BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerImperialismInvasionLeninMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL April 9, 1938 LETTER FROM CHINA Becomes Cog In Roosevelt Machine was to the Gerson of 1936. If a Stalinist is Socialist Appeal still able to feel embarrassment, the face Vol. IL. No. 15. Saturday, April 9, 1938 of the 1938 Gerson must be awfully red.
Published every week by the Beg pardon yellow!
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Following is the second and not fight in cold weather.
Reorganization Bill two instructions. 1) Attack the concluding installment of a letter Now the mood of the soldiers Trotskyite bandits. 2) preTelephones: Local Office: Gramercy 9142 National Office: Algonquin 8547 After passage by the narrow margin received from a Chinese com is well known to Chiang Kai pare the seventh congress of the rade in Shanghai, describing the shek. He realizes more than the Chinese Communist Party (the (Continued from page 1) Sheppard May Bill by having Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for of 49 42 in the Senate, the debate over present situation in China. The others that continuance of the sixth took place in 1928. workers representatives taken months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order the bitterly contested Reorganization first installment appeared in last war, in view of the passivity of was this accidental. Senator into partnership in the conduct cents per copy. Single copies cents. Bill has been transferred to the House week issue of the Socialist the Britain and the Stalinist Slanders Protested Victor Lawson, chairman of the of the war!
All checks and money orders should be made of Representatives. Present indications Appeal. Ed. is impossible. But to platform committee, stated that out to the Socialist Appeal.
Stand On Relief So far as know, the shame the peace plank had taken are that it will carry the House in an At first sight, the present si end the war now is also quite Entered as second class matter September 1, The platform committee had amended and modified form, and be tuation is quite difficult to under impossible, for (1) the Japanese ful slander of the Stalinists has longest to prepare of the whole 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, sent to conference within the next few Chiang Kai shek, against the wind tirement from polities and to them the sympathy of many curate index of the war line of the Minneapolis labor movement, stand, for, on the one hand, insist on Chiang Kai shek re won them nothing, but has lost platform; it is therefore an ae before it the relief demands of under the Act of March 3, 1879.
but instead brought in a per.
of all other leaders, takes a de Chiang own army has been a progressive intellectuals. Pub. the party leadership.
At the height of the anti war funetory plank providing for MAX SHACHTMAN The fight over the Reorganization cided stand in favor of continu but destroyed in the battles near lieation of a story in their daily Editor.
Bill has stepped far beyond the halls of ing the war, while on the other Shanghai and by the mass de stating that our comrades in sentiment against the Naval Ap continuation of and reHsuchow had organized hundreds propriations Bill, HAROLD ROBERTS there was a lief. No mention of the pauper FRANK GRAVES hand Kung, who was op sertions at Nanking.
Congress. Spurred on by raging editoriAssociate Editors.
posed to the war from the very Chiang Danger of peasants to serve as plain temporary cleavage between the oath, of unionization, of union als and stormy radio demagogy, a flood clothes troops of the Japanese openly pro war Stalinists and rates on etc. Walter BOB BROWNE beginning, is made president of of telegrams, letters, petitions, delega the reorganized Executive Yuan, If peace were to be concluded imperialists, caused many Com the semi pacifist Benson wing. Frank, himself a Benson man, Business Manager.
tions is swamping Washington. All the with Gen. Chang Chun, notor now, the Kuomintang govern munist Party sympathizers to Under strong pressure from the speaking for the Minneapolis mighty pressure, direct and indirect, of Gerson, Meet Gerson! the Administration is being marshalled president. Both appointments are Kiwangeres, incluindo other webit: Hankow office of the Eighth sota, the Farmer Labor delega ed short shrift in an attempt to ary forcesincluding the Eighth against the opposition.
tulation to Japan.
Route Army. Since the commence The Eighth Route Army still Roosevelt administration on the being voted down by the train ment of hostilities both the This is by way of an invitation to Si Nothing in the bill itself can explain floor leaders took mon Gerson, a member of Browder the passions which have been aroused explained by the contewing facts forces of the Kwangsi clique and eat a cmenthly subsidy of 800, war question, and therefore into ea sealsed down only thing to of the Eighth Route Army have from Chiang Kai shek. Numeri lies.
fright at the reception this plank Communist Party who not long ago se over it. Its recommendations, particuContinuance of the war is im been greatly strengthened. cally, this army has increased But in the last few weeks it would get in the imions, that cured, and still holds, a comfortable posi larly in their now amended form, have possible. In my journeyings over Chiang Kai shek present po greatly, since it has not yet wag, has become clear that the two Frank was called back to make tion as assistant to Borough President been commonplaces in Washington for the various war fronts found sition may therefore be described any heavy battles against the groups have patched up their dif his motion again. It was then Stanley Isaacs of Manhattan. We invite a decade. Hoover, especially, advocated war. All classes, from workers, the time for capitulation has ginning of the war, its prestige been developed to enable the had voted it down a few minutes the Gerson of 1938, an adept in crooning them both while a cabinet officer and support earlier! But that this was pure The Star Spangled Banner, to meet while president: a fact which is now to the petty bourgeois masses considered ripe? When Chiang its prestige is declining, because Roosevelt in essence and yet to lip service made clear the Gerson of 1936.
causing him not a little embarrassment. and the bourgeoisie, desire peace. twenty new mechanized divisions of the bureaucratic regime in prevent a collision with the anti when Frank and others tried to In 1936 so long ago that he may posIt is true that the bill, under the guise creased difficulties of living, but ed in Hunan province, are estab the passivity of the line was enunciated on the floor amendments, providing for a sibly have forgotten it Gerson thought, of efficiency and coordination, increases none of them show any fear of lished. or pretended to think, very little of extowards China struggle.
the concentration of power in the hands becoming slaves without When that time arrives, Chiang few months ago, about 100, John Bernard in the Naval Bill special session of the state le radicals who became pensioners of the of the executive, thus exhibiting the uni country. They do not care very will continue the war against 000 revolutionary youth went to debate on March 16.
gislature to deal with relief, etc.
LaGuardia Fusion administration. In fact versal tendency of bourgeois democracy the Kuomintang or the Japanese only if the international situa cupied by the Eighth Route Army victory northern Shensi (territory ocAll such amendments were votBernard At Work they made Gerson highly indignant. in its days of decay and breakdown. It militarists. Their demand is for tion has changed in China favor. Ed. but during the past few for the record, Bernard and ed down in short order.
Thus in the Daily Worker of May 10 is this which justifies the negative votes food.
Otherwise, with his new army weeks many of them have to the other Farmer Labor congressSupport Supreme Court in that year of grace, when Gerson and of the two Farmer Labor senators.
guaranteeing his superiority over turned, disillusioned by the bu men recorded themselves against his friends still fancied themselves as Lesson From History The conservative, not to say reIronically enough, however, the outother military cliques, he will reaucratic control of the Eighth the bill, but Bernard as their actionary, tone of the convention Reds (at any rate, pinks. we find standing proposal of the bill elimina recall what happened during make peace with Japan. The Route Army. The outlook for this spokesman devoted himself to a was indicated by the debate and in his column, Civic Virtue. tion of the comptroller general, and sub the German invasion of the latter alternative, in my opinion, army is not brighton Having defense of Roosevelt main vote on the proposal of Robley This is a column about has beens stitution of an auditor general who has been radicals now occupying posts would be an officer of Congress on and plebeians of Rome even wel Chiang takes a strong attitude cial program, it can be no longer policy, going so far as to declare Cramer, editor of the Minneapolis in the LaGuardia administration. They re comed the barbarian invaders. in form, but in fact is quite dis distinguished from the armies of that the suggestion that he Labor Review, to include in the the whole increases rather than lessens This attitude originates, in part, posed to compromise. the Kuomintang. Soon its revolu aggression is a vicious slander. and state legislatures to repud(Roosevelt) contemplates foreign platform a call upon Congress a rather sad lot, these radicals who have the control of Congress over expendi from the political backwardness tionary authority will be compMasses Feared In the same spirit, the conveniate the right of the Suptasted of the political fleshpots and of the toilers. More importantly, tures.
letely exhausted.
tion platform recorded itself reme Court to veto leglislation.
found them sweet. Many know better But, in any case, it is not the organiz it proves that the national strug The Kuomintang still fears a gele cannot abolish the class strugrising of the masses more than Regroupment Begins against increased armament, but Let not tear down everything.
and frequently feel uncomfortable. The was silent on Roosevelt motiva. cried the spokesman for the ational measures in the bill which are in gle. It is unfortunate that the it fears the Japanese invaders.
social conscience is willing, but the flesh Another reality the focus of the fight. As always Japanese militarists are Within the Eighth Route Army tion for expansion of war arma platform committee.
wiser All mass organizations are ob a regroupment has begun. Many ment. The peace plank advocates spokesman declared we wanted is weak. Most of them try to justify in crucial political issues, questions of than the theoreticians of the liged to register with and sub revolutionary elements, led by cooperation with all forces se judges influenced by neither their present situations to themselves with all sorts of quaint theories.
organization are subordinated to under. Stalinists trail at the heels of Group, that is, the Sixth Depart: Chien Famous as commanders by Bernard definition and the pondence of the will of the monde Stalinist international. While the mit to the control of the Chang Kuo tao and Hsiu Hsiang nuinely seeking peace (which money nor votes as if index Assuming Gerson to have been sinThe problem is not whether to or that the hungry toilers fight for Commission. All partisan troops it was known as the Red Army Roosevelt. favors nationaliza cap it all, the convention voted cere which in the light of his subse ganize efficiently. but, who is to do the national independence without and political training depart. Ed. openly opposed the new tion of all war munition plants to delete a previously adopted quent record we would hardly be en organizing, and for what?
struggling to improve their livements in the army are dominat. Stalinist policy of capitulation to that hoary demagogie slogan amendment providing for elect titled to do Gerson did not think much fight here thus takes its place as of the La Guardia administration in a further development of the contest some rice and a little money to Group. Political prisoners ternal struggle, Chang Kuo tao not all capitalists but only the back to the position for appointthose days. He thought still less of the over the court bill last spring, over the has been radicals serving it and going tances, how can the toilers be only those fortunate enough to tung, but the influence of the calls for prohibition of sales to being to reduce their terms from wages and hours bill in the special ses expected to risk their heads for have been imprisoned in such big opposition which he led (not by aggressor warring nations life to. ten years!
along with measures such as the sales sion, and over the anti lynching bill both the sake of empty national cities as Nanking and Hankow, any means Trotskyist) is still thereby enabling the governA Packed Convention tax and the beating of unemployed de in the special session and in January.
or in places close to the fighting growing. Just because of this, ment to choose sides in any war monstrators.
As in the other contests, the New Deal hai there has never been a serious Kuomintang and the Communist the anti Trotskyist campaign in Farmer Labor Party. digs up Farmer Labor State Committee Since the retreat from Shang fronts. Relations between the Wang Ming and his cohorts need with the prior benediction of the Demands presented to the Such social conscience as they have forces are aligned against a coalition of battle waged by the left, he declared, dictates that they cry most of the Republicans plus the right soldiers. This was written offices of the Eighth Route Army of the Chinese Communist Party. American Legion, draft wealth polis Board of Union Business out against these things. In his heart of wing, chiefly the southern, Democrats. prior to the commencement of in the big cities are legalized. If the war of resistance hearts your ex radical in the administra The struggle over each succeeding issue the great battle now raging in Organizations of the Communist continued without a revolution bit of demagogy which is being tion of the trade unions at the tion knows that were he not a La Guar hardens the coalition, and drives the Central China for control of the Party in various cities are still ary social program, that is, if employed to make more palat. convention were ignored. Unions dia jobholder he be protesting these wedge ever deeper between the two morale of the Chinese troops legally, except in the territory cipation is not linked with the Lunghai Railway, in which the obliged to exist secretly and il the struggle for national eman able the Sheppard May Bill. were limited to a single vote Actually, the proposal to draft each while paper organizations infamies.
seems to have been at least tem occupied by the Eighth Route struggle for a better life for the wealth is a transition to open and petty bourgeois ward clubs We do not for a moment suppose so As has been repeatedly stressed in cial conscience is troubling Gerson any these columns, this development is the the soldiers throw away their Wang Ming and chou En lai. Route de temps ihane made her the rection was taken by the Mareh delegates present, 400 were from of guns, such doomed to failure and the Eighth of more than it did the has been radicals most momentous in American politics of rifles and desert. Their only enjoy full democratic rights.
about whom Gerson wrote so feelingly the past eighty years. It would be abPolitical leaders of various 26 issue of the Farmer Labor Stalinist. controlled St. Louis thought is to secure some money The Stalinists have founded a groups, from the Kuomintang to Leader, which featured the pro County, casting one eighth vote two years ago. Having himself tasted surd to become lost in the abstract me and civilian clothes so that they daily paper in Hankow, the Hsin the Communist Party and the posal of Howard y. Williams each. Yet all votes were viva the political fleshpots and found them rits of specific bills under consideration. may run back home. report Hwa Jih Pao, which devotes National Salvation Association. vice chairman of the conven voce! Every voice was heard exsweet, he feels constrained to silence re We are witnessing the dissolution of this by no means in order to much of its space to attacking blame everything on the back. tion) for democratising the cept the voice of labor.
garding the present day infamies of the the traditional capitalist party line ups. In order to give you a real pie slanders the Chinese Fourth In masses. These gentlemen forget National Committee Plenum LaGuardia administration, justifying his The process has now gone so far that position with all those quaint theories nothing short of the outbreak or immethe soldiers who especially dogs of Japanese imperialism. masses are too hungry and too summed up in People (pardon Demo diate threat of war and perhaps not those provisioned by the pro This anti Trotskyist campaign cold to be able to comprehend Meeting In Next Week cratic. Frontism.
even that can stop it from maturing vincial warlords are so poorly was started by Wang Ming, who the ideology of the national strugWe introduce the Gerson of 1938 provisioned and have such miser arrived in Hankow from Moscow gle. They can fight for the na before the next presidential election. ably thin clothing that they can six week ago, bringing with him tion only when they are sure NEW YORK full meeting Street, will be held Thursday that they will be fighting at the of the National Committee of the evening, April 14, as a prelimindangered by an incautious or aries of his capitalist regime, people, they find not single of their own livelihood. friend place here from April 15 to 18 in All branch meetings and other same time for the improvement Socialist Workers Party will take ary to the National Committee violent move. Moreover, the Ame Cardenas has at his disposal only word to say. They tremble for of mine very aptly summed up order to review the work rican oil investments are mostly a limited range of maneuvers only one reason: they fear that the present situation when he three months since the founding being called off, so that the mem the party activities for April 14 are of ancient date, long since re with rival imperialisms. The Hull economie war will weaken said: The Japanese invaders will convention of the party in Chi bers of Local New York can turn paid by fabulous profits.
Rickett deal would give him a and isolate the influence of Ame: be welcomed by the people once cago and to take up the vital out for the mass meeting in full British Are Losers certain breathing spell. But, at rican democracy (read: colonial they stop looting and ravaging matters currently facing the force.
the same time, it shows that the exploitation) Latin American women in the regions which they party and the working class.
detachments of organized work(Continued from page 1)
Among the speakers will be The real losses are suffered national bourgeoisie of a semi affairs as a factor for promoting occupy.
ers throughout the country were by the British competitors, who colonial country, when it The agenda will include Labor James Cannon, National Secad peace (that the maintenance Party developments, trade union retary of the and Max being armed and trained by army have made recent investments. vances two steps in its anti of American imperialism. It will Kuomintang Criticized problems, and the war crisis, with Shachtman, editor of the Socialtionaries of the State Depart. officers. On the other hand, the Roosevelt has no inclination to imperialist struggle, must im aid the German, Italian and ment, who originally intended to their holy war, were busily at fire. And the last resort a civil leaning upon another foreign and encourage them to proceed movement has arisen in Wuhan in this country and the tasks of on the Mexican crisis revolving To some extent, the democratie tactics in the anti war struggle Mexico, one of whom will report particular emphasis on specific ist Appeal, just returned from confine theres economice reprisars, work disrupting the workers war for exelusively or interna financial group: It remains to more boldly in Central America (Hankow. in analyzing the Fourth Internationalists through around the expropriation of the fascist reasons still remains in Rocke be seen whether the oil rivalries and South America along the reasons for military defeats out the world.
Some of the ses oil fields. Other speakers will were frightened by the perspect ranks, and arming ive of unwanted consequences. reaction.
feller pocket. American arms operating behind the scenes will path undertaken in Brazil.
rupture of diplomatic relations, Cardenas Was Willing for the Mexican reaction conti precipitate new internal upheav. They merely forget to mention the Kuomintang regime. The idea of the and the Farrell Dobbs, of Minneapolis, anti American. warlike mea.
rue to flow over the Rio Grande, als in Mexico.
that Roosevelt has, in the mean that war is the continuation of Details will be announced Inter. and Widick, Labor Secretpures, civil strife, which might Cardenas was all the more. Another factor has undoubted Effect On Workers time, succeeded in buying back polities by other means is behave impaired. American rela willing to ease the tension by ly played ary of the party who has just certain role in the Mass Meeting Scheduled the Brazilian pupil of Mussolini ginning to be understood by many completed a two months tour tions with other Latin American an exchange of diplomatic com verbal retreat of the State De From the point of view of the and Hitler with thoroughly de progressive elements. At the countries. undoing. pa pliments since his efforts are partment. The apparently suc proletarian revolution, the oil ex moeratie and peaceful dollars. large mass meeting at the through the East and the Middle tient effort. in developing the directed toward confining the cessful negotiations between the propriations are of two fold imolutionists had the mistaken idea Hotel Center, 108 West 43rd West. good neighbor policy.
For Mexico Liberation!
that the Kuomintang regime had become all right just because it Ata pace unforeseen by the preserve the sympathies of the British adventurer in interna masses have learned that foreign As faithful lackeys of Ameri was waging war with Japan.
Mass Rally State Department, there arose workers for his bourgeois regime, tional oil intrigues, Rickett, to imperialism is not invulnerable the danger of violent collisions, check the warlike Mexican rogether with a New York financi and second, the taking over of can imperialism, Foster and They did not know a rotten rewould have fallen, directly and down with foreign imperialism in this situation the possibility bourgeois state will inevitably with a war ery: Keep Mexico war.
Our strength (the strength of upon the New Deal government. bourgeois press, whether the leum immediately, thus giving peasants, now living in illusions neighbor policy!
in the eyes of the whole world. The question asked by the that Mexico could sell her petro hasten class differentiation in and Latin America safe for de Enforce the good the Communist League Ed. is too small to face adequately exchange of amenities is merely the government adequate funds, or national unity. sanctified The class conscious workers of these great events. Nevertheless, Cardenas Note Cardenas note to Hull prov. to us very much in order. The Kluekhohn, oracle of Standard by the Stalinist Toledano with the United States have as much we have prospects for growth quotations from Lenin will learn contempt for the good neighbor The disillusioned Stalinist followSpeakers ides unmistakable clarification in lumes of Roosevelt pacifist in Oil, and he must know. to understand that the cause of smile of Roosevelt as for the ers and the masses of revolutionthis respect. He said: cense are intended to divert the James Cannon Rickett Role Albert Goldman their independence rests not only democratic hypocrisy of the Sta. ary youth are our recruiting ro. The Mexican Nation has liv. attention of the workers from on the fight against foreign im linist leaders. They stand un serves. But still National Secretary, Labor Attorney ed in these last few days through the still existing anti Mexican On whose account Mr. Rickett perialism but also and above all reservedly for the complete libe perspective is not a great one.
Max Shachtman Widick sanctions through works is as yet unclear. In any on their class liberation. ration of Mexico from the im. For in face of the disorganisation Editor, Socialist Appeal not know whether it would have which Yankee imperialism hopes event he freed Cardenas of the Labor Secretary, In this connection the treacher perialist yoke. They will not re of the Chinese proletariat and the Farrell Dobbs Lois Orr to give rein its patriotic feel to gain, by diplomatic maneuvers, necessity direct dealing with ous role of the American Stalin linquish the struggle against all complete ruin of the national ings or to applaud an act of new concessions to replace the Japan and deprived the demo ists merits a few words. In a measures of the Roosevelt ad economy, there is no adequate Mpls. Trade Union Leader Just Back From Spain justice of the neighboring coun old.
cracies of Standard Oil and declaration of the Central Com ministration, economic or military, social base for a Marxist prole THURSDAY, APRIL 14, P.
try represented by your Excel. The 150, 000, 000 invested in the Shell of an important instru mittee, issued April 1, 1938, open or secret devised in the tarian political party.
expropriated oil fields are only ment in the deception of the Foster and Browder addressed a interests HOTEL CENTER Indeed, the newspapers report a small part of the total two people.
of American landComradely, humble appeal to Roosevelt owners, however honest or ed the day after the presentation billions of American investments 108 West 43rd Street Keeping the anti imperialist common sense. Against the im corrupt, and oil magnates, howFU LING New York City of Hull provocative note that lin Mexico, which would be en fight always within the bound perialist slavery of the Mexican ever. democratic or fascist. Shanghai, February 22, 1938.
Roosevelt Trimming Sails In Mexican Oil Struggle DOWN WITH THE WAR MAKERS!