Andrey VyshinskyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGPUHitlerIV InternationalImperialismKamenevLeninMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsNazismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyZinoviev

Workers Socialist Appeal For the An Open Letter TO MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY of the World Fourth International Unite OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS. PARTY Vol. II. No. 12.
Saturday, March 19, 1938 462 Five Cents per Copy Lenin Aides Shot Anti War Struggle Only Reply To Hitler FASCISM LASHES Navy Departs GPU Court Decrees AUSTRIAN LABOR For Pacific Death For Eighteen After Farcical Trial a War Games the Russian Revolution was the greatest and most mag VICIOUS REACTION IS DEEPENING TRIAL WAS FLIMSIEST OF ALL We address ourselves to those workers and militants within the ranks of the Communist Party who in their own minds and hearts still preserve the aim and ideal of the workers revolution, who remain within the Communist Party because they believe that by doing so they are serving the cause of socialism.
We know that there are such members of the Communist Party. We know that they have, in reality, no.
thing whatever in common with the cynical, depraved.
corrupt bureaucrats who at the bidding of the Kremlin.
direct the Party, nor with the horde of petty bourgeois riff raff which has swarmed into the party during the past two years of Popular Frontism.
To these workers and militants, we say: Comrades, what is your answer to the Trial of the 21?
By this trial. Stalin has now wiped out the last of Lenin intimate colleagues. Through the trials and the purges he has executed virtually the entire membership of Lenin Central Committee of the Central Committee which led the October Revolution.
You do not have to take our word for this. The membership of the Central Committee, the names of the close associates of Lenin, are a matter of public historical record. You can check up easily for yourselves.
Do You Believe In The October Revolution?
Drive Toward General War Conflagration Given In 1917 and 1918 the imperialists and reactionaries Impetus By Latest Triumph of Swastika: everywhere told us that the Rugian Revolution was made by a gang of cut throats, bandits, spies, murderers.
Move Lcoses Wave of Chauvinism Record Maneuvers Will Cover Vast Triangle Do you believe this? Or do you believe with us that in Western Ocean nificent event in the entire history of mankind?
Frame ups? So What?
Last of Lenin Staff Victims of Stalin Proceeding under a shroud of Today Stalin tells you exactly the same story that Executioners; Rakovsky Spared For Says Anna Strong the imperialists and reactionaries told us in 1917 and On Wednesday, March 9, Kurt Scherschnigg, then Chancellor of secrecy which indicates the close 1918. Tf you believe Stalin now, then you must believe Austria, tried a last desperate bluff to preserve his own despotism ness of war, the greatest peaceFuture Frame up Charges NEW YORK Suppose the that the imperialists and reactionaries were right to against the encroachments of his giant rival to the north and an time naval operations in the his.
nounced a plebiscite on Austrian independence to be held the folder way this week as more than begin with.
Moscow trials are frame ups so what? said Anna Louise lowing Sunday.
Vyshinsky states that Yagoda was a poisoner, a brutal 150 warships steamed out into Strong, professional Friend Hitler and his Austrian Nazi cohorts, realizing that the Schusch the Pacific from their bases on sadist, a liar, a depraved and degenerate tyrant.
of the Soviet Union, at a lecnigg contro led plebiscite would undoubtedly return a majority for the West Coast. Cooperating in ture to the forum of the ComThis is true.
independence, immediately sent their gangs into the streets of the the exercises are some 500 war munity Church last week. Her Eighteen of the twenty one have been sent to their But for a decade Yagoda was Stalin right hand man, Austrian towns and villages.
planes, naval bases and shore audience, composed largely of doom! Climaxing a decade of repression against the opacting directly under Stalin orders look back through On Friday, March 11, Schuschnige was presented with a series stations from San Diego to Pu Communist Party members ponents of his reactionary regime, marked at its high the official press and you will find that this is clearly of ultimatums from Berlin, demanding the calling off of th: eb get Sound and from Alaska to and sympathizers, sat in shock.
ed and dumbfounded silence.
points by the Zinovjev Kamenev trial and executions in iscite, Sehuschnigg resignation, the formation of a Naz (abinet Samoa, merchant vessels plying and unquestionably true.
and full freedom for the Nazi party in Austria.
the Pacific, and commercial air The first to recover began to August, 1936, the Radek Piatakov trial and executions in Yogoda prepared and managed the Trial of ZinovierFiners. Navy personnel totalling boo and John Haynes Holmes, January, 1937, and the execution of the Red Army genKamenen. According to Vyshinsky himself. therefore, Nazism Triumphs more than 60. 000 officers and men the chairman. had to rise to the Trial of Zinoviev Kamenev was prepared and maLoyalist Spain In are participating in the exercises erals a few months later, Stalin has now physically exSchushnige yielded on every restore order.
which are scheduled to last until naged by poiso sadist, liar, tyrant.
Peril of Collapse the end of April.
point, but the ntachine set in The flustered Miss Strong terminated almost the last of the authentic representatried to swallow her uninten tives of Russian Bolshevism.
Is This Socialism?
motion was not in the least preActual time for the commence tional slip by launching into pared to stop with any concesFollowing up the recapture Sentence on the defendants, who were dragged into ment of the maneuver was kept a discourse about Soviet ecoLet us suppose that the trials are true. Stalin tells sions. That night the German of Teruel. Franco troops a closely guarded secret and, un nomy. She neglected to men.
court March on demonstrably false charges of sabotage, you that socialism has irrevocably triumphed within army, in accordance with plans have embarked upon a deterlike previous exercises, press re tion, however, that all the eco. treason and murder, was passed last Saturday in the totalthe Soviet Union. What kind of socialism is it, then.
in meticu: mined drive to carve the ripresentatives have been rigidly lous detail, rolled across the Aus territory of Loyalist Spain debarred from accompanying the nomic gains of which she itarian courtroom in Moscow after a trial universally conthat turns all of its founders and builders into mad trian border. On Saturday Ger spoke were carried out under dogs, that makes them prefer to work for the blackest into two isolated segments, fleet. The imperialist governthe direction of men who have demned as a monstrous travesty of justice; a trial in which fascism rather than for the socialist regime? What chanized regiments took over the man tanks, airplanes, and me Reports as we go to press in ment at Washington, consciousnow been shot as wreckers. the charges rested, as in previous trials, and contrary to kind of man. then, must Stalin be if everyone who dicate that little effective rely preparing for war against saboteurs and Fascist Austrian cities.
Soviet law, exclusively upon the confessions of the deworks for him very soon develops such a hatred that sistance is being offered to Japan, is determined that results spies.
The clerical fascism of Schusfendant witnesses the new fascist offensive, and of the exercises shall remain an confessions forced from Stalin he spends all his time plotting to kill him?
chnigg yielded its final fruit: the that the Franco forces have official secret.
broken victims in the foul dungeons of the and But, of course, the trials are not true. You gourselves Sunday, after a thousand years already reached a point less then repeated in the courtroom: a trial in which there was know in your hearts that they are not true, that they than forty miles from the Scope of Maneuvers at the center of European hisare a gigantic frame up.
Mediterranean coast.
no defense: a trial planned in advance, in all its details, tory, the sovereignty of Aus There are ominous rumors Another indication that war by Stalin; a trial in which contradictions and absurdities Do you really believe that the cause of socialism can tria was proclaimed at an end, of secret negotiations between with Japan is looming on the and the nation was incorporated government heads and repre.
horizon is the decision to extend be served by frame ups, by lies, by, assassinations?
abounded by the carload: a trial featured by the most into the German Reich.
sentatives of Franco camp the exercises both farther west Why then are you silent?
fantastic falsehoods and an almost unbelievable rewriting On Monday. Hitler rode in and farther south than ever bebehind the scenes of the new of the history of the Russian Revolution fore. Approximately 12. 000. 000 military crisis. The Socialist NEW YORK Two thousan!
Why not stand up in your Party units and demand triumph through the streets of answers to the questions which in your own minds shout trial which, translated into the language of honest Vienna, as his police herded square miles of the Pacific will people jammed the Hotel Center Appeal will publish next week for replies? Why not read the books, histories. Damnh thousands from their proscribed an extended analysis of the be covered. Although the ma auditorium last Wednesday to and normally intelligent people, was a FRAME UP!
lets, newspaners which can put the facts about the Rus lists into prison and concentra whole situation and its relaneuvers will, as usual, center protest the new Moscow frameThe Victims sian Revolution into your possession? Why not discuss, tion camps, as the frenzied ganga around Hawaii, the American Sa up at a mass meeting held under wise doomed were Stalin loathtion to the European crisis, of Nazi students and demoraliz argue compare? You know from Marx that action which moan Island group with the best the auspices of the American Nikolai Bukharin. Alexei Rev some creature. Henry Yagoda is blind is a thousand times useless for the working ed middle class ruffians beat aged enthusiasm for their liberation. Harbor in the South Sense pago Committees for the Defense of kov, Grinko, Krestin. Cformer heard of the GPU class.
Jewish shops and restaurants, issued an insolent announcement moves.
The speakers, including Suzan nov, Zelensky, Old Bolshe Agricnlture. Khadhav (for: Truth Alone Serves Our Cause applied cat o nine tails to work of the abrogation of Article 88 Some units are expected to ne LaFollette. Eugene Lyons, viks and colleagues of Lenin. mer chairman of the Council of ers who failed to show proper (Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 3) were sentenced to death. Like. People Commissars of tubekis.
tan. Sharangovich (former Are you afraid of the truth? If you are afraid of the secretary of the Communist Partruth, how, then, will you have strength to face the ty of White Russia, Akmal Ikrarevolution?
mov (member of the Stalin Con But there is no reason to fear the truth. Illusions.
stitution commission. Zbashams, treacheries these are shattered and smashed rev. Maximov. Kruchkov, Balanov. Drs. Levin and by the truth. But our great movement, the movement Kanakov, for the emancipation of humanity, is nourished and Christian Rakovslw, one of the grows strong by the truth and by the truth only.
most illustrious of the older genYou must act, comrades, and act quickly. You read eration of Russian yavolutionats the general press. You will see that no one believes this and the last of the positionists new trial. You will see also, however, that they are usto canitu ate to Stalin. was sentenced to prison for 20 years, ing this new trial to launch a vast campaign against Bessonov, former secretary the socialist ideal itself. The trial proves, thev say, the to the Soviet Embassy in Berlin intellectual and moral bankruptcy of socialism. And was given 15 years, and Prof.
their conclusion is: to submit once more and forever Pletnov 25 veere. These to the tyranny of capitalism.
men, specially Christian RakowBy your silence you aid this reactionary campaign.
sky, who told an unfinished Japanese spy plot story involving which threatens to destroy the entire Marxist movement.
diplomats not yet hrought to RYKOV BUKHARIN SVERDLOV STALIN trial, are doubtless being saved ZINOVIEV KAMENEV TROTSKY LENIN Stalinism, Not Socialism, Is Bankrupt Shot Shot Dead Survivor Shot Shot for another frame un foro In Exile Dead cast in more detail otsewhere in This campaign is a lie from start to finish. The trials this issue of the Sorinlist Appeal.
The fate of the defendants was in no slightest degree involve the ideal of socialism sealed hefore they entered court The trials are the direct contradiction of socialism.
Stalin had already written the What they prove utterly and completely is the final death sentences for the echten bankruptcy of Stalinism: what they prove for all time is that Stalinism and everything it represents is the and the prison sentences for the Continued on we destroyer, not the continuator, of the revolution.
This is the only possible answer that can be given SOVIET CONSULATE to the camnaign of reaction. No other answer can stand PICKETED IN FRISCO up under the attack, no other answer can vindicate the ideal of socialism.
Dead Shot Shot Dead Dead will be compelled to abandon your ideal. You will slip Disappeared In Prison and sympathizers of the Socialist Workers Party picketed the Sodown once more into the ranks of the passive, broken viet Consulate here on March 10 slaves of imperialism.
to protest the judicial murders in Moscow Do not abandon your ideal! Join with us to defend it against all of its enemies. Only that ideal, the ideal Defend the Russian Revolution against Stalinism, Stop of the classless socialist society, has hope or promise the Moscow Frams uns. Hands for men.
off Trotsky. were some of the You will find that ideal guarded untarnished within slopens on the placards carried by the pickets.
the growing regiments of the Fourth International. In Officials at the consulate said the face of the nightmare trial, in the face of the yawnthe consul was not in when a ing crisis, the march of totalitarian reaction, the black delegation demanded ontry to clouds of the approaching war, let us carry forward LOMOV SHOMYAN BERZIN MURANOV make their protests directly to ARTEM STASSOVA MILIUTIN JOFFE our ideal, to a sure and lasting triumph!
the representative of Stalin Dead Disappeared Dead Disappeared Missing Suicide government.