BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNational LiberationRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

April 2, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL A Pacifism Is An Aid, Not a Deterrent, To the War Makers Lenin and Zinoviev SOCIALISM AND WAR Rosa Luxemburg The Meaning of Pacifism Leon Trotsky DEMOCRACY, PACIFISM AND IMPERIALISM Rosa Luxemburg, co leader with Karl Liebknecht The following is an extract from the pamphlet of the German Spartalusbund, was one of that small. Socialism and War by Lenin and Zinoviev, valiant band of revolutionary internationalists who written in Switzerland in 1915. When it was raised their voices against the imperialist slaughter of (The following article on pacifism was writwritten, its two authors were part of a tiny hand1914 18. For her devotion to the cause of the socialist ten by Leon Trotsky in the third year of the ful of Socialists withstanding the wave of Chaurerolution, her refusal to join the social patriots of the imperialist world war and published originally Second International in aiding the imperialists to provinism that overcame the leaders of the Socialist in Vperiod, a Russian revolutionary organ, Parties of all countries who led the workers to secute the robber war, Rosa paid with her life. To on June 30, 1917. Its timeliness today, on the the slaughter under the slogan defense of the gether with Karl Liebknecht she was foully murdered eve of a new world war, when the pacifists are fatherland. Two years later the simple ideas put on January 15, 1919, by the German government at playing their old game of sidetracking the workforth in this pamphlet found living expression in whose head stood the social patriotic traitors Ebert.
ers from the revolutionary anti war struggle, the Russian revolution and the emergence of the Noske and Schcidemann. The ideas embodied in the is more than apparent Ed. first Workers State. Lenin died in 1924. His cofollowing brief article by Rosa Luxemburg, written author, Zinoviev, first chairman of the Communist three years prior to the commencement of the World International, was shot by Joseph Stalin as a War, must be assimilated by every worker who is Fascist spy in 1936. Leninism is synonymous anxious to struggle, and struggle effectively, against There have never been so many pacifists as with the most uncompromising resistance to imthe new imperialist slaughter which is now impendat this moment, when people are slaying each ing. Ed.
perialist war. Stalinism, its negation, today stands other on all the great highways of our planet.
Each epoch has not only its own technology for support of slaughter under the and political form, but also its own style of hypocritical cloak of democracy vs. Fascism just The friends of peace in bourgeois circles believe hypocrisy. Time was when the nations destroyas the Second International, in 1914 18, supported that world peace and disarmament can be realized with ed each other for the glory of Christ teachthe war under the slogan of Democracy vs. Kais.
in the framework of the present social order, whereas ings and the love of one neighbor. Now erism or German culture vs. Czarist barbarism. Lenin we, who base ourselves on the materialistic conception Christ is invoked only by backward governof history and on scientific socialism, are convinced ments. The advanced nations cut each other War is polities continued by other (i. e. that militarism can only be abolished from the world throats under the banner of pacifism. a Leon Trotsky forcible) means.
To the social chauvinists belong those who with the destruction of the capitalist state. The league of nations and a durable peace. KerenThis famous dictum belongs to one of the justify and idealize the government and the bourgeois friends of peace are endeavoring and from sky and Tseretelli shout for an offensive in the phase as the blood and purple sunset differ profoundest writers on military questions, bourgeoisie of one of the belligerent groups name of an early conclusion of peace.
from the rosy fingered dawn.
Clausewitz. Rightly, the Marxists have always their point of view this is perfectly logical and explicof nations, as well as those who, like Kautsky, There is no Juvenal for this epoch, to depict Theoretically and politically, pacifism stands considered this axiom as the theoretical founda recognize the equal right of the Socialists of all gradually restraining militarism, and are naturally in it with biting satire. Yet we are forced to on the same foundation as does the theory of tion for their understanding of the meaning belligerent nations to defend the fatherland.
the harmony of social interests. The antagoclined to consider every outward apparent sign of a admit that even the most powerful would apof every war. It is from this very standpoint Social chauvinism, being in practice a defense tendency towards peace as the genuine article, to take pear weak and insignificant in the presence of nisms between capitalist nations have the same that Marx and Engels regarded wars.
of the privileges, prerogatives, robberies and every expression of the ruling diplomacy in this vein blatant baseness and cringing stupidity, two economic roots as the antagonisms between the Apply this idea to the present war (the world violence of one own (or any other) im at its word, to exaggerate it into a basis for earnest of the elements which have been released by classes. And if we adnrit the possibility of war. You will find that for decades, for alperalist bourgeoisie, is a total betrayal of all activity.
the present war.
a progressive blunting of the edge of the class most half a century, the governments and the Socialist conviction and a violation of the de The Social Democrats (read revolutionary socialstruggle, it requires but a single step further ruling classes of England, France, Germany, THE ROOTS OF PACIFISM cisions of the International Socialist Congress to accept a gradual softening and regulating ists Ed. on the other hand, must consider it their Italy, Austria and Russia, conducted a policy in Basle (1912, Ed. duty in this matter, just as in all matters of social of international relations. The source of the Pacifism springs from the same historical of colonial robbery, of suppressing labor moveideology of democracy, with all its traditions criticism, to expose the bourgeois attempts to restrain MASS SUFFERING INCREASED roots as democracy The bourgeoisie made a Such ments, of oppressing foreign nations.
and illusions, is the petty bourgeoisie.
militarism as pitiful half measures and the expressions gigantic effort to rationalize human relations, a policy, and no other one, is being pursued The war has undoubtedly created the acutest of such sentiments on the part of the governing circles in the present war. Notably in Austria and that is, to supplant a blind and stupid tradi IF WAR SHOULD COME.
crises and has incredibly intensified the suffer as diplomatic make believe, and to oppose the bour tion by a system of critical reason. The guild Russia the policy of both peace and war times ings of the masses. The reactionary character geois claims and pretences with the ruthless analysis restrictions (William Jennings) Bryan rashly and noisily on industry, class privileges, consists in the enslavement of nations and not of this war, the shameless lie of the bourgeosie of capitalist reality.
monarchic autocracy these were the traditionexpressed the natural aversion of the farmers in their liberation.
of all countries which covers its predatory aims Militarism in both its formis as war and as arm al heritage of the middle ages. Bourgeois deand of the small man generally to all such NATIONAL AWAKENING with national ideology, all this inevitably ed peace is a legitimate child, a logical result of capi mocracy demanded legal equality, free comthings as world policy, military service and creates, on the basis of an objective revolu talism, which can only be overcome with the destruc petition and parliamentary methods in the conhigher taxes. Yet, at the same time that he On the contrary, in China, Persia, India and tionary situation, revolutionary sentiments in tion of capitalism, and hence whoever honestly desires duct of public affairs.
was sending wagon loads of petitions, as well other dependent nations we note in the last the masses. Our duty is to help make these world peace and liberation from the tremendous burden as deputations, to his pacifist colleagues at the Naturally its nationalistic criteria were apdecade a policy of national awakening, tens sentiments conscious, to deepen them and give of armaments must also desire socialism. Only in this head of the government, Bryan did everything plied also in the field of international relations.
and hundreds of millions of people striving to them form. The only correct expression of this way can real Social Democratic enlightenment and rein his power to break the revolutionary edge liberate themselves from under the yoke of task is the slogan Turn the imperialist war Here it hit upon war, which appeared to it as cruiting be carried on in connection with the armaments whole movement.
a method of solving questions that was a comthe reactionary great nations. War growing into civil war. All consistent class struggle in debate. If war should come, Bryan telegraphed on out of this historic basis, even at the present time of war, all mass action earnestly con This work, however, will be rendered somewhat plete derrial of all reason. So bourgeois de the occasion of an anti war meeting in Chicago.
mocracy began to point out to the nations time, can be of a bourgeois progressive nature, ducted must inevitably lead to this. We cannot difficult and the attitude of the Social Democrats will we will all support the government of course; with tongues of poesy, moral philosophy and a war for national liberation.
know whether in the first or in the second become obscure and vacillating, if, by some strange exyet at this moment it is our sacred duty to ne glance at the present war, conceived as certified accounting that they would profit imperialist; war between the great nations, change of roles, our party tries, on the contrary, to do all in our power to preserve the nation from more by establishment of a condition of eternal continuation of the policy of the great whether during or after it, a strong revolution convince the bourgeois state that it can quite well limit the horrors of war.
peace. Such were the logical roots of bourgenations and their fundamental classes, shows ary movement will flare up. Whatever the armaments and bring about peace and that it can do These few words contain the entire program that the opinion which justifies defense of the case may be, it is our absolute duty system ois pacifism.
this from its own standpoint, from that of a capitalist of petty bourgeois pacifism: to do everything fatherland in the present war is false, hypoatically and unflinchingly to work in that part class state.
From the time of its birth pacifism was af in our power against war means to afford the critical and in glaring contradiction to the hisicular direction. Leipziger Volkszeitung, May 8, 1911.
flicted, however, with a fundamental defect, one voice of popular indignation an outlet in the toric facts. mass sentiment for peace often expresses which is characteristic of bourgeois democra form of harmless demonstration, after having the beginning of a protest, an indignation and Karl Liebknecht cy; its pointed criticisms addressed themselves WHAT IS SOCIAL CHAUVINISM?
previously given the government a guarantee to the surface of political phenomena, not dar that it will meet with no serious opposition, in Social chauvinism is adherence to the idea the war. It is the duty of all Social Democrats ing to penetrate to their economic causos. case of war, from the pacifist faction.
of defending the fatherland in the present to take advantage of this sentiment. They will THE IDEA OF ETERNAL PEACE Official pacifism could have desired nothing war. From this idea follows repudiation of the take the most ardent part in every movement better. It could now give satisfactory assur class struggle in war time, voting for military and in every demonstration made on this basis, At the hands of capitalist reality, the idea ance of imperialistie preparedness. After appropriations, etc. In practice the social but they will not deceive the people by assumof eternal peace, on the basis of a reason Bryan own declaration, only one thing was chauvinists conduct an anti proletarian bourge ing that in the absence of a revolutionary able agreement, has fared even more badly necessary to dispose of his noisy opposition to ois policy, because in practice they insist not on movement it is possible to have peace without than the ideas of liberty, equality and fraterni war, and that was, simply, to declare war. And the defense of the fatherland in the sense of annexations, without oppression of nations, ty. For capitalism, when it rationalized in Bryan rolled right over into the government fighting against the oppression of a foreign without robbery, without planting the seed of dustrial conditions, did not rationalize the social camp. And not only the petty bourgeoisie, but nation, but upon the right of one or the other new wars among the present governments and But to learn and not forget applies also, and above organization of ownership, and thus prepared also the broad masses of the workers, said to of the great nations to rob the colonies and the ruling classes. Such deception would only all, to the heroic struggle against the war which our instruments of destruction such as even the themselves: If our government, with such an oppress other peoples. The social chauvinists play into the hands of the secret diplomacy of Italian comrades waged and are still waging. They barbarous middle ages never dreamed of. outspoken pacifist as Wilson as its head, defollow the bourgeosie in deceiving the people the belligerent countries and their counter fight with their press, with meetings, with street corner The constant embitterment of international claves war, and if even Bryan supports the by saying that the war is conducted for the revolutionary plans. Whoever wishes a durable relations and the ceaseless growth of militarism gatherings. They fight with revolutionary strength and government in the war, it must be an unavoiddefense of the freedom and the existence of and democratic peace must be for civil war courage, opposing their bodies and their lives to the completely undermined the basis of reality able and righteous war. It is now evident the nations; thus they put themselves on the against the governments and the bourgeoisie. raging impact of the waves of nationalism whipped up tinder the feet of pacifism. Yet it was from why the sanctimonious, Quaker like pacifism of side of the bourgeoisie against the proletariat.
Socialism and War, August, 1915. by the government. Their struggle is worthy of our these very things that pacifism took a new lease the bourgeois demagogues is in such high favor enthusiastic felicitations. Let their spirit be our model. on life, a life which differed from its earlier in financial and war industry circles.
May it become the pattern for the International.
deeper into maelstrom of destruction. International proletarian class struggle against the international imperialist mangling of the In normal times, most people, in this country and they are in fism: Pacifism divorces the strugpeople is the command of the hour.
The main enemy of the German people is in Germany: there is no getting around it.
in their own minds and wishes, creasing in size as the crisis gle against war from the strugIt becomes a war of defense peace and democracy which is, are undoubtedly against war. deepens.
gle against capitalism. Pacifist German imperialism, the German war party, German The people want to struggle against aggression, a war to of course, the slogan under which How could it be otherwise? No In the first place, there are the organizations differ among themsecret diplomacy. The German people must wage a against war. The truth is that uphold the sanctity of treaties Roosevelt also prepares for war.
one likes to get shot, mangled, organizations which are directly selves in innumerable other political struggle against this enemy in its own country, the only way to fight against or international morality. Most The Keep America Out of War gassed, drowned. No one likes to bourgeois in origin, control and features, but they are all alike in conjunction with the struggle of the proletarians of war is to fight against the ca ironic of all, it becomes a war Committee shows and must show have his friends and family kil financing. These include such in this other countries against their own imperialists. pitalism which causes it; and to to defend Peace! Since pacifism the same tendency. From its led or wounded. No one likes all groups as the Women Interna This fundamental character The enemies of the working class rely upon the for carry on the class struggle for causes of war, does not face the Congressmen and labor bureaufight against capitalism means to has made no analysis of the true platform, major generals and life and liberty which war brings Freedom, World Peaceways, the of the fatal, hopeless, and in the getfulness of the masses; take heed, that their reliance workers power and for social fact that all imperialist wars are crats, ostensibly talking against about.
Fellowship of Reconciliation, etc. last analysis treacherous error ism.
This almost universal feeling is. Many of these groups have large of pacifism.
of the masses but we raise the stormy cry: Pacifism hides this truth. It set of imperialist interests, it gression, end up their speeches the starting point and the memberships and wealthy backers How much longer are the imperialist gamblers going exploits the anti war feelings of and those who follow its ideas, with declarations of loyalty to strength of pacifism. And, since They have lobbies in Washington, The Roots of War to abuse the patience of the people? Enough of butchery! the masses by leading those feel accept and advocate the war in the imperialist government of this feeling against war is and carry on large scale propa Wars are not fought in the Down with the war mongers on both sides of the border! ings into illusory and ineffective the light of these siogans. the United States, and promises good and right, since it cor ganda.
modern world because people The slaughter of the people must end. paths, thus away from the only The pacifists in England were to defend that government when responds to man hopes and In The Labor Movement want war. If so the problem Proletarians of all countries! Follow the heroic ex path of genuine struggle against organized into the League of the time comes.
ideals, it is also the reason why would be simple. Indeed, the ample of your Italian brothers! Unite for the inter war. As a result of this, further, Nations Union. Since the Italian This is why revolutionary sothe pacifist movement is felt to There are, secondly, the orga problem would already be solv national class war against the conspiracy of secret dipwhen the war comes as it will invasion of Ethiopia, this Union cialists are compelled not to be have a kind of moral superiornizations which are partly worked, since people do not want war lomacy, against imperialism, against the war, for a in spite of the pacifists the has been the loudest force in indifferent to pacifism. In spite ity, why pacifists are usually ing class in origin, composition, But wars come nonetheless. socialist peace!
masses believing in pacifism are England demanding, in effect, war of the individual good will of looked upon as high minded financing and control though the Wars are fought because the left helpless in the face of the against Great Britain rival im many or most pacifists, pacifism and noble.
The main enemy is in your own country!
membership of these is seldom great powers cannot sustain. From the leaflet issued on the occasion of Italy into ment collapses with the first of the League, security, and the is reactionary, is war. The whole pacifist move perialism in the name, of course, as a movement and a program servant of The Pacifist Argument if ever predominantly proletarian. their national boundaries; be the war.
These include conspicuously the cause they must seek new comstrong breath of the war machine. maintenance of peace.
imperialism. It is not a weapon Pacifism argues as follows. Stalinist dominated American modity markets, new sources of ism must first be got rid of.
The imperialists find no resist.
leaves the causes of war alto ance, and they ride ahead rough rapidly in this country. The and bitter enemy of the revolu: The same thing is happening against war, but a dangerous Most men are against war and League for Peace and Demo raw materials, new fields for infor peace; therefore, if we can cracy (formerly the gether untouched. It can do no shod.
American vestments, or must go down to Eliminate the Cause thing therefore, to prevent or bourgeois pacifist organizations tionary struggle against war. It unite in an organized movement League against War and Fasc economic destruction If someone wishes to get rid even to hinder war. All the ideal.
Turn Into Support object to the Big Navy Bill; must be exposed and fought aall those who are against war ism. and more recently the Keep but their representatives all progainst. We must tell the truth and for peace, we will be able to America Out of War Committee operating within all of the great no good to unite everyone who of them undoubtedly have, from But these inescapable needs of hangovers, it would dp him ism of all the pacifists and some Still worse. Pacifism itself test their willingness to defend about war. There is no other way.
prevent war and maintain peace. sponsored by the Socialists and imperialist powers, flow neces did not like hangoveryone whe a personal point of view, the often, indeed usually, by an at the country against aggression. HOW TO FIGHT WAR sarily from the inner conflicts of likes them. The only meaningful highest ideals is absolutely most insensible transition, is any other point. We will not de. There is a common feature in capitalist economy itself. The campaign The Social Patriots against transformed into patriotism and Isolation mand a common point of view all of these organizations, who causes of war are an inseparable would be the campaign against.
social patriotism, into support of There was more than symbolCollective Security!
toward the class struggle of trade ever originates or controls them: part of capitalism. So long as getting too drunk the night be Really Aids War Makers the war. The experience of theism in the change of name of Relentless Class Struggle unions, toward religion philo All of them advocate a program causes are present, the effect will fore; to do away with the effect, But this is the lesser half of last war shows that this is what the American League. The Staby sophy or morality. We will get against war which is separated follow. So long then, as capital you must eliminate the cause.
happens. The imperialists them linists were, thereby preparing JAMES BURNHAM everyone together who is for from a program against capitalism endures, wars will period. Just so with pacifism. At its ineffectual in the struggle against slogans as the means for justify joined in order to work agaifist the story. Pacifism is not merely selves take over the pacifist the minds of members, who had 16 pp.
peace and against war. ism.
ically be fought. To remove the very best, pacitism is completely war; in practice it aids the war ing not war in general. but war and fascism, to support Socialist Workers Party On this basis, large pacitist This is the key to an under effect, the cause must be elimin and necessarily ineffectual in the and the war makers. This is, for the particular war which they positively a war declared ostens.
116 University Place movements arise. There are many standing of the nature of paciated. To get vid of war, capital struggle against war. Pacifism many, a hard truth to digest, but plan to fight. ibly under the slogan of Lor New York City THE ENEMY IS IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY!
Pacifism Separates Anti War Fight From Struggle Against Capitalism The absurd watchwordsee it through. was madis: Sowing Illusions, Pacifism Leaves Masses Helpless In Face of War hangovers helpless, 3c