Andrey VyshinskyBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionFascismFranceImperialismInvasionKamenevLeninMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsNational LiberationPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

SOCIALIST APPEAL April 16, 1938 1150, 000 French Workers Strike To Defy Daladier By Leon Trotsky THE PRIESTS OF HALF TRUTH Socialist Appeal Blessed Are The Peace Makers FRENCH WORKERS DEMONSTRATE THEIR MIGHT Vol. II. No. 16. Saturday, April 16, 1938 Published every week by the One of the main if not the main SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS tasks of a party calling itself Socialist, at 116 University Place, New York, is to mobilize the working class in strugTelephones: Local Office: Gramercy 9142 gle against war now so that it may be better able to fight war once it has be(Continued from page 1)
National Office: Algonquin 8547 raut, Minister of the Interior in the semi fascist Doumergue Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for gun.
months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order Accordingly, such a party is unworthy chamber of deputies on April 12 vernment of 1934, famous for his cents per copy. Single copies cents.
and voted confidence in the new slogan: The communists are the of the name if it capitulates in advance All checks and money orders should be made government. With thousands of enemy. The oppression of the to the war mongers and patriots, if it out to the Socialist Appeal.
striking workers outside strain colonial peoples is to be handseeks to make peace with the latter ing to embark upon the path of led ably by the reactionary Entered as second class matter September instead of warning the workers against independent class struggle the George Mandel, who distinguish1937 at the post office at New York, New York, Socialist and Communist parties ed himself for his persecution of them and separating itself from them.
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
prefer to pursue the futile and the organized postal employes as Under pressure of the left wing, the treacherous policy of the lesser Minister of Posts and Telegraphs MAX SHACHTMAN last convention of the Thomasite Socialevil anything but a revolution in Doumergue cabinet. This is Editor.
ist Party adopted the most radical and ary course for the workers as the new people front of DaHAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES thoroughgoing even if not entirely sathe only way out of the crisis. ladier, whom the Stalinists have Associate Editors.
tisfactory position on the war question Daladier tried once before to feted since 1936 as a hero of leftBOB BROWNE form a government maneuvering wing democracy.
Business Manager.
in its history. That was on paper, which between the left and the right, Undoubtedly, there are still is, as is known, very patient. Let us when, in 1983, the Socialist de strong Popular Front illusions see what this position looks like in pracputies were forced by mass pres among the workers, but they are The Eleventh Hour tice.
sure to renounce their collabora learning that whatever they tion with the Radical Socialists. conquered was a result of their At last week convention of the WorkAfter his police had fired into direct intervention, and that ulIt would be self deception. the grosskers Alliance in New York, the the fascist demonstrations of timately their own action is the est form of stupidity to conceal the group introduced an anti war resolution identical in terms with that adopted by democrat February 6, 1934, this withons only method of preserving their capitulated conquests. Even now their fight seriousness of the crisis in the civil war the Executive Board of the Unite Aufurther sistance to the reac is assuming forms and proporin Spain. It would be a crime to be tomobile Workers Union, and submitted French labor is again on the march against the starvation rations on which it has been placed by tion. In 1936 he reappeared as a tions which exceed by far the silent about the fact that the leaders of it in opposition to the Stalinist docu declining capitalism. More than 100, 000 workers are occupying plants in the heavy industry. The partisan of the People Front, desires of their leadership.
new French premier, Edouard Daladier, has promised as one of the first acts of his government faces a crisis. Is it now his amDaladier Aims the Popular Front in Spain, in France, in ment. It was hardly a revolutionary statement, for it wound up with the senthe suppression of the rebellious proletariat as humanely as possible. This picture shows ibition to make good his cowardice Daladier aspiration to insure Moscow Stalinists and social democrats tence: Armament, if any is necessary, workers demonstrating in the courtyard of the Renault auto works now again occupied in before the fascists with greater social peace by a of slow Pacht alike have brought the working class and to Paris two years ago. Many more scenes such as this will be witnessed as the reactionary Daladier audacity against the workers? gliding toward the should only be on the basis of protection of Spain and its cause to the brink of government attempts to saddle the French proletariat with additional costs of the capitalist crisis.
At his side stands Albert Sar use the Easter vacations of parthe fascist abyss.
against invasion. An intelligent imliament to deal more freely with perialist would ask for nothing better.
the strike situation, was quickThe black gangs of reaction are To a revolutionary socialist, it is a bely dampened. The slightest atmarching straight for the sea. For the trayal of principle, for it implies the tempt to evacuate the 150, 000 first time, their rifles are pointed at the sit down strikers by force would legitimacy of defending the capitalist bring France to the verge of very heart of proletarian Barcelona.
civil war. The task of the DalaFrom abroad the imperialist vultures Nevertheless, the resolution was dier government is precisely to are hovering over the battlefield for pointed, in other sections, at the Stalinaccomplish the turn toward a their share of the prostrated booty.
ist war mongers, even if only by indirecright wing coalition gradually and without disturbance if posYet, it is not too late for the Spanish tion. And you would think that the Continued from page 1)
At first, they tried openly to fulfill their duty as friends, sible.
working class to turn the mounting tide which has precious little left to lose, that is, attorneys for the But this proved to be too The labor bureaucrats continue of defeat into a victory that would shake would hold on at least to this resolution, The period when world imperialism subjected the Soviet land the whole world. That can be accomrisky. They speedily shifted to the position of philosophical to use the strikes to enhance feeble though it is.
to a blockade is now lost in the past. The blockade of the today is organized by the Soviet bureaucracy itself.
agnosticism and diplomatie non intervention. They declared the their own parliamentary imporplished only if it is realized that conBut no! The Stalinists put on a bit tance. But a return to a People trials to be puzzling. They refrained from judgment. They Of the revolution as it understands it, it has preserved only the trary to the philosophy and practice of Front government would be no of heat in the resolutions committee.
cult of police violence. It thinks that with the aid of police warned against premature conclusions. We cannot decide anysolution for the bourgeoisie.
the People Fronters who know only The eminent socialist statesman, David dogs the course of history can be altered. It fights for its exthing from the outside. We must not interfere in the affairs how to pile disaster upon disaster, the During the last two years the Lasser, also put on a bit of heat. Whereof Soviet justice. In a word, they sought evasively to reconcile pour People Front governments istence with a conservative fury such as has not been displayed fascist reaction can be smashed not by world public opinion to the abominations that were being conupon, the representative of the on by any ruling class in history. Along this road, it has arrived have proven incapable of coping cocted in Moscow. These people wanted at all costs to remain purely military means, but above all by in a short time at the commission of crimes such as not even with the economic crisis and of the resolutions committee, Brendan Sexon friendly terms with the executioners of the revolution but not political means.
fascism has yet perpetrated. Of this dialectic of the Thermidor, bottling up the working class to ton, shrivelled up, and the committee The collaboration with the bourgeoito assume direct responsibility for the frame ups of the a degree which would grant presented the convention with a comthe democratic oracles have understood nothing, understand noFrench capitalism the necessie at home and reliance upon the de promise resolution which the fracthing now and let there be no illusions will not understand OBLIGED TO VEER AGAIN anything. Otherwise they would be obliged to shut down imsary political stability. It is even mocratic bandit governments abroad, tion adopted along with the Stalinist However, they were unsuccessful in keeping to this second mediately the Nation and the New Republic and thus upset the less probable that the Daladier government will succeed in this have only paralyzed the working class delegation equilibrium of the solar system!
line for any length of time. Under the blows of the disclosures and robbed it of its striking power. The task by purely parliamentary The compromise. Better that no they sang at a continually lower pitch: of course, the charges methods. show. down draws abandonment of the class struggle policy resolution had been adopted. The OPPOSITES IDENTIFIED are obviously improbable but. but there is something inevitably closer.
made it impossible to win the Moors by joins with the Stalinists in a humble Since the Thermidorean reaction came out of the revolution, behind them. We are not with the Stalinists, but we also do not granting Morocco the independence Dangerous Weaknesses appeal to the American capitalist goybelieve the Trotskyists. Only the soothsayers of the Nation the Nation and the New Republic have sought tirelessly to prove which the bourgeois masters of the Peo ernment to boycott rival capitalist gov that revolution and reaction are one and the same thing. They and the New Republic represent the truth. If, yesterday and the The French proletariat apernments, like Japan a policy which ple Front deny it; made it impossible have systematically approved or at least kept silent about the day before, they were blind, that is all the greater guarantee proaches this test strength with admirable spirit but also to arouse the peasants, not only in Loyal the has condemned on previous octhat today their sight is flawless. There is something behind work of falsification, of lies, of corruption, which the Stalinist ist but also in Franco territory to the casions.
these charges. Indeed! If the ruling clique is executing all who with bureaucracy has accomplished throughout the world. They have It pleads with the capitalist dangerous weaknesses.
side of the workers by proclaiming the are left of the Bolshevik party, it has imperious reasons for Strikes and even armed struggles government to cooperate with all groups covered up the repression against the Oppositionists which has right of the peasants to seize and hold doing so. However, we must look for these reasons in the object can yield no solution to the vital who wish international peace another been going on now for fifteen years. Yet there has been no the land; made it increasingly difficult ive interests of the bureaucracy and not in the speeches of problems of the working masses Stalinist policy which the has prelack of warnings. The literature of the Left Opposition is fairly rich, in all languages.
Vyshinsky, nor in the frame ups of Yezhov. But we already unless they are backed up by to sustain the feelings of the laboring viously condemned. It hails the Stalinan audacious and determined plan know: the dialectics of the class struggle remain for these emFor fifteen years it has showed, step by step, how the methods for the organization of the promasses because no social change was ist League for Peace and Democracy of the bureaucracy came into increasingly sharp conflict with piricists a book sealed with seven seals. What can you ask or letarian revolution.
offered them or allowed them, and what. which the convention last year, the requirements of a new society; how the bureaucracy was expect from philosophers and publicists who foresaw nothing, Since the inception of the they had themselves undertaken to and its press since, have attacked as a see nothing and who were caught completely unawares by the People obliged to screen its own greedy interests, not only by making trials? There is nothing left for the bankrupt oracles but to has conducted French capital change was forcibly torn from them and pro war movement.
its own the mechanics of lying of all the ruling classes, but also systematic strike divide the guilt in two: Fifty percent is allowed to the execu against the realization of any restored to its old status.
In a word, the Socialist Party strugby investing these mechanics in view of the acuteness of the tioner, fifty percent to his victim.
reforms favoring the working In the crucial 11th hour, only the resituation in a country scarcely emerged from a revolutiongle against war and against Stalinist turn to the militant class struggle, to The petty bourgeois always stands in the middle and judges class. At the same time it has patriotism collapsed like a sucked egg.
with an unprecedentedly poisonous character. With irrefragable a question by the formula: on the one hand and on the other financed fascism and the reacproletarian self reliance, to genuine Nothing was left of it except the signal facts and documents we showed how a whole school of falsihand. If the capitalists are unbending, the workers are too tionary press. The peasants, working class internationalism, can asfication came out of the Thermidorian reaction the school of many of whom cast their votes success obtained in making peace than exigent. This line of the golden mean, the Nation and the New Stalin which envenomed every domain of social ideology; we for the workers parties, especialsure the victory. Here is a problem not which there is nothing more blessedRepublic explained how and why it was precisely Stalin. the cook of merely draw to its logical conclusion when they wear only for the Spanish workers, but for out half of their moral lymph on the and the other half time in 1936, are beginning again ly the Socialists, for the first with the war mongers.
peppery dishes, according to Lenin definition as far back as on the real or fancied Trotskyists. And in the end, the liberal to lean toward the reaction.
labor everywhere, and primarily in The thinking person cannot escape the March, 1921. who became head of the avid and conservative France. Arms? Yes, a thousand times. reflection: caste of usurpers of the revolution; we predicted the Moscow American finds out from his teachers that Zinoviev and Kamenev Only a broad program of econowere only half terrorists; that Pyatakov sabotaged industry only mic control and direction by the But not from Blum, Chamberlain and If this party drops its anti war positrials ten years before they took place and we explained to the six months out of twelve; that Bukharin and Rykov are spies for workers and peasants can insure Co. who have deceived the Spanish most backward that the judicial frame ups are only convulsions tion, which is nothing to write home masses time and again and who cannot only two and not four countries, and that Stalin is merely a half the working class against defeat of the Thermidorean agony.
about in the first place, during peace falsifier and a half scoundrel. Cain? Perhaps he is Cain, but not and isolation and prepare the Finally, in 1937, the International Commission of New York, be expected to change their spots now. times and merely because of a bit of more than fifty percent.
revolutionary victory.
composed of persons of high moral authority and accustomed Direct aid to Spain proletariat, but pressure exerted by a handful of scow to critical judgment, subjected the accusations of Stalin and THEIR WORLD only by means of militant working class ling bureaucrats what will it do in time Vyshinsky to a patient and meticulous analysis. In all the pressure and militant working class of real stress, when the pressure is seraccusations, they found nothing but lies, falsifications, frameTheir philosophy reflects their own world. By their social Back Numbers control.
ious and substantial?
ups. They stated this openly to the entire world. The verdict But again, the prerequisite for this If the Thomasites capitulate to a mere of the Commission was intended essentially for the man in thoughts and half feelings. They wish to cure society by half Of on Sale imperatively needed turn is a remorsethe street, the farmer, the small tradesman, the backward measures. Regarding the historical process as too unstable a Lasser cum Bejamin for the sake of less break from Popular Frontist worker, in a word, the majority of those whose conditions of phenomenon, they refuse to engage themselves more than fifty a compromise with the peace time paexistence deprive them of the necessary training and broad percent. Thus, these people, living by half truths, that is to say, There have been numerous retreachery and the restoration of the triots, what will they do under the lash horizons.
the worst form of falsehood, have become a genuine brake upon quests for back numbers of the simple, time tested principles of the of a capitalist war machine actually in New International, monthly maFrom the editors of the Nation and the New Republie, these truly progressive, e. revolutionary thought.
class struggle.
operation. breveted teachers of the people, one might, it would seem, have New Masses is simply a garbage can which puts people gazine of revolutionary Marxism, published at 116 University demanded a critical sense of their own. They might, for example, on their guard by its own odor. The Nation and the New RePlace, New York City. Many no public are considerably more decent and nice and less.
have recalled from what they learned under their old schoolpletely to the Kuomintang, was doubt require one or more numapparently a sort of poor relateachers, that the Thermidorean reaction in France proclaimed odorous. But they are all the more dangerous. The best part bers in order to complete their On Central China Front the resolutions adopted by the the Jacobins to be Royalists and agents of Pitt, in order of the new generation of American intellectuals can proceed volumes.
to justify in the eyes of the masses the sanguinary repression on the broad historical highway only on the condition of a com While not all issues of the Kuomintang overlords even deigagainst them. From these professional moralists, one might, plete break with the oracles of democratic half truth.
magazine, back to the date of its ned to mention the Stalinist it would seem, have expected some sense of morality. Does not Coyoacan, March 19, 1938.
inception in 1934, are available. Continued from page 1) concern of the Congress was to allies. Their existence as loyal the moral degeneration of the Soviet bureaucracy stink to high it is possible to supply most of strengthen and insure the power auxiliaries (Chiang Kai shek of the Chinese heaven? Alas, the moralists have been found to be devoid even them. Valuable documentary and fighting under the most unfavor through the Kuomintang dieta terview with John Gunther) was bourgeoisie praised their loyalty in an in of a simple sense of smell.
historical material and articles of lasting value are to be found able possible political conditions. torship.
taken for granted.
The liberation of the masses for PANORAMA OF NARROWNESS in them and the management many sided participation in the undisputed boss of the govern timated that they might they Chiang Kai shek, already the After the Congress it was in UNTIL APRIL 29th ONLY will fill all requests for these The Moscow trials not only took this circle of people unnumbers at 10 cents per copy fight against the invaders is still ment, was formally invested with might be given Kiver seats out awares but have destroyed the tranquillity of their souls for a prevented by the Kuomintang dictatorial powers and the title of the TROTSKY: The Third International After until the supply is exhausted.
dictatorship. So long as this re lof Tsung Tsai modest var Count 150 on the People long time to come. collection of all the articles of the Nation Lenin. 00. 00 Following is a list of issues mains the case victories like iation of the title Tsung Li, munist soldiers continue to make Meanwhile the Com and the New Republic, dealing with the three big trials what The Stalin School of Falwhich are available: AugustDecember 1934; July, August, those now being achieved in or Leader, previously held only the heaviest sacrifices while the confusion. No, they did not expect them! How could this have a panorama of narrowness, vanity, hypocrisy and above all of sification. 50. 50 southern Shantung will remain by Sun Yat sen, founder of the Stalinist leadership resolutely Whither France. Cloth. 75. 49 1935; October, 1935; December, 1935; February, 1936; April, only episodes instead of becom Chinese Republic.
happened? Yet, while they lack in perspicacity and a sense Lessons of October Cloth. 75. 49 1936; June, 1936.
ing real turning points in the prevents those sacrifices from of smell, they possess to the highest degree the feeling for self THE CASE OF LEON TROTSKY: ReFifteen issues were published battle for national liberation and The Congress also went through becoming politically meaningful preservation of the priestly caste. Thenceforth, their whole be port of the Hearings on the Charges prior to re issuan the maof the expulsion of the imperial a variety of sham motions with by covering over the sham dehavior was determined by concern with the obliteration of their made against him in the Moscow gazine in its present format.
ist invaders.
a view to democratizing the mocracy which the Kuomintang traces, that is, with seeing to it that the faithful remain unregime while leaving Chiang Trials (Dewey Commission) 617 pp. 00. 50 Where possible, copies of the Congress Seals Dictatorship four issues in the new format will power intact. People now claims to be introducing. aware of the fact that inside the oracle, all this time, were SERGE: Russia Twenty Years After. 50. 50 Council was created. It is to The episodie military turn made concealed not very farsighted priests. Theoretically, these be supplied as requested.
MEHRING: Karl Marx The Story of Extremely few details have be composed of 150 bureaucrat as a result of the victories at the Pharisees indignantly reject the principle: The end justifies His Life. 00. 98 been made available here so far ically chosen Kuomintang dele. Grand Canal will be transform Automatically discards those means that are unworthy of it.
the means, failing to understand that a great historical goal Prices include postage. Send for Book List SUBSCRIBE NOW TO congress held in Hankow last purely advisory. Chiang Kai shek offensive only if the broadest especially their own authority in the eyes of the simpletons, they THE SOCIALIST APPEAL LABOR BOOK SHOP 116 University Place correspondents of the capitalist The Communist Party, which movement is launched to stimu28 East 12th Street New York City are always ready to resort to artful dodges, and frame ups of press to indicate that the primary has now subordinated itself com late the masses.
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