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Workers! The Enemy Is In Your Own Country!
Forward With The Fourth International!
Socialist Appeal Special Anti War Supplement OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY 401 Vol. II. No. 14 Saturday, April 2, 1938 ROOSEVELTIAN SHIP OF STATE Millions Died For The Fraud Of Democracy ROOSEVELT HULL ARE HEADING TOWARD NEW WORLD CONFLICT In Whose War Shall Fight?
of Eugene Debs WAR IS PIVOT OF The slogan: Fight to save democracy is being raised by every war monger. LEST WE FORGET, the last war was ALSO AMERICAN PLANS fought to save democracy. It brought fascism to Italy, Nazism to Germany, and dictatorships all over Europe. And here is what it cost: Preparations Are Going IN HUMAN LIVES: Ahead In Every At the front of the 65, 000, 000 enrolled in the military Domain forees, there were: Known dead 10, 000, 000 Eugene Debs, veteran leader of the American So Twenty one years after it en Missing tered the war to end wars, 4, 000, 000 cialist movement, who died in 1926, offered uncomproSeriously wounded American imperialism, under the 6, 500, 000 maising revolutionary resistance to this country parti political guidance of President Otherwise wounded 14, 000, 000 cipation the war and was imprisoned for doing so. hate war. Roosevelt is hend ed once more directly and conTotal casualties at the front 34. 500. 000 In the following stirring article, written in 1915, he sciously in the direction of a These figures were arrived at by a liberal historian who AIRCRAFT made his position plain: new and more ghastly war to was himself drafted into the last World War.
CARRIER end wars. LEXINGTON Preparations for the fast apONE OUT OF FIVE DIED Since my characterization of the soldier in the proaching holocaust, in which all Jingo edition (as the hired assassin of his capitalist the imperialist powers, faseist One out of every five men called or dragged to the colors master. Ed. have been asked if was opposed to and democratic, without any exwas shot to death, blown to bits by high explosives, stabbed all war and if would refuse to be a soldier and to fight ceptions, will engage in a lifefatally with bayonet or trench knife, suffocated with poison gas, under any circumstances, and to make my answer and death struggle save the or fell victim to gangrene or epidemic disease.
through the Appeal to Reason. No, am not opposed tottering system of capitalism by One out of every ten staggered home seriously injured, to all war, nor am opposed to fighting under all circum ed ever more sharply on the redividing the world, are project a large number maimed for life blind, deaf, with face shot stances, and any declaration to the contrary would disscreen of contemporary events, away, shattered by shell shock, often starkly insane, or with qualify me as a revolutionist. When say am opposed This is th meaning of the 1, legs or arms or both gone.
to war mean ruling class war, for the ruling class is 121, 000, 000 navy appropriation Of the more fortunate, an approximate average of one in the only class that makes war. It matters not to me separate from and in addition to five suffered injuries serious enough to require hospital attention.
whether this war be offensive or defensive, or what the ordinary military and naval (George Willison, Why Wars are Declared, 25. Boss War Is For Boss WARS SINCE THE WAR TO END WAR other lying excuse may be invented for it, am opposed budgets. This is the meaning of At the rear: While this carnage was going on at the front, to it, and would be shot for treason before would the additional appropriation, Profits and Not For After making an analysis of 902 wars and 1, 615 internal an even greater slaughter was going on behind the lines. Our enter such a war.
totalling nearly 500, 000, 000, for liberal ex soldier continues. Democracy disturbances over a period of 2, 500 years, a Harvard professor If were in Congress would be shot before the army. Indications have alreports that the war index for the twentieth century reached would vote a dollar for such a war.
ready been given that additional 28, 000, 000 CIVILIANS PERISHED As one glances back over the a total eight times greater than in all the preceding centuries. Capitalist wars for capitalist conquest and capital sums will be sought to augment this program of peace.
1918 19 Polish Ukrainian War.
political experiences of the last To the 14, 000, 000 soldier dead now add 28, 000, 000 for by ist plunder must be fought by the capitalists themselves This is the meaning, too, of two decades and observes the 1919 22 Inter Allied Intervention Against Soviet Russia. so far as am concerned, and upon that question there the latest estimate, at least that number of civilians perished the Sheppard May Bill which predominant sentiments of today, 1919 20 British military occupation of Ireland.
can be no misunderstanding as to my position.
before their time as a direct result of the war. Women and provides measures for the mobilone cannot but be amazed at the 1919 26 Conquests in Arabia by Ibn Saud. have no country to fight for; my country is the ization of industry for war purchildren, the aged and infirm, for the most part millions upon short memory of the mass of the 1920. Soviet Polish War.
earth; and am a citizen of the world.
millions of innocent non combatants, of all ages, of all races, people. The bitter lessons that 1920. Turkish Armenian War. would not violate my principles for God, much of both sexes, in almost all countries of the world.
were absorbed in the past at 1921 22 Greek Turkish War.
less for a crazy kaiser, a savage czar, a degenerate king, Pacific Maneuvers Cut down by pestilence or famine, cold or exposure, fire frightful cost are readily forgot1921 26 Franco Spanish Wars against Riffs.
or a band of pot bellied parasites.
This is, also, the meaning of or poison gas, shot or shell or bombs from the air, as they ten under the impact of capitalist 1925 French military expedition to Syria.
But while have not a drop of blood to shed for the the vast naval maneuvers now fled in panic here and there, abandoning their homes and all propaganda.
This thought is sharply called 1925 27 Civil war and foreign imperialist intervention in China.
they held dear, to escape being trampled on or crushed to death oppressors of the working class and the robbers of the going forward in the Pacifica to mind by a reading of Rose 1925 35 Gran Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay. poor, the thieves and looters, the brigands and murder pointed warning to imperialist between the contending armies. How many civilians IN ADStein M Day. a scholarly, 1927. Occupation of Nicaragua by Marines.
ers, whose debauched misrule is the crime of the ages, Japan, which is threatening the DITION suffered shocks and injuries disabling them for life as documented account how 1931 32 Japanese seizure of Manchuria. have a heart full to shed for their victims when it trade and investments of Amer.
a direct consequence of the war will never be known and dan America got into the last war, 1932 Sino Japanese war at Shanghai.
shall be needed in the war for their liberation.
ican imperialism in the Far East.
not even be estimated.
how capital gained and labor lost, 1985 36 Italo Ethiopian War. am not a capitalist soldier; am a proletarian The measures of physical preThe World War cost in round figures 40, 000, 0000, 000. The and what the War Department 1936 38 British bombing operations on Indian Northwest revolutionist. do not belong to the regular army of the paredness are supplemented, as United States contribution to the cost of the World War, even has in store for labor during the frontier.
plutocracy, but to the irregular army of the people. on the eve of every war, by an according to so reactionary an authority as President Nicholas next war.
1936 38 Spanish Civil War: Franco aided by Hitler and refuse to obey any command to fight from the ruling ideological campaign to prepare the workers to fight and die for Murray Butler, of Columbia University, MIGHT HAVE given The Real Facts Mussolini.
class, but will not wait to be commanded to fight for their exploiters and oppressors. each and every family in the United States a 5, 000 house1937 38 Sino Japanese War.
the working class.
This is the meaning of careon a five acre 500 plot of ground with 1, 000 in addition to While our history text books 1937 38 British war on Arabs in Palestine. am opposed to every war but one; am for that fully worded deqlarations of furnish it comfortably and attractively.
still teach the children that America went to war out of considerwar with heart and soul, and that is the world wide President Roosevelt, who seeks a deep THE WORKERS GAINED NOTHING ation for the highest of human winter of 1916 17 saw war of the social revolution. In that war am prepared Why Wars are Fought to deceive the working class in ideais, adult America has come sented unrest develop in the to fight in any way the ruling class may make it neces to believing that American imConcerning wages of workers during the World War, Pro to snicker cynically at this tale And there are still people who French armies that was spurred sary, even to the barricades.
perialism will go to war only in fessor Paul Douglas says: All the evidences seem to in and seek the explanation in the would have us believe, 21 years self defense or for the preThere is where stand and where believe the servation of freedom and de dicate that at the termination of the great war the return in more sordid, but also more au after the above was written, that on by the news of the Russian Socialist Party stands, or ought to stand, on the question mocracy against the undemocracommodities which the American workman received for an equal thentie story, of Morgan Co. capitalist nations go to war for Revolution in February and reof war.
tic aggressor states.
length of time worked (one hour) was from 16 to 20 per cent Joans to the Allies. Were all of other than economie reasons! sulted in a number of mutinies. Continued on Page 4A. From the Appeal to Reason, September 11, 1915. less than it was in the decade 1890 1899, and from seven to 17 adult America to read Miss Aside from the professors with This is the meaning of the per cent less than it was before the sharp upward movement Stein book they would know their racial, psychological, and hypocritically lworded diplomatie notes drafted in increasing num.
of prices in 1916. The purchasing power of the established safe for. we ber by Secretary of State Cordell week work, moreover, was from 20 to 30 per cent less than is based upon more than a good ganda of the Communist Party Hull, whose task is to ensure in the nineties and from 10 to 20 per cent less than in 1915. guess. Miss Stein gives the fol which would have us believe that that when war comes American American labor as a whole, therefore, cannot legitimately lowing table showing the amount Great Britain, France, and imperialism will be able to apbe charged with having profiteered during the war. Rather, like loaned by Morgan to the Allies: America will go to war against pear before the workers and the Alice in Wonderland, it was compelled to rush faster in order April 1915 the fascist nations in order to Since war is inevitably bred by war for imperialist profit and power wantonly attacked by an world at large as an unoffending to stay in the same place. And Professor Douglas is considered 30, 000, 000 to France defend democratic institutions, capitalist society, the only genu imperialism. The conaggressor.
America outstanding authority on the history of wages!
June 1915 the sanctity of treaties, the right ine struggle against war is presequently, exposes the futility plunder.
of self determination for small cisely the struggle against the United States, pacifism is part. respect to imperialist war holds 40, 000, 000 to France The policy of the with THE CAPITALISTS ALONE PROFITED Kennedy Slip nations, and, perhaps, even the social system which breeds it, the October 1915 500, 000, 000 to Anglo France Workers Fatherland.
BY WAR The democratic bloc might for socialism. Only through the ideas are so widespread and in plies if the war is conducted be truth breaks to the surface notstruggle against capitalism and icularly dangerous because its good under all conditions; it ap Occasionally, however, the real September 1916 of Armour, Swift, Morris, Wilson, and Cudahy, the big 250, 000, 000 to Great Britain fight the fascist bloc, but only in dimination of the causes for war fluential, and because it is in a tween the fascist imperialists and withstanding all the efforts of the spirit of the dollar a year will war itself be done away sense the official imperialist the democratic imperialisms in the Washington government to five among the meat packers, the Federal Trade Commission October 1916 300, 000, 000 to Great Britain patriot and head of Steel. with. Through socialism alone preparation for the next imperi takes place between coalitions in ing to plan. Thus Ambassador was forced to admit: However delicate a definition is framed January 1917.
Judge Gary, who said in March can mankind establish the found alist war bases itself largely on cluding both the fascist and de Joseph Kennedy, in his first for profiteering. these packers have preyed upon the people 1918. 250, 000, 000 to Great Britain ations for enduring peace.
unconscionably. In 1916 and 1917, the profits of these firma The manufacturers must have March 1917 The is against every of view of the United States it side. It applies also if the United the bag by saying it would be shot up to 400 per cent, although their sales increased only 150 100, 000, 000 to France reasonable profits in order to do per cent. The same was true of other foods the workers had States is in military alliance with wrong to assume the United their duty. Minutes of Price imperialist war, and opposes all will be a war for peace.
In April, 1917, the United Fixing Committee, March 20. perialist states, whether fascist the revolutionists and the militant case, the would unren tacked.
If, in spite of the efforts of the Soviet Union. In the latter States would fight only if atto buy.
States entered the war.
1918. Steel is the basic war material. The net profits of the Behind the Scenes This while the American troops or democratic, since such wars United States Steel Corporation show who profited by the war: were crawling through mud. can only be reactionary in char workers, the government servedly support the Soviet Union This is the meaning of WashYear Percentage Amount richowany of the sons of Ame: blood, and barbed wire for 30 a atehend asusters to the interests will not under any circumstances expose the treacherous imperial ington parallel diplomatic rican workers month!
on Investment volution. In the imperialist support that war but will on the ist aims of the United States in action with Great Britain and of 1912 shouldered arms to fight the war Miss Stein develops an inter United States, the fights contrary fight against it. The the alliance, would call for the the moves already tentatively 77, 075, 000 to end wars would have fought esting theory on the connection against war preparations and tinuance of the class struggle and its replacement by a revolu: sented the legal codification of will advocate the con. overthrow of capitalism the deserti warned the scrapping of 1913 107, 320, 000 had they known the real designs between mutinies in the Allied militarization; but at the same during the war, regardless of the tionary workers. government the outworn isolation policy.
of the members of the pacifist, armies in 1917 and the decision time always makes clear that consequences for the outcome of which alone could carry forward The policy of isolation no 1914 46, 520, 000 liberal, idealistic Wilson Admi to expand America participa, war cannot be permanently pre1915 97, 967, 000 the American military struggle: the war in the interests of labor, 1916 15. nistration as revealed in the cor tion in the war beyond material vented unless the imperialist gov and will try to prepare the mas of the revolutionary defense of longer serves in an era in which 294, 026, 000 1917 478, 204, 000. overthrown and its place taken the overthrow of capital world socialist revolution. The role against all challengers.
in scionid given by Miss Stein, stands in to assert its world THE WORKERS WERE LEFT WITH stark contrast to the honeyed Why Troops Went by a Workers State, that last ism and the victory of social practical steps which our Party publie declarations of Wilson and THE BILLS will take in the course of its ing peace is possible only under ism.
The inference of all the Allied socialism.
his aids. On March 5, 1917, the American negotiations Pacifist Smokescreen opposition to such a war will be Oppose Social Patriotism Per Capita Debt Increase of the Principal Countries before American Ambassador to Great Role of Pacifism The war approaches!
America entered and for a short Britain, Walter Hines Page, Due to the World War Pacifism attempts to divorce continue at ali cimese toa oppose sideration of the need of facili spheres of government activity (in Dollars)
Percentual wrote to the State Department period after, was that America the struggle against war from every form of social patriotism. tating the utmost aid to the So reflect its closeness. That is why, at Washington: 1913 1920 Increase Perhaps our going to war isterial. This view held that only tice, therefore, pacifism is entire in the realm of credit and magle against capitalism. In prae lor suspension of the class strup an imperialist power in con velt administration uses the unU.
11 225 2025 the only way in which our pre a small body of American troops ly futile and powerless against will make clear to the workers tense of the Soviet Union from recruiting grounds for the army.
during the war time, and formity with our position of de employment relief projects as Britain 78 850 1090 sent preeminent trade position should be sent to France for war itself; and, still further, that no war conducted by the imperialist attack.
France That, too, is why, the smoke160 can be maintained and a panic purposes of demonstrating the spreads illusions about the nature 1, 150 719 averted. State Depart. solidarity of America.
screen of pacifist propaganda Germany 18 From The Declaration grows denser. This cover is need 4444 ment, Foreign Relations, of war which divert the masses capitalist government of the 1917, Miss Stein proves from numer from the genuine struggle. United States can be to their in of Principles of the Socialisted so that the real war preparItaly 365 Supplement 2, Vol. I, pp. 516 ous official sources that the gainst it and play into hands of terest, or can be other than a Workers Party. Continued on Page 4A. that their synicism about maka similar theories on the causes of Policy On War FIGHT THE WAR MAKERS!
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