AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyMarxismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL April 2, 1938 Sino Japanese War Is Prelude To Greater Pacific Conflict Workers of World Must Absorb Lessons of Spanish Civil War Defense of Soviet Union Rests on Working Class COMINTERN PREPARED TO SUPPORT IMPERIALIST WAR onar Our Solidarity They Wanted Better Life Is With Masses of China, Japan The Spanish civil war, which This alone, without counting and slander the Spanish revoluThe Criminal Policies of Stalin Have Isolated The tas now been in progress for the material aid that poured in tionists. Here again the realU. Workers Will Aid It Only By National Revolutionary nearly two years, has under from Fascist Germany and Italy, istic policy of Stalin has met War Will Transform scored once more with the blood provided France with an immense Resisting Imperialist War Plans of scores thousands of work advantage.
with a crushing defeat. He susThe Whole East crs, the lesson that all workers ceeded in crushing the Spanish Today, unswervingly as in the men have been spreading must learn in order to wage a Sapped Initiative revolution or at least has sucpast, the partisans of the Fourth years.
International stand for the devictorious struggle against Fasc The war in China is a matter The regime progressively sap ceeded until now. but the Soviet We remain defenders of the fense of the Soviet Union.
ped the radical initiative of the Union is more dangerously isolatSoviet Union because we remain of vital concern to every Ame ism and against war.
We are the only real defend true to our principles.
rican worker, for that war is These lessons can be simply workers organizations and by ers of the Soviet Union. Our Stalinism has introduced deonly the prelude to the greater summarized: the struggle against every means, cajolery, deception, ed than ever and the solidarity war for which this country is Fascism is inseparable from the and outright repressive force of the international working position has had and can have generation into the very pores of now being prepared.
struggle against capitalism. The prevented them from proceeding class has been broken.
nothing in common with the the Soviet social fabric; it has It is primarily to dominate the bourgeois Loyalist regime, prop along the revolutionary road. All is not yet lost in Spain boasts and avowals of the self undermined the foundations of Pacific and to become the unped up by the Communist Party, Most elementary of all, the for the working class!
styled Friends of the Soviet the October revolution but has The challenged master of China by the anarchist leaders, and the Loyalist government refused to Union. For they are only the not yet toppled them. The fundawealth, of its market and of its Socialists, checked the elementary announce the unconditional libera. Spanish workers and their class friends, if not the hirelings, of mental conquests of the revoluthe degenerated Stalin clique. tion still stand.
resources, that American imupsurge of the workers and tion of Morocco from Spanish brothers all over the world can perialism is building up its peasants against the capitalists rule. Such a step which would and must find the path to real They have always rallied to the Despite the fact that Stalin great war machine.
defense of Stalin treacheries has in every way facilitated the That is why this week on the of the war. The masses knew since it had lost Spanish Morocco Fascism and imperialist war and crimes; they have applauded work of the counter revolution, and supported every blow dealt despite the fact that through entry in the World War, the tried to strike out in their own Franco base too hot to hold him through the workers revolution, by Stalin to the October revolu his Constitution he has supplied great American fleet is engaged interests.
tion and the world working class the legal channel for the restorain the first months of the conflict the abolition of capitalist private in vast maneuvers in the Pacific movement for emancipation; they tion of capitalism, despite all of Ocean. That is why the battleMasses Checked and would have deprived him of property and the forward march the solid Moorish support upon toward Socialism.
will desert the Soviet Union at the crimes of Stalinism, the Victims of Franco Bombers ships and planes of the American Disoriented and misled by which he has leaned so heavily.
the first sign of danger and doubt private ownership of the means Navy are drilling within striktheir own parties, less will use as a pretext the of production has not been rethe masses But this move was ruled out ing distance of Japan Pacific were gradually regimented into by Paris and London and the very monstrosities which they are established, the monopoly of forisland possessions.
complete subordination to the world was treated to the spectanow so eynically defending. eign trade has not been broken, the basis for planned economy Japan Invasion bourgeois regime. The armed cle of the Moors, who fought so Malignant Growth still remains.
workers militia were disbanded bravely for their freedom a Japanese imperialism, Ameri and absorbed into the re created decade ago, fighting docilely in Unlike all those who identify Struggle Will Decide ca great Pacific rival, is en Republican army. The factories the ranks of Spanish Fascist reStalinism, which is the product gaged in a robber invasion of and railways seized by the work action against the Republican of degeneration and not of reWithin the country, and inChina. With all the barbarism ers were taken back. The land regime.
volution, with the first workers ternationally, Stalinism has been and cruelty of modern warfare, was held sacrosanct for the landstate that grew out of the con instrumental in shifting the reit is attempting to make itself lords.
Imperialist Cynicism quests of October, we have been lationship of forces to the grave the master of a greater land In France, for years waging a relentless disadvantage of the working The masses were asked to conThe cynical manner in which this is the latest answer of most loyal servants of the im through the People Front, they struggle against Stalinism. It is class. But the class enemy has one fourth of the population or in return for vague promises of ments made the Spanish Repub the steadily advancing menace of standard bearers of bloody capi wage slavery, and support of organism of the Soviet Union. The fate of the Soviet Union can the entire world.
forms in the future.
al: lican regime We support with pawn in their a new world war.
The inevitable result ensued. own inter imperialist game of talism in the era of its horrible capitalist militarism. They vote It is devouring the Soviet Union. and will be decided only in the strength the resistance that the Without benefit of formal fu. bankruptcy in the era when it for the military budgets in the The first condition for the de course of actual struggle.
The victory of October was the invaders China struggle ta Franco rebelled in July, 1936, worker the fiction that these the People Front, cornerstone problems of its own creation only against Fascist Germany. They political defeat and liquidation made possible only beenuse the Chinese peoplehines offering to loosed like a great flood when for all for every thoughtfulneral obsequies, the slogin of can submit the pressing social name of the defense of France sense of the Soviet Union is the international working class came free time from the stronglehold were gradually dammed Those democratie governments are one of Stalinist policy for the past to the arbitrament of mass rejeet the only road which can of Stalinism.
of the imperialist freebooters and who resisted this course were terested in defending democra. to slip into oblivion. The draft several years, is being allowed slaughter of the peoples. effectively defeat both German Stalin rule spells only ruin. to the aid of the Russian workhijackers is a great progressive shot down like the Barcelona cy as such. England is today resolutions for the coming con meaning of This, and this alone, is the Fascism and French capitalism: Every day, almost every hour heers, despite all those Socialists struggle. Every Chinese victory is not only a blow at Japanese workers during the May Days of negotiating a deal with Italy vention of the Communist Party. Front slogan. It represents, not workers state power.
the Democratic the working class revolution and deals terrible blows to the con who refused to take sides in that quests of October, sapping the struggle, despite all those who imperialism, but the below at low of the Loyalist government were tenance of some kind of totalitar or being published in the patike a change of line, but a deepening in the United States, ther pros his leadership the Soviet Union sorted to the subterfuge that imperialism and therefore a blow Killed with militant anti Fascist ian regime in Spain. France, tied Democratic Front, which like class course upon which the Com lective security common action fore on the international arena. for.
at the war makers.
workers whose only crime was to England tail, stands by and the People Front before it, is munist Parties were launched by of robber governments to achieve It was Stalin policies that rav. With the aid of the internaBut this does not mean for single instant that the American their determination to lead the looks on.
workers should support their workers along a government in a war against Trotskyist Fascist spies and from the beginning prevented path. For this they were called Roosevelt administration, has fascism and war.
This country with its liberal of the hour for the fight against the Communist International, In the progressive trade unions eged the ranks of the real and tional vanguard the Soviet Union fresh move in the direction of it is being rejected as a war. The international working class truction of the imperialist war, Japan. The American governo subjected to the most relentless arms from going to Spain and People Front had never exist chariot of the imperialist war the former darlings of the Am: heels of Fascism, whose victory perialist blockade, and the years It is as if the slogan of the hitching the working class to the making proposal. Even among is either being ground under the the years of civil war, and im grips with Japan but although persecution.
done nothing to prevent Franco cd!
the American workers will be Avoided Radical Steps erican People Front, such as Stalin prepared, or being shackled of post war readjustment from being liberally supplied.
Congressman Maury Maverick, and demoralized by the betrayals told it is to save China that Facilitate Support of War Role of Comintern Democracy Smokescreen So great a power was lodged the blatant chauvinism of the and bankruptcy of the policies of in this titanic social force, that Zealous only in safeguarding they must die, it will be only to save China for the money bags the private property of the Why the switch? While in the The capitalist powers are not light of Hitler Europeun con and its sections are today the The Communist International Stalinists is repudiated.
People Frontism.
the workers state has been able of Wall Street. With their in Spanish bourgeoisie and in heed interested in democracy exBrowder and Rossevelt Stalin staked everything on withstand more than twenty terests we have nothing in coming the injunctions of its masters cept as a smokescreen to deceive) quests and the advance of fasc. most vociferous and aggressive Roosevelt famous Chicago imperialist allies in the demo years of isolation, more than a mon.
in Moscow, Paris, and London, the workers and lead them all ism in Spain, People Frontism social patriotic force within the cratic camp and has thus made decade and a half of Stalinism!
the Loyalist regime stopped short the more easily to slaughter in has been exposed as an utterly world labor movement. Born out speech which called for a quar lit possible for the imperialist Even under Stalinism, and deThe Fight For Liberation of every measure which could behalf of boss profits, trade and of the problems which these World War, and opposition to enthusiastically hailed by the worthless and treacherous solvent of the struggle against the last antine of the aggressor, was bandits to attempt a temporary spite Stalinism, even though at The task e Chirezeiberation have ensured its great advantage investments. That is one prime happenings pose before the work the social patriotic supporters of Stalinists. The naval budget of the Soviet workers. Hitler and ses were able to make gigantic reconciliation at the expense of great sacrifice, the Russian masrests upon the Chinese workers over the Fascist rebels. lesson the Spanish war must ing class thus necessitating for the war in the ranks of the the administration, as Maverick his hordes are ready to leap at strides forward, and to pull the and peasants who, with the maIt kept the peasants from seiz teach all of us.
the Stalinists a revision of their Social Democracy, the Commu stated recently in Congress has the Soviet Union.
terial and moral support former feudal empire of the workers all over the world can ing the land that had been taken The Stalin government in Mos basic slogan the real signific nist parties today are putting to the support of the Communist ance of the shift is the desire of shame all the older social patri Party.
Stalin home policies have Czars into the ranks of the adand will mobilize in their millions from them by the Church and cow also made Spain its pawn in the Stalinists to become a more tic traitors to the working In a speech delivered March proved equally false and disas vanced nations.
and repel the invader.
trous. He has decimated the at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, ranks of the Red Army, the Navy Who Will Conquer To do this they will have to lost its key ally in the war. The with England and France and to for corralling the working class in the name of the defense of Earl Browder attacked Maverick and the Air Force. Soviet eco These achievements were made as well, for the Chinese bosses peasants, behind Franco lines that end it transplanted to Spain into support of the democratic democracy have sold them out to imperial and behind the Loyalist lines, re all the machinery and methods capitalist states in the coming the hirelings of the Stalin regime Amendment and opposing the nomic life is in the throes of possible by the great revolutiona grave crisis. The defense o:ary traditions and the creative ism before and will do so again. mained passive.
of the to suppress, kilt, imperialist war, in line with Staare doing all in their power to Navy Bill.
curb and destroy the independent Browder has complete confidmands not a mitigation but on riat.
the Soviet Union therefore de energies of the Russian proletaThe Chinese employers of labor The People Front has been working class movement against ence in his president, does not the contrary a sharpening of the which Stalin may weaken but These are living forces and owners of land have sub.
jected the workers and peasants represented by its sponsors to Fascism, war and capitalism. No want anything which would make struggle against Stalinism.
be a union of tendencies within longer do they recognize that it more difficult for Roosevelt to cannot destroy no matter how to the most grinding exploitation the working class movement with modern society is divided into declare war, and opposes any An Old Trick many trials he stages, regardknown in the modern world.
the broad strata of the petty exploiting and exploited classes body who interferes with the big less of the repressions he may Their interest lies in sharing the bourgeoisie fruits of this exploitation with What the Stalin who are in irreconcilable conflict; navy program!
It goes without saying that unleash.
any opposition to Stalinism is their foreign masters.
ists now desire is to extend this no longer do they teach that the Who will vanquish whom?
General He also attacks those who call interpreted by the regime as hos. This issue will be decided only is China is today the field of in Britain has maintained first union, insofar as that is possible, present democratic imperialist for the withdrawal of marines tility to the Soviet Union. It is in an open struggle.
Just Japanese imperialism only be sensen imperialist rivalries and place. with Japan as close riwal historie oor die lank of the stone used by the ruling comptes from Chine This does isola: an old trick. Reactionary trade decisively opposed those who toown economic weakness, agree to China aims to subject the Chinese (primarily in Manchuria) are purpose of this aim, even the sainst the workers; no longer do the Japanese bandits. betray the levelled against all progressives irrevocable victory of the is only too willing, and has said sains at the expense of Great total foreign investments (as too left; to sectarian, too each capitalist country that its American rights all in the name they seek to wreck the union, refuse to concede their irrevoe80 a hundred times, to turn China Britain and the United States. against Britain 5. per cent suggestive of class.
main enemy is at home, that the of fighting against Standard Oil are really bosses agents, etc. able defeat. The outcome will be over to the control of the United It is also a preparatory move for and America 1. per cent. Since To Serve As Loyal Aids and American in. perialism! lett.
bosses and their governments war by Japan against the Soviet 1931 Japan investments in Chidecided in struggle. And in this States or Great Britain.
Could the war mongering posiChiang Kai shek is fighting at Union in the east.
na have increased significantly.
From the very outset of his struggle, as in 1917, the internaIn putting forward the slogan must be opposed in peacetime tion of the Stalinists be the moment for a choice of mas The stakes in China are great. American investments in China, of the Democratic Front in and wartime.
in struggle to rule or ruin, Stalin tional vanguard will take its posimpler language! During the has spread the slander that the sition shoulder to shoulder with ters. The real fight for Chinese Covering an area of 4, 300, 000 totalling about 200, 000, 000, are face of the rapidly approaching Class Harmony next war they will be the chici revolutionary Marxists are the resurgent Russian revolution liberation is the fight against all square miles with a population concentrated mainly in and a war, the Stalinists are preparing instruments used by the Depart gainst the defense of the Soviet in the fight to retain and extend masters and that fight can be of 450 millions, China is rich in round Shangai, where industry Instead, they preach and prac ment of Justice in its campaign Union, in favor of imperialist in the conquest of October despite waged only by the masses of mineral resources gold, silver, and trade is practically at a stand to submerge themselves in the workers and peasants under the tin, copper, manganese, coal, salt, still due to Japanese occupation ranks of the party of Roosevelt tise unity, harmony, collabora to suppress the working class tervention etc. etc. The monstrous Stalinism, against Stalinism, abanner of their own party and oil, etc. an immense market for of the city. The United States or its left wing, the more ef tion with the class enemy against opposition.
Moscow frame ups were in part gainst capitalist restoration in staged to substantiate this vile Russia, against capitalist rule program that satisfies their trade and capital investment. occupied a leading position in the own economic interests.
An examination of the changes increase of China foreign trade lie which Stalin and his hench elsewhere in the world.
in foreign investments from 1914 during the first seven months of DOVE OF PEACE, ROOSEVELT STYLE Real Road To Victory to 1931 (the last year for which 1937. Within a few months after Because Chiang Kai shek still explains the struggle among the trade declined approximately one figures are available) eloquently the Japanese attack, China fears the masses more than he robber powers.
fears the imperialist invader, he (C. Remer, half.
has kept the struggle within the Foreign Investments in China. Interests limits of a purely military de Percentage of Foreign Capital American imperialism inter The defense of the national state, first of all in Balkanized fense. This has enabled JapanInvestments est in China lies, however, not Europe the cradle of the national state is in the full sense ese imperialism to win control 1914 1931 only its present investments and of the word a reactionary task. The national state with its over all of North China and the Great Britain 37. 36. trade but far more in the pos.
borders, passports, monetary system, customs and the army coastal provinces to below Japan 13. 35. sibility of extending these rich for the protection of customs has become a frightful impediShanghai, Chiang has been aided Russia 16. 8. sources of profits. An enthusiastic ment to the economic and cultural development of humanitý.
in this by the Communist Party, United States spokesman for these capitalist Not the defense of the national state is the task of the pro.
which abandoned any pretense at Germany 16. 2.
interests has ably presented the letariat, but its complete and final liquidation.
a revolutionary program for the France 10. The working claas is not indifferent to its nation. On the masses and has subordinated it. It is good business for the contrary, just because history places the fate of the nation self 100 percent to the Kuomin. against the fraudulent notion tha.
tang, Chiang Kai shek party, American imperialism will figh. United States to keep China intu its hands, the working class refuses to entrust the work He will be prevented from con of Japan. American imperialism out of Japanese control. Secto save China from the clutches vast but undeveloped resources of national freedom and independence to imperialism which tinuing this policy to its ruin will fight in its own interests ondly, China remains the great saves the nation only to subject it on the morrow to new ous end only through the inde lonly and those interests are not est potential market and source mortal dangers for the sake of the interests of an insignifiependent mobilization ant minority of exploitats. new war would carve Europe workers and peasants for the brothers and ourselves only by world. Its industrialization can anew in accordance with the war map and not in correspondstruggle in their own interests. Presenting a solid bulwark a be said to have hardly begun.
ence to boundaries of nations. The task of complete That is the real roud to victory Fainst the bosses in our own the chief obstacle to its indusnational determination and peaceful cooperation of all peoples the real road to Chinese national unremitting struggle of Europe can be solved only on the basis of the economic over Japanese imperialism and country and by carrying on the trialization has been lack of unification of Europe, purged of bourgeois rule. The slogan liberation.
capitalism to the victory that will stake in China is but a tiny fracof the United States of Europe is a slogan not only for the Offering our fullest solidarity really end all wars by removing tion of our potential stake in a salvation of the Balkan and Danubian peoples but for the and support to China struggle. the cause of way, the capitalist unified and revivified China. So One of the Army new flying fortresses which recently made a goodwill salvation of the peoples of Germany and France as well.
we at the same time stand guard system itself. writes the Stalinist New Masses!
flight to South America. War and the Fourth International. ol Imperialist Interests in China Are At Root Of Coming Clashes The Idea of National Defense case: of