AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismImperialismImperialist WarMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorking ClassZinoviev

April 16, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Mink, Notorious Agent, En Route To Mexico STALIN HIRELINGS RELEASEDAN BAL Where Is Juliet Poyntz, Missing Now For Year?
AIM FOR TROTSKY History Of Polish Undergoes Refurbishing Will Improve Panama Canal For War Uses SHARFIN, GARBER Where Is She?
SOVIET UNION NOTES Arthur Sharfin and Ossip Red Army and Navy Feel Effects Of PurgeGarber, New York Stalinists indicted recently by a Federal Jury New Party Elections To be Held on a charge of aiding in obtainTo Fill Vacant Posts ing the fraudulent passports used Tresca Links Disappearance To Agents Of By JOHN WRIGHT by Mr. and Mrs. Rubens, agents now in prison in Stalinists Maintain Tight lipped Silence Crisis in the Soviet Armed Forces (Continued from page 1)
Moscow, are at liberty under 1, 000 bail. No date has been set protest about most anything.
An extensive article on the critical condition of the Soviet and known in Paris as an employee of the had arrived in for trial, as the Federal officials Where is Juliet Stuart Poynta?
Juliet Poyntz own attorney, Mexico on an obscure mission.
armed forces resulting from Stalin decimation of the commandare waiting to arrest other per Carlo Tresca, the well known who may or may not have u.
Subsequent to his arrival, there came to Mexico a well known sons named in a sealed indiet anarchist leader, asks this ques connections, concealed the fact ing personnel, is contained in the Sotsialisticheski Vestnik, Stalinist spokesman, recently returned from Spain, where he ment returned by the same jury tion in the March issue of the of her disappearance for seven Menshevik organ published in Paris, of March 8, 1938. The fought the Spanish Civil War from a comfortable hotel room in which indicted the two Stalinist Modern Monthly. We have ask months. newspaper in New general staff of the Red Army has been wiped out. Marshal Barcelona, Captain Ralph Bates.
associates of the Robinsoned it before and intend to keep York learned of it by chance Tukhachevsky and seven members of the general staff were Only a few days ago, finally, we learned of the order given Rubens ring.
on asking it until an answer is while running down facts in the doomed by a tribunal of eight men: Alksnis, one of Voroshilov by the Communist Party in New York to a prominent fanatical Rumors are circulating in New forthcoming to clear up the mys Robinson Rubens mysfour deputies, head of the Air Corps; Shaposhnikov, head of the party member who served as Agitational Propaganda Director York that Rubens, before leaving tery of her sudden disappearance tery frame up when that story general staff; five commanders of military districts: Budenny, for the party in New Jersey and prior to that in Pittsburgh, for Moscow, made attempts to last year.
first broke into the news with Bluecher, Belov, Dybenko and Kashirin and the commander of that she leave immediately for work in Mexico.
contact liberal members of the Juliet Poyntx was for a full the arrest of the Rubens couple the Cossack cavalry corps, Gouachev. What has been the fate American Committee for the 15 years and more a prominent in Moscow late last year.
of the judges. Defense of Leon Trotsky. public figure in the activities of All the facts in the case, that Why Is Mink Going To Mexico?
All of them with the sole exception of Kashirin were deIn this connection it was recal the Communist Party of this is, all such facts as are known signated as candidates to the Supreme Council. All of them, Why this concentration on Mexico? Above all, why the led that when the Robinson country. In May, 1937, in con outside of Communist Party and the of Alksnis, were elected deputies, and aldispatch of the international assassin of the George Rubens case first broke in the versation with Carlo Tresca, circles, have been placed Mink?
press, a Hearst reporter inter whose personal friend she had by Carlo Tresca before a Federal most all of them have already been liquidated. Kashirin disapJULIET STUART POYNTZ viewed Dr. Horace Kallen, pro been for 20 years despite their Grand Jury. But Juliet Stuart peared last autumn. Alksnis was removed on the eve of the He can have but one mission: to murder Leon Trotsky.
fessor at the New School for political differences, she confes Poyntz is still missing, unac who klänapped her and where is elections. Dybenko, commander of the Leningrad District, and It has already been established officially by the Swiss police Social Research, suggesting that sed disgust with the Stalin recounted for.
she now? If she is dead, who Belov, commander of the White Russian district, both disapthat one of the escaped murderers of Ignace Reiss, who went Dr. Kallen might have been ac gime in Russia and with Brow Where is Juliet Stuart Poyntz, killed her?
peared after the elections, together with Kuibyshev, commander under the alias of Rossi, or Rous, but whose real name was quainted with Rubens because of der Communist Party. American agent and These questions cry aloud for of the Trans Caucasian district. Budenny and Bluecher have Roland Abbiatte, had in his room when it was raided a map of Kallen membership on the Had Reason to Fear onetime prominent member of answer. We shall keep on ask been under a cloud. Their names were not even mentioned in the Mexico City and its suburbs and a duplicate of his application American Committee Browder Communist Party? Is ing them until answers are forth dispatches issued in connection with the twentieth anniversary for a visa to visit Mexico. The purpose of his visit was un Kallen, as the Appeal stated The Stalinists in this country she alive or dead? If she is alive, coming.
of the Red Army. To the above names should be added that mistakable.
at the time, failed to identify knew of her attitude and had of Velikanov, commander of the Trans Baikal district who was So is the purpose of Mink visit!
the Rubens photographs of Ro reason to fear her because she binson Rubens, and denied all might disclose some of their secremoved after the elections. The same fate was suffered by The Stalin regime has cold bloodedly framed up and shot down knowledge of him.
the whole generation of Bolsheviks who made the October ReMezis, member of the White Russian Military Council, Ozolin Efforts to ret nefarious doings. For Juliet trace the new rumors to their Poyntx had quit public activity (Kharkov. and Apse (Trans Caucasia. Marshal Yegorov, volution possible. The veriest handful of them are still alive in source have thus far proved un in the Communist Party in 1934 Tukhachevsky successor who was elected deputy to the Supreme the Soviet Union and their days are numbered by the Borgias successful to become an agent of Stalin Council, has disappeared, together with thousands of other army in power. Only Leon Trotsky has thus far been out of Stalin G. According to Carlo Trecommanders.
sca, witnesses are available who Falsifiers Essay Task of Explaining Away All Past Now the long, blood stained arm of the is stretching Admirals Given Liquidation Order knew. her through her work as out across continent and sea to put an assassin bullet through Blunders and Failures of Party Leadership a agent. As late as The top personnel of the Navy has been even more seriously the heart of the great survivor of the October generation. 1936 she was seen in Moscow in affected. Orlov, one of the four vice commissars of defense and Let Stalin skulking gunmen bear this in mind. the company of George Mink, a head of the navy, was removed last fall. His successor, Victorov, By ERNEST ERBER We know their methods; we know their purpose; we know well known agent of the ski May coup etat in 1926 elected deputy to the Supreme Council, likewise disappeared.
their names.
and an equally well known mem One of the features that dis. the leaders of both factions did Ludri, head of the naval academy, and Sivkov, commander of And let them and above all, their chief bear this in mind, ber of Browder Communist tinguished the last Moscow Trial not take up an independent class the Baltic fleet since January, 1937, have also turned out to too: Party Mink served a jail sen from its predecessors was the attitude, but supported Pilsud fascist hirelings. Kireyev, appointed to command the Pacific tence in Denmark as a Soviet attempts paredestalin Vyshinsky ski.
The international proletariat has already fixed the responsfleet, was nominated as deputy to the Supreme Council but spy and then went to Spain, Yezhov to explain the programs ibility for any harm that will befall Leon Trotsky. The assassins never elected. Kozhanov, commander of the Baltic fleet, disapHow They Lied (Continued from page 1)
are known in advance. They will be judged accordingly.
where, according to Tresea, he of the Left Opposition and the struction of super battleships of directed and participated in the Bukharinists during the period Most humorous explanation peared last October and was replaced by Smirnov Sverlovsky, 45, 000 tons.
assassination of Camillo Berner of the open factional struggles of all is the following: In adwho did not last long even though he was elected deputy. The Puts Off Freedom same fate was suffered by Dushenov, head of the Northern fleet.
in Barcelona on May 6, 1937.
For War Vessels as having been merely a cover dition, leading members of both Disappearance of Juliet Poyntz for counter revolutionary aims. factions majority and minorOut of 22 high ranking officers in the army and navy who were elected last December to the Supreme Council, eight have For Philippine Islands. These wesels would not be able the line in some quarter or with By this method the whole history ity acting on the instructions already turned out to be enemies of the people.
at present, a fact which was one Schachno Epstein, alias Jo Soviet Union can be re written practice of deceiving the Com So grave is the situation that, as Vestnik points out, no troops (Continued from page 1)
amply demonstrated a few years seph Berson, who for a time was and all blunders and failures ex munist International. They fab were permitted to parade on the twentieth anniversary of the ago when Hood, largest editor of the Stalinist Dailyplained as the activities of spiericated data regarding the state Red Army.
ese influence in the islands was as the essential significance of Battleship of the British floet, Freiheit, afterwards becoming an and wreckers, disguised as fac of the party organizations, sent growing the Roosevelt Quezon move the just succeeded in passing through agent of Stalin G. tion leaders.
in inflated materials regarding Epstein was seen in New York Recent Developments in the Soviet Union Promise of Independence fact that for another 22 years the locks with a clearance of only It now seems that this method mass movements, exaggerated the On March 30, the Central Committee issued instructions for Roosevelt, viewing the Far the United States will have a few inches on either side wide in May, 1937, shortly before Ju is just as applicable to the prob. role of their respective factions movements, whereas Eastern scene and the Japanese direct interest in the Philippines the fact that the new construc eral witnesses. Trosca saw Ep tory of the various parties of actually these movements were the re election of all the leading organs of the Communist Party threat to American imperialist and responsibility for them. Con tion work on the canal is regard stein and Poyntz together at the the Communist International. led by honest rank and file Com of the Soviet Union. The elections are to be held in the period who were utterly sick between April and June 15. They will be secret except interests, considered it good sequently, they pointed out, the ed primarily as a war measure. end of that month, one week be. The current issue of the Communists for the posts of secretaries and the highest bodies such as prepolicy to grant the Philippines United States policy will be The Washington bureau of the fore Poyntz vanished. Epstein munist International contains and tired of the factional strugsidiums of locals and districts. When the returns come in, en ce site or remise en sudepend drawn toward the Far East in. United Press, in reporting the sailed for Europe on the liner the first attempt in this direc cle staged by the Defensiva.
The writer would be much the full scope of this latest purge in the party, camouflaged when the showdown of war came stead of stopping short just be scheme in special dispatch to Queen Mary on August 11, 1937. tion.
nearer the truth if he confessed as an election, will become evident.
the native ruling class of the yond Hawaii. New York Post, ly indicates its connection with Stalinists Keep Silent History Rewritten that the reports were in by Islands would side with Ame. April. the announced intention of the who lied in The linking of Epstein with In an article called Provoca party bureaucrats Pravda of March 23 comes out in favor of restoring corporal rican and not Japanese impe Roosevelt has, in effect, serv Roosevelt administration to lay the disappearance of Juliet tours at work, one of the present order to make their jobs secure, punishment in schools.
ed notice on Japan that dollar down the world biggest battle Poyntz has brought no protesta leaders of the Polish Communist and that the mass movement did Now comes the announcement imperialism intends to defend its ships.
that economic independence is territorial possessions in the Far Originally it was intended to dig Epstein or from Browder Com history of that organization. It tions whatsoever either from Party sets out to rewrite the not exist at all.
The article on the Polish The term ukase, notorious under the Czars, has been restored to good standing by Stalin. The Supreme Council is now to be postponed until 1960! The East. Independence for the Phi a new canal across Nicaragua at munist Party. In fact, they have now develops that the Polish no doubt, heralds the appearance point has not been lost on Wash lippines, as a gift from the an estimated cost of 1, 000 and maintained a silence which sus party has for years been led by all the sections of the comintern.
issuing ukases. The regime still eschews the use of the title ington observers. They believe United States, is an exploded goop canado suffocierely considers and sests guilty knowledge, especi. secret agents of the Defenziva, We can expect an article most between Roosevelt and Quezon fie Act was passed, the Marxists widest beam and deepest draft, ubility with which the Stalinists Pilsudski police organized by any day now describing how although deep to vessels of ally when one The appointment of new deputies indicates purges in the leaves unchanged the date for proclaimed it a myth, a political vessels in the battleship category.
ning Commission, Commissariat of Water Transport, CommisJuly 4, 1946 that date, too, overlords of the Islands which facilities of the Panama Canad that an offensive be launched. now blamed for the idiodiek ture into the Communist Party sent following departments: Soviet Control Commission, State Plansariat of Justice and the Northern Sea Route administration. Pravda, March 28 and 29. The Tydings McDuffie Act was in fact. Only two short years shipping. The decision to im first things to be learned by a raised during certain periods of Justice to stir up a faction fight to demoralize the membership never more than a sham.
No have been required to confirm prove the Panama Canal is now student of war strategy. The its history, particularly from and sell must 1929 to 1931. The author of the Smith and the Liberty League the party to Al Dispatch from Gorki: In the Molotov automotive plant, 1, 777 sooner was it passed than pro that estimate.
machines are awaiting shipment owing to the failure of the railpagandists for American impe The colonial slaves of the im more costly Nicaragua project. learn it, too if they are not to article says that they (the and how, thanks to the eternal be caught up in the toils of the Ispies) systematically distorted the road. considerable number of the machines are standing rialism began warning of the dire perialist robber states can never Offensive Aims Revealed imperialist war machine and line of the party in the attempt, vigilance of Comrade Browder, in a yard flooded with water. In the next few days it will be imeconomie consequences to the sain their freedom as a result possible to pull them out of the mud. Pravda, March 28. Philippines which would result of doals between their native As the war plans of the im made the unresisting instrument on the instructions of the De the party was saved for Roosefrom independence. In particular, exploiters (the bourgeois nation perialist government at Wash of the robber aims of their ex fenziva, to present the Polish velt and the Democratic Party.
they were able to point out that alists) and the bigger robbers ington take on ever wider scope, ploiters.
That the armaments of Political is ugly die hit as Workers Beginning To Drift, Disgusted, the abolition of tariff preferences across the seas. It is probably their offensive aims become which insure a duty free market true that the Philippines would clearer. The lie that the vast imperialism are to be used, the confidence of the From Communist Party Ranks Everywhere principal products of the Philip. imperialists in the United States are the ones will be used only to be used for imperiantis wobbly Polish Defenziva and Polish Increasing dissension within Members pines sugar, hemp, cocoanut relinquished its hold over them. defending the shores of the Unit wars and not for any idealistic fascism to say that the Commun bir would bring utter ruin to the This is the inescapable rate fed States and that impe ends such as preserving demo istimo vemont istealien to the the ranks of the Communist Party, a reprint from the so imately one third Ware directly Islands, since there would be weaker peoples in the present rialism retains only the most cracy or protecting the rights Polish people. Hence, the fact Party, accentuated by the most cialist Appeal of March 19, to from the Young Communist little possibility of placing them day world of imperialist free peaceful of intentions with re of weak nations, was made clear that the agents Provocateurs put recent Moscow trial and a grow. members and sympathizers League.
in the free, competitive markets booting.
gard to its rivals especially its by Major General Smedley forward il kinds of textreme ing realization of the betrayal attending a money raising con Typical of the attitude of the support great rival in the Pacific, Japan Butler in testimony last week beslogans like those imposed upon embodied under the guise number of Stalinists attempted from Stalinism is the statement to Roose cert held by the Stalinists. revolutionary youth breaking Against All Imperialisms is becoming more and more an fore the Senate Naval Affairs garrison by provocateur Panitz in of collective security is reto snatch copies of the leaflet of Larry a member of the the soldiers of the Warsaw velt war Bourgeoisie Crawls Committee But the road of freedom for exploded myth.
calling upon them to murder vealed by reports of desertions from the distributors State Cordell and dis for over four years and This propaganda worked. The the Philippines does not lie in Secretary of All for Wall Street their officers.
from the Stalinist camp coming covered, to their surprise, that formerly educational director for Filipino bourgeoisie, with Quezon the direction of preferring the Hull opposition to a stay atThis enfant terrible of the Factionalism a Crime to the Appeal from all over the many of their sympathizers dis the at City College.
approved such methods, while ing to Washington on all fours Japanese. Overthrow of the world or the establishment of a naval leathernecks, as reported in the The Polish like the Every locality where Stalin a few denounced such hooligan.
Attacks Policies record in tinued market in the United is the only road and the only warships should not operate, as he had used up 16 years while other parties of the Comintern, ism has a base among workers ism.
Citing his was beset with factional strug has its story of workers leaving One individual, who had the this young student disreported in last week Socialist in active service as an officer of gles under the international lead the either drifting away, Open Letter snatched from his misses contemptuously the StaStates after independence be hope.
came effective.
The exploited workers and ence should go into effect on Major Ernest Dupuy of the Oil tins. He added that he had since factional struggles are now the cynical hypocrisy of the Sta his lack of tolerance and insist ceeds to analyze the fundamental Even if Philippine independ equally revealing remarks of the world guarding Standard ership of Stalin Zinovies and disillusioned and disgusted, or hands by an ardent Stalinist, linist charge that he is an enemy peasants of the Philippines, how. schedule (July 4, 1946. the exever, take independence serious ploited masses ly. It is they who have supplied would be no freer, no more in. wick, New York City, before the which were missions largely in Party are attributed to Defenzi rests.
Speaking in the Hotel War tions, outside the United States, regarded as crimes in the Stalin. linist leadership and its brazen ed on reading the leaflet.
tern, the fights in the Polish betrayal of working class intepolicies of the Exposing Quezon with his mass following dependent. in reality than are the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Memo the interest of Wall Street.
Defy Discipline the real aims of collective seThese downtrodden masses know 300, 000, 000 Indian slaves of rial Post of the American Le. The gallant general never method resorted to by the Pilva agents. most important curity, he tells his former comKick Over Traces Out in the economic deprivation and the British imperialism under the gion on April 5, this spokesman thought to enlighten the people sudski clique in disorganizing Mishawaka, Indiana, rades that our support of this officials of the local Workers slogan can only mean lining up oppression which have been much vaunted India Constitution for the Army ridiculeck the mood of the United States concerning the Communist movement was secretary of the Socialist Work sen, well known militant who had war machine to defend American Comrade Widiek, labor Alliance invited Hugo Rasmus the workers on the side of the rialism since its seizure of the the India Constitution, was de United States either could or ditions while he was engaged in gle inside the communist Party ed a tour of the Eastern and ists, to speak at a mass meeting caused them by American impe. The Tydings Me Duffie Act, like tion that the armed forces of the the piratical nature of his expe the incitement of factional strug ers Party, who has just complet incurred the wrath of the Stalin Imperialism.
Islands from Spain forty years signed to enlist the native bour would be employed invariably in them. Today, retired, he can of land Polish Defenzi. Middle Western states, reports the officials, all members of the actually removes the last de My expulsion, he concludes, ask for cancellation of the inde ism, by giving the latter a greater a strictly defensive manner. blow off steam to the disconti va had its agents in both fac. that members now openly were taken pendence act without sacrificing share in the oppression and ex of War Strategy ture of the big army and navy tions, both in the majority and violate party strictures forbid state organizer of the party and from carrying on a struggle task by the terring factor which hinders me his own following. Nor could ploitation of the downtrodden men, who, in concert with the in the minority.
Roosevelt cancel the act without masses. Nothing more.
Adequate defense, he was re Wall Street financiers and the The Left Opposition severely meetings, and that it is a com of their meetings. They refused carry out this task it becomes ding attendance at Trotskyist instructed to keep Rasmussen out against capitalism and war. To risking an upheaval in the Islands. Hence the stratagem of only the ability to defend our capitalist press, are conspiring to condemned the criminal policies mon occurrence for Stalinists, to obey and have since left the necessary to unite with those postponing only economie inde SUBSCRIBE NOW TO selves but the strength to counter make the country war minded, of the Comintern in Poland in either singly or in groups, to forces that are today in this pendence.
attack. the theory of ade to dupe the masses into support. ported Pilsudski in his military to announce their break with the is most evident among the youth paign of the against the In New York City, the ferment struggle. The red baiting camquate defense, per se, is just aing the next piratical war expe coup. This is also explained to Warning to Japan of the 40 members recruited by so called Trotskyites does not THE SOCIALIST APPEAL theory and no wore. To be on dition which is being prepared at day by the Stalinist. historians, In Boston our comrades were the Young Peoples Socialist deter me from acting jointly The Washington observers see the defensive, necessity requires ever increasing speed.
who declare that during Pilsud distributing An Open Letter to League in the New York District with them. General.
ses in of of the world.
the of the Islands Army General Staff.