BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismIV InternationalImperialismInvasionMarxismMoscow TrialsParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL March 26, 1938 10, 000 Ohio Gum Miners Mass To Protest Wage Slashes Boss Offensive Minneapolis Electrical Roosevelt War Aims Denounced Hull Reiterates War Aims; Arouses Akron At New York Anti War Meeting Workers Vote To Strike To Increase Navy Budget to La Guardia Cuts Reliet Ten Percent.
Program Laid Bare By Gov Acts lution.
War. Lynching is still the weapon Where this and other nation will receive 10 per cent less.
Crucible Steel Strike In NEW YORK. At an enthu now, he said, that the govern valries that are leading to the Washington Acts Behind Power Company Attacks In General Offensive siastic mass rally against war ment of Negrin is the govern coming war, the main speaker of and in commemoration of the ment of victory. No one believes the evening, Maurice Spector. Continued from page 1)
within the framework of capitalScenes To Spike Directed Against Labor In Mid West Paris Commune held at Man that the People Front will stop pointed out the impossiblity of ism. But both mean war: isolaUnion Vote hattan Plaza on March 18, nearly war.
isolation or neutrality for the It would mean that our security tion will bring it by weakening 700 Socialist Workers Party mem James Rorty, introduced by the United States. He placed the resAKRON. In a surprise an take all steps necessary, includ sert itself. The union house posle revolutionary program and pledg, intellectual who had been against ism on the socialist Leaders who that.
we did not intend to af. will bring it by strengthening MINNEAPOLIS. Power to membership has learned to as bers and sympathixers cheered the chairman, Neil Harrison, as an ponsibility for the rise of fun would be menaced in proportion American imperialism in the face as other nations came to believe of its rivals; collective sceurity nouncement at the end of a mass ing the calling of a strike tion of the Executive Board was ed themselves to fight war and the last war, described the itip betrayed the revolution in the ford protection to our legitimate American imperialism in order to held March 19 to protest against Power Company, was voted to the delegation from the ranks, who fascism by fighting to overthrow podrome meeting of the Keep last war and castigated the be national interests abroad, but, destroy its rivals. The New Deal capitalism America out of war Committee trayal by the Stalinist and re on the contrary, intended to a has chosen collective security and proposed wage cuts, Calla General Executive Board by 1, 200 informed Petty in no uncertain The speakers appeared against as a lot of people gathered under formist leaders who today place local of the United Rubber Work Local 292 at a special meeting tion be proposed would never be a background of red banners and the banner of War, what for? reliance on bourgeois democracy, bandon them at the first sign of it is piling up vast armaments to held. call to arms against the slogans: No support to the and marching in every direction. and no longer even threaten relism did not have the army and Showdown war.
ery of America, stated that the held March 15.
decision to question of Goodrich manage tions with the union, crushingly ency Bulletin, rallied the memory, the mask of imperialism, bear a kind word for socialism. That wargains tofascismasly shrink and shrivel. American a vote on the power company broke off rela. ands in the form of an Emerg war, Against collective secure for three hours and did not There is, he said, no demo roign spoils, it would necessats iment demands.
The federal government, mov. union was divided, for only 12 Refusing to cooperate in the pro Party and fight against imperial and he was not quite sure about ism and socialism.
He was applauded time and cline, would be destroying oneing swiftly behind the scenes members voted through the Department of Labor, strike power from the Board. called the special membership revolutionary songs and the en a harsh word for capitalism. again for such statements as: It tenth of its production and more succeeded in having the vote demeeting tire gathering joined at the close If you are going to march is the historic mission of the than one tenth of its profits.
Strike Won Agreement The union The Real Reason has of the meeting in the singing of against war, you will have to to stand up before the Jayed, pending further investigation of Goodrich financial poAs the result of the most milit the backing of the whole Min the Internationale and thunder know the people with whom you workers of the United States and Isolation would not only de.
sition and a decision by the Na ant strike ever conducted against neapolis labor movement. Any ous cheers for the Fourth Inter are marching and the objective say that we will not relinquish towards which you are march for a moment that propaganda stroy American imperialism but tional Labor Relations Board on a big clectric utility company attempt by the International to national which we have carried on ever if capitalism continued it would the union petition to prevent the union wrested an agreement violate the autonomy of the local James Burnham spoke on the ing, he declared. the company from further decen a year ago last February. The would have encountered the in relation of the People Front to Nathan Scould spoke on the les: Pledged to wage the only war of the living standards of the traffication.
International has termed the dignation of the most progressive war, tracing the history of popu sons of the Paris Commune, to which serves the workers inter. American people. Threwn back (Continued from page 1)
agreement the most advantage section of the of in the Rubber Barons Active The International is engaged its transition to governments of ed.
country. The contract covers 1, 200 fore the advance of fascism, and Revolution was so largely indebt imperialist governments. the class find it necessary to reorganize our entire social and economie strue.
war against the American go The Stalinist leadership of the For the past few weekte thon ist men in the Minneapolis local and in the east 00. elbetricature National Union. No one believes Analysing the imperialist ri. Ivernment.
ture. The process of adaptation Workers Alliance have been to a more or less self contained forced to move. While trailing Akron has been centered on the are covered by similar agree ers union. One of the chief existence would mean less produe along with Baby starver Ladevelopments at Goodrich Busiments.
tion and at higher costs, lower Guardia in the taxation disputo ness men groups by the score Minneapolis labor, vanguard of been the example of the Minhave been mbbilized by the rubber living standards, regimentation with Albany, they mumble quietS barons and the Chamber of Comprogressive unionism, is now con neapolis union, which is a real in every phase of life, economie ly: Nevertheless, we do not con Bureaucratic fronted by a general offensive industrial union.
distress to wage earners and done the ten per cent cut.
merce to bring pressure to bear of the bosses. Desperation induc usurpation of the rights of the farmers, and to their families, on the Goodrich union workers ed by the economic erisis, as well Minneapolis local would destroy and the dole, on an ever increasUnder the hammer blows of who were to vote on the wage as an assault against all mitit the International standing aing scale. Although Hull does the Progressive Group in the Aleut proposals. The labor move ant unions in preparation for the mong utility workers in partiment has responded wholeheartBy DAVID COWLES on November 15, 1937, the first Southern lynchings are not just not mention it, this would also liance, they were compelled to edly through meetings and the coming war, lies behind this ofcular and mass industry electricradio to answer the lying propa of the labor movement of the arbitrarily lifting charters is has been worn threadbare. An almost as old as the New Deal tem of cutting down the political Clining capitalism through revo fopters will follow up their pro The fraud of Roosevelt reform anti lynching bill. The bill was entire social and economie sys. off the weighty burden of a de bureau. Whether these pussy bill that aroused debate was the accidental. They are part of the increase the pressure upon the scree to a demonstration at City ganda of the bosses and their Northwest, are confronted bygone for the time being, pretense of New Deal concessions itself. It had been proposed by rights and economie standards of mises of an actual strike situation, by Mayor beach, who is the di maintained good relations with truth that the government is the have the class lines been diawn rect instigator The New Deal policy is to es. the La Guardia cut remains to be of a financial the International as far as pos executive committee of the cagovernment to stop the ants. Lynching was part of the cape from the dangers which seen.
to clearly, accounting suit filed by five re sible without giving up its autoWith one sweep. then, the negades from the union, who aim nomy and militant program, hi Pitalist class is jutting out bold wave of lynchings that was systematie planter terror against isolation has for American imflaring up in the South against the negoes designed The cut went into effect al deprive Goodrich local executive board to secure an order from the court fact is known to scores of negroes, and especially against them of the political equality sup perialism and to defend Ameri once on all new relief cases. De.
vote delaying decision postpones paralyzing the operation of the locals, and any attack on ledge: On March 1, 1938, cheese facts are now publiekrow. negro sharecroppers who were posedly won them by the Civii can imperialism from competi. ginning March 26, all unemployed organizing the settlement for an indefinite union. Leach and the bosses the local would lead to a national New York World Telegram re. period, at the cleventh hour, backing him he is a candidate scandal in the union. ported President Roosevelt has a state government failed to stop southern labor into subjection.
The bill provided that where with which capital terrorizes have common interests and com Demonstration roposed without previous warning. Milit. for governor in the fall elections mon objectives, we should not ants in the unions have every are also sponsoring an indereforms.
Within two weeks even yne mers, the officers and officials southern warta com lebegislatures and besitatea comer bith the cover for a demonstration at City Hall March 20 was the day proposed reason to fear that the company pendent teamster organization will in the meantime redouble its whose custom it is to ensul com responsible would be subject to those who run the state governments of such other nations and, But at this writing no definite efforts at intimidation, and that Relations Severed the union stated policy of co Workers Out On munisms to whenever e Roosevelt a fine of 5, 000 and imprisonments do both in the interests of in dealing with the problems arrangements had been made.
As part this general offens.
smiles in order to show his teeth ment for no more than five years, southern capital. The represent confronting cach alike, to proceed The Progressives in the Alliance operating with our government in to the workers, conceded the truth conspired with the lynchers, he Washington among the New Deal Against the Japanese invasion In face of the rising anger of the all its endeavors will produce ive, the power company suddenly of this statement. He added fur, was subject to from five to 25 Democrats and hold the balance of America imperialist interests membership, it will be difficult apathy and fatalistic resignation strued at the electrical union on Tuesday, March 6, breaking amongst the workers.
ther that the bare este cause years imprisonment. At the same or power in Congress. Had the in China, the New Deal proposes for the Alliance leadership to off all relations with the union.
Since the Goodrich local enjoys with a brazenness seldom equal. Picket Squads Evidence business recession. That is the ing took place was to pay to the have fined and imprisoned the tion with Great Britain. The ation experts and acting as La sole bargaining rights with led in this area, the company incompany under the Wagner Act, formed International RepresentFighting Spirit of denial of all their promises of family of the lynched person from very men whose representatives enormously expanded navy would Guardia political shock troopers.
two to ten thousand dollars.
and the vote on whether to accept ative Petty, two days Strike Committee sat in Congress as part of the back up American imperialism in the dispute with Lehman.
or rejeet wage cuts and hour later, that Never Reached It the company woul!
Need Admitted New Deal. Needless to say, the against Japan with arms.
stretch was to be conducted by not renew New Dealers protected their own The ten per cent eut is here.
relations with the it amongst its members only, the union until the union Both isolation and collective. The place to stop it is at City HARRISON, Two Nevertheless, it would be false The Senate committee hosses attack has included de from office Assistant Business thousand steet workers at the band meat the New Dealers have heard testimony on the bill said inspire, condone, or take part in security propose to keep Pence Hall. The time to stop it is now!
mands that the voting be super Manager Schultz and Bust of the Crucible Steel Company not abandon what they never monstrating to the committee shelved the anti lynching bill.
was presented de lynchings. The New Dealers workers be permitted to vote. The who have been dealing with the tempted lock out by the company they could do no more. They could reported further that during the lynchers, Democrats in state of the union, and that non union Heige, the two ut jonogotiators plants are now in their third reached. The fact is that they at Satisfaction the continuing and week of strike against an at no time did more than promise increasing need for Federal Family Affair This close cooperation between rectly, it remains to be seen ie the company was going to get settling a sit down strike Jan. premise of reform is that capri 2, 1939, when public opinion in office was convincing proof that drive ends with a showing that Reading, ru.
The fourth week of the Appeal Newcastle, Pa.
verniment supervision of the vote. representative, Petty, proceeded lock out of three departments at profits to enable it to toss some ularly articulate, no lynching justice against the Southern of the entire party membership the future against possible en the union. For the International The strike was provoked by a upswing, that it makes sufficient penser ces legislation to suparties the progressive New Deal ad demonstrates the need for more Canada Stalinists Prepare Ground which the power company cm off of the bulk of the working workers. However, American ca in June, 1934, word was general did give negroes the guarantee: drive. Our press run has haen The 11th Amendment during the last month of the Tota!. 379 The road to last minute go ployees would vote whether or staff at the Jersey City plant.
pitalism has been declining since ly circulated that the enactment Nor shall any state deprive any increased by 2, 000, due mostly to vernment intervention was pav. not they wished to retain the We feel sure that the next four ed by the Stalinists. Every piecenion representatives, Heigel and Strikers Demands of union propaganda contained Schultz.
Demunds of the strikers in. have never reached the former was a lynching in Mississippi, deny to any person within its Roosevelt. the main slogan of unanimously opposed the election. Lective bargaining rights, 624covery that followed the depres: two lynchings in Alabama, one of the laws. But the guarantee bundle orders and subs show operanti warna mer the reference to labor friend The General Executive Board clude: the closed shop, sole col peak. Even in the depressed re followed in rapid succession by jurisdiction the equal protection portant meetings and demonstrathe Appeal, particularly in view The actual increase of of recent developments in Euthe masa demonstration was: The Board pointed out to Petty cents per hour minimum, more sion of 1983 capitalism could not in Texas, one in Tennessee, one was a paper guarantee. The very the weak spots in the drive. Don Let the President Down that the election meant bending flexible seniority rights, elimina tolerate reforms.
Fight found thousands of sympathetic constant playing up of Roose for the removal of lleigel and the right of the Steel Workers could do was to stall off the work in Georgia and one in Florida. break it in practice. They permit This to the demand of the company tion of the stagger system, and All that the Roosevelt liberals sippi, a third in Alabamo, one uphold their own constitution. Increase for Four Wecks cars. Utilize the Socialist Apvelt is caleulated to enable his Schultz, and that bosses always Organizing Committee locals to ers with reformist phraseology continuation of the practice of lynchings in the states and conpeal in connection with the antiadministration or its agencies to Bundle Sub war campaign, supplementing all enter into a conflict, if it comes. Iemand the removal of repre negotiate supplementary gree and promises of abundance, dans lynching, coupled with a comp. done them in Congress.
Local ling before them the illusion that lete failure of those states in.
Increase Increase party activity with effective sale sentatives they cannot budge, ments in the plants.
for the purpose of averting a the Emergency Bulletin of Local The liberal The company attack is part of such abundance could be attain volved to apprehend and punish lynchings by giving the workers Los Angeles, Calif.
aid California and distribution.
clash that might prove embar 292 reports. The General Ex. plan of assault in all steel. ed under capitalism. But the cure the participators of these crimes, false hopes and illusions false San Francisco, Calif.
o them.
We wish to take this oppor1 tunity to thank the comrades who The Goodrich workers in the that such an election can in no gence of Desvernine, Liberty in American history, has pune suports the need for Federal hopes that Congress may mase Connecticut coming weeks will face a real way benefit the union. If the Lengue attorney and counsel for tured the balloon of reform 13 have complied with the request the anti lynching bill; illusions Chicago, III test. Every militant knows that company were able to terrorize the Sun Oil and Sun Ship Com Previously, when the New Deal that greeted the shelving of the passed, would not be as much Baltimore, Md.
Despite the wave of lynchings that such a ball, even if it were Indiana for back numbers. Volume 1, No. and Volume 1, No. We still the life of the union is at stake, the men into voting the removal panics, ar negotiations repre ers could not deliver the goods, bill. it remained shelved. fraud as the that the company will attempt of Heigel and Schultz, it would sentative the company. The they at least were able to hand need more of both these numPourteenth Boston, Mass to wear down resistance to the wreck the union, because the Midland plant of Crucible in out promises. Now they can Nature of Boss Justice Amendment. They take the work. Lynn, Mass. bers. Dig them up from your wage cut regardless of 100 Roo precedent thereby established Pennsylvania also has been lock longer do even this. The depresers minds off the only real yun Detroit, Mich. archives and send them illas This fact sheds floodlight rantee against lynching: massor2 soon as possible.
sevelts, and that the maintenance would henceforth give the com ed out as part of this drive. sion is the denial of all their promises of abundance.
on the whole nature of capitalist ganizations of negro and white St. Paul, Minn.
Minneapolis, Minn. 11.
of the anti wage cut sentiment pay the last word in the union.
Militant Leadership government and capitalist justice.
We re still getting promises of can be accomplished only by re Dangerous Concession Consider Their Actions it shows, also, the role of liberal workers, permanently based on Clayton, Mo.
bigger bundle orders. Herbert doubled efforts on the union llappiest sign in the strike is ism and reform in the period of a militant program of economic St. Louis, Mo. Kimmel in Sullivan, Indiana, The thorough bankruptcy of declining capitalism. Winning the election would the militant ciass struggle policy demands.
New Jersey writes: expect to increase my part.
be an empty victory, for the com being pursued by the rank and reformism comes out vividly 25 Newark, ker Party Ball, Seroni Ave. Rochester, regular bundie order in short ANNOUNCEMENTS pany would still have to be forc file strike committee. Flying if we consider the actions of the North Admission 10 Cent while. and hope to pick up ed to retreat from its demand squadrons of pickets from Jersey New Dealers instead of the pro New York City Insertions in this column are 25 48 some more subs. The Special for the removal of Heigel and City have joined the arrison mises. For convenience sake, we NEW YORK MARXIST SCHOOL Akron, o. 15 Supplement on the Moscow Trial Schultz. The very holding of an, mass picket lines which top the shall deal with the present scsin at the APPEAL orice before six Toledo, o clection would be a dangerous thousand mark. Squadrons from sion of Congress and the action o clock Monday evening.
HOUSEWARMING AT OUR NEW Quakertown, Pa. was a humdinger. Hope we have more like it.
Wed. March 30 P. concession to company pressure, the whole body of strikers have of Congress and the New Dealers MINNEAPOLIS Saturday. Swingerct. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wo will have more like it if we Conflict. Bill and could only encourage the helped Waterman Fountain Pen on major items of reform.
entertainment. At Side Brands Philadelphia, a. put this drive across!
company to make further arbit Con picket line. The same squads strikers in Newark on When the special session began SOCIALIST PUBLIC FORUM Mar. 47: ILIX MORROW 8:45 The Strug.
rary demands.
Action LOS ANGELES Socialist Appeal gles in the Russian Com. Despite the unanimous opposi have become contact agents for od the rank and Sle strike comANTI WAR MEETINO, East Side 116 University Place Date munist Party. 1923 tion of the union leadership, how o. to bolster morale at mittee and strikers asking for ever, Petty insisted on going for the Murgot steel plant, also in uid in the organization of their LOUIS (LINN)
1937. Joe Carter.
New York City ward with the election. But with Newark, where bosses have re shops and plants.
The rank and file strike com RESTAURANT enclose. for which please send me the being in twenty four hours, he called fused to negotiate a new agree courses mittee is being assisted by Ed.
off the clection and left town. ment and a struggle looms.
held are: Elementary SoHome Couking, Hungarian Admission 10 cents.
Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months cialism, Monday, P.
and the union got down to the The sound militancy of the rank ward Kaempf, NorthStyle. 00. Hal Draper, instructor: business of bringing the company and file policy has had further ein New Jersey organizer, whose WANT ADS enclose.
to terms.
good results. Workers of the leadership, buttressed by rank SPECIAL LUNCHEON 350. as my contribution toward Marxian Economics, TuesREGULAR DINNER 50 building the Socialist Appeal.
This significant victory for Standard Gas Equipment Com and file support, made a fighting day, P. M, Wright; WANTED: OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPER 550 for the SOCIALIST APPEALmilitant unionism is explainable pany, Jersey City, under the in organization of the Harrison and Principles of Revolution by both local and national fact fluence of the Crucible strike, Jersey City locals, particularly Name 207 East 14th Street ary Socialism, Tuesday, ors: have quit an independent winion the Harrison local which in one Appeal. 116 University PL.
8:45 Maurice Specperiod had slumped in meinber Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, Address tor. Classes are held at The union is led by outstand. and organized under the WANTED: SINGLE ROOM, Furn.
New York City ship from 1, 400 to less than 300.
ing militants, under whom the Delegates from plants through The local recently won a sitCity 116 University Place.
Gramercy 9761 union has flourished, and the out Hudson County have contact down strike.
mum. EDWARDS 0 Appeal.
Appeal Army 2 61 11. ing, and its profits as a whole been abandoned. On June there without due process of law: nor distributing the Appeal at in. It should be an easy job to sell Tassing to 10 Minnesota 10. 13 100. 10 25 SW. sb 25 cents Socialist II. TOSIN and 11. STEVIONS.
speakers. Priday, April Folk Shule, 120 Soto Street Allen Boyle lleights Branch SW. East Side Brutiche, Other Desks, Shelves, Typewriter tables Filing Cabinets Address Socials Ished or unfurnished, with Ahattan Comrade, preferably near center. 10 to 15 per month maxi