance Corporation robber wars against native hating Citizens Alliance. ration, alertness against boss quit participating. Other cities port of Roosevelt, a small time peoples in Africa and Asia in attacks, defense of the unem and states tell the same story, rah rah boy. But he was not a proposals.
False Rumors order to subjugate and enslave the county and, faced with a re loans totalling up to 1, 600, 000, ployed and a forward march to with slight variations. Kelly Nash man, and the Kellythem. Even while the British imWeir warned the audience ward better wages and working councils having been captured, Nash machine is a discredited mands for a closed shop in the 1932 and 1933, has determined to nesses which are in grave danThe union presented its de turn to the miserable wages of 000 which are to go to busiperialists were uttering their against giving credence to false conditions were the points stres are being transformed into machine.
pious protests against Italian rumors of gangsterism and sed by the speaker.
fields, the right of a field dele take strike action to defend pre ger of shutting down.
caucuses of the Communist atrocities in Ethiopia the Royal racketeering in the local labor gate to visit the fields, and an vious gains.
Resolutions passed by the as Party, Mud slinging Match At best, the program will bring its stooges, hangers on increase in wages from 35 to Because of the permanent a feverish recovery that will be on the villages of Indian tribes movement, rumors being cireu sembled workers called for unity and hired men.
Both sides entered the cam. 45 cents per hour. So far no poverty of these workers, the short in duration, precipitate in lated by the employers and between the and the Situation in New York paign with the slogans: Against agreement has been reached, but use of race prejudice against decline, and at all times enemies of labor.
will Bossism! For Roosevelt! They negotiations are continuing. of release of Tom them, the extreme brutality of press down the living standards British Interests Threatened Speaking for the Building Mooney by action of the Supreme The situation in New York, heaped insults upon each other.
Trades Council, Walter Frank Court or intervention by the na where the locals, expel. They accused each other of the workers is presented jointly in strike struggles, it is necessary public works will employ a porThe contract proposed by the police action in all of their of the workers and farmers. The What alarmed the hypocritical demanded the six hour day, union tional administration, and for led many months ago from the vilest sins, of graft, bureaucracy, the name of the Cucom and the to ask workers everywhere to be tion of those displaced from priBritish imperialists was the Ita wages for the unemployed and a trade union conditions and wages of central body, have bossism, machinism. They delv Filipino Federated (Continued on page 3) 15, 000, 000 housing program. for the unemployed. Continued on page 3)
Workers. prepared to come to their assis vate industry by the current de(Continued on page 2) Union. Both organizations havetance. Continued on page 3)
The Anglo Italian agreement the Seconlist Party as took and polies, and to de certain ber en beste leki vintgen binderheln maries became scene of violent Fruit Growers Open Parley Boss Drive Against Labor much mandated territory, the same time retain their lead. April 8, the Venice local of the in obtaining their demands.
This work exchana unemployed. But is men,