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SOCIALIST APPEAL April 1938 Stalinists Plot To Drive Martin From Post Curran Aids Navy Loones Ouster Uncovers Strife. In Seamen Union Silver Move Against Mexico Is Direct Attack on Working Class Martin, Kenyon, Allentown Project Reopens Hays Join Beal Defense Group Stalinists Back Governor Murphy For Re Election MARXIST SCHOOL April Wednesday Evening SWP Leaders In Mexico City HOW THE CIO UNIONS Recruiting Action OPERATE. Bill Morgan. Support Workers Struggle NEW YORK. Armed with P.
mimeographed copies of a THE ORIGINS OF THE letter signed by Joseph Cu TROTSKY STÄLIN CON In the last issue of the Socialist Appeal We reported that ran, general organizer of the FLICT. Joe Carter. 8:45 representatives of the Socialist Workers Party in Mexico had National MarNime Union, re(Continued from page 1) voted after the executive board NEW YORK Internal strife Communist Party, heralded wide.
publicly declared their solidarity with the anti imperialist strugcruiting officers of the Merwithin the National Maritimely in the capitalist press as a The coming campaign of rum meeting to drop the issue compgle of the Mexican workers in connection with the expropriation chant Marine Naval Reserve Union culminated in the expul split with radical elements in ors and accusations against letely since the board had already Other courses of the School of the oil fields held by British and American oil companies. The are engaged in visiting union Martin will revolve around three decided the question. Whence are: Elementary Socialism, sion of Octave Loones, editor of the union, significantly omit any halls in efforts to induce sea.
full text of the declaration, issued March 19 by James Canthe Rank and File Pilot and a condemnation of the class. collaprincipal points: arises their present tender soli Monday, P. Hal Draper; men to enlist.
non, national secretary of the and Max Shachtman, editor member of the stewards depart boration and sell out policies of Financial extravagance and citude for local papers? In view Marxian Economics, Tuesday, Curran letter states that irregularity.
of past performances of the Sta P. Wright; Princiment, at a membership meeting the Stalinist leadership. From his of the Socialist Appeal, is as follows: following a conference betof the stewards department last statements, there is no reason to Bureaucratic tendencies, linists, it is clear they are makples of Revolutionary Socialween members of the District Friday. The expropriation of the oil properties held by British and abuse of local autonomy, abuse ing capital on this question now believe that Curran has abandonism, 8:45 Maurice Committee (of the American oil companies as announced last night by President Publication of the Rank and ed his policy of conciliation with of rights of Executive Board only for political purposes. If Spector.
Cardenas is bound to meet with the enthusiastic approval of and representatives of the File Pilot, an unofficial weekly the bosses and capitulation to the members, restriction of the rights successful, they will merely estab.
Navy Department a resolution of the rank and file, gangster lish more receptacles for their enlightened workers everywhere. In greeting this bold and was passed by the District rewspaper that exposed the sell Government.
courageous measure we express not only the sentiments of the out features of the recent tanker ism. collective security, pro war against a proposal to appropriate Committee which states: local finances for Unity Group Socialist Workers Party of the United States but, we are sure, Lenient to Opportunists Implied and possibly open garbage.
agreement negotiated by the On the basis of the report charges of collusion with the auto The gag resolution prohibit expenses, of millions of workers in our country. Our brief visit as tourists made by Captain Bookwalter the and has been at ferentiate himself from the ofNew York District Committee of While Curran attempted to dif.
ing Board members from discus The entire issue of finances is beautiful and hospitable Mexico has been made doubly pleas as to the aims and purposes Funds will be lavishly spent sing decisions of the board out undoubtedly injected into the ant by the announcement of this governmental action taken in of the Merchant Marine Retacking the leadership generally, ficial Stalinists, the current is.
campaign to add bitterness and had precipitated a crisis within sue of the Rank and File Pilot and organizers toured up and side of board meetings.
the interests of the toiling people.
serve, we feel that the report the union, with strong sentiment veered in the direction of a more down the country to harness the No doubt this, too, was bureau suspicion. And an issue of this We have no doubt that the decree issued in regard to the shows and the statement of against the Stalinist controlled lenient attitude toward the oplegitimate indignation of the cratic. But why the sudden de order, raised in the manner des foreign oil campanies will engender a campaign of agitation and the Navy Department shows leadership.
rank and file to this Stalinist sire to go to the rank and file? cribed, is calculated, more than misrepresentation against the government. That in our opinion that there is nothing anticipatportunistie District Committee, cabal. The movement is to cul Why did they not raise this howl any dozen other accusations taken is all the more reason for the workers of the United States to ed by the Reserve as being Attacks Editor, Stalinists and centered its fire on the ofminate in a special convention of after the letter to General Motors together, to discredit the auto harmful to the organization of ficial Stalimists, such as Jack the The Stalinists giving it disciplinary powers was union in the eyes of the working come out in support of the Mexican government action. We the National Maritime Union During a discussion of the Lawrenson, a member of the put out a feeler at the Unity signed last September, or again class.
shall urge our own party and all progressive workers in the of America, but the District Rank and File Pilot at a meet District Committee.
United Statest give full support to the Mexican people Caucus convention in the form last December? Perhaps their The Ford Drive Committee feels that we, as ing of the deck department last Long letters, accompanied by of a motion for a special conven hands were tarnished also. Or fight. It is no more than the simple duty of Socialists to defend a trade union, cannot take a Tuesday, Joseph Curran, general photostatie copies of documents, What else? The drive to or the Mexican people in their fight for economic and national tion, but quickly dropped it in why did they not demand this stand directly advocating our organizer of the de proved what has long been known, face of the cool reception and right during and after the Pontiac, ganize Ford The poor results independence and to urge the laboring masses of the United members joining any other nounced the editor and his back: that the leadership of the even opposition. More prepara strike? We know now that the in this campaign are undoubtedly States to take a stand, not on the side of the oil companies, but organization.
ers as pie card artists inter is dominated by the Communist tion will be required to put over difference over how to outlaw due in part to inefficient methods, on the side of the masses of the Mexican republic.
Not being prepared to take ested only in securing paid posi Party. Such exposures are this proposal. But that this is that strike and send the men but they are equally due to un militant stand against the tions within the union.
He also attacked the activities complish nothing unless it is worse than useless and can actheir objective was revealed in back to work was a matter not favorable objective conditions and war preparations of the Roosevelt government, Curran and of the Communist Party in the clearly shown that the policy of binson, a usually well informed words, just what are the real No one can logically criticize the his crew leave it entirely to charging their members the Communist Party is to that policies at Ford without at the reporter. Writing in the Detroit programmatic differences the discretion of the members with spending most of their time shackle the seamen and sell them News the day after the Unity warrant the expression of diversame time rapping the policies of the as to whether recruiting members for the party Convention he reported the adop gent opinions from the executive in the Little Steel strike which they should enlist in the Naval instead of aiding and bettering out to the bosses in the interests tion of a resolution by General board to the locals. Nothing but resulted in an abrupt halt in all Reserve.
the conditions of the seamen. of their democratic front proMotors Local 216, Los Angeles, the right to unscrupulous faction organization activities. The only Curran charges against the gram.
calling for a special conventionalism is involved here. real purpose of raising the Ford to remove Martin and all his The signing of the present issue is to blacken Martin. We (Continued from page 1) Conspirators. Even now, American gang. Obviously this Stalinist supplementary agreement with have yet to see Frankensteen, reprisals or backing Mexican trade unions have declared their caucus could not have been ae General Motors without consult. who is the director of the Ford robber bands. In case of emer solidarity with the Mexican As Result Of Militant Action in time with the temp ing the workers by calling a Organizing Committee, put on the gency, Roosevelt will not recoil people.
quainted Orary tactical switch in the party General Motors conference.
carpet by the Unity Group. from transforming his friendly. This action must be energeticalline, and so they spilled the beans This was the most bureau Failure to organize competitive neighbor policy into open armed ly pushed forward.
We urge all class conscious cratic action of all. But, as the plants. Many, perhaps most, of intervention, following the exprematurely.
ALLENTOWN, Pa. Through stration in Harrisburg. It also swift action by the Lehigh County took up with the area relief ofBible says, let him who is with the Unity Group leaders do not ample of the great pacifist, Wilworkers to present immediately Groom Frankensteen out sin cast the first stone. One come with clean hands to a dis son.
resolutions for adoption by their Unemployed League, the Alce the question of relief for the Finally, there is one other sig. year ago Hall and Mortimer, cussion on this issue. Competitive For the moment, London and unions against Washington Many Join In Nationwide down on February 26 without and clicited an assurance from sewing project which closed women until the project opened, nificant fact which gives the helmsmen of the Unity Group, plants have been ignored and left Washington seem to hope that treacherous intervention.
Solidarity with Mexico anti Movement For His notice and without provision for the placement division show away, strips the campaign negotiated the first supplement unorganized often to the point the difficult economie situation of placing the 270 women employed that all women working on the of its flimsy progressive coveraty agreement but never submit of extreme danger to the orga his country, exhausted by century imperialist struggle!
Liberation on it on relief, was reopened on project when it closed would be ing and exposes its really reac: ratification. This has been called locals now under the control of Cardenas into capitulation. But March re employed. The workers were time tomobjective partye is factomto the attention of the Unity Unity Group leaders. The ques. the Mexican government is now NEW YORK. Homer Martin, The Unemployed League called prepared to take over the international president of the a meeting of the women on the offices if the promises were not ing Richard Frankensteen to Group. What is their answer? tion today is not one of placing the prisoner of the Mexican United Automobile Workers of project as soon as it was closed kept.
take Martin place as the next The supplement was not objec the blame there will be plenty workers, who are desperately America, Congressmen Thomas and assisted them in setting upl. When the project opened, the president of the R. Amlie of Wisconsin and Jerry an organization. committee of League representatives were on Such a plan fits in admirably presumably the present agree out and organizing the plant foreign yoke Cardenas can capitulate only at the price of beVoorhis of California are among six of the most militant workers hand to see that all women were with Frankensteen ruscarcely leaders of the Unity Group have this test. les ten Martin coming the Chiang Kai shek of the growing number of promin. was elected from the project to taken back and that there was Mexico.
ent Americans who have joined act jointly with a committee from no discrimination. The organizadicated by the current unity bet constituted themselves a supreme himself.
From beginning to end, the Non Partisan Committee for the League consisting of Lester tion of the workers on the nito.
the weien Frankensteen and the court to determine what is good and what is bad for the work program of the Unity Group is Revolution Is Need. Mazey, Head of Briggs the Defense of Fred Beal, the Heckman, the organizer, Mrs. ject is continuing to funotlost in in Labor Non. Partisaners in the plant. We are no less transparently dear. Its objective on the other hand, the feud Auto Local; Alone labor leader serving 11 to 20 Goldie Schrammel, and Mrs. Cleafordento handle grievances by the this issue, by the united front cerned about the bureaucratie et Martin and line up the with the oil companies, if it is to In Opposition rolina. list of new recruits to officials in Bethlehem at first realto combat efforts to close the in the recent Hamtramek mun. General Motors supplementary gram. No opposition from the evitably exceed the limits of cathe nation wide movement for fused to see the committee, but project again.
deipal elections, by the obvious DETROIT. Labor Non Beal liberation includes labor after a threat to rush the office, Fan credit for the prompt reinactivity of the caucus in agreement. But how can the auto workers to the new war! pitalist legality. Real success of Partisan League of Wayne spokesmen, educators, jurists, and the committee was admitted and opening of the project belongs the Dodge local elections despite tested to a group which sancagainst such methods be that is the real slogan, the anti imperialist struggle received a promise that the pro to the aggressive action of the an opposition Unity Group slate tions them provided only they Principled Fight possible only through the methods County has passed into the hands writers.
of the proletarian revolution of the Stalinists and the first ap Miss Dorothy Kenyon, recently ject would open within two weeks. reconstituted Unemployed LeNot relying on vague promises, agues. The stalinist controlled men, by the failure of the Daily are perpetrated by the right We hold no brief for Homer Under proletarian rule, Mexico propriate action under its new designated to the League of Na.
Martin, or his water boys, the could quickly reorganize and auspices was to endorse Govern. tions commission for the study demands to the admini as mentioned the lay offs.
transmitted much Worker to associate Frankensteen people?
with Martin on the war question Irresponsible Action Lovestoneites, or his reactionary awaken the enthusiasm of the or Frank Murphy for re election of the legal status of women, and Frankensteen silence on allies. We have been his most colonial countries of Latin Ame. The only vocal opposition at joined the Beal group on the eve the conference came from Emil of sailing for Geneva. Emily collective security. If it is still looking at the matter from a vigorous opponents and the most rien.
too far fetched to assume a broader point of view, the present consistent champions of the It would have to expropriate Mazey, President of the Briggs Greene Balch, economist, of Wel.
friendly alliance between Frank concern of the Unity leaders over rights of the rank and file. We without compensation the vast Local, United Automobile Work lesley College, former delegate to.
ensteen and the we might the new supplementary agree. have conducted this struggle land holdings as yet untouched, ers of America. Mazey critic the International Congress of refer to a six point memorandum ment is based on the knowledge while the opportunists were try to nationalize the banks and ism of Murphy for having failed Women at the Hague, also encontaining the terms of this that nothing can be done about ing to patch up ar any kind of peace confiscate foreign capital, to to call a special session of the listed in the non partisan comWe are becoming convinced And speaking of the driven treaty it. The agreement is a bad one, with him. But we have always curb the commercial profits of state legislature to consider the mittee.
ourselves that the Appeal has we ll have to do some hustling But this is too sour a dose for worse than the last, but the fought our fight on the basis of imperialism through monopoly serious unemployment problem More Prominent Joiners not oply improved but has if we look at the figures for the the rank and file to swallow at union is in no position to strike principles. We will continue to of foreign trade. Concentrating was greeted with derision and actually become a paper that past week: Other one gülp, so the is not re at the present time, particularly do so now and in the future. Our the entire riches of the nation speeches about practical poli new members include meets with the approval of comNew Subs Week ending vealing it for the time being over this issue. Three months ago struggle is no differens, fulde in the hands of a proletarian tics. His argument that Murphy Arthur Garfield Hays, well rades and sympathizers all over March 25th Frankensteen is known to be to when rank and file militants de mentally, in the auto union than state, it could turn the land over was no more concerned with the known defender of civil liberties, the country. From Baltimore the right far to the right of manded that the General Motors in the steel and mining unions to the peasant masses, liberate pitalist politician was met by for Beal defense in the trial in We want to express our apunemployed than any other ca who was a voluntary attorney comes the following comment: Safford, Arizona conference get down to business, Our opposition to Martin, how them from debt, and organize taunts that a special session 1919, after the Gastonia textile preciation of the Appeal. It really Martinnyone is a real red baiter, the Unity leaders acted as hatchet ever, in the way doentes campaign count Productive forces of the could serve only to put the so strike Dc Horecephe Kallen xets better with each issue and Los Angeles Chicago if anyone has employed gangster men for Martin to keep the peace. over the present campaign country.
Vincennes, Indiana methods, if anyone has sought Today, their raising of the issue, launched by the Communist It is precisely the limitation of Republican opponents.
Bard Field, the poet, and Charles with a party which puts out such Boston fór support among Black Legion with no proposal for action, is a Party, acting under cover of the Mexico analist struggle Flint, Mich Erskine Scott Wood, author.
elements. it is Frankensteen. clear piece of irresponsibility: Unity Group. We warn the auto within the Short Memories of capital a paper. Its make up pleases the The work Jersey City The proceedings of the Unity workers of this campaign! Suc ist legality which constitutes the Obviously this card can be sprung Partisan eye and its articles have an as Cleveland only in a convention. To play it Group convention showed how cess can mean only transfer of greatest brake on the liberation quite noticeable that the Stalin. indorsement of the National Ex can only come from a firm conAmong other things, it was committee has just received the surance and aggressiveness that Racine, Wis.
now would give the hand away little concern this clique felt for leadership from one bureaucratic of the Mexican people.
ist Frankensteen combination was ecutive Committee of the Work fidence in the correctness of your Argentina New York tank and file, who would view ex and file. First they cut off a Look at the internal regime in correspondent for the Times, re Abouting fromonth ago 160, 07 with over 1, 000 branches in the Changing rankensteen for Mar speaker calling for the Executive the Commumist Party Therair is actionary and friend of the members and sympathizers. of United States and Canada.
And from Vancouver, Canada, Total 26 tin Biebeke same tight as exchang Board to turn over its negotiatem pro demostrack in the geney reports with great satis. the demonstrating on The Executive Committee of Appeal. comes another boost for the Bundle order increases have ing Lewis for Green.
General Motors conference is cal of your eye. Look at the record the People Front rejects Car some of Murphy generous pro Association wrote: This Com Appeal with its clear and pro by 25 and Louisville, Kentucky, dropped off for the past week It is a pleasure to read the too. Boston increased its bundle Deceit and Lies led. Then one of the top men of the Communist party in unions denas offer to sell oil only to mises, read out by none other mittee wishes to take this op letarian viewpoint as counter added five more to theirs.
The most cursory review of the for him to attempt to negotiate painters, food workers, maritime features of the democratic will call a special session if neces cess in your work. The Marble organs and the reformist sheets agent in Boston, has already Comrade Leonard, literature will reveal that it is shot through he could get started Homer Maro racketeers, frame ups, suppres conspiracy of the oil magnates sary. Rather a budgetary de Carvers, Cutters and Setters with their class collaborationist doubled the Boston bundle order and through with hypocrisy, detin would phone General Motors sion of minorities, dictatorial become increasingly clear. ficit than starving men. Union, Local sent wishes for line.
and persuade them to hand down practises that would make Bill They who provide Japan with The Detroit News quoted state the greatest of success in the since he took over the job and The very first point in the worse agreement! We will un Hutchinson green with envy! Do the oil of California and Britishments of participants at the con campaign for Beal release. New York was sufficiently en the drive is over. Boston is now Comrade Jack Hartman of he ll do more than that before messages are a run for its vention deals with the alarming over.
Group calling the March 19 con sations before this campaign is the auto union, which despite all justification for future interven marks as tactless. Presumany defense headquarters, at 19 to go out on the street and sell money.
abuses, has become known as the tion in Mexico. Through the oil it is considered as tactless to trend. towards bureaucracy.
most democratic organization in boycott of the democratic go allow the misfortune of unem th Street, New York City, from proves that street sales are an 44 Appeals in two hours. This And yet the letter is prefaced by Blackens Martin the labor movement vernments against Mexico, foreployed auto workers to interfere all parts of the country.
And what happened to that a statement calling for the aboThen the conference was treated to export 80 per cent of new with the political fortunes of the effective method in boosting challenge that Chicago received. lition of all caucusing by any ed to Warning oil products, they intend to force Democratic incumbent.
very delectable financial Appeal circulation during and we haven seen any results ANNOUNCEMENTS after the drive.
group in the International Union. report by Ed. Hall. He alleged from the challengers yet.
We warn the sincere rank and. Cardenas into dealing with Japan It is not at all surprising, Thus the first step of the Unity chat Martin has been running up file of the Socialist Party in the and Germany.
therefore, that Mazey was over cents for five lines. Comare Group to eliminate bureaucracy an expense account of 2, 000 auto union in Flint and Detroit.
Socialist Appeal will be to abridge the democratic month. This is a serious charge. Your leadership, from Walter whelmingly defeated for the post in at the APPEAL office be Solidarity With Mexico of county chairman of Labor o clock Monday evening.
116 University Place Date But this maneuver must not Non Partisan League and Richabolishing all chucuses! Here is ganizers have been laid off for through design or impotence, has succeed. The conspiracy must be ard Frankensteen, assistant NEW YORK New York City enclose. for which please send me the Caucuses are permissible in charges brought? Why all the with the Communist Party in the the line Italian hand is the lack of money. Why are no kept you chained to an alliance made to rebound, against the president of the and HOUSEWARMING AT OUR NEW Headquarters, 78 St. Marks Place Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months self defense but only so long whispering over so serious a Unity Group. This alliance has ed by a similar majority. EleeSaturday. Apr Swing Band, as their policy does not prevail. matter? Perhaps Hall would not given you nothing but a lot of. 00. tions to the executive board reSement. East Side Branch, Sul. 35 cents.
What is this complaint about like to wash his dirty lines in headaches and more explaining LOUIS (LINN) turned at least nine out of 15 CABARET, SWING BAND, FLOOR enclose. as my contribution toward bureaucracy?
public together with Martin for the reactionary anties of the RESTAURANT members definitely known to be Show Bar and Snacks. Sat. April The abolition of local union At the January meeting of the Stalinists, while it has given building the Socialist Appeal.
Communist Party members or 58th Cover charge: 35 cents.
papers at the Executive Board Executive Board it came to light them a convenient radical cover Home Cooking. Hungarian sympathizers. Even Frankensteen WILLIAMSBURG SOCIAL, AT 158 Name meeting after the Milwaukee con that Hall had piled up a hotel Style was alarmed at this composition Address vention.
bill during the Milwaukee con ing. This alliance has prevented SPECIAL LUNCHEON 350 and it is reliably reported that Was this bureaucratic? Most vention of 1, 045 in a period of you from exercising a genuine he has threatened to resign as vuld. Alice Through The REGULAR DINNER 50 ing, congenial comrades. Admis City certainly. We pointed this out at two weeks or less! Hall is not radicalizing influence on SUPPER 550 chairman unless some of the Sta slun 25 cents least six months ago. But where concerned about the amount of But more serious today, was the Unity Group then? It money squandered but about the it will make you partner to the 207 East 14th Street lirists withdraw.
LOS ANGELES PATRONIZE THE was: trying to make peace with Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, SUBSCRIBE NOW TO Martin any price! In fact, individuals doing it. It aremained most sinister aims yet advanced SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY New York City WAITHER FRANCE? by Leon Trotsky the Stalinists in the Unity Cuneus for Walter. Reuther and George in the union. It is time to call a LABOR BOOK SHOP Spants Orders nijed Gramercy 9761 THE SOCIALIST APPEAL meeting very storing the. Edwaras to caution Him openly halt.
promptly cuts otra for post Ape. Modern Book Shop, 600 5th St. Los Angeles.
28 East 12th Street, is Appeal Army 15 Insertions in this column be before six the