Andrey VyshinskyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionKamenevKirovLeninLiberalismMarxMussoliniRadekSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking ClassZinoviev

BROWDER MOSCOW MURDERS ZAMORE Stalin Saves Rakovsky For New Frame up Trial These doughty knights of journalism SOCIALIST APPEAL found themselves able to digest the ZinoVol. II. No. 12. Saturday, March 19, 1938 viev Kamenev trial with scarcely a Published every week by the murmur. By swallowing hard, they kept SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS down the Radek Piatakov successor, the execution of the generals, and the conat 116 University Place, New York, tinuous purge.
Telephones: Local Office: GRamerey 9142 National Office: Algonquin 8547 Indeed, they performed even greater services by attacking and slandering Subscriptions: 2, 00 per year; 00 for months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order every attempt to get at the truth of the (Continued from page 1) ings, when the former vice comtrials and the purge, or to defend the missar of foreign affairs repu3 cents per copy. Single copies cents. conscience and future of mankind against All checks and money orders should be macie them.
other three, as in previous trials, diated his confession and de out to the Socialist Appeal.
901 and had proclaimed them in his at the preliminary investigation But somehow, the trial of the 21 seems Entered as secon class matter September to have affected them with at least a totalitarian press: No merey only in order to secure opportu.
for the mad dogs!
1937 at the post office nt New York, New York.
touch of nausea.
nity to proclaim the trial a fraud under the Act of March 3, 1879.
White Guard Prosecutor in open court. Krestinsky retrac At the time of the Revolution and tion of this repudiation the folMAX SHACHTMAN ever since, its enemies have said that it Prosecutor Vyshinsky, who lowing day, after being shut up was conducted by traitors and mad men.
earned the privilege of framing nver night with inquisi.
HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES This is now the official view of the Staup and befouling the records of tors in the blood bespattered celAssociate Editors.
lin government, writes the New Repubrevolutionary fighters by his own lars of the Lubianka Prison, BOB BROWNE lic. When one looks at Bukharin picrecord of fighting in the White could not and did not destroy the Guard armies during the Civil force of his original statement in Business Manager.
ture and reads his words, the whole past of the revolution clamors for defense and War which followed the Bolshe court.
vindication. says that pious and noted vik revolution, endeavored in his These two incidents in the trial Debacle of People Frontism defender of the Revolution, the Nation.
summation to distract attention alone the first declaration of The Moscow trial is a world issue, from the cracks and fissures in Krestinsky and the last word Events of world significance crowded the fraudulent trial structure by of Bukharin have destroyed the into the brief space of two weeks and ocremarks the Nation in passing, after having told us for two years that the a stream of invective surpassing last lingering doubts regarding curring in the Soviet Union, Austria and in vulgarity and malice anything Stalin justice. For these two trials were a local Russian question over previously heard in Stalin toSpain, have served to emphasize with all ding defendants not only which we should not be concerned. In talitarian court room.
stamped the trial a fraud they the sharpness of historical reality the horrible bankruptcy of the People Front its March issue, the New Republic He described all the defendants also revealed, with an authority protests that there is no real reason to as. a stinking heap of human which only the victims could policy in reply to the continuing decay of believe that it (the U:S. has been scum. Bukharin, who alone or impart, the technique by which world capitalism and the mad onrush of seriously weakened by recent events. all the defendants bore himself confessions are extracted from the dark forces of fascist reaction. and states exactly the contrary in the with some human dignity and Stalin helpless tools.
The brutal heel of Hitler treads mercifirmness, he described as a cross lessly on the bowed backs of the Austrian issue of the week following.
between a fox and a pig. TO New Failure workers, whose social democratic and After having concluded two years ago no avail! The hysterical declaStalinist leaders smoothed the road for that a hundred years would be needed mations of this venal tool of Sta link Leon Trotsky with the deThe effort of Vyshinsky to Hitler via the dictatorships of Dollfus3 to make up our minds about the trials, lin, directed against Lenin col. Tendants in a web of conspiraand Schuschnigg. The Austrian coup of the Nation now concedes that the comleagues, architects of the first cies to murder Stalin and his the iron chancellor of the Third Reich, ing weeks in European diplomacy and workers state, did not and could whose advance to one conquest after the next decade in the development of not convince the world, especially satellites, to wreck Soviet economy, and to hand over Soviet the world of labor.
another could not be stayed by the alradical thought and action, will determine Bukharin, maintaining an unmies of the as with territory to the imperialist enethe real significance of the Soviet trial.
legedly invincible People Front, has After having on a hundred occasions expected nobility of bearing, given fresh heart to Franco fascist forces in Spain. Using troops sent by eing the perfections of Kremlin justice, some last shreds of independence similar efforts in previous trials, the New Republic now discovers that (much to the irritation and dis met dismal failure: Mussolini as the spearhead of a new The defendant Bessonov testicomfiture of Stalin prosecutor, drive, Franco is threatening Republican the entire judicial system and procedure who had reason to fear that a fied that he had written Trotsky Spain with imminent annihilation. Deis worthless and unconvincing.
serted by England and France, the prime function of liberalism is to into the machinery of the frame ceived a reply a few days later, defend the status quo by providing a democratic allies whom Stalin so asup. blasted holes in the flimsy of the defendants. This crude destined for Krestinsky, another siduously cultivated at the price of becritical sauce to make it appetizing to fabric of the trial both in his traying the Spanish revolution, the those who might not otherwise find it testimony and in his last speech falsehood crumbled when the democratic government of Negrin is nalatable. Can it be that the Nation and to the court. Reading between Norwegian Passport Office told the lines of his speech, one could from September, 1936, to Decemthe newspaper Dagbladet that reported ready to treat with Franco and New Republic are losing confidence in to sell out the Spanish proletariat to the unshakeability of the Stalinist status discern a bitter hatred of the ber 19 of that year, the day he criminal Stalin regime.
sailed for Mexico, Trotsky was Then the pay off: After having provBY LI FU JEN Closely linked to the Austrian and renev and Dmitri Bogomolov, trial. This is why Rakovsky life Exposes Falsehoods under the strictest police surveil.
ed publicly, by their own written words, Spanish events is the recent Moscow lance and could not possibly In sparing the lives of three former Soviet ambassadors to has been spared.
An obvious question occurs: If The former chairman of the have communicated with his altrial, in which Stalin, displaying his their own one hundred percent intellect of the eighteen defendants in the Japan and China, respectively, ual inot to speak of more. helplessnes Moscowe trame upen trist, the who have been lodged in Stalin the trial was honest and above. Communist International vigor leged co conspirators in Russia.
ardent love of democracy, has extirpated eighteen of the few remaining repreounter revolutionary Stalin resentatives of the October Revolution.
lenge of the trials, they conclude that cime displayed neither a sense reportedly, may be brought to telligent person believes. why derer and stoutly repudiated the January 10, 1937, Trotsky was trial in the near future. were not Yurenev and Bogomolov testimony of Sharangovich that aboard the tanker Ruth bound This latest bloody deed of the Kremlin now political thinkers must examine of justice nor a disposition to be confronted in court with Rakovs he had given the latter instruc for Mexico. The Dagbladet quotBonaparte has sent a shudder of revulthe premises How He Spied of revolutionary doctrine. merciful. The prison sentences ky testimony? Why did they tions for spying in the interests ed the present Norwegian chief sion and horror through the ranks of Pardon us if we are in orrible and imposed on Christian Rakovs.
not occupy the defendants bench of Poland. Going still further, of police, who accompanied TrotThen Rakovsky relates how he with the twenty one?
ky. Bessonov and Dr. Pletmay we suggest that if our liberal conworld labor and contributed enormously he denied even knowing Sharan: sky on the trip, as affirming that to weakening the revolutionary struggle temporaries really want to do some inev were calculated to serve returned to Moscow with the govich or the members of the the revolutionary exile had not credentials of a Japanese spy Victims Not Ripe honest examining. they have given in purely practical ends.
against fascism and war at a crucial bloc whom Sharangovich alle been permitted to use the tanker First of all, it was necessary my pocket. What spying activity turning point in world history, their own pages a fairly convincing proof to spare some of the defendants did he thenceforth engage in on The answer is simple: the gedly represented. Sharango radio throughout the voyage. No This, then, is the balance of all those that the premises which reruire it wa has not had sufficient time vich, playing out to the end the one but a Stanist would conpolicies summed up in People Frontnicely those of that lihernl (not, God traction of confessions from During 1935 and in the first in which to break them and force role assigned to him, promptly tend that the Norwegian authorism. It spells only one thing political forbid. revolutionary) doctrin which future trial defendants. If all half of 1936, e. prior to the trial them to confess. When that stage called Bukharin a lar. Bukharin ities, who interned Trotsky and Bankruptcy. The entire world movement motivated, among other things, their were killed, how could Stalin of Kamenev and Zinoviev, hand is reached they will be hailed treated the interruption with held him virtually incommunicado of labor is threatened with annihilation record on the trials.
future victims be persuaded to ed over through Naid five reports into court, broken, to be confront merited contempt. by ignoring for three months, are friendly ed by the broken Rakovsky, who it.
to Trotsky or partial to his cause. confess in exchange for a pro to the Japanese secret service.
by the forces of farcism and imperialist mise to spare their lives?
What was the nature of the spy pose and that purpose alone.
is being saved for that pur Even more revealing was Bukwar. The fraud of bourgeois democracy harin declaration that he had No Real Evidence stands completely exposed in the era of Role of Rakovsky information thus transmitted. Vyshinsky was not interested, Rakovsky, the ex oppositionist, confessed to the crimes charg As in the previous trials, there declining capitalism as the precursor of Secondly, that phase of the re of course, in asking who Naid last of the capitulators, had, of ed against him from despair in was no real evidence. Not a fascism and war. Policies built upon the preservation of bourgeois democracy not There have been called to our atten cent frame up which relates to an was. conspiracy handed over material regard too. Trotsky, through the com that broke me down, he said. was produced. There were only only cannot bar fascism and stave off tion two phrases in the article published alleged Trotskyist confessions and conversations war. they actually pave the way for in the Appeal last week on the Keep with Japan against the Soviet ing the influence of the aboli munist League of China (Fourth It was the solitude in prison.
about conversations. All the then twin evils.
America Out of War rally which are Onion, the United States and tion of the rationing syutem, on International) was needed by the (New York Times, Mar. 13. These precious words, spoken plots lacked flesh and blood.
The path for all honest, revolutionary in error from the points of view both sky was the only defendant wit tion of the collective farms, on an incident in China which would by once eminent revolutionist to correct a shortcoming in the elements in the ranks of the labor move.
of fact and of political interpretation ness used for the unfolding of the fulfilment of the industrial give the Japanese imperialists on the edge of the grave dug for earlier trials, a few corpses were ment is clear. It involves repudiation of The article referred to the audience as this angle of the crimes of the and financial plan.
bankrupt Stalinism and its criminal po liberal. Whatever the conscious politiclicies, return to the revolutionary line Trotskyists. He said just suffic and conclusions were deliberate intervene in Chinese affairs. Stalin wegime, tear to shreds the at that. Stalin realized that the al opinions of the majority of the audi ient to indicate that there was a made sharply pessimistic in thick Meanwhile, a furious campaign of last doubt any honest, intelligent corpse of Kirov had already been of Marx and Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, ence, it was in considerable part work plot and then it was left hang black colors, did this in order provocation and villification is person may have harbored con worked far beyond any limits of a fresh rallying under the banner of the ing class, and it was undoubtedly genuine ing in mid air.
to whet the appetite of the ag being conducted in Ching against cerning the character of the credibility And yet the trial showed that Fourth International for the assault on When he arrived in Tokyo ingressors.
in its anti war sentiment. The crime of are charged by the Stalinist up at the seams. Not all of Buk the conspirators had accomcapitalism breeder of war and fascism the Keep America Out of War comSeptember, 1934 (after having Spy Information. and the establishment through the mittee, and all such movements, is present six years in jail and exile)
socialist revolution of real peace and seing paid agents of Japan. In missions of guilt in general, in plished virtually nothing beyond the Internation Rakovsky had nothing to say China, too, a favorable atmoterspersed as they are through ineptitude that is, if one exelo plenty under the power of the workers. divert it into ineffective and downright ference, he was, he said, met by regarding the payment he re sphere is needed for the coming out the trial proceedings and des the breakdowns in Soviet Bukharin final address to the economy and the failure of the reactionary channels. an important Japanese public ceived for this wonderful spy trial.
The article also stated that the com figure. The pair discussed draw information, which, incidentally Everything of importance in court, can destroy this damning Kremlin foreign policy, sins of Liberalism Gets Indigestion Stalin which the beloved leader.
mittee represented the last attempt of ing Rakovsky into work as a the Japanese imperialists could this new amalgam is already suf. indictment of Stalinism.
Daily Covers Up deemed it necessary to load on the desperate pacifists. Unfortun spy, an informer of a certain have gotten quite cheaply and ficiently clear. Trotsky and his to the backs of his pitiful vic.
Among the rats sent scurrying for ately, this is far from likely. In the deep government. Rakovsky reiuet easily by reading the New York followers, in China and the That delectable organ of de. tims.
cover by the latest trial, we notice cons ening war crisis, we may expect this comance to specify the Japanese go. Times Moscow dispatches, the In. are responsible for the picuously those two prime specimens of vernment surrounds the plot ternational Press Correspondence, Japanese invasion of China. A: mocracy in this country the The evidence against the demittee or other similar organizations to American liberalism, the Nation and the continue and to extend their perfidious tery.
with the necessary aura of mys the Moscow Pravda, or the Isves. the same time, they plotted with Stalinist Daily Worker, which is fendants, including the absent tia. This is unimportant, anyway. the Japanese imperialists against merely an extension abroad of defendant Leon Trotsky, was New Republic.
What was important was that the Soviet Union and the United Stalin prostitute press, printed pithily characterized by a foreign There were more mysterious Rakovsky involved the jailed So States. Rakovsky, Yurenev and on March 14 the last state observer at the trial of the conversations, and Rakovsky Coming immediately after the screen of pacifist propaganda in mentions the names of Yu Japan and thereby laid a basis nesses in Moscow. Persons arrest and managed to do so without but the facts. New York Times, viet ambassadors to China and Bogomolov will be Stalin wit ments of Stalin latest victims, twenty one: Everything is true adoption of the more than one tended to deceive the American billion dollar navy budget by the workers into believing they will for a new trial.
ed recently in China and dubbed giving a single word of Bukha March 14. House Naval Affairs Committee, be fighting for freedom and de nace to Russia.
How did he involve them? He Trotskyists by the Stalinist rin accusatory assertions! Hon. Conclusion: This trial, like its ind considered in conjunction with mocracy.
Did Browder deny the charge? related that after speaking with press (although they are not and est members and followers of the predecessors, was false and frauthe unmistakable war policy of the closer war comes, the the administration, the annual more openly do the patriotic de fighting the huge naval appro figure whom he met in Tokyo, Communist Leaguo nee Socialist selves why, for other papers car one are dead. The other three naval maneuvers this year have fenders of the interests of Am. priations, this is done by empha he talked with Yurenev, the so Appeal. March 5) will by their ried them in full.
have gone to a living death. But much more than a mere routine erican imperialism in the ranks sizing a hundredfold viet ambassador to Japan. Yure. confessions, posthumous or other. Bukharin damning indictment history has already nailed the Hanson Baldwin, naval expert play their real colors. The Com the chief influence behind these Piatakov (shot in January, 1937. the frame up.
conjunction with Krestinsky to that eternal pillory from The links between Moscow, the accusatory of the New York Times, is mov. munist Party moves with per conviction that in a hostile and produced, but in ite side by side Mexico (Trotsky) and court on March at the com linist high priests will not avail statement to the which all the prayers of the Staed to describe them as a receptibly bigger strides to first war mad world the United States with the text written in ordinary the Far East will be furnished, mencement of the trial proceed to redeem them. Continued from page place in the army of imperialist can cooperate with and trust no ink, was another text written in in part at least, by the RobinsonDiplomatie Moves war mongers.
operate in the vicinity of Kingother nation, people or group, invisible ink.
Rubens couple now being interTrotsky On Hearst Other indications of the drive nor even trust its own president Mask Is Off What did the invisible message viewed by the in a man reef and others may ap.
to follow a real peace policy.
proach Howland and Baker is towards war are to be observed For weeks on end, the Stalinsay? It is very likely a certain Moscow jail.
The APPEAL has received the following communication from little illiterate and confused, government will itself take steps But a frame up is a frame up, Leon Trotsky: lands, near the Equator, or steam in the peaceful diplomatic ists refrained from taking any but the meaning is abundantly in this direction (i. e. in the di and Stalin new effort will be no even farther south. squadron moves of the Roosevelt hate clear and unequivocal position clear. Browder and the Commun rection of utilization of Rakovs. more convincing than its prede During the Moscow trial the London Daily Express asked of six naval patrol planes now war. government directed to either for or against Roosevelt ist Party trust Roosevelt, chief ky. me to give them an exclusive article upon the trial. Cabling the permanently stationed at Sitka, ward securing the exclusion of big navy program. But at Cha spokesman and representative of article, did not have the faintest idea that it would return from Alaska, and other planes and Japanese trawlers from the fish pel Hill, on March Earl the American imperialists, of the He Helped Britain London and appear in the Hearst papers.
surface vessels to be temporari eries in Alaskan waters and like Browder made the position exploiters and oppressors of the ly based on Kodiak Island, Dutch efforts to settle with Great Bri perfectly clear. He was reply. American working class, and are WANTED Let the various bigots who support Stalin Vyshinsky make Continuing his testimony, Rawhat they can of this occurrence.
Harbor or other Aleutian Island tain the question of sovereignty ing to representative Maury prepared to lead the American kovsky said that Piatakov wrote am not greatly moved. It Back Numbers of the Appeal is by no means a question of literary collaboration with points, will join Detachments of the army gar of Canton and Enderbury in the of the navy bill who stands for upon which American imperial the Ambassador to China, pointVol. No. Hearst. My task and that of my collaborators during these rison of about 20, 000 men on the South Seas. isolation. Speaking in Conism ing out that a embarks.
days was to launch into world circulation through all accessible Vol. No. Hawaiian island of Oahu, the The war program of the Am gress, Maverick had said, and The conclusion for the workers ment was discotexovern with his channels the greatest possible number of facts and arguments defenses protecting the Hawaiian erican imperialists, which is first said quite truly, that every one is equally clear: The working political line, that he was giving Comrades having copies of against the executioners and thus attempt to stay their hand.
these issues which they do not need or which they are preIf should have to post placards, warning the people of a chothe cable and radio stations and erican hegemony in the Pacific favor of the bill and the reason der and the Communist Party government in question. pared to donate, please send lera epidemic, should equally utilize the walls of schools, Pan American Airways station and to guarantee investment and is they think we are going to and must, to insure its own fu Piatakov is dead, but presum them in immediately.
churches, saloons, gambling houses, and even worse establishon the Midway Islands are also profit opportunities for American take our navy over there and ture, drive these social patriotic ably Yurenev and Bogomolov are They ments expected to participate directly capitalists in the Far East, pro fight Japan and get Japan out agents of imperialism out of its still sufficiently alive to be are needed to complete the office flies. LEON TROTSKY.
or indirectly.
ceeds under the usual smoke of China because that is a me ranks brought into new treason Mar. 3, 1938.
On The Hippodrome Meeting Navy Departs For Pacific War Games.