Andrey VyshinskyBujarinCapitalismCommunismDemocracyDewey CommissionEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionKamenevMoscow TrialsNazismParis CommuneRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

FASCISM LASHES AUSTRIAN LABOR Anti War Campaign On In Minneapolis Minnesota farmer Labor Group Takes Militant Anti War Stand BLUM CABINET NEW ATTEMPT TO STEM CRISIS Mark Commune Date By Anti War Mass Meeting March 19, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Stopgap SOVIET UNION NOTES Stalini On His Onetime Allies He Sheds Blood He Said Opposition Wanted. The Mystery of Postyshev BY JOHN WRIGHT (Continued from page 1) greedily. In his speech to the Issue Cuts Through All State Politics; 544 Stalini and Molotoy on Bukharin. in 1926 House of Commons, he declared. am confident that we would Leads Drive of the Versailles Treaty, the ar be supported in asking that no In 1926, when Stalinand Molotov were in a bloc with Buktiele forbidding anschluss bet one, whatever his preconceived harin and Rykov, the State Publishers issued a pamphlet, first edition 200, 000. This pamphlet is entitled Reply to the ween Germany and Austria.
MINNEAPOLIS. The war Thus was one more foundation self as being exeluded from any notion may be, shall regard himquestion is a burning issue in the The following is the complete text of the anti war resolution daily political life of FarmerOpposition. The authors are: Stalin and Molotov.
stone knocked from under the expansion of national effort The contents are the summary specches delivered by Stalin and shattered structure of the 1919 which may be called for.
adopted last week by the Third Congressional District Convention Laborite Minnesota, Molotov at the Fourteenth Party Congress on the Political Re settlement that settlement LEON BLUM of the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party: It is already obvious that the port of the Central Committee.
which was advertised to the world Stalinists To Fore WHEREAS there is growing danger of the outbreak of another struggle against war is leading In his speech, Stalin revealed a plot hatched allegedly in as the triumph of democracy and World War, as is so clearly revealed by the actions of the Il to a realignment of forces in the 1923, after the twelfth Party Congress, to destroy the Political freedom, and which in practice Throughout the world the Sta National Administration in launching a gigantic program of labor movement and the Farmer Bureau, and to turn the Secretariat into a political and orgaserved to usher in the blackest Sinists announced their readiness naval and military expansion, including over a billion dollars Labor Party.
period of reaction in the world for war. They made clear that nizational ledding organ, composed of Zinoviev, Trotsky and for arms in the regular budget, an additional billion or more they will recruit for any impeLeft wing leaders of Minne Stalin.
for new warships, and other military bills now being drafted apolis trade unions have been Hitler, however, gains from his rialist army whenever the demo.
at the direction of the Administration, and developing an anti war campaign Commenting on this plot, Stalin indignantly said: What is the import of this platform? What does it means? It means coup only a temporary advantage cratic imperialisms decide the WHEREAS the government preparations for war are a mortal which has already led to reperin political prestige, a loud talk time has come to strike at their to lead the party without Rykov; without Kalinin, without Tomsing point to quict for a brief Nazi rival.
danger to the organized workers and farmers, as is revealed by cussions in the Farmer Labor ky, without Molotov; without Bukharin. Nothing came of this Party. systematic campaign time the underground murmur What a tragic and terrible the plans for a military dictatorship in war time embodied in against Roosevelt war prepara.
platform at that time not only because it was unprincipled but of discontent which, spurred by deception!
the Sheppard May Bill with its provisions for compulsory tions is being waged by the also because it is impossible to lead the party without the above.
the intolerable plight of the a conscription, prohibition of strikes, control of the press and Northwest Organizer, organ of námed comrades. reply to the Opposition, Moscow 1926, German people, must sooner or vacuum. He is the natural, in Franc Dives As Regime regimentation of labor, etc. and the Teamsters Joint Council, the 27. later break to the surface. Par evitable product of the worn out Tries Desperately WHEREAS what is in store for opponents of war was even more electrical workers, the furniture Échoing Stalin, Molotov accused the Opposition (among them from solving the economic crisis social system now in its fright 16 Save Itself clearly revealed by the boldness with which the Administration and warehousemen unions, etc. Krupskaya) of seeking to exaggerate mistakes and foist deviaof German capitalism, the incor ful death throes. He was nourishporation of Austria will in many ed and called into being by these French capitalism called again organized at lynch spirit against the Farmer Labor congress. One important result of this tions upon comrade Bukharin, member of the Political Bureau, men and others who supported the Ludlow Amendment recampaign was the adoption of a editor of our central organ. And then Molotov sidded the followways only deepen that crisis. same democratic imperialisms, last week on the Socialist Leon Austria supplies neither the raw who thought that their own posi Blum and he responded once quiring a popular referendum before Congress can declare militant anti war resolution by war, the Third Congressional District ing: This is no longer a desire to correct mistakes but rather materials, the consumer merket, tions could be permanently ena desire to exaggerate mistakes, a desire to create such a situaBS IT RESOLVED that the Third Congressional District Con Convention of the Farmer Labor tion in the party as would create distrust toward the best memnor the fields for investment sured by fastening on the defeat more with a new effort to stave Party (the full text appears which German capitalism im od Central Powers the straight threatens France.
off the revolutionary crisis that vention of the Farmer Labor Party goes on record against elsewhere in this issue. bers of our party, one of whom, as is recognized by the entire the war preparations, and against the specific bills in which periously demands. On the con jacket of Versailles. The Versailparty, is comrade Bukharin. idem, page 34. trary, as carved out by Versail les system only hid for a short fratie only served to underline The disastrous fall of the these preparations are embodied, and all other bills of the Stalinists Losing Out In 1926, Stalin swore that it was impossible to lead the party les, Austria is an industrial and while an internal putrescence the blankness of the impasse that same kind, and instructs the Convention Arrangements combanking community faced to an shared by the entire world order faces the French capitalist remittee to give this resolution the widest possible publicity.
An immediate result of this without Bukharin, Rykov and Tomisky. In 1938, Stalin swears campaign is split developing that they are conspirators who served the interests of capitaleven greater degree with the of capitalism which soon had to gime.
in the top leadership of the im all their lives. Pravda, Feb. 28, 1938. same conflicts which entangle force its way to the surface.
the Germany economy.
Farmer Labor Party, dividing Prepares For War But not alone the democratic the pro war Stalinized elements Stalin and Bukharin Blood War Drive Speeded imperialisms are responsible for Blum first act upon taking Hitler. The brave social patriots office was to call upon the work and Stalinists from the rest Yesterday the pro Stalinist GoIn the self same speech in 1926, Stallin accused the Opposition The reply of the rival imper of the Second International share ers to facilitate the speed up vernor Benson combination apof hounding Bukharin, and of dentanding, no more, no less, ialisms to the bold stroke of Hitler most directly and havily in that of the arms program by desisting peared to be unbreakable. But Bukharin blood. himself and his acts in large responsiblity: for it was the so from making unreasonable de Stalin said: How explain this unbridled baiting of comrade degree the product of their own cial democracy which strangled mands, following this up with a With a new world war hover the defense of the remaining pressure from the left is dividBukharin? What do they really want of Bukharin? They are crimes was not long in coming. in blood the German workers re pledge to defend Czechoslovakia ing not only over Europe but over conquests of the Russian Revoluing them. The Farmer Labor dodemanding comrade Bukharin blood. That is just what comWith one voice rade Zinoviev demands, by aiming the barb of his attack in his London, and Paris called for prevented Hitler rise to power. France is heading swiftly toward Party is calling a mass rally of prominent speakers including the Ludlow Amendment Benson summary against Bükharin. You demarid Bukharin blood? We redoubled pace and scale in rea solution on the battlefields Against the coming War this Maurice Spector, associate edi. himself is campaigning against armament, pointing headlong to Stalinism Aids ascism will not give you his blbod, you might as well know it. Applause.
Cries: Hear! Hear. Iden. 26. ward the war to defend their own And how mighty a share have real meaning of Blum effort to Plaza, 66 East St. at P. Nathan Gould, national organizer recorded himself in opposition to spoils and privilege, their own also the Stalinists in that resform a national union govern. This rally is a high point in the of the Young Peoples Socialist Roosevelt navul program. All preserves of exploitation, against ponsibility! For their fatal and Stalin on the Policy of Lópping Off ment.
course of the campaign against League: Jumes Burnham, pro this is in direct opposition to the the threat of the upstart.
Such a government will follow the coming imperialist war now fessor of philosophy at pro war line of the Communist Again, in this 1926 speech, Stalin revealed yet another consThe entire press of the demo riod once more shattered the the present transitory cabinet being conducted by the Socialist James Rorty, noted writer; and Party.
The Stalinists very well unpiracy this time, to expel Trotsky from the party. The leaders cratic imperialism unleashed a German revolution, andered the which Blum has set up. If it Workers Party throughout the James Casey, former managing whirlwind of vicious chauvinism, German workin editor of the Daily Worker. derstand what is happening, and in this conspiracy, if one believes Stalin, were Zinoviev and class to bitter, does not, the French Frances in country.
utilizing the Austrian crisis to abject defeat in 1933.
the General Staff will mobilize Events of the past few days This meeting falls with especial are attempting to weather Kamenev, who, at the end of 1924, proposed to expel Trotsky from the party. Stalin, together with the majority of the Central whip up an uncontrolled jingo Now all of those who brought the Rights and the Fascists to im alone, such as Hitler invasion appropriateness on the 67th an storm until the inevitable mothe war crisis ay Committee, would not agree to this proposal. Shortly thereafter, spirit leading the masses toward Hitler and Nazism to birth and pose by foree the kind of go. of Austria and the clone of the niversary of the Paris Commune, ment when a Holy War to bolster up the to power unite once more for avernment they want.
latest Moscow trial which reveal the first example in history of proaches a climax and the Farm Kamenev proposed to expel Trotsky from the Political Bureau.
Is there not something omined more clearly than ever the working class rule.
er Labor tops swing back into shaken positions of the victors Holy War, and call upon the And Stalin comments. We did not agree with this proposal of the world slaughter of 1914. workers of the world to follow ously prophetic about Blum in isolation of the Soviet Union in commemorate with us the Hino. This was the Stalinist moof the Opposition either. We obtained a majority in the Central 18.
novation in his new government a hostile capitalist world, raise glorious memory of these heroictivation for silence on the war Committee, and limited ourselves to removing comrade Trotsky Here was a heaven sent op. Such a war, far from wiping a Ministry of Propaganda?
with special sharpness the urgent fighters of the past, and join question at the recent Farmerfrom the post of People Commissar of War. We refused to portunity to turn the resentment out Nazism, can only complete efforts within the frame work of against imperialist war.
Even while he continues his need of an effective program with us in raising their banner Labor convention, even to the exof the class struggle as our tent of not voting against the agree with comrades Zinoviev and Kamenev because we knew of their own peoples away from the subjection of the masses with French democracy, Blum is Such as effective program, standard now in the fight against militant. Trotskyist. anti war that the policy of lopping off is pregnant with great dangers the exploiters at home, away in every country to totalitarian from the social system which en dictatorstrip. Such a war will be forms of totalitarian rule. Be.
for the party, that the method of lopping off, the method of preparing the resolution in the Third Congrescharacteristic against imperialist war and for the coming war.
sional District Convention. But blood letting and they were deranding blood dangerous sures that exploitation, and to directed solely, from both sides, fore the French Francos clap him the harder the left presses along and contagious. Today you löp off one; tomorrow another, the direct it against the foreign against the lives and hopes and into a concentration camp they its independent line, thereby next day a third and what will then be left of our party?
interests of the masses. may thank him for his service!
forcing the Benson pacifist wing (Applause. Idem, 22. Social atriots in Line In reality, the lesson of the to declare itself, the more difTreachery and Betrayal In his concluding statements; Stalin once again returns to Austrian crisis is the final blow The imperialists and their dito all illusions of capitalist (Continued from page 1)
this theme. He says: We are against lopping off. We are against The new cabinet resembles to baseness, there is a limit to ficult it will be for the two seegullibility. Strangled thought and Lions in the ruling bloc of the the policy of opping off. We are for unity and against loprectas pokermen were bly se stability, Versailles, the League only in its most superficial aspects People Front Carlo Tresea, Bertram Wolte horrified conscience are awaken Farmer Labor Party to hang toping off. The policy of lopping off is revolting to us. 30. Comments are hardly necessary.
wirelines and by the traitors imperialist demberaty, and the government that Blum brought and Max Shachtman, laid bare ing. Progressive mankind is presether during the next months.
within the ranks of the working crucial illusion that the masses into power in June, 1986. Since the contradictions in the paring to disgorge the venom of On April 11, a gigantic mass The Postyshev Mystery even their own past performances. port of any capitalist govern: crisis, of shameful treachery and Poets wethe latest judicians are talia and are present at your sponsored by all the joint bodies In France, Leon Blum, hend of ment, any imperialist war.
The defendants in the trial of the sixtecn (Zinoviev Kamenev betrayal of the workers will to in the desperate crisis of the We see in your ranks the spirit Labor Union, the Teamsters et al) in August, 1986 confessed that among the victims of their the French Socialist Party and leader of the Second Internation Tlie Revolutionary Road tions have wrought their changes of solidarity and congratulations of Leon Sedov fallen at his battle Point Council, the Building Trades plot, Föstyshev name figured prominently. His name is men al, again took the helm of the in the objective situation and in from Icon Protsky was read from post. With us or without us you Council, the Printing Trades tioned in the indictment as one of those marked for usmessination: imperialist state, calling for na The Austrian crisis, with iron the moods of the masses. the platform. There were also will lead our great liberating Council will deal with the prob.
lems of the present cconomic Vyshinsky in his summary speech repeated his name time and tionel union and the ultimate fist, drives home the inescapable Blum will be even less able wires from Norman Thomas and struggle to victory.
crisis and the war crisis.
again. The defendants were shot, in part, for conspiring against SP. crifice in the interests of conclusion: there is one answer now to find common ground for Horace Kallen.
Postyshev life. In the trial of the seventeen (Radek Piatakov French capital.
and one only to fascism, to Naz the employers and the masses.
Srector Speaks On Bosses Offensive et al. Jan. 1937, Postyshev name was again referred to as In England, the Labor Party ism the workers revolution! So Rather than let the masses surge Winding up Affairs Trials in Toronto that of a prospective victim of the terrorists (sce Verbatint Re.
railed against the too peaceful long as the working class does forward to give their own ans.
As part of the preparations for port, Eng. Edition 328; 348; 358 ctc. policy of Chamberlain, and an the bidding of its own imperial wer to the questions of the day. Announcing that the CommitTORONTO, Ont The Labor war, as well as a result from Meanwhile, Postyshev has not only been removed (together nounce itself at no ists, that ong will fascism con he will drive all the more rapid tee was winding up its affairs.
illed on Sunday, the desperation of capitalists in with Rudzutak) from the Political Bureau, but even from the ment to swing the British work tince its victories. The enemy is ly toward war.
Secretary George Novack sum Temple was minor party post to which he had been demoted. It is reported ing class into line for a war to in our own country! By defeat That Blum unceremoniously marized the results of the Trots. March 13, with workers of nearly the face of the economic crisis, that he is under arrest. No doubt he plotted with the executed protect the British Empire to ing that enemyour own bourge shoved aside the Stalinist de ky defense movement and the every tendency in the labor move the labor movement here is condefendants and the defendants to be to assassinate himself as protect that is, the enslavement oisiewe strike the only effect. mands for participation in the Dewey Inquiry Commission which ment who came to hear Maurice fronted by a bosces offensive a fiendish ruse to cover up his complicity. Just as we are asked trials. resolution overwhelm unlike the usual capitalist on the natives of South Africa, the the only genuine aid toward the growing schism between the So Max Shachtman summed up the ingly endorsed by the 500 work slaught against militant section to believe that Yagoda arrested, exiled, tortured and killed thouscoolies of Hongkong ands of Oppositionists for years in order the better to disguise Chamberlain accepted the offer Austrian workers.
even more significantly reflects erican Committee, and delivered We workers, assembled at a veloping war crisis, the capita!
the fact that they were his fellow conspirators.
the fact that French foreign a spirited rejoinder to those who policy remains suspended in un are seeking to make anti Bolshe: mass meeting at Labor Temple from reformists in an onslaught struggle against war, hunger and Ioro 1rk Branch 00 certainty.
vik capital out of the debacle of on March 13, express our veheagainst militant Fund Mounts For union leaders. unemployment. The response to Upper West Side Branch.
ment protest against the mons. Partial explanations of this situa: the proposal of Drivers Loen!
SL Trul Brinch. Stalinism.
Suviet Pact Doomed GENE FREY Wo. Gate Boston Brunch. 10. 10 Helpless before the crisis pre The of the text time to tiew mes of the Russian Revolution, perancy ave the trade union move. 514 for the rigantic mass mest MINNEAPOLIS. Workers Angelo Branccipitated by Hitler bloodless sage to the meeting follows: Sellerville Brunch petrated by the Stalin regime in ment, and the deep roots struck ing of all labor to discuss unem 90 conquest of Austria, France Denver Branch Trotsky Message. 10 waits Britain lead. It will serap accept the confessions extorted into the mass movement by the ployment and war this is in here are mourning the death of The campaign of the Quakertown Branch It Side ranch to raise funds to assist the Coin Pollected by Lorul 56 its pact with Moscow should Bribilities which open to us, to rally. Party member, who passed from From inside the fortress won from the accused by the brutal militant union leaders. tain demand it in the interests by the proletariat, Stalin deals methods of the and we These explanations are, how. labor against the capitalist on the ranks of the inovement on munist League of China through YUSI Boxton Circle of an understanding with Hitler socialism such blows as no one demand that the blood bath of ever, only partial. The basic cause slaughts.
February 28, following a brief illness. Comrade Prey was active the present difficult period, and Border Brows Branch to the general effect: Attack the has yet deult. If anyone sabotages the revolutionists in the Soviet of the fact that the capitalists in the Federal Workers Section, work of the Chinese Fourth In St. Louis County Brunch. 00 alone.
and was a member of the General ment of the it is st the Canadian workers and upon formist aid on a large scale CGALA SECOND ternationalists, has already proDrivers Local 544.
TOTAL. 887. 71 duced gratifying results.
In either case it is understood lin. If anyone undermines the mi. the international proletariat to a joint onslaught on the left APPEARANCE All his life he was a rebel. He Following the announcement has already been transmitted to close. That is why the present is Stalin. If anyone poisons the movement to stop the bloody crisis, which drives the capitai: of the foregoing sum, 75. 00 that war has drawn frighteningly litary power of the it solidarize themselves in a mighty wing, is the raging economic The Red Puppets in was a member of the old Socialin the February 19 issue of the our Chinese organization. Oscar Gets The Pretzel ist Party; active in the days of Socialist Appeal and the sending order that a further sum may be stopeap. The regime that guard by treachery and betrayal that is undermining the socialist the sections of the latior mövé. Benders Daughter and the Non Partisan League; at the of collection Hists to Party locals, be remitted in the nearest future, is seeking to hamborld the it is Stalin. Were united world to movement throughout the world ment, militant and reformist Rrefilin Prelude Lime of his death, a Fourth Inthe following sums have been re party branches especially those French workers into going to action to seek an agent of its own and besmirching the socialist alike.
SAT. MARCH 19th; P.
ternationalist. He was active on ceived by the national office: which have not so far acted in war once more for French. capital. choice, it could find no one more ideal.
This combination of circunDaricing To Swing Music every picket line of recent yeats Astoril Brunch the matter aro urged to push ism can only pave the way for a suited than Stalin. The Moscow stances presents the revolutionLower East Bronx Branch.
Lower East Side Branch in Minneapolis. The staff of the Chelsea Branch 10 the collection of funds and remit regime that will be prepared to trials represent the lone attempt ists with unusually favorable opsFederal Workers Section attenuSUBSCRIBE NOW TO 159 Rivington Street portunities for assuming the 00 them without delay to the natlash the workers as soon as they in history to deceive all mankind.
ed the funeral.
New Haven Branch. 00 tional office.
show signs of striking back. However, if there is no limit. Sub. 2bc, Children 5c THE SOCIALIST APPEAI, leadership of the masses in a them.
2, 000 Meet To Protest Frame up Chinese Comrades 11 Mass Rally SPEAKERS: James Burnham Co Editor, New International SPEAKERS: Maurice Spector Co Editor, New International James Casey Ex Managing Editor, Daily Worker Nathan, Gould National Organizer, AGAINST THE COMING WAR!
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, Manhattan Plaza, 66 St. P. uspices: Socialist (Workers Party James Rorty AARON Writer, Lecturer