AnarchismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyFifth ColumnFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninismMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniParis CommunePopular FrontsPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVoroshílovWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SWP Militants Keep Fascists From East Side Trial Causes SOVIET UNION NOTES New Fissures Monstrousness Of Trials Matched By Acuteness Of Soviet Economic Crisis; Pravda Gives Picture Showing Scope of Breakdown In Ranks By JOHN. WRIGHT (The following was the last (Continued from page 1) sible that the democratic caarticle written by comrade THE BEST OF FRIENDS MAY PART pitalist powers and the fascist Leon Sedoff for the issue of Stalin Terror Repels Stalin Frame ups Mask Bankruptcy of Regime accelerated pace. War advances powers are all pursuing essential the Bulletin of the Opposition in seven lenguc bouts. The ques. ly the same aims. The demo which appeared a few days be.
Honest Proletarian The inseparable connection between the Moscow frame up trials Militants tion being asked is no longer if cratie powers, victors in the last fore his tragic death on Feb.
and the external and internal difficulties of the Stalin regime. but when. world war, strive to preserve 16. stand fully revealed. Especially so with respect to the economic The ruling class of Crecho their robber conquests against series of symptoms, as well (Continued from page 1)
difficulties. When Stalin became the unquestioned ruler in the slovakia, alive to the power of the fascist coveters of their spoils as fragmentary reports from country (after he had smashed all opposition. and with the. the. inception of planned economy under his direction, Soviet society seek a compromise with Hitler humanity into the horrors of a indicated for some time that in Our Open Letter to members entered into the phase of sensational trials. When Stalin regime which inevitably will include the new world war.
of the Communist Party, printed the leading stratum conflict encountered difficulties, it found from the outset only one soluThe position of the American is developing between the militrupture of the Czech Soviet al in last week Socialist Appeal tion: ever more repressive measures, ever more monstrous trials liance.
imperiaists on war is no differ ary apparatus and the secured an immediate response.
ent from that of the other robber After the military reforms of whose primary intention is to supply scapegoats for the crimes In one city we received an imU. In Peril imperialisms. The answer of Pre. 1935, which greatly increased the and failures of the ruling clique, thus aiming to discredit any mediate request for 500 reprints opposition in order better to destroy it. As the difficulties of Thus the Stalin government is sident. hate war. Poosevelt specifie gravity of the officers of the Open Letter and the picture of the 1917 Leninis the regime increased the trials became more and more monsabout to lose its single demo to the mounting European critis corps and linked it closely to the cratie ally in Central Europe.
is to enlarge the dimensions of trous.
Central Committee of which Sta summits of the bureaucracy, the When the French imperialists, the American armament program Army command felt more stable, lin now alone survives in power.
Never before has Spvist economy been in such straits. For too, desert Stalin an event ob and prepare the scrapping of the stronger, and somewhat less de.
These reprints are now available. the third time in less than two months, the offic al plan figures viously not far distant the stage be freer to throw this country in the party apparatus by Stalin for coal production have been slashed. In December, 1937 the Walls Cracking will almost be set for the great to the fast approaching struggle in 1936 could not fail to arouse control figures for coal production were set at 403. thousand Previously our special six page tons per day For the current month of March they have fought for redivision of the world between the imperialist titans for uneasiness among the leaders of issue on the Trial of the 21 elicit been fixed at 379. thousand tons as against 384. thousand tons and to settle the fate of the Soredivision of the world.
STALIN AND VOROSHILOV the Army. This uneasiness was ed a lively response. From one for the end of February.
viet Union. Hitler hopes to have dictated by political consideimportant center we received a democratie France flanked by ràtions but by concern for the harin Rykov. It was only to save naval forces were taken away as list of nearly 50 Stalinists to Statistics Carefully Doctored a fascist Spain before turning defense of the country which was his own neck that he joined Sta well. The arguments advanced whom the paper was to be sent.
being so dangerously sapped by lin against the Right.
his bayonets eastward to the On the surface, this latest The monolithic walls of Staat the Supreme Council in favor appears so slight as hardly rich granaries of the Soviet Uk the Stalinist purge.
to merit attention. We should bear in mind, however, that Stalin of this reform seem scarcely linism re cracking! The real Got Out In Time raine.
Tukachevsky. Voroshilov, Ga convincing to us, especially at a worker revolutionists in the Sta statistics are carefully doctored to exaggerate all successes while All the imperialist powers of marnik could not look on indir minimizing all the failures. To understand the true significance Today there is reason to be time when all the great powers linist runks who want to fight Europe hope to settle their dit ferently as the upset lieve that Voroshilov himself was are showing the tendency to con against capitalist war, against of the cut one need only refer to the actual output of coal ferences and difficulties at the industry, especially that of arma at the head of the alleged Tuka centrate in a single center the the Stalinist reaction against the officially reported in the press. The figures released for the first expense of the Soviet Union.
ments, by wholesale arrests, chevsky plot. But as a member command of the land, sea and air deception of People Frontism days in March admit a production below 350, 000 tons a day as Britain, if an agreement can be ol reached with Hitler and with from governmen.
against a reported average daily output of some 360, 000 tons Commissars to of the Political Bureau and closer forces. Moreover, the limited or the new, budding deception qualified The army to the center of political intrigue, strength and nature of the Soviet the Democratic Front will find (Continued from page 1)
for the previous month. This shows a drop of more than 10, 000 Mussolini will turn its attention command could not but offer re and more experienced at the fleet deprive it of any independ their way in increasing numbers to the Far East and endeavor to tons, e. more than three times the drop in the control figures.
sistance to this frenzied purge game of double cross, Voroshilov ont strategic importance and into the ranks of the real revolubuy off the Japanese threat to marching back to the East Side insofar as it began to affect the sensed before the others where make of it an auxiliary instrutionary Marxist Party, the SoIf this figure is multiplied by the number of days in a month British interests in South China, headquarters at St. Mark place vital interest of defense. This Stalin was heading. He had time ment for the land forces.
cialist Workers Party, and the not to mention the months in a year it is obvious that there Malaya and Australia by giving in a double line two blocks long resistance, probably quite strong to make an about face at the last real revolutionary International, is a discrepancy of millions of tons between the current output Japan a free hand in Soviet SiDecision Not New the Fourth International!
from the beginning, necessarily minute and so to save his life and the requirements of the plan, as well as the current needs beria.
Second Rally Broken Up became stronger as the and his post by betraying his of industry as a whole. We need hardly comment on the disAs for the decision to increase Thanks to Stalin policies, the Later in the afternoon word began to decimate the Red Army comrades.
the naval forces. adduced as a lin support. Mekhlis assistant astrous effects on industry resulting from this continued drop Soviet Union stands in greater came that the fascists were meet itself. The arrests of generals as This was only a postpone reason for the change. it is not Defense Commissar! Who would in coal production.
isolation and more in misent periling in the neighborhood A, important as Schmidt, Kuzmitment, however. Stalin is suspici new. This decision was made se have thought it possible only six Suffice it to say that proportionate drops for the first days of than ever before in its history March have been reported in all key branches of industry (iron are ready to descrit itu The intes a ricket line at the of the political sections of the one has ever succeeded in re energetically carried out. In 1936 of the people Stalin executes, pupduction below 40, 000 tons a day; steçl below 50, 000, and so on. national working class movement, lice. Mobilizing all available their aides, their friends, were if Stalin is in no haste to finish partment to the Congress of So around him. The reserves of the Stalin finds its necessary to falsify his statistics just as he demoralized, disoriented and un forces, the marched to certainly regarded by the Army with Voroshilov, it is because viets, Tukachevsky, devoted a faithful are today limited to men dermined by a decade of Stalin Third Street and Second Avenue command as discrediting and dis ho understands the disastrous good part of his report to the of the type of Mekhlis.
must continue with his efforts to frame up the October revolution. As production drops, the control figures are slashed just the ism, is less prepared than ever to and held another meeting to rally organizing the army itself. The impression it would make in the necessity for creating a strong Having lost last June his en defend the conquest of the Oct the anti fascists to picket the Army chiefs entered into conflict and in the world ge fleet. Since then an important tire High Command, Voroshilov amount necessary to keep the ratio between the actual output ober revolution. Members of the Com with the and this con scrally. It is quite probable that step forward has been taken, at has remained suspended in midand the plan figures in the neighborhood of 90 percent. The No Real Differenee munist Party broke up this meet. flict was doubtless aggravated by it is this consideration which de least in connection with the sub air. He subsequently submitted Soviet citizen, if he scans the official reports, can see for himing by starting fights on the various other issues where the termined the grace accorded to marine fleet. But neither in without protest to the disorganiself that the plan is still being fulfilled 90 percent if not more, Events themselves are proving outskirts and drowning cut the interests of the Commissariat of Voroshilov last June during the 1985 nor later wd anyone raise zation of the Red Army, not even while in reality it is not being fulfilled at all. In point of fact, in the most striking manner pos speakers with shouts.
War clashed with those of the Tukachevsky affair. Faithful to the question of forming a special, moving a finger when his last for at least the last two years, which cover precisely the period At eight o clock in the evening his methods slowly and grad autonomous department.
two assistants, Admiral Orlov of the latest Moscow frame ups, the plan has been fulfilled an impromptu rally was held at Conflict Really With Stalin ually to prepare the morta! blow it is not by chance that a and Gen. Alksnis were arreste in reverse. Instead of making progress, industry has been sliding the Lower East Side headquar Stalin began encircling Vo Moscow observer reported that when their turn came. Both were backwards at ever increasing speed despite the enormous sums ters of the on Rivington Superficially, the struggle went roshilov soon after the Tuks this decision was a surprise ts judges of Tukachevsky. They of money poured into equipment, new plants, etc. and despite Street, where participants in the on between the Army tops und chevsky affair. the inhuman speed up of the workers.
day demonstrations spoke. Actually, it went on betfirm this, thumb through the So long. Today he accepts overy.
The Military Councils ween the Army command and United Front Offer viet press, especially the organ thing. He not only confirms auto. Stalin Regime Wrecks Soviet Economy Stalin, although the generals The first step was the estab. of the Army. But even if this matically all the orders of his When the fascist meeting was probably did not realize this, at lichment of the Military Councils, step was sound in itself, that new assistant, but he does not This appalling condition only reflects how inimical to the existence of the Soviet Union the Stalinist regime has become.
first announced, the ap least at the outset. The sub. of the collective principle in would mean, we believe, only that even shrink from being photoStalinist methods have well nigh wrecked the country basic (Continued from page 1) proached both the East Side unit sequent course of events can only the Army command, a principle in this particular instance ob graphed with this chief spy at his of the Young Communist League, be explained, it seems to us, by so harmful in the military sphere. jective interests coincided with side.
industrial equipment. In the reckless drive for records, under the Club Malraux, and the the fact that Stalin held himsell This reform was dictated only by Stalin designs against Voro. In conclusion we mention a bit the monstrous bureaucratic regime, machines and workers have shed crocodile tears over the now central office for a united front aloof in the first stages of the political considerations. The mi shilov. The flattering comments of interesting and wholly credibbeen driven to the breaking point. The result a crisis, an ever.
inevitable fascist victory in Spain, demonstration, but were receiv friction, giving an appearance litary Councils provided Stalin in the Red Star (organ of the le information provided by our deepening crisis.
11 clothed, badly equipped, hung od with threats. We don make of neutrality and that he even with the means of reinforcing Red Army) about Voroshilov ap murdered comrade Reiss that Stalin issues no direet information as to the condition of things ay and desperate Loyalist Spain united fronts with fascists, and more probably, with his charact his control over the High Com ropos of the new reform are only the entire correspondence of in the sphere of goods for mass produetion. However, if only is forced steadily back toward the doors slammed in their faces. eristic perfidy, cgged the generals mand of the Red Army and at a smokescreen to cover Stalin Voroshilov is under the strict surveillance of the Sta from his trials, sufficient indirect data can be obtained consea, to the grim tune of ruthless The sole activity of the Stalin on. This attitude of Stalin could the same time of decentralizing flanking movement.
lin is methodically preparing the to some extent the over powerful cerning the real living conditions of the masses, just how merry and uneasing aerial bombard ists during the demonstration only pour oil on the fire.
ments. The democracies, eager was the belated organization of The struggle between the military apparatus by weakening Appointment of Mekhlis liquidation of Voroshilov. It is and joyous life really is: wages remain at very low levels and to appease their new fascist beel the counter meeting, military and the e. the position of Voroshilov at its are often unpaid for long periods; the purchasing power of the The encirclement of Voro obviously impossible to fix a time fellows, have abandoned the Spathe interests of the defense of summit.
shilov is shown much more clearly Jimit for it. Stalin himself does ruble is extremely low, reflecting the scarcity of such necessities nish pawn to defent and reaclower Sacrificed the country as opposed to the The same purpose clecentralix in the appointment of Mekhlis, not yet know when it will come. as butter, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, and even bread, to say no.
arbitrary rule of the ing and weakening the war com the probable successor to Voro. Unforseen circumstances may thing of tobacco, Among the masses widesprend discontent, evet If one draws up a balance. It was a terrible sacrifice for undoubtedly contributed to the missariat Was yerved by a recent shilov at the Defense Commisslow down or speed up this liqui sharpening, ever aggravated by the looming reality of the war.
sheet of the whole civil war the workers and peasants to give cohesion of the former, the innovation: Withdrawal of the sariat. By naming his horse a lati dation or even change the order Are we perhaps exaggerating the picture? That is the picture grim picture appears. It is one of the means of production back to strengthening of their mutual naval forces from the war com senator, Caligula wanted to hu in which the future victims will drawn by Pravda itself, in leading article of March It is Steady and unrelenting fascist the oppressors, to dissolve their confidence, and the resumption of in de priate and the creation of ar miniate the Senate. By appointing Moloto, buspended for en honde well worth reprinting in full, but we confine ourselves only to advance, clouded and obscured organs of dual og vente che linge optimismused on the re time by a hale, has succeeded in the following three paragraphs: Stalinist spokesmen and their geois law and order and the most odious chiefs of the of the armed forces of the Soviet platonic aims. Former private maintaining his position. For how Pravda Paints Revealing Picture popular front allies in the go increasingly heavy hand of gou. fell into disgrace. To Tuka Union, the troops of the secretary to Stalin, carecrist long? However that may be, nei.
vernmental suppression. chevsky, Yakir, Gamarnik, per and the frontier guards, hal ale without talent, specialist in lobbyther Voroshilov, nor Molotov The party and the Soviet government are improving, incesIt was no easy task for the haps even to Voroshilov, the ready long since been removed intrigues, executor of the basest nor Litvinov. nor many others santly and from year to year, the material welfare of the toilers Only Defeats masses, after having tasted power victory of Yezhov Stalin mighi from the sphere of authority of designs of his master, Mekhlis will escape their fate.
in the city and country. The Althy scum of the Right Trotskyite Despite the heroic stand of the and liberation during the first have seemed like their own vic the war commissariat. Now the strength derives solely from Stablock has done everything to worsen the material condition, it anti fascist militants at Madrid, days of the war, when with their tory over Yagoda. But Stalin, Off the Press only of isolated layers of the toilers. The wrecker, spy and di Brunete, Teruel local and temp own bare hands they built their having played neutral and set LEON SEDOFF versionist Grinko, has cynically testified in court that he and orary successes at best the war own defense organs, established the trap, guve Yezhov the signal Son Friend Fighter his. henchmen tried to weaken the Soviet ruble; and that they has seen Franco systematically order and beat off the fascists, for action.
The military apparaDedicated to the Proletarian held back the payment of wages to workers and employees. Youth practice was made of holding back wages in order to arouse control and the scope of his of exploitation, to give up their de. and thousands of officers linked militias to them were shot.
dissatisfaction among the toiters. Today, in the light of the fensive operations. Malaga, Bil mocratienlly controlled by testimony of the defendants at the trial, both the lumber worker bro, Gijon, Oviedo, and now Tc. and organs of expression, to ac German Orientation LEON TROTSKY in Archangel as well as the Suvkhoz worker in the Azov Black ruel and the whole Aragon ad cept the old discipline and revance. who but the corrupt actionary officers corps in the (I do not stop here to consider Published by the Young coMere than 2, 000 workers marched through Paris on Feb.
Sex urca. all those whose wages were frequently not paid in time hacks and wilful falsifiers of the army, the censorship of their the alleged German orientation ple Socialist League 20 behind the bier of Leon Sedeff, son and collaborator of during the past years but instead wore maliciously held back, Stalinist reformist poison press press, the suppression of all in of Tukachevsky and the others. 4th Internationalists)
today they can all sec for themselves who is responsible for it dare read anti fascist victory into dependent thinkers as agents of this accusations made out of Leon Trotsky, editor of the Bulletin of the Opposition, who 116 University Place dicel, and why it was done. Holding back the wages of certain groups this terrible procession of defcats: Franco Fifth Column.
whole cloth, has become a sort victim of Stalin terror, on Feb. 16.
New York City of workers and employees was a link in the chain of provocations What frightful irony that the But at least they were proof ritual for Stalin when he supThe Revolutionary Socialist Youth Guards, in uniform, 10c per single copy fermed a guard of honor around the bier. Besides the French of the Right Trotskyite conspirators, sowing dissatisfaction anti fascist workers and peasants unised that this centralization, presses his real or fancied ene 7c in bundles of or more among the toilers.
discipline. mies. In reality, to the extent organizations of the fourth International (Workers InterORDER NOW The production of goods essential to the toilers is increasing of disaster by. the govern and concentration of power that there exists German nationalist Party and Revolutionary Socialist Youth) there ment victory! It was in the would yield something to com orientation in the it without interruption in our country. Zelensky and his criminal were delegations and representatives from the Russian, name of unity in the face of the pensate for the deferment of reis Stalin himself who embodies Belgian, German, Greek, Brazilian, Italian, and Lithuanian gang, in pursuance of directives of the Right Trotskyite Bloc common enemy that the popular form: military victory.
it. He is ready to support Hitler sections and groups. There were also special delegations from front took over the reins of go cooperatives emptydid Lie Revealed at any price in exchange for the International Aid, the Committee for Inquiry into the vernment, progressively suppeace. the flood of goods intended for the village to satisfy the wants Moscow Trials, the Autonomous Socialist Youth, the Union pressing and murdering revolus This gigantic lio, under whose If this explanation of the THCommuniste, the Independent Labor arty, and several leadof the peasants. Thus, in the first quarter of 1936 many regions tionists, dissidents, workers of clouk bourgeois reaction crept kachevsky affair, which seems to in the Kursk province received no sugar for weeks. Regions in the and the anarchist back into power and consolidat us to be only possible one, does ing members of the Federation of Technicians and other unions the Leningrad province were left for a long time without makrank and file. In this it had the cd itself, now stands revealed in not appear to offer anything exof the General Confederation of Labor. The Seine Federation Chicago came through with a horka (low grade tobacco. In the summer of 1936 a number expert assistance of the Stalin all its brazenness. The popular sentially new, the most recent of the Socialist arty sent a special message of condolence sum of 25 last week to boost to ists and their ever vigilant front government of victory events shod ew light on the per and sympathy to the Workers Internationalist Party. of rural border regions of White Russia received no brend for well over 100 the fund being long time. whose private prisons and has led to one defeat after apo sonal role of Voroshilov. During At the Pere Lachaise Cemetery, resting place of the heroes raised by the Socialist Workers torture chambers supplemented ther, piling set back on set back the Tukachevsky affair, Voro. of the aris Commune, the chorus of the Socialist Youth Party to aid the Communist Everyone Can Now Sce those of the Loyalist government. and retreat upon retreat. There shilov might have been suppos sang the Red funeral march and the scetions of the League of China. Bravo Chicago It was with the excuse of has been victory only for the od to be the accomplice of the massed their red flags around the burial vault while speakers The fund now stands as follows: Today when the masks have been torn off the Fascist dege military victory firul, social re landowners and capitalists, who Stalinist provocation, remaining paid their final tribute and re dedicated themselves to the Previously acknowledged 87. 71 nerates who sit in the prisoner dock, every man and woman form afterwards that the estates ran for cover in the first days for a time in the background and movement which Leen Sedos served with such honor and for Chicago Branch 25. 00 West Bronx Brunch in the collective farms, every working man and woman can see seized by the peasants were re of the uprising. There has been leaving the initiative to Tuka. 85 which he gave his life. Comrade Jean Rous spoke for the turned to the great land holders, victory only for the democratic chevsky, Gamarnik the 25 for themselves just who is responsible for the unsatisfactory Boston Branch International Bureau of the movement for the Fourth InterToledo Branch functioning of the rural cooperatives, just who held back supthat the factories and mine: ex imperialisme who have sacrificed others. The whole past of Voro. 50 national. Comrade Gerard for the Committee of Inquiry, Complying the toilers with such goods as sugar, salt, Makhorka which propriated by the workers were their Spanish ally on the altar shilov, a mediocre man, lacking turned back to their owners and of their own diplomatic games initiative and personally devoted rade Lesell for the Belgian Revolutionary Socialist Party, and TOTAL: 117. 31 are available in surplus quantities in our country. There they placed under government con in preparation for new wars of to Stalin, offered support for this Comrade Prau for the and the French Youth.
Branches are requested to re these beasts in human form, sitting in the prisoners doek, trol, that the masses were conquest. Designed to ward oft impression.
After the profoundly stirring ceremony at the final resting speed up the collection.
It is who wanted to deprive the population of these necessities of life.
counseled at the point of the ma. external reaction, the popular There was a serious fissure in place of Sedoff, the procession marched to the Mur des Federes imperative that a sum of at least (Pravda, March 6, 1938. chine gun to hold down their de front has catapulted internal re 1929 in the relations between to pay homage there to the heroes of the Commune. wreath 200 be raised to assist the mands and respect the sanctity action back into power. That is Stalin and Voroshilov, the latter was also placed upon the grave of the Roselli brothers, Italian Fourth Internationalists in China, allies once again of the infamous nations directly to the National of private property and foreign the bitter lesson of the Spanish (like Kalinin) displaying strong anti Faseists murdered by Mussolini assassins.
who are being vilified, hounded Chiang Kai shek. Non party sym Office of the 110 Univer.
sympathy for the Right (Bukand framed up by the Stalinists, pathizers are invited to send do sity Plave, New York City.
Spanish People Front Leading To Fascist Precipice 12, 000 March Behind Bier of Sedoff at Paris Rite Comrades Goes Up and