AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMoscow TrialsMussoliniNational LiberationNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

April 9, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL RIGHT PREPARES Ta tu Thau, Indo Chinese Militant, Politicos In Held In Prison of People Front Spain Flee COUP IN FRANCE For Cover ialism.
of of SOVIET UNION NOTES Stalin Bloody Purge Surpasses Al Previous Bonapartist Excesses; Red Army Decimated; Soviet Transportation Disorganized By JOHN WRIGHT The Purge in Progress The current blood purge bids fair to surpass all those that preceded. Hardly an issue of Pravda appears without an atHis right side paralyzed as a in 1930 in protest against repres Ta tu Thau was arrested on tack on some department. The criticism of the Northern Sea result of hunger strikes in the sions in Indo China. He was ar May 10 last year and was releasRoute Administration headed by Prof. Otto Schmidt has atPeople Front prisons of Saigon, rested and expelled. Back ined on bail in June. In the interim tracted most attention abroad. But it is only one of the departNational Union Government Will Pave Way For French Indo China, Ta tu Thau, Saigon in 1931 he founded La the Stalinist Party in Paris ments under fire. In recent days the Soviet press has carried Repression of Workers To Help Capital leader of the Indo Chinese Fourth Lutte.
finally succeeded in getting their ominous charges against the Commissariat of Transportation, Internationalists and a member La Lutte and the group around confreres Meet Deepening Crisis of the Municipal Council of Saig. it was unique in the internation draw from the united front move Scapegoats Sought for the People Commissar for Agriculture in White Russia, the Presidium of the Moscow Soviet, its Chairman, Sidorov, and on, is serving a sentence of two al revolutionary movement up ment. They quit the group of Series of Heavy its secretary, Dedkov, etc.
By ARGUS sure the country of the means of years imprisonment imposed until 1937. The newspaper was La Lutte three weeks before TaDefeats The appointment of two new deputy Commissars for Heavy these lines were being defense which it needs, and they upon him by a People Front the organ of a united front bet tu Thau was scheduled to come Industry, Tselischev and Kucherenko, which is re(Continued from page 1) ported in Pravda for March 20, denotes still another purge in that an end be put to the agits struggle against French imper ists of Indo China. They foughted full responsibility for the Blum was about to disappear. tion of the saboteurs of national side by side in united front ac editorship of the paper and was power of a revolutionary policy that departmerit for the third time since last October! broad campaign is being tions and elections. Ta tu Thau deserted by them just as he was and the upsurge of the masses According to the leading article in the same issue of Pravda, the Parisian stock exchange with economy and the instigatore con conducted in France by the led the ticket of this unprecedent about to bear the full brunt of behind it.
civil war, agents of foreign Workers Internationalisted coalition in an election some the action against the group.
132, 000 employes in the trade network have been brought up on a sharp rise in the value of the countries.
Thousands are fleeing and de charges for alleged embezzlement and dissipation.
franc, in anticipation of the longThe saboteurs Party) and the International Aid two years ago which made him on July 9, after conducting serting. There is confusion and national desired government of Public economy and the instigators of for his immediate release. a member of the Saigon Muni himself as a true revolutionist demoralization at a time when The Purge in the Red Army Safety Ta tu Thau is one of the vet cipal Council, a body created by before the court, Ta tu Thau was all forces have to be gathered to civil war are none other than can leaders of the national li the French in a niggardly al sentenced to two years imprison: make a stand against the lascist From top to bottom the Red Army has been decimated by bourgeois correspondent has the workers themselves, who, beration movement in Indo China. tempt to satisfy the aspirations ment. An appeal only succeeded drive and its Italo. German accurately described the Blum the purge. As was to be expected, the Young Communist government as a bull being chas Cared of dilatory parliamentary As editor of La Lutte he has of the Indo Chinese to independ in adding five years spearheads.
League in the army has been hardest hit. So many tactics, have recourse to direct been at the center of all mass ence.
to this sentence.
ed by the toreadors of the right action. The ranks of the strikers struggles in the French colony units in the regiments have been left without bureau heads and wing in the parliamentary arena. begin to swell as new textile for nearly a decade.
The paper, and in particular its He was still out on bail await Anarchist Sabotage!
secretaries that the Central Committee of the party and the Indeed, Blum financial propos strikes break out conflicts.
editor, became the target of po ing the result of the appeal in Lille, ac The leaders who have been Central Committee of the Komsomol have abolished the old als represent nothing but the People Front Repression lice attacks which grew sharper when he was arrested for the responsible for these defeats now restriction that only those who have been party members for at Meanwhile the call of the as the group grew in influence fourth time following a great seek by all means to divest themintention. of being defeated companied by least two years were eligible for posts as secretaries of regiin the least dishonorable way bourgeoisie for the replacement Always the scene of bloody and prestige as the leading railway strike in Cochin China.
selves of responsibility. Anarmontal bureaus of the Says Pravda. Members and canThe French reaction has per of the costly People Front sys repression, Indo China has never factor in numerous strike move. Along with him was arrested chist sabotage, cried Gen. Pablo didates of the regardless of how long they have mitted the People Front govern. tem by a regular capitalist neath the heel of French oppres. and civil rights. Arrested in 935, they were refused liberation on Fascist victories.
been in the party, are eligible for the post of secretary of the ment only one function: the stif: democracy freed of the control Sion than it has been during the Ta tu Thau and several of his ball they began a hunger strike But not all the whining in the bureaus of the and in exceptional cases, even those ers who are not members of the party. Pravda, March tely sabotaging all parliamentary tees, delegations, trade unions past two years of People Front collaborators were held for sev. They fought off forced feeding world can provide enough of 19. activity, the senators of the and party cells. becomes in rule. During most of this period eral months and then heavily for 12 days before finally ending cover for the foul betrayal and the strike.
future National Union shuted creasingly urgent. This govern a Socialist, Marius Moutet, sat fined.
treachery of the Stalinist People The same leading article goes on to add that another restricin chorus at the government: ment of Public Safety, leaning at the Colonial Ministry in Moutet Orders Suppression Is Paralyzed Front which is now leading Spain tion has likewise been abolished. Hitherto political represen What about strikes. What on the armed fascist detachments, national liberation movement in into the hands of Fascism. The tatives in the Army had to be party members. Henceforth, about the sit downs. The Cit: will have to break the power of Indo China, French North Africa, victory of the People Front, the authorities in Paris smirked and be complemented by an accord In August, 1986, after the While the Socialist colonial military victory of Franco will according to the decision of the of the the most roen sit down strikes have spread the mass organizations.
until there are now 45, 000 inand other parts of the French Lutte group started agitation for told protesting militants that between democratic England the political organs of the Red Army as deputies or assistants tested and politically qualified ers are to be drawn into volved in strikes around Paris. rogram of National Union Empire.
the creation of committees of ac Thau was simulating his ill. and Fascist Italy putting a of the political directors.
Directly involved in the per tion throughout the country ness, the Indo Chinese leader cross, if they can, over the Clashes Loom What the program of such a secution of Ta tu Thau was As with the aim of setting up an was actually paralyzed along his Spanish revolution.
transitory National Union gov. sistant Minister of Colonies Vio Indo Chinese Congress. Orders right side. Medical commissions The Crisis in Transportation.
At the same time the class ernment has to be is explained lette, the same Socialist who arrived in September from Mou which examined him in prison to be said, by the Spanish workOn this the last word has yet We have already reported the grave condition of Soviet railcontradictions advance irresistib.
by the well informed Swiss played a leading ly toward a violent clash. newspaper Neue Zuricher Zei ing out of the French Socialist movement. The governor general ous condition. Nevertheless all The unleashing, even now, of a in hound. tet for the suppression of this confirmed that he was in a seri ing class, and by world labor. ways. Numerous items in the official press indicate that there little note in the American press tung. An assemblage of the Party in 1935 the young rev. promptly arrested Ta tu Thau on appeals for his release have resolute revolutionary struggle has been no improvement in this field. We cite a few instances, gives the key to the present si united right wing parliamentar olutionists of the Seine Socialist September 28. He went on hung gone unheard. Instead, an old which will hold out to the workOn Feb. 8, Pravda reported that 2, 800 automobiles were left tuation in France: Calais, in ians, before which Blum appear. Youth Federation who are now er strike for 11 days and was sentence from 1932 was invoked ers and peasants of Spain the standing in the yard of the Gorki automobile plant. On March Northern France, a mass meet ed with a call for a Union go part of the Revolutionary Social finally released on November 15. against him, increasing his full hope of really breaking with the 17, in the Gorki yard 2, 141 cars remained standing. Some of ing of 1, 000 unemployed memvernment, presented him with an ist Youth, adherents the During the winter of 1936 37 term to four years.
hated bourgeois regime can still them are becoming spoiled, others are half covered with snow and bers. of the Socialist Party unambiguous program of action: Fourth International.
declared their intention. to great strikes swept the French From his prison Ta Tu Thau turn the tide against Fascism.
ice. The yard where the finished machines are left standing (1) Break with the Communists. Ta tu Thau is the outstanding colony and once more Ta tu Thau has sent out word of his unshak.
for months is guarded poorly. Various parts are being stolen join (the fascist) French Social (2) Reconciliation with Franco representative of the national was put behind People Front en faith in the proletarian revInternational Solidarity Party rather than starve with by means of the strictest non revolutionary movement in Indo bars.
from the machines. Pravda, March 18. Our emphasis. Blum. Having excluded the intervention. 3) Rapprochement China and it is as the symbol olutionary movement and of his Active solidarity by the world Flood threatens on the shores of the rivers Volga, Kama, mayor of Calais from with Mussolini through recogni of that movement that the suppression of the popular move force his release.
The strongest pressure for dependence upon its support to working class, applying its own Viatka, Beloya and others in the Tartar Republic, where valuable sanctions against the shipments freight has been stored: 128, 000 tons of grain, 13, 149 tons of unanimously voted a resolution (4) Destruction of the and Chautemps have relentlessly to bear by the French Commun those that have already been aid in providing material support hay belonging to the state and unspecified quantities of kolkhoz denouncing the People Front monopoly. 5) Forceful sup hounded him.
hay, together with car loads of sugar, salt, lumber, cement, ist Party, which had now become raised in behalf of Ta Tu Thau to the Spanish masses, can still program as a dream and charg alabaster, brick, etc, pression of the chronic sit down At the single station of Sosnovka, on the the staunchest flag waver for ing it had accomplished no strikes. 6) Formal abrogation Arrested and Expelled shores of the Viatka river 1, 960 cars of lumber are stranded, thing.
40French imperialism. The Stalin as the representative of the na become the most potent factor The same situation exists on the river Sura.
This Meanwhile the symptomatic incident Ta tu Thau, as a young stu ists openly called in their press tional movement in Indo China. in transforming defeat into vicFrance internal and external dent in Paris, was one of the first for police action against the Indo it is the duty of American workconstitutes a most pitiless ac situation has reached a decisive Indo Chinese revolutionists to Chinese But the conditions of such a railways are unable to move this freight. Especially criticized revolutionists.
cusation against the People turning point. The French rally to the Left Opposition, spurred, the People Thus ers organizations to protest to victory, as the Bolshevik Leninfor inactivity is the administration of the Kazan railway line.
Front and reveals its responsibil. bourgeoisie needs complete free joining the group of La Verite police acted and dealt their blows to the French Embassy in Wash said, is the pursuit of the revo (Pravda, March 19. Front all local French consulates and ists of Spain have ceaselessly Stalin remedy: more executions among the railway personnel.
fascism. The unemployed, poten foreign policy along with Eng monstration organized by that istesi sana inet estalitists in saigon ington demanding his immediate lutionary aims of the masses and tially the most determined cle land. Public expenditures have group before the Elysee Palace and other cities in the colony.
ments of the revolution, are now exceeded 50 per cent of the naaims in favor of. bloc with becoming the first victims of the tional income. An equilibrium treacherous bourgeois politicians hampering of proletarian advance can be reached only through more Fall Guy whose only aim is to preserve the by the reformist Stalinist con intensive exploitation of the capitalist system and to keep spiracy.
working class, at a level and the masses in subjection. Danger Signal tempo incompatible with the hesitant course of the People Certainly anybody who calls occurred, its enemics proclaimed Desperately seeking decisive Front.
himself a socialist, a friend of it to be the work of madmen, actions, the unemployed fall Garbor, Sharfin, Known name of Jacob Schulman, falsethe labor movement, or even a criminals, spies and degenerates.
from the dream of peaceful peBack At Starting Point ly attesting he had been naturanetration of the capitalist state Thus the working class has As Supporters lized in New Haven, Conn. on dignation against these totalitar become the official view of the into the dreadful nightmare of arrived, after two years of Or Members May 27, 1921. He also had de ian trials which Stalin offers us Russian government. It would fascist anti capitalism, clared that he was married to (Continued from page 1) as proof that he has established also appear that the muchCalais incident is an impressive the starting point of its fight Massa Woloch, that he had two The Japanese imperialists dis socialism, Professor Sidney vaunted achievements of the danger signal to the French against fascism and reaction. The By JUNIUS children, and that he lived at play growing alarm over the Hook, of New York University, Russian Five Year Plans were working class. The revolution has emphatic promises of workers lost much time. Now it is threat: and peasants liberation through Section xy of the Communist His present address is 2420 Bronx expansion of the armed might of stated in a radio address over carried out under the exclusive Arthur Sharfin, member of 2437 Matthews Avenue, Bronx.
their great rival. Referring to the station WEVD, New York, on leadership of wreckers Stalin navy maneuvers, the Japanese Tuesday, March 22.
in the past claimed that the de.
parts of its forces to the fascist face complete collapse. Jouhaux, guy for the in the Ro ment house where many Stalin newspaper Hochi April declarBetween Stalin, the execution fendants were his closest collaed: It is only too clear the er, and the very idea of social borators in all they undertook: But the counter revolutionary broken one strike after another which was and may still be insecretary of the who has bingon Rubens frame up plot ists reside and where the StalinUnited States is practising trans ism, there yawns an impassable If they are guilty, can he be less labor bureaucracy turns an un. through loyal opposition to the tended Pacific offensive operations. gulf. Human hopes for a better so. involve the Trotskyist which Sharfin was formerly a heeding ear to the warning voice People Front government, now movement in this country in some Leader once conducted a rent Japan is clearly envisioned in social order everywhere depend Washington as the enemy. The upon an understanding of the Stalin Does Not Believe Threatened with dismissal by the People Front government should indicted by a Federal Grand Jury.
war propaganda of the Roosevelt truth about the Moscow trials, bourgeoisie, they New Names Enter That Stalin himself does not concentrate resign, his organization would in connection with a series of administration is built around and the lessons they teach, he this prospect. Thus Col. Theodore declared.
believe in the fabricated testi.
their efforts on proving their set it up again by our own passport frauds The Sharfin Garber combination sincere concern over France means.
OSSIP GARBER Roosevelt, former mony of the trials, Professor governor capacity for defense.
general of the Philippines, speakTestimony roved alse Sharfin, who has been an em. is linked by the indictments to Hook asserted, is indicated by It remains to be seen whether ployee of the Royal Egyptian passport activities carried on in the fact that he offers alliances on Armaments Jouhaux will dare to carry Consulate in New York City, help the names of Jacob Rosenbers, and ordered to answer questions ing April before the American Replying to Mary Van Kleeck, to countries, such as England, Academy of Political and Social of the Russell Sage Foundation, with which Trotsky is alleged to decision of the Political too well that direct actions of the Robinson. a agent to Ernest Wekin of Chiles Street; questions relating to his connec. a harrowing picture of the woes linist position on the same pro of the Soviet Union. The key through this threats. He knows ed Adolph Arnold Rubens. alias 28 55 Street: Gerald Mark put him by the Grand Jury.
Moren alias Marko Filipovie: particularly desired to avoid Science in Philadelphia, painted who presented the orthodox Sta be conspiring for the overthrow Bureau of the Communist Party working class would inevitably of March 18 invoking Stalin get out of hand. On the other imprisoned in Moscow, secure famous declaration to Laval of hand, even if the bourgeoisie suce the phony passports made out in Carl Westerdan! of 468 148 tion with Harry Zukerman, who that would befall the Philippines gram, Professor Hook pointed to the Moscow trials, be said, 1935, understanding and com ceeds, with the complicity of the he and his supposed wife, also 2802 Olinville Avenue. Govern. who passed to him the phony Ro pendence from the United States, the three trials rested on cight tion with the Menshevik trials, of has charged that it was Sharfin if and when they securesinde out that the logical structure of Blum pointed out in connecthe name of Robinson on which Street; and Max Schulman pletely approving France policy People Front bureaucracy, in Apart from revolution and defendants who alleged they is the necessity of the Stalin rement officials did not reveal just binson Rubens passport applicaof national defense for the setting up a moderate transi last fall to the prisoner in Moscow, travelled who these people are or even tions.
disorders in the island, the were intermediaries between gime to find scapegoats for its maintenance of its armed forces tional National Union governwhether they are alive or dead. Sharfin upparently knew not speaker declared that seizure of Trotsky and the other defendants. domestic failures and internaat the level of its security, ment, its class program will per Garber Indicted It is known that Sharlin was only Zukerman but also Attorney the island by Japan was a cert. He showed that in every case tional isolation.
stated: the once more em force lead to an open clash betphasizes that the Communist ween the working masses and Avenue photographer named Os Shaw, Under the latter name, way, Zukerman was employed by ing signs of apprehension. The had proven the alleged commun suppo Wow at fascism by citing Along with Sharfin, a Fifth Max Wershow, alias Marshall Research Bureau Inc. 401 Broad said, there have been increas. sons and documentary evidence He answered the argument of of the trials that they Party was right, and in the pre the bourgeois state with its sent hour, facing the necessity of fascist auxiliaries.
sip Garber, also Stalinist and Shaw was active in the Friends that Bureau, and on occasion people now see that the Japan ications with Trotsky to have wore a formerly of Springfield, Mass. of the Soviet Union. Wershow is Sharfin used its address.
ese menace is not a fable but a been impossible.
raising the manufacture of armaMussolini greeting of Stalin fact.
ments to the heights required by FUND FOR CHINESE has been indicted on a similar the husband of Muriel Wershow. as a fellow fascist, crude in his Instead of offering evidence, ways but traveling in the right Stalinists Keep Mum circumstances, associates itselt COMRADES MOUNTS persons who has admitted public the Bookkeepers Union, having charge. He is one of the few also a Stalinist, who is active in Another War Move the last trial unfolded a story direction. He reminded his with the declarations of the Whether Targun has political compared to which the Arabian hearers that Stalin has refused Trade Union Confederation (C. The fund being raised by the that he knew the mysterious formerly been uetive in the Sta. connections is not yet known, but From Washington on Murch Nights is as sober as a grocer to join the labor boycott of Nazi headed by the reformist Socialist Workers Party to aid Jouhaux and the Stalinist Raca. the Communist League of China The Grand Jury returned a was apparently in the latter or heart of the whole affair are a high ranking navy officer had ist trials would have us believe Japan for her war with China, mond) in favor of augmenting (Fourth Internationalists) is still third indictment which is sealed, ganization that she became ac 14 karat Stalinists Rubens him been assigned to the lega. that of the sixty leading politie. and until a few weeks ago supcal liquidation of the 40 hour We are still quite a way off the main so until the persons nam ployed by a New York publisher, Butirky Prison while the ing to light, in the words of a Stalin were spies, assassins, and other materials for use against week.
minimum goal set, namely, ed in it are arrested. There is Confounding the interests of 200. Following are the results reason to believe that the con who has never before been pub. tries to decide what to do with staff correspondent of the New wreckers. This would be compar Ethiopia and Spain.
its latest frame up. Sharfin, York Post, the little known able to saying that out of the the criminal trade union bureau to date: Professor Hook concluded with tents of this indictment will con biely mentioned. Whether this Garber, Shaw, Helen Ravitch fact that this country and the 56 American revolutionists who the warning that Stalin framecracy and the no less criminal Previously acknowledged 143. 72 firm statements made from time Stalinist, who was acquainted (who accepted the phony pass Netherlands are cooperating signed the Declaration of Inde up and slander methods are he with the intentions of Akron Branch the working class, they continue: Lynn Branch 00 ever since the case began state Donald in the Far East. The workers are correct in be. Los Angeles Branch States. The Communist Party, 80 ments backed up by well authenlearned.
attorney, and others.
The has had no naval When the Russian Revolution which is the American branch of ing ready to act in order to asticated facts that all trails in In view of these facts. the attache in Holland since 1982 and TOTAL 161. 63 the Robinson Rubens mystery Sharfin Evades Questions Daily Worker naturally continues the sudden decision to assign an the set forces of the Netherlands begun a campaign to convince us the Russian foreign office, has Comrades throughout SUBSCRIBE NOW TO the lead straight to the lair of the Last week Sharfin, who is still silent as the grave on the sub. attache at this time was widely and the United States. In the that whoever opposes any of its country are urged to put the col American branch of Stalin interpreted in diplomatic quarters event of a far Eastern war, lection over the top by not later the Communist Party at liberty in the custody of his ject of the Robinson Rubens meaning only one thing the joint operation of the Netherlands policies is a Benedict Arpold ot case. And the fall guy THE SOCIALIST APPEAL than the current month. It can The indietruents made public attorney, Edelstein, was Arthur Sharfin, continues equally State Department and navy want and American navies would be an Aaron Burr, e. a spy and be done. It must be done!
show that Garber had used the brought before a Federal Judge silent.
to establish closer ties between essential.
a traitor.
Hook Blasts Moscow Frame Ups In New York Radio Broadcast Grand Jury Indicts Two In Rubens Mystery Case War Movements Gain Momentum liberal, must cry out with in that, it would seem, is about to now 12. 02 to tiene en bible Socialist Apped with Rubens, is mentigned in the porta sent from Washingtone to those military preparations pendence all but one turned out ing imported into the United as