AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

April 2, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Britain Not Yet Ready To Fight Hitler New Wave Of Strikes Hits France to the heart role in generating Arrested Photographer Stalinist Sympathizer LABOR ALONE CAN PREVENT SPAIN DOOM sion, even if France goes the makes no prior commitments. Helbilization of nation and economy Robinson on which Rubens and husband at the hands of the for a better life for themselves.
they are in the case of France 750 fighting planes within six come to put an end to the lux. bens.
either France or Belgium are to be placed an unknown number as the Socialists, would for their Only last week he was heard cerned, and also refuses to make after another. Out of the deswithout hesitation come to their type, and it is understood that a fetters of the People Front and city room aid.
of Loves Peace Too French Technicians SOVIET UNION NOTES Denounce The Trials Declaring that the Moscow Purge Goes on New Trial Of Red Army frame up trials of the Stalin Generals Is In Prospect Soviet Deputies regime would hinder the accomplishment of international Begin To Get The Axe trade union unity, the ExecuBy JOHN WRIGHT tive Committee of the Federation du Nord of the French Technicians Union, affiliate Stalin Intensifies Purge of the General Confederation Chamberlain Declines Workers Open Offensive of Labor (C. denounced After each of the previous trials, the blood purge was intensifiRole Of Savior of Despite Treachery of the trials in a résolution made ed. The same procedure is being followed as an aftermath of th publie on March 25.
most recent Moscow frame up. Reports of executions all over Democracy Popular Front These were photos used by Cur movement of techni Russia are again appearing in the press.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocians, 80, 000 strong, the reSeveral trials are in preparation. The most prominent names Prime Minister Neville Chambinson to secure (Continued from page 1)
the pass.
solution said, is participating mentioned in this connection are: Antonov Ovseyenko, Rudzutak, berlain of Great Britain dciiverports with which they tra in the struggle for the eman Mezhlauk, Bubnov, Krylenko, Kaminsky, Lubimov, Bogomolov, ed in the House of Commons on Union, a government less suscept velled to the Soviet Union.
cipation of the workers. The Yurenev, Davtyan, Yakubovich, Karsky, Asmus and Rosenberg.
March 24 his eagerly awaited ible to working class Did Garber make them?
atmosphere of intellectual speech on British foreign policy.
probity in which this struggle The speech demonstrated: arms program. The Stalinists, which to entrust the pressurst is being carried on can allow That the differences and Apart from Voroshilov, Budenny is the only well known army loyal servants neither silence nor approval the bourgeoisie, antagonisms between the demoof the gross improbabilities leader who has not yet fallen into disgrace. Bluecher name has cratic capitalist states and the not appeared in the press in recent weeks. Marshal Yegorov which feature the Moscow fascist states are not of an NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN the imperialist war. They want trials.
has been arrested, together with the head of his staff, General ideological character, but reto be recruiting sergeants in the Zhukov. Democratic Britain will make ranks of labor. The ousting of flect, rather, the fundamenta! war on Nazi Germany only if and the Blum government and the So many prominent Red Army men have been seized by the that it is possible another trial involving only the istic of the entire imperialist imperialist interests. The rise of cabinet would leave them out in Ossip Garber, Held In Rubens Passport Fraud, military personnel will be staged. Such a trial which would world; Greater Germany under Hitler the cold. And so, with all the doubtless be held behind closed doors Is Well Known In Periphery That democratic Britain is has destroyed Britain ancient criminal would involve: Marshal irresponsibility for Yegorov, Zhukov (head of Yegorov staff. Gorbachev (member more than ready to make a deal role as arbiter of Europe fate, which they are noted, they prowith Hitler Germany (Just as it and when Hitler, after round pose to use the might of organizBy JUNIUS of the United States Government of the Military Council of Defense. Alksnis (head of the Air Force. Orlov (head of the Navy. Generals Dybenko, Belov, now she is making a deal withing out his mittel Europa, ed French labor to further their The first break in the Roto aid her. Rubens, whose entire Mussolini. if thereby the knife challenges France and nears his aims, which are nothing more binson Rubens case in record establishes his connection Rybalko and others.
edge of Hitler expansionism goal of becoming master of the nor less than the wims of the several months came Monday with the is also still can be turned away from Britain European continent, the British Moscow foreign office.
and her French ally in the direc imperialists will fight.
night with the arrest in New held. Continued from page 1) The arrest of Marshal Yegorov is the first indication that York of Ossip Garber, a Fifth Gift to Bourgeoisie tion of the Family Mouth Shut But exactly here lies the cenStalin purge has already extended into the ranks of the deputies Preventive War Possible Avenue photographer. He is No Advance Commitment Meanwhile, Blum They may, as Chamberlain so front government has hastened a conspiratorial ring which aiding the Garber arrest, ventures Picts will be the transformed in the fledged deputy, and as such immune from arrest except by The New York Post, in report treats issue of the civil war: de Chamberlain made it clear that clearly hinted, even embark on a to lay an important gift at the led in obtaining for Adolph Ar the guess that the reason Mrs victory by the heroism of the vote of the Presidium, as provided for by the Stalin Constitu, tion. There has been considerable speculation as to the precise in advance to defend Czecho. If Hitler armies march into France: the unanimous adoption false American passports in the rica was that she feared that around and inspired by the me functions of the Presidium. Apparently, one of its most imSlovakia against German aggres: Czechoslovakia. But Chamberlain of the law providing for the mo names of Mr. and Mrs. Donald would guarantee the death of heralization that they are fighting portant duties is to provide a cover for Yezhov handiwork. It was that spirit which anim No such vote of the Presidium has been made public, although length of assisting her central needs a free hand to decide when in war time.
his wife entered Russia last fall. In a recent article in the several deputies have already been arrested.
European ally in the event of a the time for war is ripe.
French finance. capital can Garber name first entered the New Leader, Herbert Solow dis ated the barehanded workers German attack.
It now has full case more than a month ago, closed that the family of Mrs. who smashed the first armed outMeanwhile, British imperialism sleep quietly.
Sidelights On The Last Frame Up This position, he said, is not one which His Majesty Go hastens the building of its mighty power from the representatives when he was hailed before the Rubens in Florida has received breaks in July, 1936, in Madrid In the campaign conducted around previous trials, a prominent vernment could see their way to the day. Apart from the vast establishment of a totalitarian ing the passport fraud. Several veyed by the State Depart. spirit which has been progrespart was played by resolutions passed at mass meetings which were given prominent display. Characteristic of these where their vital Interests are not grams, all efforts are being bent by any means satisfied with this. he had been linked with pass intervene on her behalf. As a People Front regime. Under resolutions in the past has been the invariable pledge: to make concerned in the same degree as to insure a first line strength of It considers that the time has port photographs made for Ru consequence, it is believed that that regime the workers have good the damage done by the wreckers, and to over fulfill the the family instructed their at met with one deception after plan. The tone of the resolutions revolving around the frame up and Belgium torney, a Mr. Throop of New another. The high hopes of a He was careful, however, to months, instead of within a year ury of a popular front governA Known Stalinist of Bukharin Rykov et al has been strikingly different. No men.
ment, in order to gain a free hand York, to undertake no action complete revision of the rotten add that British assistance might as previously planned.
both in internal and external tion is made of improving the functioning of plants, collective Behind these first line planes, matters.
be given to Czechoslovakia aLike almost every figure in the The State Department, moreover, social order against which they case, Garber is known sym is absolutely passive as far as had been unflaggingly fighting farms, tractor stations, etc. Instead, the resolutions are filled gainst Germany, and that if reports from London decare, are The Radical Socialists, as well pathizer of the Communist Party, the Moscow prisoners are con for six others were smashed, done with denunciations of additional acts of diversion, wrecking and so on, allegedly perpetrated by the plotters, and to which they did not confess but of which they were nevertheless guilty, We cite a few instances from a single issue of Pravda: which occasionally on the Robinson Rubens of the anti Franco upsurge total strength of 10, 000 planes the alliance with Stalin. But nei buys photographs from him, that affair: emerged not a workers and is aimed at. The enemies of the people also sought to wreck the locor peasants regime but thanks to ther of these two parties dares all critics of the Moscow trials What the Stalin regime pro the Communist Party and the motive and freight car repair plant at Tbilissi: They worsened Stalin Proposal Disinissed Labor Traitors Busy as yet to assume the responsibil are allies of Trotskyite poses to do with its prisoners, People Front, a new edition of the working conditions of the workers, disrupted the Contemptuously dismissing the ity for this step. For a moment harinite. Gestapo. Japanese at least one of whom, Mrs. Ru: the same bourgeois regime which As an integral and indispens it seemed that the Moscow trials agents.
materials to the plant, sought to arouse dissatisfaction among proposal of the Stalin governbens, is an American citizens, is they wanted to destroy forever.
the workers. Pravda, March ment for a conference of the de able part of the government might serve them as pretext not clear. The scheme of using mocratic powers to consider war plans the cooperation of the for breaking with their embar Arrest Confirms. Appeal. them in one of the show trials, Jails Filled The gang of bandits also operated in our factory. The bandits and wreckers caused a tie up of capital investments, bought gressors, the Tory Chamberlain the General Council of the Trade order to participate in Britain side of the water in connection Bom morithe, ago, was postpone till with all who resisted this solutely worthless and useless in the plant, hindered the expanmossuedor restraining beneral beroende nenehneme omasinge partneriainingThus the first arrest on this paint workers cheated way aroot And soon the jails began to equipment for hundreds of thousands of rubles that was abposal in order to discredit Sta. proposes to problet ithe rate the pense of Russia in Butuh it here peated statements made in the parently, by the publication of the fight for a workers Spa in down the boiler works No. 2, left the factory without fuel and sion of the plant, ought to liquidate the large nail works, broke armaments production. at frustrated Appeal for war. Said he: port game was a Stalinist per80 on. Idem. Resolution of the Krasnaya Etna plant at Gorki. The proposal appeared to in proposals, it will mean not only For months the Socialists and formance. Among known Stalin New York Sun and the New highways agents of Moscow The Trotskyite Bukharinite bandits also operated in the Uglich volve less consultation with a the harnessing of the labor unions Radical Socialist tried to create intes involved, besides Garberare Leader, as well as in the appeal) threw the bullet riddled district. They have caused great injury to our socialist economy.
view to settlement than convert to the imperialist war machine: a counter weight against the Arthur Starting, Helena kavitch, which exposed the nature of the bodies of workers leaders, Nin, The vile enemies liquidated the collective farms Svoboda and ing of action against an event it will mean that the workers in Stalinists through the enlarge Marshall Shaw one time hero of frame up plans and the Berneri, and who knows how uality that has not yet arisen. industry will be forced to sub ment of the government toward Corliss Lamont Friends of the connections of Rubens.
many hundreds or thousands of Zuevo, deprived the collective farmers of land given then in palothers.
petuity. left the cattle in the collective; without feed, ploughed gravate a tendency toward es. and working conditions. For the the reaction went so far as to residents at an East 17th Street FUND FOR CHINA The brutally hounded Spanish over fields and pasturc lands. In 1986 alone they destroyed 5, 470 tablishment of exclusive groups government plans to draft un: release from prison all the lead address once used by the Robinsection of the Fourth Internation head of horned cattle, 11, 616 pigs and sheep, 612 horses. They MOUNTS TO 143 al, tirelessly carrying on its proi of the secret fascist busani son Rubens couple. Rubens formalso wrecked the trade network, disrupted the building of schools zation, the Cagoulards. The Sta. er attorney is also a Stalinist.
to the prospect of European vast scale in order to unlimist organ, Humanité, carried Sums received by the Nation paganda and agitational work in the village of Platunov, Orzine and elsewhere. It is impossible the labor force, and the Mrs. Rubens herself, of tourse. al Office during the past week despite the persecution and its to enumerate the crimes of these scoundrels. Idem. Resolution Chamberlain has smashed to are to be asked to abrogate rules mild protests against this step. is a Stalinist. She is apparently have boosted the fund being rais own lack of resources, issued the of a Meeting of Workers, Collective Farmers, and Employee bits the Stalinist illusion that the providing restrictive conditions But for it there was no question still in Butirky Prison in Mosed by the Socialist Workers Party following appeal to the workers of the City of Uglich and Uglich District in the Yaroslav Proadvance of fascism could be stop on new entrants, including here of a fight against fascism. cow, having repudiated the offer for the Fourth Internationalists at the celebration following the vinte ped by the creation of a bloc of minimum wages restrictions. one hour protest strike would in China to nearly 150. The short lived Teruel victory: democratic capitalist states The traitors of the General have forced the Chautemps go continually from factory to fac Previously acknowledged 117. 81 the Teruel victory only by struge fund now stands as foilows: We can assure and follow up whose: self assumed task it would Council, who sold out the British vernment to revoke this measure, tory, despite the patriotic appeals Wm. Gates, Kansas be to protect democracy against gerieral strike in 1926, and whol. What interested and interests of the popular front leaders.
150 sling against the bourgeoisie hlich 250, 000 marks from Germany precisely during the years when As testified to in the trial, Trotsky received a subsidy of fascism. Imperialist Britain, have already pledged their sup the Stalinist leaders, above all, San Francisco Branch through its leading mouthpiece, port to the government arms is to frustrate maneuvers design Anti Labor Law Sought Minneapolis Branch 10. 00 are threatened by the People German marks were so inflated as to be virtually worthless.
has now made clear what the program, may be expected, in ed to eliminate their influence Astoria Branch 00 Front government: Freedom for They were sold in the streets of New York, among other things Marxists have proclaimed all keeping with their long record over French foreign policy. For For two months these leaders Newark Branch 10 the 15, 000 imprisoned revolution at the rate o: 100, 000 marks for cents. Remember?
along, namely, that democratic of treachery, to do all in their this purpose they would even be have been trying to carry through Fast Side Branch, 50 ists! Legality and liberty for the capitalism has no interest in power to harness the workers ready to sit in one government parliament a law which would Rochester Branch 15 press and for workers organizamaintaining democracy in for completely to the imperialist with the right wing parliament place working class activity in Toronto (Canada) 00 tions! Workers committees to Vyshinsky On Zinoviev In 1925 eign lands.
war chariot ary sponsor of the fascists.
a straight jacket. It is a question distribute bread and food! Freeof a modern labor statute, a TOTAL 143. 71 dom for revolutionary propagan Before he became prosecutor for Stalin, Vyshinsky wrote a Democracy and Fascism No Opposition Yet Reaction Fears Workers law for conciliation and arbit of the foregoing sum, 115 da among the soldiers! Workers, book: Sketches in the History of Communism. It contains a The Marxists have gone Opposition from the ranks has further. They have pointed out not yet developed, largely because wing for national union so reformists everywhere created speed the collection, comrades!
new. In the post war period the China.
chapter on the Third International with innumerable servite Meanwhile outside of Spain the quotations from Zinoviev, Bukharin and other spies, moral mocratie countries will them character of the trade unions. Lion insists on unconditional re: the stability of the bourgeois redegenerates, swine, foxes, etc.
selves establish as quickly as possible.
the heads of the Spanish massos Wo cite from the book: From the very first day of the war, when the institutions like pawns across the chess. table, of their It should not be forgotten that that is, on a break with the Stasimes against the fighting ac democracy become an impedi the British workers by their lirists. The Senate, fortress of tions of the working masses.
trying not to save democracy the revolutionary section of the Marxists led by Lenin, Zinoviev In the Germany of Bruening However, the days of the reform in Spain but to sell it as deariy and Rosa Luxemburg conducted an energetic campaign against and exploitation of the working own Councils of Action, forced occasion slip by to remind Blum and Schleicher, the famous ist services of appeasement are as possible in return for a deal the war, against the conciliationism of the Second International, Chamberlain very clear declara ury intervention against the Rus political demonstration against the arbitration of conflicts bet nent fall of the Spanish popular kept Russian aid down to a mi and exposed all of the treachery of the leaders who had betrayed tion, can any worker swallow sian Soviets after the Bolshevik the People Front, partially re ween workers and bosses, served front, the French fascists, just nimum and in France the People Marxism (Sketches in the History of Communism. Vol. II, the Stalinist lie that capitalist Revolution. Similar action may fused to grant armament credits. to condemn the trade unions to released from prison, are prepar Front checked the instinctive 336, Moscow 1925. democracy and the defense of be expected when the war plans The reaction, naturally, does not impotence and the workers to de ing their day of revenge. On the surge of the French workers in capitalist democracy is any kind of British imperialism collide fear either the Stalinists or the feats. The French Stalinists other hand, the French workers, support of their Spanish brothers.
ONLY bulwark. against fasc. with the basic economic interests afraid of is the still unbroken the aim of the proposed law is and democratic methods through was reduced to futile urging the ism?
of the workers.
strength of the working class, to organize social peame If at the experiences of Spain and government to do this or that.
upon which the Stalinists lean for the present time the French Austria, are passing over the in this country Roosevelt gosupport.
bourgeoisie hesitates to accept heads of the leadership to direct vernment, the apple of Browder Consider Arbitration Board In order to retain their posi this law, is is only because it does struggle with the clasz enemy. eye, made carefully sure to see To Aid the Anti War Campaign of tion in the People Front, the not want to entrust the People This is the great significance that no serious aid went to the To Settle Rubber Disputes Stalinists play with the more of Front with the arbitration. of.
THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY On the other hand, the work they occur precisely at the mos AKRON. tentative proposal nual living wage set up which dominate their party by deere, ers, for their part, demonstrate ment when the People Front, There Is Still Time ORSON WELLES PRODUCTION to set up in the rubber industry would provide for the employ these bureaucrats think they can that they still know only one and the Stalinists in the first The workers cause in Spain is an arbitration board headed by ment of a guaranteed number of control the action of the work form of social peace through place, declare that the externa in peril but it is not yet lost. Shoemakers Holiday. Tues. April 12 an industrial coordinator, is now workers annually, for a guaraning class at their own whim. But the tested method of the sit. situation makes social perce more resolute turn toward the revoluunder consideration by the Na teed number of hours, and for they are mistaken. The dissatis down strike. Thirty thousand imperative than ever (L Huma tionary policy urged by the Julius Caesar. Wed. April 13 tional Labor Relations Board as distribution of earnings at the faction of the masses with the workers of the Parisian Citroen nitė, March The French work. Bolshevik Leninists and the lefa possible solution of the cur end of the year, etc.
results of the People Pront era auto plants and of the northern ers show that, even facing the wings of the POUM and the rent wages and hours dispute at combination of events and is steadily growing.
metal factories have begun to war danger, they are not at all anarchists, the creation of a new MERCURY THEATER the Goodrich plant.
proposals, including one made by Several weeks ago the conven conquer through their own inclined to renounce the class revolutionary party which can Feeling out the reaction una local councilman along similar tion of the Metal Workers of the strength, hat their represent struggle disappear silently mobilize the workers and per 41st St. East of Broadway officially through the press be lines within the last few days, North, representing 42 union bo. atives in the government are in from the social scene ants, can still turn the tide.
fore making definite announce points to the increasing proba dies, adopted a resolution charge capable of attaining.
The French revolution is on the It is not yet too late! Grea!
ment of its plans, the bility that the managed capital ing that the government (that march. Even if a sudden war responsibility tests upon Tickets at 10, 65, 85 Stalinists For Sale the contemplates lengthening of the ism plans of the Roosevelt ad. is, the People Front govern explosion overtakes it prematur workers of all countries but (reduced from 20)
working day above the six hour ministration are to be greatly ment. in spite of its promises, The Stalinists are again try eiy, it will retreat HOC sur especially upon the worker cf limit, coupled with indefinite extended in rubber and other has intentionally abolished the ing to use this wave of strikes ender. Surrounded by dark re France who are in a direct posicommitments regarding wages. basic industries in the field of Matignon agreement (reforms as a proof to the bourgeoisie that action, it will show the European tion to proffer serious materiai Obtainable only at City Office The plan is being presented labor relations in the coming subsequent to the great strikes enly through their intermediation proletariat the road of libera aid to their embattled Spanish 116 University Place, ostensibly as a guaranteed an period.
of June, 1936. Strikes extend can social stability be reached tion.
But all the efforts of the left ration. Such measures are not has already been remitted to spread these slogans in your de that the bougeosie in the de of the tightly. bureaucratized vernment are in vain. The reac similar laws, intended to insure We must reach the 200 mark democratic nations played with THEATER PARTY BENEFIT