AnarchismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Leon Sedoff Last Article Socialist Appeal The Aftermath of the Moscow Trials See Page See Page OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Vol. II. No. 13.
Saturday, March 26, 1938 462 Five Cents per Copy La Guardia Expropriation Of Oil Cuts Relief Lands Opens New Eru For Mexican Workers Ten Percent Imperialist War Impends In Europe; Hull Reiterates Aim To Dominate World NAVY FUNDS TO BE HIKED AGAIN THE ONLY ROAD TO PEACE HITLER SPEEDS HIS WAR PLANS Cut TRIAL CAUSES NEW FISSURES IN RANKS action, SWP MILITANTS KEEP FASCISTS Rappoport Breaks With French Charles Rappoport, one of the founders of the French Communist Party and one of the leading Marxist theoreticians of the party, handed in his resignation on March 16.
Cardenas Move Is Step Forward: Workers In He denounced the Moscow This Country Must Give Full Support trials as a macabre farce Labor Mayor Acts In To Mexican Working Class and rejected the crimes of the Stalin regime.
stating hie could no longer remain in the Gesture Against With the expropriation of the no tankers, would be forced to party which supported them.
Gov. Lehman American and British oil com find customers and shippers in Rappoport was also Paris panies by the Cardenas govern. Fascist countries, Japan, Germa correspondent of Investia, Sta.
ment, the year long struggle bet. ny, and Italy, whose policies lin government organ. In a ween the foreign capitalists and Cardenas has opposed.
statement to the press he de.
ALL OUT! the Mexican workers has enterclared that the execution of All workers are urged to ed a decisive stage. The conflict Our Position Nikolai Bukharin impelled his demonstrate against LaGuar revolves around the annual wage. The Socialist Workers Party action.
dia 10 per cent raises and the anting of the whole heartedly supports the at City Hall, 11 Satur. rights of workers representation War Scare Used to Spur expropriations of the oil comday, March 26. The demonstra in the administration of the oil Isolation is tion is called by the Workers fields.
panies and calls upon the American working class to back up American Armaments Alliance of New York.
Deepened; Poland The companies refused to acthis action against the machicept the decision of the Mexican Program Appetite Whetted nations of the oil interests and NEW YORK. On motion Supreme Court favorable to the the interventions of their res.
The mounting series of incidents in Europe, set in of Mayor LaGuardia the workers, hoping that Cardenas pective governments. We supThe extreme sharpening of train by Hitler seizure of Austria, brings home to Sparks from the forge of Board of Estimate of New would again yield to them. They port the efforts of the Mexican the war crisis in Europe was calculated that the government every worker the imminence of the war peril. Decay. imperialist war are flying York, richest city in the budget is mainly dependent on workers to gain independent seized upon by the Roosevelt ing capitalism is preparing to destroy humanity in a passing day. For the second control of oil fields against all world, has reduced payments the taxes which are derived from administration last week to those within and without Mexnew world war.
to the unemployed by 10 per oil production.
time within a single generaico who aim to curb their class intensify its own rapid drive cent. This starvation cut How are the workers to act in face of this terrible tion Europe is becoming the Democratie Pressure Stalin Terror Repels toward war.
center of a world war conwas moved by labor They knew that Cardenas u who have defended the Marsest The Fourth Internationalists Honest Proletarian First reaction was the an.
The false leaders of the working class, with the Sta flagration.
mayor in face of a report gently needs precisely at the pre line for many years in the antiMilitants nouncement that the allinists in the van, are trying to persuade the workers bringing in its train a series Hitler seizure of Austria, by a commission appointed sent time money to subsidize the imperialist struggle of China, ready huge arms budget to line up behind the democratie capitalist governby himself which stated that the cotton plantations of Laguna have not the lightest illusivo Trial of the 21 has to an un. ther. Second was the speech Evidence is mounting that the would be increased still furof events in the developing ments, against the fascist aggressors.
war situation, represents relief grants were already in Northern Mexico which he concerning the class limitations precedented degree shaken the of Secretary of State Cor.
much more than a territorial approximately 40 per cent created last year by expropriat and the mortal weaknesses of the Stalinist movement to its foundell Hull to the Nation Last War Led To Fascism acquisition. Taken in its cent below subsistence level. ing and subdividing large estates. Cardenas regime. The role of this dations. Above all, the world setting, it was a move The immediate excuse for the The workers have nothing to gain and everything to Above all, they relied upon the regime is to effect a compromise ian strata of the Communist al Press Club in which on the chessboard of impercut, kiven by the mayor, was a presence of the screat des between a feeble national bourge arty is in ferment as a result unmistakably reiterated the lose by aligning themselves with the war camps of de ialist rivalry in which the tax dispute with Gov. Lehman cracies of Wall Street and the visie, a parasitie military caste, of the new frame up.
mocratic capitalism. They did that in the last World final disposition of the pawns City of London. The New York a peasantry and a working class, and the State legislature. Leh Times has already hinted that misled by refornrists and Stalin. a closed meeting, in New York perialism to take its rightBrowder was compelled to ea intention of American im War, with the tragic consequences so eviderit today. will determine the line up of the hostile camps.
the utility tax from New as of the They fought for freedom and democracy. Capitalist York City for the use of the by buying large quantities of sil. foreign imperialist interests.
in dark democracy produced. Fascism.
New War Moves State. This meant a loss of twelve ver every month above the market Progressive Step an attempt to whip them into line years that lie just ahead. Defend freedom by aiding imperialism to conduct The Austrian coup gave fresh to sixteen million dollars a year price. The companies in New The naval hudget has alrend in taxes to the city. You can York and London threaten tn Open Disbelief The Fourth Internationalists, its robber wars? But what real freedom do the work heart to the fascist forces in do that to me and get away with place an embargo on Mexican oil From all over the country re. skyrocketed to heights never be er in the democratic countries have when their Spain. With additional aid from it, said LaGuardia. So he re knowing that itexico, which owns ism of the bourgeois nationalist ports indicate that the best of fore reached in the peacetime Mussolini, Franco armies are wages are slashed below the subsistence level, when now driving forward to swallow taliated on Lehman by cutting government, are at the same time the Communist Party members history of this country. From a unemployed relief.
they are out of work, starving and homeless?
all that remains of Republican ready to be in the forefront to ship is not swallowing the Trial mere 290, 000, 000 in 1934, the The emancipation of the working class is the task of Spain. Hitler bold move also Wants Cut Now defend any progressive step of of the 21, and in a number of regular budget was increased sharpened the appetite of the Po.
the workers themselves. It can be accomplished only lish bourgeoisie, which, hungry for this regime against the imper cases is expressing its disbelief this year to a billion, augmented In a friendly discussion on the ialists of all nations. However openly in irreconcilable opposition to the exploiters in every expansion, has brought tiny relief cut with Samuel Wiseman, confused and contradictory Car The turmoil in the Young Com by an extraordinary appropriacountry, democratic as well as fascist. The workers Lithuania under its virtuat doStalinist leader of the Workera denas policy may be, he has more munist League is particularly tion of 1, 121, 000, 000.
have no fetherland until they have created one by over with Hitler connivance, provides mination. This move, carried out Alliance, Mayor LaGuardia stat.
than once demonstrated that he striking. substantial percent.
New Increases In View ed that there were sufficient takes his ideas of democracy in age of one of the largest units throwing their exploiters and taking power. For the Poland and Germany with a supfunds on hand to carry on relief This is still not the end. Rep. workers the enemy is in their own country not across plementary strategic position payments without any cut for Blum, Roosevelt, Eden, and their the trial. In one of the most imresentative Rayburn, New Deal the frontier. For the workers of America, too, the gainst the Soviet Union.
several months, but in order to Picket Line and Rally ilk. What none of the democra portant States, a prominent mem House leader, announced last Nazification of Czechoslovakia dramatize the governor tax tie capitalisms and not even the ber of the Executive has already week that Congress may be enemy is right here. It is the capitalist class.
is now only a matter of time. For grab he wanted to put the cut Block Meeting On Soviet government dared to do, made known his intention to break asked within the next few month Hitler plans envisage the abinto effect while the State legis Second Avenue Cardenas did: to give public and with the party and join the to authorize an outlay for deThe Enemy Is Here sorption of Czechoslovakia into Jature was still in session.
ffective support to the Spanish Fourth Internationalists.
Republicans from the outset of fense greater than the pending Rightly the American workers want to fight war and finally, the dismemberment of Germany war economy and, Between the People Choice NEW YORK naval measure.
An attemp their fight against France.
Foreign Groups Revolting Governor Lehman and Labor by Fascists to invade the lower The army, too, is scheduled to fascism. This cannot be done by supporting American that country for the benefit of Mayor LaGuardia, the unem. East side last Sunday afternoon with the young and mi itant mex almost entirely proletarian, regular appropriation for the Our sympathies are above all The foreign language members get more money. Although its imperialism in a war against aggressor nations.
Germany, Poland, and Hungary.
ployed of this city got it in the was repulsed Whether Hitler tries to appease if the American imperialists are led to believe they Britain with a new Berchtesgaden militant demon neck.
The ten per cent cut in relief Socialist League and the Socialist the limits which he would other state of incipient revolt.
strations of the Young People can workers. Their fighting spirit including conspicuously the Polish coming year was over half a nas pushed Cardenas far beyond and Lettish workers, are in billion dollars, Roosevelt anwill have the support of the workers for war war will agreement with the Czech Schushpayments will actually mean a Workers Party.
nounced that he will ask for be brought that much nearer. Working class opposi niggs, or essays an early military At several recent meetings on twenty per cent cut in the food Learning that anti Semitic and against foreign capital.
wise have observed in his struggle the trial held by the Socialist more money to expand the army tion to war, the class struggle for the overthrow of attack, the last vassal of France budgets of the jobless.
further in Central Europe is lost. And Workers Party, fascist speakers were scheduled Communist Rents must be paid as before to hold a meeting at the Church capitalism and the establishment of the socialist revo the Czech bourgeoisie, around Workers Initiative What is all this arming for?
The landlord gets his pound of of All Nations on Second Avenue, Party members have taken the lution, is the only road to peace.
whose head the Stalinists have flesh or he evicts.
floor to denounce the frame up. This question is being asked more woven a halo of democracy and Gas and light costs must be letarian section, 150 members enthusiasm the reports concern joined the socialiste e Workers liberals. Secretary of State Hull progressiveness, will be obliged to serve under the Swastika as utility companies will disconti peared there at one o еlock.
paid as before, otherwise the of the and aping the spontaneous power and Party on the spot. meeting speech to the National Press Club skill with which the aimed work, called in one important city to in Washington was the most Hitler auxiliaries against the nue service.
Soviet Union.
ers are now taking control and greet 600 new members of the detailed New Deal justification There is only one place to cut: Picket Line Formed direction over the oil fields on Communist Party had a total of its armaments and war poliFrance Paralyzed on food, cies. sign on the Church announc, it is being shown that the attendance of around 200.
Unemployed Suffer ed that the meeting was called terate proletariat is mature The main theme of his speech Afraid To Argue off, but a picket line was formed enough to administer the wealth by social crisis, watches helplesswas that the New Deal policies LaGuardia re ly the move of Germany iron that grew rapidly to 300 people. of society on their own account gainst Lehman means taking ap. For one hour, while hundreds In their efforts to stem this aimed to ensure peace peace for proximately 20 per cent of the looked on, If the present offensive of tide, the stalinist leadership is the United States, pence for Only the Repression of the Revolutionary Massing up its war machine. French a continuous chain Mexican people against imperial in many cases afraid to argue sia, peace for Europe. The priMovement of the Workers Has Made Franco imperialism, now that Hitler has will. finished smashing the system of of already hungry men, women Church, shouting. Stop Hitler fault will not be on the side of to submerge the issue of the policy are the maintenance of Sweeping Victories Possible and children. No doubt, labor Versailles, has lost its dominant friend will find a way of ex. lerrorism against the Jewish the Mexican workers.
trial in a general appeal for loyal. the peace of our country.
position on the European contipeople! Drive the Fascists from Representatives of the Socialty in the face of the war crisis plaining starvation policy ist WorkersParty. now in Rejects Isolation Having entrenched themselves a temporary, localized govern nent. Diplomatically it tags along as to make the relatable to the the Bosses, Against the Bosses Mexico have pues entre la cien Union. But the members are How are the armaments going Franco fascist troops have em tageous has a weapon with which But the British Hion is no longer It can be made acceptable their solidarity with the anti learning that Stalinism itself is to be used in order to maintain barked on a relentless drive which, to club Hitler and Mussolini, as the arbiter of Europe fate. This to the noved.
Many members of the Com imperialist struggle of the Mex in the forefront of the dangers peace. munist Party and Young Comican people, and called upon the to the Soviet Union.
Not by isolation, says Hull. ing, has brought them to a point into agreement to an armistice. strasse (Continued on page 2)
Floundering around in munist League joined the demon, American workers to follow their learn that under the banner of curity; it is a fruitful source Mediterranean coast.
They are also beginning to Isolation is not a means to se less than forty miles from Spain And so December and January search of a new axis its foreRELIEF MILITANTS stration behind theationners on example.
We wholeheartedly en the Socialist Workers Party and of insecurity.
saw a fleeting Loyalist victory ign policy, Britain, too, builds up While at the moment Pranco at Teruel, after the entire Aragon its imperialist war machine at an ARRESTED IN learning it was a Trotskyite de(Continued on page 3)
the Fourth International the only on an international scale, iso seems to be taking a breathing front, manned by anarchists and monstration, some of them droptions in the interests of the oil ist war and the only real mo might that backs up Ameri: position in the vast Aragon ter consistently sabotaged by the Against any imposition of sane. real struggle against impersal lationism would destroy the arm spell, seeking to consolidate his militants, had been Dollinger, Martin Roerback, ped out and stood on the sidelines barons!
CALIFORNIA YPSLS members of the and in bewilderment.
Long live the struggle of the Workers State is being conduct can imperialism everywhere that ritory wrenched from the Loyal covernment Morris Manus, member of Local Street Rally Held Mexican workers and peasants! ed.
it battles its rivais for control. ists, the offensive strategy shows The sudden upheavals which PICKET ELEANOR 15 of the Workers Alliance, were (Continued on page 3)
no signs of resting for long. placed Halifax at the head of the Hands off Mexico!
Following the picketing. Continued on page 2)
arrested at the Single Men ReBritish foreign office and Blum Bombardments Continue LOS ANGELES Four youths lief Bureau last Tuesday. They street meeting was organized, at the head of the French go. were arrested for distributing were fighting the case of Morris one of the largest ever held in Manus, who had been given the the district. More than 1, 000 lis Next Week!
The unprecedented bombard. vernment, fired Franco with literature of the Socialist ments of Barcelona and other key new spirit and aggressiveness. Workers Party and Young run around for more than two teners heard speakers from the coastal cities continue to take Fascists Get Help People Socialist League to weeks, and was in dire need of and point out their bloody toll. The military the thousands that appeared relief.
the necessity of aggressive methdeadlock which has gripped the While secret conversations at the Shrine Auditorium Kurt Stromm, Stalinist leader ods in fighting fascism and the Spanish civil war for many about peace go on in the chanMarch 18 to hear Mrs. Eleanor of the on the lower East need of workers unity in the fight.
months is at an end. The scales celleries of London and Paris Roosevelt lecture on The Side, when asked by Dollinger, By this time Stalinists, with their have tipped far over toward the between the democracies and The Problems of Youth.
the grievance delegate to this usual concern for fighting the Next week falls the 21st anniversary into a holocaust in which millions of our fascist side, and for the first time the dictatorships, new shipments leaflets presented the real relief bureau, for support on this Trotskyites, had begun to rally of this country entry into the last war working class youth will be called upon wholesale disaster and rout of of German and Italian planes, plight of the young generation emergency case, proceeded to their forces. Deliberately assig to make the world safe for democracy. to give their lives for the bosses. the government forces seem to machine guns, ntilitary supplies and exposed Roosevelt drive herd his members out of the ned provocateurs stood by with It comes on the eve of a new war which Attention all branches and locals! Call be in sight.
and troops make their appearbureau. This splitting action on stones in their hands until this the same fakers are telling us is to make ing all Literature Agents! Send in in It strikes the observer with ance Spain.
Two members of the Young the part of this unity crier is was pointed out to the workers Communist League were ar.
the same world safe against the Fascism While the French and British merely one of many such similar in the audience.
creased bundle orders at once to the Na added force that the destinies of rested a few minutes later for acts that have taken place in Just before the close of the which the war for democracy produced. tional Office. Also inform us with equal Loyalists swerve curiously with peace lovers scrupulously obtrying to give out circulars to the controlled street meeting, Shulman, one of Our issue next week will be a special speed of the number of extra copies of the ever shifting foreign policies serve their policy of non interthe same crowd.
The has again clearly the leading East Side Stalinists, eight page anti war issue, including a une four page anti war supplement that of their democratic allies. The vention, Franco, supplied with of death and Police, present to see that demonstrated that it is a reac organized a counter meeting special four page anti war supplement. you will want for special distributions. blueprints of the Spanish civil new instruments the First Lady of the Land tionary disunifying force in the the other side of the street and Special articles will review the war crisis war are drawn with meticulous fresh man power, pushes the All party organizations! Get behind detail in the diplomatic ante most determined offensive of the should not be embarrassed, Alliance. All three workers ar sent hecklers across. The on the European and Far Eastern fronts the Appeal to push the eight pager over chambers of London and Paris. whole war. While Lord Halifax, arrested the six youngaters rested are members of Local 15, meeting adjourned in good order, and will cover thoroughly the prepara the top and carry us a long stride nearer four of whom spent the night Delbos and Eden, with their and Paul Boncour (France new a militant and progressive local singing the International, and tions that the Roosevelt administration a regular six page, eight page issue on policy of jockeying for position Minister of Foreign Affairs)
in jail. All were scheduled to of the Continued on page 3)
stand trial March 25 is making to drag this country once more the way to our national daily! with the fascist powers, found (Continued on page 3)
People Front Leads Spanish Working Class AN PAGE ANTI WAR ISSUE!
for war.