DemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Page Four DEFEAT FASCIST NUMBER ONE. IT UP TO US Union Smashing Gag Law Most Vicious In History! TO FREE MOONEY!
Two Pictures Penitentiary: Duplicates First Hitler Heres Where. At a dinner eaten on horseback the favorite steed was fed flowers and champagne; to a small black and tan dog wearing a diamond collar worth 15, 000 a lavish banquet was tendered; at one Slave Bill Provisions Put Whole State In Tom Mooney will die in San function the cigarettes were wrapped in hundred dollar bills; at another, fine black pearls were given to the diners in their oysters.
Quentin unless the workers unite When weary of such limited diversions, the plutocracy contrived Labor Code in a mighty wave of mass action more freakish occasions with monkeys seated between guests, huwhich will sweep the money lords man goldfish swimming about in pools, or chorus girls hopping out IN PROPOSITION NO. ONE labor in California is con of California, who keep him incarof pies. From America Sixty Families, by Ferdinand Lundftonted with a proposed law which will lay the legal basis cerated, into the dust bin of hisberg.
Los Angeles, August 14, 1938. Answering call of worried neighför türcing this state into a virtual concentration camp. tory.
bors police broke into room of Arthur Jackson, 60, and wife only Only the Fascist decrees of Mussolini and Hitler can com This is the lesson that has been to find them dead as suicides. Search of the poorly furnished pare in viciousness with this attack on the trade unions and driven home to thousands of work housekeeping room revealed note which read, Where we are gocivil rights.
ers by the recent refusal of the ing we will not hunger. Neighbors recalled that Jackson, a for.
One has only to read this viomer bookkeeper, had last worked as a night watchman four months Igntly unti labor proposal to see ment concievable, you can see the Supreme Court to even consider ago, and then after being fired had applied for relief but because the vicious gag law that it is. Not Vicious intent of California capital. the evidence which proves this fa of some technicality could not qualify. Item in Los Angeles news.
only are there measures in the ism.
mous labor martyr the innocent paper.
proposal tirat will make collective No Union Support victim of a vicious union smashing organizing impossible, but ANY.
QNE WHO DARES TO TELL AN Why has no union come forth in frame up.
INDIVIDUAL TO TELL HIS its support if this proposa! is deThat Mooney himself realMERCHANT THAT HE signed to help labor 23 the izes this was indicated by his DOESN CARE TO BUY SCAB Chamber of Commerce claims?
announcement following the de.
GOODS, IS LIABLE TO TWO Because as every union man and sion. He would wait, he said, YEARS IN SAN QUENTIN AND woman will tell you. This proA: 500 FINE.
posal is the proposal of Big Busi until after the elections in the The act attempts to reduce lab. ness. It is meant to throttle labor, hope that Culbert Olson if Buy your regular copy of the cialist Workers Party and Young or in California to a pulverized to rob labor of its gains, to send elected would free him. That weekly Socialist Appeal at the fol Peoples Socialist League at Room passive lot of slaves who dare not the workers of hand and brain failing, he would appeal to the lowing stands: 1, 542 Valencia St.
utter peag for better conditions. back into industrial barabarism.
LOS ANGELES CIO, the AFL and the Railnoad SAN FRANCISCO No on Number One Il the proposal passes, and the Brotherhoods to take national Golden Gate News Agency, 21 233 So. Broadway, Room 312.
Here is why every voter in Cali will of the industrialists is upheld, Fourth Street.
1541 No. Echo Park Ave.
fornia sirould vote No on NUM then California will be transformed economic and political action BOR ONG November 8th: Smith News, 5th and Main into an enlarged concentration in his behalf.
Fitzgerald News Agency, 57 3rd It prohibits freedom of a9 camp.
Modern Book Shop, 509 Fifth fembly. by denying the right to Rest assured that the California OLSON SILENT Sportland Smoke Shop (New In Street.
picket in iabor disputes, excepting Bankers Association and its co But Olson is a capitalist politi ternational only) 3399 Mission St.
Shoe Shine Shop, 2307 Brooklyn.
primary strikes. It would thus horts are not relying solely upon cian and has carefully avoided any Store 20, 3057 Candy Store, 2231 Brooklyn.
prevent stronger unions from help. Proposition No. ONE for their Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn.
tag the weaker.
Store, 20, 3057 16th st.
vigilante Fascist groups whose committments on what he will do It prevents picketing in cases purpose it is to physically destroy about Mooney if elected. Like all Mason Crocery, Mason and PaSAN DIEGO plsing from discharge of working labor organizations.
such politicians he must take his cific Sts.
Universal News Co. 242 Broadmen for union activity. Thus an Remember how Fascism came orders from the moneyed interests Ferry Bldg. News Stand (New way.
Sweet Shop.
sorteren in an attempt to break in Italy the workers were well: the very ones that keep Mooney Koblick Book Shop. New In Appeal 00 for six months.
employer could fire everyone of his into power in Italy and Germany. who control his party and who are International only) Key System Subscribe now to the Socialist the Union Pielcets are limited to ONE cut deep into the profits of the imprisoned. Only candidates put ternational only) 3004 Fillmore St.
OAKLAND for every twenty five feet of the Italian millionaires.
forward by labor and a rectly re: Fillmore Book Store, Fillmore and 7th and Washington truck plant with a minimum of Bosses Arm sponsible to labor can be counted Sutter St.
12th, between way Washington lawo, thus, a plant with ten feet of on to act in the interests of labor. MacDonald Book Shop, 65 6th. Andrew Williams Market The Italian millionaires organfront coverage (as often happens Even if Olson is elected it is Information on activities of So Broadway, near 19th in the case of upstairs garment ized armed bands that went from very doubtful that he will be allowstrops) pecinits two pickets while town to town physically annlhilat ed to free Mooney. No matter employing anywhere from 100 to a ing unions and union leaders.
what his personal desires may be In Germany Hitler came to pow. the great corporations such as the 1000 strice breakers. Imagine the er by unleashing his Nazi bands, Pacific Gas and Electric Company power of this picket line.
to butcher the labor movement.
which control both the Democratic Ghost Pickets Workers of California on and Republican Parties would nev; It would prevent even the Guard! Don let the fate of the er pernt such an action except in ghost picket line described above Italian and German workers be the rare case that it was necessary fxom event talking to anyone! come yours.
to give Olson a liberal front in orThe smearing of Governor Murphy of Michigan, a political Destroying freedom of speech in Remember how in Westwood, der to use him for another more protege of Roosevelt, elicited a scorching denunciation by our Its most elementary form.
California, the bosses tried the important attack on labor. Under paragraph (M) of Sec. tactic of vigilante attack and terpresident of the activity of the notorious Dies Committee. That the It follows that labor can only xectly concerned in an industrial Imperial Valley and Salinas: tion. Should a person not dir ror. Remember the vigilantes of depend on its own independent Dies Committee has been used as a political weapon by the most restrength either in politics or on actionary section of the American capitalist class has been apparent to dispute express himself against Labor Answer the economic field. national every intelligent person. As long as they directed fulminations against the employers position to another To this challenge labor must movement of all the organizations the labor movement. Roosevelt found it possible to maintain discrete person or persons, he would be give its own answer a smashing of the working class that would to silence. Now that Dies and Co. have over stepped the bounds by Fuilty of intimidation! Sectiac 12 of Proposition No. defeat of Proposition No. One. But dicate its determination through injecting the red herring into the Michigan political campaign, to more labor must organize its own great mass demonstrations for ONE makes it unlawful for a lab. defense groups that will be able Mooney freedom is the only guar the possible detriment of the Roosevelt choica for governor, or organization or any officer or to cope with the vigilante gangs antee that this man who has sacri waxes indignant rushes into print with member thereof to recommend to the bosses. Each union must pre ficed his life to our cause will ever mittee.
the entiers of the union that it is to their interest to go on strike pare now whether or not Proposi walk the earth again as a free tion No. One passes, to organize man.
Significantly enough, while the Dies Committee was rendering No Boycott systematically for its own defense, It is a conspiracy for two or as many unions are doing through start in California. The Socialist the California labor movement, Roosevelt uttere not one word of This movement could and should yeoman service to the proponents of Proposition One, by smearing more persons to request another out the country. In Akron the dep. Workers Party calls on all unions protest. The secretary of the reactionary Associated Farmers of person to refrain from purchasing uties and thugs tear gassed and and labor organizations in the Industrial dispute exists whether months back. The AFL and CIO izing: goods from an employer when an shot Rubber strikers a few state to raise this issue by organ California, Harper Knowles, is provided with an open forum by the Dies Committee. Speaking in the name of his employers Knowles or not either of them is involved sprang into the breach, organized in such a dispute.
wouldn rate a half dozen lines in the press; but, speaking as a wita united defense conimittee and ONE DAY STOPPAGE ness before the Dies Committee his ill conceived propaganda is given It is unlawful to advocate a swept the thugs from the streets, OF WORK TO DEMAND screaming headlines in every capitalist paper in California.
strike on the ground that a failure This news was hardly mentioned to stelle would involve a loss to in the boss owned newspapers.
the workers.
This is the pattern that organIt was not just mere coincidence that the Associated Farmers in It would take away the right ized labor must follow in Califor Will Hitler Rule?
collaboration with the Dies Committee selected the pie election period. of a newspaper to take a stand on nia if it is to preserve its organto broadcast their hymn of hate. As long as the boss class minority Bridustrial disputes. Thus it would izations. Proposition No. ONE is Today, Hitler holds the cen. muzzle che right of free speech the first statewide coordinated atcontrols the government, their agents will use the power of the state ter of the world stage. Around and free expression of opinion.
The Dies Committee is just one tack of the bosses on labor. The against the working mass majority.
this bizarre figure revolve the 10. Xt: is sponsored by the reac same type of legislation is on the questions of war and peace; flagrant example of this truth. Only a Workers and Farmers gov.
tionary Associated Farmers of November Ballot in Oregon and questions of social philosophy, crnment can serve the interests, social and economic, of the majority, California and the big bankers. Washington. Labor must not be democracy, fascism, socialism. of the people!
From even this SMALL sampl. caught napping. Get out the vote WILL HITLER RULE THE lang talent from the over 5, 500 against Proposition No. ONE. Be words of the proposal that con gin now to organize workers de WORLD? The Socialist Work.
tains every loosely drawn state fense guards!
ers Party of San Francisco will answer this question at a meet1 Socialist Workers Party, ing to be held on Armistice day, 542 Valencia Street, San Francisco, Calif.
Nov. 11 at Albion Hall, 141 Albion St. Francisco. want to join. Speakers dealing with this Complete selection of current books as well as all labor want more information about subject will be: Glen Trimble, State Secretary of the Socialist publications. Whatever the book we have it or can get it.
The Socialist Workers Party Workers Party; Jack Cope, Labor Editor and Harry Becker, Rental Service Free Delivery Alame Young Peoples Socialist League.
Date: Nov. 11. Place: 141 Al 509 5th Street Los Angeles Address bion St. Time: 8:00 The Dies Committee Gas Attack is No Accident!