Civil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL March 19, 1933 NEW SWP MARITIME Mooney Wages New Battle To Gain Liberty OF FAKE CHARGES Candidate Polls PAPER IS ISSUED New Republic Evades Healthy Vote In St. Paul Challenge By Cannon Maritime Truth, official control Fails To Name Alleged Stove Workers Win Sit Down Victory up.
the 304 FROM FOUR WAA pardon. Acting the same day. Labor Leaders 1, 000 PAINTERS Offer Backing FIGHT MACHINE For Fred Beal RULE IN UNION to ess. He outlined in detail his part, American Cederation cert labor, tenetiea Stalinis te machine but this political trick, but its re people it is most ardently woo Leadershiem ber Saria ist Werkes want you to toli us who they are some pointed ovenphong co by the To Oppose Wage Slashes. ST. PAUL, Minn. Paul SAN FRANCISCO. PresentRasmussen, former field repreing the views of revolutionists sentative of the o. in Minunions, nesota and a well known member of the Socialist Workers Party, the Maritime section of the Sohas been completely exonerated Stalinists Are Slapped Candidate cialist Workers Party, made its on all charges brought against Provocateurs In initial appearance on the waterhim five months ago by James By Farmer Labor front here recently. Banks Porter acting for the state council Politicians The feature article of the first State Assembly Passes Fights On of the and for the Stalinissue outlined a five point pro In the February 23 issue of ist slander machine.
Resolution For gram for building national union the New Republic, the Fight New Cut In Wage The charges preferred by Port BY CARL SHEA Full Pardon er alleged that Rasmussen, with Of 50 Weekly; struggle against the ship owners. dent, charged that a new attempt an honorable record of militant ST. PAUL, Minn. The Social It called upon all genuinely milit to deport Harry Bridges, leader 700 In Jail SACRAMENTO, Cal. Tom struggle in the ranks of the work ist Workers Party in St. Paul ant, progressive and class con of the West Coast longshoremen, potled 559 votes in the primaries ers movement, was a spy and a for its mayoralty candidate, Jules scious maritime workers to unite was being based on affidavits Mooney, America most famous HATBORO, Pa. Despite a disrupter in the United Packing Geller. Ten thousand class war proner, last Thursday for such a campaign.
house Workers, affiliate, manifestoes were distributed on made by Stalinites who have brutal attack by vigilantes, armfaced the California State As.
Pertinent articles on the war turned Trotskyist. In a lettered with tear gas, guns and clubs, of which he was a member.
in the Far East, the menace of to Bruce Bliven, editor of the o. workers of the Roberts semhl the law making body of The executive board of Local behalf of the revolutionary can the proposed government media. New Republic, which appeared in and Mander Stove Co. won a dethe State that has kept him be62 of this union, after sifting all aidate, calling for support of the hind prison bars for 21 years, tion and other problems confront the March issue of the Social cisive victory, when, after a fiveand told the legislators once more the evidence against Rasmus P, and the Fourth International.
ing the maritime worker round ist Appeal, James Cannon, na week sit down strike, officials sen and hearing his defense, de that he was the victim of a frame.
out the neatly mimeographed tional secretary of the Socialist the company agreed to recognize cided unanimously that we find The entire slate of Laborlittle magazine. Regular public Worker Party, challenged the the Steel Workers Organization Brother Rasmusson not guilty of Progressive (Farmer. Labor. The only crime am guilty cation is planned and subscrip journal to reveal the names of Committee as the sile bargainof, declared Mooney, is attemptthe charges brought against him candidates were nominated. The tions for 25 copies during the these alleged Trotskyists. Re ing agency for the 800 employes.
by the State Council had given critical supyear may be obtained for one plying in a letter dated Feb. 24, ing to organize the 200 employes The agreemert, reached last through James Porter. The board port to the five councilmanic candollar.
of the United Railroads in San Bliven said we have every reas Saturday, was signed after an further unanimously resolved didates of the Farmer Labor Communications should be ad on to believe that the statements unsuccessful attempt by Francisco.
that we will, as workers and Party.
dressed to 310 Clay Street, Room made by our Washington company to break the strike by The State Assembly, after two union members, do everything Gets Slapped 1, San Francisco, Calif.
days of debate, early Saturday correspondent, are true. Natur ousting the sit downers, who had in our power to restore to him JULES GELLER passed a resolution introduced by his union membership, his good The Communist Party, running ally, we cannot reveal the source occupied the plant since early in Assemblyman Paul Richie, deLIFT confidential information. Fol name and standing in the indus Leon Cuthill for the sixth council signed to grant Mooney, convicted, with Warren Billings, of TOM MOONEY trial union movement.
manie post, polled only 1, 968 become nauseating. There is rejoinder, dated March 9, 1938: in the plant last Wednesday, a votes, despite the fact that Cut yo way that we can combat these the Preparedness Day bombing crowd, led by the discredited remhill advertised himself as a mem trouble makers other than to reMr. Bruce Blivon. a ber of the Parent Teachers As pudiate them publicly and to Editor nants of the old company union and armed with tear gas and sociation, and one whose grand point out their tricks as they the State Senate killed the measguns supplied by the company, dad fought in the Civil War. The occur. It is not possible to emDear Sir: ure by an almost unanimous voice attempted to intimidate the gave unstinting endorse barrass them. It is not possible received your letter of Feb Strikers into capitulating to the vote.
ment to the ticket. to shame them, for they have ruary 24 after an absence from bosses.
Merriam Has Pardon Power The pay off came the day after neither a sense of shame nor an Stalinists Force Split In the city.
When the strikers remained The pardon, without legal election when the labor Progres understanding of political deAllentown; League did not ask you to reveal the form in their demands, the mob of souree of any confidential infor 500, protected by over 100 local status even if passed, was introthe following statement: It has is to inform the public that there Takes Lead duced by liberal legislators in an mation. asked you to give the and state police, bombarded the effort to put pressure on Govern AFL Head Aids Defense; names of those Trotskyists who plant with bricks and tear gas.
come to my attention that the has never been a recognition of the Communist Party by us; that or Merriam, in whose hands rests Dubinsky, Others Hold Mass Meeting To in Ramsay county covered the we do not want their support, ALLENTOWN, Pa.
After fidavits to aid the deportation of pebbles and the powerful jet of the only bona fide power of pardon. In connection with this plan, Join Up city during the closing hours of and that we have nothing in com trying unsuccessfully to force Harry Bridges. Do you have a fire hose, but the fumes of the Denounce Weinstock four locals of the Allentown Mooney was brought from San Leadership the primary campaign with both mon with them.
Comments) The Workers Alliance into the Stalin such names? If so, let us have pas overcame them and police Quentin penitentiary on subThe voice of organized labor took over the plant poena issued by the State As was heard last week in defense the voters to support the Labor shrewdly waited until after the ist controlled Central Branch, the them please. assure you that we are deep. Spokesmen, for the company primaries sembly.
NEW YORK. Over 1, 000 Progressive ticket and to vote vania Workers Alliance (also ly interested in this question and described the vigilantes as memMooney, old and stay from 1929 textile strike in Gastoniae union painters, members of locals for the Communist candidate for against the 2) It is a cosmic jest that the despite controlled by the Stalinists) re we intend to follow it up to the bers of the American Federation end. If some provocateurs have of Labor Molders Union who de.
fearless, spoke for several hours 20 year a prison sentence on Council No. 9, met last Saturday years in prison, yet erect and North Carolina, who is serving under the jurisdiction of District city council.
its degeneracy and grovelling be moved their charters.
The four locals in question penetrated our organization, we sired to go back to work, but to the crowded Assembly and trame up charge.
fore anyone whom it can even the 9th, 10th, 12th and 13th want to know who they are so this was denied by Lever, at Nothing New galleries Green, president of the protest dictatorship There is really nothing new in boot in the reay from the very Ward Branches were under the that we can get rid of them. You hield director for the o. ce have made the accusation. We who pointed out that 702 of the as a well known labor organizer, in a letter to the Non Partisan trenched in the New York Discurrence every two yeau basing.
Party members and progressives in the strikes prior to the 1916 Committee for the Defense of trict of the Painters Union.
in sympathy with their policies. haven the slightest doubt company were members of the The official reason given for lift that you will fail to make good 10. union. was in had repute with most week, declared in effect that Beal auspices of the Inter. Local Paint, Goodrich Locals Prepare ing the charters was that their on this second challenge. Your Union spokesmen exposed the of the labor leaders in San Fran was a victim of frame up and ers League, a loose federation of refusal to cnter the Central contemptible slander in your back to work movement as ing that the old line labor fakers tice, in my opinion, will be fully various shades of opinion, marktitution of the Alliance, but the in fact. You are now trying to piuted in by the office staff, salesed the first mass action against action came only after the pro cover yourself up by reference men, hired gunmen and vigilstruggles that the workers in the put don by the Governor of North Weinstoere was speleiery reasurer cations on the rubber barons paper advertisements.
Goodrich, class struggle action from the matomoru AKRON With the full impli barrage or weasel worded news gressives had demanded militant to confidential source of infor antes composed of local businessWest were conducting at that Carolina.
men who have always been alignIn your letter of February 21 ed with the company in its antitime.
of 9, and chief Stalinist tool drive against the United Rubber pleading the loss of its competi. State Committee.
Mistrusts Courts you protest against the reference labor policies.
Dubinsky Speaks Out in the union.
Workers becoming clearer every tive position within the rubber day, Goodrich local here is hold industry, boldly states that the Aimed At Militants to the New Republic as an organ Mooney, whose defense in the David Dubinsky, president of Weinstock Pilloried ing division meetings daily this union must accept a wage reducof Stalinism. My dear Mr. BliIt was obviously a move to ven, your rotten and cowardly past has been led by the most the International Ladies Garment ANTI WAR militant sections of the working Workers Union and a prominent Weinstock, elected on a pro coming week in preparation for tion from an average of 00 to drive the Trotskyites out of class; told the legislators that his leader, wrote the com gram of economy and trade union voting down a company proposed 15 per hour to 90 95 cents an the Alliance. At the last state conduct in this case is Stalinism.
Sincerely, MASS MEETING (signed) James Cannon ball, and declared his distrust of Toaded to prison because he leders with wasting the union funds, hour increases on March 20. The from 70 75 cents to 60 65 cent linists had insisted on the neces National Secretary March 18. P.
the various court actions, that a strike the least that Ameri, favoritism and discrimination in week will culminate with an out per hour. Furthermore, hours sity of forcing these locals into have consistently failed to ob can labor can do is to unite be placing men on painting jobs, door mass demonstration in which must be more flexible, that is, the one they controlled in order MANHATTAN PLAZA tein his freedom.
to destroy the influence of the hind the effort to obtain his and open neglect in protecting the all Akron labor employed, un stretched up to 40 from 36.
66. 4th St.
To most of the legislators the speedy release. Naturally join conditions of union men on the employed, of will participate on Saturday. Threaten to Decentralize job.
The expelled locals immediatly THE SOCIALISTI.
Mooney story was not a new one. heartily in that effort.
In California and throughout the Speakers urged members to at Leading the employers in their Threatening to speed up de called a city wide convention and The Communist Party and its tend their local meetings and anti abor drivers the Goodrich Lonation it has long been establish International Labor Defense Lake back control of their own Co. ably assisted by the Greate centralization plans by investing set up a functioning organization. 1, 500, 000 outside of Akron the Lehigh County Unemployed absolutely innocent; that their in his hour of need because he stock had flooded the union with ed that Mooney and Billings here organization have deserted Beat union. They charged that Wein Akron Association with a constant the ultimatum is not accepted by League, with aggressive conviction was obtained on a has become an opponent of the new members, but had done nothe union, Goodrich hopes to in class struggle program similar timidate the largest and strong to that of the Allentown Unemtheir conspiracy, between the timion Stenio furuheds sehen sinne working thing to get new sobs to employ Pecan Shellers On est local union in the ployed Leagues before hating industrialists of Califor might and main to destroy the the already crowded list of unIf labor gives in, Goodrich pro merger with the Workers Al.
We are entering the fourth Philadephia, Pa.
nia and the San Francisco courts efforts being made to bring about employed members.
Newcastle, Pa.
decentralization for six months, passed against the Roosevelt war time when it is even more urand police.
Beal release. All this notwithChicago, Ill.
William Kitt, member of Local standing their admission that und saving the jobs of 5, 090 rub program and imperialist wars, gent that we have a permanent Goff Demurs Alone Boston, Mass and embodying demands for all increase in Appeal eirculatlon.
ber workers.
Beal is victim of frame up and 51, addressed the meeting as re Azusa, Calif.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas. More Hingeing on the outcome of war funds for the in Canada pearance not one of the assembly Communist working under the cational Society, a group os milit than 5, 000 of America poorest the Goodrich situntion depend the core union was on the housing percussions of the latest bloody men attempted to per tray Clooney direction of the Communist Par. ant and class conscious progres paid workers, the pecan shellers living standards of the workers project that is being initiated. Moscow Trial and the general Total subs for week endas guilty. The next day Captain ing March 11 Charles Goff, San Francisco sives. Making clear that he was of San Antonio, have been on in all the other rubber plants for opening of the mines under world situation must be explain and analyx only invited to represent the strike for about six weeks in for the bosses hope to continue workers control, and the like.
by ists for More Join policeman and one of the last Bundle Orders group to which he belonged, Kitt protest against a 20 cent wage a wage slashing program nation.
Unemployed Benefit the benefit of those who do not survivors of the frame up gang, But the campaign in Lea be advocated a conscious program to cut which would bring their al ally on the basis of the Good understand. The Appeal is al. Local, Literature Agent, Increase appeared deny Mooney half is acquiring aided force. build a fighting, progresive and ready miserable earnings down rich workers defeat. Thereupon The break in the unity of the ready filling this need. Now it is charges.
Latest among those to join the democratie union.
to an average of tw. dollars per they would launch themse vor Allentown unemployed, for which your job to nake it available to Chiengo, Karl Shier You can take your choice Non Partisan Committee are week and less.
again into another of the bitter the Stalinists have only their an ever increasing number of Baltimore, Jack Rubin between Mooney and me, he Morris Errist, Charles Yale Har Fight Called For. Prior to the cut their pay intra industry price cutting wars own spitting tactier to blame, readers.
Philadelphia, PA, Sol Thomas 10 saia!
rison, Rev. Frank Olmstead, Max The long history of the Mooney Eastman, Charles Walker, which should furnish jobs for for from to 80 hours of labor. of the industry in the past. The housing plans, said Kitt, averaged less than 50 per week that have been so characteristie is to be regretted, but the unem And don forget the prizes. In Toronto, Canada, Geo. Keene 15 ployed have already profited by next week Appeal. we will pub London, England, Margaret Johns 30 revelation to the working class son, Ferdinand Lundberg, Prof. to be used in an attempt see small as 79 cents for a full week the Akron rubber plants would Unemployed League freed from order increases since the drive of the travesty on justice as John Childs, August Claes our wage scale. We must rally work have been seen by union be the signal for similar moves the do nothing class collabora was started. Since most branches Total increase in bundle ord: practiced by the capitalist courts. sens, Prof. George Hartman, all members of the Painters leaders.
in other major industries, and tion policies of the Pennsylvania have failed to send in the names ers for week ending Match leaders realize this. Com Alliance.
of the comrades who were res 70 ible evidence showing the inno Endorsement of the commit Union for a real fight by all the olice Terror Rages pany officials privately admit In the short period xince the ponsible for getting the subs, we cenice of the two men, Mooney tee work has been announced clean house in the Painters Union The right of the workers to battleground on which to smashe already accomplished more than the name of the comrade who got been the butt criticisin be that Akron was chosen as the City Convention, the League has suggest that cach branch send in Now York, which has always and Billings remain in prison. by the national executive com to make that fight possible. picket has been denied. Police the Only the might of the organized mittee of the Social Democratic workers can force open the prison Federation at its recent session secret ballot, a measure now be workers, both men and women, Kitt urged the adoption of the have beaten, clubbed and kicked in the entire previous year with the most subs during the first cause of its inactivity, is waking in the Alliance. It has succeed month of the drive and the prizes up. Abe Miller, now in charge gutes and free them.
in Washington.
ing voted on in a referendtim 66 year old man was knocked ed in getting the sew for the first month will be award of literature, has cooked up all throughout the locals. Progres. down at the city jail and kicked LOUIS (LINN) ing project employing 270 women, ed on the basis of the figures sorts of schemes for pushing the St. Louis Unionists Spike xives were forced to advocate the by a policeman. On one occasion, which was recently shut ciown, that the branches send in.
Appeal during and after the drive.
RESTAURANT the in. police. re opened, and is carrying on an The third week of the drive Not only has New York started Jleme Cooking. llungarian aggressive campaign for a real shows the following increase: a real sub drive but Comrade ed by the Stalinist officials. Any ing mothers with babies in arms Style housing project. The membership Miller orders literally thousands member who dares to vote against and without warning shot tear SPECIAL, LUNCHEON 35 of the League is growing, and Subs of Appeals each week for prono ST. LOUIS. novel plan to ship in the Council is, of course, the Communist Party machine is eas into their mids.
the Allentown politicians art tional purposes and pays foi REGULAR DINNER 500 again on the spot.
supply St. Louis employer with limited to those unemployed who likely to find it difficult to get a Over 700 arrests have been New York City 15 them.
SUPPER 550 job working at his trade.
docile labor from the ranks of are loyal American citizens.
made. Scores of strikers have been Minneapolis more month tu o for in the Next War the unemployed came to nothing Unfortunately for the spons.
207 East 14th Street In a leaflet circulated by the kept in jail for days without lar. 97: LX MORINOW. Is St. Paul, Minn.
doubling the circulation! It not when alert trade unionisis ex ors the public meeting was at Communist Party fraction, any charges. As many as 10 and 12 Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, ime for evolution. Newark, impossible and it going to be Sunday, Necatint War posed the company New York City union tended by leaders of the local one voting for the secret ballot strikers have been crowded into Paterson, ker Party Tail, 66 Second Ave.
done even if kar Shier in Chifeatures of the proposed Co movement. They pointed was charged with being a stooge cells built to accommodate not Admission 10 cents. Detroit, Mich. I cago has to do it alone.
operative Employment Council. out the reactionary nature of the for the employers. Nevertheless, more than four prisoners. Police Gramercy 9761 BOSTON At a public meeting held in idea, and made clear the potential Local 1011 passed the amend have threatened to set up conSocialist Appeal the Public Library the sponsors danger of such a cooperativement, and in Local 261 the Sta centration camps for the strikers PUBLIC FORUM, SUNDAYS SUBSCRIBE NOIV TO 116 University Place Vato of the Council, a Mr. Chestley venture ending by outright scab linists were forced to break up if picketing continues.
SPM. Workers Center, 16 La New York City and a Mr. Gill, explained how the herding.
Mar ANTOINTCTT KONI principle of no jobs for women When, in reply to a question the chairman from declaring the intimidate the cruelly exploited THE SOCIALIST APPEAL enclose. for which please send me the whose husbands are working, and put by a representative of the passage of the amendment. The workers, but funds are needed NEW YORK Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months, only one job to a family would Electrical Workers union, employers paid stooges had a urgently for feeding and other create vacancies for the unem. Mr. Chestley admitted that his clear majority, MUSICALE EXTRAORDINARE!
relief. Donations should be rushployed. Then the Council, run clief supporters were officials of Washington Heights Branch and ANNOUNCEMENTS ed to Austin Beasley, secretCity College YPXL Auspices, Sat. enclose. as my contribution toward by and for the unemployed, would the Montsanto Chemical Co. the Mar. 19. 1723 Amsterdam Ave ary treasurer of the Pecan Workbuilding the Socialist Appeal.
fill the jobs.
International Shoe Co. the Cent SUBSCRIBE NOW TO So appealing to the business ury Electric Co. the St. Louis ers Emergency Relief Comittec, cemitertentie this column are 25 Name men of St. Louis did this plan Screw and Bolt Co. and the THE SOCIALIST APPEAL. Box 1861, San Antonio, Texas. clock andaven before six Beasley is international orgalmat WANT ADS appear that they volunteered to 116 University Place for the United Cannery. Address MINNEAPOLIS supply Mr. Chestley na str. Scullin Stel Co otorious WANTED: urál, Packing and Allied Workers OFFICE FURNITURE New York City for the SOCIALIST APPEALgill with the necessary funds to strike breaking outfits the meetof America and is in charge of SOCIALIST PUBLIC FORUM Get the Council goin Membering was adjourned in o uproar.
Dekks, Shelves, Typewriter tablea.
City Filing Cabinets. Address Socialist the San Antonio strike. What will happen to the Wor. Appeal, 116 University Pi. NY.
an Appeal Army 38 to 10 2 North KOWIN Stalinis Practie. 00. 145 St. Rooni Admission 23 cents