CapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Page Three THE WAR IS ON.
their of will pay (Continued from Page One)
competition are vastly less important than their common determination to maintain the world system of exploitation against any threat of revolt by the exploited witness the union of democratic capitalist Britain and fascist capitalist Germany to destroy democracy and PRESERVE CAPITALISHI. in Central Europe and in Spain.
Here in California, as everywhere else, the boss class realizes that ever deepening financial crisis, for which their system is directly responsible, will lead inevitably to more and more intolerable burdens on the masses, protest, counter organization and revolt. In short, they recognize the fundamental REALITY of the class struggle and all their tactics are calculated to bring victory to their class, regardless of the consequences to the mass of the people. Their answers to the problems of the people of California are not in doubt, they are al.
ready written into history.
Sham Battle One of these answers is an old one for American finance capital. It is cheaper and safer to fool the people into submitting to robbery than to club them into it.
That is the function of election contests between Republican and Democratic candidates. Both parties are organized, financed, led and OWNED by big business.
Both are unequivocally committed to the system of profit for the few and exploitation for the many which breeds recurring crisis, unemployment, insecurity, fascism and talism. One (and its title varies in different sections the country) openly advocates blaming the crisis on its innocent victims and letting them starve as punishment, the other believes in relieving the victims by patchwork charity while still maintaining the system which is mass producer of wrecked lives as well as shiny Fords.
Actually the wise capitalist contributes to BOTH parties because one acts as a shock absorber for the other. protest is cushioned into harmless channels while the system rides smoothly on for the riders not the human road.
Whether Merriam or Olson wins, capitalism will, win, and the workers will be FARTHER FROM, not nearer, to a solution of THEIR problems. For while we are wasting energy in a boss staged sham battle, they are concentrating their forces in preparation for the day when we no longer consent to be fooled.
Fascism at a Stroke!
The spearhead of employer strategy in California is not Merriam nor Olson but Proposition Number One.
Capitalizing on general reaction to internal labor warfare, they propose to bind and shackle all workers and then wage ruthless capitalist warfare to smash and completely destroy every independent semi independent organization in the state. There is nothing gradual nor half hearted about their program nor is there anything original. NOT ONLY THE ENTIRE SPIRIT, BUT WHOLE SECTIONS WORD FOR WORD OF PROPOSITION ONE ARE TAKEN FROM HITLER NUREMBURG DECREES IMMEDIATELY AFTER HE SEIZED POWER! Drugs, sham battles, bread and circuses are to give way to the naked club, Obey or face the penitentiary! Like Hitler law the labor initiative applies and would in time be applied not only to lahor organizations but to churches, clubs, political partieto any and all who now or ever dare to question the divine right of exploiters to exploit.
Again, the employers recognize the reality of Class Warfare and they intend to HOLD THEIR POWER at OUR cost!
Workers Lag Behind!
The workers, unfortunately, present no such clearcut class front. One army is aggressively on the march.
The other is scattered, confused, groping and misted: In the field of candidates the capitalist class has a virtually complete monopoly and the workers have only a handful of hopeless illusions due for rude and sudden shattering even if rather, especially if the people champions win the election. The swamp of old party politics is not to be made firm ground simply be sprinkling a little labor and liberal sand on its surface.
That only makes it more treacherous!
Again the chief evidence of the fundamental class struggle lies in the initiative propositions, but again, also, the workers program if it can be called that falls woefully short of that of their enemies. Proposition 25 expresses a deep felt, wide spread resentment and revolt against poverty insecurity in the midst of a nation of plenty. The demand for Ham and Eggs, for thirty dollars every Thursday is a reasonable, even a modest, demand in view of the gigantic productive capacities of modern America. This slight degree of social security could be provided not only for those over fifty, as partial repayment for their contribution to the general social wealth, but to the entire working population in return for hours and conditions of labor far lighter than those which now prevail.
Cure. Not Quack Medicine!
On the other hand, the means proposed for securing this thriee justified demand illustrates almost all the internal weaknesses of the army of the oppressed. It is YOUTH LEADER World Congress Launches WILL SPEAK Fourth International!
LOS ANGELES. Nathan Gould, national secretary of the Over Thirty Nations Join In Raising Banner Of Young Peoples Socialist League, Revolutionary Internationalism Movewill speak here on The War ment History Reviewed Crisis in Europe and the Tasks of the American Youth at Mu: Meeting under the severe the earth that despite sic Arts Hall, 233 Broadway, repressions exercised by the bloody, repression, their prisons, November police and the agents of their secret police, their lies and Gould has just returned from Stalin, betrayer of the Russian calumny directed against the lead, Switzerland where he attended Revolution, thirty delegates from ers of the revolutionary working the founding conference of th eleven countries, met recently in class, that this class has been able Fourth International (World Switzerland and founded the new to gather together in an internaParty for the Socialist Revolu.
World Party of the Socialist Rev. tional conference the general staff tion. olution (Fourth International. of the revolution which will sweep The internationally fa This event, coming at a time capitalism into oblivion.
mous, film Tsar to Lenin, when the whole world teeters on FOR SOCIALISM assembled by Max Eastman, the brink of a new world war The new International re af.
will be shown during the which promises to be ten times firms its adherance to the program evening. This picture is a more bloody and destructyre than of intransigent working class compilation news shots the last, has profound significance struggle against capitalism and its made during the Russian for the poverty stricken anri op twin children, war and fascism. It revolution of 1917 pressed masses in every land. calls on the workers of the world!
It proclaims to the rulers of to unite against these twin evils by striving for political powep proposed to gain security without changing in the slight which will make it possible to es.
est any of the sources of insecurity. By a money maktablish Socialism and a classless ing trick we will thwart and outwit the class to whom society.
money and a monopoly of its control is the symbol of This program, which the Sec.
their class power and class rule over the real producers ond (Socialist) International beof wealth! This has been tried many times, it las always trayed by supporting the war in 1917, and which the Third (Stal failed and always will. We have a belly full quack inist) International gave up for a remedies already, and we are still sick and getting sick policy of sabotaging the revoluer! What is needed is a real CURE. That CURE does not tiong in Germany, Austria, China lie in catering to short sighted ignorance, nor in desper and Spain since 1923, was onca ate search for panaceas. All these boil down to useless again proclainied the only way out and increasingly dangerous efforts to dodge the Class of the blind alley, in which the Struggle. THE TRUTH is that unless we face and WIN nations of the world find them.
selves today, the Class Struggle against the ruthless class offensive of the bosses and their hirelings, they will win it and LENIN AND TROTSKY we in terms of endless poverty, war and fascism Nicolai Lenin and a handful of comrades, found it necessary to refor our cowardice.
There are ONLY TWO sides and only ONE way out.
establish this program by building the Thirut. International after It is a plain choice between more and more ruthless, bethe betrayal in 1914. Leon Trot, cause more and more incompetent, boss rule and a clean sky and another handful of cobreak with the past and united. ORGANIZATION, EDU thinkers faced the same task after CATION, FIGHT for a WORKERS WORLD. There is the death of Lenin when Stalin no short cut, no third road. The Class Struggle is as real seized control of the Communist and inevitable on the farms as in the cities. The farmer, Party and proceeded to liquidate the dwindling little business men, the professional not only the gains of the revolution but the very men who had lead the wage slaves, the intellectuals offer neither class power revolution to victory.
nor independent program. They choose between clinging In the face of the most severe to the decaying past or joining the ranks of the future repressione ever exercised against that belongs to the productive workers of the world.
a political group in history, TrotOurs alone is the program, the power, and the leader sky and his friends have succeeded ship that can GUARANTEE plenty, peace and freedom in re establishing an international to the people of the world. IT IS UP TO US!
organization of revolutionary But we have a long way to go and a short time workers pledged to fght for Socialism. Sections of this Internalimit before civilization is plunged back into DARK tional have been formed in more AGES, by capitalist misrule, war and destruction. Our than thirty, countries. These sec road is clear, we have only to take it QUICKLY!
tions, through their press, in the Wipe Out The Lying Past trade unions, and from the platform are rallying the most honFIRST, all the illusions, the lies and the false pre est, courageous men and women judices that are spewed out by the kept press, the capi of the working class and its allies talist mis educational system and all the other organs for the showdown struggle with and agents of worker DIVISION to perpetuate boss capitalisın which looms in the off RULE must be swept out and discarded on the ashheap ing.
of history.
YOUTH SECTION FORMED SECOND, we must replace lies with truth, prejudices At the same time this conferwith knowledge, slave habits, with the courage and detence was taking place youth rep.
resentatives from nine countries ermination that rise out of realization of the tremendous established the Youth Section of historical role of liberation that belongs alone to the the Fourth International and issu workers of the world.
ed a call to the youth of the world THEN, and only then, can we declare and ENFORCE to unite in a struggle against the our complete INDEPENDENCE of capitalism in all its coming war.
forms and expressions.
Under the slogans of Liebk.
ECONOMICALLY capitalism has failed to supply necht and, Lenin: The enemy is in the goods and services required by society and seeks to your own country and Turn the drag us down in its own decay. But we, and we alone, Imperialist. War into Civil War. the Youth Section was launched at can reopen the idle factories, speed up the idling and idle the very moment the bandit rulers machine now shackled down to boss profit. Their failure of England, Germany, France and simply sets the stage for our victory which will release Italy were meeting in Munich to the endless resources of the machine production which re divide the spoils of the last wars can and MUST BE MADE to supply PLENTY FOR Representatives of the Socialist ALL Workers Party and the Young PeoPHYSICALLY capitalism uses men as beasts of bur ples Socialist League in the United States were present and played an den and as cannon fodder in other men wars. The only war worth fighting is the one for ourselves and for the important part in the deliberations and decisions of the conference.
coming generations. Our strength must be organized independently, AGAINST all the enemies of everything AGAINST WAR that is and should be ours.
They have recently returned to this country where they will, con.
MENTALLY capitalism in its last stages, as in Ger tinue the work of uniting the youth many, discards all intellectual pretence and strips to and the working class of this coun.
its essence of GREED and FORCE. The army of the try with their brothers of other Socialist Revolution invites only those who can and will Jands against the war making cap think and learn for themselves from the records of hisitalist, rulers in all countries, and for the defense of the still remain tory and the experience of today world. Such men and ing achievements of the Russian women are the only hope of a world where ALL can Revolution against the destructive THINK and LIVE more than ever before because hand of Stalin and the ruling buthe problem of bread alone is forever solved.
reaucracy in the Soviet Union.
POLITICALLY we must declare our independence California; too, has its conting of all the parties, the good men, the crackpot saviors ent of the world army of workers and the quack doctors of capitalism. Labor must build who are fighting for Socialism, its OWN party, choose its OWN leaders, write its OWN These men and women are work program and travel its OWN road. the road to ing to unite the labor movement WORKER POWER in California, the United States around a militant class struggle and the World!
program against the bosses on the political and economic field.