Andrey VyshinskyBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunardsCommunismDemocracyDewey CommissionFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninMarxismMoscow TrialsParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

March 12, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Pacifists Rally To Dear Meetings With Leon Old Stars and Stripes Trotsky Bungled Again that company ti non son intern: House Committee Mathielonera entre les protestery Votes Navy Bill solumhappily named American Hail The Heroic Paris Communards. Victim of Stalin SOVIET UNION NOTES French Socialists Break Silence On Trials; What the Records Say About Deaths Of Gorky and Others By JOHN WRIGHT Stalin Regime Going discovery in Barbizon in April, fragment, a scrap, an envelop (Continued from page 1) take a step in the direction of Through Crisis, 1934, to leave the vicinity of Pa flap but they nevertheless bulk really keeping America out of Trial Shows ris. His houschold was constant large in the stories of all defendSidelights on the Latest Moscow Frame Up nection between the revolution war. Every militant worker must ly on the move because this ants. After all, it a hell of a drive to expel him. From April, conspiracy that doesn involve Le Populaire, the official organ of the French Socialist Party, ary struggle against capitalism recognize that it represents the (Continued from page 1)
and the struggle against war last attempt of the desperate 1934, until his departure for Oslo, astronomical quantities of conshas finally broken the cowardly silence it has up to now maintain: Trotsky was away from Paris, piratorial letters, because the teleed over the Moscow frame ups. Recent issues have carried arboo at the meeting. Wolfe ma ture straightforwardness of sta Moscow trials scrupulously avoid under the close surveillance of pathie contacts sometimes break ticles by Leon Blum and Thcodore Dan (the latter, Russian naged to appease his strange linist jingoism, to supply them mentioning names, giving exact the police, living under circum down in bad atmospheric condiMenshevik leader, implicated by the defendants in the plot. bed fellows with an appeal for a selves with a left coloration for dates, concretizing circumstances stances which would have made tions, condemning the trial of Bukharin, Rykhov et al. The silence in broad united front of all those decorative purposes. The Tho of time and place. Vyshinsky a casual trip to Paris, much less So it turns out that Bessonov the past was motivated by diplomatie considerations. Now who accept the illusive minimum masites and Lovestoneites have tortuous route, as he skirts care. to a hotel, for the sake of meet received a letter written in that the Second International itself is being framed by Stalin, program.
stepped forward cagerly to fulfully around anything remotely ing a Bessonov, foolhardiness December, 1936, by Krestinsky and, far more important, now that the Franco. Soviet pact is As a sort of afterthought, and fill this important role, in colla resembling a fact, is all the worthy only of a child. The afs to Trotsky. This letter, Besso.
about to be scrapped by the French imperialists, Blum and Co. at a safe distance from the broad. boration with whatever labor more striking in the present trial. davits and documents in the pos nov confesses, was passed on by no longer find it expedient to keep mum.
casting microphones, Wolfe ca leaders they can dig up.
sually pointed out in an off hand The whole project has about ers of the are incapable amply confirm these statements. reply from Trotsky. Just as Bessonov was no more fortun simple as that.
manner, that really, after all, he it a tragic sura of pre 1917 of falsifying even the most in is an internationalist and it is pacifism. It furnishes a fine op significant detail of Trotsky ate in his conspiratorial arrange Unfortunately there are comStalin indictment charges that the left Communists not up to the working class to load portunity to recall the chame activities and movements, rements than the luckless Romm; plications. In December, 1986, only conspired with the Left Social Revolutionaries in 1918 to the struggle against war. This leon like rapidity with which the corded as they are down to the his conversations with Totsky Trotsky was under strict intern ROSENGOLTZ arrest Lenin and overthrow the then Council of People Comheresy was greeted by Wolfe pacifists of former days discover tiniest trifle.
were exclusively of a telepathic ment by the Norwegian police.
missars, but also that they were fully informed of the prepsBesides, the frame up artists nature, in a supernatural renim as he had been for some months anything, even spiriting letters liberal cohorts with a chill sied that their love of country outrations for the murder of Mirbach and the July insurreetion.
lence, and the meeting came off weighed by far their anti war have already had their fingers Confesses. previous. He could receive no through police cordons and sendburned: the Hotel Bristol in Among the leaders of the left Communists in 1918, were: in the critical visitors, no mail, no newspapers.
with no further mishaps on the sentiments, Yaroslavsky, Alexandra Kollantai and the deceased Valerian left flank hour. No more effective than its Copenhagen was found to exist He and his wife were imprison ing replies from mid ocean by Trotskyite pigeons. plague on ed in an isolated little house, oe picayune details!
counterparts of pre war vintage. only in the fond memories of pre Kuibyshev. If the left Communists were guilty as Stalin claims, prosecutor the Committee will crumble to war Baedeker browsers; the plane Whose Blood?
cupying two rooms while the before the bar of Soviet justice Yaroslavsky and Kollantai should have been among those inpatriotic bits at the first now which allegedly conveyed Pyata watchful police occupied the other cannot stoop to counter revoludicted. Yaroslavsky is very much alive, but instead of being in Homer Martin, president of explosion, and perhaps even long kov to Oslo was revealed as no four and formed an impenetrabletionary cross examination. It is the prisoners dock, he is busy writing vile attacks against his the United Automobile Workers before.
more substantial than the tradicordon around the house. Friends established: there was a letter. former associates. Kollantai has been reported en route to Shangof America, waxed cloquent in tional witch broomstick; Ronum!
who came to Oslo to sec Trotsky hai. It is true, Kuibyshev is dead, but Stalin does not scruple his thunderous denunciation of meeting with Trotsky in the Rois The most terrible blunder, could not get near him. Trotsky however, comes with the ill fated to place dead men on trial. It now serves Stalin purposes to collective security, or interna de Bologne appeared as a telecould not even get the manu. Merano incident. Trotsky came script of his book, The Revolu to Merano (Italy. Krestinsky exhume Kuibyshev corpes not as that of a counter revolutioncalled it. But with the same was at the time in question hundtion Betrayed, through the iron blithely admits, about October by the plotters.
ist but of a spotless Bolshevik, alleged to have been murdered breath he hastened to assure reds of miles away from the post police ring.
10 (1933) together with Sedov his audience that workers will defend their country Expelled From Norway Trotsky came, he told me, under with their last drop of blood.
Cautious On Hotels an assumed French passport and The Murder of Gorky And then, with mo let up of came by the route stated by BesThe Committee, as part of its original Figures Raised The defendant Bessonov reveals police cautiousness, Trotsky and sonov, that is, through the Franonslaught upon the war makers, To New Record Peace that he met Trotsky in Paris: Among those implicated in the murders of Menzhinsky, his wife were unceremoniously co Italian frontier and not Kuibyshev and Gorky (and Gorky son) are three physicians: plans to reintroduce the Ludlow At the end of July, 1984, arexpelled from the country on through Switzerland and GerAmendment and to blossom out Time High rived in Paris by a morning train December 19, and embarked on many. letnev, Kazakov, and Levin. The case against a fourth physician into a national organization, as and left there by train during a tanker, bound for Mexico.
Vinogradov was dropped in view of his demise. The Soviet well as to distribute its magathe day. The entire conversation Under these circumstances, it Covering Blunders press folows the custom of printing a report signed by physicians zine extensively, so that Major (Continued from page 1) took place in one of the hotels, General Rivers reassurances etc. Why does Vyshinsky forget would be a revealing insight In preparing this trial, Yezhov whenever a Soviet dignitary dics. study of the files of Pravda into conspiratorial techniques evident y attempted to rectify reveals the following facts: about the adequacy of our 18 tection of both coasts. of the to question the defendant about Vyshinsky would uncover the past blunders by thumbing tional defense will be made 1) No such medical report was printed when Monzhinsky died.
precise means whereby the let through The Case of Leon Trots 2) Kuibyshev death certificate was signed by lippe, available to all lovere of peace. Panama Canal, Alaska, Hawaii the exact day, the precise name of the hotel, Trotsky appearNICHOLAS Some of the original sponsors and our insular possessions, of KRES FINSKY ters were transmitted.
ky, but the unfortunate among them Dr. Levin. The report states that an autopay was But he is apparently more than ly has no training school in which of the Committee, however, have our commerce and of our citizens ance, the circumstances of the meeting, etc. etc. Because the performed. Findings: heart failure. We append the signatories to this report, of whom only one man, Dr. Levin, is up on trial: inline and che hanno concelhe whole nuval policy also provides for the thing hfabrication cannot stand which permits us no attitude sion: after all, it is established of source books. As Tuotsky exe Prof. Abrikosov, Kaminsky (People Commissar of affair. The debates about the maintenance of a navy to supActually, Trotsky was forced But there were letters, too, you Trotskyite carpers bellow their sion, he went to the Pyrenees on Health. Khodorovsky (head of Kremlin hospitals. Levin. best technical methods of de port our national policies. This son (deputy chief physician. Krol (head of the Kremlin fending our country, the clo. includes the support and main by the campaign in the reaction see. To be sure, they somehow petty protests! These men are October 9, 1933, to a village cal clinic. Kogen (Krol deputy. Serebrov (head of quent reaffirmations of loyalty tenance of the Monroe Doctrine, ry and fascist press after his fail to be produced not even a conspirators, they are capable of led Bagneres de Bigorre.
This definition of policy, it and love of Health Dept. Dr. Levin, Abrikosova (Prof. Abrikosov our country, the Harry Gannes begins to chortle assistant. Dr. Volkov, Dr. Lezhava. Pravda, Jan. 26, 1935. appeals to experts and author will be observed, gives the justi.
in the Daily Worker: this, you ities on national defense, the fication for war in any part of see, brought him near to the 3) Gorky death certificate was signed by seven people, ininnumerable compliments to the the world where any u. citi Franco Italian border. But these cluding Pletnev and Levin. The others (not on trial) were: over cager gentlemen forgot to Kaminsky (People Commissar of Health. Khodorovsky, Prof. sincerity and good motives zen (ie, industrialist, banker of our government heads (al finance capitalist) can claim that Commemorative Statement read further in the Dewey Re Lang, Konchalovsky, and Speransky. All of them were though, to be sure, they some his interests (ie. protits) are port, or even, for that matter, present at an autopsy performed by Prof. Davydovsky, times make technical errors) threatened.
On March 18, 1871, in the midst of the Franco to check on their geography. and all of them signed the report of the autopay: death due threat. The Bolshevik Party remembered all this puffed up patriotism Defence of What?
Trotsky trip, naturally, brought Prussian War, when Bismarck invading armies to tubercular lung condition. Pravda, June 19, 1936. jarred on the ears of those lisThe Bolsheviks also remembered that the him close to the Franco Spanish teners who had expected to see The announcement of Gorky death was preceded in the press This, indeed, is exactly what were at the very gutes of Paris, the proletariat Paris Commune had taught that the working border to reach Merano, he of the French capital rose and took power, by the publication of a bulletin on his health, which appeared a real anti war campaign launch. Roosevelt means by a defensclass cannot use the old state machinery, the would still have had to traverse in Pravda on June and was signed by Khodorovsky, Prof.
ed at the meeting, ive war: a war in defense of thereby establishing the first working class army and bureaucracy of capitalist oppression, southern France and cross the the interests of imperialism. state in history. For a brief but glorious seventyItalian border. Lang and Dr. Levin.
but must smash it and replace it by their own Will Crumble To Bits It is this kind of defensa that two days, they held power and moved groping y organs of power. Like the sections of the ComFurther, although Trotsky naIt was clear that this much the enlarged navy is designed towards a regime of freedom, towards a social mune, the democratically elected soviets or turally used an assumed name heralded Committee can hardly assure. The naive idea that ist society.
councils of the Russian Revolution, a thousand during his stay in France, and fense means the protection of Thiers, head of the capitalist government at also changed his appearance times more democratie than any body under homes and families of humble STALINISM Versailles, had planned to open the city to the (which fact is offered by Gannes citizens is hardly taken seriously capitalist government, expressed the enthusiasm as proof conclusive that the Me.
at the White House; it is only Prussian invaders in the hope that they would and creative powers of the liberated masses.
and so much dust to throw in the crush the insurrectionary workers, grown des rano mocting took place. he The Red Guard, and later the Red Army, like was under constant surveillance BOLSHEVISM eyes of the innocent.
perate under intense exploitation and appres the National Guard of the Commune, replaced by the Surete National, and his The second week of the Appeal nosing out Karl Shier, Chicago by sion. The Paris workers, by their firm revoluIt is worth recalling that the the old reactionary army. The masses forged every move was recorded in the drive has ended with some locals Niterature agent.
And Newark, New Jersey, producing results while other tionary action, forestalled the plot of Thiers.
increase added to the Naval Bill 10C their own independent instruments of defense police archives in Paris.
Leon by the House Committee exceeds In power, they organized the defense of Paris and emancipation.
lag. Figures speak for them comes through with: TROTSKY We re forced to get more of selves and here they are: the total 250, 000, 000 voted by while executing their social program.
Funniest of All Soviet Russia the Commune of 1917. had Congress as a special unemploythe current issue. Thus our perThis did not prevent their class enesnies from NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS one significant advantage over its predecessor l icncer ublishers charging them with facilitating the advance of But funniest of all is the fact cd relief appropriation. This 13 spective of weeks ago of buildNew York City a film revolutionary vanguard, the Bolshevik that while it is about 450 miles, ing up our 100 Appeals cach week St. Louis contrast is an interesting mar.
100 Fifth Avenue the Prussians, just as forty six years later the Party. The most intelligent, advanced and ginal note on the true direction as the crow fries, from Paris to is rudcly shattered: an example Chicago New York, Russian bourgeoiste and its foreign allies charg.
of New Deal sympathies.
Merano, it is more than 600 miles of uneven development. We vo courageous workers belonged to this organisaod the Bolsheviks with working for the German Newark, Lion. Under its leadership, the Soviets were from Bagneres to Merano. Why Los Angeles had to jump from 100 to 115.
general staff. just us today the counter rewal ab e to overcome even greater obstacles than anybody should first go to BaMake it 125 next week.
Paterson, utionary Stalin regime charges the revolution the Commune faced: the internal counter revo.
gneres in the Pyrenees in order Detroit, Mich.
ists with being agents of the fascist imperialist lution and the foreign imperialist intervention.
to get closer to Merano. only At long last the Appeal is getJersey City, powers.
Gannes knows!
The party had absorbed the experiences of the ting enthusiastic comment from New Castle, Penn.
Why does Vyshinsky make no Hartford, Conn.
those who have been clamoring carlier working class movement including the Suppressed in Blood move toward getting these refor a mass paper, Paris Commune and was thus able to avoid cords from the French police The Paris Commune and its sanguinary sup36 Hildegarde Smith in Hutchinthe mistakes of the less mature Communards: Total new subs (and why didn he demand them son, Kansas suys. What do your theory with facts.
pression has not been forgotten. Only a few their hesitations and half measures.
to clinch Romm story. Nie Bundle order look better: think of the Appeal? Thought years ago, a New York Times editorial recalled: does not dare! He relies upon the Local. Lit. Agent. Inerease you knew that, since ve expresWhen the Commune was set up inrlaris aller New How often have you been answered, But Courage and Hope silence of the French ally to as. Newark, Negin 20 sed my enthusism in the past.
the war of 1870, we know what bloody work sure Stalin bloody frame up! Chicago, IlI. Karl Shier 25 And do think that it is getting that only your theory. Can you prove it?
had to be done by the Prench soldiers to rescue The Russian Commune inspired the workers Why are no questions asked. Rochester, Chas. Hess better right along especially There is no need to rely on generalizations. the capital and the country from the deadly of the world with renewed courage and hope.
bout the exact name under which Boston, Mass. Leonard 15 since the first of the year.
menace. Feb. 8, 1934. IL omitted to mention Trotsky In Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy the masses We need a daily paper, traveled, the means Pittsburgh, Pa, Irving Oklin 10 The following books on the war question are that the same French bourgeoisie which had spontaneously rose to overthrow their masters; whereby the false passport was Clayton, Mo. Viola Graves 10. And from Herbert Martin in packed with dynamite.
charged the Communards with selling out Pris they organized their soviets, their communes, obtained Let me Furthermore, the Philadephin, Pa. Sol Thomas East Chicago, Indiana. Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War to the Prussians, finally enlisted the aid of the which challenged the power of capitalism. Yet French police, while respecting London, Eng. Mildred Kahn 24 congratulate the staff of the Appeal for the great work you are Rose Stein. 50). 98 Prussians to suppress the Commurad, 30, 600 lucking the great instrument which the Russian exexted strict control over his of whom were slaughtered when the Commune proletariat had forged, the revolutionary party, Total increase in bundles 14 now doing. At last we have a every move. When he moved from real workers paper. Every isThe War in Outline. Lidell Hart. 00 fell.
they could not overcome the traitorous, pro the Pyrences to Barbizon, by This show. a modest beginning sue for the last six weeks has The democratie gentlemen still applaud capitalist social democracy. The German social agreement with the police, he had but we have word from locals all been an improvement over the Europe in Arms. Lidell Hart. 50 the barbaric slaughter of the Communards by democrat, Noske, following in the footsteps of constantly to telephone to the over the country that the drive previous one. military expert writes a history of the last war the Republicans of 1871. Everything is in order Gallifet, the butcher of the Commune, crownel central authorities during the is just beginning to get under and describes the armaments race of today.
for the defense of the system of profits and the militant Berlin working class movement trip. Agents were continually on way: Karl Shier of Chicago, III. You re surprised at the page writes: exploitation, to prevent the downtrodden of the in blood. The old army clique and bureaucracy, watch.
edition that you have in your carth from overthrowing the parasitic masters instead of being destroyed, were restored to Why We Fought. Hartley Grattan San Francisco and Minnea hands now. Get behind this drive of society!
power by the European social democracy: thus Why, Oh Why? polis have challenged us. Un and a page paper will not be. 50. 98 Loyalty to capitalist property above all! In less they do some tall hustling, a surprise but a jumping off place preparing the way for Fascism and Stalinism. Why, then, is Vyshinsky not they re going to have a hard time for a national daily.
Here are dates, facts, figures, backed with documen the face of the doudly menace the French Stalinisin, the living negative of the ideals interested in learning by what tary evidence that shatter the myth about the Republicans of 1871 received the wid of the re the Commune and the Russian Revolution, remarkable devices Trotsky sucí Socialist Appeal war to make the world safe for democracy.
actionary Bismarck: class solidarity is stronger developed and thrived on the post war defeats ceeded in disappearing from the than national antagonism! So tomorrow, in of the working class. Its abandonment of re police for over twenty four hours, 116 University Place Date face of the deadly menace of workers revoluvolutionary Marxism led to further defeat and The Coming World War without rousing the slightest New York City tion, the democratie imperialist and Fascist calastrophes. It wiped out the workers in suspicion? Where are the exact enclose. Wintringham. 50). 98. for which please send me the powers will unite against the third power, struments of self expression in the Soviet Union dates, places, addreswer, names of hotels and schedules of trains, How a supporter of the Communist arty of Eng. the soviets, trade unions and Bolshevik party, Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Montisthe working class. Whoever calls for the sup land saw the line up of imperialist forces before descriptions of people and meetport of democratic imperialism against Stalin has framed up, murdered or exiled the. 00. ings? The course texture of the the line changed. Introduction by John Strachey.
Fascism preaches the self annihilation of the best representatives of the Revolution and has frame up crumbles at the first cnclosc. as my contribution toward working class.
brought discredit, in the eyes of millions, on critical touch, and the picture building the Socialist Appeul.
Zero Hour. Richard Freund the revolutionary struggle for emancipation, revealed is not pleasant. 50 Social Democrals Betray on the very cause of socialism.
For our part, we insist: every Name An excellent summation of the currents and cross The Ducis Commune issued out of the rane. The aims of the Communs and the Bussian honest person must demand with currents of European imperialism today as they Address Prussian war olg 1870. Prior to the last world Revolution, complete freedom and quality of us that the records of the Sureto stand on the brink of war.
war, the Socialist International warned the in mankind, can be achieved only along the road National be revealed to the public, City peria ist governments that should they declare blazed by the Communards and the Bolsheviks. to cast their glaring light upon LABOR BOOK SHOP war, the working class would follow thy ex They can be realized only in the struggle against this as well as previous trials.
ample of the Commune and the Russian Revo the usurper and traducers of the glorious Every honest person must shrink 28 East 12th Street, lution of 1905 (which issued from the Russo traditions of the working class; in the intrans.
in horror at the brutal disregard over the most flimsy story and linism must protest with every Japanese war. However, once war actually igent class struggle against capitalism and for of the elementary dictates of to utilize lack of precision us cance of his strength at Moscow broke out, the social democracy forgot their justice and humane procedure confirmation of guilt Every sin monstrous perversion of justice.
workers power and socialism, which enables Vyshinsky to gloss Icere personi uncorrupted by Sta. Let us demand the facts!
Appeal Army Drive.