Anti-naziBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionMarxismMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

4 SOCIALIST APPEAL April 2, 1938 The Only War To End War!
Navy Maneuvers Proceed Under Closest Secrecy CAPITALIST)
WAR are Carlo Stalin Purge Reaches Polar Expedition Heroes LETTER FROM CHINA skili of an accomplished demagogue, to Socialist Appeal represent the exploitation and sufferings Vol. 11. No. 14. Saturday, April 2, 1938 of the workers as the product of an alien Published every week by the feudal growth within the body politic, SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS as something extraneous to capitalism, SOCIALIST at 116 University Place, New York, and not, in reality, a product of capitalism itself.
REVOLUTION Telephones: Local Office: GRamerey 9142 Since Roosevelt pretends to be so deep(Continued from page 1) While the fleet is attacking National Office: Algonquin 8547 ly concerned for the welfare of workers directed against them. Thus Oahu this month citizens may Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order in the feudal South, it is also pertinent Rear Admiral Kiyoshi Noda, ponder on what conditions would to ask why he uttered not one word in chief of the Japanese informa be in the city were hostilities cents per copy. Single copies cents. favor of the anti lynching bill when that tion bureau, asserted very blunt actually under way. The army All checks and money orders should be made measure was being wrecked by the fili 703 TE ly on March 24, according to a knows just what it would be out to the Socialist Appeal.
buster of the Southern Democrats. The United Press dispatch from necessary to do. Numbers of Entered as second class matter September contrast between deeds and words is all Tokyo, that the United States aliens are under suspicion be1937 at the post office at New York, New York, too apparent.
naval expansion program, of cause their sympathies are with under the Act of March 3, 1879.
The Gainesville speech was, hailed by which Japan is obviously one the land of their birth, Japan. It MAX SHACHTMAN the democratie and liberal bourobject, is unnecessary unless is pretty well established that the American government con the army has picked out the sites Editor.
geois press and as was only to be extemplates overseas operations, for its prison camps, should a HAROLD ROBERTS pected by the Stalinist Daily Worker. If, this spokesman of Japan war occur, and that the army FRANK GRAVES Associate Editor which has its own theory of good and ese imperialism went on to say, intelligence service has a good bad capitalists, enlightened exploiters America is not thinking of over idea of those who would go into BOB BROWNE and economic royalists. Roosevelt and seas operations, she would not those camps.
Business Manager.
the Stalinists stand on common ground.
need a fleet of the size contemp While army officers charactBoth defend capitalism and capitalist lated in the Vinson Bill. can erize the procedure as routine Bravo Minneapolis. democracy, desiring merely to reform not think otherwise but that and say that it has occurred many out of existence their bad features.
Japan is the object of those over times before, it is known that The Central Labor Union of MinneaBut and this is the nub of the ques.
seas operations. Modifying this a check was made last week on statement, he added that at young students at the polis, representing fifty thousand trade tion capitalism in the era of its decline least Japan must be one of Ame University of Hawaii to learn unionists, has blazed a trail for militant cannot be reformed to yield a better livrica objectives, but not neces whether they had been expatriataction by the entire labor movement ing and more freedom for the workers.
sarily the only one.
ed. Those who had taken the against the war plans of the imperialist On the contrary, living standards must Just as Japanese imperit step were asked to produce dogovernment in Washington.
be more and more depressed, freedom ists have no doubt that Roose cumentary evidence to that of In a resolution, published in full in (for the workers) more and more curtailvelt big navy program is di fect.
this issue, the militant workers organiz.
ed. Finally, comes fascism. Progress rected first of all against them. Both army and navy here ed in the go on record as opposed can be attained only by overthrowing so the American imperialists, too, to any war launched by the government, capitalism and creating a socialist soare convinced that Japan will be have become publicity shy. No thereby recognizing that such a war news, outside of routine personal ciety the enemy in the coming war will be fought, not in the interests of Those who defend capitalism and deReporting the situation which matters. is given out by anyceive the workers as to the real cause has arisen on the toilers, but in the interests of the the Hawaiian one but the authorized chiefs of exploiters.
of their sufferings are obstacles along island of Oahu following inaugu intelligence of both services.
ration of the Pacifie war games. Even deaths are carefully inThis is an explicit recognition of the the road of social progress and enemies the New York Times correspondimperialist character of the Roosevelt of the working class. In this category ent at Honolulu wrote on March vestigated before details administration, the class character of are included Roosevelt and his Stalinist 16: made public.
the state as the executive committee of supporters.
the ruling class.
It is all the more valuable because in this period the true character of the govStalinist Gangsterism ernment is being obscured by the pacifists and Stalinists, who seek to endow In last week issue of the Socialist ApRoosevelt with peace loving qualities, peal we carried an account of the hooto present him to the workers as a proligan tacties employed by the Stalinists gressive, and thereby lead the workers in their attempt to break up the antiNazi demonstration organized by the (Continued from page 1)
into the trap of patriotic support of the viet polar plans (which everyone ruling class and its government for the Socialist Workers Party and the Young The fact that he has been de was hitherto led to believe were coming imperialist war.
People Socialist League in New York corated as a hero of the Soviet going fine, incidentally) st will The only real struggle against impe discovered that East Side on Sunday, March 20. Since The author of the following letter, a leading member of the Com divided into three departments: Union, and that he has been probably be rialist war is the class struggle of the munist League of China (Fourth Internationalists. was released (1) military training, with Gen. prominent among those who have Stalin intended victims were resthen, several similar incidents have come from a Kuomintang prison in Nanking on November 25, 1937, on Ho Chang han, Blueshirts leader joined in defaming the frame up ponsible for much more than imworkers against capitalism and its imto our attention.
the eve of the Japanese occupation of the city, and since has travel as its head. 2) mass movement, victims of Stalin murder regime perilling Soviet icebreakers.
perialist government. The Central La At the noon hour, on Wednesday March 23, an organized gang of Communist led extensively through China observing the situation produced by headed by Gen. Huang Chi hi whenever ordered to do so, will it may be proved that bor Union of Minneapolis, in embodying Schmidt met Trotsky at the North this fundamental principle in its proParty rowdies swooped down on an the war. He is therefore well qualified to interpret the Chinese ang. 3) propaganda, headed by not save him.
situation to revolutionists abroad. His arrest occurred in Shanghai Communist poet, known as the heroes for use in distracting by radio, and that together these Stalin constantly needs new Pole, or communicated with him gram of struggle, has given a stirring open air rally our party was holding in in April, 1937, approximately one year after he had served a fourlead to all the forces of labor in this New York garment center at 38th St. Romain Rolland of China. By, the attention of the Soviet pro. Trotskyite wreckers plotted and a half year sentence in a military prison, where he was sub. means of this departmentalized letariat from the woes visited stir up the polar bears against country. Trade unions everywhere and Eighth Avenue. They succeeded in jected to frightful physical torture. He was taken to Nanking and bureau, Chiang Kai sh should emulate its example.
disrupting that meeting. On the evening again tortured by the Kuomintang jailers in an unavailing effort show that the Kuomintang re regime. It may well be that Pasons out of joint, and remove the aims to upon them by the genial leader Stalin regime, to put the sea Bravo, Minneapolis. of the same day. a squad of some two to to force him to renounce his revolutionary convictions and betray xime has been democratized. In panin, who earned his fame and earth from its axis.
three hundred stalwarts gathered at the doors of Palm Manor, on Pitkin his comrades. His cowardly jailers fled with the approach of the addition, there has been created title to hero by staying nine Japanese army, and our comrade was liberated by a friendly watch an organization known as the months on a drifting ice floe, is Fantastic So What?
The Gainesville Speech Avenue, in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, shouting Boycott the Meetman, who supplied him with clothing and a little money to enable Advisory Committee on Nation slated for Schmidt job. But in Fantastic inventions. But what Roosevelt, the silver tongued derna ing of the Trotsky Fascists. They tried him to reach Hankow. Owing to its length, we are obliged to print al Defense, including all the order to effect the shake up else have we been treated to in the letter in two installments. The second installment will appear prominent figures in the country. smoothly, it is necessary to cover Stalin trials gogue, is still in excellent form. In no to intimidate workers from attending Even our comrade Chen To hsiu Schmidt with totalitarian mud, in our next issue. Ed.
With the denunciation of Otto country has capitalism produced a more our anti war mass meeting in that hall. Dear Comrades: was invited to join, but he reto defame him, to railroad him Schmidt came the announcement astute and skillful representative, a more This attempt failed and our meeting Pant would take many pages to with the exception of the one led fused.
out of view.
from Moscow that 19 have been able defender, than the present incum went through on schedule.
write the hard but interesting by Sun Fo (son of the late Dr. Left Trickery Charges Will Mount shot in Soviet Kazakstan after bent of the White House. His peculiar It goes without saying that the story of my life during the past Sun Yat sen Ed. have lost consecret treason trial, anong value to the ruling class consists in his ten months and it is more im fidence in the Soviet Union. Sun The creation of these organs The official denunciation of the victims being u. Kulumbeability to appear before the masses as this increasingly menacing tactic of the portant. write something about Fo continues to dream of military represents left trickery by Schmidt is only a beginning tov, former president of that rethe defender of their interests, an op Kremlin Butcher American strong arm the great events now happening support from the He means of which Chiang Kai shek especially if he is to be made the public.
ponent of all that is backward, reaction men in the manner that it merits. No in China.
even believes that if Mao Tse aims to deceive and cheat the so center of a public trial. As the It is high time for organized ary and oppressive.
threats, no acts of terrorism will The Kuomintang government tung (chairman of the former viet bureaucrats and the Chinese mechanism of the is labor throughout the world to In a speech at Gainesville, Georgia, on prevent us from going through with our is not nearly so determined in Chinese Soviet Republic Ed. masses. He seeks to get more geared to the new frame up raise its voice in a thunderous March 23, Roosevelt delivered a wordy revolutionary, propaganda against the ese imperialists as it was at the commander in the former Red but as far as know the to saddle Schmidt and his col protest against the ever growing lashing to the feudal overlords of the coming imperialist war, our fight against beginning. Faced with a dilem Army Ed. are given posi Soviet Government has done no. leagues with all blame for defi erimes of Stalin bestial, bloodindustrial south who keep wages down Fascism or our exposure of the counter ma aptly expressed by Wu Ting tions in the Kuomintang govern thing more than sell China 64 ciencies in the fulfilment of So spattered dictatorship.
to the barest starvation levels and fight revolutionary frame ups in Russia.
tooth and nail every attempt made by Now, we learn from reliable sources chang, minister of industry, who ment, that the Russian Soviet eirplanes on credit!
declared that if we make peace Government would undoubtedly situation in Hankow (present have described briefly the the workers to better their lot.
that word is being passed around in the there will be great internal dis give military support to China. actual seat of the Kuomintang For Roosevelt, however, the horribly Fur Market to use knives against Trots turbances, while if we go to war Sun Fo is now in Moscow, but government Ed. during the past depressed living standards of workers kyists.
in the industrial south are a product, not We warn the gentlemen of the Com government, or, more correctly, to failure. Chou En lai has since month and a hall that is, durof capitalism, but of feudalism. Said the Chiang Kai shek clique, been given a minor position in ing the period after the breakhe: To those in and out of public office we will invite members of civil liberties of war. This choice was due to brought no additional aid to Ed. conducted by Hitler ammunist Party Central Committee that chose the more risky alternative the government, but this has down of the mediatory peace ef. La Guardia Relie Slash forts (between China and Japan who still believe in the feudal system associations to all our meetings in the the pressure of all the military China from the Ed. bassador, Dr. Oskar Trautman. criticism of LaGuardia. They sion that the delegation had met (Continued from page 1) ganda release, leaving the impresand believe in it honestly the people of the United States. are going to say future. Furthermore, we warn them that forces (including even Chiang for every act of violence or hooliganism Kai shek own military subordiTime Not Ripe Prior to that, the situation was even placed a taboo on anti sales the Mayor and that this was the we are sorry, but we want people to quite different, especially while tax slogans.
Chiang Kai shek, of course, is the peace negotiations were actanswer. Stripped of its propas represent us whose minds are cast in the thugs and hoodlums, the Stalinist reflecting the sentiment of the more astute and more realistic ually in progress. The Sixth Demonstration moved to Foley lease was a flat refusal to resAfter the picketing the de ganda verbiage, the Mayor re.
1938 mold and not in the 1898 mold. Central Committee, with Mr. Earl Brow radical petty bourgeois intelli: than Sun Fo. Since as yet the partment of the Military Affairs Square to hear the report of the cind the cut unless the taxes, inThis is Roosevelt value to the capi der at its head, will be held directly res gentsia, and the unrelenting time has not ripened for peace Commission suppressed all mass delegation. While awaiting the cluding additional sales taxes pro talist class: that he is able, with all the ponsible.
harshness of the Japanese im with the Japanese imperialists perialists who left no door open(his own words), he will not Organizations. At the beginning delegates, one of the leaders of posed by him, were put into efThe thirty or forty faithful pre to compromise.
of December martial law was the Alliance shouted slogans fect.
openly break relations with the proclaimed and all meetings and through a loud speaker which the The Mayor did not mention, nor sent listened silently.
Chiang and the Rather, is quite demonstrations were prohibited. crowd took up and echoed back. did Jerry Benton state, that the comrade, advanced in years polite toward the Commun student of the Kwang Han Standing in a drenching rain, City has 60, 000, 000 in a reserve and well known in the local labor At the beginning of the war, ists.
Middle School was shot while movement, had hardly entered Chiang Kai shek overestimated few days before left Hank taking part in a demonstration wet to the skin, having just refund as an extra guarantee for ceived their checks with a 10 per LYNN, Mass. The Communist attend the meeting. Recognized ed back toward the door. She stood the role of the Soviet Union was under way. The Sixth De ist, was arrested for delivering a tion of militaney coming from the by a local zealot and shov from Great Britain and misunder January, a leftward movement Lung chi, a prominent national enthusiastically to every sugges been tapped for the unemployed.
Party of Lynn held a very spe or suspected of sympathy with denounced loudly such police under the Stalin regime. He esti partment of the Military Affairs speech at the demonstration.
Money Enough cial kind of a meeting Monday the he was met at the methods, and again those pre mated the as it was Commission (exclusively control leadership. But there were few night, March 21. Their leaflets door by the prosecuting attorney sent listened silently. After her ten years ago and believed that led by the Group, which All Fovored Surrender and far between. Finally the loud The Mayor did not state, nor At that time, all the Kuomin speaker squawked Now let us did Jerry Benton mention, that ing, Fascist career of the Trots that Trotskyites were not wanted to guard against those suspect surely support China materially political bureau (Tsing Shi pu) before the terms offered by Hi the Stalinists, some of the half ficient money to meet the relief The Moscow Trials, the wreck local Organizer, and told back of his chair against the door with Japan, the would ment) was dissolved and a new tang leaders favored capitulation sing My Country Tuset vaheets the City could readily borrow suf.
kyites, and particularly the at this meeting. Our sympathiz ed of heretical political tendenc and even with military aid. Ac was formed to replace it. As di rota (Japan foreign minister starved, poorly clad, soaking wet payments in full.
spying and treacherous activities er replied that he was neither a ies.
of a handful of Lynn Trotsky Trotskyite nor a member of any Neither did the Mayor state in That this meeting is a replica Hankow, Dmitri Bogomolov, the shek appointed his own right Hankow, attended by all military piekets chanted the patriotic anthem.
his release that the City has suf.
Other than this leaflet there that he was interested in the throughout the is mised Chiang that the outer. The three vice heads are Chou finance minister Kung as narking class organization, but of similar meetings held by the Soviet Ambassador to China, pro hand man, General Chen Chen leaders. Chiang Kai shek, using Speakers Stall ficient funds in hand to continue was apparently no attempt to Moscow Trials and wished to certain prosecuting Moscow judicial pattern, all that bilized to attack Manchukuo in Gen. Huang Chi hsiang, Fashioned after the Mongolian army would be mo En lai, the Communist leader; his tool, tried to persuade Pai publicize this meeting, and dis hear all sides. The we prefer was lacking were the defendants order to aid China. Bogomolov, of the Third Party (a populist of Japan terms. But Pai, just Fuss, vice president of the Almonths. Benton had nothing to leader, Chung hsi to propose acceptance tribution of the leaflet was hy attorney repeated, Then came the speakers. Oscar full relief payments for several no means widespread. It was not that you leave.
and their confessions. But the it is said, was recalled and ar political grouping. Ed. and as cunning as Chiang, declined liance, reported enthusiastically say about this either.
until the very night of the meetNo criticism of LaGuardia ing that a comrade was told by Woman Pushed Around could not permit the acrested just for having made that chang Li sun, former chairman to play this role, for then the on some fair words received a member of the Workmen cused the elementary right of promise. Now he is accused of of the organization department Kwangsi clique which he leads from the master of demagogy, Deflect the anger of the unem.
Later, four members of the self defense. Questions would be being a Trotskyite.
Circle of Lynn about the meet Lynn entered the hall. asked that could not be answer ing From all indications, only a This time, Green had already ed, the sincere but duped rank disillusioned. Great Britain ad the Group. The dec. employed against Chiang (Par to the Mayor. Not by one word Hand out propaganda for. Roose.
Today, Chiang is apparently friend of Chen Li fu, leader of weapon which it has previously ton reported for the delegation ployed into taxation disputes.
audience begun his harangue but he greet. and file Stalinists would be ex vises him to make peace, while Group, which derives its title Chung hsi, leader of the Kwang did he intimate that the Mayor velt and LaGuardia. That the was desired.
ed the late comers with: and posed to the real nature and de the Stalin government, through from the names of its two leaders, si clique of generals, has since had walked out on the delega Stalinist line of the Workers AlStali now we are confronted with a fense of the 4th Internationalists. Wang Ming, Luganets Orelsky Chen Li fu and Chen Kuo 1927 been a bitter opponent of tion. Democracy the liance leaders in the face wholesale invasion. comrade No, it was too risky. Better to and Miss Anna Louise Strong, within the Kuomintang leader used his own is a faction Chiang Kai shek and has always He read the Mayor propa starvation of the unemployed.
pretended antiand the Socialist Workers Party ing? Green replied that it was hold a private, or semi private has told him plainly that the ship which vies with all other Japanese attitude as a weapon of Lynn in particular, were to a meeting only for members of meeting, with no embarrassing is unable to aid China factions for Chiang Kai shek against Chiang. With anti Japanbe attacked with the familiar, the their friends, and interruptions, where the doubts militarily. This has disappoint favor. This group organized and eso slogans, he revolted against THE NEW INTERNATIONAL incredible chargds, the accused guests. comrade asked: Is this and fears of the rank and fle but they still repose great hopes ists conducted by Chiang Kai Now he is commanding his own ed the radical petty bourgeoisie, led the terror against revolution Chiang in the summer of 1936.
at least intended to be present a sample of your democracy? could be stilled and into them in the Eighth Route Army (form shek through his gangster armies against the Japanese in Monthly Marxist Magazine at the trial. sympathizer of Yes, this is a sample of our injected another dose of anti er Red Army Ed. Blueshirts in 1932 35. Ed. Central China and is in apparent the Lynn attempted to democracy. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
was the answer. Trotskyite venom.
All the Kuomintang chqures, The new political bureau was unity with his old rival Ed. Unemployed Protest Lynn Gets Taste of Democracy At Meeting On Moscow Frame ups ites.