AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionFascismHitlerImperialismImperialist WarJohn DeweyKamenevKronstadtLeninMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismOpportunismPopular FrontsRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

SOCIALIST APPEAL March 26, 1938 Hitler Austria Coup Aided By Moscow Trial Aftermath of the Trials Editor.
army and the population of the It appears that Capone power were ordered to pass resolutions to the Oswald Garrison Villard man who less than a year ago by the whole course of their lives twenty five years in prison. Thus curable disease in and mutilat. more widespread than in the case opinion before it gets beyond serve the by the Bolsheviks in Russia, Kautsky SOCIALIST APPEAL and the rest of the traitorous leaders of Vol. II. No. 13. Saturday, March 26, 1938 the German social democracy, lined up with the German bourgeoisie against the Published every week by the workers and helped destroy the revoluBy JAMES BURNHAM SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS tion. Shrinking in horror from revoluat 116 University Place, New York, tionary action, Kautsky and Company Time, in its current issue, ob are now trying to exploit disTelephones: Local Office: Gramercy 9142 preferred the democracy of the Weiserves that no daily or weekly belief for those same purposes National Office: Algonquin 8547 mar constitution to the dictatorship of By LEON TROTSKY Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for the proletariat.
this same Yagoda. The head of suspicion naturally arose even ournal in the entire world, out after all, truth for them has months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order in the ensuing years, the bankruptcy There is tragic symbolism in domo, threatened the doctors with ed with a deep intrigue against munist International, believes a word to agitate with. cents per copy. Single copies cents. of German capitalism, already rotten the fact that the Moscow trial is execution of their families if Pietney and that the mysterious the trial of the 21 was an honest They come to Life All checks and money orders should be made ripe for overthrow in 1919, led to the ending under the fanfare ture they did not poison the indicated patient was in all probability Probably never before in hisbankruptcy of bourgeois democracy. nouncing the entry of Hitler. into patients, and so great was Ya a agent.
out to the Socialist Appeal.
The Villard group of liberals The way was paved for Hitler or the Entered as second class matter September Immediately, that is, before tory has any trial met with such. most of whom were so very 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, proletarian revolution. Thanks to the accidental Berlin is of course lin high standing doctors did any kind of trial, so called pub immediate and universal rejec. conveniently silent during the under the Act of March 3, 1879.
cracy, already matched by the degener. Clique in its struggle for sell orders: vyshinsky builds his ac precisely, the doctors at Moscow, New York Times, from Hearsting of the new trial. Jack Altpolitical degeneracy of the social demo moralization which aimet Kremlin not dare to expose Capone but lie opinion was mobilized from tion. Everyone, from the hitherto past two years. Suddenly jumps executed his an unseen center; to put it more silent populaire orxan of the into print in an effort to take the leadership in the unmaskMAX SHACHTMAN acy of the Communist Party. Hitler preservation carried into the cusations on these confessions. Kiev, Tula, Sverdlovsk and so triumphed.
HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES Kautsky fled to Austria rather than of liberals, to Associate Editors.
join his fellow traitors in bending the finger last year when Japan seiz Union. It is true that Yezhov has tence upon this monster.
The man and Jay Lovestone, is com efforts to smashing the American BOB BROWNE knee to Hitler, but learning nothing from ed two Russian islands on the now taken his place. But where resolutions were, of course, pub pelled to say that the charges Committee for he Defense of Business Manager.
experience, he continued to render obeisance at the altar of democratie capital executing the best Red generals. are the guarantees that he is any lished in Pravda. We have these in this trial are plainly and fint. Trotsky and the International Commission of Inquiry so that better? In the milieu of a total numbers of Pravda at hand.
With all the more assurance dur. itarian despotism, with public ism. Today he stands exhibited before The McNaboe Bill the truth could not be known Even the Stalinists ing the new trial could Hitler opinion strangled, with control Given Conditional Sentence the world a pitiful victim of his own calls a special Socialist Party send his troops into Austria.
base political illusions.
The MeNaboe bill one of the most completely absent, only the names The last week has shown that meeting to expose the trial of No matter what one attitude of the gangsters change, but the ney case was considered in the trial of the 21 extends even defended the Zinoviev Kamenex On July 17 and 18, 1987, Plet this reeognition of the falsity of the 21. The Lovestoneites, who strikingly reactionary pieces of legislaLet the workers learn from his ex toward the defendants at ample the clear and unmistakable lesson tion ever passed by the New York State closed session by a Moscow court. further, goes right down into the trial publicly, become, though that in the era of the decline of capital one judges their conduct in the a half hours, demanding nine given the death penalty for steal selves, in particular to the pro. for their past, the experts on Moscow trials, no matter how system remains the same.
Vyshinsky spoke for five and in the one is often ranks of the Stalinists them without a word of explanation legislature comes before Governor Leh: man for signature this week. The bill ism the system of bourgeois democracy, if it is not overthrown by the workers them Zinoviev, Kamenev, Smirteen executions. Seventeen Ting a bag of four. All the moreletarian strata of the party.
clutches of the all of provides that no person who believes nutes the trials. All these unprincipled head. Por Rakov. probable was it to expect mereinov, Piatakov, Radek, Rykov, sky and Bessonov the magnanim less sentence upon a physician latest trial has been so much the band wagon of changing mass and replaced by the revolutionary dicthe overthrow of the existing state by Why is it that disbelief in the weather cocks want to jump on force shall hold public office, any civil tatorship of the proletariat, leads not Bukharin, and many others. have sus prosecutor demanded only sadist who had implanted an into socialism but to fascism. And that service or teaching position in the state.
of the former two?
those who support or preach support of proved their disinterested deres Rakovsky, having devoted his edathe body of a patient. MeanThis bill, inspired by the hysterical their reach.
First, there is the character of opponents of the appointment of a New bourgeois democracy as essential to the tion to the Russian people and Two reactions among the fight against fascism are false leaders their struggle for liberation energy for fifty years and hi: while in the same Pravda of July the charges. Fantastie ax were new disbelievers may be traced York Communist to a post in the office in considerable personal fortune in 19, the readers learned that Plet the charges in the earlier trials to sources among the Stalinists who prepare only the defeat of the work less known, but no less devoted to atone for his alleged crimes tenced to two years deprivation into the realms of the madhouse the trials exploded executing them and thousands the cause of the toi ers, can hope nev had been conditionally sen the last went far beyond them, themselves. So shatteringly have of the Manhattan Borough President, ing class and its perpetual enslavement. o the cause of the toilers, Staby his ninetieth birthday!
Stanley Isaacs, is not only a direct threat the face of of freedom, that is to say, ac. This is perhaps most obviously the Stalinists that they must now to the simplest civil liberties guaranteed lin continues to weaken the moral strength of the resistance of the Disbelief Universal tually freed from any punish: the case with little points provide theories which can keep by our democratic constitution. It is Lamont to Dewey to Lamont country, as a whole. Careerists also a significant forerunner of the type without honor or conscience on face of this terrible and at the led the accusation.
The only consolation in the unexpected as earlier had seem which the trial featured: Trots in line even those who disbelieve The following exchange of telegrams of legislation we can expect in ever more ky million dollars; Rakovsky the trials.
whom he is more and more forc. same time buffoonish trial is the Within seven months we meet Paget; Max Eastman as linison more than speaks for itself: stringent forms as the war draws nearer.
espionage negotiations with Lady Smoke Fire Theory Earl Browder hastened last week to TO PROFESSOR JOHN DEWEY: the country in a difficult hour. radical change in public opinion. Pletnev as a defendant in the dejump into the breach with another of Surprised to see in the New York On the contrary the so called The voice of the world press is liberate hastening of the deaths officer with the British IntelliOn the one hand, we are told his fervent assurances that the Com Trotskyists, who completely unanimous. No one of Menzhinsky. Kuibishey ana gence Service.
that even though the trials are Times of March second that the Com Maxim Gorky, Pletnev of course Makes Revolution Absurd peope, but not the bureaucracy anywhere any more believes th munist Party does not advocate force not true as they stand, nevermission headed by you without waiting and violence, that it opposes the overtheless, somebody is undoubtedto hear one word of the testimony in will occupy battle posts in case accusers. All understand the real confesses his guilt. It seems tha of attack upon the as no doubt that the population sense of the trial. There can be he committed these monstrou throw of American democracy, that it Second, tracing the crimes ly guilty of something, on the supports American democracy, and present Moscow treason trials, denoune: they have occupied them in the the also does not con. soda, former head of the shameless libel on the Revonteen much smoke there must be some Primes upon the order of Ya back to 1918 is not merely a theory that where there is so ed these trials as frame ups. This is pre past.
that therefore by no stretch of the imacise opposite of experimental scientific gination could it come under the terms methods advocated in your philosophy.
Vyshinsky White Guard The organizers of the frame up da? Out of fear. The Krem. it to the Times or Altman or Vil cow correspondent, the Nation of the criminal anarchy statute or any Committee for Defense of Trotsky issuisolated themselves from all man doctor, knowing all members of tard) but it makes the course of and the New Republic, belong to law patterned after that statute. Sooner or later the American Legion and the ed similar statement with Times printing ky, who, during the years of the the last convulsions in the pol. tie report the criminal but became only two of the leaders of the But what is all this to Vyshins kind. The present trial is one of the government, did not dare to the Revolution simply absurd. It this school.
sixteen signatures. Professor Boaz, revolution, hid himself in the al crisis in the The his submissive tool. Is this im Revolution were reliable and the of view. 1) In any frame up.
With reference to this point Daughters of the American Revolution Goldenweiser, Leonard and Ferdinand will realize that the Browders are vipers Lundberg have publicly repudiated use the Bolsheviks only after their pone is converted into the selfonly in the bosom of the American labor definitive victory, when the pos.
of their names as unauthorized and segovernment of the workers ans. Sadist Pletnev. Patient was Revolution was a miracle that not the specific defendant is guilhear nothing more about the from the beginning, then the many statements included are movement, and will welcome them to the veral others are expected to do so. This sibilities for careers were open. the peasants, the stronger will not called to testify. She had comwarmth of their own bosoms.
makes the Bible seem like a rety of the specific crime with leads me to ask if you support statement Vyshinsky demands Meanwhile, however, legislation like nineteen the stand before the pleted her task prior to the trial port of scientific experiments, heads and first of all the head chreats of fascism from the out. Sadism does not interest anyone Third, the appearance of Ya Everything else alleged may be which he is charged is relevant.
of Dewey Commission since you must the McNaboe bill despite Browder is a threat to every free thinking person bear responsibility in mind of public.
of Bukharin, whom Lenin more side as the inside. The hour of any more. Now Pletnev, the phy. gada among the defendants has true, but still the trial would be a than once called the favorite the regeneration of Soviet demo sician since Sorry to bother you but as chairman of and to labor. The utmost pressure should of the party and whom in his craey will give a tremendous im found to be a terrorist agent of knows that Yagoda was the stage exception of Yagoda, there is not arist times, is a special importance. Everyone frame up. 2) However, with the be exerted to force its veto. We urge organization you must necessarily expect constant involvement in all organizations, unions and individuals these theoretician of the party. How kind and will thus sound the under the lire cu heardnost ipoc cluding the triata az Zinovievs the slightest evidence that any to write or wire Governor Lehman at issues. Would appreciate a wire collect. stormily the agents of the Com. death knell for Hitler, Mussolini. Yagoda, former head of the Kamenev. By the indictment of Corliss Lamont.
Albany demanding that he veto the bill.
munist International applauded and Franco.
TO CORLISS LAMONT: Bukharin speeches when he was March 12, 1938 Yagoda, the whole system of any of the trials is guilty of any of the acts with which they are trials stands, self indicted. Experimental method does not pre still at his xenith! But no sooner Coyoacan, The Metamorphosis Fourth, in this trial even more for that matter. Neither physies charged or of any other crime The Travels of Kautsky vent use of intelligence and authentic had the Kremlin clique over Is it possible to doubt that than in the others, there is nor jurisprudence bears out the knowledge previously obtained. On con thrown him than yesterday Bukharinists deferentially bow.
Karl Kautsky, who in the years prę.
trary, scientific method demands applied before the monstrous falsifing exclusively official data taken relationship? In order to attri the purported acts of the defenil. The smoke of a thousand similIn this statement we are utiliz. there exists a compact internal for ascribing any motivation for where there is so much smoke cation of knowledge previously had bv ceding the World War rose to world its use to judging related present and eminence as the leading theoretical exar trials will do nothing to prove bute terrorist acts to the Trots ants.
The accuser demands the head from the Moscow Pravda.
future conditions Material given out by of Yagoda. Of all the defendavits fessor of medicine, is now sixty them. With this objective, YagoThe defendant Pletnev, pro Kyites, it was necessary to invent ponent of Marxism, only to become a Confessions to Order the guilt of any defendantsCommittee of Inquiry has had my prior bitter enemy of the socialist revolution Yagoda alone they would be proof only of Staauthorization. accept full responsibility.
undoubtedly de six years old. He was the Krem da, the executioner of the TrotsFifth, in this trial the relev. lin needs and of the character in the era of its triumph, has been forced No cause for worry.
serves severe punishment, al. lin physician almost. from the kyists, was metamorphosed into ance of Stalin present political of his regime. Even Yagoda, to take refuge in the Netherlands from though. not at all for those lays of the October insurrection. an agent of the Trotskyists and needs to the substance crimes of which he has been acthe fury of Nazism. One day before John Dewey.
though guilty of plenty of crimes, cused. Vyshinsky compares Ya politics. Lenin, Krupskaya (Le a poisoner.
He never concerned himself with a doctor was metamorphosed into charges is too patent to be ig Hitler occupation of Austria, Kautsky The accusation of nored. Great Britain and Poland all of the specific crimes with fled from Vienna to Prague, but with goda to the American gangster, hin wife. and all the officials sadism was proclaimed with such suddenly appear among the which he was charged. Even Ya democratic Czechoslovakia facing the Unity Against Fascism Al Capone, and adds: But Rus of the Kremlin used his services. deafening ballyhoo seven months conspiring nations. Every de goda, the framer, was framed.
sia, thank God, is not America. Pletnev enjoyed not a few distinc ago in order to break the will of fendant confesses to just the fate of Austria, he evidently concluded that Amsterdam would be safer.
Hoping to benefit from demorali No traitors could have made a tions. The Soviet press more the old doctor, father of a family, difficulties in Soviet economy for For Straying Faithful The fate of Kautsky, at the age of 83 zation among the workers resulting more dangerous comparison! Al than once lavished high praise and to make an obedient tool of which Stalin imperatively needs On the other hand, we are askCapone was not the head of the upon him. But the situation sud him in the hands of the to find scapegoats.
an outcast and an exile from his native from the recent events in Europe, a group of Fascist organizations schedul States. But Yagoda for more 1937? Plethey was publicly ac trial. Death threatened Pletne International Commission of In Austria, Spain, the war; and to in the United denly changed in the middle of for the forthcoming political In addition, the work of the other more important issues ed to submerge the trial in Austria, contains an instructive lesson for the working class. In 1914, casting ed for last Sunday a meeting on New than ten years stood at the head cused of rape and sadism.
York Lower East Side a heavily pro of the and was Stalin overboard the principles of revolutionletarian and Jewish district.
closest collaborator. According to ing patient However, behind of the Fourth Internationalists, linist machine adopts this attiary internationalism to the development Pravda Accusation of which he had devoted a life time Kaut the scenes an agreement was with reference to the first two tude sub rosa as one way of pul.
The answer of East Side workers Vyshinsky, Yagoda was the orsky prostituted himself in the service of was fast and sharp. demonstration sanizer and inspirer of monstrous In Pravda of June 8, 1937, a reached as a result of which only trials, have consciously clarified ling back the straying faithful German imperialism and called upon the begun by members of the Socialist Work crimes. But all the arrests, ex long article appeared, describin a conditional sentence was meted ever wider circles of public opinGerman workers to fight and die for the ers Party and the swelled iles, and executions of the Op. in unusual detail the atrocios out to Pletnev. Such was the price ion as to the real nature and who have seen through the trial.
within a few minutes to a massed crowd fatherland of their exploiters and oppositionists, including the trial violation he allegedly committed of his fantastic confessions at the meaning of the system of trials. But. 1) There is no more im.
of thousands.
of Zinoviev Kamenev, were ac upon a woman, patient The trial of the twenty one. Pletne Lastly, it should be remarked portant issue. And. 2) The trials pressors. To create a theoretical justicomplished under the leadership article quoted a letter from Mrs case is especially instructive be that in many cases the changed are not accidents. They are an fication for his own baseness, he prosti There was no mistaking the mood of of this Moscow All Capone. ir to Pietne which included the cause here all the springs are attitude toward the new trial har integral part of Stalinism, as in.
these workers. Against the Fascist pro not then obligatory to review following lines: Be accursed bared to view.
nothing to do with the evidence Legral to Stalinism as war is to tuted the principles of Marxism and earned the scorn of Lenin and his asvocation, they were ready to struggle, again tons of thousands of re base criminal, for implanting in but comes rather from new doubts capitalism. Really facing the and to struggle through direct action on sociates.
pressions? Or did the actions of me an incurable disease and muti. March 10, 1938.
about the stability of the Stalin issue of the trials means facing Coyoacan, the streets. Here was no Popular Front the secret Trotskyist Yagoda lating my body. and so on.
When in 1917 the proletariat of Russia regime and the strength of Stathe issue of Stalinism in its enunder the leadership of Lenin and the nor futile parliamentarism, but a dra cease to be monstrous crimes Pravda related that Petnev, in The news has been widely linism internationally. Many were tirety, and all of its policies.
matic class expression of the workers when they were directed against view of Mrs. complaints, spread through the press to the willing to go along with the Whoever fails to do this, thereby Bolsheviks turned the imperialist war instrength.
to civil war against the Russian bourgeTrotskyists? There is no possibile allegedly attempted to commit effect that Stalin supposedly was trials (though not really believ. fails to face the issue of the trials oisie, seized power and hastened the end Most significantly, the young Stalinists of the neighborhood, until they were of the imperialist slaughter, Kautsky ocskein the contradictions and lies. her reproaches responded: Get Czarist days, and that he is now Stalinism would last more or less congratulating enlightenment cupied himself with denying the legifinally drawn away by their elders, joinsome poison and kill yourself. avenging himself upon his old forever. Now they begin to wond with respect to them.
Gangster System Remains The article produced an all the enemies. place no trust whatsoer whether the ship may not be Socialism Attacked timacy of the revolution and denounced shoulder to shoulder in the demonstramore shocking impression since ever in this gossip. From his sinking. And suddenly they betion, drawn irresistibly by the united acing the Bolsheviks.
Vyshinsky demands the head it was printed prior to any kind youth Stalin was a revolutionist. come very concerned over the But above all, the collapse of His theoretical labors from then on tion of the workers.
of Levin and the other doctors of trial of Plethev. For one who All the facts about his life bear truth. which they themselves public belief is being used by the were devoted to showing the superiority Here was a splendid object lesson in of the Kremlin, who in place of knows the morals of the present witness to this. To reconstruct were often leaders in attempt whole swarm of reactionaries, the kind of reply to make to Fascism selves with hastening death. But letely clear that such an article means to ape the present Stalin.
post facto ing to suppress, liberals and reformists as the of bourgeois democracy over revolution basis for vicious attack wpon at any and every stage of its develop and proletarian dictatorship as a means Disbelief Not Enough if we are to believe the judicial against a doctor of high stand who from a revolutionist became the ideal of socialism and the ment. The workers of the East Side investigation, they committed ing could be printed in Pravda a leader of the reactionary bu trials, is not the least identical ism. These people, whose record of attaining socialism. In 1919, when the should carry their beginning through to Merely not believing in the methods of revolutionary MarxGerman workers rose to extend in their these crimes not for political or only with the consent of Stalin reaucracy.
build a solid phalanx against all encountry the revolutionary victory won personal aims but from fear of or upon his direct command. The croachments of the enemy.
with facing the full issue of the on the trials itself is the clearest trials: and we have said from possible demonstration of their the beginning that no more corrupt opportunism and the utter ILGWU Members ander Troyanovsky, demand was April New International made for postponement of sencasting a shadow upon the chast. crucial issue than that of the bankruptcy of their own ideoity of the Soviet Themis.
trials has ever faced mankind. logies and methods, try to swing tence on the 21 Moscow victims, Since you have now asked me with the trials exposed before the mass revolt against the trials Living high standard The following letter has been my deceased son, and the names to expound my philosophy in world public opinion, what is now into a line of attack on revoluSoviet government permit auth New International, having among Kirchwey, editor of The Na of the confessions of the un come to the conclusion that the ed friends of truth. The past again on the trials, alone of all tion in response to request fortunate victims of the accusations directed against me week or two are giving the ans currents in the world, stands up national labor to investigate and Leon Trotsky entitled The Hue that Trotsky write for that branded and besmirched and the are false. Did you declare this wers.
throughout to any and every exjournal an article expounding victims then shot. You occupied openly? The Moscow frame ups, As might be expected, the re amination pass judgment on the amazing and crycover Kronstadt his philosophy: a position which is the best case however, did not fall from the formists, liberals, reactionaries, No! The exposure of the falsity test against the trial and ex charges and confessions, which issue. will make its appearance Freda Kirchwey, ecution of the 21 Old Bolsheviks have caused such dismay and de in a few days.
could be classified as benevolent heavens. Have you explained to many of whom year ago were of the trials does not finish the. neutrality towards the calum your readers that you did not busily making use of belief in issue of the trials. The issue and Soviet officials was register moralization in the entire labor Other articles in the new issue Madam: The Nation.
niators, falsifiers and hangmen. timely understand the meaning the trials for their own purposes, remains in all its burning actual ed by dressmakers of Local 22, movement.
are The Record of the Great Some of your close collaborators of the Moscow proceedings beity, and will remain to the very International Ladies Garment Among the signatories of the Democracies by Maurice Spec. 1934, you propose that give an Ficcher came out as direct literary evolution of the Soviet burea falsifiers and hangmen?
In your letter of December 20, like the not unknown Louis cause you falsely appreciated the facilitated the work of Moscow end. The working class will not Workers Union, in an efforttor, The Strike of Capital, by unavailing as it proved to stay petition were Min Larye, chair. Dave Cowles, The Jewish Ques, article to The Nation expound agents of Stalin, Vyshinsky: Teftriod? Have you demarcated your pages of The Nation this letter because he now (after that half grant certificates of political Yez cracy during the whole last pe You will, hope, publish in the health to every charlatan merely the hand of the bloody Moscow man of Local 22; Murray Gross, tion, by Jack Weber, and India has been delayed through a se the Trotsky Defense Committee self from merchants of lies such which comprises an essential of the battle is nearly won in ing my philosophy. My answer hov. You, yourself, madam, Bonaparte.
manager, complaint dept. Local Today, by Stanley.
In a petition signed by hund 22; Max Bluestein, organization The Editor Comments fea unnecessary to specify here.
ries of circumstances which it is noisily when it appeared to you Fischer, who during a series of reds of members of the local and dept. Local 22; and Louis Nel ture includes comments on AusLEON TROTSKY.
spite of him and his friends)
During the Moscow trials, my that the Corhmision headed by years systematically deceived Coyoacan, finds it useful to protest and sent to Soviet Ambassador Alex son, manager, Local 55. tria, Spain and the Moscow triật, name, the name of Leon Sedov, Dr. John Dewey was capable of American public opinion and thus March 13, 1938. expose the trials.
of Trotsky Explains to Kirchwey Soviet Envoy