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OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Socialist Appeal Roosevelt Speeds War Plans Vol. II. No. 15.
Saturday, April 9, 1938 Five Cents per Copy Revolutionary Course In Spain Can Check Franco Politicians Gathers Roosevelt Vast Army Games To Help Scurry For In Convention Trims Sails Safe Cover Progressives To Urge Militant Program As Reply Make Country War Minded In Oil Fight Parade Today, Die Tomorrow! WILL BUILD SUPER WARSHIPS WORKERS HOLD POWER PLANTS IN MICHIGAN SENATOR CLARK CONFIRMS WAR MEETING of To Policies of People Fronters Many Sided Preparations, Military, Naval, and Scapegoats Sought For Tries Tacking To Meet NEW YORK, The convention Alliance delegations to the relief Diplomatic, Are Pointing Toward Series of Heavy of the Workers Alliance of bureaus. In addition, a new rule Threat of Storm New World Conflagration Greater New York opened at the was set up that emergency cases Defeats In Mexico Hippodrome on April would be heard on only two days This convention marks a year per week. The former rule that Pres. Roosevelt, master of Having utilized the of successful People Front new applicants must be investi mass deception and political. extent to insure a Fascistance leadership, and a year of ed to lapse, and there are now onstrated his incalculable imThis years anniversary of America entry into the steadily worsening conditions delays of three to ten days.
The war preparations program of the peaceful Roovictory the bourgeois politi for the unemployed. The response of the Alliance imperialism. From the driver portance to the cause of Yankee World War of 1914 18 is being employed by the Roosesevelt administation is being speeded up on all fronts.
cians of Loyalist Spain. began Chief success of the past year leadership to these attacks on seat of his new car on his vacavelt administration as an especially appropriate occaWith the greatest peace time navy maneuvers in the sion for whipping up mass patriotism in support of the last week to flee like scurry. Mayor. Thus the unemployed election rally for LaGuardia. professional smile his satisfacing rats or to cast about for have a friendly president, a Don do anything that will em tion with the progress of the actively and consciously prepared.
new war of imperialist banditry which is now being country history still going forward along a 5, 000 mile line, from Alaska to Samoa by way of Hawaii, the ana barrass our friends, was the Mexican discussions. As a special week end of pending army scapegoats upon whom to friendly namernobiet and place the blame for the ca what these political friends New York is to be treated today, to a flag wagging nouncement was made humanitarian act he let it be Army Day parade of 25, 000, comprised of enlisted arm and air force maneuvers which are to last until Fall.
known that the companies can tastrophes that have befallen have brought to the unemployed Fruits of Victory ed forces, organized reserves, veterans and members Described by the New York Times as the largest mocount only on compensation the Loyalist cause.
during the past year.
LaGuardia was re elected. And for their actual investments in of patriotic societies.
bilization and concentration of men in the South since An exodus of government of The Successes then came the fruits of his vic Mexico.
the World War a single phase of the military exercises, ficials has begun from Barcelo tory. 1) The clothing allowance Secretary of State Cordell Conscious Preparation For War na, the dispatches report. First First, the Relief Administra. was eut to practically nothing Hull, who three days before had That Roosevelt himself conceives this patriotic de involving virtually all of the military forces in the among them were Jose Antonio tion appointed by these friends for the months of February and sent a note to Cardenas demand monstration as part of his preparations for the coming thirteen states of the Fourth and Eighth Corps areas, Aguirre, ex president of the cut down the number allowed on March, and now for April (2) ing in the language of an ulti. war is indicated all too clearly in his letter to Rear will embrace 80, 000 men, half of whom will be National Basque Republic, Marcelino Do.
The previous policy of paying matum immediate compensation Guardsmen and the others regular army troops and re Admiral Reginald Belknap, retired, who is mingo and Manuel Portela, right rent for new workers for oil and land expropriations, ist politicians who were clasped until they got their first pay suddenly declared his belief. in charge of the parade.
serve officers.
to the bosom of the People checks was stopped.
in rapid, satisfactory and Roosevelt wrote that the observance of Army Day At least one demonstration of Front while it was shooting down The response of the Alliance to equitable solution.
the aerial might of dollar imthis year was particularly appropriate because of the in the streets of Barcelona and these cuts was to stage a demonperialism is being reserved for Silent On Threats other Spanish cities revolutionstration in Wall Street against disturbed condition of the world and would serve to the inhabitants of New York.
the sixty families. Any whisfocus the attention of the people on national defense.
ary workers who wanted to steer Both, however, kept a signifie.
Some 350 planes of the army a course toward a real antiper of criticism against the city, ant silence about the threat of New York Times, April General Headquarters Air Force Fascist, e. anti capitalist strugstate and federal officials was an oil blockade and the economie Admiral Belknap views, quoted by the same paper. the largest number ever congle.
centrated for maneuvers in the strangulation of Mexico through were even more pointed. He declared that Army Day Then came the 10 per cent eut. cessation American silver army history, will fly over a Prieto Dumped observance has a most salutary effect in clearing the In the face of a recommendation purchases.
Murphy Steps In Again by the Mayor Committee for This silence throws a reveal large section of the Eastern seaair of confusing doctrines which have been preached board, with operations centered Premier Juan Negrinhas dumped Indalecio Prieto, rightTo Head Off New increasing relief by 40 per cent, ing light on the maneuver. Yield by those who do not have at heart the best interests at Mitchell Field, Long Island.
wing Socialist defense minister, of our national defense. By making it (the parade) The report in the Socialist Sitdown Strike Another phase of the war prewhom he hopes the masses will of LaGuardia, put through the companies, Washington had pro both interesting and instructive, we mean to stimulate Appeal of February 26 deserib parations, coinciding with the hold responsible for the military starvation eut. number of ex ceeded too quickly. So quickly that attention to national preparedness.
ing a secret meeting in New army and navy maneuvers, was debacle. He has assumed perJACKSON, Mich. The first planations have been given for even Congressman Connell was York of high military and naval brought to light with the anMeaning of Preparedness officers, financiers, and key of nouncement sonal command of the armies major use of the sit down tactie the cut, the most plausible one forced to declare: The transacfrom Washington How ominous these words sound when it is recalled ganda campaign in this country start work before the end of the ficials to discuss a war propa. April that the navy hopes to Negrin hopes to make sure that striking against Consumers stall any effective fight for the Hull ultimatum threatened preit will be the last ditch and will Power Co. a partial victory 40 per cent raise.
maturely to tear the mask of that preparedness was the slogan of American im was confirmed on the floor of year on two of the supelle not leave until he has effectively when the Utility Workthe United States Senate on ships which the Political Jockeying pacifism from the Roosevelt ad perialism when the pacifist Woodrow Wilson was provented any resolute turn in ers Organizing Committee was ministration, which is preparing preparing to plunge this country into the last big rob March 30 by Senator Clark of powers, following Japan refusal Over this cut was waged a po at top speed for its imperialist Missouri.
policy that could still mobilize granted exclusive bargaining to continue observing the quaber war!
the masses for a stand against rights for all employees and the litical squabble between LaGuar intervention in the next world Senator Clark said that he litative limitations imposed by The workers of America must reply to the patriotic Franco.
and not he alone had positive the London Naval Treaty, have expiring April until August was recognized by all informed trade unions piled up. Even in Most significant of all is the war mongering of their exploiters with slogans of their resolved to build summary dismissal of those collapse of negotiations last advantage in the coming guber sympathy for Mexico was maniWithin a few hours after the people as political jockeying for fascist Chile and Brazil active own, the slogans of the socialist revolution which alone At War Conclave? These newest war weapons, can save mankind from the horrors of war.
described as the costliest, largest and the People Front, the re: peacefully took over the plants The Alliance leadership threw testedom Down with imperialist war!
and most formidable ever constructed, will, according to navy kular army generals headed by and service stations in Saginaw, themselves into this political. According to the New York The enemy imperialism is in our own country!
circles, have a tonnage of from been removed from the high comBay City, Flint and Lansing fight as partisans of LaGuardia. Herald Tribune, competent func43, 000 to 45, 000 and will mount (Continued on page 2)
mand. They have been replaced. Continued on page Continued on page 4)
16 or 18 inch guns 12 to each vessel.
interestingly enough, by excivilian officers who played a Hull Reveals Purpose role in the first months when raw militia composed of scantilyThose still clinging to the ilarmed workers turned back lusion that the armed might of Franco legions.
American imperialism is being primed and augmented Pozas Led Terror Convention With Class Peace Program peaceful purposes alone, in Pozas was brought to Barce MEXICO, The closester with the proletariat order to defend America shores and American imperialism in DULUTH, Minn. The Stalin Minnesota unionism, had taken against some aggressor from lona last May to conduct the bonds of solidarity were cement. peasantry of Mexico in their change for a diplomatic alliance ist Benson clique in control of its stand on the basic questions beyond the seas, should take note brutal repression of the Barce ed here between the revolution fight for political and economic with the Roosevelt regime.
lona workers. It was he who ary workers of Mexico and the independence from imperialism Max Shachtman addressed the Labor Party utilized the biennial the war danger, it had adopted the machinery of the Farmer just prior to the convention. On of the remarks contained in a letter by Secretary of State brought Catalonia under the United States at a mass meeting and for liberation from all ex audience in the name of the Na convention, March 25 26, at a militant resolution (printed in Cordell Hull to the Senate Naval heel of terror and as organized under the auspices of ploitation and oppression. tional Committee of the Duluth, to transform the party the Socialist Appeal of April Affairs Committee sumed full command of all Cata the Casa del Pueblo, a revolu Our common enemy, the ex and thanked the leadership of still further into the Minnesota directly and explicitly opposing lonian forces. All the bluster tionary trade union center in the ploiter of the proletariat of our the Casa del Pueblo for having section of the Roosevelt machine the Roosevelt administration. On Hull, according to the New about the front and all the real Federal District, to welcome the country as well as yours, is Am arranged the magnificent meetYork Times (April opposed In the 1936 elections Benson the economic crisis, the Central bloody terror against the work internationale delegation of the erican imperialism. We cannot ing for the international delega made a deal with Jim Farley Labor Union, together with the a stay at home policy for the ers in the rear are now produc. Socialist Workers Party of the triumph over it by ourselves, but tion.
United States Navy, contending whereby the Democrats with teamsters, printers and building ing their inevitable results. Fran United States.
it must be left free to defend the On two day notice, an au masses of the United States and our victory is assured if the co is cutting through a weakenUnion Leaders Speak drew in favor of the Farmer trades joint bodies, has called a rights of American citizens in Labor ticket in the state and in gigantic mass meeting for April ed Loyalist force that has suf dience of 1, 000 workers augment of all the Latin American counany part of the world. The Secfered from more than just a lacked by truckloads of peasants who tries fight jointly against ex with deep feelings of joy at the chine campaigned for Roosevelt. demands on the governments of The trade union leaders spoke return the Farmer Labor ma 1, and has issued a program of NORMAN DAVIS retary of State told the Senate Naval Affairs Committee that establishment of a naval frontier been deprived of the driving countryside greeted James Fourth International. Our can comrades. Comrade Genaro actually been maintained ever points out the swift deepening knowledge that such a meeting beyond which United States (Continued on page 3) Cannon, national secretary of the emancipation is guaranteed, he Gomez, secretary of the Casa del since, and the tone of the con of the crisis and accordingly de had taken place, attended by warships should not operate Palestine Joins. of the Socialist Appea. and Vin lished the United Socialist Re sence and speeches of the United deal with the Democrats is plan. Sects, increased funds for relief ary officers of the United States ese Wall and expose American neapolis trade union leader. America.
Fourth International refute the vile attacks of the the basic questions of war and Federal and state governmental the City of New York, in which outside this wall.
Against Imperialism Challenges Toledano It is only necessary to subthe Casa del Pueblo. thunder Benson clique adopted a plat and other projects; no a regular campaign, amply institute, in this quotation, imThe Communist Party The meeting was arranged for Cannon challenged the right ous Viva came from the audi form acceptable to Roosevelt. government chiseling and under nanced, should be undertaken in perialist interests and profits the purpose of assuring the Mex of the Stalinist agent, Lombardo ence when he called for a cheer mining of the unions; no pauper the way of propaganda to make for American citizens and the of Palestine has announc ican workers of the solid support Toledano, to speak in the name for the Fourth International. The Praise Roosevelt oath for jobs and 100 this country war minded.
rights of American citizens in ed its withdrawal from the of the Fourth Internationalists of the whole Mexican labor mo same cry was heard when Diego The line to be taken by the per cent unionization of all He strongly hinted that Nor order to get a true picture of Communist International of the United States in the strug: vement in his vicious diatribe. Rivera acclaimed the leader of hand picked convention was in building construction jobs and its adherence to the sle against Yankee and British gainst Trotskyism. The en world revolutionary movement, dicated the first day, when a The platform presented to the velt ambassador at large, had ing nerican fleet, and the Fourth International ac imperialists who are resisting thusiastic response of the audi Leon Trotsky.
telegram was dispatched to Roo convention by the Stalinist, presided over the meeting.
Army, and the air force are to cording to Jerusalem re holdings of the foreign exploit. International to the echo, was of the Casa del Pueblo unions speech in which he lays bare these demands of the Minneapolis paign to educate the American aims, nor, primarily, for the de The temper of the audience and sevelt, praising him for a recent Benson clique included none of The meeting discussed a cam be used. Not for any idealistic ports which appeared in ers.
European newspapers last In the main addreas of the pressive kind against the Stalin ner brought to the meeting which stalemate. and places himself Stand On War an instrument of national policy fense of the United States against week.
evening, which was translated by ists and their agents. ead: The Marble and Associated squarely on the side of the de The Appeal also reported a an aggressor. but for the Leaflets distributed by and artist of Mexico, Diego Ri The crowd cheered the speaker Workers Union of Mexico City to the feudal philosophy of special formas adopted comes into Roosevelt and four reading news ialism, wherever these may be On the war question, the plat recent meeting between President robber aims of American imperthe Communist Party de vera, James. Cannon told the as he denounced the Moscow condemns the assassination of privilege.
head on collision with the resolu paper publishers with whom he involved.
nounced the Moscow trials enthusiastic assembly that the bureaucracy for its attempt to sell the old revolutionists by the The Minneapolis labor move tion of Minneapolis labor. Nor discussed plans for the propaand executions. stood shoulder to should the Latin American peoples toljackal Joseph Stalin. ment, unquestionably leader of (Continued on page 4)
ganda campaign. Continued on page Becomes Cog Mexican Workers Greet Delegates In Roosevelt Machine Of The Socialist Workers Party Stalinist Benson Clique Presents Hand Picked for ex