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World Workers Can Still Defeat Franco Drive!
OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Socialist Appeal Strikes At Mexican Labor Vol. II, No. 14.
Saturday, April 1938 Five Cents per Copy Twenty One Fresh Wave Years After Of Strikes Hits France The Church Militant Labor Alone Silver Move Can Prevent Made To Aid Oil Robbers Stalinists Try To Oust week entered its most acute Martin From UAW Post Tragic events have had to Jingo Campaign Is Unleashed STALIN PURGE EXTENDED TO Spanish workers canine. ca POLAR HEROES Within their confines, a people decrees, and righteously and correctly so, that, though blood flow, property should be safely protected, lives of citizens put out of peril or danger, the sovo ereignty of the State made inviolate and remain unbroken. This is war, but this war we must have, under penalty of Twenty one years ago last Autumn, Woodrow Wilsocial chaos, of wreck and ruin to the most sacred interests. There must be rulers, and they must hold the sword in hand.
son was re elected President of the United States on the platform, He kept us out of war.
Who uttered this rabid declaration? It was Mgr. Aloysius Twenty one years ago this week, the Congress of the Dineen, pastor of Holy Innocents Church, in the course of a United States, acting upon a message sent by President Workers Open Offensive St. Patrick Day sermon delivered by him in St. Patrick Cathe Popular Front Crumbles Woodrow Wilson, declared war upon the Central Pow Despite Treachery Of dral, New York City, on March 17, 1938, at a service conducted Before Franco Big ers.
by Cardinal Hayes.
Popular Front Catalan Drive This was the war, the President told the people of Could anything illumine more clearly the role of the church Action Seen As First Step In Sharp Struggle the United States, which was entered upon to make the world safe for democracy, to guarantee the rights By ARGUS as an arm of the capitalist state, a protector of capitalist, property, an instrument of imperialist war?
The desperate struggle to Which May End In Imperialist Intervention of small nations and racial minorities, to defeat auto French labor is again on the save Spain from the doom Through Mexican Fascist Bands cracy and tyranny.
march, driven to renewed militof a Fascist victory last ant action by the rising cost of Lesson of History living and the refusal of the emstage.
This was the war, the people of the United States ployers to grant compensatory Acting under pressure of the powerful Rockefeller oil learned from history, which brought death to twenty wage increases. More than 30, 000 workers, including those at the million young men and women; immeasurable suffer.
happen to make it plain once interests, the peace loving and democratic governCitroen automobile works, are ing to countless millions more; untold destruction of already on strike, with added Groom Frankensteen For Presidency With View more that the victory of the ment of President Roosevelt has commenced a vicious the world goods produced by the labor and skill of the thousands threatening to quit workers of the world; renewed and deepened injustice, work.
To Pushing Collective Security Fakery struggle against Fascism economic war directed against the terribly exploited peorests upon the independent ple of Mexico.
tyranny, military dictatorship and Fascism.
The French Communist Party This economic war, undertaken in retaliation for the These were lies that. Wilson told us, these stories of democracy, the rights of minorities, and the need to Prop of Capital DETROIT. The Communist. If the powerful anti war senti struggle of Spanish and Party has initiated its most elab ment among the auto workers is world labor in its own in expropriation of American oil properties in Mexico, starts defeat militarism. They were lies to cover the grasporate and ambitious undertak to be overcome, and if the terests.
with the suspension of United States silver purchases ing hands of Morgan and Rockefeller and Mellon ing in the auto union in a care is to be lined up with the All the democratic allies from Mexico. But it may well develop into imperialist stretched out to protect their vast investments and fully planned, nation wide cam. Roosevelt war machine, other swell their fabulous profits at the price of the blood of Martin for this opposition to perate ravings of the Daily Work feat Franco rebels the ganizations in Mexico, which would be encouraged to overpaign to crucify and oust Homer means must be devised. The des who were going to help de intervention, either through secret aid to reactionary orthe workers. Fascism: that was the full, ripe fruit of the war for democracy. collective security to capture er have proved more of an obe: democratic governments throw the Cardenas government, or through the sending control of the United Automobile tacle than a help to the sinister of Britain and France, and of American military forces to Mexico, or both.
Today, with the wounds of the old war still festering, Workers or to wreck it. aims of the Stalinists.
with its sorrows still undimmed, its wounded still walkThese incontestable facts came (Continued on page 2) the democratic capitalist Jingo Campaign On income of the Cardenas govern ing the streets, wasting in the hospitals or rotting in to light at a convention of the politicians, Negrin Co. to the gutters, its destruction still unredeemed, Wilson Unity Group held on Saturday, ment) was preceded by an intens The reactionary press of this ive press campaign for the dewhom power was surrender country, repeating its tactics of tense of the legally required it successor prepares the new war.
March 19, at the Fort Wayne Follows Path of Woodrow Wilson Hotel, Detroit. Delegates repare ed have contrived only to 22 years ago, when the United terests of great value. Ame.
senting Unity Group caucueer bring about defeats for the States last intervened in Mexi rican business south of the ito More cunning, more brilliant, more ruthless than his came from locals spread over a can affairs, has unleashed a jingo Grande. Leading the agitation spiritual father, Franklin Roosevelt makes ready. Seewide area. Wyndham Mortimer, Ed Hall, Nat Ganley and John Preceded By Political Defeate Sampaign which verges on open was that liberalimatron, the New ing around him the ravages of the economic crisis, calls for military intervention.
York Times. Where pocket books Anderson, Stalinist stalwarts, Outdistancing all its rivals, the are endangered, all the high watching the tearing fabric of the social system which LEON BLUM The political defeats suffered were in command, with Walter nourished him, knowing the frantic needs of American by the workers during the last New York Daily News wonders ideals of democracy are quickly Reuther and George Edwards of is toying with the idea of a na: the Socialist Party trailing bewhether Leon Trotsky hasn had capital, he moves headlong toward the only solution two years, culminating in the something to do with Cardenas discarded.
which imperialism has to propose: toward war. tionwide general strike. With bloody repression of the May action in expropriating the forehind.
Defend Fantastie Profits Nineteen More Are Shot days in Barcelona in 1937, are in oil holdings. wherever While twelve million unemployed, while tenant farm what aim in view. As the best ers and part time workers, slowly starve, he pours means of backing the Popular The Latest Maneuver After An Alleged To be sure, the Times itself result by heavy military defeats Trotsky goes things soon begin must recognize the right of the hundreds of millions and billions of dollars into battleFront government fight for life. New York Times, Mar.
The current Stalinist maneuver Secret Trial for the Loyalist cause.
to ferment. Lombardo Toledano ships and bombers and machine guns and poison gas.
consists in shifting the head on His lieutenants in the War Department and in con 26. Driving relentlessly forward Mexico, on the other hand, ac priate property, whether owned and his Stalinist mentors in Mexican government to expres attack on Martin for his antigress draw up the bills for universal conscription and Lesson Forgotten war stand to an ostensibly milit.
Extension of Stalin blood Italian planes, men, and artillery of the fascists and the oil com To be sure, it must admit that the full details of the military dictatorship which will grip the country from the first day of the war.
Forgotten is the lesson that ant union program excoriating purge to the Northern Sen Route General Franco rebel armies panies. They and the Daily News Cardenas offered to recompense With his ringing phrases and his persuasive voice he the general strike poses immed Vial extravagance and even mal. Otto Schmidt, was heralded this battered, weakened Loyalist army ever: they are both enemies of under Mexican administration, and iately launches the slogans designed to capture the minds of tion of the workers direct strug feasance. The demagogic and week by the issuance in Moscow has had to give way steadily the people for the war. Again we are to fight for de gle for power. The Stalinists are seemingly progressive character branch of the Soviet government. 35 miles from the sea and less government to suspend purchases as unacceptable. For what they of an official denunciation of this Franco men were less than the struggling Mexican toilers. offer which the British and Amer Secking me he government of Leon paigh as most insidious and dancim was and Sovie wrecking them organisatile capitan. Pheir end of bereis the principale source of ment for their property ebonitatie mocracy, against tyranny, for the sanctity of treaties The decision of the Roosevelt rican companies flatly rejected and international morality, for peace.
only to be expected, than 100 miles from Barcelona, silver the. reimburse.
Blum. What matter, then, if they gerous character.
use the sharpest weapon of the Roosevelt Idealistic Camouflage The apparent failure of the activity was discovered in the vance threatened to amputate the working class struggle light slander campaign, in which the administration, which, it seems, Catalonian head from the shrunkprofits which they amass through Franklin Roosevelt has learned his lessons well. Pro nothing in common with the Communist Party issued thous: the being held responsible for en body of Loyalist Spain.
plundering Mexico natural drifting Central Issue riches under their own adminismaterials the realities of war become transformed y have no intention of leading tion in Unity where is Homer helplessly in the Arctic Sea tration.
In Barcelona the People through him into shining moral imperatives. In the the workers in a struggle for Daily Worker editorial which Front government which has The cessation of the silver name of all that is sacred he will lead the people of the power, now or in the future.
On His Way Out known only how to be the or purchases, however, is only the accused Martin of everything Who threatens Blum govern from being a Trotskyite LoveUnited States into the massacre to save American finbeginning of Yankee reprisals. It It is clear: Schmidt, who di ganizer of defeats, was calling ance capital.
is a signal to American private ment? The Right parties in the stoneite. Japanese Agent to rected last summer polar flights upon the population the masses capital to join the economie boyBut there were other lessons also taught in the War cott. The plan is to precipitate of 1914 18, and other teachers than Woodrow Wilson. arms expenditure proposals. They paganda department, has caus observations by the Papanin ex sacrifices to prevent France from in this way the collapse of MexLiebknecht, Debs, Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotsky, taught want a government of National ed the Stalinist tops to tack pedition, is on his way out. making his victory final.
ican currency, in order to prouse another lesson. Continued on page 3) along a new course. Continued on page Continued on page 3) Internment Camps Being the agrarian and urban popular We have learned the lesson which they taught us.
Prepared in Hawaii tion against the Cardenas government. Thus Mexico will be support your For Japanese crudely presented with the alterwar! No words or acts of yours, or of your henchmen, native: capitulation or civil war.
no promises or bribes or threats will change us.
The Pacific war games of the struggles, Mexican reaction has Spurred onward by the Spanish United States Navy, second se long kept itself in readiness to The Real Enemy Imperialism ries within a period of twelve spring. The impoverished? landWe have our own war to fight! In that war it is you who are the enemy. We fight that war today, tomor In the following resolution, adopted on March 23, the WHEREAS the National Administration has already engaged but details of the exercises, in for the flesh pots of Porfirio row, and until it is forever won.
Central Labor Union of Minneapolis, representing 50, which are participating 150 on a course of throttling opponents of war, as was revealed by fighting ships, plus 500 modern from his American asylum. In Diaz regime. Calles conspires Our war is the struggle of the working class for the 000 trade unionists, went on record with a policy of the lynch spirit organized against the Farmer Labor congress aircraft, manned by 3, 600 officers Mexico itself, the reactionary emancipation of mankind from the terrible and rusted class struggle opposition to all imperialist wars: men and others who supported the Ludlow Amendment requiring and 55, 000 men, are being kept pensant general Cedillo, until WHEREAS organized labor is aware of the cruel deception chains of capitalist enslavement.
a popular referendum before Congress can declare war; and We will break those chains! We will cast them, and practised upon it in the last War to Make the World Safe for you, from our shoulders and go forward to a society Demeracy. and WHEREAS the purely pacifist, non working class opposition strict is the censorship that ef recently a minister in Cardenas of freedom, justice, and humanity.
WHEREAS the world is threatened with another such war, to war has already collapsed in Congress, as witness the speed forts in official Washington to government, provides his private and the three to one vote by which the Administration pushed attribute to the war games a army in northern Mexico with The world socialist revolution! That is our reply to in which the workers and farmers will once more be called to through the House the Naval Expansion Bill; therefore be it purely routine character enarms and airplanes from the your war.
lay down their lives to protect and expand the imperialist inter resolved: counter universal disbelief. They United States.
ests of the big bosses; and may well be the actual prelude Roosevelt Collaborates New York Jobless Protest WHEREAS the employers press is engaged in a systematic That the Central Labor Union of Minneapolis, voicing the determination of fifty thousand trade unionists, declares its firm is being prepared, with full conto the war which very plainly campaign to create a jingoistic war spirit, and the radio and To defend the profits of the opposition to any war launched by the Government; La Guardia Relief Slash motion pictures are being utilized to whip us up to accept war; sciousness and determination, by American financial oligarchy, the and That we demand that all the funds now proposed for the the imperialist government at anti feudalist Roosevelt collab NEW YORK Several thous Lehman and dealing largely with WHEREAS war preparations are being rushed in this country military budget and naval expansion be transferred immediately Washington a war which, in the rates willingly with the absoluto to the relief of the unemployed; first place, will in all probability tyrants of Brazil, Cuba, etc. He and members of the Workers Al the question of taxation, a copy at a frenzied pace, as is so clearly revealed by the actions of the will not act otherwise in Mexico.
liance picketed City Hall in a of which was given to the Alliance National Administration in launching a gigantic program of That we demand the immediate withdrawal of any and all be fought against Japan.
drenching downpour of rain last delegation by one of the Mayor naval and military expansion, including over a billion dollars for armed forces of the United States from the Far East, since it Taken in conjunction with the over bleeding Mexico threatenhuge arms program of the Rooing clouds of civil war are again Saturday. Shouting slogans Stop secretaries.
arms in the regular budget, twelve hundred millions additional is only Big Business and not Labor that has any interests there sevelt administration, involving gathering. The barons of liquid the 10 per cent relief cuts, Tax Stalinists In Usual Role for new warships in the Vinson Bill just passed by the House to protect; expenditures running into billions gold will again, if necessary, as the rich and not the poor, We While the picketing was going of Representatives, and other military bills now being drafted want jobs, the pickets circled That we assert militant labor determination to support of dollars, the navy games, which they did in the past, furnish the at the direction of the Administration; and the workers and peasants of Spain against the Fascist hordes are taking place along sa 5, 000 enemies of the Mexican people City Hall while a delegation vain on, sections of the pickets, inWHEREAS the government preparations for war are a who seek to crush them, and to support the brave Chinese peo mile line from Alaska to Samoa with money and arms, in order ly attempted to see the Mayor. censed by the 10 per cent cut, As the pickets gathered, Mayor shouted Down with 10 per cent mortal danger to organized labor, as is revealed by the plans ple in their fight for independence against the Japanese invaders by way of Hawaii, leave no doubt to perpetuate their dictatorship for a military dictatorship in war time prepared by the war and all other foreign exploiters; that actual war is in preparation over the workers and peons.
LaGuardia left through a side La Guardia, Stalinist leaders of Department and embodied in the Sheppard May Bill, with its door for his home to spend the the Alliance immediately got busy Externally Washington would, They Understand That we shall join with all other forces in the labor movein that event, retain its mask of day with his well fed and well trying to quench the militaney provisions for compulsory conscription, arbitrary fixing of wages, ment who share our views for the purpose of consolidating the The Japanese imperialists have neutrality.
But only so long as elad family. He did, however, of the gathering and to halt any prohibition of strikes, punitive discipline of unions and labor strongest possible movement of resistance to war and to the leave a news release attacking no doubts that the war will be it hopes to win through economic (Continued on page 4) leaders, and governmental control of press and radio; and war mongers. Continued on puge Continued on page 2)
Navy Maneuvers Proceed Under Close Secrecy Proceeding from their lesson, we say to skippsevelt, um Minneapolis Takes the Lead!