AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismKidnappingLeninLiberalismMussoliniProfinternSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Vol. II, No. 16 Saturday, April 16, 1938 Five Cents per Copy Unemployed 150. 000 FRENCH WORKERS OUT. Puts Off Mink, Well known Get No Lead ON STRIKE TO DEFY DALADIER Freedom For Assassin, Is At WAA Meet Philippines En Route To Mexico TROTSKY LIFE IS MENACED!
The collapse of the People NIPPON DRIVE BOGS DOWN IN CENTRAL CHINA LABOR PLAYING PENNSYLVANIA WILL IMPROVE PANAMA CANAL FOR WAR USE Threatens Workers Red Flag Flies Again Over Paris Factories As Workers Resist Reactionary Offensive; Convention Skirts Communists Vote For Daladier War Strategy In Orient All Issues Vital Causes Revision For Jobless swiftly spreading strike of more than 150, 000 work of Plans ers in the airplane, automobile, and motor factories around Notorious Stalinist Agent Proceeds South Via Paris was the immediate response of the French working One of the most significNEW YORK three day Galveston Served As Terror Chief talk fest in which anything and class to the formation of the cabinet of Edouard Daladier. ant of all the war moves of the Roosevelt administraFor In Spain everything but the pressing proSit down strikers in the Citroen plants were joined tion was revealed April blems of the unemployed victims in rapid succession by the 35, 000 workers in the Renault in the announcement from of capitalism was discussed and factories. Without awaiting orders from their unions or Washington that an agreedealt with this was the convention of the Workers Alliance parties workers in one plant after another joined in the ment had been reached betof Greater New York held at the movement for defense of the workers livelihood from ween President Roosevelt Hippodrome last week.
By MAX SHACHTMAN and Manual Quezon, Held tightly in the bureaucratic the open capitalist offensive.
president of the Philippine An international assassin is en route to Mexico.
control of the Stalinists and their Floodgates Open Commonwealth, whereby the He sailed early this week from the port of Galveston, Texas, stooges, the convention was comeconomic independence of for the port of Vera Cruz, Mexico, to carry out the mission pelled to listen to dull and the Philippine Islands will assigned to him by his gangster overlords: TO ORGANIZE THE lengthy People Front speeches Front on the parliamentary field be postponed until 1960, and to spend an even longer time has opened once more the floodMURDER OF LEON TROTSKY.
that is, 22 years hence.
in debating a raise in membergates of proletarian activity.
The announcement followed In this country he is known to certain circles by the name of ship dues. No time whatsoever While Daladier, touted as the hard upon the statement of Col.
George Mink known to the Philadelphia police as a petty larceny was allowed for diseussion on strong man in the present Theodore Roosevelt, former gocrook subsequently known to the workers on New York water. resolutions, the urgent crisis, seeks to break the strikes vernor general of the Islands front as the financially well heeled boss of the Hate Marine question of relief, or future poagain by arbitration, the new (reported in last week SocialWorkers Industrial Union organized nine years ago by the licies. Resolutions on these and wave has every possibility of ist Appeal) that when the IsCommunist Party.
other vital matters were refergrowing into a movement comlands gained their independence red to the new joint board withparable to that which in June, Chiang Kai shek Given their seizure by Japan was a Worried In Moscow out being discussed or even seen 1986, stopped practically every certainty.
by the delegates.
Absolute Powers wheel in French industry, PREMIER DALADIER In Moscow, after the inevitable collapse of his Union, he LaGuardia Advice After two years of futile Concession to Bourgeoisie By Congress People Front governments the was known as an associate of Juliet Stuart Poyntz in the Red In 1936, the Tydings McDuffie International of Labor Unions (the profintern. where he First of all, the convention workers are once again face to listened to Mayor LaGuardia.
worked in reality as an agent of the especially charged face with the economic and poli. Japan imperialist drive into independence by July 4, 1946.
Act gave a promise of Filipino LEON TROTSKY with surveillance over American communists and other visitors The only advice the Little tical impasse which provoked Central China has been checked Roosevelt placed the act on the Flower could offer the unemto Moscow hotels. He is a relative by marriage of the Stalinist that great strike wave two years north of Hsuchow, the strategic statute book, against the oppochief. Arnold Lozovsky, head of the Red International of Labor ployed representatives was this: ago. Now they are freed from junction of the Tientein Pukow sition of the more rabid impe If you want something just the blackmailing of their own and Lunghai railroads which is rialists in the government, with Unions prior to its dissolution.
come to me, but don picket.
government. They can feel free the key to the Central China the aid of the powerful American In 1935, the New York Times reported in a dispatch dated This set the tone. Sam Wiseto present their demands with plain.
from Copenhagen, Denmark, July 30, that two Americans, man, secretary treasurer of the Chinese troops massed along sugar interests which have heavy George Mink and Nicholas Sherman, arrested two months ago Alliance, then proceeded to read whole weight of their revolution the north bank of the Grand investments in the Cuban plantawere condemned today to eighteen months in prison under the ary methods of struggle into the Canal have not only succeeded in These slavers of the Carib People Front speech. 31 accusation of espionage. The two had been apprehended in pages of it although this sheaf Lewis Sets Out To Take social balance. They understand checking the Japanese advance bean, vicious exploiters of the Denmark for their espionage activities in behalf of the of Stalinist wisdom had already Over Democratic been handed to the delegates in transition to a national and forced the invaders to re comed the Philippine indepen. 200, 000, 000 Voted for himself upon the secret investigations of the anarcho syndicals More recently, we learn from the charges made by Carla mimeographed form. This proTresca, editor of the anarchist weekly Il Martello. who bases Party Machine union regime and that such a treat northward.
ceeding occupied, with asides, a regime will mean a pitiless atAgainst Great Odds end to the duty free entry of Widening; Nicaragua ists in Spain, Mink was engaged for more than a year in work.
full four hours. Wiseman called Repudiation by the of tack on their political rights and Philippinesugar into the United on the unemployed to support of the slate entered in the living standards. These they are These victories coming after States. Passage of the act was Plan Dropped ing as head of the murderous in Barcelona, where, LaGuardia, but in the dulcet Pennsylvania Democratic pri prepared to defend.
the loss of the northern provinces thus la valuable economie conunder the name of Alfred Herz, he and his agents were instrutones of a good People Fronter maries by Labor Non Partisan Accord With Rome Looms and the coast to below Shanghai cession to the imperialist sugar mental in organizing the arrest and assassination of literally, gently chided the mayor for hav League and the ngain testify to the enduring power interests. But its primary imporOutstanding among the latest hundreds of militant anarchists, members of the and ing made a 10 per cent cut in underlined the disastrous futility Internally the Daladier regime and fighting capacity of the tance lay in the fact that it was war preparation moves of the of the Fourth International.
relief recently.
of labor attempts to play ca represents a transition to na Chinese soldiery who are engage a political concession to the Roosevelt administration is the LaGuardia police, he noted, pitalist politics. The of tional union. In the domain of ed in a terrific struggle in which bourgeois nationalist movement plan, announced from WashingHe Killed Berneri arrested only 100 mem action last week completed the foreign policy it will begin to all the odds provided by superior in the Philippines.
ton last week, to spend 200, 000, It was Herz and his assistant, Herman (Nicholas Sherbers in the last six months as picture of confusion in this sig shift France in the direction al arms and equipment are against Japan was at that time already 000 on the expansion and improcompared with 1, 000 in the same nificant political struggle. ready blazed by Britain agree them.
man. who organized the foul assassination of the noble Italian engaged in its march toward avement of the Panama Canal.
perioda year The powerful trade union movement with Mussolini, and after But the course of the war continental empire. Publication This plan, which calls for the anarchist leader in Barcelona, Camillo Berneri and his comrade not that we ment of heavily industrialized him, Hitler, and abandonment of against the Japanese imperialist of Baron Tanaka memorandum construction on previously of a new lock, Barbieri.
arrest, he was careful to add. Pennsylvania provides the basis the Soviet Union to its own de invaders like the fight against had made it clear that the Phi dredgings, and other improve It was Mink, whose description tallies fully in every detail Democratic Processes for the rapid development of invices and to Hitler designs. Franco in Spain is not deter lippines were among the terri ments which will allow of the with that of Herr, who told the wounded English militiaman, dependent working class political Despite this the Socialists and mined by military considerations tories marked down as prey by passage of larger ships, ties in Parker, on April 31, 1937 the very eve of the famous May into And, of course, the unemploy action. Instead of building firmly Communists came the alone. The Chinese armies are the Japanese imperialists. Japan closely with the projected con events in Barcelona that in a few days we re going to get ed should support Roosevelt, al upon this class basis, Lewis and (Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 3) Moulin and all the other goddamned Trotskyists. Shortly therethough the peace loving pres the other leaders of Labor after, our comrade Moulin, leader of the Fourth Internationalists ident is not quite perfect. Col Non Partisan League set out to in Catalonia, disappeared and has not been heard of since.
lective security, as was only to capture the Democratie party It was Mink who was known throughout Barcelona as the man directly responsible for the arrest of John MeNair, reprecent Stalinist. His next big point class consciousness of the worksentative in Spain of the Independent Labor Party of England.
was a threat to outlaw the Pro ers by keeping them tied in the It was Mink Herz who was responsible for the disappear.
gressive group.
net of capitalist polities.
ance and probable kidnapping to Moscow of Mare Rein, son of Stalinist democracy began operating in all its nakedness Roosevelt Steers Clear Rafael Abramovich, Menshevik member of the Bureau of the Second International, and of Erwin Wolf, former secretary to immediately after the conclusion Lewis demanded a place on the of Wiseman long drawn out regular Democratic slate for The Nation and the New Republic are now playing the sorriest is incomparably more suitable to the democratic oracles than Leon Trotsky.
speech. motion was carried Thomas Ken and most ignoble role in the American press. These journals was the revolutionary party of Lenin. Just as in the past they It was Mink. Herz who, under the direction of Soviet forbidding the distribution to de ident of the United Mine Work lay claim to the role of oracles of liberal public opinion. They did not understand the laws of the revolution, so today they do Consul General Antonov Ovseyenko, carried on a reign of terror legates of any resolutions or ers and present lieutenant have no ideas of their own. The social crisis that began in 1929 not understand the laws of reaction. They hoped that the bureau against all those militants who refused to bow to the totalitarian leaflets not approved by the ad governor of Pennsylvania. Go and caught the liberals unaware compelled them to cling to cracy, not without their benevolent cooperation, would become power of Stalinism in Spain.
ministration. This motion, aim vernor Earle, New Deal stalwart the like a saving anchor. In popularizing the successes increasingly respectable and human. Faith in uninterrupted ed at the Progressives, compel and leader of the Democratic of the planning principle and in the cautious counterpoising of and automatic progress has not been extirpated, to the present Preceded By Other Agents led the latter, and others as well, party in Pennsylvania, refused. this principle to capitalist anarchy, these gentlemen temporarily to hand copies of their resolu The dispute was carried right up day, from the heads of these people. They have been unable Now this murderous thug is on his way to Mexico, and when tions to their fellow delegates to the White House, but Roosefound a mission. They had absolutely no independent program to draw any conclusions at all even from the fact that the this appears in print, will probably have arrived in the capital, outside the convention hall.
of action for the United States; but for that, they were able velt, playing safe, washed his democratic petty bourgeoisie, whose flesh of the flesh they are, where Leon Trotsky and his wife have been granted an asylum hands and declined to intervene.
to cover up their own muddleheadedness with an idealized image transformed itself in a few years in Germany into an army of Lasser On Roosevelt which has proved to be a bone in the throat of the Kremlin Earle stood by his refusal; of the fascism. They were even less capable of understanding the frame up camarilla.
David Lasser, national pres and, after a few days hesitaIn fact, the friendship with Moscow signified the reconciliamalignant evolution of the Stalinist bureaucracy.
Mink has been preceded by a number of other Stalinist agents.
ident, and Herbert Benjamin, tion, Lewis decided to run an op tion of bourgeois liberalism with the bureaucracy which had national LOGIC OF CLASS STRUGGLE More than a month ago we made public the fact, transmitted secretary, following position slate in the primaries. strangled the October Revolution. The more extensive the prito us from France, that certain Georges Fournial, member of Wiseman example, spoke at Kennedy was put up for the se vileges of the new leading stratum became, and the more congreat length. Lasser outlined a natorial post. After a week more Lamentable indeed is he who, in the great turns of history, the notorious Stalinist International of Educational Workers servative it grew in the defense of its privileges the greater national program for the Alliance of jockeying around, the notoriconfines himself to empirical conjecture instead of penetrating (Continued on page 3)
became the number of its friends among the bourgeois intelwhich contained many good ous Guffey, already at odds with lectuals and the liberals, snobs who keep up with the vogue into the imminent logic of the class struggle. In the psychological points, but he smeared it with the Earle group, threw his own sense, the defendants were merely instruments in the hands Twelve SWPers Injured By praise of, and a call for reliance machine behind the Kennedy Duranty and Louis Fischer, downright sycophants of the Soviet of the day. The inspirers of this state of mind became Walter of the Inquisition. In the historical sense, the Inquisitupon, the Roosevelt administra slate.
tion, finishing up with a plea for or, Stalin, is merely an instrument in the hands of the bureauoligarchy. Under their guidance, small minded professors, meThus, Pennsylvania labor, inunity and democracy.
Hoodlum Attack In Chicago cracy which has landed in a blind alley. The bureaucracy itself diocre poets, lawyers who had not succeeded in attaining prostead of getting a chance to prois merely an instrument of the pressure of world imperialism.
Jerry Benton and Moe Howard mote its own class interests, is minence, bored widows, and ordinary lonesome ladies, seriously reported for the Unemployed being offered the old choice betbegan to take their friendship with the Soviet Embassy in The Soviet masses hate the bureaucracy. World imperialism and divisions. In discus ween two sets of capitalist maregards it as a tool that has outlived its usefulness and makes Washington for service in the interests of the October RevoluCHICAGO organized ber, and Red Kruck, hoodlum sing the reports, delegate from (Continued on page 2) tion. Many of them displayed a readiness to defend the Soviet preparations to overturn it. The bureaucracy seeks to dupe the gang of Stalinists carried out a sympathizer of the the Harlem, taking the red baiting Union to the last drop of blood. not theirs, to be sure, but masses. It seeks to dupe world imperialism. It lies on both fronts. planned attack against members gang ordered the and cue already given by Wiseman, that of the Trotskyists.
So that the truth shall not filter out past the frontier nor filter of the Socialist Workers Party members off the streets, launched into a denunciation of Plenum of into the country from abroad, the bureaucracy allows only re and the Young Peoples Socialist seized their remaining leaflets, the Trotskyist disrupters in REED AND. DURANTY Postponed One Week liable people to enter or leave the country.
League distributing leaflets a and proceeded to beat them up her local.
Shortly thereafter Rhoda PearIn the heroic epoch of the revolution, the representative of It surrounds the Soviet Union with a border patrol palisade block away from Earl Browder men and women impartially.
such as the world has never seen and with a countless pack of meeting in Chicago last Wednes. Not satisfied with playing son, a leading Progressive, took The Plenum of the National American public opinion in Moscow was John Reed. At that time, day and succeeded in injuring 12 the role of a volunteer capitalist (Continued on page 4)
police dogs.
of the distributors.
the floor to expose a case of Walter Duranty was located in Riga, working as professional police force, when the uniformed Committee of the Socialist rank discrimination against a Workers Party has been postcalumniator of the revolution and of its leaders. In later years, After having listened for two police arrived the Stalinists worker on a white collar project the 4th Internationponed from April 15 to the Duranty became the principal link between the Soviet bureau Duranty, in spite of his genuine Anglo Saxon soul, hours to Browder exhortations pointed who committed the error of not to the people to rally to the alists to them and demanded that following week, and will open cracy and liberal public opinion in the United States. The participater in the Moscow frame ups in a strictly planful following the Communist Party Friday, April 22. The change manner, side by side with the judges, the prosecutor, the defend. support of democracy. over 60 they be arrested.
moral contrast between John Reed and Walter Duranty well ants, and in general with people who have a Russian soul. Stalinist hoodlums systematical. The Open Letter was read line. This project is run on strict in date was necessary in order reflects the political antagonism between Bolshevism and Stalin However, Durantv was not even confronted with the necessity Stalinist totalitarian lines. Disly attacked and beat up the 4th avidly by workers who had atto permit a fuller attendance to choose ism. If the editors of the Nation and the New Republic tax their day between life and death. His colleague, Mr.
agree with Browder latest fad of National Committee memHarbora Denny Internationalists, who were dis tended the Browder meeting and soul, and out you go, while the union bers than would have been posingenuity to avoid an understanding of this antagonism, it is even if not of very large dimensions, has speedily adapted himtributing copies of the Open witnessed the attack. Many of stands to one side and applauds.
because such petty tradesmen in lies as Duranty and Louis sible earlier. The anti war Letter to the Communist Party the leaflets which had fallen to to the totalitarian regime. Faced with the need of choosing printed in the Socialist Appeal the pavement in the melee ware self Fischer are incomparably closer to them in spirit than the heroic No sooner had Rhoda Pearson mass rally at the Center Hotel, mentioned the sacred name of John Reed.
Friday, April 14, will be held ingly took his stand with the sandwiches and Vyshinsky. It is of March 19.
picked up by workers who have (Continued on page 2)
Led by Claude Lightfoot, pro ideas of their own about demo.
as scheduled.
Is it surprising that the present bureaucracy of the Kremlin creatures of his stripe who are the source of inspiration for liberal public opinion.
minent Communist Party mem. cracy.
have been expected, loomed large in Pennsylvania. that is, they Leon Trotsky THE PRIESTS OF HALF TRUTH An