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or more Page Two Revolutionary Tasks And PARTY BACKS The Trade Unions AGE PENSIONS!
Veteran Of Trade Union Battles Analyzes The (Continuad From Page One)
Present Industrial Scene And Presents cessities and luxuries of life for SWP Fighting Program every person young and old. What stands in the way? Why can the By DUNNE blows of the depression. it would machines be put to work to pro(Minneapolis Teamster) today be in a far better position vide for human needs? What monA Marxist understanding of the in the American labor movement.
strous power condemns the prostate and of the role of the revducers to live in poverty: to the Desperate for organizers, Lewis indignity of subsisting on crumbs lutionary party as the vanguard committed a tragic error in open that fall from the tables of the of the class, without which thating wide the doors to the Stalinists rich. Even a child knows that the class cannot raise itself to power in return for their unconditional owner of the means of production a reasonable demand? This is an basic necessities of life, 60 of Is the demand for 30 a week quired to furnish a family with the attitude towards work in the support.
oft heard question these days, as the total families in the country Poison. trade unions than that held by is that power.
the campaign around the Pension any other organization claiming to Weakened by the defeat of The annual national income is Plan reaches its close. We present received less than that sum!
represent the American workers.
figures indicating the an Little Steel and the hammer. 60 billion dollars. this is not here It Can Be Done!
Alone of all parties in the Unit blows of the new depression, the enough to feed and clothe every swer!
ed States, the Socialist Workers CIO organism could not shake off worked who wanted to work the great has been the concern over Compare the above figures with In the last several years. so the following: Party advocates that only a the Stalinist poison.
On the West national income would be much the inability of our economic sysIf American industry were opWorkers and Farmers government, Coast and elsewhere the Commun higher and more people would get tem to provide the needs of life erating at full capacity of the 1929 basing itself upon nation wide councils of elected representatives ist controlled CIO has followed a over produced food were not have been made of our country nat PRIVATE EXPLOITATION the necessities of life. And if to all people that several studies level operating for PUBLIC USE of the workers and farmers, car brutal and callous antiworking destroyed there would be still solve the economic and social prob. class policy of raiding the AFL, more! In the bosses hands is the resources and the distribution of all its income lems facing the masses. It flows of violating the picket lines of wealth we have produced.
The most authentic all incomes below 3500 could be from this concept that our party unions under the control of the and widely accepted report is that raised 42 and these 16. million must extend its influence to all progressives.
Our Solution issued by Brookings Institute. In families earning under 2000 could In Minneapolis, the sections of the economic organiza Stalinized section of the Cro has a pamphlet summarizing the re have an income of at least 2000 The Socialist Workers Party tions of the workers and farmers not hesitated to connive with the proposes: Expropriate the wealth sults of an investigation on Am per year.
particularly of the workers, be bosses against the AFL, even to of the exploiters! Take over the erica capacity to Produce and These figures mean that in 1929 cause it is the working class that appeal to the courts for an injunc means of production and put it to Consume a glimmer of the truth the year of our great prosperity will lead all the oppressed in the tion against the latter.
use for all! To the millions in the is exposed to view.
the majority of our people could onslaught on capitalism and the Even Then!
not satisfy their basic necessities fight for a socialist America and the CIO will hold its first national march with you! We act with you!
On November 14 in Pittsburgh Pension movement we say: We under capitalism while living in a In 1929, year of prosperity country with sufficient material a socialist world.
convention, at which will be decid. They are strike breakers who six million families (21 of the resources to furnish enough goods Other Groups ed the question of who is to con: preach sermons at the workers total number of 271 million fam for all if those goods were avaiity and the IWW answered no Stalinists in a bloc with Lewis otion, We will vote for Proposition comes of less than 1, 000 per year.
Because the Socialist Labor Par. trol that body: the worker or the and then break the ranks in ac lies in this country) received in able to their makers!
to the question: shall revolutionists, other CIO leaders, It can be said No. 25 because it voices the deWe Have Earned Them!
Twelve (12) million work in reactionary trade unions? bluntly that only to the extent to mand for security in a world of It must be remembered that a they doomed themselves to steri! which the CIO rids itself of Stalin. plenty. We are confident that the than 42 obtained less than 1500 ity.
ism can it recover its lost ground experience of the hopelessness of per year. Two (2) million or worker on reaching the age of 50 and develop reforni will teach every worker had an excess of 5000. 600, 000 has spent the most fruitful period Because the Socialist Party, and The Strength of the AFL that the road of struggle against or received over 10, 000 per of his life helping to create by his the Lovestone group have degrad.
labor all the great wealth in this ed socialist policies to the level phenomenon not sufficiently capitalism is the only one.
country The worker alone has The road of the Pension Plan is Top and Bottom created these riches, for wealth of trade union politics, their work appreciated by the students of the in the mass movement has not re. which the AFL has not only with struggle. But without hestitation the manner in futile. It is sidetracking the main The vast difference in the dis, and commodities are product ment from subservience to the cap. and the competition of the cio, road with the hope and conviction the upper brackets. Only 36. 000 nine years of promises and alibis, sulted in diverting the labor move stood the effects of the depression we march with you on this side tribution of wealth is glaringly ex. labor.
posed by the following figures: In Is it any wonder that now, after italists.
but has even managed to gain a that we will, in time, and in unison families or of the total oh. that the people knowing that our The movement for the Fourta million new members. The Afl, step forward on the main highway tained a total income billion resources are adequate to supply ca and throughout the world, not staff and great sums of inoney at dom and emancipation, for a so dollars: 11, 653, 000 families or 42 the needs of ALL, state frankly, of the total. receiving less than Give us economic security, grant only in the fight against the the. its disposal, was better able than cialist World. 1500 a year. obtained a total of us a fair return on what we procries of socialism in one coun the CIO to take advantage of the 10 billion dollars.
try. of social fascism. etc. but ground swell of organization which localities on the initiative of proWe have a right to live; The study informs us that while we shall defend and secure that in the struggle against the theory swept across the country, and to gressives, many unions 2000 a year is the minimum re. right!
of dual red unionism fostered stabilize itself when the newly or have unemployed sections, thereby by the Communist International ganized unions faced the ravages binding the jobless to their workuntil 1935. Lenin in 1920 had of the depression.
ing brothers. In areas like Detroit, demonstrated theoretically, in his Despite the Greens. the Wolls these unemployed sections have Left Communism, that for com and Tracys and Freys. incurably achieved tremendous proportions munists, to turn their backs on re narrow minded, selfish jealous, and have been a major factor in (See Editorial)
actionary unions and invent new divorced from the ranks the AFL maintaining the union hold on revolutionary unions was to ren finds itself, after three years of the workers.
In the struggle to prevent the capitalists from saddling der the greatest service to the the CIO, with a membership apburgeoisie.
proaching the all time peak figures Both bodies or the new united the cost of the economic crisis on the backs of the workThe Reactionary Stalinists of 1919. To be sure, the AFL, in movement will have to intervene ing class the Socialist Workers Party advocates: But the Communist Parties the struggle to maintain itself, his much more vigorously on behalf Re opening of all idle factories under workers control. The necessary capital for this enterprise to be supthroughout the world had long used the organizational forms and of the unemployed if the jobless since turned their backs on Len even, at times, the militant tactics, millions are to be saved from fasby the government from a steeply graduated tax ou inism. When the Communists re. the CIO. This has a special moanwhich it officially condemned in cism.
POLITICAL ACTION entered the trade unions following Huge slum elearance and housing program to be 1934 they continued to wear the ing for us.
No sooner had the orleading strings of the counter re Toward Unity ganized the great basic industries financed by allocating the enormous Roosevelt war chest olutionary Stalinist bureaucracy The AFL convention recently when the new economic crisis poswhich is now being used to prepare for the next war.
in Russia. With the drift to the ended in Houston was marked by ed problems which the unions Wages on these projects to be at least union standard right of Soviet policy, the trade the fight which Tobin led against could not solve. The was sliding scale of hours. This means a reduction of union work of Browder party has the executive council for unitica. forced to take steps toward indehours in every industry, without reduction of wages, sufdeveloped to the point where to tion of the AFL and CIO. Tobin pendent political action of the ficent to absorb the remainder of unemployed.
day this group is the most reac. today finds himself and his inter working class These first moves tionary force in the labor move. national Union in a commanding have been timid and bureaucratic.
ment, Whereas the fortunes of position in the American labor Nevertheless, they represent an To prevent the bosses from successfully organizing the Greens and the Hillneans are movement. The Brotherhood of advance over the Gompers tradi armed bands of fascist mercenaries and destroying the after all, bound up with the for Teamsters is the largest national tion, and it is the duty of progresworkers organizations as they did in Italy and Germany, tunes of the movements which they body in the Federation and has an sives to encourage this process and the proposes the immediate formation of WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS in every union. This unions derive from Satlin and his sion. With the strategic position of a bold program.
the drivers in American industry, precautionary measure is already being taken by workers clique.
HISTORIC ROLE OF the IBT can play an important role Unlike the Communist Party in unifying the movement.
in Minneapolis and Akron.
No one claims that our party which up until the spring of 1937 favored the AFL over the CIO only It is evident that unless labor has said the last word on the In the struggle against Imperialist war the its problem of the relationships betfights for: to swing overnight to the other ex. succeeds in itself unifying treme, the Socialist Workers Par armies, Roosevelt, acting for Am ween the revolutionary party and referendum vote of the people on war. While such ty has no fetishism for either set Bring a bonit unity from outside and achieved the final pat formulas a referendum would not prevent war it would make it.
Mistakes of the CIO much clearer to all just who was for and who against above, in a way that can only have twists and turns of an American plunging the world into another blood bath.
disastrous consequences for the in union movement that is becoming The CIO has accomplished a dependence of the trade unions.
great historic task in organizing The transfer of all war funds for the relief of the increasingly complex But our pol unemployed.
THE UNEMPLOYED the heavy industries, a task that icies are Bolshevik policies and rethe. craft unions could never have Immediate withdrawal of all armed forces of the Of the 35, 000, 000 workers, al present the accumulated experiUnited States from territory outside our boundaries, paraccomplished. The new. cio in most half are today unemployed:ence of decades in the world unsong succeeded, not only because Any trade union oplicy that does ion movement.
ticularly those now in the Far East. Immediate freedom for all colonial possessions and they were industrial in form but not provide for these unemployed Armed with these policies, our because they utilized militant and will bring disaster to the working cadres can attract all that is protectorates of United States Imperialism (Phillipines, revolutionary tactics Haitai, etc. in the ovement, car strikes etc. to gain their goal.
The nationally has dis pand into proletarian armies that Had the CIO continued its origin. regarded the problem.
will lead behind them the Ameri These transitional demands are not cure alls, they al policy of organizing the unor The under the pressure can masses in the revolutionary are simply point out immediate battle lines in the march.
ganized, of concentrating on the of the derpession, which hit the onslaught against the cruel sys. to the goal.
basic industries, of avoiding raids mass industries harder than the tem which is preparing only great SOCIALIST UNITED STATES IN FEDERATED on established AFL unions, there skilled trades, has after too much er misery; and against the insani.
is little doubt but that, despite the delay taotled the problem in many ties of imperialist war.